
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. Initialize
  2. IsActive
  3. RegisterOrDeleteDuplicate
  4. RegisterOrDeleteDuplicateRanges
  5. WriteHTMLGraph
  6. WriteGraph
  7. ToJSON
  8. GetHistograms
  9. GetBucketRanges
  10. FindHistogram
  11. GetSnapshot
  12. DumpHistogramsToVlog

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "base/metrics/statistics_recorder.h"

#include "base/at_exit.h"
#include "base/debug/leak_annotations.h"
#include "base/json/string_escape.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/values.h"

using std::list;
using std::string;

namespace {
// Initialize histogram statistics gathering system.
base::LazyInstance<base::StatisticsRecorder>::Leaky g_statistics_recorder_ =
}  // namespace

namespace base {

// static
void StatisticsRecorder::Initialize() {
  // Ensure that an instance of the StatisticsRecorder object is created.

// static
bool StatisticsRecorder::IsActive() {
  if (lock_ == NULL)
    return false;
  base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
  return NULL != histograms_;

// static
HistogramBase* StatisticsRecorder::RegisterOrDeleteDuplicate(
    HistogramBase* histogram) {
  // As per the histograms are intentionally leaked, so we need
  // to annotate them. Because ANNOTATE_LEAKING_OBJECT_PTR may be used only once
  // for an object, the duplicates should not be annotated.
  // Callers are responsible for not calling RegisterOrDeleteDuplicate(ptr)
  // twice if (lock_ == NULL) || (!histograms_).
  if (lock_ == NULL) {
    ANNOTATE_LEAKING_OBJECT_PTR(histogram);  // see
    return histogram;

  HistogramBase* histogram_to_delete = NULL;
  HistogramBase* histogram_to_return = NULL;
    base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
    if (histograms_ == NULL) {
      histogram_to_return = histogram;
    } else {
      const string& name = histogram->histogram_name();
      HistogramMap::iterator it = histograms_->find(name);
      if (histograms_->end() == it) {
        (*histograms_)[name] = histogram;
        ANNOTATE_LEAKING_OBJECT_PTR(histogram);  // see
        histogram_to_return = histogram;
      } else if (histogram == it->second) {
        // The histogram was registered before.
        histogram_to_return = histogram;
      } else {
        // We already have one histogram with this name.
        histogram_to_return = it->second;
        histogram_to_delete = histogram;
  delete histogram_to_delete;
  return histogram_to_return;

// static
const BucketRanges* StatisticsRecorder::RegisterOrDeleteDuplicateRanges(
    const BucketRanges* ranges) {
  scoped_ptr<const BucketRanges> ranges_deleter;

  if (lock_ == NULL) {
    return ranges;

  base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
  if (ranges_ == NULL) {
    return ranges;

  list<const BucketRanges*>* checksum_matching_list;
  RangesMap::iterator ranges_it = ranges_->find(ranges->checksum());
  if (ranges_->end() == ranges_it) {
    // Add a new matching list to map.
    checksum_matching_list = new list<const BucketRanges*>();
    (*ranges_)[ranges->checksum()] = checksum_matching_list;
  } else {
    checksum_matching_list = ranges_it->second;

  list<const BucketRanges*>::iterator checksum_matching_list_it;
  for (checksum_matching_list_it = checksum_matching_list->begin();
       checksum_matching_list_it != checksum_matching_list->end();
       ++checksum_matching_list_it) {
    const BucketRanges* existing_ranges = *checksum_matching_list_it;
    if (existing_ranges->Equals(ranges)) {
      if (existing_ranges == ranges) {
        return ranges;
      } else {
        return existing_ranges;
  // We haven't found a BucketRanges which has the same ranges. Register the
  // new BucketRanges.
  return ranges;

// static
void StatisticsRecorder::WriteHTMLGraph(const std::string& query,
                                        std::string* output) {
  if (!IsActive())

  Histograms snapshot;
  GetSnapshot(query, &snapshot);
  for (Histograms::iterator it = snapshot.begin();
       it != snapshot.end();
       ++it) {

// static
void StatisticsRecorder::WriteGraph(const std::string& query,
                                    std::string* output) {
  if (!IsActive())
  if (query.length())
    StringAppendF(output, "Collections of histograms for %s\n", query.c_str());
    output->append("Collections of all histograms\n");

  Histograms snapshot;
  GetSnapshot(query, &snapshot);
  for (Histograms::iterator it = snapshot.begin();
       it != snapshot.end();
       ++it) {

// static
std::string StatisticsRecorder::ToJSON(const std::string& query) {
  if (!IsActive())
    return std::string();

  std::string output("{");
  if (!query.empty()) {
    output += "\"query\":";
    EscapeJSONString(query, true, &output);
    output += ",";

  Histograms snapshot;
  GetSnapshot(query, &snapshot);
  output += "\"histograms\":[";
  bool first_histogram = true;
  for (Histograms::const_iterator it = snapshot.begin(); it != snapshot.end();
       ++it) {
    if (first_histogram)
      first_histogram = false;
      output += ",";
    std::string json;
    output += json;
  output += "]}";
  return output;

// static
void StatisticsRecorder::GetHistograms(Histograms* output) {
  if (lock_ == NULL)
  base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
  if (histograms_ == NULL)

  for (HistogramMap::iterator it = histograms_->begin();
       histograms_->end() != it;
       ++it) {
    DCHECK_EQ(it->first, it->second->histogram_name());

// static
void StatisticsRecorder::GetBucketRanges(
    std::vector<const BucketRanges*>* output) {
  if (lock_ == NULL)
  base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
  if (ranges_ == NULL)

  for (RangesMap::iterator it = ranges_->begin();
       ranges_->end() != it;
       ++it) {
    list<const BucketRanges*>* ranges_list = it->second;
    list<const BucketRanges*>::iterator ranges_list_it;
    for (ranges_list_it = ranges_list->begin();
         ranges_list_it != ranges_list->end();
         ++ranges_list_it) {

// static
HistogramBase* StatisticsRecorder::FindHistogram(const std::string& name) {
  if (lock_ == NULL)
    return NULL;
  base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
  if (histograms_ == NULL)
    return NULL;

  HistogramMap::iterator it = histograms_->find(name);
  if (histograms_->end() == it)
    return NULL;
  return it->second;

// private static
void StatisticsRecorder::GetSnapshot(const std::string& query,
                                     Histograms* snapshot) {
  if (lock_ == NULL)
  base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
  if (histograms_ == NULL)

  for (HistogramMap::iterator it = histograms_->begin();
       histograms_->end() != it;
       ++it) {
    if (it->first.find(query) != std::string::npos)

// This singleton instance should be started during the single threaded portion
// of main(), and hence it is not thread safe.  It initializes globals to
// provide support for all future calls.
StatisticsRecorder::StatisticsRecorder() {
  if (lock_ == NULL) {
    // This will leak on purpose. It's the only way to make sure we won't race
    // against the static uninitialization of the module while one of our
    // static methods relying on the lock get called at an inappropriate time
    // during the termination phase. Since it's a static data member, we will
    // leak one per process, which would be similar to the instance allocated
    // during static initialization and released only on  process termination.
    lock_ = new base::Lock;
  base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
  histograms_ = new HistogramMap;
  ranges_ = new RangesMap;

  if (VLOG_IS_ON(1))
    AtExitManager::RegisterCallback(&DumpHistogramsToVlog, this);

// static
void StatisticsRecorder::DumpHistogramsToVlog(void* instance) {

  StatisticsRecorder* me = reinterpret_cast<StatisticsRecorder*>(instance);
  string output;
  me->WriteGraph(std::string(), &output);
  VLOG(1) << output;

StatisticsRecorder::~StatisticsRecorder() {
  DCHECK(histograms_ && ranges_ && lock_);

  // Clean up.
  scoped_ptr<HistogramMap> histograms_deleter;
  scoped_ptr<RangesMap> ranges_deleter;
  // We don't delete lock_ on purpose to avoid having to properly protect
  // against it going away after we checked for NULL in the static methods.
    base::AutoLock auto_lock(*lock_);
    histograms_ = NULL;
    ranges_ = NULL;
  // We are going to leak the histograms and the ranges.

// static
StatisticsRecorder::HistogramMap* StatisticsRecorder::histograms_ = NULL;
// static
StatisticsRecorder::RangesMap* StatisticsRecorder::ranges_ = NULL;
// static
base::Lock* StatisticsRecorder::lock_ = NULL;

}  // namespace base

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */