
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. size_
  2. size_
  3. string_data_
  4. used_
  5. DidConsume
  6. BytesRemaining
  7. BytesConsumed
  8. SetOffset
  9. offset_
  10. SetCapacity
  11. set_offset
  12. RemainingCapacity
  13. StartOfBuffer
  14. Done

// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"

#include "base/logging.h"

namespace net {

    : data_(NULL) {

IOBuffer::IOBuffer(int buffer_size) {
  CHECK_GE(buffer_size, 0);
  data_ = new char[buffer_size];

IOBuffer::IOBuffer(char* data)
    : data_(data) {

IOBuffer::~IOBuffer() {
  delete[] data_;
  data_ = NULL;

IOBufferWithSize::IOBufferWithSize(int size)
    : IOBuffer(size),
      size_(size) {

IOBufferWithSize::IOBufferWithSize(char* data, int size)
    : IOBuffer(data),
      size_(size) {

IOBufferWithSize::~IOBufferWithSize() {

StringIOBuffer::StringIOBuffer(const std::string& s)
    : IOBuffer(static_cast<char*>(NULL)),
      string_data_(s) {
  CHECK_LT(s.size(), static_cast<size_t>(INT_MAX));
  data_ = const_cast<char*>(;

StringIOBuffer::~StringIOBuffer() {
  // We haven't allocated the buffer, so remove it before the base class
  // destructor tries to delete[] it.
  data_ = NULL;

DrainableIOBuffer::DrainableIOBuffer(IOBuffer* base, int size)
    : IOBuffer(base->data()),
      used_(0) {

void DrainableIOBuffer::DidConsume(int bytes) {
  SetOffset(used_ + bytes);

int DrainableIOBuffer::BytesRemaining() const {
  return size_ - used_;

// Returns the number of consumed bytes.
int DrainableIOBuffer::BytesConsumed() const {
  return used_;

void DrainableIOBuffer::SetOffset(int bytes) {
  DCHECK_GE(bytes, 0);
  DCHECK_LE(bytes, size_);
  used_ = bytes;
  data_ = base_->data() + used_;

DrainableIOBuffer::~DrainableIOBuffer() {
  // The buffer is owned by the |base_| instance.
  data_ = NULL;

    : IOBuffer(),
      offset_(0) {

void GrowableIOBuffer::SetCapacity(int capacity) {
  DCHECK_GE(capacity, 0);
  // realloc will crash if it fails.
  real_data_.reset(static_cast<char*>(realloc(real_data_.release(), capacity)));
  capacity_ = capacity;
  if (offset_ > capacity)
    set_offset(offset_);  // The pointer may have changed.

void GrowableIOBuffer::set_offset(int offset) {
  DCHECK_GE(offset, 0);
  DCHECK_LE(offset, capacity_);
  offset_ = offset;
  data_ = real_data_.get() + offset;

int GrowableIOBuffer::RemainingCapacity() {
  return capacity_ - offset_;

char* GrowableIOBuffer::StartOfBuffer() {
  return real_data_.get();

GrowableIOBuffer::~GrowableIOBuffer() {
  data_ = NULL;

PickledIOBuffer::PickledIOBuffer() : IOBuffer() {}

void PickledIOBuffer::Done() {
  data_ = const_cast<char*>(static_cast<const char*>(;

PickledIOBuffer::~PickledIOBuffer() { data_ = NULL; }

WrappedIOBuffer::WrappedIOBuffer(const char* data)
    : IOBuffer(const_cast<char*>(data)) {

WrappedIOBuffer::~WrappedIOBuffer() {
  data_ = NULL;

}  // namespace net

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */