
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. m_node
  2. create
  3. accessibleNameForNode
  4. accessibilityDescriptionForElements
  5. alterSliderValue
  6. ariaAccessibilityDescription
  7. ariaLabeledByElements
  8. changeValueByStep
  9. computeAccessibilityIsIgnored
  10. determineAccessibilityRole
  11. determineAriaRoleAttribute
  12. elementsFromAttribute
  13. hasContentEditableAttributeSet
  14. isDescendantOfBarrenParent
  15. isGenericFocusableElement
  16. labelForElement
  17. menuButtonForMenu
  18. siblingWithAriaRole
  19. menuItemElementForMenu
  20. mouseButtonListener
  21. remapAriaRoleDueToParent
  22. init
  23. detach
  24. isAnchor
  25. isControl
  26. isFieldset
  27. isHeading
  28. isHovered
  29. isImage
  30. isImageButton
  31. isInputImage
  32. isLink
  33. isMenu
  34. isMenuButton
  35. isMultiSelectable
  36. isNativeCheckboxOrRadio
  37. isNativeImage
  38. isNativeTextControl
  39. isNonNativeTextControl
  40. isPasswordField
  41. isProgressIndicator
  42. isSlider
  43. isChecked
  44. isClickable
  45. isEnabled
  46. isIndeterminate
  47. isPressed
  48. isReadOnly
  49. isRequired
  50. canSetFocusAttribute
  51. canSetValueAttribute
  52. canvasHasFallbackContent
  53. exposesTitleUIElement
  54. headingLevel
  55. hierarchicalLevel
  56. text
  57. titleUIElement
  58. checkboxOrRadioValue
  59. colorValue
  60. valueDescription
  61. valueForRange
  62. maxValueForRange
  63. minValueForRange
  64. stepValueForRange
  65. stringValue
  66. ariaDescribedByAttribute
  67. ariaLabeledByAttribute
  68. ariaRoleAttribute
  69. shouldUseAccessiblityObjectInnerText
  70. textUnderElement
  71. accessibilityDescription
  72. title
  73. helpText
  74. elementRect
  75. parentObject
  76. parentObjectIfExists
  77. firstChild
  78. nextSibling
  79. addChildren
  80. addChild
  81. insertChild
  82. canHaveChildren
  83. actionElement
  84. anchorElement
  85. document
  86. setNode
  87. correspondingControlForLabelElement
  88. labelElementContainer
  89. setFocused
  90. increment
  91. decrement
  92. childrenChanged
  93. selectionChanged
  94. textChanged
  95. updateAccessibilityRole
  96. alternativeTextForWebArea
  97. alternativeText
  98. ariaLabeledByText
  99. changeValueByPercent

* Copyright (C) 2012, Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1.  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
*     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2.  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
*     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
*     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3.  Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of
*     its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
*     from this software without specific prior written permission.

#include "config.h"
#include "core/accessibility/AXNodeObject.h"

#include "core/accessibility/AXObjectCache.h"
#include "core/dom/NodeTraversal.h"
#include "core/dom/Text.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLFieldSetElement.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLFrameElementBase.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLInputElement.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLLabelElement.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLLegendElement.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLSelectElement.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLTextAreaElement.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderObject.h"
#include "platform/UserGestureIndicator.h"
#include "wtf/text/StringBuilder.h"

namespace WebCore {

using namespace HTMLNames;

AXNodeObject::AXNodeObject(Node* node)
    : AXObject()
    , m_ariaRole(UnknownRole)
    , m_childrenDirty(false)
#ifndef NDEBUG
    , m_initialized(false)
    , m_node(node)

PassRefPtr<AXNodeObject> AXNodeObject::create(Node* node)
    return adoptRef(new AXNodeObject(node));


// This function implements the ARIA accessible name as described by the Mozilla
// ARIA Implementer's Guide.
static String accessibleNameForNode(Node* node)
    if (node->isTextNode())
        return toText(node)->data();

    if (isHTMLInputElement(*node))
        return toHTMLInputElement(*node).value();

    if (node->isHTMLElement()) {
        const AtomicString& alt = toHTMLElement(node)->getAttribute(altAttr);
        if (!alt.isEmpty())
            return alt;

    return String();

String AXNodeObject::accessibilityDescriptionForElements(Vector<Element*> &elements) const
    StringBuilder builder;
    unsigned size = elements.size();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        Element* idElement = elements[i];

        for (Node* n = idElement->firstChild(); n; n = NodeTraversal::next(*n, idElement))

        if (i != size - 1)
            builder.append(' ');
    return builder.toString();

void AXNodeObject::alterSliderValue(bool increase)
    if (roleValue() != SliderRole)

    if (!getAttribute(stepAttr).isEmpty())
        changeValueByPercent(increase ? 5 : -5);

String AXNodeObject::ariaAccessibilityDescription() const
    String ariaLabeledBy = ariaLabeledByAttribute();
    if (!ariaLabeledBy.isEmpty())
        return ariaLabeledBy;

    const AtomicString& ariaLabel = getAttribute(aria_labelAttr);
    if (!ariaLabel.isEmpty())
        return ariaLabel;

    return String();

void AXNodeObject::ariaLabeledByElements(Vector<Element*>& elements) const
    elementsFromAttribute(elements, aria_labeledbyAttr);
    if (!elements.size())
        elementsFromAttribute(elements, aria_labelledbyAttr);

void AXNodeObject::changeValueByStep(bool increase)
    float step = stepValueForRange();
    float value = valueForRange();

    value += increase ? step : -step;


    axObjectCache()->postNotification(node(), AXObjectCache::AXValueChanged, true);

bool AXNodeObject::computeAccessibilityIsIgnored() const
#ifndef NDEBUG
    // Double-check that an AXObject is never accessed before
    // it's been initialized.

    // If this element is within a parent that cannot have children, it should not be exposed.
    if (isDescendantOfBarrenParent())
        return true;

    // Ignore labels that are already referenced by a control's title UI element.
    AXObject* controlObject = correspondingControlForLabelElement();
    if (controlObject && !controlObject->exposesTitleUIElement() && controlObject->isCheckboxOrRadio())
        return true;

    return m_role == UnknownRole;

AccessibilityRole AXNodeObject::determineAccessibilityRole()
    if (!node())
        return UnknownRole;

    m_ariaRole = determineAriaRoleAttribute();

    AccessibilityRole ariaRole = ariaRoleAttribute();
    if (ariaRole != UnknownRole)
        return ariaRole;

    if (node()->isLink())
        return LinkRole;
    if (node()->isTextNode())
        return StaticTextRole;
    if (isHTMLButtonElement(*node()))
        return buttonRoleType();
    if (isHTMLInputElement(*node())) {
        HTMLInputElement& input = toHTMLInputElement(*node());
        if (input.isCheckbox())
            return CheckBoxRole;
        if (input.isRadioButton())
            return RadioButtonRole;
        if (input.isTextButton())
            return buttonRoleType();
        if (input.isRangeControl())
            return SliderRole;

        const AtomicString& type = input.getAttribute(typeAttr);
        if (equalIgnoringCase(type, "color"))
            return ColorWellRole;

        return TextFieldRole;
    if (isHTMLSelectElement(*node())) {
        HTMLSelectElement& selectElement = toHTMLSelectElement(*node());
        return selectElement.multiple() ? ListBoxRole : PopUpButtonRole;
    if (isHTMLTextAreaElement(*node()))
        return TextAreaRole;
    if (headingLevel())
        return HeadingRole;
    if (isHTMLDivElement(*node()))
        return DivRole;
    if (isHTMLParagraphElement(*node()))
        return ParagraphRole;
    if (isHTMLLabelElement(*node()))
        return LabelRole;
    if (node()->isElementNode() && toElement(node())->isFocusable())
        return GroupRole;
    if (isHTMLAnchorElement(*node()) && isClickable())
        return LinkRole;
    if (node()->hasTagName(iframeTag))
        return IframeRole;

    return UnknownRole;

AccessibilityRole AXNodeObject::determineAriaRoleAttribute() const
    const AtomicString& ariaRole = getAttribute(roleAttr);
    if (ariaRole.isNull() || ariaRole.isEmpty())
        return UnknownRole;

    AccessibilityRole role = ariaRoleToWebCoreRole(ariaRole);

    // ARIA states if an item can get focus, it should not be presentational.
    if (role == PresentationalRole && canSetFocusAttribute())
        return UnknownRole;

    if (role == ButtonRole)
        role = buttonRoleType();

    if (role == TextAreaRole && !ariaIsMultiline())
        role = TextFieldRole;

    role = remapAriaRoleDueToParent(role);

    if (role)
        return role;

    return UnknownRole;

void AXNodeObject::elementsFromAttribute(Vector<Element*>& elements, const QualifiedName& attribute) const
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!node || !node->isElementNode())

    TreeScope& scope = node->treeScope();

    String idList = getAttribute(attribute).string();
    if (idList.isEmpty())

    idList.replace('\n', ' ');
    Vector<String> idVector;
    idList.split(' ', idVector);

    unsigned size = idVector.size();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        AtomicString idName(idVector[i]);
        Element* idElement = scope.getElementById(idName);
        if (idElement)

// If you call node->rendererIsEditable() since that will return true if an ancestor is editable.
// This only returns true if this is the element that actually has the contentEditable attribute set.
bool AXNodeObject::hasContentEditableAttributeSet() const
    if (!hasAttribute(contenteditableAttr))
        return false;
    const AtomicString& contentEditableValue = getAttribute(contenteditableAttr);
    // Both "true" (case-insensitive) and the empty string count as true.
    return contentEditableValue.isEmpty() || equalIgnoringCase(contentEditableValue, "true");

bool AXNodeObject::isDescendantOfBarrenParent() const
    for (AXObject* object = parentObject(); object; object = object->parentObject()) {
        if (!object->canHaveChildren())
            return true;

    return false;

bool AXNodeObject::isGenericFocusableElement() const
    if (!canSetFocusAttribute())
        return false;

    // If it's a control, it's not generic.
    if (isControl())
        return false;

    // If it has an aria role, it's not generic.
    if (m_ariaRole != UnknownRole)
        return false;

    // If the content editable attribute is set on this element, that's the reason
    // it's focusable, and existing logic should handle this case already - so it's not a
    // generic focusable element.

    if (hasContentEditableAttributeSet())
        return false;

    // The web area and body element are both focusable, but existing logic handles these
    // cases already, so we don't need to include them here.
    if (roleValue() == WebAreaRole)
        return false;
    if (isHTMLBodyElement(node()))
        return false;

    // An SVG root is focusable by default, but it's probably not interactive, so don't
    // include it. It can still be made accessible by giving it an ARIA role.
    if (roleValue() == SVGRootRole)
        return false;

    return true;

HTMLLabelElement* AXNodeObject::labelForElement(Element* element) const
    if (!element->isHTMLElement() || !toHTMLElement(element)->isLabelable())
        return 0;

    const AtomicString& id = element->getIdAttribute();
    if (!id.isEmpty()) {
        if (HTMLLabelElement* label = element->treeScope().labelElementForId(id))
            return label;

    for (Element* parent = element->parentElement(); parent; parent = parent->parentElement()) {
        if (isHTMLLabelElement(*parent))
            return toHTMLLabelElement(parent);

    return 0;

AXObject* AXNodeObject::menuButtonForMenu() const
    Element* menuItem = menuItemElementForMenu();

    if (menuItem) {
        // ARIA just has generic menu items. AppKit needs to know if this is a top level items like MenuBarButton or MenuBarItem
        AXObject* menuItemAX = axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(menuItem);
        if (menuItemAX && menuItemAX->isMenuButton())
            return menuItemAX;
    return 0;

static Element* siblingWithAriaRole(String role, Node* node)
    Node* parent = node->parentNode();
    if (!parent)
        return 0;

    for (Element* sibling = ElementTraversal::firstChild(*parent); sibling; sibling = ElementTraversal::nextSibling(*sibling)) {
        const AtomicString& siblingAriaRole = sibling->getAttribute(roleAttr);
        if (equalIgnoringCase(siblingAriaRole, role))
            return sibling;

    return 0;

Element* AXNodeObject::menuItemElementForMenu() const
    if (ariaRoleAttribute() != MenuRole)
        return 0;

    return siblingWithAriaRole("menuitem", node());

Element* AXNodeObject::mouseButtonListener() const
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!node)
        return 0;

    // check if our parent is a mouse button listener
    while (node && !node->isElementNode())
        node = node->parentNode();

    if (!node)
        return 0;

    // FIXME: Do the continuation search like anchorElement does
    for (Element* element = toElement(node); element; element = element->parentElement()) {
        if (element->getAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::click) || element->getAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::mousedown) || element->getAttributeEventListener(EventTypeNames::mouseup))
            return element;

    return 0;

AccessibilityRole AXNodeObject::remapAriaRoleDueToParent(AccessibilityRole role) const
    // Some objects change their role based on their parent.
    // However, asking for the unignoredParent calls accessibilityIsIgnored(), which can trigger a loop.
    // While inside the call stack of creating an element, we need to avoid accessibilityIsIgnored().

    if (role != ListBoxOptionRole && role != MenuItemRole)
        return role;

    for (AXObject* parent = parentObject(); parent && !parent->accessibilityIsIgnored(); parent = parent->parentObject()) {
        AccessibilityRole parentAriaRole = parent->ariaRoleAttribute();

        // Selects and listboxes both have options as child roles, but they map to different roles within WebCore.
        if (role == ListBoxOptionRole && parentAriaRole == MenuRole)
            return MenuItemRole;
        // An aria "menuitem" may map to MenuButton or MenuItem depending on its parent.
        if (role == MenuItemRole && parentAriaRole == GroupRole)
            return MenuButtonRole;

        // If the parent had a different role, then we don't need to continue searching up the chain.
        if (parentAriaRole)

    return role;

void AXNodeObject::init()
#ifndef NDEBUG
    m_initialized = true;
    m_role = determineAccessibilityRole();

void AXNodeObject::detach()
    m_node = 0;

bool AXNodeObject::isAnchor() const
    return !isNativeImage() && isLink();

bool AXNodeObject::isControl() const
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!node)
        return false;

    return ((node->isElementNode() && toElement(node)->isFormControlElement())
        || AXObject::isARIAControl(ariaRoleAttribute()));

bool AXNodeObject::isFieldset() const
    return isHTMLFieldSetElement(node());

bool AXNodeObject::isHeading() const
    return roleValue() == HeadingRole;

bool AXNodeObject::isHovered() const
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!node)
        return false;

    return node->hovered();

bool AXNodeObject::isImage() const
    return roleValue() == ImageRole;

bool AXNodeObject::isImageButton() const
    return isNativeImage() && isButton();

bool AXNodeObject::isInputImage() const
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (roleValue() == ButtonRole && isHTMLInputElement(node))
        return toHTMLInputElement(*node).isImageButton();

    return false;

bool AXNodeObject::isLink() const
    return roleValue() == LinkRole;

bool AXNodeObject::isMenu() const
    return roleValue() == MenuRole;

bool AXNodeObject::isMenuButton() const
    return roleValue() == MenuButtonRole;

bool AXNodeObject::isMultiSelectable() const
    const AtomicString& ariaMultiSelectable = getAttribute(aria_multiselectableAttr);
    if (equalIgnoringCase(ariaMultiSelectable, "true"))
        return true;
    if (equalIgnoringCase(ariaMultiSelectable, "false"))
        return false;

    return isHTMLSelectElement(node()) && toHTMLSelectElement(*node()).multiple();

bool AXNodeObject::isNativeCheckboxOrRadio() const
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!isHTMLInputElement(node))
        return false;

    HTMLInputElement* input = toHTMLInputElement(node);
    return input->isCheckbox() || input->isRadioButton();

bool AXNodeObject::isNativeImage() const
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!node)
        return false;

    if (isHTMLImageElement(*node))
        return true;

    if (isHTMLAppletElement(*node) || isHTMLEmbedElement(*node) || isHTMLObjectElement(*node))
        return true;

    if (isHTMLInputElement(*node))
        return toHTMLInputElement(*node).isImageButton();

    return false;

bool AXNodeObject::isNativeTextControl() const
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!node)
        return false;

    if (isHTMLTextAreaElement(*node))
        return true;

    if (isHTMLInputElement(*node)) {
        HTMLInputElement* input = toHTMLInputElement(node);
        return input->isText() || input->isNumberField();

    return false;

bool AXNodeObject::isNonNativeTextControl() const
    if (isNativeTextControl())
        return false;

    if (hasContentEditableAttributeSet())
        return true;

    if (isARIATextControl())
        return true;

    return false;

bool AXNodeObject::isPasswordField() const
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!isHTMLInputElement(node))
        return false;

    if (ariaRoleAttribute() != UnknownRole)
        return false;

    return toHTMLInputElement(node)->isPasswordField();

bool AXNodeObject::isProgressIndicator() const
    return roleValue() == ProgressIndicatorRole;

bool AXNodeObject::isSlider() const
    return roleValue() == SliderRole;

bool AXNodeObject::isChecked() const
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!node)
        return false;

    // First test for native checkedness semantics
    if (isHTMLInputElement(*node))
        return toHTMLInputElement(*node).shouldAppearChecked();

    // Else, if this is an ARIA checkbox or radio, respect the aria-checked attribute
    AccessibilityRole ariaRole = ariaRoleAttribute();
    if (ariaRole == RadioButtonRole || ariaRole == CheckBoxRole) {
        if (equalIgnoringCase(getAttribute(aria_checkedAttr), "true"))
            return true;
        return false;

    // Otherwise it's not checked
    return false;

bool AXNodeObject::isClickable() const
    if (node()) {
        if (node()->isElementNode() && toElement(node())->isDisabledFormControl())
            return false;

        // Note: we can't call node()->willRespondToMouseClickEvents() because that triggers a style recalc and can delete this.
        if (node()->hasEventListeners(EventTypeNames::mouseup) || node()->hasEventListeners(EventTypeNames::mousedown) || node()->hasEventListeners(EventTypeNames::click) || node()->hasEventListeners(EventTypeNames::DOMActivate))
            return true;

    return AXObject::isClickable();

bool AXNodeObject::isEnabled() const
    if (equalIgnoringCase(getAttribute(aria_disabledAttr), "true"))
        return false;

    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!node || !node->isElementNode())
        return true;

    return !toElement(node)->isDisabledFormControl();

bool AXNodeObject::isIndeterminate() const
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!isHTMLInputElement(node))
        return false;

    return toHTMLInputElement(node)->shouldAppearIndeterminate();

bool AXNodeObject::isPressed() const
    if (!isButton())
        return false;

    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!node)
        return false;

    // If this is an ARIA button, check the aria-pressed attribute rather than node()->active()
    if (ariaRoleAttribute() == ButtonRole) {
        if (equalIgnoringCase(getAttribute(aria_pressedAttr), "true"))
            return true;
        return false;

    return node->active();

bool AXNodeObject::isReadOnly() const
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!node)
        return true;

    if (isHTMLTextAreaElement(*node))
        return toHTMLTextAreaElement(*node).isReadOnly();

    if (isHTMLInputElement(*node)) {
        HTMLInputElement& input = toHTMLInputElement(*node);
        if (input.isTextField())
            return input.isReadOnly();

    return !node->rendererIsEditable();

bool AXNodeObject::isRequired() const
    if (equalIgnoringCase(getAttribute(aria_requiredAttr), "true"))
        return true;

    Node* n = this->node();
    if (n && (n->isElementNode() && toElement(n)->isFormControlElement()))
        return toHTMLFormControlElement(n)->isRequired();

    return false;

bool AXNodeObject::canSetFocusAttribute() const
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!node)
        return false;

    if (isWebArea())
        return true;

    // NOTE: It would be more accurate to ask the document whether setFocusedNode() would
    // do anything. For example, setFocusedNode() will do nothing if the current focused
    // node will not relinquish the focus.
    if (!node)
        return false;

    if (isDisabledFormControl(node))
        return false;

    return node->isElementNode() && toElement(node)->supportsFocus();

bool AXNodeObject::canSetValueAttribute() const
    if (equalIgnoringCase(getAttribute(aria_readonlyAttr), "true"))
        return false;

    if (isProgressIndicator() || isSlider())
        return true;

    if (isTextControl() && !isNativeTextControl())
        return true;

    // Any node could be contenteditable, so isReadOnly should be relied upon
    // for this information for all elements.
    return !isReadOnly();

bool AXNodeObject::canvasHasFallbackContent() const
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!isHTMLCanvasElement(node))
        return false;

    // If it has any children that are elements, we'll assume it might be fallback
    // content. If it has no children or its only children are not elements
    // (e.g. just text nodes), it doesn't have fallback content.
    return ElementTraversal::firstChild(*node);

bool AXNodeObject::exposesTitleUIElement() const
    if (!isControl())
        return false;

    // If this control is ignored (because it's invisible),
    // then the label needs to be exposed so it can be visible to accessibility.
    if (accessibilityIsIgnored())
        return true;

    // ARIA: section 2A, bullet #3 says if aria-labeledby or aria-label appears, it should
    // override the "label" element association.
    bool hasTextAlternative = (!ariaLabeledByAttribute().isEmpty() || !getAttribute(aria_labelAttr).isEmpty());

    // Checkboxes and radio buttons use the text of their title ui element as their own AXTitle.
    // This code controls whether the title ui element should appear in the AX tree (usually, no).
    // It should appear if the control already has a label (which will be used as the AXTitle instead).
    if (isCheckboxOrRadio())
        return hasTextAlternative;

    // When controls have their own descriptions, the title element should be ignored.
    if (hasTextAlternative)
        return false;

    return true;

int AXNodeObject::headingLevel() const
    // headings can be in block flow and non-block flow
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!node)
        return false;

    if (ariaRoleAttribute() == HeadingRole)
        return getAttribute(aria_levelAttr).toInt();

    if (node->hasTagName(h1Tag))
        return 1;

    if (node->hasTagName(h2Tag))
        return 2;

    if (node->hasTagName(h3Tag))
        return 3;

    if (node->hasTagName(h4Tag))
        return 4;

    if (node->hasTagName(h5Tag))
        return 5;

    if (node->hasTagName(h6Tag))
        return 6;

    return 0;

unsigned AXNodeObject::hierarchicalLevel() const
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!node || !node->isElementNode())
        return 0;
    Element* element = toElement(node);
    String ariaLevel = element->getAttribute(aria_levelAttr);
    if (!ariaLevel.isEmpty())
        return ariaLevel.toInt();

    // Only tree item will calculate its level through the DOM currently.
    if (roleValue() != TreeItemRole)
        return 0;

    // Hierarchy leveling starts at 1, to match the aria-level spec.
    // We measure tree hierarchy by the number of groups that the item is within.
    unsigned level = 1;
    for (AXObject* parent = parentObject(); parent; parent = parent->parentObject()) {
        AccessibilityRole parentRole = parent->roleValue();
        if (parentRole == GroupRole)
        else if (parentRole == TreeRole)

    return level;

String AXNodeObject::text() const
    // If this is a user defined static text, use the accessible name computation.
    if (ariaRoleAttribute() == StaticTextRole)
        return ariaAccessibilityDescription();

    if (!isTextControl())
        return String();

    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!node)
        return String();

    if (isNativeTextControl() && (isHTMLTextAreaElement(*node) || isHTMLInputElement(*node)))
        return toHTMLTextFormControlElement(*node).value();

    if (!node->isElementNode())
        return String();

    return toElement(node)->innerText();

AXObject* AXNodeObject::titleUIElement() const
    if (!node() || !node()->isElementNode())
        return 0;

    if (isFieldset())
        return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(toHTMLFieldSetElement(node())->legend());

    HTMLLabelElement* label = labelForElement(toElement(node()));
    if (label)
        return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(label);

    return 0;

AccessibilityButtonState AXNodeObject::checkboxOrRadioValue() const
    if (isNativeCheckboxOrRadio())
        return isChecked() ? ButtonStateOn : ButtonStateOff;

    return AXObject::checkboxOrRadioValue();

void AXNodeObject::colorValue(int& r, int& g, int& b) const
    r = 0;
    g = 0;
    b = 0;

    if (!isColorWell())

    if (!isHTMLInputElement(node()))

    HTMLInputElement* input = toHTMLInputElement(node());
    const AtomicString& type = input->getAttribute(typeAttr);
    if (!equalIgnoringCase(type, "color"))

    // HTMLInputElement::value always returns a string parseable by Color.
    Color color;
    bool success = color.setFromString(input->value());
    ASSERT_UNUSED(success, success);
    r =;
    g =;
    b =;

String AXNodeObject::valueDescription() const
    if (!supportsRangeValue())
        return String();

    return getAttribute(aria_valuetextAttr).string();

float AXNodeObject::valueForRange() const
    if (hasAttribute(aria_valuenowAttr))
        return getAttribute(aria_valuenowAttr).toFloat();

    if (isHTMLInputElement(node())) {
        HTMLInputElement& input = toHTMLInputElement(*node());
        if (input.isRangeControl())
            return input.valueAsNumber();

    return 0.0;

float AXNodeObject::maxValueForRange() const
    if (hasAttribute(aria_valuemaxAttr))
        return getAttribute(aria_valuemaxAttr).toFloat();

    if (isHTMLInputElement(node())) {
        HTMLInputElement& input = toHTMLInputElement(*node());
        if (input.isRangeControl())
            return input.maximum();

    return 0.0;

float AXNodeObject::minValueForRange() const
    if (hasAttribute(aria_valueminAttr))
        return getAttribute(aria_valueminAttr).toFloat();

    if (isHTMLInputElement(node())) {
        HTMLInputElement& input = toHTMLInputElement(*node());
        if (input.isRangeControl())
            return input.minimum();

    return 0.0;

float AXNodeObject::stepValueForRange() const
    return getAttribute(stepAttr).toFloat();

String AXNodeObject::stringValue() const
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!node)
        return String();

    if (ariaRoleAttribute() == StaticTextRole) {
        String staticText = text();
        if (!staticText.length())
            staticText = textUnderElement();
        return staticText;

    if (node->isTextNode())
        return textUnderElement();

    if (isHTMLSelectElement(*node)) {
        HTMLSelectElement& selectElement = toHTMLSelectElement(*node);
        int selectedIndex = selectElement.selectedIndex();
        const Vector<HTMLElement*> listItems = selectElement.listItems();
        if (selectedIndex >= 0 && static_cast<size_t>(selectedIndex) < listItems.size()) {
            const AtomicString& overriddenDescription = listItems[selectedIndex]->fastGetAttribute(aria_labelAttr);
            if (!overriddenDescription.isNull())
                return overriddenDescription;
        if (!selectElement.multiple())
            return selectElement.value();
        return String();

    if (isTextControl())
        return text();

    // FIXME: We might need to implement a value here for more types
    // FIXME: It would be better not to advertise a value at all for the types for which we don't implement one;
    // this would require subclassing or making accessibilityAttributeNames do something other than return a
    // single static array.
    return String();

String AXNodeObject::ariaDescribedByAttribute() const
    Vector<Element*> elements;
    elementsFromAttribute(elements, aria_describedbyAttr);

    return accessibilityDescriptionForElements(elements);

String AXNodeObject::ariaLabeledByAttribute() const
    Vector<Element*> elements;

    return accessibilityDescriptionForElements(elements);

AccessibilityRole AXNodeObject::ariaRoleAttribute() const
    return m_ariaRole;

// When building the textUnderElement for an object, determine whether or not
// we should include the inner text of this given descendant object or skip it.
static bool shouldUseAccessiblityObjectInnerText(AXObject* obj)
    // Consider this hypothetical example:
    // <div tabindex=0>
    //   <h2>
    //     Table of contents
    //   </h2>
    //   <a href="#start">Jump to start of book</a>
    //   <ul>
    //     <li><a href="#1">Chapter 1</a></li>
    //     <li><a href="#1">Chapter 2</a></li>
    //   </ul>
    // </div>
    // The goal is to return a reasonable title for the outer container div, because
    // it's focusable - but without making its title be the full inner text, which is
    // quite long. As a heuristic, skip links, controls, and elements that are usually
    // containers with lots of children.

    // Skip hidden children
    if (obj->isInertOrAriaHidden())
        return false;

    // Skip focusable children, so we don't include the text of links and controls.
    if (obj->canSetFocusAttribute())
        return false;

    // Skip big container elements like lists, tables, etc.
    if (obj->isList() || obj->isAXTable() || obj->isTree() || obj->isCanvas())
        return false;

    return true;

String AXNodeObject::textUnderElement() const
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (node && node->isTextNode())
        return toText(node)->wholeText();

    StringBuilder builder;
    for (AXObject* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
        if (!shouldUseAccessiblityObjectInnerText(child))

        if (child->isAXNodeObject()) {
            Vector<AccessibilityText> textOrder;
            if (textOrder.size() > 0) {


    return builder.toString();

String AXNodeObject::accessibilityDescription() const
    // Static text should not have a description, it should only have a stringValue.
    if (roleValue() == StaticTextRole)
        return String();

    String ariaDescription = ariaAccessibilityDescription();
    if (!ariaDescription.isEmpty())
        return ariaDescription;

    if (isImage() || isInputImage() || isNativeImage() || isCanvas()) {
        // Images should use alt as long as the attribute is present, even if empty.
        // Otherwise, it should fallback to other methods, like the title attribute.
        const AtomicString& alt = getAttribute(altAttr);
        if (!alt.isNull())
            return alt;

    // An element's descriptive text is comprised of title() (what's visible on the screen) and accessibilityDescription() (other descriptive text).
    // Both are used to generate what a screen reader speaks.
    // If this point is reached (i.e. there's no accessibilityDescription) and there's no title(), we should fallback to using the title attribute.
    // The title attribute is normally used as help text (because it is a tooltip), but if there is nothing else available, this should be used (according to ARIA).
    if (title().isEmpty())
        return getAttribute(titleAttr);

    return String();

String AXNodeObject::title() const
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!node)
        return String();

    bool isInputElement = isHTMLInputElement(*node);
    if (isInputElement) {
        HTMLInputElement& input = toHTMLInputElement(*node);
        if (input.isTextButton())
            return input.valueWithDefault();

    if (isInputElement || AXObject::isARIAInput(ariaRoleAttribute()) || isControl()) {
        HTMLLabelElement* label = labelForElement(toElement(node));
        if (label && !exposesTitleUIElement())
            return label->innerText();

    // If this node isn't rendered, there's no inner text we can extract from a select element.
    if (!isAXRenderObject() && isHTMLSelectElement(*node))
        return String();

    switch (roleValue()) {
    case PopUpButtonRole:
        // Native popup buttons should not use their button children's text as a title. That value is retrieved through stringValue().
        if (isHTMLSelectElement(*node))
            return String();
    case ButtonRole:
    case ToggleButtonRole:
    case CheckBoxRole:
    case ListBoxOptionRole:
    case MenuButtonRole:
    case MenuItemRole:
    case RadioButtonRole:
    case TabRole:
        return textUnderElement();
    // SVGRoots should not use the text under itself as a title. That could include the text of objects like <text>.
    case SVGRootRole:
        return String();

    if (isHeading() || isLink())
        return textUnderElement();

    // If it's focusable but it's not content editable or a known control type, then it will appear to
    // the user as a single atomic object, so we should use its text as the default title.
    if (isGenericFocusableElement())
        return textUnderElement();

    return String();

String AXNodeObject::helpText() const
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!node)
        return String();

    const AtomicString& ariaHelp = getAttribute(aria_helpAttr);
    if (!ariaHelp.isEmpty())
        return ariaHelp;

    String describedBy = ariaDescribedByAttribute();
    if (!describedBy.isEmpty())
        return describedBy;

    String description = accessibilityDescription();
    for (Node* curr = node; curr; curr = curr->parentNode()) {
        if (curr->isHTMLElement()) {
            const AtomicString& summary = toElement(curr)->getAttribute(summaryAttr);
            if (!summary.isEmpty())
                return summary;

            // The title attribute should be used as help text unless it is already being used as descriptive text.
            const AtomicString& title = toElement(curr)->getAttribute(titleAttr);
            if (!title.isEmpty() && description != title)
                return title;

        // Only take help text from an ancestor element if its a group or an unknown role. If help was
        // added to those kinds of elements, it is likely it was meant for a child element.
        AXObject* axObj = axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(curr);
        if (axObj) {
            AccessibilityRole role = axObj->roleValue();
            if (role != GroupRole && role != UnknownRole)

    return String();

LayoutRect AXNodeObject::elementRect() const
    // First check if it has a custom rect, for example if this element is tied to a canvas path.
    if (!m_explicitElementRect.isEmpty())
        return m_explicitElementRect;

    // AXNodeObjects have no mechanism yet to return a size or position.
    // For now, let's return the position of the ancestor that does have a position,
    // and make it the width of that parent, and about the height of a line of text, so that it's clear the object is a child of the parent.

    LayoutRect boundingBox;

    for (AXObject* positionProvider = parentObject(); positionProvider; positionProvider = positionProvider->parentObject()) {
        if (positionProvider->isAXRenderObject()) {
            LayoutRect parentRect = positionProvider->elementRect();
            boundingBox.setSize(LayoutSize(parentRect.width(), LayoutUnit(std::min(10.0f, parentRect.height().toFloat()))));

    return boundingBox;

AXObject* AXNodeObject::parentObject() const
    if (!node())
        return 0;

    Node* parentObj = node()->parentNode();
    if (parentObj)
        return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(parentObj);

    return 0;

AXObject* AXNodeObject::parentObjectIfExists() const
    return parentObject();

AXObject* AXNodeObject::firstChild() const
    if (!node())
        return 0;

    Node* firstChild = node()->firstChild();

    if (!firstChild)
        return 0;

    return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(firstChild);

AXObject* AXNodeObject::nextSibling() const
    if (!node())
        return 0;

    Node* nextSibling = node()->nextSibling();
    if (!nextSibling)
        return 0;

    return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(nextSibling);

void AXNodeObject::addChildren()
    // If the need to add more children in addition to existing children arises,
    // childrenChanged should have been called, leaving the object with no children.

    if (!m_node)

    m_haveChildren = true;

    // The only time we add children from the DOM tree to a node with a renderer is when it's a canvas.
    if (renderer() && !isHTMLCanvasElement(*m_node))

    for (Node* child = m_node->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling())

void AXNodeObject::addChild(AXObject* child)
    insertChild(child, m_children.size());

void AXNodeObject::insertChild(AXObject* child, unsigned index)
    if (!child)

    // If the parent is asking for this child's children, then either it's the first time (and clearing is a no-op),
    // or its visibility has changed. In the latter case, this child may have a stale child cached.
    // This can prevent aria-hidden changes from working correctly. Hence, whenever a parent is getting children, ensure data is not stale.

    if (child->accessibilityIsIgnored()) {
        AccessibilityChildrenVector children = child->children();
        size_t length = children.size();
        for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
            m_children.insert(index + i, children[i]);
    } else {
        ASSERT(child->parentObject() == this);
        m_children.insert(index, child);

bool AXNodeObject::canHaveChildren() const
    // If this is an AXRenderObject, then it's okay if this object
    // doesn't have a node - there are some renderers that don't have associated
    // nodes, like scroll areas and css-generated text.
    if (!node() && !isAXRenderObject())
        return false;

    // Elements that should not have children
    switch (roleValue()) {
    case ImageRole:
    case ButtonRole:
    case PopUpButtonRole:
    case CheckBoxRole:
    case RadioButtonRole:
    case TabRole:
    case ToggleButtonRole:
    case ListBoxOptionRole:
    case ScrollBarRole:
        return false;
    case StaticTextRole:
        if (!axObjectCache()->inlineTextBoxAccessibility())
            return false;
        return true;

Element* AXNodeObject::actionElement() const
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!node)
        return 0;

    if (isHTMLInputElement(*node)) {
        HTMLInputElement& input = toHTMLInputElement(*node);
        if (!input.isDisabledFormControl() && (isCheckboxOrRadio() || input.isTextButton()))
            return &input;
    } else if (isHTMLButtonElement(*node)) {
        return toElement(node);

    if (isFileUploadButton())
        return toElement(node);

    if (AXObject::isARIAInput(ariaRoleAttribute()))
        return toElement(node);

    if (isImageButton())
        return toElement(node);

    if (isHTMLSelectElement(*node))
        return toElement(node);

    switch (roleValue()) {
    case ButtonRole:
    case PopUpButtonRole:
    case ToggleButtonRole:
    case TabRole:
    case MenuItemRole:
    case ListItemRole:
        return toElement(node);

    Element* elt = anchorElement();
    if (!elt)
        elt = mouseButtonListener();
    return elt;

Element* AXNodeObject::anchorElement() const
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!node)
        return 0;

    AXObjectCache* cache = axObjectCache();

    // search up the DOM tree for an anchor element
    // NOTE: this assumes that any non-image with an anchor is an HTMLAnchorElement
    for ( ; node; node = node->parentNode()) {
        if (isHTMLAnchorElement(*node) || (node->renderer() && cache->getOrCreate(node->renderer())->isAnchor()))
            return toElement(node);

    return 0;

Document* AXNodeObject::document() const
    if (!node())
        return 0;
    return &node()->document();

void AXNodeObject::setNode(Node* node)
    m_node = node;

AXObject* AXNodeObject::correspondingControlForLabelElement() const
    HTMLLabelElement* labelElement = labelElementContainer();
    if (!labelElement)
        return 0;

    HTMLElement* correspondingControl = labelElement->control();
    if (!correspondingControl)
        return 0;

    // Make sure the corresponding control isn't a descendant of this label
    // that's in the middle of being destroyed.
    if (correspondingControl->renderer() && !correspondingControl->renderer()->parent())
        return 0;

    return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(correspondingControl);

HTMLLabelElement* AXNodeObject::labelElementContainer() const
    if (!node())
        return 0;

    // the control element should not be considered part of the label
    if (isControl())
        return 0;

    // find if this has a ancestor that is a label
    return Traversal<HTMLLabelElement>::firstAncestorOrSelf(*node());

void AXNodeObject::setFocused(bool on)
    if (!canSetFocusAttribute())

    Document* document = this->document();
    if (!on) {
    } else {
        Node* node = this->node();
        if (node && node->isElementNode()) {
            // If this node is already the currently focused node, then calling focus() won't do anything.
            // That is a problem when focus is removed from the webpage to chrome, and then returns.
            // In these cases, we need to do what keyboard and mouse focus do, which is reset focus first.
            if (document->focusedElement() == node)

        } else {

void AXNodeObject::increment()
    UserGestureIndicator gestureIndicator(DefinitelyProcessingNewUserGesture);

void AXNodeObject::decrement()
    UserGestureIndicator gestureIndicator(DefinitelyProcessingNewUserGesture);

void AXNodeObject::childrenChanged()
    // This method is meant as a quick way of marking a portion of the accessibility tree dirty.
    if (!node() && !renderer())

    axObjectCache()->postNotification(this, document(), AXObjectCache::AXChildrenChanged, true);

    // Go up the accessibility parent chain, but only if the element already exists. This method is
    // called during render layouts, minimal work should be done.
    // If AX elements are created now, they could interrogate the render tree while it's in a funky state.
    // At the same time, process ARIA live region changes.
    for (AXObject* parent = this; parent; parent = parent->parentObjectIfExists()) {

        // These notifications always need to be sent because screenreaders are reliant on them to perform.
        // In other words, they need to be sent even when the screen reader has not accessed this live region since the last update.

        // If this element supports ARIA live regions, then notify the AT of changes.
        if (parent->supportsARIALiveRegion())
            axObjectCache()->postNotification(parent, parent->document(), AXObjectCache::AXLiveRegionChanged, true);

        // If this element is an ARIA text box or content editable, post a "value changed" notification on it
        // so that it behaves just like a native input element or textarea.
        if (isNonNativeTextControl())
            axObjectCache()->postNotification(parent, parent->document(), AXObjectCache::AXValueChanged, true);

void AXNodeObject::selectionChanged()
    // Post the selected text changed event on the first ancestor that's
    // focused (to handle form controls, ARIA text boxes and contentEditable),
    // or the web area if the selection is just in the document somewhere.
    if (isFocused() || isWebArea())
        axObjectCache()->postNotification(this, document(), AXObjectCache::AXSelectedTextChanged, true);
        AXObject::selectionChanged(); // Calls selectionChanged on parent.

void AXNodeObject::textChanged()
    // If this element supports ARIA live regions, or is part of a region with an ARIA editable role,
    // then notify the AT of changes.
    AXObjectCache* cache = axObjectCache();
    for (Node* parentNode = node(); parentNode; parentNode = parentNode->parentNode()) {
        AXObject* parent = cache->get(parentNode);
        if (!parent)

        if (parent->supportsARIALiveRegion())
            cache->postNotification(parentNode, AXObjectCache::AXLiveRegionChanged, true);

        // If this element is an ARIA text box or content editable, post a "value changed" notification on it
        // so that it behaves just like a native input element or textarea.
        if (parent->isNonNativeTextControl())
            cache->postNotification(parentNode, AXObjectCache::AXValueChanged, true);

void AXNodeObject::updateAccessibilityRole()
    bool ignoredStatus = accessibilityIsIgnored();
    m_role = determineAccessibilityRole();

    // The AX hierarchy only needs to be updated if the ignored status of an element has changed.
    if (ignoredStatus != accessibilityIsIgnored())

String AXNodeObject::alternativeTextForWebArea() const
    // The WebArea description should follow this order:
    //     aria-label on the <html>
    //     title on the <html>
    //     <title> inside the <head> (of it was set through JS)
    //     name on the <html>
    // For iframes:
    //     aria-label on the <iframe>
    //     title on the <iframe>
    //     name on the <iframe>

    Document* document = this->document();
    if (!document)
        return String();

    // Check if the HTML element has an aria-label for the webpage.
    if (Element* documentElement = document->documentElement()) {
        const AtomicString& ariaLabel = documentElement->getAttribute(aria_labelAttr);
        if (!ariaLabel.isEmpty())
            return ariaLabel;

    Node* owner = document->ownerElement();
    if (owner) {
        if (isHTMLFrameElementBase(*owner)) {
            const AtomicString& title = toElement(owner)->getAttribute(titleAttr);
            if (!title.isEmpty())
                return title;
            return toElement(owner)->getNameAttribute();
        if (owner->isHTMLElement())
            return toHTMLElement(owner)->getNameAttribute();

    String documentTitle = document->title();
    if (!documentTitle.isEmpty())
        return documentTitle;

    owner = document->body();
    if (owner && owner->isHTMLElement())
        return toHTMLElement(owner)->getNameAttribute();

    return String();

void AXNodeObject::alternativeText(Vector<AccessibilityText>& textOrder) const
    if (isWebArea()) {
        String webAreaText = alternativeTextForWebArea();
        if (!webAreaText.isEmpty())
            textOrder.append(AccessibilityText(webAreaText, AlternativeText));


    const AtomicString& ariaLabel = getAttribute(aria_labelAttr);
    if (!ariaLabel.isEmpty())
        textOrder.append(AccessibilityText(ariaLabel, AlternativeText));

    if (isImage() || isInputImage() || isNativeImage() || isCanvas()) {
        // Images should use alt as long as the attribute is present, even if empty.
        // Otherwise, it should fallback to other methods, like the title attribute.
        const AtomicString& alt = getAttribute(altAttr);
        if (!alt.isNull())
            textOrder.append(AccessibilityText(alt, AlternativeText));

void AXNodeObject::ariaLabeledByText(Vector<AccessibilityText>& textOrder) const
    String ariaLabeledBy = ariaLabeledByAttribute();
    if (!ariaLabeledBy.isEmpty()) {
        Vector<Element*> elements;

        unsigned length = elements.size();
        for (unsigned k = 0; k < length; k++) {
            RefPtr<AXObject> axElement = axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(elements[k]);
            textOrder.append(AccessibilityText(ariaLabeledBy, AlternativeText, axElement));

void AXNodeObject::changeValueByPercent(float percentChange)
    float range = maxValueForRange() - minValueForRange();
    float value = valueForRange();

    value += range * (percentChange / 100);

    axObjectCache()->postNotification(node(), AXObjectCache::AXValueChanged, true);

} // namespace WebCore

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