
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. HasAuthError
  2. IsExitConditionSatisfied
  3. GetDebugMessage
  4. IsExitConditionSatisfied
  5. GetDebugMessage
  6. AwaitSyncSetupCompletion
  7. Create
  8. profile_debug_name_
  9. SetCredentials
  10. SetupSync
  11. SetupSync
  12. AwaitMutualSyncCycleCompletion
  13. AwaitGroupSyncCycleCompletion
  14. AwaitQuiescence
  15. GenerateFakeOAuth2RefreshTokenString
  16. IsSyncDisabled
  17. FinishSyncSetup
  18. GetLastSessionSnapshot
  19. EnableSyncForDatatype
  20. DisableSyncForDatatype
  21. EnableSyncForAllDatatypes
  22. DisableSyncForAllDatatypes
  23. GetClientInfoString
  24. IsTypePreferred
  25. GetServiceStatus

// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/browser/sync/test/integration/profile_sync_service_harness.h"

#include <cstddef>
#include <iterator>
#include <ostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>

#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/json/json_writer.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/invalidation/p2p_invalidation_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/browser/signin/profile_oauth2_token_service_factory.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/about_sync_util.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service_factory.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/test/integration/quiesce_status_change_checker.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/test/integration/single_client_status_change_checker.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h"
#include "chrome/common/pref_names.h"
#include "components/signin/core/browser/profile_oauth2_token_service.h"
#include "components/signin/core/browser/signin_manager_base.h"
#include "components/sync_driver/data_type_controller.h"
#include "google_apis/gaia/gaia_constants.h"
#include "sync/internal_api/public/base/progress_marker_map.h"
#include "sync/internal_api/public/util/sync_string_conversions.h"

#include "chrome/browser/managed_mode/managed_user_constants.h"

using syncer::sessions::SyncSessionSnapshot;

namespace {

bool HasAuthError(ProfileSyncService* service) {
  return service->GetAuthError().state() ==
             GoogleServiceAuthError::INVALID_GAIA_CREDENTIALS ||
         service->GetAuthError().state() ==
             GoogleServiceAuthError::SERVICE_ERROR ||
         service->GetAuthError().state() ==

class BackendInitializeChecker : public SingleClientStatusChangeChecker {
  explicit BackendInitializeChecker(ProfileSyncService* service)
      : SingleClientStatusChangeChecker(service) {}

  virtual bool IsExitConditionSatisfied() OVERRIDE {
    if (service()->sync_initialized())
      return true;
    // Backend initialization is blocked by an auth error.
    if (HasAuthError(service()))
      return true;
    // Backend initialization is blocked by a failure to fetch Oauth2 tokens.
    if (service()->IsRetryingAccessTokenFetchForTest())
      return true;
    // Still waiting on backend initialization.
    return false;

  virtual std::string GetDebugMessage() const OVERRIDE {
    return "Backend Initialize";

class SyncSetupChecker : public SingleClientStatusChangeChecker {
  explicit SyncSetupChecker(ProfileSyncService* service)
      : SingleClientStatusChangeChecker(service) {}

  virtual bool IsExitConditionSatisfied() OVERRIDE {
    // Sync setup is complete, and the client is ready to sync new changes.
    if (service()->ShouldPushChanges())
      return true;
    // Sync is blocked because a custom passphrase is required.
    if (service()->passphrase_required_reason() == syncer::REASON_DECRYPTION)
      return true;
    // Sync is blocked by an auth error.
    if (HasAuthError(service()))
      return true;
    // Still waiting on sync setup.
    return false;

  virtual std::string GetDebugMessage() const OVERRIDE {
    return "Sync Setup";

bool AwaitSyncSetupCompletion(ProfileSyncService* service) {
  SyncSetupChecker checker(service);
  return !checker.TimedOut();

}  // namespace

// static
ProfileSyncServiceHarness* ProfileSyncServiceHarness::Create(
    Profile* profile,
    const std::string& username,
    const std::string& password) {
  return new ProfileSyncServiceHarness(profile, username, password);

    Profile* profile,
    const std::string& username,
    const std::string& password)
    : profile_(profile),
      profile_debug_name_(profile->GetDebugName()) {

ProfileSyncServiceHarness::~ProfileSyncServiceHarness() { }

void ProfileSyncServiceHarness::SetCredentials(const std::string& username,
                                               const std::string& password) {
  username_ = username;
  password_ = password;

bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::SetupSync() {
  bool result = SetupSync(syncer::ModelTypeSet::All());
  if (result == false) {
    std::string status = GetServiceStatus();
    LOG(ERROR) << profile_debug_name_
               << ": SetupSync failed. Syncer status:\n" << status;
  } else {
    DVLOG(1) << profile_debug_name_ << ": SetupSync successful.";
  return result;

bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::SetupSync(
    syncer::ModelTypeSet synced_datatypes) {
  // Initialize the sync client's profile sync service object.
  if (service() == NULL) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "SetupSync(): service() is null.";
    return false;

  // Tell the sync service that setup is in progress so we don't start syncing
  // until we've finished configuration.

  // Authenticate sync client using GAIA credentials.
  service()->GoogleSigninSucceeded(username_, password_);

  std::string account_id = profile_->IsManaged() ?
      managed_users::kManagedUserPseudoEmail : username_;
  std::string account_id = username_;
      UpdateCredentials(account_id, GenerateFakeOAuth2RefreshTokenString());

  // Wait for the OnBackendInitialized() callback.
  BackendInitializeChecker checker(service());

  if (checker.TimedOut()) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "OnBackendInitialized() timed out.";
    return false;

  if (!service()->sync_initialized()) {
    return false;

  // Make sure that initial sync wasn't blocked by a missing passphrase.
  if (service()->passphrase_required_reason() == syncer::REASON_DECRYPTION) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "A passphrase is required for decryption. Sync cannot proceed"
                  " until SetDecryptionPassphrase is called.";
    return false;

  // Make sure that initial sync wasn't blocked by rejected credentials.
  if (HasAuthError(service())) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Credentials were rejected. Sync cannot proceed.";
    return false;

  // Choose the datatypes to be synced. If all datatypes are to be synced,
  // set sync_everything to true; otherwise, set it to false.
  bool sync_everything =
  service()->OnUserChoseDatatypes(sync_everything, synced_datatypes);

  // Notify ProfileSyncService that we are done with configuration.

  // Set an implicit passphrase for encryption if an explicit one hasn't already
  // been set. If an explicit passphrase has been set, immediately return false,
  // since a decryption passphrase is required.
  if (!service()->IsUsingSecondaryPassphrase()) {
    service()->SetEncryptionPassphrase(password_, ProfileSyncService::IMPLICIT);
  } else {
    LOG(ERROR) << "A passphrase is required for decryption. Sync cannot proceed"
                  " until SetDecryptionPassphrase is called.";
    return false;

  // Wait for initial sync cycle to be completed.
  if (!AwaitSyncSetupCompletion(service())) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Initial sync cycle timed out.";
    return false;

  // Make sure that initial sync wasn't blocked by a missing passphrase.
  if (service()->passphrase_required_reason() == syncer::REASON_DECRYPTION) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "A passphrase is required for decryption. Sync cannot proceed"
                  " until SetDecryptionPassphrase is called.";
    return false;

  // Make sure that initial sync wasn't blocked by rejected credentials.
  if (service()->GetAuthError().state() ==
      GoogleServiceAuthError::INVALID_GAIA_CREDENTIALS) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Credentials were rejected. Sync cannot proceed.";
    return false;

  return true;

bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::AwaitMutualSyncCycleCompletion(
    ProfileSyncServiceHarness* partner) {
  std::vector<ProfileSyncServiceHarness*> harnesses;
  return AwaitQuiescence(harnesses);

bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::AwaitGroupSyncCycleCompletion(
    std::vector<ProfileSyncServiceHarness*>& partners) {
  return AwaitQuiescence(partners);

// static
bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::AwaitQuiescence(
    std::vector<ProfileSyncServiceHarness*>& clients) {
  std::vector<ProfileSyncService*> services;
  if (clients.empty()) {
    return true;

  for (std::vector<ProfileSyncServiceHarness*>::iterator it = clients.begin();
       it != clients.end(); ++it) {
  QuiesceStatusChangeChecker checker(services);
  return !checker.TimedOut();

std::string ProfileSyncServiceHarness::GenerateFakeOAuth2RefreshTokenString() {
  return base::StringPrintf("oauth2_refresh_token_%d",

bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::IsSyncDisabled() const {
  return !service()->setup_in_progress() &&

void ProfileSyncServiceHarness::FinishSyncSetup() {

SyncSessionSnapshot ProfileSyncServiceHarness::GetLastSessionSnapshot() const {
  DCHECK(service() != NULL) << "Sync service has not yet been set up.";
  if (service()->sync_initialized()) {
    return service()->GetLastSessionSnapshot();
  return SyncSessionSnapshot();

bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::EnableSyncForDatatype(
    syncer::ModelType datatype) {
  DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString(
      + std::string(syncer::ModelTypeToString(datatype)) + ")");

  if (IsSyncDisabled())
    return SetupSync(syncer::ModelTypeSet(datatype));

  if (service() == NULL) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "EnableSyncForDatatype(): service() is null.";
    return false;

  syncer::ModelTypeSet synced_datatypes = service()->GetPreferredDataTypes();
  if (synced_datatypes.Has(datatype)) {
    DVLOG(1) << "EnableSyncForDatatype(): Sync already enabled for datatype "
             << syncer::ModelTypeToString(datatype)
             << " on " << profile_debug_name_ << ".";
    return true;

  service()->OnUserChoseDatatypes(false, synced_datatypes);
  if (AwaitSyncSetupCompletion(service())) {
    DVLOG(1) << "EnableSyncForDatatype(): Enabled sync for datatype "
             << syncer::ModelTypeToString(datatype)
             << " on " << profile_debug_name_ << ".";
    return true;

  DVLOG(0) << GetClientInfoString("EnableSyncForDatatype failed");
  return false;

bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::DisableSyncForDatatype(
    syncer::ModelType datatype) {
  DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString(
      + std::string(syncer::ModelTypeToString(datatype)) + ")");

  if (service() == NULL) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "DisableSyncForDatatype(): service() is null.";
    return false;

  syncer::ModelTypeSet synced_datatypes = service()->GetPreferredDataTypes();
  if (!synced_datatypes.Has(datatype)) {
    DVLOG(1) << "DisableSyncForDatatype(): Sync already disabled for datatype "
             << syncer::ModelTypeToString(datatype)
             << " on " << profile_debug_name_ << ".";
    return true;

  service()->OnUserChoseDatatypes(false, synced_datatypes);
  if (AwaitSyncSetupCompletion(service())) {
    DVLOG(1) << "DisableSyncForDatatype(): Disabled sync for datatype "
             << syncer::ModelTypeToString(datatype)
             << " on " << profile_debug_name_ << ".";
    return true;

  DVLOG(0) << GetClientInfoString("DisableSyncForDatatype failed");
  return false;

bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::EnableSyncForAllDatatypes() {
  DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("EnableSyncForAllDatatypes");

  if (IsSyncDisabled())
    return SetupSync();

  if (service() == NULL) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "EnableSyncForAllDatatypes(): service() is null.";
    return false;

  service()->OnUserChoseDatatypes(true, syncer::ModelTypeSet::All());
  if (AwaitSyncSetupCompletion(service())) {
    DVLOG(1) << "EnableSyncForAllDatatypes(): Enabled sync for all datatypes "
             << "on " << profile_debug_name_ << ".";
    return true;

  DVLOG(0) << GetClientInfoString("EnableSyncForAllDatatypes failed");
  return false;

bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::DisableSyncForAllDatatypes() {
  DVLOG(1) << GetClientInfoString("DisableSyncForAllDatatypes");

  if (service() == NULL) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "DisableSyncForAllDatatypes(): service() is null.";
    return false;


  DVLOG(1) << "DisableSyncForAllDatatypes(): Disabled sync for all "
           << "datatypes on " << profile_debug_name_;
  return true;

// TODO(sync): Clean up this method in a separate CL. Remove all snapshot fields
// and log shorter, more meaningful messages.
std::string ProfileSyncServiceHarness::GetClientInfoString(
    const std::string& message) const {
  std::stringstream os;
  os << profile_debug_name_ << ": " << message << ": ";
  if (service()) {
    const SyncSessionSnapshot& snap = GetLastSessionSnapshot();
    ProfileSyncService::Status status;
    // Capture select info from the sync session snapshot and syncer status.
    os << ", has_unsynced_items: "
       << (service()->sync_initialized() ? service()->HasUnsyncedItems() : 0)
       << ", did_commit: "
       << (snap.model_neutral_state().num_successful_commits == 0 &&
           snap.model_neutral_state().commit_result == syncer::SYNCER_OK)
       << ", encryption conflicts: "
       << snap.num_encryption_conflicts()
       << ", hierarchy conflicts: "
       << snap.num_hierarchy_conflicts()
       << ", server conflicts: "
       << snap.num_server_conflicts()
       << ", num_updates_downloaded : "
       << snap.model_neutral_state().num_updates_downloaded_total
       << ", passphrase_required_reason: "
       << syncer::PassphraseRequiredReasonToString(
       << ", notifications_enabled: "
       << status.notifications_enabled
       << ", service_is_pushing_changes: "
       << service()->ShouldPushChanges();
  } else {
    os << "Sync service not available";
  return os.str();

bool ProfileSyncServiceHarness::IsTypePreferred(syncer::ModelType type) {
  return service()->GetPreferredDataTypes().Has(type);

std::string ProfileSyncServiceHarness::GetServiceStatus() {
  scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue> value(
  std::string service_status;
  return service_status;

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */