
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. ConvertRectToScreen
  2. OnViewBlur
  3. SetCompositionText
  4. ConfirmCompositionText
  5. ClearCompositionText
  6. InsertText
  7. InsertChar
  8. GetAttachedWindow
  9. GetTextInputType
  10. GetTextInputMode
  11. CanComposeInline
  12. GetCaretBounds
  13. GetCompositionCharacterBounds
  14. HasCompositionText
  15. GetTextRange
  16. GetCompositionTextRange
  17. GetSelectionRange
  18. SetSelectionRange
  19. DeleteRange
  20. GetTextFromRange
  21. OnInputMethodChanged
  22. ChangeTextDirectionAndLayoutAlignment
  23. ExtendSelectionAndDelete
  24. EnsureCaretInRect
  25. OnCandidateWindowShown
  26. OnCandidateWindowUpdated
  27. OnCandidateWindowHidden
  28. OnTextInput
  29. TextAtRowMatchesText
  30. ClearText

// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "ui/views/controls/prefix_selector.h"

#include "base/i18n/case_conversion.h"
#include "ui/base/ime/text_input_type.h"
#include "ui/gfx/range/range.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/prefix_delegate.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"

namespace views {

namespace {

const int64 kTimeBeforeClearingMS = 1000;

void ConvertRectToScreen(const views::View* src, gfx::Rect* r) {

  gfx::Point new_origin = r->origin();
  views::View::ConvertPointToScreen(src, &new_origin);

}  // namespace

PrefixSelector::PrefixSelector(PrefixDelegate* delegate)
    : prefix_delegate_(delegate) {

PrefixSelector::~PrefixSelector() {

void PrefixSelector::OnViewBlur() {

void PrefixSelector::SetCompositionText(
    const ui::CompositionText& composition) {

void PrefixSelector::ConfirmCompositionText() {

void PrefixSelector::ClearCompositionText() {

void PrefixSelector::InsertText(const base::string16& text) {

void PrefixSelector::InsertChar(base::char16 ch, int flags) {
  OnTextInput(base::string16(1, ch));

gfx::NativeWindow PrefixSelector::GetAttachedWindow() const {
  return prefix_delegate_->GetWidget()->GetNativeWindow();

ui::TextInputType PrefixSelector::GetTextInputType() const {
  return ui::TEXT_INPUT_TYPE_TEXT;

ui::TextInputMode PrefixSelector::GetTextInputMode() const {

bool PrefixSelector::CanComposeInline() const {
  return false;

gfx::Rect PrefixSelector::GetCaretBounds() const {
  gfx::Rect rect(prefix_delegate_->GetVisibleBounds().origin(), gfx::Size());
  // TextInputClient::GetCaretBounds is expected to return a value in screen
  // coordinates.
  ConvertRectToScreen(prefix_delegate_, &rect);
  return rect;

bool PrefixSelector::GetCompositionCharacterBounds(uint32 index,
                                                   gfx::Rect* rect) const {
  // TextInputClient::GetCompositionCharacterBounds is expected to fill |rect|
  // in screen coordinates and GetCaretBounds returns screen coordinates.
  *rect = GetCaretBounds();
  return false;

bool PrefixSelector::HasCompositionText() const {
  return false;

bool PrefixSelector::GetTextRange(gfx::Range* range) const {
  *range = gfx::Range();
  return false;

bool PrefixSelector::GetCompositionTextRange(gfx::Range* range) const {
  *range = gfx::Range();
  return false;

bool PrefixSelector::GetSelectionRange(gfx::Range* range) const {
  *range = gfx::Range();
  return false;

bool PrefixSelector::SetSelectionRange(const gfx::Range& range) {
  return false;

bool PrefixSelector::DeleteRange(const gfx::Range& range) {
  return false;

bool PrefixSelector::GetTextFromRange(const gfx::Range& range,
                                        base::string16* text) const {
  return false;

void PrefixSelector::OnInputMethodChanged() {

bool PrefixSelector::ChangeTextDirectionAndLayoutAlignment(
    base::i18n::TextDirection direction) {
  return true;

void PrefixSelector::ExtendSelectionAndDelete(size_t before, size_t after) {

void PrefixSelector::EnsureCaretInRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) {

void PrefixSelector::OnCandidateWindowShown() {

void PrefixSelector::OnCandidateWindowUpdated() {

void PrefixSelector::OnCandidateWindowHidden() {

void PrefixSelector::OnTextInput(const base::string16& text) {
  // Small hack to filter out 'tab' and 'enter' input, as the expectation is
  // that they are control characters and will not affect the currently-active
  // prefix.
  if (text.length() == 1 &&
      (text[0] == L'\t' || text[0] == L'\r' || text[0] == L'\n'))

  const int row_count = prefix_delegate_->GetRowCount();
  if (row_count == 0)

  // Search for |text| if it has been a while since the user typed, otherwise
  // append |text| to |current_text_| and search for that. If it has been a
  // while search after the current row, otherwise search starting from the
  // current row.
  int row = std::max(0, prefix_delegate_->GetSelectedRow());
  const base::TimeTicks now(base::TimeTicks::Now());
  if ((now - time_of_last_key_).InMilliseconds() < kTimeBeforeClearingMS) {
    current_text_ += text;
  } else {
    current_text_ = text;
    if (prefix_delegate_->GetSelectedRow() >= 0)
      row = (row + 1) % row_count;
  time_of_last_key_ = now;

  const int start_row = row;
  const base::string16 lower_text(base::i18n::ToLower(current_text_));
  do {
    if (TextAtRowMatchesText(row, lower_text)) {
    row = (row + 1) % row_count;
  } while (row != start_row);

bool PrefixSelector::TextAtRowMatchesText(int row,
                                          const base::string16& lower_text) {
  const base::string16 model_text(
  return (model_text.size() >= lower_text.size()) &&
      (, lower_text.size(), lower_text) == 0);

void PrefixSelector::ClearText() {
  time_of_last_key_ = base::TimeTicks();

}  // namespace views

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */