offset_            40 ash/ime/   void set_offset(int offset) { offset_ = offset; }
offset_            48 ash/ime/         anchor_rect.x() - offset_,
offset_            70 ash/ime/   int offset_;
offset_            33 base/files/dir_reader_linux.h         offset_(0),
offset_            52 base/files/dir_reader_linux.h       linux_dirent* dirent = reinterpret_cast<linux_dirent*>(&buf_[offset_]);
offset_            53 base/files/dir_reader_linux.h       offset_ += dirent->d_reclen;
offset_            56 base/files/dir_reader_linux.h     if (offset_ != size_)
offset_            67 base/files/dir_reader_linux.h     offset_ = 0;
offset_            76 base/files/dir_reader_linux.h         reinterpret_cast<const linux_dirent*>(&buf_[offset_]);
offset_            91 base/files/dir_reader_linux.h   size_t offset_, size_;
offset_           134 base/memory/         offset_(offset),
offset_           147 base/memory/     return LockAshmemRegion(fd_, offset_, size_);
offset_           153 base/memory/     UnlockAshmemRegion(fd_, offset_, size_);
offset_           164 base/memory/   const size_t offset_;
offset_           221 base/memory/     if (size_ - offset_ < actual_size) {
offset_           226 base/memory/     void* const address = static_cast<char*>(base_) + offset_;
offset_           228 base/memory/         new DiscardableAshmemChunk(this, fd_, address, offset_, actual_size));
offset_           233 base/memory/     offset_ += actual_size;
offset_           234 base/memory/     DCHECK_LE(offset_, size_);
offset_           457 base/memory/   size_t offset_;
offset_           478 base/memory/     UnlockAshmemRegion(fd_, offset_, size_);
offset_            32 chrome/browser/chromeos/drive/fileapi/       offset_(offset),
offset_            54 chrome/browser/chromeos/drive/fileapi/   byte_range.set_first_byte_position(offset_);
offset_            80 chrome/browser/chromeos/drive/fileapi/   byte_range.set_first_byte_position(offset_);
offset_            74 chrome/browser/chromeos/drive/fileapi/webkit_file_stream_reader_impl.h   const int64 offset_;
offset_            53 chrome/browser/chromeos/drive/fileapi/       offset_(offset),
offset_           172 chrome/browser/chromeos/drive/fileapi/       file_task_runner_.get(), local_path, offset_,
offset_            67 chrome/browser/chromeos/drive/fileapi/webkit_file_stream_writer_impl.h   const int64 offset_;
offset_            62 chrome/browser/notifications/balloon.h     return position_ + offset_;
offset_            66 chrome/browser/notifications/balloon.h   const gfx::Vector2d& offset() const { return offset_; }
offset_            67 chrome/browser/notifications/balloon.h   void set_offset(const gfx::Vector2d& offset) { offset_ = offset; }
offset_            68 chrome/browser/notifications/balloon.h   void add_offset(const gfx::Vector2d& offset) { offset_.Add(offset); }
offset_           135 chrome/browser/notifications/balloon.h   gfx::Vector2d offset_;
offset_           591 chrome/browser/ui/views/       offset_(0),
offset_           846 chrome/browser/ui/views/       offset_ = 0;
offset_           854 chrome/browser/ui/views/       offset_ = offset;
offset_           856 chrome/browser/ui/views/                                   top_left.y() + position_.y() + offset_,
offset_           859 chrome/browser/ui/views/   } else if (offset_ != 0 ||
offset_           861 chrome/browser/ui/views/     offset_ = 0;
offset_           128 chrome/browser/ui/views/status_bubble_views.h   int offset_;
offset_           211 chrome/installer/util/     : offset_(arraysize(kLanguageOffsetPairs)) {
offset_           222 chrome/installer/util/     : offset_(arraysize(kLanguageOffsetPairs)) {
offset_           283 chrome/installer/util/                 &offset_) &&
offset_           285 chrome/installer/util/                 &offset_)) {
offset_           291 chrome/installer/util/     offset_ = kFallbackLanguageOffset;
offset_            32 chrome/installer/util/language_selector.h   int offset() const { return offset_; }
offset_            38 chrome/installer/util/language_selector.h   std::wstring selected_translation() const { return GetLanguageName(offset_); }
offset_            52 chrome/installer/util/language_selector.h   int offset_;
offset_            32 content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view_mac_dictionary_helper.h   void set_offset(const gfx::Vector2d& offset) { offset_ = offset; }
offset_            45 content/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view_mac_dictionary_helper.h   gfx::Vector2d offset_;
offset_           117 content/renderer/media/       offset_(0),
offset_           157 content/renderer/media/     offset_ = first_byte_position_;
offset_           255 content/renderer/media/   if (read_position_ > offset_ + kint32max ||
offset_           256 content/renderer/media/       read_position_ < offset_ + kint32min) {
offset_           269 content/renderer/media/   first_offset_ = read_position_ - offset_;
offset_           287 content/renderer/media/     offset_ += advance;
offset_           462 content/renderer/media/     offset_ += first_offset_ + excess;
offset_           466 content/renderer/media/   progress_cb_.Run(offset_ + buffer_.forward_bytes() - 1);
offset_           497 content/renderer/media/     instance_size_ = offset_ + buffer_.forward_bytes();
offset_           679 content/renderer/media/   offset_ += first_offset_ + read;
offset_           780 content/renderer/media/           offset_ - buffer_.backward_bytes(),
offset_           781 content/renderer/media/           offset_,
offset_           782 content/renderer/media/           offset_ + buffer_.forward_bytes()));
offset_           294 content/renderer/media/buffered_resource_loader.h   int64 offset_;
offset_           248 content/renderer/media/     EXPECT_EQ(loader_->offset_, expected_offset);
offset_           172 content/renderer/   gfx::Point offset() { return offset_; }
offset_           199 content/renderer/   gfx::Point offset_;
offset_           270 content/renderer/     offset_.set_x(
offset_           272 content/renderer/     offset_.set_y(
offset_           276 content/renderer/     offset_.SetPoint(0, 0);
offset_           301 content/renderer/       original_screen_info_.deviceScaleFactor, offset_, scale_);
offset_           341 content/renderer/   params->x += offset_.x();
offset_           343 content/renderer/   params->y += offset_.y();
offset_            33 courgette/disassembler_elf_32.h     explicit TypedRVA(RVA rva) : rva_(rva), offset_(-1) {
offset_            51 courgette/disassembler_elf_32.h       return offset_;
offset_            55 courgette/disassembler_elf_32.h       offset_ = offset;
offset_            74 courgette/disassembler_elf_32.h     size_t offset_;
offset_           164 gin/     : offset_(0),
offset_           171 gin/       offset_(view->ByteOffset()),
offset_            60 gin/array_buffer.h     return static_cast<uint8_t*>(array_buffer_.bytes()) + offset_;
offset_            66 gin/array_buffer.h   size_t offset_;
offset_            79 gpu/command_buffer/service/buffer_manager.h         : offset_(offset),
offset_            87 gpu/command_buffer/service/buffer_manager.h         if (lhs.offset_ != rhs.offset_) {
offset_            88 gpu/command_buffer/service/buffer_manager.h           return lhs.offset_ < rhs.offset_;
offset_            98 gpu/command_buffer/service/buffer_manager.h     GLuint offset_;
offset_           167 gpu/command_buffer/service/       offset_(offset),
offset_           207 gpu/command_buffer/service/   start_time_ = (timestamp / base::Time::kNanosecondsPerMicrosecond) + offset_;
offset_           210 gpu/command_buffer/service/   end_time_ = (timestamp / base::Time::kNanosecondsPerMicrosecond) + offset_;
offset_           133 gpu/command_buffer/service/gpu_tracer.h   int64 offset_;
offset_            33 gpu/command_buffer/service/       offset_(0),
offset_            60 gpu/command_buffer/service/   offset_ = offset;
offset_            80 gpu/command_buffer/service/   if (offset_ > buffer_size || real_stride_ == 0) {
offset_            84 gpu/command_buffer/service/   uint32 usable_size = buffer_size - offset_;
offset_            41 gpu/command_buffer/service/vertex_attrib_manager.h     return offset_;
offset_           137 gpu/command_buffer/service/vertex_attrib_manager.h   GLsizei offset_;
offset_            17 media/base/       offset_(0),
offset_            24 media/base/   offset_ = 0;
offset_            51 media/base/     offset_ = 0;
offset_            52 media/base/   } else if ((offset_ + used_ + size) > size_) {
offset_            55 media/base/     offset_ = 0;
offset_            72 media/base/   offset_ += count;
offset_            76 media/base/   if (offset_ == size_) {
offset_            78 media/base/     offset_ = 0;
offset_            82 media/base/ uint8* ByteQueue::front() const { return buffer_.get() + offset_; }
offset_            48 media/base/byte_queue.h   size_t offset_;
offset_            34 mojo/system/ RawChannel::WriteBuffer::WriteBuffer() : offset_(0) {}
offset_            50 mojo/system/     DCHECK_LT(offset_, message->main_buffer_size());
offset_            53 mojo/system/         static_cast<const char*>(message->main_buffer()) + offset_,
offset_            59 mojo/system/   if (offset_ >= message->main_buffer_size()) {
offset_            61 mojo/system/     DCHECK_LT(offset_ - message->main_buffer_size(),
offset_            66 mojo/system/             (offset_ - message->main_buffer_size()),
offset_            73 mojo/system/   DCHECK_EQ(bytes_to_write, message->main_buffer_size() - offset_ +
offset_            76 mojo/system/       static_cast<const char*>(message->main_buffer()) + offset_,
offset_            77 mojo/system/       message->main_buffer_size() - offset_};
offset_            90 mojo/system/   DCHECK_LT(offset_, message->total_size());
offset_            91 mojo/system/   return message->total_size() - offset_;
offset_           171 mojo/system/   DCHECK_EQ(write_buffer_->offset_, 0u);
offset_           343 mojo/system/       write_buffer_->offset_ += bytes_written;
offset_           349 mojo/system/       write_buffer_->offset_ = 0;
offset_           362 mojo/system/   write_buffer_->offset_ = 0;
offset_           147 mojo/system/raw_channel.h     size_t offset_;
offset_            98 net/base/   if (offset_ > capacity)
offset_           101 net/base/     set_offset(offset_);  // The pointer may have changed.
offset_           107 net/base/   offset_ = offset;
offset_           112 net/base/   return capacity_ - offset_;
offset_           198 net/base/io_buffer.h   int offset() { return offset_; }
offset_           208 net/base/io_buffer.h   int offset_;
offset_            30 net/base/   offset_ = 0;
offset_            39 net/base/   return length_ - offset_;
offset_            58 net/base/     memcpy(buf->data(), bytes_ + offset_, num_bytes_to_read);
offset_            60 net/base/   offset_ += num_bytes_to_read;
offset_            41 net/base/upload_bytes_element_reader.h   uint64 offset_;
offset_            98 net/disk_cache/blockfile/       : backend_(backend->GetWeakPtr()), offset_(0), grow_allowed_(true) {
offset_           129 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   int Start() { return offset_; }
offset_           130 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   int End() { return offset_ + Size(); }
offset_           137 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   int offset_;
offset_           149 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   if (offset < offset_)
offset_           161 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   int required = offset - offset_ + len;
offset_           167 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   DCHECK_GE(offset, offset_);
offset_           168 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   DVLOG(3) << "Buffer truncate at " << offset << " current " << offset_;
offset_           170 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   offset -= offset_;
offset_           179 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   DCHECK_GE(offset, offset_);
offset_           180 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   DVLOG(3) << "Buffer write at " << offset << " current " << offset_;
offset_           183 net/disk_cache/blockfile/     offset_ = offset;
offset_           185 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   offset -= offset_;
offset_           211 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   if (offset < offset_) {
offset_           218 net/disk_cache/blockfile/     *len = std::min(*len, offset_ - offset);
offset_           229 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   return (offset - offset_ < Size());
offset_           235 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   DCHECK(Size() || offset < offset_);
offset_           238 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   if (offset < offset_) {
offset_           240 net/disk_cache/blockfile/     clean_bytes = std::min(offset_ - offset, len);
offset_           244 net/disk_cache/blockfile/     offset = offset_;
offset_           248 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   int start = offset - offset_;
offset_           266 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   offset_ = 0;
offset_            47 net/disk_cache/blockfile/       : backend_(backend->GetWeakPtr()), offset_(0), grow_allowed_(true) {
offset_            78 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   int Start() { return offset_; }
offset_            79 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   int End() { return offset_ + Size(); }
offset_            86 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   int offset_;
offset_            98 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   if (offset < offset_)
offset_           110 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   int required = offset - offset_ + len;
offset_           116 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   DCHECK_GE(offset, offset_);
offset_           117 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   DVLOG(3) << "Buffer truncate at " << offset << " current " << offset_;
offset_           119 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   offset -= offset_;
offset_           128 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   DCHECK_GE(offset, offset_);
offset_           129 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   DVLOG(3) << "Buffer write at " << offset << " current " << offset_;
offset_           132 net/disk_cache/blockfile/     offset_ = offset;
offset_           134 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   offset -= offset_;
offset_           160 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   if (offset < offset_) {
offset_           167 net/disk_cache/blockfile/     *len = std::min(*len, offset_ - offset);
offset_           178 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   return (offset - offset_ < Size());
offset_           184 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   DCHECK(Size() || offset < offset_);
offset_           187 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   if (offset < offset_) {
offset_           189 net/disk_cache/blockfile/     clean_bytes = std::min(offset_ - offset, len);
offset_           193 net/disk_cache/blockfile/     offset = offset_;
offset_           197 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   int start = offset - offset_;
offset_           215 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   offset_ = 0;
offset_            57 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   size_t offset_;
offset_            93 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   if (file_->Read(const_cast<void*>(buf_), buf_len_, offset_)) {
offset_           103 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   bool rv = file_->Write(buf_, buf_len_, offset_);
offset_            32 net/disk_cache/blockfile/       offset_(0),
offset_           164 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   offset_ = offset;
offset_           174 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   offset_ = offset;
offset_           294 net/disk_cache/blockfile/           entry_->ReadDataImpl(index_, offset_, buf_.get(), buf_len_,
offset_           299 net/disk_cache/blockfile/           entry_->WriteDataImpl(index_, offset_, buf_.get(), buf_len_,
offset_           134 net/disk_cache/blockfile/in_flight_backend_io.h   int offset_;
offset_           197 net/disk_cache/blockfile/       offset_(0),
offset_           268 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   offset_ = offset;
offset_           281 net/disk_cache/blockfile/         CreateNetLogSparseOperationCallback(offset_, buf_len_));
offset_           308 net/disk_cache/blockfile/     *start = offset_;
offset_           510 net/disk_cache/blockfile/                            offset_ >> 20);
offset_           548 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   int child_bit = static_cast<int>(offset_ >> 20);
offset_           556 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   int child_bit = static_cast<int>(offset_ >> 20);
offset_           580 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   child_offset_ = static_cast<int>(offset_) & (kMaxEntrySize - 1);
offset_           690 net/disk_cache/blockfile/         CreateNetLogGetAvailableRangeResultCallback(offset_, result_));
offset_           808 net/disk_cache/blockfile/     offset_ += empty_start;
offset_           826 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   offset_ += result;
offset_           165 net/disk_cache/blockfile/sparse_control.h   int64 offset_;  // Current sparse offset.
offset_           199 net/disk_cache/blockfile/       offset_(0),
offset_           247 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   offset_ = offset;
offset_           260 net/disk_cache/blockfile/         CreateNetLogSparseOperationCallback(offset_, buf_len_));
offset_           287 net/disk_cache/blockfile/     *start = offset_;
offset_           621 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   offset_ += result;
offset_           631 net/disk_cache/blockfile/                            offset_ >> 20);
offset_           648 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   int child_bit = static_cast<int>(offset_ >> 20);
offset_           656 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   int child_bit = static_cast<int>(offset_ >> 20);
offset_           668 net/disk_cache/blockfile/   child_offset_ = static_cast<int>(offset_) & (kMaxEntrySize - 1);
offset_           809 net/disk_cache/blockfile/     offset_ += empty_start;
offset_           163 net/disk_cache/blockfile/sparse_control_v3.h   int64 offset_;  // Current sparse offset.
offset_            40 net/disk_cache/simple/       offset_(other.offset_),
offset_           297 net/disk_cache/simple/   int end = (type_ == TYPE_WRITE && truncate_) ? INT_MAX : offset_ + length_;
offset_           301 net/disk_cache/simple/   return offset_ < other_op_end && other_op.offset() < end;
offset_           328 net/disk_cache/simple/       offset_(offset),
offset_           103 net/disk_cache/simple/simple_entry_operation.h   int offset() const { return offset_; }
offset_           137 net/disk_cache/simple/simple_entry_operation.h   const int offset_;
offset_            54 net/spdy/   const size_t offset_;
offset_            81 net/spdy/   return shared_frame_->data->data() + offset_;
offset_            85 net/spdy/   return shared_frame_->data->size() - offset_;
offset_            97 net/spdy/   return new SharedFrameIOBuffer(shared_frame_, offset_);
offset_           104 net/spdy/   offset_ += consume_size;
offset_            97 net/spdy/spdy_buffer.h   size_t offset_;
offset_            74 net/spdy/     reads_.push_back(CreateMockRead(frame, offset_++));
offset_            78 net/spdy/     writes_.push_back(CreateMockWrite(frame, offset_++));
offset_            82 net/spdy/     reads_.push_back(MockRead(ASYNC, 0, offset_++));
offset_           109 net/spdy/   int offset_;
offset_           264 net/tools/dump_cache/   int offset_;
offset_           457 net/tools/dump_cache/   offset_ = 0;
offset_           473 net/tools/dump_cache/            offset_);
offset_           486 net/tools/dump_cache/   msg.arg3 = offset_;
offset_           508 net/tools/dump_cache/       entry_, stream_, offset_, buf, read_size,
offset_           519 net/tools/dump_cache/   offset_ += read_size;
offset_           529 net/tools/dump_cache/   offset_ += ret;
offset_           121 net/url_request/       offset_(0),
offset_           134 net/url_request/       offset_(0),
offset_           151 net/url_request/       offset_(0),
offset_           229 net/url_request/   if (offset_ >= static_cast<int>(response_data_.length())) {
offset_           234 net/url_request/   if (to_read + offset_ > static_cast<int>(response_data_.length()))
offset_           235 net/url_request/     to_read = static_cast<int>(response_data_.length()) - offset_;
offset_           237 net/url_request/   memcpy(buf->data(), &response_data_.c_str()[offset_], to_read);
offset_           238 net/url_request/   offset_ += to_read;
offset_           163 net/url_request/url_request_test_job.h   int offset_;
offset_           267 net/websockets/       offset_(offset),
offset_           278 net/websockets/   DCHECK_LE(offset_, size_);
offset_           279 net/websockets/   DCHECK_LE(bytes, size_ - offset_);
offset_           280 net/websockets/   offset_ += bytes;
offset_           142 net/websockets/websocket_channel.h     size_t offset() const { return offset_; }
offset_           157 net/websockets/websocket_channel.h     size_t offset_;
offset_            71 ppapi/proxy/     offset_(offset),
offset_            83 ppapi/proxy/       file_handle_->raw_handle(), offset_, buffer_.get(), bytes_to_read_);
offset_            92 ppapi/proxy/     offset_(offset),
offset_           109 ppapi/proxy/         file_handle_->raw_handle(), offset_, buffer_, bytes_to_write_);
offset_           146 ppapi/proxy/file_io_resource.h     int64_t offset_;
offset_           169 ppapi/proxy/file_io_resource.h     int64_t offset_;
offset_            69 sandbox/win/src/crosscall_params.h   uint32 offset_;
offset_           203 sandbox/win/src/crosscall_params.h     param_info_[0].offset_ = parameters_ - reinterpret_cast<char*>(this);
offset_           210 sandbox/win/src/crosscall_params.h     param_info_[0].offset_ = parameters_ - reinterpret_cast<char*>(this);
offset_           216 sandbox/win/src/crosscall_params.h     uint32 previous_size = param_info_[NUMBER_PARAMS].offset_;
offset_           217 sandbox/win/src/crosscall_params.h     param_info_[NUMBER_PARAMS].offset_ = new_size;
offset_           239 sandbox/win/src/crosscall_params.h         (param_info_[index].offset_ > (sizeof(*this) - size))) {
offset_           244 sandbox/win/src/crosscall_params.h     char* dest = reinterpret_cast<char*>(this) +  param_info_[index].offset_;
offset_           260 sandbox/win/src/crosscall_params.h     param_info_[index + 1].offset_ = Align(param_info_[index].offset_ +
offset_           269 sandbox/win/src/crosscall_params.h     return reinterpret_cast<char*>(this) + param_info_[index].offset_;
offset_           275 sandbox/win/src/crosscall_params.h     return param_info_[NUMBER_PARAMS].offset_;
offset_           211 sandbox/win/src/   return param_info_[index].offset_ + reinterpret_cast<char*>(this);
offset_            39 third_party/libwebp/demux/demux.c   size_t offset_;
offset_           223 third_party/libwebp/demux/demux.c           frame->img_components_[1].offset_ = chunk_start_offset;
offset_           251 third_party/libwebp/demux/demux.c           frame->img_components_[0].offset_ = chunk_start_offset;
offset_           385 third_party/libwebp/demux/demux.c   chunk->data_.offset_ = start_offset;
offset_           440 third_party/libwebp/demux/demux.c       frame->img_components_[1].offset_ = 0;
offset_           659 third_party/libwebp/demux/demux.c         if (alpha->size_ > 0 && alpha->offset_ > image->offset_) {
offset_           670 third_party/libwebp/demux/demux.c             alpha->offset_ > image->offset_) {
offset_           825 third_party/libwebp/demux/demux.c     size_t start_offset = image->offset_;
offset_           831 third_party/libwebp/demux/demux.c       const size_t inter_size = (image->offset_ > 0)
offset_           832 third_party/libwebp/demux/demux.c                               ? image->offset_ - (alpha->offset_ + alpha->size_)
offset_           834 third_party/libwebp/demux/demux.c       start_offset = alpha->offset_;
offset_           930 third_party/libwebp/demux/demux.c     const uint8_t* const header = mem_buf + c->data_.offset_;
offset_           942 third_party/libwebp/demux/demux.c     const uint8_t* const header = mem_buf + c->data_.offset_;
offset_           962 third_party/libwebp/demux/demux.c     iter->chunk.bytes = mem_buf + chunk->data_.offset_ + CHUNK_HEADER_SIZE;
offset_           290 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/   size_t offset_;   // normally 0 unless memaligned memory
offset_           382 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/     offset_ = 0;
offset_           477 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/   void set_offset(int offset) { this->offset_ = offset; }
offset_           734 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/                 reinterpret_cast<char *>(mb) - mb->offset_);
offset_           749 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/     return mb->offset_ != 0;
offset_           292 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/   size_t offset_;   // normally 0 unless memaligned memory
offset_           384 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/     offset_ = 0;
offset_           479 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/   void set_offset(int offset) { this->offset_ = offset; }
offset_           738 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/                 reinterpret_cast<char *>(mb) - mb->offset_);
offset_           431 ui/events/     offset_.set_x(offset_.x() * decomp.scale[0]);
offset_           433 ui/events/     offset_.set_y(offset_.y() * decomp.scale[1]);
offset_           423 ui/events/event.h         offset_(model.x_offset(), model.y_offset()){
offset_           428 ui/events/event.h   int x_offset() const { return offset_.x(); }
offset_           429 ui/events/event.h   int y_offset() const { return offset_.y(); }
offset_           430 ui/events/event.h   const gfx::Vector2d& offset() const { return offset_; }
offset_           437 ui/events/event.h   gfx::Vector2d offset_;
offset_            23 ui/gfx/     : offset_(offset),
offset_            33 ui/gfx/       gfx::ToFlooredPoint(gfx::ScalePoint(offset_, scale));
offset_            40 ui/gfx/       offset_.x(), offset_.y(),
offset_            30 ui/gfx/shadow_value.h   int x() const { return offset_.x(); }
offset_            31 ui/gfx/shadow_value.h   int y() const { return offset_.y(); }
offset_            32 ui/gfx/shadow_value.h   const gfx::Point& offset() const { return offset_; }
offset_            45 ui/gfx/shadow_value.h   gfx::Point offset_;
offset_            12 webkit/common/       offset_(0),
offset_            24 webkit/common/   offset_ = offset;
offset_            34 webkit/common/   offset_ = offset;
offset_            44 webkit/common/   offset_ = offset;
offset_            40 webkit/common/data_element.h   uint64 offset() const { return offset_; }
offset_            92 webkit/common/data_element.h   uint64 offset_;