
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. RunOnDBThread
  2. DoneRunOnMainThread
  3. wait_for_load_
  4. WaitForGetFavicon
  5. WaitForSetFavicon
  6. BookmarkModelLoaded
  7. BookmarkNodeMoved
  8. BookmarkNodeAdded
  9. BookmarkNodeRemoved
  10. BookmarkAllNodesRemoved
  11. BookmarkNodeChanged
  12. BookmarkNodeChildrenReordered
  13. BookmarkNodeFaviconChanged
  14. CountNodesWithTitlesMatching
  15. FaviconBitmapsMatch
  16. GetFaviconData
  17. SetFaviconImpl
  18. WaitForHistoryToProcessPendingTasks
  19. FaviconsMatch
  20. NodesMatch
  21. BookmarkModelsMatch
  22. FindNodeInVerifier
  23. GetBookmarkModel
  24. GetBookmarkBarNode
  25. GetOtherNode
  26. GetSyncedBookmarksNode
  27. GetVerifierBookmarkModel
  28. AddURL
  29. AddURL
  30. AddURL
  31. AddFolder
  32. AddFolder
  33. AddFolder
  34. SetTitle
  35. SetFavicon
  36. SetURL
  37. Move
  38. Remove
  39. RemoveAll
  40. SortChildren
  41. ReverseChildOrder
  42. ModelMatchesVerifier
  43. AllModelsMatchVerifier
  44. ModelsMatch
  45. AllModelsMatch
  46. ContainsDuplicateBookmarks
  47. HasNodeWithURL
  48. GetUniqueNodeByURL
  49. CountBookmarksWithTitlesMatching
  50. CountFoldersWithTitlesMatching
  51. CreateFavicon
  52. Create1xFaviconFromPNGFile
  53. IndexedURL
  54. IndexedURLTitle
  55. IndexedFolderName
  56. IndexedSubfolderName
  57. IndexedSubsubfolderName

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/browser/sync/test/integration/bookmarks_helper.h"

#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/rand_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h"
#include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model.h"
#include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model_factory.h"
#include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/favicon/favicon_service_factory.h"
#include "chrome/browser/favicon/favicon_util.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/history_db_task.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/history_service_factory.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/history_types.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/glue/bookmark_change_processor.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/test/integration/profile_sync_service_harness.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/test/integration/sync_datatype_helper.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sync/test/integration/sync_test.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h"
#include "chrome/test/base/ui_test_utils.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "ui/base/models/tree_node_iterator.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_skia.h"

using sync_datatype_helper::test;

namespace {

// History task which runs all pending tasks on the history thread and
// signals when the tasks have completed.
class HistoryEmptyTask : public history::HistoryDBTask {
  explicit HistoryEmptyTask(base::WaitableEvent* done) : done_(done) {}

  virtual bool RunOnDBThread(history::HistoryBackend* backend,
                             history::HistoryDatabase* db) OVERRIDE {
    return true;

  virtual void DoneRunOnMainThread() OVERRIDE {}

  virtual ~HistoryEmptyTask() {}

  base::WaitableEvent* done_;

// Helper class used to wait for changes to take effect on the favicon of a
// particular bookmark node in a particular bookmark model.
class FaviconChangeObserver : public BookmarkModelObserver {
  FaviconChangeObserver(BookmarkModel* model, const BookmarkNode* node)
      : model_(model),
        wait_for_load_(false) {
  virtual ~FaviconChangeObserver() {
  void WaitForGetFavicon() {
    wait_for_load_ = true;
  void WaitForSetFavicon() {
    wait_for_load_ = false;
  virtual void BookmarkModelLoaded(BookmarkModel* model,
                                   bool ids_reassigned) OVERRIDE {}
  virtual void BookmarkNodeMoved(BookmarkModel* model,
                                 const BookmarkNode* old_parent,
                                 int old_index,
                                 const BookmarkNode* new_parent,
                                 int new_index) OVERRIDE {}
  virtual void BookmarkNodeAdded(BookmarkModel* model,
                                 const BookmarkNode* parent,
                                 int index) OVERRIDE {}
  virtual void BookmarkNodeRemoved(BookmarkModel* model,
                                   const BookmarkNode* parent,
                                   int old_index,
                                   const BookmarkNode* node) OVERRIDE {}
  virtual void BookmarkAllNodesRemoved(BookmarkModel* model) OVERRIDE {}

  virtual void BookmarkNodeChanged(BookmarkModel* model,
                                   const BookmarkNode* node) OVERRIDE {
    if (model == model_ && node == node_)
  virtual void BookmarkNodeChildrenReordered(
      BookmarkModel* model,
      const BookmarkNode* node) OVERRIDE {}
  virtual void BookmarkNodeFaviconChanged(
      BookmarkModel* model,
      const BookmarkNode* node) OVERRIDE {
    if (model == model_ && node == node_) {
      if (!wait_for_load_ || (wait_for_load_ && node->is_favicon_loaded()))

  BookmarkModel* model_;
  const BookmarkNode* node_;
  bool wait_for_load_;

// A collection of URLs for which we have added favicons. Since loading a
// favicon is an asynchronous operation and doesn't necessarily invoke a
// callback, this collection is used to determine if we must wait for a URL's
// favicon to load or not.
std::set<GURL>* urls_with_favicons_ = NULL;

// Returns the number of nodes of node type |node_type| in |model| whose
// titles match the string |title|.
int CountNodesWithTitlesMatching(BookmarkModel* model,
                                 BookmarkNode::Type node_type,
                                 const base::string16& title) {
  ui::TreeNodeIterator<const BookmarkNode> iterator(model->root_node());
  // Walk through the model tree looking for bookmark nodes of node type
  // |node_type| whose titles match |title|.
  int count = 0;
  while (iterator.has_next()) {
    const BookmarkNode* node = iterator.Next();
    if ((node->type() == node_type) && (node->GetTitle() == title))
  return count;

// Checks if the favicon data in |bitmap_a| and |bitmap_b| are equivalent.
// Returns true if they match.
bool FaviconBitmapsMatch(const SkBitmap& bitmap_a, const SkBitmap& bitmap_b) {
  if (bitmap_a.getSize() == 0U && bitmap_b.getSize() == 0U)
    return true;
  if ((bitmap_a.getSize() != bitmap_b.getSize()) ||
      (bitmap_a.width() != bitmap_b.width()) ||
      (bitmap_a.height() != bitmap_b.height())) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Favicon size mismatch: " << bitmap_a.getSize() << " ("
               << bitmap_a.width() << "x" << bitmap_a.height() << ") vs. "
               << bitmap_b.getSize() << " (" << bitmap_b.width() << "x"
               << bitmap_b.height() << ")";
    return false;
  SkAutoLockPixels bitmap_lock_a(bitmap_a);
  SkAutoLockPixels bitmap_lock_b(bitmap_b);
  void* node_pixel_addr_a = bitmap_a.getPixels();
  void* node_pixel_addr_b = bitmap_b.getPixels();
  if (memcmp(node_pixel_addr_a, node_pixel_addr_b, bitmap_a.getSize()) !=  0) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Favicon bitmap mismatch";
    return false;
  } else {
    return true;

// Represents a favicon image and the icon URL associated with it.
struct FaviconData {
  FaviconData() {

  FaviconData(const gfx::Image& favicon_image,
              const GURL& favicon_url)
      : image(favicon_image),
        icon_url(favicon_url) {

  ~FaviconData() {

  gfx::Image image;
  GURL icon_url;

// Gets the favicon and icon URL associated with |node| in |model|.
FaviconData GetFaviconData(BookmarkModel* model,
                           const BookmarkNode* node) {
  // If a favicon wasn't explicitly set for a particular URL, simply return its
  // blank favicon.
  if (!urls_with_favicons_ ||
      urls_with_favicons_->find(node->url()) == urls_with_favicons_->end()) {
    return FaviconData();
  // If a favicon was explicitly set, we may need to wait for it to be loaded
  // via BookmarkModel::GetFavicon(), which is an asynchronous operation.
  if (!node->is_favicon_loaded()) {
    FaviconChangeObserver observer(model, node);
  return FaviconData(model->GetFavicon(node), node->icon_url());

// Sets the favicon for |profile| and |node|. |profile| may be
// |test()->verifier()|.
void SetFaviconImpl(Profile* profile,
                    const BookmarkNode* node,
                    const GURL& icon_url,
                    const gfx::Image& image,
                    bookmarks_helper::FaviconSource favicon_source) {
    BookmarkModel* model = BookmarkModelFactory::GetForProfile(profile);

    FaviconChangeObserver observer(model, node);
    FaviconService* favicon_service =
    if (favicon_source == bookmarks_helper::FROM_UI) {
    } else {
          node, profile, icon_url, image.As1xPNGBytes());

    // Wait for the favicon for |node| to be invalidated.
    // Wait for the BookmarkModel to fetch the updated favicon and for the new
    // favicon to be sent to BookmarkChangeProcessor.
    GetFaviconData(model, node);

// Wait for all currently scheduled tasks on the history thread for all
// profiles to complete and any notifications sent to the UI thread to have
// finished processing.
void WaitForHistoryToProcessPendingTasks() {
  // Skip waiting for history to complete for tests without favicons.
  if (!urls_with_favicons_)

  std::vector<Profile*> profiles_which_need_to_wait;
  if (test()->use_verifier())
  for (int i = 0; i < test()->num_clients(); ++i)

  for (size_t i = 0; i < profiles_which_need_to_wait.size(); ++i) {
    Profile* profile = profiles_which_need_to_wait[i];
    HistoryService* history_service =
    base::WaitableEvent done(false, false);
    CancelableRequestConsumer request_consumer;
    history_service->ScheduleDBTask(new HistoryEmptyTask(&done),
  // Wait such that any notifications broadcast from one of the history threads
  // to the UI thread are processed.

// Checks if the favicon in |node_a| from |model_a| matches that of |node_b|
// from |model_b|. Returns true if they match.
bool FaviconsMatch(BookmarkModel* model_a,
                   BookmarkModel* model_b,
                   const BookmarkNode* node_a,
                   const BookmarkNode* node_b) {
  FaviconData favicon_data_a = GetFaviconData(model_a, node_a);
  FaviconData favicon_data_b = GetFaviconData(model_b, node_b);

  if (favicon_data_a.icon_url != favicon_data_b.icon_url)
    return false;

  gfx::Image image_a = favicon_data_a.image;
  gfx::Image image_b = favicon_data_b.image;

  if (image_a.IsEmpty() && image_b.IsEmpty())
    return true;  // Two empty images are equivalent.

  if (image_a.IsEmpty() != image_b.IsEmpty())
    return false;

  // Compare only the 1x bitmaps as only those are synced.
  SkBitmap bitmap_a = image_a.AsImageSkia().GetRepresentation(
  SkBitmap bitmap_b = image_b.AsImageSkia().GetRepresentation(
  return FaviconBitmapsMatch(bitmap_a, bitmap_b);

// Does a deep comparison of BookmarkNode fields in |model_a| and |model_b|.
// Returns true if they are all equal.
bool NodesMatch(const BookmarkNode* node_a, const BookmarkNode* node_b) {
  if (node_a == NULL || node_b == NULL)
    return node_a == node_b;
  if (node_a->is_folder() != node_b->is_folder()) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot compare folder with bookmark";
    return false;
  if (node_a->GetTitle() != node_b->GetTitle()) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Title mismatch: " << node_a->GetTitle() << " vs. "
               << node_b->GetTitle();
    return false;
  if (node_a->url() != node_b->url()) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "URL mismatch: " << node_a->url() << " vs. "
               << node_b->url();
    return false;
  if (node_a->parent()->GetIndexOf(node_a) !=
      node_b->parent()->GetIndexOf(node_b)) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Index mismatch: "
               << node_a->parent()->GetIndexOf(node_a) << " vs. "
               << node_b->parent()->GetIndexOf(node_b);
    return false;
  return true;

// Checks if the hierarchies in |model_a| and |model_b| are equivalent in
// terms of the data model and favicon. Returns true if they both match.
// Note: Some peripheral fields like creation times are allowed to mismatch.
bool BookmarkModelsMatch(BookmarkModel* model_a, BookmarkModel* model_b) {
  bool ret_val = true;
  ui::TreeNodeIterator<const BookmarkNode> iterator_a(model_a->root_node());
  ui::TreeNodeIterator<const BookmarkNode> iterator_b(model_b->root_node());
  while (iterator_a.has_next()) {
    const BookmarkNode* node_a = iterator_a.Next();
    if (!iterator_b.has_next()) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Models do not match.";
      return false;
    const BookmarkNode* node_b = iterator_b.Next();
    ret_val = ret_val && NodesMatch(node_a, node_b);
    if (node_a->is_folder() || node_b->is_folder())
    ret_val = ret_val && FaviconsMatch(model_a, model_b, node_a, node_b);
  ret_val = ret_val && (!iterator_b.has_next());
  return ret_val;

// Finds the node in the verifier bookmark model that corresponds to
// |foreign_node| in |foreign_model| and stores its address in |result|.
void FindNodeInVerifier(BookmarkModel* foreign_model,
                        const BookmarkNode* foreign_node,
                        const BookmarkNode** result) {
  // Climb the tree.
  std::stack<int> path;
  const BookmarkNode* walker = foreign_node;
  while (walker != foreign_model->root_node()) {
    walker = walker->parent();

  // Swing over to the other tree.
  walker = bookmarks_helper::GetVerifierBookmarkModel()->root_node();

  // Climb down.
  while (!path.empty()) {
    ASSERT_LT(, walker->child_count());
    walker = walker->GetChild(;

  ASSERT_TRUE(NodesMatch(foreign_node, walker));
  *result = walker;

}  // namespace

namespace bookmarks_helper {

BookmarkModel* GetBookmarkModel(int index) {
  return BookmarkModelFactory::GetForProfile(test()->GetProfile(index));

const BookmarkNode* GetBookmarkBarNode(int index) {
  return GetBookmarkModel(index)->bookmark_bar_node();

const BookmarkNode* GetOtherNode(int index) {
  return GetBookmarkModel(index)->other_node();

const BookmarkNode* GetSyncedBookmarksNode(int index) {
  return GetBookmarkModel(index)->mobile_node();

BookmarkModel* GetVerifierBookmarkModel() {
  return BookmarkModelFactory::GetForProfile(test()->verifier());

const BookmarkNode* AddURL(int profile,
                           const std::wstring& title,
                           const GURL& url) {
  return AddURL(profile, GetBookmarkBarNode(profile), 0, title,  url);

const BookmarkNode* AddURL(int profile,
                           int index,
                           const std::wstring& title,
                           const GURL& url) {
  return AddURL(profile, GetBookmarkBarNode(profile), index, title, url);

const BookmarkNode* AddURL(int profile,
                           const BookmarkNode* parent,
                           int index,
                           const std::wstring& title,
                           const GURL& url) {
  if (GetBookmarkModel(profile)->GetNodeByID(parent->id()) != parent) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Node " << parent->GetTitle() << " does not belong to "
               << "Profile " << profile;
    return NULL;
  const BookmarkNode* result = GetBookmarkModel(profile)->
      AddURL(parent, index, base::WideToUTF16(title), url);
  if (!result) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Could not add bookmark " << title << " to Profile "
               << profile;
    return NULL;
  if (test()->use_verifier()) {
    const BookmarkNode* v_parent = NULL;
    FindNodeInVerifier(GetBookmarkModel(profile), parent, &v_parent);
    const BookmarkNode* v_node = GetVerifierBookmarkModel()->
        AddURL(v_parent, index, base::WideToUTF16(title), url);
    if (!v_node) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Could not add bookmark " << title << " to the verifier";
      return NULL;
    EXPECT_TRUE(NodesMatch(v_node, result));
  return result;

const BookmarkNode* AddFolder(int profile,
                              const std::wstring& title) {
  return AddFolder(profile, GetBookmarkBarNode(profile), 0, title);

const BookmarkNode* AddFolder(int profile,
                              int index,
                              const std::wstring& title) {
  return AddFolder(profile, GetBookmarkBarNode(profile), index, title);

const BookmarkNode* AddFolder(int profile,
                              const BookmarkNode* parent,
                              int index,
                              const std::wstring& title) {
  if (GetBookmarkModel(profile)->GetNodeByID(parent->id()) != parent) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Node " << parent->GetTitle() << " does not belong to "
               << "Profile " << profile;
    return NULL;
  const BookmarkNode* result = GetBookmarkModel(profile)->AddFolder(
      parent, index, base::WideToUTF16(title));
  if (!result) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Could not add folder " << title << " to Profile "
               << profile;
    return NULL;
  if (test()->use_verifier()) {
    const BookmarkNode* v_parent = NULL;
    FindNodeInVerifier(GetBookmarkModel(profile), parent, &v_parent);
    const BookmarkNode* v_node = GetVerifierBookmarkModel()->AddFolder(
        v_parent, index, base::WideToUTF16(title));
    if (!v_node) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Could not add folder " << title << " to the verifier";
      return NULL;
    EXPECT_TRUE(NodesMatch(v_node, result));
  return result;

void SetTitle(int profile,
              const BookmarkNode* node,
              const std::wstring& new_title) {
  ASSERT_EQ(GetBookmarkModel(profile)->GetNodeByID(node->id()), node)
      << "Node " << node->GetTitle() << " does not belong to "
      << "Profile " << profile;
  if (test()->use_verifier()) {
    const BookmarkNode* v_node = NULL;
    FindNodeInVerifier(GetBookmarkModel(profile), node, &v_node);
    GetVerifierBookmarkModel()->SetTitle(v_node, base::WideToUTF16(new_title));
  GetBookmarkModel(profile)->SetTitle(node, base::WideToUTF16(new_title));

void SetFavicon(int profile,
                const BookmarkNode* node,
                const GURL& icon_url,
                const gfx::Image& image,
                FaviconSource favicon_source) {
  ASSERT_EQ(GetBookmarkModel(profile)->GetNodeByID(node->id()), node)
      << "Node " << node->GetTitle() << " does not belong to "
      << "Profile " << profile;
  ASSERT_EQ(BookmarkNode::URL, node->type())
      << "Node " << node->GetTitle() << " must be a url.";
  if (urls_with_favicons_ == NULL)
    urls_with_favicons_ = new std::set<GURL>();
  if (test()->use_verifier()) {
    const BookmarkNode* v_node = NULL;
    FindNodeInVerifier(GetBookmarkModel(profile), node, &v_node);
    SetFaviconImpl(test()->verifier(), v_node, icon_url, image, favicon_source);
  SetFaviconImpl(test()->GetProfile(profile), node, icon_url, image,

const BookmarkNode* SetURL(int profile,
                           const BookmarkNode* node,
                           const GURL& new_url) {
  if (GetBookmarkModel(profile)->GetNodeByID(node->id()) != node) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Node " << node->GetTitle() << " does not belong to "
               << "Profile " << profile;
    return NULL;
  if (test()->use_verifier()) {
    const BookmarkNode* v_node = NULL;
    FindNodeInVerifier(GetBookmarkModel(profile), node, &v_node);
    if (v_node->is_url())
      GetVerifierBookmarkModel()->SetURL(v_node, new_url);
  if (node->is_url())
    GetBookmarkModel(profile)->SetURL(node, new_url);
  return node;

void Move(int profile,
          const BookmarkNode* node,
          const BookmarkNode* new_parent,
          int index) {
  ASSERT_EQ(GetBookmarkModel(profile)->GetNodeByID(node->id()), node)
      << "Node " << node->GetTitle() << " does not belong to "
      << "Profile " << profile;
  if (test()->use_verifier()) {
    const BookmarkNode* v_new_parent = NULL;
    const BookmarkNode* v_node = NULL;
    FindNodeInVerifier(GetBookmarkModel(profile), new_parent, &v_new_parent);
    FindNodeInVerifier(GetBookmarkModel(profile), node, &v_node);
    GetVerifierBookmarkModel()->Move(v_node, v_new_parent, index);
  GetBookmarkModel(profile)->Move(node, new_parent, index);

void Remove(int profile,
            const BookmarkNode* parent,
            int index) {
  ASSERT_EQ(GetBookmarkModel(profile)->GetNodeByID(parent->id()), parent)
      << "Node " << parent->GetTitle() << " does not belong to "
      << "Profile " << profile;
  if (test()->use_verifier()) {
    const BookmarkNode* v_parent = NULL;
    FindNodeInVerifier(GetBookmarkModel(profile), parent, &v_parent);
    ASSERT_TRUE(NodesMatch(parent->GetChild(index), v_parent->GetChild(index)));
    GetVerifierBookmarkModel()->Remove(v_parent, index);
  GetBookmarkModel(profile)->Remove(parent, index);

void RemoveAll(int profile) {
  if (test()->use_verifier()) {
    const BookmarkNode* root_node = GetVerifierBookmarkModel()->root_node();
    for (int i = 0; i < root_node->child_count(); ++i) {
      const BookmarkNode* permanent_node = root_node->GetChild(i);
      for (int j = permanent_node->child_count() - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
        GetVerifierBookmarkModel()->Remove(permanent_node, j);

void SortChildren(int profile, const BookmarkNode* parent) {
  ASSERT_EQ(GetBookmarkModel(profile)->GetNodeByID(parent->id()), parent)
      << "Node " << parent->GetTitle() << " does not belong to "
      << "Profile " << profile;
  if (test()->use_verifier()) {
    const BookmarkNode* v_parent = NULL;
    FindNodeInVerifier(GetBookmarkModel(profile), parent, &v_parent);

void ReverseChildOrder(int profile, const BookmarkNode* parent) {
  ASSERT_EQ(GetBookmarkModel(profile)->GetNodeByID(parent->id()), parent)
      << "Node " << parent->GetTitle() << " does not belong to "
      << "Profile " << profile;
  int child_count = parent->child_count();
  if (child_count <= 0)
  for (int index = 0; index < child_count; ++index) {
    Move(profile, parent->GetChild(index), parent, child_count - index);

bool ModelMatchesVerifier(int profile) {
  if (!test()->use_verifier()) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Illegal to call ModelMatchesVerifier() after "
               << "DisableVerifier(). Use ModelsMatch() instead.";
    return false;
  return BookmarkModelsMatch(GetVerifierBookmarkModel(),

bool AllModelsMatchVerifier() {
  // Ensure that all tasks have finished processing on the history thread
  // and that any notifications the history thread may have sent have been
  // processed before comparing models.

  for (int i = 0; i < test()->num_clients(); ++i) {
    if (!ModelMatchesVerifier(i)) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Model " << i << " does not match the verifier.";
      return false;
  return true;

bool ModelsMatch(int profile_a, int profile_b) {
  return BookmarkModelsMatch(GetBookmarkModel(profile_a),

bool AllModelsMatch() {
  // Ensure that all tasks have finished processing on the history thread
  // and that any notifications the history thread may have sent have been
  // processed before comparing models.

  for (int i = 1; i < test()->num_clients(); ++i) {
    if (!ModelsMatch(0, i)) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Model " << i << " does not match Model 0.";
      return false;
  return true;

bool ContainsDuplicateBookmarks(int profile) {
  ui::TreeNodeIterator<const BookmarkNode> iterator(
  while (iterator.has_next()) {
    const BookmarkNode* node = iterator.Next();
    if (node->is_folder())
    std::vector<const BookmarkNode*> nodes;
    GetBookmarkModel(profile)->GetNodesByURL(node->url(), &nodes);
    EXPECT_TRUE(nodes.size() >= 1);
    for (std::vector<const BookmarkNode*>::const_iterator it = nodes.begin();
         it != nodes.end(); ++it) {
      if (node->id() != (*it)->id() &&
          node->parent() == (*it)->parent() &&
          node->GetTitle() == (*it)->GetTitle()){
        return true;
  return false;

bool HasNodeWithURL(int profile, const GURL& url) {
  std::vector<const BookmarkNode*> nodes;
  GetBookmarkModel(profile)->GetNodesByURL(url, &nodes);
  return !nodes.empty();

const BookmarkNode* GetUniqueNodeByURL(int profile, const GURL& url) {
  std::vector<const BookmarkNode*> nodes;
  GetBookmarkModel(profile)->GetNodesByURL(url, &nodes);
  EXPECT_EQ(1U, nodes.size());
  if (nodes.empty())
    return NULL;
  return nodes[0];

int CountBookmarksWithTitlesMatching(int profile, const std::wstring& title) {
  return CountNodesWithTitlesMatching(GetBookmarkModel(profile),

int CountFoldersWithTitlesMatching(int profile, const std::wstring& title) {
  return CountNodesWithTitlesMatching(GetBookmarkModel(profile),

gfx::Image CreateFavicon(SkColor color) {
  const int dip_width = 16;
  const int dip_height = 16;
  std::vector<ui::ScaleFactor> favicon_scale_factors =
  gfx::ImageSkia favicon;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < favicon_scale_factors.size(); ++i) {
    float scale = ui::GetImageScale(favicon_scale_factors[i]);
    int pixel_width = dip_width * scale;
    int pixel_height = dip_height * scale;
    SkBitmap bmp;
    bmp.setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, pixel_width, pixel_height);
  return gfx::Image(favicon);

gfx::Image Create1xFaviconFromPNGFile(const std::string& path) {
  const char* kPNGExtension = ".png";
  if (!EndsWith(path, kPNGExtension, false))
    return gfx::Image();

  base::FilePath full_path;
  if (!PathService::Get(chrome::DIR_TEST_DATA, &full_path))
    return gfx::Image();

  full_path = full_path.AppendASCII("sync").AppendASCII(path);
  std::string contents;
  base::ReadFileToString(full_path, &contents);
  return gfx::Image::CreateFrom1xPNGBytes(

std::string IndexedURL(int i) {
  return base::StringPrintf("", i);

std::wstring IndexedURLTitle(int i) {
  return base::StringPrintf(L"URL Title %d", i);

std::wstring IndexedFolderName(int i) {
  return base::StringPrintf(L"Folder Name %d", i);

std::wstring IndexedSubfolderName(int i) {
  return base::StringPrintf(L"Subfolder Name %d", i);

std::wstring IndexedSubsubfolderName(int i) {
  return base::StringPrintf(L"Subsubfolder Name %d", i);

}  // namespace bookmarks_helper

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