
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. FillIconMapping
  2. RecordInvalidStructure
  3. DumpWithoutCrashing2000
  4. ReportCorrupt
  5. ReportError
  6. GenerateDiagnostics
  7. InitTables
  8. InitIndices
  9. RecordRecoveryEvent
  10. RecoverDatabaseOrRaze
  11. DatabaseErrorCallback
  12. GetNextIconMapping
  13. ComputeDatabaseMetrics
  14. BeginTransaction
  15. CommitTransaction
  16. RollbackTransaction
  17. Vacuum
  18. TrimMemory
  19. GetFaviconBitmapIDSizes
  20. GetFaviconBitmaps
  21. GetFaviconBitmap
  22. AddFaviconBitmap
  23. SetFaviconBitmap
  24. SetFaviconBitmapLastUpdateTime
  25. DeleteFaviconBitmap
  26. SetFaviconOutOfDate
  27. GetFaviconIDForFaviconURL
  28. GetFaviconHeader
  29. AddFavicon
  30. AddFavicon
  31. DeleteFavicon
  32. GetIconMappingsForPageURL
  33. GetIconMappingsForPageURL
  34. AddIconMapping
  35. UpdateIconMapping
  36. DeleteIconMappings
  37. DeleteIconMapping
  38. HasMappingFor
  39. CloneIconMappings
  40. InitIconMappingEnumerator
  41. RetainDataForPageUrls
  42. OpenDatabase
  43. InitImpl
  44. CantUpgradeToVersion
  45. UpgradeToVersion6
  46. UpgradeToVersion7
  47. IsFaviconDBStructureIncorrect

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/browser/history/thumbnail_database.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <string>

#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/debug/alias.h"
#include "base/debug/dump_without_crashing.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/format_macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted_memory.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
#include "base/rand_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/url_database.h"
#include "chrome/common/chrome_version_info.h"
#include "sql/recovery.h"
#include "sql/statement.h"
#include "sql/transaction.h"
#include "third_party/sqlite/sqlite3.h"

#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
#include "base/mac/mac_util.h"

// Description of database tables:
// icon_mapping
//   id               Unique ID.
//   page_url         Page URL which has one or more associated favicons.
//   icon_id          The ID of favicon that this mapping maps to.
// favicons           This table associates a row to each favicon for a
//                    |page_url| in the |icon_mapping| table. This is the
//                    default favicon |page_url|/favicon.ico plus any favicons
//                    associated via <link rel="icon_type" href="url">.
//                    The |id| matches the |icon_id| field in the appropriate
//                    row in the icon_mapping table.
//   id               Unique ID.
//   url              The URL at which the favicon file is located.
//   icon_type        The type of the favicon specified in the rel attribute of
//                    the link tag. The FAVICON type is used for the default
//                    favicon.ico favicon.
// favicon_bitmaps    This table contains the PNG encoded bitmap data of the
//                    favicons. There is a separate row for every size in a
//                    multi resolution bitmap. The bitmap data is associated
//                    to the favicon via the |icon_id| field which matches
//                    the |id| field in the appropriate row in the |favicons|
//                    table.
//  id                Unique ID.
//  icon_id           The ID of the favicon that the bitmap is associated to.
//  last_updated      The time at which this favicon was inserted into the
//                    table. This is used to determine if it needs to be
//                    redownloaded from the web.
//  image_data        PNG encoded data of the favicon.
//  width             Pixel width of |image_data|.
//  height            Pixel height of |image_data|.

namespace {

// For this database, schema migrations are deprecated after two
// years.  This means that the oldest non-deprecated version should be
// two years old or greater (thus the migrations to get there are
// older).  Databases containing deprecated versions will be cleared
// at startup.  Since this database is a cache, losing old data is not
// fatal (in fact, very old data may be expired immediately at startup
// anyhow).

// Version 7: 911a634d/r209424 by on 2013-07-01
// Version 6: 610f923b/r152367 by on 2012-08-20
// Version 5: e2ee8ae9/r105004 by on 2011-10-12
// Version 4: 5f104d76/r77288 by on 2011-03-08 (deprecated)
// Version 3: 09911bf3/r15 by initial.commit on 2008-07-26 (deprecated)

// Version number of the database.
// NOTE(shess): When changing the version, add a new golden file for
// the new version and a test to verify that Init() works with it.
const int kCurrentVersionNumber = 7;
const int kCompatibleVersionNumber = 7;
const int kDeprecatedVersionNumber = 4;  // and earlier.

void FillIconMapping(const sql::Statement& statement,
                     const GURL& page_url,
                     history::IconMapping* icon_mapping) {
  icon_mapping->mapping_id = statement.ColumnInt64(0);
  icon_mapping->icon_id = statement.ColumnInt64(1);
  icon_mapping->icon_type =
  icon_mapping->icon_url = GURL(statement.ColumnString(3));
  icon_mapping->page_url = page_url;

enum InvalidStructureType {
  // NOTE(shess): Intentionally skip bucket 0 to account for
  // conversion from a boolean histogram.

  // Always keep this at the end.

void RecordInvalidStructure(InvalidStructureType invalid_type) {
                            invalid_type, STRUCTURE_EVENT_MAX);

// Attempt to pass 2000 bytes of |debug_info| into a crash dump.
void DumpWithoutCrashing2000(const std::string& debug_info) {
  char debug_buf[2000];
  base::strlcpy(debug_buf, debug_info.c_str(), arraysize(debug_buf));


void ReportCorrupt(sql::Connection* db, size_t startup_kb) {
  // Buffer for accumulating debugging info about the error.  Place
  // more-relevant information earlier, in case things overflow the
  // fixed-size buffer.
  std::string debug_info;

  base::StringAppendF(&debug_info, "SQLITE_CORRUPT, integrity_check:\n");

  // Check files up to 8M to keep things from blocking too long.
  const size_t kMaxIntegrityCheckSize = 8192;
  if (startup_kb > kMaxIntegrityCheckSize) {
    base::StringAppendF(&debug_info, "too big %" PRIuS "\n", startup_kb);
  } else {
    std::vector<std::string> messages;

    const base::TimeTicks before = base::TimeTicks::Now();
    base::StringAppendF(&debug_info, "# %" PRIx64 " ms, %" PRIuS " records\n",
                        (base::TimeTicks::Now() - before).InMilliseconds(),

    // SQLite returns up to 100 messages by default, trim deeper to
    // keep close to the 2000-character size limit for dumping.
    // TODO(shess): If the first 20 tend to be actionable, test if
    // passing the count to integrity_check makes it exit earlier.  In
    // that case it may be possible to greatly ease the size
    // restriction.
    const size_t kMaxMessages = 20;
    for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxMessages && i < messages.size(); ++i) {
      base::StringAppendF(&debug_info, "%s\n", messages[i].c_str());


void ReportError(sql::Connection* db, int error) {
  // Buffer for accumulating debugging info about the error.  Place
  // more-relevant information earlier, in case things overflow the
  // fixed-size buffer.
  std::string debug_info;

  // The error message from the failed operation.
  base::StringAppendF(&debug_info, "db error: %d/%s\n",
                      db->GetErrorCode(), db->GetErrorMessage());

  // System errno information.
  base::StringAppendF(&debug_info, "errno: %d\n", db->GetLastErrno());

  // SQLITE_ERROR reports seem to be attempts to upgrade invalid
  // schema, try to log that info.
  if (error == SQLITE_ERROR) {
    const char* kVersionSql = "SELECT value FROM meta WHERE key = 'version'";
    if (db->IsSQLValid(kVersionSql)) {
      sql::Statement statement(db->GetUniqueStatement(kVersionSql));
      if (statement.Step()) {
        debug_info += "version: ";
        debug_info += statement.ColumnString(0);
        debug_info += '\n';
      } else if (statement.Succeeded()) {
        debug_info += "version: none\n";
      } else {
        debug_info += "version: error\n";
    } else {
      debug_info += "version: invalid\n";

    debug_info += "schema:\n";

    // sqlite_master has columns:
    //   type - "index" or "table".
    //   name - name of created element.
    //   tbl_name - name of element, or target table in case of index.
    //   rootpage - root page of the element in database file.
    //   sql - SQL to create the element.
    // In general, the |sql| column is sufficient to derive the other
    // columns.  |rootpage| is not interesting for debugging, without
    // the contents of the database.  The COALESCE is because certain
    // automatic elements will have a |name| but no |sql|,
    const char* kSchemaSql = "SELECT COALESCE(sql, name) FROM sqlite_master";
    sql::Statement statement(db->GetUniqueStatement(kSchemaSql));
    while (statement.Step()) {
      debug_info += statement.ColumnString(0);
      debug_info += '\n';
    if (!statement.Succeeded())
      debug_info += "error\n";

  // TODO(shess): Think of other things to log.  Not logging the
  // statement text because the backtrace should suffice in most
  // cases.  The database schema is a possibility, but the
  // likelihood of recursive error callbacks makes that risky (same
  // reasoning applies to other data fetched from the database).


// TODO(shess): If this proves out, perhaps lift the code out to
// chrome/browser/diagnostics/sqlite_diagnostics.{h,cc}.
void GenerateDiagnostics(sql::Connection* db,
                         size_t startup_kb,
                         int extended_error) {
  int error = (extended_error & 0xFF);

  // Infrequently report information about the error up to the crash
  // server.
  static const uint64 kReportsPerMillion = 50000;

  // Since some/most errors will not resolve themselves, only report
  // once per Chrome run.
  static bool reported = false;
  if (reported)

  uint64 rand = base::RandGenerator(1000000);
  if (error == SQLITE_CORRUPT) {
    // Once the database is known to be corrupt, it will generate a
    // stream of errors until someone fixes it, so give one chance.
    // Set first in case of errors in generating the report.
    reported = true;

    // Corrupt cases currently dominate, report them very infrequently.
    static const uint64 kCorruptReportsPerMillion = 10000;
    if (rand < kCorruptReportsPerMillion)
      ReportCorrupt(db, startup_kb);
  } else if (error == SQLITE_READONLY) {
    // SQLITE_READONLY appears similar to SQLITE_CORRUPT - once it
    // is seen, it is almost guaranteed to be seen again.
    reported = true;

    if (rand < kReportsPerMillion)
      ReportError(db, extended_error);
  } else {
    // Only set the flag when making a report.  This should allow
    // later (potentially different) errors in a stream of errors to
    // be reported.
    // TODO(shess): Would it be worthwile to audit for which cases
    // want once-only handling?  Sqlite.Error.Thumbnail shows
    // CORRUPT and READONLY as almost 95% of all reports on these
    // channels, so probably easier to just harvest from the field.
    if (rand < kReportsPerMillion) {
      reported = true;
      ReportError(db, extended_error);

// NOTE(shess): Schema modifications must consider initial creation in
// |InitImpl()|, recovery in |RecoverDatabaseOrRaze()|, and history pruning in
// |RetainDataForPageUrls()|.
bool InitTables(sql::Connection* db) {
  const char kIconMappingSql[] =
      "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS icon_mapping"
      "page_url LONGVARCHAR NOT NULL,"
      "icon_id INTEGER"
  if (!db->Execute(kIconMappingSql))
    return false;

  const char kFaviconsSql[] =
      // default icon_type FAVICON to be consistent with past migration.
      "icon_type INTEGER DEFAULT 1"
  if (!db->Execute(kFaviconsSql))
    return false;

  const char kFaviconBitmapsSql[] =
      "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS favicon_bitmaps"
      "icon_id INTEGER NOT NULL,"
      "last_updated INTEGER DEFAULT 0,"
      "image_data BLOB,"
      "width INTEGER DEFAULT 0,"
      "height INTEGER DEFAULT 0"
  if (!db->Execute(kFaviconBitmapsSql))
    return false;

  return true;

// NOTE(shess): Schema modifications must consider initial creation in
// |InitImpl()|, recovery in |RecoverDatabaseOrRaze()|, and history pruning in
// |RetainDataForPageUrls()|.
bool InitIndices(sql::Connection* db) {
  const char kIconMappingUrlIndexSql[] =
      "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS icon_mapping_page_url_idx"
      " ON icon_mapping(page_url)";
  const char kIconMappingIdIndexSql[] =
      "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS icon_mapping_icon_id_idx"
      " ON icon_mapping(icon_id)";
  if (!db->Execute(kIconMappingUrlIndexSql) ||
      !db->Execute(kIconMappingIdIndexSql)) {
    return false;

  const char kFaviconsIndexSql[] =
      "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS favicons_url ON favicons(url)";
  if (!db->Execute(kFaviconsIndexSql))
    return false;

  const char kFaviconBitmapsIndexSql[] =
      "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS favicon_bitmaps_icon_id ON "
  if (!db->Execute(kFaviconBitmapsIndexSql))
    return false;

  return true;

enum RecoveryEventType {

  // Always keep this at the end.

void RecordRecoveryEvent(RecoveryEventType recovery_event) {
                            recovery_event, RECOVERY_EVENT_MAX);

// Recover the database to the extent possible, razing it if recovery
// is not possible.
// TODO(shess): This is mostly just a safe proof of concept.  In the
// real world, this database is probably not worthwhile recovering, as
// opposed to just razing it and starting over whenever corruption is
// detected.  So this database is a good test subject.
void RecoverDatabaseOrRaze(sql::Connection* db, const base::FilePath& db_path) {
  // NOTE(shess): This code is currently specific to the version
  // number.  I am working on simplifying things to loosen the
  // dependency, meanwhile contact me if you need to bump the version.
  DCHECK_EQ(7, kCurrentVersionNumber);

  // TODO(shess): Reset back after?

  // For histogram purposes.
  size_t favicons_rows_recovered = 0;
  size_t favicon_bitmaps_rows_recovered = 0;
  size_t icon_mapping_rows_recovered = 0;
  int64 original_size = 0;
  base::GetFileSize(db_path, &original_size);

  scoped_ptr<sql::Recovery> recovery = sql::Recovery::Begin(db, db_path);
  if (!recovery) {
    // TODO(shess): Unable to create recovery connection.  This
    // implies something substantial is wrong.  At this point |db| has
    // been poisoned so there is nothing really to do.
    // Possible responses are unclear.  If the failure relates to a
    // problem somehow specific to the temporary file used to back the
    // database, then an in-memory database could possibly be used.
    // This could potentially allow recovering the main database, and
    // might be simple to implement w/in Begin().

  // Setup the meta recovery table and fetch the version number from
  // the corrupt database.
  int version = 0;
  if (!recovery->SetupMeta() || !recovery->GetMetaVersionNumber(&version)) {
    // TODO(shess): Prior histograms indicate all failures are in
    // creating the recover virtual table for corrupt.meta.  The table
    // may not exist, or the database may be too far gone.  Either
    // way, unclear how to resolve.

  // This code may be able to fetch version information that the regular
  // deprecation path cannot.
  // NOTE(shess): v5 and v6 are currently not deprecated in the normal Init()
  // path, but are deprecated in the recovery path in the interest of keeping
  // the code simple. for numbers.
  DCHECK_LE(kDeprecatedVersionNumber, 6);
  if (version <= 6) {

  // Earlier versions have been handled or deprecated, later versions should be
  // impossible.
  if (version != 7) {

  // Recover to current schema version.
  sql::MetaTable recover_meta_table;
  if (!recover_meta_table.Init(recovery->db(), kCurrentVersionNumber,
                               kCompatibleVersionNumber)) {

  // Create a fresh version of the database.  The recovery code uses
  // conflict-resolution to handle duplicates, so the indices are
  // necessary.
  if (!InitTables(recovery->db()) || !InitIndices(recovery->db())) {
    // TODO(shess): Unable to create the new schema in the new
    // database.  The new database should be a temporary file, so
    // being unable to work with it is pretty unclear.
    // What are the potential responses, even?  The recovery database
    // could be opened as in-memory.  If the temp database had a
    // filesystem problem and the temp filesystem differs from the
    // main database, then that could fix it.

  if (!recovery->AutoRecoverTable("favicons", 0, &favicons_rows_recovered)) {
  if (!recovery->AutoRecoverTable("favicon_bitmaps", 0,
                                  &favicon_bitmaps_rows_recovered)) {
  if (!recovery->AutoRecoverTable("icon_mapping", 0,
                                  &icon_mapping_rows_recovered)) {

  // TODO(shess): Is it possible/likely to have broken foreign-key
  // issues with the tables?
  // - icon_mapping.icon_id maps to no
  // - favicon_bitmaps.icon_id maps to no
  // - is referenced by no icon_mapping.icon_id
  // - is referenced by no favicon_bitmaps.icon_id
  // This step is possibly not worth the effort necessary to develop
  // and sequence the statements, as it is basically a form of garbage
  // collection.

  if (!sql::Recovery::Recovered(recovery.Pass())) {

  // Track the size of the recovered database relative to the size of
  // the input database.  The size should almost always be smaller,
  // unless the input database was empty to start with.  If the
  // percentage results are very low, something is awry.
  int64 final_size = 0;
  if (original_size > 0 &&
      base::GetFileSize(db_path, &final_size) &&
      final_size > 0) {
    int percentage = static_cast<int>(original_size * 100 / final_size);
                             std::max(100, percentage));

  // Using 10,000 because these cases mostly care about "none
  // recovered" and "lots recovered".  More than 10,000 rows recovered
  // probably means there's something wrong with the profile.


void DatabaseErrorCallback(sql::Connection* db,
                           const base::FilePath& db_path,
                           size_t startup_kb,
                           int extended_error,
                           sql::Statement* stmt) {
  // TODO(shess): Assert that this is running on a safe thread.
  // AFAICT, should be the history thread, but at this level I can't
  // see how to reach that.

  // TODO(shess): For now, don't report on beta or stable so as not to
  // overwhelm the crash server.  Once the big fish are fried,
  // consider reporting at a reduced rate on the bigger channels.
  chrome::VersionInfo::Channel channel = chrome::VersionInfo::GetChannel();
  if (channel != chrome::VersionInfo::CHANNEL_STABLE &&
      channel != chrome::VersionInfo::CHANNEL_BETA) {
    GenerateDiagnostics(db, startup_kb, extended_error);

  // Attempt to recover corrupt databases.
  int error = (extended_error & 0xFF);
  if (error == SQLITE_CORRUPT ||
      error == SQLITE_CANTOPEN ||
      error == SQLITE_NOTADB) {
    RecoverDatabaseOrRaze(db, db_path);

  // The default handling is to assert on debug and to ignore on release.
  if (!sql::Connection::ShouldIgnoreSqliteError(extended_error))
    DLOG(FATAL) << db->GetErrorMessage();

}  // namespace

namespace history {

ThumbnailDatabase::IconMappingEnumerator::IconMappingEnumerator() {

ThumbnailDatabase::IconMappingEnumerator::~IconMappingEnumerator() {

bool ThumbnailDatabase::IconMappingEnumerator::GetNextIconMapping(
    IconMapping* icon_mapping) {
  if (!statement_.Step())
    return false;
  FillIconMapping(statement_, GURL(statement_.ColumnString(4)), icon_mapping);
  return true;

ThumbnailDatabase::ThumbnailDatabase() {

ThumbnailDatabase::~ThumbnailDatabase() {
  // The DBCloseScoper will delete the DB and the cache.

sql::InitStatus ThumbnailDatabase::Init(const base::FilePath& db_name) {
  // TODO(shess): Consider separating database open from schema setup.
  // With that change, this code could Raze() from outside the
  // transaction, rather than needing RazeAndClose() in InitImpl().

  // Retry failed setup in case the recovery system fixed things.
  const size_t kAttempts = 2;

  sql::InitStatus status = sql::INIT_FAILURE;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < kAttempts; ++i) {
    status = InitImpl(db_name);
    if (status == sql::INIT_OK)
      return status;

  return status;

void ThumbnailDatabase::ComputeDatabaseMetrics() {
  sql::Statement favicon_count(
      db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM favicons"));
      favicon_count.Step() ? favicon_count.ColumnInt(0) : 0);

void ThumbnailDatabase::BeginTransaction() {

void ThumbnailDatabase::CommitTransaction() {

void ThumbnailDatabase::RollbackTransaction() {

void ThumbnailDatabase::Vacuum() {
  DCHECK(db_.transaction_nesting() == 0) <<
      "Can not have a transaction when vacuuming.";

void ThumbnailDatabase::TrimMemory(bool aggressively) {

bool ThumbnailDatabase::GetFaviconBitmapIDSizes(
    chrome::FaviconID icon_id,
    std::vector<FaviconBitmapIDSize>* bitmap_id_sizes) {
  sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "SELECT id, width, height FROM favicon_bitmaps WHERE icon_id=?"));
  statement.BindInt64(0, icon_id);

  bool result = false;
  while (statement.Step()) {
    result = true;
    if (!bitmap_id_sizes)
      return result;

    FaviconBitmapIDSize bitmap_id_size;
    bitmap_id_size.bitmap_id = statement.ColumnInt64(0);
    bitmap_id_size.pixel_size = gfx::Size(statement.ColumnInt(1),
  return result;

bool ThumbnailDatabase::GetFaviconBitmaps(
    chrome::FaviconID icon_id,
    std::vector<FaviconBitmap>* favicon_bitmaps) {
  sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "SELECT id, last_updated, image_data, width, height FROM favicon_bitmaps "
      "WHERE icon_id=?"));
  statement.BindInt64(0, icon_id);

  bool result = false;
  while (statement.Step()) {
    result = true;
    if (!favicon_bitmaps)
      return result;

    FaviconBitmap favicon_bitmap;
    favicon_bitmap.bitmap_id = statement.ColumnInt64(0);
    favicon_bitmap.icon_id = icon_id;
    favicon_bitmap.last_updated =
    if (statement.ColumnByteLength(2) > 0) {
      scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedBytes> data(new base::RefCountedBytes());
      statement.ColumnBlobAsVector(2, &data->data());
      favicon_bitmap.bitmap_data = data;
    favicon_bitmap.pixel_size = gfx::Size(statement.ColumnInt(3),
  return result;

bool ThumbnailDatabase::GetFaviconBitmap(
    FaviconBitmapID bitmap_id,
    base::Time* last_updated,
    scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory>* png_icon_data,
    gfx::Size* pixel_size) {
  sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "SELECT last_updated, image_data, width, height FROM favicon_bitmaps "
      "WHERE id=?"));
  statement.BindInt64(0, bitmap_id);

  if (!statement.Step())
    return false;

  if (last_updated)
    *last_updated = base::Time::FromInternalValue(statement.ColumnInt64(0));

  if (png_icon_data && statement.ColumnByteLength(1) > 0) {
    scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedBytes> data(new base::RefCountedBytes());
    statement.ColumnBlobAsVector(1, &data->data());
    *png_icon_data = data;

  if (pixel_size) {
    *pixel_size = gfx::Size(statement.ColumnInt(2),
  return true;

FaviconBitmapID ThumbnailDatabase::AddFaviconBitmap(
    chrome::FaviconID icon_id,
    const scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory>& icon_data,
    base::Time time,
    const gfx::Size& pixel_size) {
  sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "INSERT INTO favicon_bitmaps (icon_id, image_data, last_updated, width, "
      "height) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"));
  statement.BindInt64(0, icon_id);
  if (icon_data.get() && icon_data->size()) {
    statement.BindBlob(1, icon_data->front(),
  } else {
  statement.BindInt64(2, time.ToInternalValue());
  statement.BindInt(3, pixel_size.width());
  statement.BindInt(4, pixel_size.height());

  if (!statement.Run())
    return 0;
  return db_.GetLastInsertRowId();

bool ThumbnailDatabase::SetFaviconBitmap(
    FaviconBitmapID bitmap_id,
    scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory> bitmap_data,
    base::Time time) {
  sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "UPDATE favicon_bitmaps SET image_data=?, last_updated=? WHERE id=?"));
  if (bitmap_data.get() && bitmap_data->size()) {
    statement.BindBlob(0, bitmap_data->front(),
  } else {
  statement.BindInt64(1, time.ToInternalValue());
  statement.BindInt64(2, bitmap_id);

  return statement.Run();

bool ThumbnailDatabase::SetFaviconBitmapLastUpdateTime(
    FaviconBitmapID bitmap_id,
    base::Time time) {
  sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "UPDATE favicon_bitmaps SET last_updated=? WHERE id=?"));
  statement.BindInt64(0, time.ToInternalValue());
  statement.BindInt64(1, bitmap_id);
  return statement.Run();

bool ThumbnailDatabase::DeleteFaviconBitmap(FaviconBitmapID bitmap_id) {
  sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "DELETE FROM favicon_bitmaps WHERE id=?"));
  statement.BindInt64(0, bitmap_id);
  return statement.Run();

bool ThumbnailDatabase::SetFaviconOutOfDate(chrome::FaviconID icon_id) {
  sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "UPDATE favicon_bitmaps SET last_updated=? WHERE icon_id=?"));
  statement.BindInt64(0, 0);
  statement.BindInt64(1, icon_id);

  return statement.Run();

chrome::FaviconID ThumbnailDatabase::GetFaviconIDForFaviconURL(
    const GURL& icon_url,
    int required_icon_type,
    chrome::IconType* icon_type) {
  sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "SELECT id, icon_type FROM favicons WHERE url=? AND (icon_type & ? > 0) "
      "ORDER BY icon_type DESC"));
  statement.BindString(0, URLDatabase::GURLToDatabaseURL(icon_url));
  statement.BindInt(1, required_icon_type);

  if (!statement.Step())
    return 0;  // not cached

  if (icon_type)
    *icon_type = static_cast<chrome::IconType>(statement.ColumnInt(1));
  return statement.ColumnInt64(0);

bool ThumbnailDatabase::GetFaviconHeader(chrome::FaviconID icon_id,
                                         GURL* icon_url,
                                         chrome::IconType* icon_type) {

  sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "SELECT url, icon_type FROM favicons WHERE id=?"));
  statement.BindInt64(0, icon_id);

  if (!statement.Step())
    return false;  // No entry for the id.

  if (icon_url)
    *icon_url = GURL(statement.ColumnString(0));
  if (icon_type)
    *icon_type = static_cast<chrome::IconType>(statement.ColumnInt(1));

  return true;

chrome::FaviconID ThumbnailDatabase::AddFavicon(
    const GURL& icon_url,
    chrome::IconType icon_type) {

  sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "INSERT INTO favicons (url, icon_type) VALUES (?, ?)"));
  statement.BindString(0, URLDatabase::GURLToDatabaseURL(icon_url));
  statement.BindInt(1, icon_type);

  if (!statement.Run())
    return 0;
  return db_.GetLastInsertRowId();

chrome::FaviconID ThumbnailDatabase::AddFavicon(
    const GURL& icon_url,
    chrome::IconType icon_type,
    const scoped_refptr<base::RefCountedMemory>& icon_data,
    base::Time time,
    const gfx::Size& pixel_size) {
  chrome::FaviconID icon_id = AddFavicon(icon_url, icon_type);
  if (!icon_id || !AddFaviconBitmap(icon_id, icon_data, time, pixel_size))
    return 0;

  return icon_id;

bool ThumbnailDatabase::DeleteFavicon(chrome::FaviconID id) {
  sql::Statement statement;
      "DELETE FROM favicons WHERE id = ?"));
  statement.BindInt64(0, id);
  if (!statement.Run())
    return false;

      "DELETE FROM favicon_bitmaps WHERE icon_id = ?"));
  statement.BindInt64(0, id);
  return statement.Run();

bool ThumbnailDatabase::GetIconMappingsForPageURL(
    const GURL& page_url,
    int required_icon_types,
    std::vector<IconMapping>* filtered_mapping_data) {
  std::vector<IconMapping> mapping_data;
  if (!GetIconMappingsForPageURL(page_url, &mapping_data))
    return false;

  bool result = false;
  for (std::vector<IconMapping>::iterator m = mapping_data.begin();
       m != mapping_data.end(); ++m) {
    if (m->icon_type & required_icon_types) {
      result = true;
      if (!filtered_mapping_data)
        return result;

      // Restrict icon type of subsequent matches to |m->icon_type|.
      // |m->icon_type| is the largest IconType in |mapping_data| because
      // |mapping_data| is sorted in descending order of IconType.
      required_icon_types = m->icon_type;

  return result;

bool ThumbnailDatabase::GetIconMappingsForPageURL(
    const GURL& page_url,
    std::vector<IconMapping>* mapping_data) {
  sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "SELECT, icon_mapping.icon_id, favicons.icon_type, "
      "favicons.url "
      "FROM icon_mapping "
      "INNER JOIN favicons "
      "ON icon_mapping.icon_id = "
      "WHERE icon_mapping.page_url=? "
      "ORDER BY favicons.icon_type DESC"));
  statement.BindString(0, URLDatabase::GURLToDatabaseURL(page_url));

  bool result = false;
  while (statement.Step()) {
    result = true;
    if (!mapping_data)
      return result;

    IconMapping icon_mapping;
    FillIconMapping(statement, page_url, &icon_mapping);
  return result;

IconMappingID ThumbnailDatabase::AddIconMapping(const GURL& page_url,
                                                chrome::FaviconID icon_id) {
  const char kSql[] =
      "INSERT INTO icon_mapping (page_url, icon_id) VALUES (?, ?)";
  sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
  statement.BindString(0, URLDatabase::GURLToDatabaseURL(page_url));
  statement.BindInt64(1, icon_id);

  if (!statement.Run())
    return 0;

  return db_.GetLastInsertRowId();

bool ThumbnailDatabase::UpdateIconMapping(IconMappingID mapping_id,
                                          chrome::FaviconID icon_id) {
  sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "UPDATE icon_mapping SET icon_id=? WHERE id=?"));
  statement.BindInt64(0, icon_id);
  statement.BindInt64(1, mapping_id);

  return statement.Run();

bool ThumbnailDatabase::DeleteIconMappings(const GURL& page_url) {
  sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "DELETE FROM icon_mapping WHERE page_url = ?"));
  statement.BindString(0, URLDatabase::GURLToDatabaseURL(page_url));

  return statement.Run();

bool ThumbnailDatabase::DeleteIconMapping(IconMappingID mapping_id) {
  sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "DELETE FROM icon_mapping WHERE id=?"));
  statement.BindInt64(0, mapping_id);

  return statement.Run();

bool ThumbnailDatabase::HasMappingFor(chrome::FaviconID id) {
  sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "SELECT id FROM icon_mapping "
      "WHERE icon_id=?"));
  statement.BindInt64(0, id);

  return statement.Step();

bool ThumbnailDatabase::CloneIconMappings(const GURL& old_page_url,
                                          const GURL& new_page_url) {
  sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "SELECT icon_id FROM icon_mapping "
      "WHERE page_url=?"));
  if (!statement.is_valid())
    return false;

  // Do nothing if there are existing bindings
  statement.BindString(0, URLDatabase::GURLToDatabaseURL(new_page_url));
  if (statement.Step())
    return true;

      "INSERT INTO icon_mapping (page_url, icon_id) "
        "SELECT ?, icon_id FROM icon_mapping "
        "WHERE page_url = ?"));

  statement.BindString(0, URLDatabase::GURLToDatabaseURL(new_page_url));
  statement.BindString(1, URLDatabase::GURLToDatabaseURL(old_page_url));
  return statement.Run();

bool ThumbnailDatabase::InitIconMappingEnumerator(
    chrome::IconType type,
    IconMappingEnumerator* enumerator) {
      "SELECT, icon_mapping.icon_id, favicons.icon_type, "
             "favicons.url, icon_mapping.page_url "
         "FROM icon_mapping JOIN favicons ON ("
              "icon_mapping.icon_id = "
         "WHERE favicons.icon_type = ?"));
  enumerator->statement_.BindInt(0, type);
  return enumerator->statement_.is_valid();

bool ThumbnailDatabase::RetainDataForPageUrls(
    const std::vector<GURL>& urls_to_keep) {
  sql::Transaction transaction(&db_);
  if (!transaction.Begin())
    return false;

  // temp.icon_id_mapping generates new icon ids as consecutive
  // integers starting from 1, and maps them to the old icon ids.
    const char kIconMappingCreate[] =
        "CREATE TEMP TABLE icon_id_mapping "
        "new_icon_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"
        "old_icon_id INTEGER NOT NULL UNIQUE"
    if (!db_.Execute(kIconMappingCreate))
      return false;

    // Insert the icon ids for retained urls, skipping duplicates.
    const char kIconMappingSql[] =
        "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO temp.icon_id_mapping (old_icon_id) "
        "SELECT icon_id FROM icon_mapping WHERE page_url = ?";
    sql::Statement statement(db_.GetUniqueStatement(kIconMappingSql));
    for (std::vector<GURL>::const_iterator
             i = urls_to_keep.begin(); i != urls_to_keep.end(); ++i) {
      statement.BindString(0, URLDatabase::GURLToDatabaseURL(*i));
      if (!statement.Run())
        return false;

  const char kRenameIconMappingTable[] =
      "ALTER TABLE icon_mapping RENAME TO old_icon_mapping";
  const char kCopyIconMapping[] =
      "INSERT INTO icon_mapping (page_url, icon_id) "
      "SELECT old.page_url, mapping.new_icon_id "
      "FROM old_icon_mapping AS old "
      "JOIN temp.icon_id_mapping AS mapping "
      "ON (old.icon_id = mapping.old_icon_id)";
  const char kDropOldIconMappingTable[] = "DROP TABLE old_icon_mapping";

  const char kRenameFaviconsTable[] =
      "ALTER TABLE favicons RENAME TO old_favicons";
  const char kCopyFavicons[] =
      "INSERT INTO favicons (id, url, icon_type) "
      "SELECT mapping.new_icon_id, old.url, old.icon_type "
      "FROM old_favicons AS old "
      "JOIN temp.icon_id_mapping AS mapping "
      "ON ( = mapping.old_icon_id)";
  const char kDropOldFaviconsTable[] = "DROP TABLE old_favicons";

  const char kRenameFaviconBitmapsTable[] =
      "ALTER TABLE favicon_bitmaps RENAME TO old_favicon_bitmaps";
  const char kCopyFaviconBitmaps[] =
      "INSERT INTO favicon_bitmaps "
      "  (icon_id, last_updated, image_data, width, height) "
      "SELECT mapping.new_icon_id, old.last_updated, "
      "    old.image_data, old.width, old.height "
      "FROM old_favicon_bitmaps AS old "
      "JOIN temp.icon_id_mapping AS mapping "
      "ON (old.icon_id = mapping.old_icon_id)";
  const char kDropOldFaviconBitmapsTable[] =
      "DROP TABLE old_favicon_bitmaps";

  // Rename existing tables to new location.
  if (!db_.Execute(kRenameIconMappingTable) ||
      !db_.Execute(kRenameFaviconsTable) ||
      !db_.Execute(kRenameFaviconBitmapsTable)) {
    return false;

  // Initialize the replacement tables.  At this point the old indices
  // still exist (pointing to the old_* tables), so do not initialize
  // the indices.
  if (!InitTables(&db_))
    return false;

  // Copy all of the data over.
  if (!db_.Execute(kCopyIconMapping) ||
      !db_.Execute(kCopyFavicons) ||
      !db_.Execute(kCopyFaviconBitmaps)) {
    return false;

  // Drop the old_* tables, which also drops the indices.
  if (!db_.Execute(kDropOldIconMappingTable) ||
      !db_.Execute(kDropOldFaviconsTable) ||
      !db_.Execute(kDropOldFaviconBitmapsTable)) {
    return false;

  // Recreate the indices.
  // TODO(shess): UNIQUE indices could fail due to duplication.  This
  // could happen in case of corruption.
  if (!InitIndices(&db_))
    return false;

  const char kIconMappingDrop[] = "DROP TABLE temp.icon_id_mapping";
  if (!db_.Execute(kIconMappingDrop))
    return false;

  return transaction.Commit();

sql::InitStatus ThumbnailDatabase::OpenDatabase(sql::Connection* db,
                                                const base::FilePath& db_name) {
  size_t startup_kb = 0;
  int64 size_64;
  if (base::GetFileSize(db_name, &size_64))
    startup_kb = static_cast<size_t>(size_64 / 1024);

                                    db, db_name, startup_kb));

  // Thumbnails db now only stores favicons, so we don't need that big a page
  // size or cache.

  // Run the database in exclusive mode. Nobody else should be accessing the
  // database while we're running, and this will give somewhat improved perf.

  if (!db->Open(db_name))
    return sql::INIT_FAILURE;

  return sql::INIT_OK;

sql::InitStatus ThumbnailDatabase::InitImpl(const base::FilePath& db_name) {
  sql::InitStatus status = OpenDatabase(&db_, db_name);
  if (status != sql::INIT_OK)
    return status;

  // Clear databases which are too old to process.
  DCHECK_LT(kDeprecatedVersionNumber, kCurrentVersionNumber);
  sql::MetaTable::RazeIfDeprecated(&db_, kDeprecatedVersionNumber);

  // TODO(shess): Sqlite.Version.Thumbnail shows versions 22, 23, and
  // 25.  Future versions are not destroyed because that could lead to
  // data loss if the profile is opened by a later channel, but
  // perhaps a heuristic like >kCurrentVersionNumber+3 could be used.

  // Scope initialization in a transaction so we can't be partially initialized.
  sql::Transaction transaction(&db_);
  if (!transaction.Begin())
    return sql::INIT_FAILURE;

  // TODO(shess): Failing Begin() implies that something serious is
  // wrong with the database.  Raze() may be in order.

#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
  // Exclude the thumbnails file from backups.

  // thumbnails table has been obsolete for a long time, remove any
  // detrious.
  ignore_result(db_.Execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS thumbnails"));

  // At some point, operations involving temporary tables weren't done
  // atomically and users have been stranded.  Drop those tables and
  // move on.
  // TODO(shess): Prove it?  Audit all cases and see if it's possible
  // that this implies non-atomic update, and should thus be handled
  // via the corruption handler.
  ignore_result(db_.Execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_favicons"));
  ignore_result(db_.Execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_favicon_bitmaps"));
  ignore_result(db_.Execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS temp_icon_mapping"));

  // Create the tables.
  if (!meta_table_.Init(&db_, kCurrentVersionNumber,
                        kCompatibleVersionNumber) ||
      !InitTables(&db_) ||
      !InitIndices(&db_)) {
    return sql::INIT_FAILURE;

  // Version check. We should not encounter a database too old for us to handle
  // in the wild, so we try to continue in that case.
  if (meta_table_.GetCompatibleVersionNumber() > kCurrentVersionNumber) {
    LOG(WARNING) << "Thumbnail database is too new.";
    return sql::INIT_TOO_NEW;

  int cur_version = meta_table_.GetVersionNumber();

  if (!db_.DoesColumnExist("favicons", "icon_type")) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Raze because of missing favicon.icon_type";

    return sql::INIT_FAILURE;

  if (cur_version < 7 && !db_.DoesColumnExist("favicons", "sizes")) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Raze because of missing favicon.sizes";

    return sql::INIT_FAILURE;

  if (cur_version == 5) {
    if (!UpgradeToVersion6())
      return CantUpgradeToVersion(cur_version);

  if (cur_version == 6) {
    if (!UpgradeToVersion7())
      return CantUpgradeToVersion(cur_version);

  LOG_IF(WARNING, cur_version < kCurrentVersionNumber) <<
      "Thumbnail database version " << cur_version << " is too old to handle.";

  // Initialization is complete.
  if (!transaction.Commit())
    return sql::INIT_FAILURE;

  // Raze the database if the structure of the favicons database is not what
  // it should be. This error cannot be detected via the SQL error code because
  // the error code for running SQL statements against a database with missing
  // columns is SQLITE_ERROR which is not unique enough to act upon.
  // TODO(pkotwicz): Revisit this in M27 and see if the razing can be removed.
  // (
  if (IsFaviconDBStructureIncorrect()) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Raze because of invalid favicon db structure.";

    return sql::INIT_FAILURE;

  return sql::INIT_OK;

sql::InitStatus ThumbnailDatabase::CantUpgradeToVersion(int cur_version) {
  LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to update to thumbnail database to version " <<
               cur_version << ".";
  return sql::INIT_FAILURE;

bool ThumbnailDatabase::UpgradeToVersion6() {
  // Move bitmap data from favicons to favicon_bitmaps.
  bool success =
      db_.Execute("INSERT INTO favicon_bitmaps (icon_id, last_updated, "
                  "image_data, width, height)"
                  "SELECT id, last_updated, image_data, 0, 0 FROM favicons") &&
      db_.Execute("CREATE TABLE temp_favicons ("
                  "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"
                  "url LONGVARCHAR NOT NULL,"
                  "icon_type INTEGER DEFAULT 1,"
                  // default icon_type FAVICON to be consistent with
                  // past migration.
                  "sizes LONGVARCHAR)") &&
      db_.Execute("INSERT INTO temp_favicons (id, url, icon_type) "
                  "SELECT id, url, icon_type FROM favicons") &&
      db_.Execute("DROP TABLE favicons") &&
      db_.Execute("ALTER TABLE temp_favicons RENAME TO favicons");
  // NOTE(shess): v7 will re-create the index.
  if (!success)
    return false;

  meta_table_.SetCompatibleVersionNumber(std::min(6, kCompatibleVersionNumber));
  return true;

bool ThumbnailDatabase::UpgradeToVersion7() {
  // Sizes column was never used, remove it.
  bool success =
      db_.Execute("CREATE TABLE temp_favicons ("
                  "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"
                  "url LONGVARCHAR NOT NULL,"
                  // default icon_type FAVICON to be consistent with
                  // past migration.
                  "icon_type INTEGER DEFAULT 1)") &&
      db_.Execute("INSERT INTO temp_favicons (id, url, icon_type) "
                  "SELECT id, url, icon_type FROM favicons") &&
      db_.Execute("DROP TABLE favicons") &&
      db_.Execute("ALTER TABLE temp_favicons RENAME TO favicons") &&
      db_.Execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS favicons_url ON favicons(url)");

  if (!success)
    return false;

  meta_table_.SetCompatibleVersionNumber(std::min(7, kCompatibleVersionNumber));
  return true;

bool ThumbnailDatabase::IsFaviconDBStructureIncorrect() {
  return !db_.IsSQLValid("SELECT id, url, icon_type FROM favicons");

}  // namespace history

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