
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. ContainsReservedCharacters
  2. Create
  3. Create
  4. IdIsValid
  5. GetType
  6. GetResourceURL
  7. ResourceMatches
  8. GetResource
  9. GetResource
  10. ParsePEMKeyBytes
  11. ProducePEM
  12. FormatPEMForFileOutput
  13. GetBaseURLFromExtensionId
  14. HasAPIPermission
  15. HasAPIPermission
  16. GetActivePermissions
  17. ShowConfigureContextMenus
  18. OverlapsWithOrigin
  19. RequiresSortOrdinal
  20. ShouldDisplayInAppLauncher
  21. ShouldDisplayInNewTabPage
  22. ShouldDisplayInExtensionSettings
  23. ShouldNotBeVisible
  24. GetManifestData
  25. SetManifestData
  26. location
  27. id
  28. VersionString
  29. AddInstallWarning
  30. AddInstallWarnings
  31. is_app
  32. is_platform_app
  33. is_hosted_app
  34. is_legacy_packaged_app
  35. is_extension
  36. can_be_incognito_enabled
  37. AddWebExtentPattern
  38. is_theme
  39. InitExtensionID
  40. creation_flags_
  41. InitFromValue
  42. LoadRequiredFeatures
  43. LoadName
  44. LoadVersion
  45. LoadAppFeatures
  46. LoadExtent
  47. LoadSharedFeatures
  48. LoadDescription
  49. LoadManifestVersion
  50. LoadShortName
  51. extension_location
  52. old_name
  53. extension
  54. permissions

// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "extensions/common/extension.h"

#include "base/base64.h"
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/i18n/rtl.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/singleton.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "base/version.h"
#include "content/public/common/url_constants.h"
#include "extensions/common/constants.h"
#include "extensions/common/error_utils.h"
#include "extensions/common/id_util.h"
#include "extensions/common/manifest.h"
#include "extensions/common/manifest_constants.h"
#include "extensions/common/manifest_handler.h"
#include "extensions/common/permissions/api_permission_set.h"
#include "extensions/common/permissions/permission_set.h"
#include "extensions/common/permissions/permissions_data.h"
#include "extensions/common/permissions/permissions_info.h"
#include "extensions/common/switches.h"
#include "extensions/common/url_pattern_set.h"
#include "grit/chromium_strings.h"
#include "net/base/net_util.h"
#include "url/url_util.h"

#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include "grit/generated_resources.h"

namespace extensions {

namespace keys = manifest_keys;
namespace values = manifest_values;
namespace errors = manifest_errors;

namespace {

const int kModernManifestVersion = 2;
const int kPEMOutputColumns = 64;

const char kKeyBeginHeaderMarker[] = "-----BEGIN";
const char kKeyBeginFooterMarker[] = "-----END";
const char kKeyInfoEndMarker[] = "KEY-----";
const char kPublic[] = "PUBLIC";
const char kPrivate[] = "PRIVATE";

bool ContainsReservedCharacters(const base::FilePath& path) {
  // We should disallow backslash '\\' as file path separator even on Windows,
  // because the backslash is not regarded as file path separator on Linux/Mac.
  // Extensions are cross-platform.
  // Since FilePath uses backslash '\\' as file path separator on Windows, so we
  // need to check manually.
  if (path.value().find('\\') != path.value().npos)
    return true;
  return !net::IsSafePortableRelativePath(path);

}  // namespace

const char Extension::kMimeType[] = "application/x-chrome-extension";

const int Extension::kValidWebExtentSchemes =

const int Extension::kValidHostPermissionSchemes = URLPattern::SCHEME_CHROMEUI |
                                                   URLPattern::SCHEME_HTTP |
                                                   URLPattern::SCHEME_HTTPS |
                                                   URLPattern::SCHEME_FILE |

// Extension

// static
scoped_refptr<Extension> Extension::Create(const base::FilePath& path,
                                           Manifest::Location location,
                                           const base::DictionaryValue& value,
                                           int flags,
                                           std::string* utf8_error) {
  return Extension::Create(path,
                           std::string(),  // ID is ignored if empty.

// TODO(sungguk): Continue removing std::string errors and replacing
// with base::string16. See
scoped_refptr<Extension> Extension::Create(const base::FilePath& path,
                                           Manifest::Location location,
                                           const base::DictionaryValue& value,
                                           int flags,
                                           const std::string& explicit_id,
                                           std::string* utf8_error) {
  base::string16 error;
  scoped_ptr<extensions::Manifest> manifest(
      new extensions::Manifest(
          location, scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue>(value.DeepCopy())));

  if (!InitExtensionID(manifest.get(), path, explicit_id, flags, &error)) {
    *utf8_error = base::UTF16ToUTF8(error);
    return NULL;

  std::vector<InstallWarning> install_warnings;
  if (!manifest->ValidateManifest(utf8_error, &install_warnings)) {
    return NULL;

  scoped_refptr<Extension> extension = new Extension(path, manifest.Pass());

  if (!extension->InitFromValue(flags, &error)) {
    *utf8_error = base::UTF16ToUTF8(error);
    return NULL;

  return extension;

// static
bool Extension::IdIsValid(const std::string& id) {
  // Verify that the id is legal.
  if (id.size() != (id_util::kIdSize * 2))
    return false;

  // We only support lowercase IDs, because IDs can be used as URL components
  // (where GURL will lowercase it).
  std::string temp = StringToLowerASCII(id);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++)
    if (temp[i] < 'a' || temp[i] > 'p')
      return false;

  return true;

Manifest::Type Extension::GetType() const {
  return converted_from_user_script() ?
      Manifest::TYPE_USER_SCRIPT : manifest_->type();

// static
GURL Extension::GetResourceURL(const GURL& extension_url,
                               const std::string& relative_path) {
  DCHECK_EQ("/", extension_url.path());

  std::string path = relative_path;

  // If the relative path starts with "/", it is "absolute" relative to the
  // extension base directory, but extension_url is already specified to refer
  // to that base directory, so strip the leading "/" if present.
  if (relative_path.size() > 0 && relative_path[0] == '/')
    path = relative_path.substr(1);

  GURL ret_val = GURL(extension_url.spec() + path);
  DCHECK(StartsWithASCII(ret_val.spec(), extension_url.spec(), false));

  return ret_val;

bool Extension::ResourceMatches(const URLPatternSet& pattern_set,
                                const std::string& resource) const {
  return pattern_set.MatchesURL(extension_url_.Resolve(resource));

ExtensionResource Extension::GetResource(
    const std::string& relative_path) const {
  std::string new_path = relative_path;
  // We have some legacy data where resources have leading slashes.
  // See:
  if (!new_path.empty() && == '/')
    new_path.erase(0, 1);
  base::FilePath relative_file_path = base::FilePath::FromUTF8Unsafe(new_path);
  if (ContainsReservedCharacters(relative_file_path))
    return ExtensionResource();
  ExtensionResource r(id(), path(), relative_file_path);
  if ((creation_flags() & Extension::FOLLOW_SYMLINKS_ANYWHERE)) {
  return r;

ExtensionResource Extension::GetResource(
    const base::FilePath& relative_file_path) const {
  if (ContainsReservedCharacters(relative_file_path))
    return ExtensionResource();
  ExtensionResource r(id(), path(), relative_file_path);
  if ((creation_flags() & Extension::FOLLOW_SYMLINKS_ANYWHERE)) {
  return r;

// TODO(rafaelw): Move ParsePEMKeyBytes, ProducePEM & FormatPEMForOutput to a
// util class in base:
// static
bool Extension::ParsePEMKeyBytes(const std::string& input,
                                 std::string* output) {
  if (!output)
    return false;
  if (input.length() == 0)
    return false;

  std::string working = input;
  if (StartsWithASCII(working, kKeyBeginHeaderMarker, true)) {
    working = base::CollapseWhitespaceASCII(working, true);
    size_t header_pos = working.find(kKeyInfoEndMarker,
      sizeof(kKeyBeginHeaderMarker) - 1);
    if (header_pos == std::string::npos)
      return false;
    size_t start_pos = header_pos + sizeof(kKeyInfoEndMarker) - 1;
    size_t end_pos = working.rfind(kKeyBeginFooterMarker);
    if (end_pos == std::string::npos)
      return false;
    if (start_pos >= end_pos)
      return false;

    working = working.substr(start_pos, end_pos - start_pos);
    if (working.length() == 0)
      return false;

  return base::Base64Decode(working, output);

// static
bool Extension::ProducePEM(const std::string& input, std::string* output) {
  if (input.empty())
    return false;
  base::Base64Encode(input, output);
  return true;

// static
bool Extension::FormatPEMForFileOutput(const std::string& input,
                                       std::string* output,
                                       bool is_public) {
  if (input.length() == 0)
    return false;
  *output = "";
  output->append(" ");
  output->append(is_public ? kPublic : kPrivate);
  output->append(" ");
  for (size_t i = 0; i < input.length(); ) {
    int slice = std::min<int>(input.length() - i, kPEMOutputColumns);
    output->append(input.substr(i, slice));
    i += slice;
  output->append(" ");
  output->append(is_public ? kPublic : kPrivate);
  output->append(" ");

  return true;

// static
GURL Extension::GetBaseURLFromExtensionId(const std::string& extension_id) {
  return GURL(std::string(extensions::kExtensionScheme) +
              content::kStandardSchemeSeparator + extension_id + "/");

bool Extension::HasAPIPermission(APIPermission::ID permission) const {
  return PermissionsData::HasAPIPermission(this, permission);

bool Extension::HasAPIPermission(const std::string& permission_name) const {
  return PermissionsData::HasAPIPermission(this, permission_name);

scoped_refptr<const PermissionSet> Extension::GetActivePermissions() const {
  return PermissionsData::GetActivePermissions(this);

bool Extension::ShowConfigureContextMenus() const {
  // Don't show context menu for component extensions. We might want to show
  // options for component extension button but now there is no component
  // extension with options. All other menu items like uninstall have
  // no sense for component extensions.
  return location() != Manifest::COMPONENT &&
         location() != Manifest::EXTERNAL_COMPONENT;

bool Extension::OverlapsWithOrigin(const GURL& origin) const {
  if (url() == origin)
    return true;

  if (web_extent().is_empty())
    return false;

  // Note: patterns and extents ignore port numbers.
  URLPattern origin_only_pattern(kValidWebExtentSchemes);
  if (!origin_only_pattern.SetScheme(origin.scheme()))
    return false;

  URLPatternSet origin_only_pattern_list;

  return web_extent().OverlapsWith(origin_only_pattern_list);

bool Extension::RequiresSortOrdinal() const {
  return is_app() && (display_in_launcher_ || display_in_new_tab_page_);

bool Extension::ShouldDisplayInAppLauncher() const {
  // Only apps should be displayed in the launcher.
  return is_app() && display_in_launcher_ && !is_ephemeral();

bool Extension::ShouldDisplayInNewTabPage() const {
  // Only apps should be displayed on the NTP.
  return is_app() && display_in_new_tab_page_ && !is_ephemeral();

bool Extension::ShouldDisplayInExtensionSettings() const {
  // Don't show for themes since the settings UI isn't really useful for them.
  if (is_theme())
    return false;

  // Don't show component extensions and invisible apps.
  if (ShouldNotBeVisible())
    return false;

  // Always show unpacked extensions and apps.
  if (Manifest::IsUnpackedLocation(location()))
    return true;

  // Unless they are unpacked, never show hosted apps. Note: We intentionally
  // show packaged apps and platform apps because there are some pieces of
  // functionality that are only available in chrome://extensions/ but which
  // are needed for packaged and platform apps. For example, inspecting
  // background pages. See
  if (is_hosted_app())
    return false;

  return true;

bool Extension::ShouldNotBeVisible() const {
  // Don't show component extensions because they are only extensions as an
  // implementation detail of Chrome.
  if (extensions::Manifest::IsComponentLocation(location()) &&
          switches::kShowComponentExtensionOptions)) {
    return true;

  // Always show unpacked extensions and apps.
  if (Manifest::IsUnpackedLocation(location()))
    return false;

  // Don't show apps that aren't visible in either launcher or ntp.
  if (is_app() && !ShouldDisplayInAppLauncher() && !ShouldDisplayInNewTabPage())
    return true;

  return false;

Extension::ManifestData* Extension::GetManifestData(const std::string& key)
    const {
  DCHECK(finished_parsing_manifest_ || thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
  ManifestDataMap::const_iterator iter = manifest_data_.find(key);
  if (iter != manifest_data_.end())
    return iter->second.get();
  return NULL;

void Extension::SetManifestData(const std::string& key,
                                Extension::ManifestData* data) {
  DCHECK(!finished_parsing_manifest_ && thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread());
  manifest_data_[key] = linked_ptr<ManifestData>(data);

Manifest::Location Extension::location() const {
  return manifest_->location();

const std::string& Extension::id() const {
  return manifest_->extension_id();

const std::string Extension::VersionString() const {
  return version()->GetString();

void Extension::AddInstallWarning(const InstallWarning& new_warning) {

void Extension::AddInstallWarnings(
    const std::vector<InstallWarning>& new_warnings) {
                           new_warnings.begin(), new_warnings.end());

bool Extension::is_app() const {
  return manifest_->is_app();

bool Extension::is_platform_app() const {
  return manifest_->is_platform_app();

bool Extension::is_hosted_app() const {
  return manifest()->is_hosted_app();

bool Extension::is_legacy_packaged_app() const {
  return manifest()->is_legacy_packaged_app();

bool Extension::is_extension() const {
  return manifest()->is_extension();

bool Extension::can_be_incognito_enabled() const {
  // Only component platform apps are supported in incognito.
  return !is_platform_app() || location() == Manifest::COMPONENT;

void Extension::AddWebExtentPattern(const URLPattern& pattern) {
  // Bookmark apps are permissionless.
  if (from_bookmark())


bool Extension::is_theme() const {
  return manifest()->is_theme();

// static
bool Extension::InitExtensionID(extensions::Manifest* manifest,
                                const base::FilePath& path,
                                const std::string& explicit_id,
                                int creation_flags,
                                base::string16* error) {
  if (!explicit_id.empty()) {
    return true;

  if (manifest->HasKey(keys::kPublicKey)) {
    std::string public_key;
    std::string public_key_bytes;
    if (!manifest->GetString(keys::kPublicKey, &public_key) ||
        !ParsePEMKeyBytes(public_key, &public_key_bytes)) {
      *error = base::ASCIIToUTF16(errors::kInvalidKey);
      return false;
    std::string extension_id = id_util::GenerateId(public_key_bytes);
    return true;

  if (creation_flags & REQUIRE_KEY) {
    *error = base::ASCIIToUTF16(errors::kInvalidKey);
    return false;
  } else {
    // If there is a path, we generate the ID from it. This is useful for
    // development mode, because it keeps the ID stable across restarts and
    // reloading the extension.
    std::string extension_id = id_util::GenerateIdForPath(path);
    if (extension_id.empty()) {
      NOTREACHED() << "Could not create ID from path.";
      return false;
    return true;

Extension::Extension(const base::FilePath& path,
                     scoped_ptr<extensions::Manifest> manifest)
    : manifest_version_(0),
      creation_flags_(0) {
  DCHECK(path.empty() || path.IsAbsolute());
  path_ = id_util::MaybeNormalizePath(path);

Extension::~Extension() {

bool Extension::InitFromValue(int flags, base::string16* error) {

  creation_flags_ = flags;

  // Important to load manifest version first because many other features
  // depend on its value.
  if (!LoadManifestVersion(error))
    return false;

  if (!LoadRequiredFeatures(error))
    return false;

  // We don't need to validate because InitExtensionID already did that.
  manifest_->GetString(keys::kPublicKey, &public_key_);

  extension_url_ = Extension::GetBaseURLFromExtensionId(id());

  // Load App settings. LoadExtent at least has to be done before
  // ParsePermissions(), because the valid permissions depend on what type of
  // package this is.
  if (is_app() && !LoadAppFeatures(error))
    return false;

  permissions_data_.reset(new PermissionsData);
  if (!permissions_data_->ParsePermissions(this, error))
    return false;

  if (manifest_->HasKey(keys::kConvertedFromUserScript)) {

  if (!LoadSharedFeatures(error))
    return false;

  finished_parsing_manifest_ = true;


  return true;

bool Extension::LoadRequiredFeatures(base::string16* error) {
  if (!LoadName(error) ||
    return false;
  return true;

bool Extension::LoadName(base::string16* error) {
  base::string16 localized_name;
  if (!manifest_->GetString(keys::kName, &localized_name)) {
    *error = base::ASCIIToUTF16(errors::kInvalidName);
    return false;
  non_localized_name_ = base::UTF16ToUTF8(localized_name);
  name_ = base::UTF16ToUTF8(localized_name);
  return true;

bool Extension::LoadVersion(base::string16* error) {
  std::string version_str;
  if (!manifest_->GetString(keys::kVersion, &version_str)) {
    *error = base::ASCIIToUTF16(errors::kInvalidVersion);
    return false;
  version_.reset(new Version(version_str));
  if (!version_->IsValid() || version_->components().size() > 4) {
    *error = base::ASCIIToUTF16(errors::kInvalidVersion);
    return false;
  return true;

bool Extension::LoadAppFeatures(base::string16* error) {
  if (!LoadExtent(keys::kWebURLs, &extent_,
                  errors::kInvalidWebURLs, errors::kInvalidWebURL, error)) {
    return false;
  if (manifest_->HasKey(keys::kDisplayInLauncher) &&
      !manifest_->GetBoolean(keys::kDisplayInLauncher, &display_in_launcher_)) {
    *error = base::ASCIIToUTF16(errors::kInvalidDisplayInLauncher);
    return false;
  if (manifest_->HasKey(keys::kDisplayInNewTabPage)) {
    if (!manifest_->GetBoolean(keys::kDisplayInNewTabPage,
                               &display_in_new_tab_page_)) {
      *error = base::ASCIIToUTF16(errors::kInvalidDisplayInNewTabPage);
      return false;
  } else {
    // Inherit default from display_in_launcher property.
    display_in_new_tab_page_ = display_in_launcher_;
  return true;

bool Extension::LoadExtent(const char* key,
                           URLPatternSet* extent,
                           const char* list_error,
                           const char* value_error,
                           base::string16* error) {
  const base::Value* temp_pattern_value = NULL;
  if (!manifest_->Get(key, &temp_pattern_value))
    return true;

  const base::ListValue* pattern_list = NULL;
  if (!temp_pattern_value->GetAsList(&pattern_list)) {
    *error = base::ASCIIToUTF16(list_error);
    return false;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < pattern_list->GetSize(); ++i) {
    std::string pattern_string;
    if (!pattern_list->GetString(i, &pattern_string)) {
      *error = ErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessageUTF16(value_error,
      return false;

    URLPattern pattern(kValidWebExtentSchemes);
    URLPattern::ParseResult parse_result = pattern.Parse(pattern_string);
    if (parse_result == URLPattern::PARSE_ERROR_EMPTY_PATH) {
      pattern_string += "/";
      parse_result = pattern.Parse(pattern_string);

    if (parse_result != URLPattern::PARSE_SUCCESS) {
      *error = ErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessageUTF16(
      return false;

    // Do not allow authors to claim "<all_urls>".
    if (pattern.match_all_urls()) {
      *error = ErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessageUTF16(
      return false;

    // Do not allow authors to claim "*" for host.
    if ( {
      *error = ErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessageUTF16(
      return false;

    // We do not allow authors to put wildcards in their paths. Instead, we
    // imply one at the end.
    if (pattern.path().find('*') != std::string::npos) {
      *error = ErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessageUTF16(
      return false;
    pattern.SetPath(pattern.path() + '*');


  return true;

bool Extension::LoadSharedFeatures(base::string16* error) {
  if (!LoadDescription(error) ||
      !ManifestHandler::ParseExtension(this, error) ||
    return false;

  return true;

bool Extension::LoadDescription(base::string16* error) {
  if (manifest_->HasKey(keys::kDescription) &&
      !manifest_->GetString(keys::kDescription, &description_)) {
    *error = base::ASCIIToUTF16(errors::kInvalidDescription);
    return false;
  return true;

bool Extension::LoadManifestVersion(base::string16* error) {
  // Get the original value out of the dictionary so that we can validate it
  // more strictly.
  if (manifest_->value()->HasKey(keys::kManifestVersion)) {
    int manifest_version = 1;
    if (!manifest_->GetInteger(keys::kManifestVersion, &manifest_version) ||
        manifest_version < 1) {
      *error = base::ASCIIToUTF16(errors::kInvalidManifestVersion);
      return false;

  manifest_version_ = manifest_->GetManifestVersion();
  if (manifest_version_ < kModernManifestVersion &&
      ((creation_flags_ & REQUIRE_MODERN_MANIFEST_VERSION &&
            switches::kAllowLegacyExtensionManifests)) ||
       GetType() == Manifest::TYPE_PLATFORM_APP)) {
    *error = ErrorUtils::FormatErrorMessageUTF16(
        is_platform_app() ? "apps" : "extensions");
    return false;

  return true;

bool Extension::LoadShortName(base::string16* error) {
  if (manifest_->HasKey(keys::kShortName)) {
    base::string16 localized_short_name;
    if (!manifest_->GetString(keys::kShortName, &localized_short_name) ||
        localized_short_name.empty()) {
      *error = base::ASCIIToUTF16(errors::kInvalidShortName);
      return false;

    short_name_ = base::UTF16ToUTF8(localized_short_name);
  } else {
    short_name_ = name_;
  return true;

ExtensionInfo::ExtensionInfo(const base::DictionaryValue* manifest,
                             const std::string& id,
                             const base::FilePath& path,
                             Manifest::Location location)
    : extension_id(id),
      extension_location(location) {
  if (manifest)

ExtensionInfo::~ExtensionInfo() {}

    const Extension* extension,
    bool is_update,
    const std::string& old_name)
    : extension(extension),
      old_name(old_name) {}

    const Extension* extension,
    UnloadedExtensionInfo::Reason reason)
    : reason(reason),
      extension(extension) {}

    const Extension* extension,
    const PermissionSet* permissions,
    Reason reason)
    : reason(reason),
      permissions(permissions) {}

}   // namespace extensions

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */