
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. native_interleave
  2. native_deinterleave
  3. is_native_interleave_op
  4. is_native_interleave
  5. is_native_deinterleave
  6. bc
  7. with_lanes
  8. visit
  9. visit
  10. visit
  11. with_lanes
  12. flags
  13. apply_patterns
  14. lossless_negate
  15. apply_commutative_patterns
  16. visit
  17. halide_hexagon_add_2mpy
  18. halide_hexagon_add_2mpy
  19. halide_hexagon_add_4mpy
  20. unbroadcast_lossless_cast
  21. find_mpy_ops
  22. visit
  23. visit
  24. visit
  25. visit
  26. visit
  27. yields_removable_interleave
  28. yields_interleave
  29. yields_removable_interleave
  30. remove_interleave
  31. visit_binary
  32. visit
  33. visit
  34. visit
  35. visit
  36. visit
  37. visit
  38. visit
  39. visit
  40. visit
  41. visit
  42. visit
  43. visit
  44. visit
  45. visit
  46. visit
  47. visit
  48. visit
  49. uses_var
  50. uses_var
  51. visit_let
  52. visit
  53. visit
  54. visit
  55. is_interleavable
  56. visit_bool_to_mask
  57. visit
  58. visit
  59. visit
  60. visit
  61. visit
  62. span_of_bounds
  63. visit_let
  64. visit
  65. visit
  66. visit
  67. optimize_hexagon_shuffles
  68. optimize_hexagon_instructions

#include "HexagonOptimize.h"
#include "ConciseCasts.h"
#include "IRMutator.h"
#include "IROperator.h"
#include "IRMatch.h"
#include "IREquality.h"
#include "ExprUsesVar.h"
#include "CSE.h"
#include "Simplify.h"
#include "Substitute.h"
#include "Scope.h"
#include "Bounds.h"
#include "Lerp.h"

namespace Halide {
namespace Internal {

using std::set;
using std::vector;
using std::string;
using std::pair;

using namespace Halide::ConciseCasts;

Expr native_interleave(Expr x) {
    string fn;
    switch (x.type().bits()) {
    case 8: fn = "halide.hexagon.interleave.vb"; break;
    case 16: fn = "halide.hexagon.interleave.vh"; break;
    case 32: fn = "halide.hexagon.interleave.vw"; break;
    default: internal_error << "Cannot interleave native vectors of type " << x.type() << "\n";
    return Call::make(x.type(), fn, {x}, Call::PureExtern);

Expr native_deinterleave(Expr x) {
    string fn;
    switch (x.type().bits()) {
    case 8: fn = "halide.hexagon.deinterleave.vb"; break;
    case 16: fn = "halide.hexagon.deinterleave.vh"; break;
    case 32: fn = "halide.hexagon.deinterleave.vw"; break;
    default: internal_error << "Cannot deinterleave native vectors of type " << x.type() << "\n";
    return Call::make(x.type(), fn, {x}, Call::PureExtern);

bool is_native_interleave_op(Expr x, const char *name) {
    const Call *c =<Call>();
    if (!c || c->args.size() != 1) return false;
    return starts_with(c->name, name);

bool is_native_interleave(Expr x) {
    return is_native_interleave_op(x, "halide.hexagon.interleave");

bool is_native_deinterleave(Expr x) {
    return is_native_interleave_op(x, "halide.hexagon.deinterleave");

namespace {

// Broadcast to an unknown number of lanes, for making patterns.
Expr bc(Expr x) { return Broadcast::make(x, 0); }

// This mutator rewrites patterns with an unknown number of lanes to
// have the specified number of lanes.
class WithLanes : public IRMutator {
    using IRMutator::visit;

    int lanes;

    Type with_lanes(Type t) { return t.with_lanes(lanes); }

    void visit(const Cast *op) {
        if (op->type.lanes() != lanes) {
            expr = Cast::make(with_lanes(op->type), mutate(op->value));
        } else {

    void visit(const Variable *op) {
        if (op->type.lanes() != lanes) {
            expr = Variable::make(with_lanes(op->type), op->name);
        } else {
            expr = op;

    void visit(const Broadcast *op) {
        if (op->type.lanes() != lanes) {
            expr = Broadcast::make(op->value, lanes);
        } else {

    WithLanes(int lanes) : lanes(lanes) {}

Expr with_lanes(Expr x, int lanes) {
    return WithLanes(lanes).mutate(x);

struct Pattern {
    enum Flags {
        InterleaveResult = 1 << 0,  // After evaluating the pattern, interleave native vectors of the result.
        SwapOps01 = 1 << 1,  // Swap operands 0 and 1 prior to substitution.
        SwapOps12 = 1 << 2,  // Swap operands 1 and 2 prior to substitution.
        ExactLog2Op1 = 1 << 3, // Replace operand 1 with its log base 2, if the log base 2 is exact.
        ExactLog2Op2 = 1 << 4, // Save as above, but for operand 2.

        BeginExactLog2Op = 1,   // BeginExactLog2Op and EndExactLog2Op ensure that we check only op1 and op2
        EndExactLog2Op = 3,     // for ExactLog2Op

        DeinterleaveOp0 = 1 << 5,  // Prior to evaluating the pattern, deinterleave native vectors of operand 0.
        DeinterleaveOp1 = 1 << 6,  // Same as above, but for operand 1.
        DeinterleaveOp2 = 1 << 7,
        DeinterleaveOps = DeinterleaveOp0 | DeinterleaveOp1 | DeinterleaveOp2,

        BeginDeinterleaveOp = 0, // BeginDeinterleaveOp and EndDeinterleaveOp ensure that we check only three
        EndDeinterleaveOp = 3,   // deinterleave Op0, 1 and 2.
        // Many patterns are instructions that widen only
        // operand 0, which need to both deinterleave operand 0, and then
        // re-interleave the result.
        ReinterleaveOp0 = InterleaveResult | DeinterleaveOp0,

        NarrowOp0 = 1 << 10,  // Replace operand 0 with its half-width equivalent.
        NarrowOp1 = 1 << 11,  // Same as above, but for operand 1.
        NarrowOp2 = 1 << 12,
        NarrowOp3 = 1 << 13,
        NarrowOps = NarrowOp0 | NarrowOp1 | NarrowOp2 | NarrowOp3,

        NarrowUnsignedOp0 = 1 << 15,  // Similar to the above, but narrow to an unsigned half width type.
        NarrowUnsignedOp1 = 1 << 16,
        NarrowUnsignedOp2 = 1 << 17,
        NarrowUnsignedOps = NarrowUnsignedOp0 | NarrowUnsignedOp1 | NarrowUnsignedOp2,

        v62 = 1 << 20,  // Pattern should be matched only for v62 target

    string intrin;        // Name of the intrinsic
    Expr pattern;         // The pattern to match against
    int flags;

    Pattern() {}
    Pattern(const string &intrin, Expr p, int flags = 0)
        : intrin(intrin), pattern(p), flags(flags) {}

Expr wild_u8 = Variable::make(UInt(8), "*");
Expr wild_u16 = Variable::make(UInt(16), "*");
Expr wild_u32 = Variable::make(UInt(32), "*");
Expr wild_u64 = Variable::make(UInt(64), "*");
Expr wild_i8 = Variable::make(Int(8), "*");
Expr wild_i16 = Variable::make(Int(16), "*");
Expr wild_i32 = Variable::make(Int(32), "*");
Expr wild_i64 = Variable::make(Int(64), "*");

Expr wild_u8x = Variable::make(Type(Type::UInt, 8, 0), "*");
Expr wild_u16x = Variable::make(Type(Type::UInt, 16, 0), "*");
Expr wild_u32x = Variable::make(Type(Type::UInt, 32, 0), "*");
Expr wild_u64x = Variable::make(Type(Type::UInt, 64, 0), "*");
Expr wild_i8x = Variable::make(Type(Type::Int, 8, 0), "*");
Expr wild_i16x = Variable::make(Type(Type::Int, 16, 0), "*");
Expr wild_i32x = Variable::make(Type(Type::Int, 32, 0), "*");
Expr wild_i64x = Variable::make(Type(Type::Int, 64, 0), "*");

// Attempt to apply one of the patterns to x. If a match is
// successful, the expression is replaced with a call using the
// matched operands. Prior to substitution, the matches are mutated
// with op_mutator.
Expr apply_patterns(Expr x, const vector<Pattern> &patterns, const Target &target, IRMutator *op_mutator) {
    debug(3) << "apply_patterns " << x << "\n";
    vector<Expr> matches;
    for (const Pattern &p : patterns) {

        if ((p.flags & (Pattern::v62)) && !target.has_feature(Target::HVX_v62))

        if (expr_match(p.pattern, x, matches)) {
            debug(3) << "matched " << p.pattern << "\n";
            debug(3) << "matches:\n";
            for (Expr i : matches) {
                debug(3) << i << "\n";

            // The Pattern::Narrow*Op* flags are ordered such that
            // the operand corresponds to the bit (with operand 0
            // corresponding to the least significant bit), so we
            // can check for them all in a loop.
            bool is_match = true;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < matches.size() && is_match; i++) {
                Type t = matches[i].type();
                Type target_t = t.with_bits(t.bits()/2);
                if (p.flags & (Pattern::NarrowOp0 << i)) {
                    matches[i] = lossless_cast(target_t, matches[i]);
                } else if (p.flags & (Pattern::NarrowUnsignedOp0 << i)) {
                    matches[i] = lossless_cast(target_t.with_code(Type::UInt), matches[i]);
                if (!matches[i].defined()) is_match = false;
            if (!is_match) continue;

            for (size_t i = Pattern::BeginExactLog2Op; i < Pattern::EndExactLog2Op && is_match; i++) {
                // This flag is mainly to capture shifts. When the
                // operand of a div or mul is a power of 2, we can use
                // a shift instead.
                if (p.flags & (Pattern::ExactLog2Op1 << (i - Pattern::BeginExactLog2Op))) {
                    int pow;
                    if (is_const_power_of_two_integer(matches[i], &pow)) {
                        matches[i] = cast(matches[i].type().with_lanes(1), pow);
                    } else {
                        is_match = false;
            if (!is_match) continue;

            for (size_t i = Pattern::BeginDeinterleaveOp; i < Pattern::EndDeinterleaveOp; i++) {
                if (p.flags &
                    (Pattern::DeinterleaveOp0 << (i - Pattern::BeginDeinterleaveOp))) {
                    matches[i] = native_deinterleave(matches[i]);
            if (p.flags & Pattern::SwapOps01) {
                internal_assert(matches.size() >= 2);
                std::swap(matches[0], matches[1]);
            if (p.flags & Pattern::SwapOps12) {
                internal_assert(matches.size() >= 3);
                std::swap(matches[1], matches[2]);
            // Mutate the operands with the given mutator.
            for (Expr &op : matches) {
                op = op_mutator->mutate(op);
            x = Call::make(x.type(), p.intrin, matches, Call::PureExtern);
            if (p.flags & Pattern::InterleaveResult) {
                // The pattern wants us to interleave the result.
                x = native_interleave(x);
            debug(3) << "rewrote to: " << x << "\n";
            return x;
    return x;

// Replace x with a negated version of x, if it can be done without
// overflow.
Expr lossless_negate(Expr x) {
    const Mul *m =<Mul>();
    if (m) {
        Expr a = lossless_negate(m->a);
        if (a.defined()) {
            return Mul::make(a, m->b);
        Expr b = lossless_negate(m->b);
        if (b.defined()) {
            return Mul::make(m->a, b);
    if (is_negative_negatable_const(x) || is_positive_const(x)) {
        return simplify(-x);
    return Expr();

template <typename T>
Expr apply_commutative_patterns(const T *op, const vector<Pattern> &patterns, const Target &target, IRMutator *mutator) {
    Expr ret = apply_patterns(op, patterns, target, mutator);
    if (!ret.same_as(op)) return ret;

    // Try commuting the op
    Expr commuted = T::make(op->b, op->a);
    ret = apply_patterns(commuted, patterns, target, mutator);
    if (!ret.same_as(commuted)) return ret;

    return op;

// Perform peephole optimizations on the IR, adding appropriate
// interleave and deinterleave calls.
class OptimizePatterns : public IRMutator {
    using IRMutator::visit;

    Target target;

    void visit(const Mul *op) {
        static const vector<Pattern> scalar_muls = {
            // Vector by scalar widening multiplies.
            { "halide.hexagon.mpy.vub.ub", wild_u16x*bc(wild_u16), Pattern::InterleaveResult | Pattern::NarrowOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.mpy.vub.b",  wild_i16x*bc(wild_i16), Pattern::InterleaveResult | Pattern::NarrowUnsignedOp0 | Pattern::NarrowOp1 },
            { "halide.hexagon.mpy.vuh.uh", wild_u32x*bc(wild_u32), Pattern::InterleaveResult | Pattern::NarrowOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.mpy.vh.h",   wild_i32x*bc(wild_i32), Pattern::InterleaveResult | Pattern::NarrowOps },

            // Multiplication by powers of 2.
            { "halide.hexagon.shl.vub.ub", wild_u8x*bc(wild_u8), Pattern::ExactLog2Op1 },
            { "halide.hexagon.shl.vuh.uh", wild_u16x*bc(wild_u16), Pattern::ExactLog2Op1 },
            { "halide.hexagon.shl.vuw.uw", wild_u32x*bc(wild_u32), Pattern::ExactLog2Op1 },
            { "halide.hexagon.shl.vb.b", wild_i8x*bc(wild_i8), Pattern::ExactLog2Op1 },
            { "halide.hexagon.shl.vh.h", wild_i16x*bc(wild_i16), Pattern::ExactLog2Op1 },
            { "halide.hexagon.shl.vw.w", wild_i32x*bc(wild_i32), Pattern::ExactLog2Op1 },

            // Non-widening scalar multiplication.
            { "halide.hexagon.mul.vh.b", wild_i16x*bc(wild_i16), Pattern::NarrowOp1 },
            { "halide.hexagon.mul.vw.h", wild_i32x*bc(wild_i32), Pattern::NarrowOp1 },
            // TODO: There's also mul.vw.b. We currently generate mul.vw.h
            // instead. I'm not sure mul.vw.b is faster, it might even be
            // slower due to the extra step in broadcasting the scalar up to
            // 32 bits.

        static const vector<Pattern> muls = {
            // Widening multiplication
            { "halide.hexagon.mpy.vub.vub", wild_u16x*wild_u16x, Pattern::InterleaveResult | Pattern::NarrowOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.mpy.vuh.vuh", wild_u32x*wild_u32x, Pattern::InterleaveResult | Pattern::NarrowOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.mpy.vb.vb",   wild_i16x*wild_i16x, Pattern::InterleaveResult | Pattern::NarrowOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.mpy.vh.vh",   wild_i32x*wild_i32x, Pattern::InterleaveResult | Pattern::NarrowOps },

            { "halide.hexagon.mpy.vub.vb",  wild_i16x*wild_i16x, Pattern::InterleaveResult | Pattern::NarrowUnsignedOp0 | Pattern::NarrowOp1 },
            { "halide.hexagon.mpy.vh.vuh",  wild_i32x*wild_i32x, Pattern::InterleaveResult | Pattern::NarrowOp0 | Pattern::NarrowUnsignedOp1 },
            // We need to check for the commuted versions of these patterns
            // before the more general patterns below catch these ops. The
            // other fix for this would be to break this into a third group of
            // multiply patterns, so the commuted versions of these would get
            // matched first.
            { "halide.hexagon.mpy.vub.vb",  wild_i16x*wild_i16x, Pattern::InterleaveResult | Pattern::NarrowOp0 | Pattern::NarrowUnsignedOp1 | Pattern::SwapOps01 },
            { "halide.hexagon.mpy.vh.vuh",  wild_i32x*wild_i32x, Pattern::InterleaveResult | Pattern::NarrowUnsignedOp0 | Pattern::NarrowOp1 | Pattern::SwapOps01 },

            // One operand widening multiplication.
            { "halide.hexagon.mul.vw.vh", wild_i32x*wild_i32x, Pattern::ReinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowOp1 },
            { "halide.hexagon.mul.vw.vuh", wild_i32x*wild_i32x, Pattern::ReinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowUnsignedOp1 },
            { "halide.hexagon.mul.vuw.vuh", wild_u32x*wild_u32x, Pattern::ReinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowUnsignedOp1 },

        if (op->type.is_vector()) {
            Expr new_expr = apply_commutative_patterns(op, scalar_muls, target, this);
            if (!new_expr.same_as(op)) {
                expr = new_expr;

            new_expr = apply_commutative_patterns(op, muls, target, this);
            if (!new_expr.same_as(op)) {
                expr = new_expr;

    // Helpers to generate horizontally reducing multiply operations.
    static Expr halide_hexagon_add_2mpy(Type result_type, string suffix, Expr v0, Expr v1, Expr c0, Expr c1) {
        Expr call = Call::make(result_type, "halide.hexagon.add_2mpy" + suffix, {v0, v1, c0, c1}, Call::PureExtern);
        return native_interleave(call);

    static Expr halide_hexagon_add_2mpy(Type result_type, string suffix, Expr v01, Expr c01) {
        return Call::make(result_type, "halide.hexagon.add_2mpy" + suffix, {v01, c01}, Call::PureExtern);

    static Expr halide_hexagon_add_4mpy(Type result_type, string suffix, Expr v01, Expr c01) {
        return Call::make(result_type, "halide.hexagon.add_4mpy" + suffix, {v01, c01}, Call::PureExtern);

    typedef pair<Expr, Expr> MulExpr;

    // If ty is scalar, and x is a vector, try to remove a broadcast
    // from x prior to using lossless_cast on it.
    static Expr unbroadcast_lossless_cast(Type ty, Expr x) {
        if (ty.lanes() == 1 && x.type().lanes() > 1) {
            if (const Broadcast *bc =<Broadcast>()) {
                x = bc->value;
        if (ty.lanes() != x.type().lanes()) {
            return Expr();
        return lossless_cast(ty, x);

    // Try to extract a list of multiplies of the form a_ty*b_ty added
    // together, such that op is equivalent to the sum of the
    // multiplies in 'mpys', added to 'rest'.
    static int find_mpy_ops(Expr op, Type a_ty, Type b_ty, int max_mpy_count,
                            vector<MulExpr> &mpys, Expr &rest) {
        if ((int)mpys.size() >= max_mpy_count) {
            rest = rest.defined() ? Add::make(rest, op) : op;
            return 0;

        // If the add is also widening, remove the cast.
        int mpy_bits = std::max(a_ty.bits(), b_ty.bits())*2;
        Expr maybe_mul = op;
        if (op.type().bits() == mpy_bits*2) {
            if (const Cast *cast =<Cast>()) {
                if (cast->value.type().bits() == mpy_bits) {
                    maybe_mul = cast->value;

        if (const Mul *mul =<Mul>()) {
            Expr a = unbroadcast_lossless_cast(a_ty, mul->a);
            Expr b = unbroadcast_lossless_cast(b_ty, mul->b);
            if (a.defined() && b.defined()) {
                mpys.emplace_back(a, b);
                return 1;
            } else {
                // Try to commute the op.
                a = unbroadcast_lossless_cast(a_ty, mul->b);
                b = unbroadcast_lossless_cast(b_ty, mul->a);
                if (a.defined() && b.defined()) {
                    mpys.emplace_back(a, b);
                    return 1;
        } else if (const Add *add =<Add>()) {
            int mpy_count = 0;
            mpy_count += find_mpy_ops(add->a, a_ty, b_ty, max_mpy_count, mpys, rest);
            mpy_count += find_mpy_ops(add->b, a_ty, b_ty, max_mpy_count, mpys, rest);
            return mpy_count;
        } else if (const Sub *sub =<Sub>()) {
            // Try to rewrite subs as adds.
            if (const Mul *mul_b = sub-><Mul>()) {
                if (is_positive_const(mul_b->a) || is_negative_negatable_const(mul_b->a)) {
                    Expr add_b = Mul::make(simplify(-mul_b->a), mul_b->b);
                    int mpy_count = 0;
                    mpy_count += find_mpy_ops(sub->a, a_ty, b_ty, max_mpy_count, mpys, rest);
                    mpy_count += find_mpy_ops(add_b, a_ty, b_ty, max_mpy_count, mpys, rest);
                    return mpy_count;
                } else if (is_positive_const(mul_b->b) || is_negative_negatable_const(mul_b->b)) {
                    Expr add_b = Mul::make(mul_b->a, simplify(-mul_b->b));
                    int mpy_count = 0;
                    mpy_count += find_mpy_ops(sub->a, a_ty, b_ty, max_mpy_count, mpys, rest);
                    mpy_count += find_mpy_ops(add_b, a_ty, b_ty, max_mpy_count, mpys, rest);
                    return mpy_count;

        // Attempt to pretend this op is multiplied by 1.
        Expr as_a = unbroadcast_lossless_cast(a_ty, op);
        Expr as_b = unbroadcast_lossless_cast(b_ty, op);

        if (as_a.defined()) {
            mpys.emplace_back(as_a, make_one(b_ty));
        } else if (as_b.defined()) {
            mpys.emplace_back(make_one(a_ty), as_b);
        } else {
            rest = rest.defined() ? Add::make(rest, op) : op;
        return 0;

    void visit(const Add *op) {
        // vmpa, vdmpy, and vrmpy instructions are hard to match with
        // patterns, do it manually here.
        // Try to find vrmpy opportunities first, which consume 4 operands.
        if (op->type.is_vector() && (op->type.bits() == 16 || op->type.bits() == 32)) {
            int lanes = op->type.lanes();
            vector<MulExpr> mpys;
            Expr rest;
            string suffix;
            int mpy_count = 0;

            // Try to find a vector*scalar multiply first, which will
            // match a subset of the expressions that vector*vector
            // matches.
            if (op->type.is_uint()) {
                mpy_count = find_mpy_ops(op, UInt(8, lanes), UInt(8), 4, mpys, rest);
                suffix = ".vub.ub";
            } else {
                mpy_count = find_mpy_ops(op, UInt(8, lanes), Int(8), 4, mpys, rest);
                suffix = ".vub.b";

            if (mpy_count > 0 && mpys.size() == 4) {
                // TODO: It's possible that permuting the order of the
                // multiply operands can simplify the shuffle away.
                Expr a0123 = Shuffle::make_interleave({mpys[0].first, mpys[1].first, mpys[2].first, mpys[3].first});
                a0123 = simplify(a0123);

                // We can generate this op for 16 bits, but, it's only
                // faster to do so if the interleave simplifies away.
                if (op->type.bits() == 32 || !<Shuffle>()) {
                    Expr b0123 = Shuffle::make_interleave({mpys[0].second, mpys[1].second, mpys[2].second, mpys[3].second});
                    b0123 = simplify(b0123);
                    b0123 = reinterpret(Type(b0123.type().code(), 32, 1), b0123);
                    Expr new_expr = halide_hexagon_add_4mpy(op->type, suffix, a0123, b0123);
                    if (op->type.bits() == 16) {
                        // It's actually safe to use this op on 16 bit
                        // results, we just need to narrow the
                        // result. Overflow can occur, but will still
                        // produce the same result thanks to 2's
                        // complement arithmetic.
                        new_expr = Call::make(op->type, "halide.hexagon.pack.vw", {new_expr}, Call::PureExtern);
                    if (rest.defined()) {
                        new_expr = Add::make(new_expr, rest);
                    expr = mutate(new_expr);

            // Now try to match vector*vector vrmpy expressions.
            rest = Expr();
            if (op->type.is_uint()) {
                mpy_count = find_mpy_ops(op, UInt(8, lanes), UInt(8, lanes), 4, mpys, rest);
                suffix = ".vub.vub";
            } else {
                mpy_count = find_mpy_ops(op, Int(8, lanes), Int(8, lanes), 4, mpys, rest);
                suffix = ".vb.vb";

            // TODO: suffix = ".vub.vb"
            if (mpy_count > 0 && mpys.size() == 4) {
                // TODO: It's possible that permuting the order of the
                // multiply operands can simplify the shuffle away.
                Expr a0123 = Shuffle::make_interleave({mpys[0].first, mpys[1].first, mpys[2].first, mpys[3].first});
                Expr b0123 = Shuffle::make_interleave({mpys[0].second, mpys[1].second, mpys[2].second, mpys[3].second});
                a0123 = simplify(a0123);
                b0123 = simplify(b0123);
                // We can generate this op for 16 bits, but, it's only
                // faster to do so if the interleave simplifies away.
                if (op->type.bits() == 32 || (!<Shuffle>() && !<Shuffle>())) {
                    Expr new_expr = halide_hexagon_add_4mpy(op->type, suffix, a0123, b0123);
                    if (op->type.bits() == 16) {
                        // It's actually safe to use this op on 16 bit
                        // results, we just need to narrow the
                        // result. Overflow can occur, but will still
                        // produce the same result thanks to 2's
                        // complement arithmetic.
                        new_expr = Call::make(op->type, "halide.hexagon.pack.vw", {new_expr}, Call::PureExtern);
                    if (rest.defined()) {
                        new_expr = Add::make(new_expr, rest);
                    expr = mutate(new_expr);

        // Find opportunities vdmpy or vmpa.
        if (op->type.is_vector() && (op->type.bits() == 16 || op->type.bits() == 32)) {
            int lanes = op->type.lanes();

            vector<MulExpr> mpys;
            Expr rest;
            string vmpa_suffix;
            string vdmpy_suffix;
            int mpy_count = 0;

            // Try to find vector*scalar multiplies.
            if (op->type.bits() == 16) {
                mpy_count = find_mpy_ops(op, UInt(8, lanes), Int(8), 2, mpys, rest);
                vmpa_suffix = ".vub.vub.b.b";
                vdmpy_suffix = ".vub.b";
            } else if (op->type.bits() == 32) {
                mpy_count = find_mpy_ops(op, Int(16, lanes), Int(8), 2, mpys, rest);
                vmpa_suffix = ".vh.vh.b.b";
                vdmpy_suffix = ".vh.b";
            if (mpy_count > 0 && mpys.size() == 2) {
                Expr a01 = Shuffle::make_interleave({mpys[0].first, mpys[1].first});
                a01 = simplify(a01);
                // TODO: This requires the operands to be in a
                // particular order. It should be more robust... but
                // this is pretty tough to do, other than simply
                // trying all permutations.
                Expr new_expr;
                if (!<Shuffle>() || vmpa_suffix.empty()) {
                    Expr b01 = Shuffle::make_interleave({mpys[0].second, mpys[1].second});
                    b01 = simplify(b01);
                    b01 = reinterpret(Type(b01.type().code(), 16, 1), b01);
                    new_expr = halide_hexagon_add_2mpy(op->type, vdmpy_suffix, a01, b01);
                } else {
                    new_expr = halide_hexagon_add_2mpy(op->type, vmpa_suffix, mpys[0].first, mpys[1].first, mpys[0].second, mpys[1].second);
                if (rest.defined()) {
                    new_expr = Add::make(new_expr, rest);
                expr = mutate(new_expr);

        static const vector<Pattern> adds = {
            // Use accumulating versions of vmpa, vdmpy, vrmpy instructions when possible.
            { "halide.hexagon.acc_add_2mpy.vh.vub.vub.b.b", wild_i16x + halide_hexagon_add_2mpy(Int(16, 0),  ".vub.vub.b.b", wild_u8x, wild_u8x, wild_i8, wild_i8), Pattern::ReinterleaveOp0 },
            { "halide.hexagon.acc_add_2mpy.vw.vh.vh.b.b",   wild_i32x + halide_hexagon_add_2mpy(Int(32, 0),  ".vh.vh.b.b", wild_i16x, wild_i16x, wild_i8, wild_i8), Pattern::ReinterleaveOp0 },
            { "halide.hexagon.acc_add_2mpy.vh.vub.b",       wild_i16x + halide_hexagon_add_2mpy(Int(16, 0),  ".vub.b", wild_u8x, wild_i16) },
            { "halide.hexagon.acc_add_2mpy.vw.vh.b",        wild_i32x + halide_hexagon_add_2mpy(Int(32, 0),  ".vh.b", wild_i16x, wild_i16) },
            { "halide.hexagon.acc_add_4mpy.vw.vub.b",       wild_i32x + halide_hexagon_add_4mpy(Int(32, 0),  ".vub.b", wild_u8x, wild_i32) },
            { "halide.hexagon.acc_add_4mpy.vuw.vub.ub",     wild_u32x + halide_hexagon_add_4mpy(UInt(32, 0), ".vub.ub", wild_u8x, wild_u32) },
            { "halide.hexagon.acc_add_4mpy.vuw.vub.vub",    wild_u32x + halide_hexagon_add_4mpy(UInt(32, 0), ".vub.vub", wild_u8x, wild_u8x) },
            { "halide.hexagon.acc_add_4mpy.vw.vub.vb",      wild_i32x + halide_hexagon_add_4mpy(Int(32, 0),  ".vub.vb", wild_u8x, wild_i8x) },
            { "halide.hexagon.acc_add_4mpy.vw.vb.vb",       wild_i32x + halide_hexagon_add_4mpy(Int(32, 0),  ".vb.vb", wild_i8x, wild_i8x) },

            // Widening adds. There are other instructions that add two vub and two vuh but do not widen.
            // To differentiate those from the widening ones, we encode the return type in the name here.
            { "halide.hexagon.add_vuh.vub.vub", wild_u16x + wild_u16x, Pattern::InterleaveResult | Pattern::NarrowOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_vuw.vuh.vuh", wild_u32x + wild_u32x, Pattern::InterleaveResult | Pattern::NarrowOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_vw.vh.vh", wild_i32x + wild_i32x, Pattern::InterleaveResult | Pattern::NarrowOps },

            // Widening multiply-accumulates with a scalar.
            { "halide.hexagon.add_mpy.vuh.vub.ub", wild_u16x + wild_u16x*bc(wild_u16), Pattern::ReinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowOp1 | Pattern::NarrowOp2 },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_mpy.vh.vub.b",   wild_i16x + wild_i16x*bc(wild_i16), Pattern::ReinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowUnsignedOp1 | Pattern::NarrowOp2 },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_mpy.vuw.vuh.uh", wild_u32x + wild_u32x*bc(wild_u32), Pattern::ReinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowOp1 | Pattern::NarrowOp2 },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_mpy.vuh.vub.ub", wild_u16x + bc(wild_u16)*wild_u16x, Pattern::ReinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowOp1 | Pattern::NarrowOp2 | Pattern::SwapOps12 },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_mpy.vh.vub.b",   wild_i16x + bc(wild_i16)*wild_i16x, Pattern::ReinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowOp1 | Pattern::NarrowUnsignedOp2 | Pattern::SwapOps12 },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_mpy.vuw.vuh.uh", wild_u32x + bc(wild_u32)*wild_u32x, Pattern::ReinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowOp1 | Pattern::NarrowOp2 | Pattern::SwapOps12 },

            // These patterns aren't exactly right because the instruction
            // saturates the result. However, this is really the instruction
            // that we want to use in most cases, and we can exploit the fact
            // that 32 bit signed arithmetic overflow is undefined to argue
            // that these patterns are not completely incorrect.
            { "halide.hexagon.satw_add_mpy.vw.vh.h", wild_i32x + wild_i32x*bc(wild_i32), Pattern::ReinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowOp1 | Pattern::NarrowOp2 },
            { "halide.hexagon.satw_add_mpy.vw.vh.h", wild_i32x + bc(wild_i32)*wild_i32x, Pattern::ReinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowOp1 | Pattern::NarrowOp2 | Pattern::SwapOps12 },

            // Widening multiply-accumulates.
            { "halide.hexagon.add_mpy.vuh.vub.vub", wild_u16x + wild_u16x*wild_u16x, Pattern::ReinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowOp1 | Pattern::NarrowOp2 },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_mpy.vuw.vuh.vuh", wild_u32x + wild_u32x*wild_u32x, Pattern::ReinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowOp1 | Pattern::NarrowOp2 },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_mpy.vh.vb.vb",    wild_i16x + wild_i16x*wild_i16x, Pattern::ReinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowOp1 | Pattern::NarrowOp2 },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_mpy.vw.vh.vh",    wild_i32x + wild_i32x*wild_i32x, Pattern::ReinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowOp1 | Pattern::NarrowOp2 },

            { "halide.hexagon.add_mpy.vh.vub.vb",   wild_i16x + wild_i16x*wild_i16x, Pattern::ReinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowUnsignedOp1 | Pattern::NarrowOp2 },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_mpy.vw.vh.vuh",   wild_i32x + wild_i32x*wild_i32x, Pattern::ReinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowOp1 | Pattern::NarrowUnsignedOp2 },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_mpy.vh.vub.vb",   wild_i16x + wild_i16x*wild_i16x, Pattern::ReinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowOp1 | Pattern::NarrowUnsignedOp2 | Pattern::SwapOps12 },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_mpy.vw.vh.vuh",   wild_i32x + wild_i32x*wild_i32x, Pattern::ReinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowUnsignedOp1 | Pattern::NarrowOp2 | Pattern::SwapOps12 },

            // Shift-accumulates.
            { "halide.hexagon.add_shr.vw.vw.w", wild_i32x + (wild_i32x >> bc(wild_i32)) },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_shl.vw.vw.w", wild_i32x + (wild_i32x << bc(wild_i32)) },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_shl.vw.vw.w", wild_u32x + (wild_u32x << bc(wild_u32)) },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_shr.vw.vw.w", wild_i32x + (wild_i32x/bc(wild_i32)), Pattern::ExactLog2Op2 },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_shl.vw.vw.w", wild_i32x + (wild_i32x*bc(wild_i32)), Pattern::ExactLog2Op2 },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_shl.vw.vw.w", wild_u32x + (wild_u32x*bc(wild_u32)), Pattern::ExactLog2Op2 },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_shl.vw.vw.w", wild_i32x + (bc(wild_i32)*wild_i32x), Pattern::ExactLog2Op1 | Pattern::SwapOps12 },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_shl.vw.vw.w", wild_u32x + (bc(wild_u32)*wild_u32x), Pattern::ExactLog2Op1 | Pattern::SwapOps12 },

            // Non-widening multiply-accumulates with a scalar.
            { "halide.hexagon.add_mul.vh.vh.b", wild_i16x + wild_i16x*bc(wild_i16), Pattern::NarrowOp2 },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_mul.vw.vw.h", wild_i32x + wild_i32x*bc(wild_i32), Pattern::NarrowOp2 },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_mul.vh.vh.b", wild_i16x + bc(wild_i16)*wild_i16x, Pattern::NarrowOp1 | Pattern::SwapOps12 },
            { "halide.hexagon.add_mul.vw.vw.h", wild_i32x + bc(wild_i32)*wild_i32x, Pattern::NarrowOp1 | Pattern::SwapOps12 },
            // TODO: There's also a add_mul.vw.vw.b

            // This pattern is very general, so it must come last.
            { "halide.hexagon.add_mul.vh.vh.vh", wild_i16x + wild_i16x*wild_i16x },

        if (op->type.is_vector()) {
            Expr new_expr = apply_commutative_patterns(op, adds, target, this);
            if (!new_expr.same_as(op)) {
                expr = new_expr;

    void visit(const Sub *op) {
        if (op->type.is_vector()) {
            // Try negating op->b, using an add pattern if successful.
            Expr neg_b = lossless_negate(op->b);
            if (neg_b.defined()) {
                expr = mutate(op->a + neg_b);
            } else {
                static const vector<Pattern> subs = {
                    // Widening subtracts. There are other instructions that subtact two vub and two vuh but do not widen.
                    // To differentiate those from the widening ones, we encode the return type in the name here.
                    { "halide.hexagon.sub_vuh.vub.vub", wild_u16x - wild_u16x, Pattern::InterleaveResult | Pattern::NarrowOps },
                    { "halide.hexagon.sub_vuw.vuh.vuh", wild_u32x - wild_u32x, Pattern::InterleaveResult | Pattern::NarrowOps },
                    { "halide.hexagon.sub_vw.vh.vh", wild_i32x - wild_i32x, Pattern::InterleaveResult | Pattern::NarrowOps },

                Expr new_expr = apply_patterns(op, subs, target, this);
                if (!new_expr.same_as(op)) {
                    expr = new_expr;

    void visit(const Max *op) {

        if (op->type.is_vector()) {
            // This pattern is weird (two operands must match, result
            // needs 1 added) and we're unlikely to need another
            // pattern for max, so just match it directly.
            static const pair<string, Expr> cl[] = {
                { "halide.hexagon.cls.vh", max(count_leading_zeros(wild_i16x), count_leading_zeros(~wild_i16x)) },
                { "halide.hexagon.cls.vw", max(count_leading_zeros(wild_i32x), count_leading_zeros(~wild_i32x)) },
            vector<Expr> matches;
            for (const auto &i : cl) {
                if (expr_match(i.second, expr, matches) && equal(matches[0], matches[1])) {
                    expr = Call::make(op->type, i.first, {matches[0]}, Call::PureExtern) + 1;

    void visit(const Cast *op) {

        static const vector<Pattern> casts = {
            // Averaging
            { "halide.hexagon.avg.vub.vub", u8((wild_u16x + wild_u16x)/2), Pattern::NarrowOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.avg.vuh.vuh", u16((wild_u32x + wild_u32x)/2), Pattern::NarrowOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.avg.vh.vh", i16((wild_i32x + wild_i32x)/2), Pattern::NarrowOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.avg.vw.vw", i32((wild_i64x + wild_i64x)/2), Pattern::NarrowOps },

            { "halide.hexagon.avg_rnd.vub.vub", u8((wild_u16x + wild_u16x + 1)/2), Pattern::NarrowOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.avg_rnd.vuh.vuh", u16((wild_u32x + wild_u32x + 1)/2), Pattern::NarrowOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.avg_rnd.vh.vh", i16((wild_i32x + wild_i32x + 1)/2), Pattern::NarrowOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.avg_rnd.vw.vw", i32((wild_i64x + wild_i64x + 1)/2), Pattern::NarrowOps },

            { "halide.hexagon.navg.vub.vub", i8_sat((wild_i16x - wild_i16x)/2), Pattern::NarrowUnsignedOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.navg.vh.vh", i16_sat((wild_i32x - wild_i32x)/2), Pattern::NarrowOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.navg.vw.vw", i32_sat((wild_i64x - wild_i64x)/2), Pattern::NarrowOps },
            // vnavg.uw doesn't exist.

            // Saturating add/subtract
            { "halide.hexagon.satub_add.vub.vub", u8_sat(wild_u16x + wild_u16x), Pattern::NarrowOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.satuh_add.vuh.vuh", u16_sat(wild_u32x + wild_u32x), Pattern::NarrowOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.satuw_add.vuw.vuw", u32_sat(wild_u64x + wild_u64x), Pattern::NarrowOps | Pattern::v62 },
            { "halide.hexagon.sath_add.vh.vh", i16_sat(wild_i32x + wild_i32x), Pattern::NarrowOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.satw_add.vw.vw", i32_sat(wild_i64x + wild_i64x), Pattern::NarrowOps },

            { "halide.hexagon.satub_sub.vub.vub", u8_sat(wild_i16x - wild_i16x), Pattern::NarrowUnsignedOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.satuh_sub.vuh.vuh", u16_sat(wild_i32x - wild_i32x), Pattern::NarrowUnsignedOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.sath_sub.vh.vh", i16_sat(wild_i32x - wild_i32x), Pattern::NarrowOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.satw_sub.vw.vw", i32_sat(wild_i64x - wild_i64x), Pattern::NarrowOps },

            // Saturating narrowing casts with rounding
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_satub_rnd.vh", u8_sat((wild_i32x + 128)/256), Pattern::DeinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowOp0 },
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_satb_rnd.vh",  i8_sat((wild_i32x + 128)/256), Pattern::DeinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowOp0 },
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_satuh_rnd.vw", u16_sat((wild_i64x + 32768)/65536), Pattern::DeinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowOp0 },
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_sath_rnd.vw",  i16_sat((wild_i64x + 32768)/65536), Pattern::DeinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::NarrowOp0 },

            // Multiply keep high half
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_mpy.vw.vw", i32((wild_i64x*wild_i64x)/Expr(static_cast<int64_t>(1) << 32)), Pattern::NarrowOps },

            // Scalar multiply keep high half, with multiplication by 2.
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_satw_mpy2.vh.h", i16_sat((wild_i32x*bc(wild_i32))/32768), Pattern::NarrowOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_satw_mpy2.vh.h", i16_sat((bc(wild_i32)*wild_i32x)/32768), Pattern::NarrowOps | Pattern::SwapOps01 },
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_satw_mpy2_rnd.vh.h", i16_sat((wild_i32x*bc(wild_i32) + 16384)/32768), Pattern::NarrowOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_satw_mpy2_rnd.vh.h", i16_sat((bc(wild_i32)*wild_i32x + 16384)/32768), Pattern::NarrowOps | Pattern::SwapOps01 },

            // Vector multiply keep high half, with multiplication by 2.
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_satw_mpy2_rnd.vh.vh", i16_sat((wild_i32x*wild_i32x + 16384)/32768), Pattern::NarrowOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_satdw_mpy2.vw.vw", i32_sat((wild_i64x*wild_i64x)/Expr(static_cast<int64_t>(1) << 31)), Pattern::NarrowOps },
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_satdw_mpy2_rnd.vw.vw", i32_sat((wild_i64x*wild_i64x + (1 << 30))/Expr(static_cast<int64_t>(1) << 31)), Pattern::NarrowOps },

            // Saturating narrowing casts
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_satub_shr.vh.h", u8_sat(wild_i16x >> wild_i16), Pattern::DeinterleaveOp0 },
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_satuh_shr.vw.w", u16_sat(wild_i32x >> wild_i32), Pattern::DeinterleaveOp0 },
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_sath_shr.vw.w",  i16_sat(wild_i32x >> wild_i32), Pattern::DeinterleaveOp0 },
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_satub_shr.vh.h", u8_sat(wild_i16x/wild_i16), Pattern::DeinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::ExactLog2Op1 },
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_satuh_shr.vw.w", u16_sat(wild_i32x/wild_i32), Pattern::DeinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::ExactLog2Op1 },
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_sath_shr.vw.w",  i16_sat(wild_i32x/wild_i32), Pattern::DeinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::ExactLog2Op1 },

            // For some of the following narrowing casts, we have the choice of
            // non-interleaving or interleaving instructions. Because we don't
            // know which one we prefer during pattern matching, we match the
            // non-interleaving versions for now and replace them with the
            // instructions that interleave later if it makes sense.

            // Saturating narrowing casts. These may interleave later with trunc_sat.
            { "halide.hexagon.pack_satub.vh", u8_sat(wild_i16x) },
            { "halide.hexagon.pack_satuh.vw", u16_sat(wild_i32x) },
            { "halide.hexagon.pack_satb.vh", i8_sat(wild_i16x) },
            { "halide.hexagon.pack_sath.vw", i16_sat(wild_i32x) },

            // We don't have a vpack equivalent to this one, so we match it directly.
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_satuh.vuw", u16_sat(wild_u32x), Pattern::DeinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::v62 },

            // Narrowing casts. These may interleave later with trunclo.
            { "halide.hexagon.packhi.vh", u8(wild_u16x/256) },
            { "halide.hexagon.packhi.vh", u8(wild_i16x/256) },
            { "halide.hexagon.packhi.vh", i8(wild_u16x/256) },
            { "halide.hexagon.packhi.vh", i8(wild_i16x/256) },
            { "halide.hexagon.packhi.vw", u16(wild_u32x/65536) },
            { "halide.hexagon.packhi.vw", u16(wild_i32x/65536) },
            { "halide.hexagon.packhi.vw", i16(wild_u32x/65536) },
            { "halide.hexagon.packhi.vw", i16(wild_i32x/65536) },

            // Narrowing with shifting.
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_shr.vw.w",  i16(wild_i32x >> wild_i32), Pattern::DeinterleaveOp0 },
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_shr.vw.w",  i16(wild_i32x/wild_i32), Pattern::DeinterleaveOp0 | Pattern::ExactLog2Op1 },

            // Narrowing casts. These may interleave later with trunc.
            { "halide.hexagon.pack.vh", u8(wild_u16x) },
            { "halide.hexagon.pack.vh", u8(wild_i16x) },
            { "halide.hexagon.pack.vh", i8(wild_u16x) },
            { "halide.hexagon.pack.vh", i8(wild_i16x) },
            { "halide.hexagon.pack.vw", u16(wild_u32x) },
            { "halide.hexagon.pack.vw", u16(wild_i32x) },
            { "halide.hexagon.pack.vw", i16(wild_u32x) },
            { "halide.hexagon.pack.vw", i16(wild_i32x) },

            // Widening casts
            { "halide.hexagon.zxt.vub", u16(wild_u8x), Pattern::InterleaveResult },
            { "halide.hexagon.zxt.vub", i16(wild_u8x), Pattern::InterleaveResult },
            { "halide.hexagon.zxt.vuh", u32(wild_u16x), Pattern::InterleaveResult },
            { "halide.hexagon.zxt.vuh", i32(wild_u16x), Pattern::InterleaveResult },
            { "halide.hexagon.sxt.vb", u16(wild_i8x), Pattern::InterleaveResult },
            { "halide.hexagon.sxt.vb", i16(wild_i8x), Pattern::InterleaveResult },
            { "halide.hexagon.sxt.vh", u32(wild_i16x), Pattern::InterleaveResult },
            { "halide.hexagon.sxt.vh", i32(wild_i16x), Pattern::InterleaveResult },

        // To hit more of the patterns we want, rewrite "double casts"
        // as two stage casts. This also avoids letting vector casts
        // fall through to LLVM, which will generate large unoptimized
        // shuffles.
        static const vector<pair<Expr, Expr>> cast_rewrites = {
            // Saturating narrowing
            { u8_sat(wild_u32x), u8_sat(u16_sat(wild_u32x)) },
            { u8_sat(wild_i32x), u8_sat(i16_sat(wild_i32x)) },
            { i8_sat(wild_u32x), i8_sat(u16_sat(wild_u32x)) },
            { i8_sat(wild_i32x), i8_sat(i16_sat(wild_i32x)) },

            // Narrowing
            { u8(wild_u32x), u8(u16(wild_u32x)) },
            { u8(wild_i32x), u8(i16(wild_i32x)) },
            { i8(wild_u32x), i8(u16(wild_u32x)) },
            { i8(wild_i32x), i8(i16(wild_i32x)) },

            // Widening
            { u32(wild_u8x), u32(u16(wild_u8x)) },
            { u32(wild_i8x), u32(i16(wild_i8x)) },
            { i32(wild_u8x), i32(u16(wild_u8x)) },
            { i32(wild_i8x), i32(i16(wild_i8x)) },

        if (op->type.is_vector()) {
            Expr cast = op;

            Expr new_expr = apply_patterns(cast, casts, target, this);
            if (!new_expr.same_as(cast)) {
                expr = new_expr;

            // If we didn't find a pattern, try using one of the
            // rewrites above.
            vector<Expr> matches;
            for (auto i : cast_rewrites) {
                if (expr_match(i.first, cast, matches)) {
                    debug(3) << "rewriting cast to: " << i.first << " from " << cast << "\n";
                    Expr replacement = with_lanes(i.second, op->type.lanes());
                    expr = substitute("*", matches[0], replacement);
                    expr = mutate(expr);

    void visit(const Call *op) {
        if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::lerp)) {
            // We need to lower lerps now to optimize the arithmetic
            // that they generate.
            internal_assert(op->args.size() == 3);
            expr = mutate(lower_lerp(op->args[0], op->args[1], op->args[2]));
        } else if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::cast_mask)) {
            internal_assert(op->args.size() == 1);
            Type src_type = op->args[0].type();
            Type dst_type = op->type;
            if (dst_type.bits() < src_type.bits()) {
                // For narrowing, we can truncate
                expr = mutate(Cast::make(dst_type, op->args[0]));
            } else {
                // Hexagon masks only use the bottom bit in each byte,
                // so duplicate each lane until we're wide enough.
                Expr e = op->args[0];
                while (src_type.bits() < dst_type.bits()) {
                    e = Shuffle::make_interleave({e, e});
                    src_type = src_type.with_bits(src_type.bits()*2);
                    e = reinterpret(src_type, e);
                expr = mutate(e);
        } else {

    OptimizePatterns(Target t) {
        target = t;

// Attempt to cancel out redundant interleave/deinterleave pairs. The
// basic strategy is to push interleavings toward the end of the
// program, using the fact that interleaves can pass through pointwise
// IR operations. When an interleave collides with a deinterleave,
// they cancel out.
class EliminateInterleaves : public IRMutator {
    Scope<bool> vars;

    // We need to know when loads are a multiple of 2 native vectors.
    int native_vector_bits;

    // We can't interleave booleans, so we handle them specially.
    bool in_bool_to_mask = false;
    bool interleave_mask = false;

    // Check if x is an expression that is either an interleave, or
    // transitively is an interleave.
    bool yields_removable_interleave(Expr x) {
        if (is_native_interleave(x)) {
            return true;

        if (const Let *let =<Let>()) {
            return yields_removable_interleave(let->body);

        const Variable *var =<Variable>();
        if (var && vars.contains(var->name + ".deinterleaved")) {
            return true;

        return false;

    // Check if x either has a removable interleave, or it can pretend
    // to be an interleave at no cost (a scalar or a broadcast).
    bool yields_interleave(Expr x) {
        if (yields_removable_interleave(x)) {
            return true;

        // These yield an interleave, but we shouldn't
        // deinterleave them if we want to remove an actual
        // interleave.
        if (x.type().is_scalar() ||<Broadcast>()) {
            return true;

        if (const Let *let =<Let>()) {
            return yields_interleave(let->body);

        // This is different from the deinterleaved lets handled in
        // yields_removable_interleave. These are lets that can be
        // deinterleaved freely, but are not actually interleaves.
        const Variable *var =<Variable>();
        if (var && vars.contains(var->name + ".weak_deinterleaved")) {
            return true;

        return false;

    // Check that at least one of exprs is an interleave that should
    // be removed, and that all of the exprs can yield an interleave.
    bool yields_removable_interleave(const vector<Expr> &exprs) {
        bool any_is_interleave = false;
        for (const Expr &i : exprs) {
            if (yields_removable_interleave(i)) {
                any_is_interleave = true;
            } else if (!yields_interleave(i)) {
                return false;
        return any_is_interleave;

    // Asserting that x is an expression that can yield an interleave
    // operation, return the expression being interleaved.
    Expr remove_interleave(Expr x) {
        if (is_native_interleave(x)) {
        } else if (x.type().is_scalar() ||<Broadcast>()) {
            return x;

        if (const Variable *var =<Variable>()) {
            if (vars.contains(var->name + ".deinterleaved")) {
                return Variable::make(var->type, var->name + ".deinterleaved");
            } else if (vars.contains(var->name + ".weak_deinterleaved")) {
                return Variable::make(var->type, var->name + ".weak_deinterleaved");

        if (const Let *let =<Let>()) {
            Expr body = remove_interleave(let->body);
            if (!body.same_as(let->body)) {
                return Let::make(let->name, let->value, remove_interleave(let->body));
            } else {
                return x;

        internal_error << "Expression '" << x << "' does not yield an interleave.\n";
        return x;

    template <typename T>
    void visit_binary(const T* op) {
        Expr a = mutate(op->a);
        Expr b = mutate(op->b);
        if (yields_removable_interleave({a, b})) {
            a = remove_interleave(a);
            b = remove_interleave(b);
            expr = T::make(a, b);
            if (expr.type().bits() == 1) {
                interleave_mask = true;
            } else {
                expr = native_interleave(expr);
        } else if (!a.same_as(op->a) || !b.same_as(op->b)) {
            expr = T::make(a, b);
        } else {
            expr = op;

    void visit(const Add *op) { visit_binary(op); }
    void visit(const Sub *op) { visit_binary(op); }
    void visit(const Mul *op) { visit_binary(op); }
    void visit(const Div *op) { visit_binary(op); }
    void visit(const Mod *op) { visit_binary(op); }
    void visit(const Min *op) { visit_binary(op); }
    void visit(const Max *op) { visit_binary(op); }
    void visit(const EQ *op) { visit_binary(op); }
    void visit(const NE *op) { visit_binary(op); }
    void visit(const LT *op) { visit_binary(op); }
    void visit(const LE *op) { visit_binary(op); }
    void visit(const GT *op) { visit_binary(op); }
    void visit(const GE *op) { visit_binary(op); }

    // These next 3 nodes should not exist if we're vectorized, they
    // should have been replaced with bitwise operations.
    void visit(const And *op) {
    void visit(const Or *op) {
    void visit(const Not *op) {

    void visit(const Select *op) {
        Expr true_value = mutate(op->true_value);
        Expr false_value = mutate(op->false_value);


        Expr cond = mutate(op->condition);

        // The condition isn't a vector, so we can just check if we
        // should move an interleave from the true/false values.
        if (yields_removable_interleave({true_value, false_value})) {
            true_value = remove_interleave(true_value);
            false_value = remove_interleave(false_value);
            expr = native_interleave(Select::make(cond, true_value, false_value));
        } else if (!cond.same_as(op->condition) ||
                   !true_value.same_as(op->true_value) ||
                   !false_value.same_as(op->false_value)) {
            expr = Select::make(cond, true_value, false_value);
        } else {
            expr = op;

    // Make overloads of stmt/expr uses var so we can use it in a template.
    static bool uses_var(Stmt s, const string &var) {
        return stmt_uses_var(s, var);
    static bool uses_var(Expr e, const string &var) {
        return expr_uses_var(e, var);

    template <typename NodeType, typename LetType>
    void visit_let(NodeType &result, const LetType *op) {
        Expr value = mutate(op->value);
        string deinterleaved_name;
        NodeType body;
        // Other code in this mutator needs to be able to tell the
        // difference between a Let that yields a deinterleave, and a
        // let that has a removable deinterleave. Lets that can
        // pretend to be deinterleaved at no cost are given an
        // alternative let labelled "weak_deinterleaved", while lets
        // that have a removable interleave are given an alternative
        // let labelled "deinterleaved".
        if (yields_removable_interleave(value)) {
            // We can provide a deinterleaved version of this let value.
            deinterleaved_name = op->name + ".deinterleaved";
            vars.push(deinterleaved_name, true);
            body = mutate(op->body);
        } else if (yields_interleave(value)) {
            // We have a soft deinterleaved version of this let value.
            deinterleaved_name = op->name + ".weak_deinterleaved";
            vars.push(deinterleaved_name, true);
            body = mutate(op->body);
        } else {
            body = mutate(op->body);
        if (value.same_as(op->value) && body.same_as(op->body)) {
            result = op;
        } else if (body.same_as(op->body)) {
            // If the body didn't change, we must not have used the deinterleaved value.
            result = LetType::make(op->name, value, body);
        } else {
            // We need to rewrap the body with new lets.
            result = body;
            bool deinterleaved_used = uses_var(result, deinterleaved_name);
            bool interleaved_used = uses_var(result, op->name);
            if (deinterleaved_used && interleaved_used) {
                // The body uses both the interleaved and
                // deinterleaved version of this let. Generate both
                // lets, using the deinterleaved one to generate the
                // interleaved one.
                Expr deinterleaved = remove_interleave(value);

                // If we actually removed an interleave from the
                // value, re-interleave it to get the interleaved let
                // value.
                Expr interleaved = Variable::make(deinterleaved.type(), deinterleaved_name);
                if (!deinterleaved.same_as(value)) {
                    interleaved = native_interleave(interleaved);

                result = LetType::make(op->name, interleaved, result);
                result = LetType::make(deinterleaved_name, deinterleaved, result);
            } else if (deinterleaved_used) {
                // Only the deinterleaved value is used, we can eliminate the interleave.
                result = LetType::make(deinterleaved_name, remove_interleave(value), result);
            } else if (interleaved_used) {
                // Only the original value is used, regenerate the let.
                result = LetType::make(op->name, value, result);
            } else {
                // The let must have been dead.
                internal_assert(!uses_var(op->body, op->name)) << "EliminateInterleaves eliminated a non-dead let.\n";

    void visit(const Let *op) {
        visit_let(expr, op);

        // Lift interleaves out of Let expression bodies.
        const Let *let =<Let>();
        if (yields_removable_interleave(let->body)) {
            expr = native_interleave(Let::make(let->name, let->value, remove_interleave(let->body)));

    void visit(const LetStmt *op) { visit_let(stmt, op); }

    void visit(const Cast *op) {
        if (op->type.bits() == op->value.type().bits()) {
            // We can only move interleaves through casts of the same size.
            Expr value = mutate(op->value);

            if (yields_removable_interleave(value)) {
                value = remove_interleave(value);
                expr = native_interleave(Cast::make(op->type, value));
            } else if (!value.same_as(op->value)) {
                expr = Cast::make(op->type, value);
            } else {
                expr = op;
        } else {

    static bool is_interleavable(const Call *op) {
        // These calls can have interleaves moved from operands to the
        // result...
        static const set<string> interleavable = {
        if (interleavable.count(op->name) != 0) return true;

        // ...these calls cannot. Furthermore, these calls have the
        // same return type as the arguments, which means our test
        // below will be inaccurate.
        static const set<string> not_interleavable = {
        if (not_interleavable.count(op->name) != 0) return false;

        if (starts_with(op->name, "halide.hexagon.")) {
            // We assume that any hexagon intrinsic is interleavable
            // as long as all of the vector operands have the same
            // number of lanes and lane width as the return type.
            for (Expr i : op->args) {
                if (i.type().is_scalar()) continue;
                if (i.type().bits() != op->type.bits() || i.type().lanes() != op->type.lanes()) {
                    return false;
        return true;

    void visit_bool_to_mask(const Call *op) {
        bool old_in_bool_to_mask = in_bool_to_mask;
        in_bool_to_mask = true;

        Expr arg = mutate(op->args[0]);
        if (!arg.same_as(op->args[0]) || interleave_mask) {
            expr = Call::make(op->type, Call::bool_to_mask, {arg}, Call::PureIntrinsic);
            if (interleave_mask) {
                expr = native_interleave(expr);
                interleave_mask = false;
        } else {
            expr = op;

        in_bool_to_mask = old_in_bool_to_mask;

    void visit(const Call *op) {
        if (op->is_intrinsic(Call::bool_to_mask)) {

        vector<Expr> args(op->args);

        // mutate all the args.
        bool changed = false;
        for (Expr &i : args) {
            Expr new_i = mutate(i);
            changed = changed || !new_i.same_as(i);
            i = new_i;

        // For a few operations, we have a choice of several
        // instructions, an interleaving or a non-inerleaving
        // variant. We handle this by generating the instruction that
        // does not deinterleave, and then opportunistically select
        // the interleaving alternative when we can cancel out to the
        // interleave.
        static std::map<string, string> deinterleaving_alts = {
            { "halide.hexagon.pack.vh", "halide.hexagon.trunc.vh" },
            { "halide.hexagon.pack.vw", "halide.hexagon.trunc.vw" },
            { "halide.hexagon.packhi.vh", "halide.hexagon.trunclo.vh" },
            { "halide.hexagon.packhi.vw", "halide.hexagon.trunclo.vw" },
            { "halide.hexagon.pack_satub.vh", "halide.hexagon.trunc_satub.vh" },
            { "halide.hexagon.pack_sath.vw", "halide.hexagon.trunc_sath.vw" },
            { "halide.hexagon.pack_satuh.vw", "halide.hexagon.trunc_satuh.vw" },

        // The reverse mapping of the above.
        static std::map<string, string> interleaving_alts = {
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc.vh", "halide.hexagon.pack.vh" },
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc.vw", "halide.hexagon.pack.vw" },
            { "halide.hexagon.trunclo.vh", "halide.hexagon.packhi.vh" },
            { "halide.hexagon.trunclo.vw", "halide.hexagon.packhi.vw" },
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_satub.vh", "halide.hexagon.pack_satub.vh" },
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_sath.vw", "halide.hexagon.pack_sath.vw" },
            { "halide.hexagon.trunc_satuh.vw", "halide.hexagon.pack_satuh.vw" },

        if (is_native_deinterleave(op) && yields_interleave(args[0])) {
            // This is a deinterleave of an interleave! Remove them both.
            expr = remove_interleave(args[0]);
        } else if (is_interleavable(op) && yields_removable_interleave(args)) {
            // All the arguments yield interleaves (and one of
            // them is an interleave), create a new call with the
            // interleave removed from the arguments.
            for (Expr &i : args) {
                i = remove_interleave(i);
            expr = Call::make(op->type, op->name, args, op->call_type,
                              op->func, op->value_index, op->image, op->param);
            // Add the interleave back to the result of the call.
            expr = native_interleave(expr);
        } else if (deinterleaving_alts.find(op->name) != deinterleaving_alts.end() &&
                   yields_removable_interleave(args)) {
            // This call has a deinterleaving alternative, and the
            // arguments are interleaved, so we should use the
            // alternative instead.
            for (Expr &i : args) {
                i = remove_interleave(i);
            expr = Call::make(op->type, deinterleaving_alts[op->name], args, op->call_type);
        } else if (interleaving_alts.count(op->name) && is_native_deinterleave(args[0])) {
            // This is an interleaving alternative with a
            // deinterleave, which can be generated when we
            // deinterleave storage. Revert back to the interleaving
            // op so we can remove the deinterleave.
            Expr arg = args[0].as<Call>()->args[0];
            expr = Call::make(op->type, interleaving_alts[op->name], { arg }, op->call_type,
                              op->func, op->value_index, op->image, op->param);
        } else if (changed) {
            expr = Call::make(op->type, op->name, args, op->call_type,
                              op->func, op->value_index, op->image, op->param);
        } else {
            expr = op;

    // Track whether buffers are interleaved or not.
    enum class BufferState {
        Unknown,         // We don't know if this buffer is interleaved or not.
        Interleaved,     // We know the buffer is interleaved.
        NotInterleaved,  // We know the buffer is not interleaved.
    Scope<BufferState> buffers;

    // Buffers we should deinterleave the storage of.
    Scope<bool> deinterleave_buffers;

    void visit(const Allocate *op) {
        Expr condition = mutate(op->condition);

        // First, we need to mutate the op, to pull native interleaves
        // down, and to gather information about the loads and stores.
        buffers.push(op->name, BufferState::Unknown);
        Stmt body = mutate(op->body);
        bool deinterleave = buffers.get(op->name) == BufferState::Interleaved;

        // Second, if we decided it would be useful to deinterleave
        // the storage of this buffer, do so now.
        if (deinterleave) {
            deinterleave_buffers.push(op->name, true);
            body = mutate(op->body);

        if (!body.same_as(op->body) || !condition.same_as(op->condition)) {
            stmt = Allocate::make(op->name, op->type, op->extents, condition, body,
                                  op->new_expr, op->free_function);
        } else {
            stmt = op;

    void visit(const Store *op) {
        Expr predicate = mutate(op->predicate);
        Expr value = mutate(op->value);
        Expr index = mutate(op->index);

        if (buffers.contains(op->name)) {
            // When inspecting the stores to a buffer, update the state.
            BufferState &state = buffers.ref(op->name);
            if (!is_one(predicate)) {
                // TODO(psuriana): This store is predicated. Mark the buffer as
                // not interleaved for now.
                state = BufferState::NotInterleaved;
            } else if (yields_removable_interleave(value)) {
                // The value yields a removable interleave. If we aren't tracking
                // this buffer, mark it as interleaved.
                if (state == BufferState::Unknown) {
                    state = BufferState::Interleaved;
            } else if (!yields_interleave(value)) {
                // The value does not yield an interleave. Mark the
                // buffer as not interleaved.
                state = BufferState::NotInterleaved;
            } else {
                // If the buffer yields an interleave, but is not an
                // interleave itself, we don't want to change the
                // buffer state.

        if (deinterleave_buffers.contains(op->name)) {
            // We're deinterleaving this buffer, remove the interleave
            // from the store.
            internal_assert(is_one(predicate)) << "The store shouldn't have been predicated.\n";
            value = remove_interleave(value);

        if (predicate.same_as(op->predicate) && value.same_as(op->value) && index.same_as(op->index)) {
            stmt = op;
        } else {
            stmt = Store::make(op->name, value, index, op->param, predicate);

    void visit(const Load *op) {
        if (buffers.contains(op->name)) {
            if ((op->type.lanes()*op->type.bits()) % (native_vector_bits*2) == 0) {
                // This is a double vector load, we might be able to
                // deinterleave the storage of this buffer.
                // We don't want to actually do anything to the buffer
                // state here. We know we can interleave the load if
                // necessary, but we don't want to cause it to be
                // interleaved unless it is a useful improvement,
                // which is only true if any of the stores are
                // actually interleaved (and don't just yield an
                // interleave).
            } else {
                // This is not a double vector load, so we can't
                // deinterleave the storage of this buffer.
                BufferState &state = buffers.ref(op->name);
                state = BufferState::NotInterleaved;
        if (deinterleave_buffers.contains(op->name)) {
            expr = native_interleave(expr);

    using IRMutator::visit;

    EliminateInterleaves(int native_vector_bits) : native_vector_bits(native_vector_bits) {}

// After eliminating interleaves, there may be some that remain. This
// mutator attempts to replace interleaves paired with other
// operations that do not require an interleave. It's important to do
// this after all other efforts to eliminate the interleaves,
// otherwise this might eat some interleaves that could have cancelled
// with other operations.
class FuseInterleaves : public IRMutator {
    void visit(const Call *op) {
        // This is a list of {f, g} pairs that if the first operation
        // is interleaved, interleave(f(x)) is equivalent to g(x).
        static const std::vector<std::pair<string, string>> non_deinterleaving_alts = {
            { "halide.hexagon.zxt.vub", "halide.hexagon.unpack.vub" },
            { "halide.hexagon.sxt.vb", "halide.hexagon.unpack.vb" },
            { "halide.hexagon.zxt.vuh", "halide.hexagon.unpack.vuh" },
            { "halide.hexagon.sxt.vh", "halide.hexagon.unpack.vh" },

        if (is_native_interleave(op)) {
            if (const Call *arg = op->args[0].as<Call>()) {
                for (const auto &i : non_deinterleaving_alts) {
                    if (arg->name == i.first) {
                        std::vector<Expr> args = arg->args;
                        for (Expr &j : args) {
                            j = mutate(j);
                        expr = Call::make(op->type, i.second, args, Call::PureExtern);


    using IRMutator::visit;

// Find an upper bound of bounds.max - bounds.min.
Expr span_of_bounds(Interval bounds) {

    const Min *min_min =<Min>();
    const Max *min_max =<Max>();
    const Min *max_min =<Min>();
    const Max *max_max =<Max>();
    const Add *min_add =<Add>();
    const Add *max_add =<Add>();
    const Sub *min_sub =<Sub>();
    const Sub *max_sub =<Sub>();

    if (min_min && max_min && equal(min_min->b, max_min->b)) {
        return span_of_bounds({min_min->a, max_min->a});
    } else if (min_max && max_max && equal(min_max->b, max_max->b)) {
        return span_of_bounds({min_max->a, max_max->a});
    } else if (min_add && max_add && equal(min_add->b, max_add->b)) {
        return span_of_bounds({min_add->a, max_add->a});
    } else if (min_sub && max_sub && equal(min_sub->b, max_sub->b)) {
        return span_of_bounds({min_sub->a, max_sub->a});
    } else {
        return bounds.max - bounds.min;

// Replace indirect loads with dynamic_shuffle intrinsics where
// possible.
class OptimizeShuffles : public IRMutator {
    int lut_alignment;
    Scope<Interval> bounds;
    std::vector<std::pair<string, Expr>> lets;

    using IRMutator::visit;

    template <typename T>
    void visit_let(const T *op) {
        // We only care about vector lets.
        if (op->value.type().is_vector()) {
            bounds.push(op->name, bounds_of_expr_in_scope(op->value, bounds));
        if (op->value.type().is_vector()) {

    void visit(const Let *op) {
        lets.push_back({op->name, op->value});
    void visit(const LetStmt *op) { visit_let(op); }

    void visit(const Load *op) {
        if (!is_one(op->predicate)) {
            // TODO(psuriana): We shouldn't mess with predicated load for now.
        if (!op->type.is_vector() || op-><Ramp>()) {
            // Don't handle scalar or simple vector loads.

        Expr index = mutate(op->index);
        Interval unaligned_index_bounds = bounds_of_expr_in_scope(index, bounds);
        if (unaligned_index_bounds.is_bounded()) {
            // We want to try both the unaligned and aligned
            // bounds. The unaligned bounds might fit in 256 elements,
            // while the aligned bounds do not.
            int align = lut_alignment / op->type.bytes();
            Interval aligned_index_bounds = {
                (unaligned_index_bounds.min / align) * align,
                ((unaligned_index_bounds.max + align) / align) * align - 1

            for (Interval index_bounds : {aligned_index_bounds, unaligned_index_bounds}) {
                Expr index_span = span_of_bounds(index_bounds);
                index_span = common_subexpression_elimination(index_span);
                index_span = simplify(index_span);

                if (can_prove(index_span < 256)) {
                    // This is a lookup within an up to 256 element array. We
                    // can use dynamic_shuffle for this.
                    int const_extent = as_const_int(index_span) ? *as_const_int(index_span) + 1 : 256;
                    Expr base = simplify(index_bounds.min);

                    // Load all of the possible indices loaded from the
                    // LUT. Note that for clamped ramps, this loads up to 1
                    // vector past the max. CodeGen_Hexagon::allocation_padding
                    // returns a native vector size to account for this.
                    Expr lut = Load::make(op->type.with_lanes(const_extent), op->name,
                                          Ramp::make(base, 1, const_extent),
                                          op->image, op->param, const_true(const_extent));

                    // We know the size of the LUT is not more than 256, so we
                    // can safely cast the index to 8 bit, which
                    // dynamic_shuffle requires.
                    index = simplify(cast(UInt(8).with_lanes(op->type.lanes()), index - base));

                    expr = Call::make(op->type, "dynamic_shuffle", {lut, index, 0, const_extent - 1}, Call::PureIntrinsic);
        if (!index.same_as(op->index)) {
            expr = Load::make(op->type, op->name, index, op->image, op->param, op->predicate);
        } else {
            expr = op;

    OptimizeShuffles(int lut_alignment) : lut_alignment(lut_alignment) {}
}  // namespace

Stmt optimize_hexagon_shuffles(Stmt s, int lut_alignment) {
    // Replace indirect and other complicated loads with
    // dynamic_shuffle (vlut) calls.
    return OptimizeShuffles(lut_alignment).mutate(s);

Stmt optimize_hexagon_instructions(Stmt s, Target t) {
    // Peephole optimize for Hexagon instructions. These can generate
    // interleaves and deinterleaves alongside the HVX intrinsics.
    s = OptimizePatterns(t).mutate(s);

    // Try to eliminate any redundant interleave/deinterleave pairs.
    s = EliminateInterleaves(t.natural_vector_size(Int(8))*8).mutate(s);

    // There may be interleaves left over that we can fuse with other
    // operations.
    s = FuseInterleaves().mutate(s);

    return s;

}  // namespace Internal
}  // namespace Halide

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