/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
This source file includes following definitions.
- backgroundColor
- backgroundColor
- compose
- compose
- fileName
- fileName
- fillColor
- fillColor
- font
- font
- geometry
- geometry
- gravity
- gravity
- label
- label
- penColor
- penColor
- pointSize
- pointSize
- shadow
- shadow
- strokeColor
- strokeColor
- texture
- texture
- tile
- tile
- title
- title
- transparentColor
- transparentColor
- borderColor
- borderColor
- borderWidth
- borderWidth
- frameGeometry
- frameGeometry
- matteColor
- matteColor
// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright Bob Friesenhahn, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003
// Definition of Montage class used to specify montage options.
#if !defined(Magick_Montage_header)
#define Magick_Montage_header
#include "Magick++/Include.h"
#include <string>
#include "Magick++/Color.h"
#include "Magick++/Geometry.h"
// Basic (Un-framed) Montage
namespace Magick
class MagickPPExport Montage
virtual ~Montage(void);
// Color that thumbnails are composed on
void backgroundColor(const Color &backgroundColor_);
Color backgroundColor(void) const;
// Composition algorithm to use (e.g. ReplaceCompositeOp)
void compose(CompositeOperator compose_);
CompositeOperator compose(void) const;
// Filename to save montages to
void fileName(const std::string &fileName_);
std::string fileName(void) const;
// Fill color
void fillColor(const Color &fill_);
Color fillColor(void) const;
// Label font
void font(const std::string &font_);
std::string font(void) const;
// Thumbnail width & height plus border width & height
void geometry(const Geometry &geometry_);
Geometry geometry(void) const;
// Thumbnail position (e.g. SouthWestGravity)
void gravity(GravityType gravity_);
GravityType gravity(void) const;
// Thumbnail label (applied to image prior to montage)
void label(const std::string &label_);
std::string label(void) const;
// Same as fill color
void penColor(const Color &pen_);
Color penColor(void) const;
// Font point size
void pointSize(size_t pointSize_);
size_t pointSize(void) const;
// Enable drop-shadows on thumbnails
void shadow(bool shadow_);
bool shadow(void) const;
// Outline color
void strokeColor(const Color &stroke_);
Color strokeColor(void) const;
// Background texture image
void texture(const std::string &texture_);
std::string texture(void) const;
// Thumbnail rows and colmns
void tile(const Geometry &tile_);
Geometry tile(void) const;
// Montage title
void title(const std::string &title_);
std::string title(void) const;
// Transparent color
void transparentColor(const Color &transparentColor_);
Color transparentColor(void) const;
// Implementation methods/members
// Update elements in existing MontageInfo structure
virtual void updateMontageInfo(MagickCore::MontageInfo &montageInfo_) const;
Color _backgroundColor;
CompositeOperator _compose;
std::string _fileName;
Color _fill;
std::string _font;
Geometry _geometry;
GravityType _gravity;
std::string _label;
size_t _pointSize;
bool _shadow;
Color _stroke;
std::string _texture;
Geometry _tile;
std::string _title;
Color _transparentColor;
// Montage With Frames (Extends Basic Montage)
class MagickPPExport MontageFramed : public Montage
// Frame border color
void borderColor(const Color &borderColor_);
Color borderColor(void) const;
// Pixels between thumbnail and surrounding frame
void borderWidth(size_t borderWidth_);
size_t borderWidth(void) const;
// Frame geometry (width & height frame thickness)
void frameGeometry(const Geometry &frame_);
Geometry frameGeometry(void) const;
// Frame foreground color
void matteColor(const Color &matteColor_);
Color matteColor(void) const;
// Implementation methods/members
// Update elements in existing MontageInfo structure
void updateMontageInfo(MagickCore::MontageInfo &montageInfo_) const;
Color _borderColor;
size_t _borderWidth;
Geometry _frame;
Color _matteColor;
} // namespace Magick
// Inlines
// Implementation of Montage
inline void Magick::Montage::backgroundColor(const Magick::Color &backgroundColor_)
inline Magick::Color Magick::Montage::backgroundColor(void) const
inline void Magick::Montage::compose(Magick::CompositeOperator compose_)
inline Magick::CompositeOperator Magick::Montage::compose(void) const
inline void Magick::Montage::fileName(const std::string &fileName_)
inline std::string Magick::Montage::fileName(void) const
inline void Magick::Montage::fillColor(const Color &fill_)
inline Magick::Color Magick::Montage::fillColor(void) const
inline void Magick::Montage::font(const std::string &font_)
inline std::string Magick::Montage::font(void) const
inline void Magick::Montage::geometry(const Magick::Geometry &geometry_)
inline Magick::Geometry Magick::Montage::geometry(void) const
inline void Magick::Montage::gravity(Magick::GravityType gravity_)
inline Magick::GravityType Magick::Montage::gravity(void) const
inline void Magick::Montage::label(const std::string &label_)
inline std::string Magick::Montage::label(void) const
inline void Magick::Montage::penColor(const Color &pen_)
inline Magick::Color Magick::Montage::penColor(void) const
return _fill;
inline void Magick::Montage::pointSize(size_t pointSize_)
inline size_t Magick::Montage::pointSize(void) const
inline void Magick::Montage::shadow(bool shadow_)
inline bool Magick::Montage::shadow(void) const
inline void Magick::Montage::strokeColor(const Color &stroke_)
inline Magick::Color Magick::Montage::strokeColor(void) const
inline void Magick::Montage::texture(const std::string &texture_)
inline std::string Magick::Montage::texture(void) const
inline void Magick::Montage::tile(const Geometry &tile_)
inline Magick::Geometry Magick::Montage::tile(void) const
inline void Magick::Montage::title(const std::string &title_)
inline std::string Magick::Montage::title(void) const
inline void Magick::Montage::transparentColor(const Magick::Color &transparentColor_)
inline Magick::Color Magick::Montage::transparentColor(void) const
// Implementation of MontageFramed
inline void Magick::MontageFramed::borderColor(const Magick::Color &borderColor_)
inline Magick::Color Magick::MontageFramed::borderColor(void) const
inline void Magick::MontageFramed::borderWidth(size_t borderWidth_)
inline size_t Magick::MontageFramed::borderWidth(void) const
inline void Magick::MontageFramed::frameGeometry(const Magick::Geometry &frame_)
inline Magick::Geometry Magick::MontageFramed::frameGeometry(void) const
inline void Magick::MontageFramed::matteColor(const Magick::Color &matteColor_)
inline Magick::Color Magick::MontageFramed::matteColor(void) const
#endif // Magick_Montage_header