
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. Length3
  2. Scale3
  3. Dot
  4. Combine
  5. Cross3
  6. Round
  7. Slerp
  8. Normalize
  9. BuildPerspectiveMatrix
  10. BuildTranslationMatrix
  11. BuildSnappedTranslationMatrix
  12. BuildRotationMatrix
  13. BuildSnappedRotationMatrix
  14. BuildSkewMatrix
  15. BuildScaleMatrix
  16. BuildSnappedScaleMatrix
  17. ComposeTransform
  18. CheckViewportPointMapsWithinOnePixel
  19. CheckTransformsMapsIntViewportWithinOnePixel
  20. GetScaleTransform
  21. BlendDecomposedTransforms
  22. DecomposeTransform
  23. ComposeTransform
  24. SnapTransform
  25. ToString

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "ui/gfx/transform_util.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "ui/gfx/point.h"
#include "ui/gfx/point3_f.h"
#include "ui/gfx/rect.h"

namespace gfx {

namespace {

SkMScalar Length3(SkMScalar v[3]) {
  double vd[3] = {SkMScalarToDouble(v[0]), SkMScalarToDouble(v[1]),
  return SkDoubleToMScalar(
      std::sqrt(vd[0] * vd[0] + vd[1] * vd[1] + vd[2] * vd[2]));

void Scale3(SkMScalar v[3], SkMScalar scale) {
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    v[i] *= scale;

template <int n>
SkMScalar Dot(const SkMScalar* a, const SkMScalar* b) {
  double total = 0.0;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    total += a[i] * b[i];
  return SkDoubleToMScalar(total);

template <int n>
void Combine(SkMScalar* out,
             const SkMScalar* a,
             const SkMScalar* b,
             double scale_a,
             double scale_b) {
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    out[i] = SkDoubleToMScalar(a[i] * scale_a + b[i] * scale_b);

void Cross3(SkMScalar out[3], SkMScalar a[3], SkMScalar b[3]) {
  SkMScalar x = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1];
  SkMScalar y = a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2];
  SkMScalar z = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0];
  out[0] = x;
  out[1] = y;
  out[2] = z;

SkMScalar Round(SkMScalar n) {
  return SkDoubleToMScalar(std::floor(SkMScalarToDouble(n) + 0.5));

// Taken from
bool Slerp(SkMScalar out[4],
           const SkMScalar q1[4],
           const SkMScalar q2[4],
           double progress) {
  double product = Dot<4>(q1, q2);

  // Clamp product to -1.0 <= product <= 1.0.
  product = std::min(std::max(product, -1.0), 1.0);

  // Interpolate angles along the shortest path. For example, to interpolate
  // between a 175 degree angle and a 185 degree angle, interpolate along the
  // 10 degree path from 175 to 185, rather than along the 350 degree path in
  // the opposite direction. This matches WebKit's implementation but not
  // the current W3C spec. Fixing the spec to match this approach is discussed
  // at:
  double scale1 = 1.0;
  if (product < 0) {
    product = -product;
    scale1 = -1.0;

  const double epsilon = 1e-5;
  if (std::abs(product - 1.0) < epsilon) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
      out[i] = q1[i];
    return true;

  double denom = std::sqrt(1.0 - product * product);
  double theta = std::acos(product);
  double w = std::sin(progress * theta) * (1.0 / denom);

  scale1 *= std::cos(progress * theta) - product * w;
  double scale2 = w;
  Combine<4>(out, q1, q2, scale1, scale2);

  return true;

// Returns false if the matrix cannot be normalized.
bool Normalize(SkMatrix44& m) {
  if (m.get(3, 3) == 0.0)
    // Cannot normalize.
    return false;

  SkMScalar scale = 1.0 / m.get(3, 3);
  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
      m.set(i, j, m.get(i, j) * scale);

  return true;

SkMatrix44 BuildPerspectiveMatrix(const DecomposedTransform& decomp) {
  SkMatrix44 matrix(SkMatrix44::kIdentity_Constructor);

  for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    matrix.setDouble(3, i, decomp.perspective[i]);
  return matrix;

SkMatrix44 BuildTranslationMatrix(const DecomposedTransform& decomp) {
  SkMatrix44 matrix(SkMatrix44::kUninitialized_Constructor);
  // Implicitly calls matrix.setIdentity()
  return matrix;

SkMatrix44 BuildSnappedTranslationMatrix(DecomposedTransform decomp) {
  decomp.translate[0] = Round(decomp.translate[0]);
  decomp.translate[1] = Round(decomp.translate[1]);
  decomp.translate[2] = Round(decomp.translate[2]);
  return BuildTranslationMatrix(decomp);

SkMatrix44 BuildRotationMatrix(const DecomposedTransform& decomp) {
  double x = decomp.quaternion[0];
  double y = decomp.quaternion[1];
  double z = decomp.quaternion[2];
  double w = decomp.quaternion[3];

  SkMatrix44 matrix(SkMatrix44::kUninitialized_Constructor);

  // Implicitly calls matrix.setIdentity()
  matrix.set3x3(1.0 - 2.0 * (y * y + z * z),
                2.0 * (x * y + z * w),
                2.0 * (x * z - y * w),
                2.0 * (x * y - z * w),
                1.0 - 2.0 * (x * x + z * z),
                2.0 * (y * z + x * w),
                2.0 * (x * z + y * w),
                2.0 * (y * z - x * w),
                1.0 - 2.0 * (x * x + y * y));
  return matrix;

SkMatrix44 BuildSnappedRotationMatrix(const DecomposedTransform& decomp) {
  // Create snapped rotation.
  SkMatrix44 rotation_matrix = BuildRotationMatrix(decomp);
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
      SkMScalar value = rotation_matrix.get(i, j);
      // Snap values to -1, 0 or 1.
      if (value < -0.5f) {
        value = -1.0f;
      } else if (value > 0.5f) {
        value = 1.0f;
      } else {
        value = 0.0f;
      rotation_matrix.set(i, j, value);
  return rotation_matrix;

SkMatrix44 BuildSkewMatrix(const DecomposedTransform& decomp) {
  SkMatrix44 matrix(SkMatrix44::kIdentity_Constructor);

  SkMatrix44 temp(SkMatrix44::kIdentity_Constructor);
  if (decomp.skew[2]) {
    temp.setDouble(1, 2, decomp.skew[2]);

  if (decomp.skew[1]) {
    temp.setDouble(1, 2, 0);
    temp.setDouble(0, 2, decomp.skew[1]);

  if (decomp.skew[0]) {
    temp.setDouble(0, 2, 0);
    temp.setDouble(0, 1, decomp.skew[0]);
  return matrix;

SkMatrix44 BuildScaleMatrix(const DecomposedTransform& decomp) {
  SkMatrix44 matrix(SkMatrix44::kUninitialized_Constructor);
  return matrix;

SkMatrix44 BuildSnappedScaleMatrix(DecomposedTransform decomp) {
  decomp.scale[0] = Round(decomp.scale[0]);
  decomp.scale[1] = Round(decomp.scale[1]);
  decomp.scale[2] = Round(decomp.scale[2]);
  return BuildScaleMatrix(decomp);

Transform ComposeTransform(const SkMatrix44& perspective,
                           const SkMatrix44& translation,
                           const SkMatrix44& rotation,
                           const SkMatrix44& skew,
                           const SkMatrix44& scale) {
  SkMatrix44 matrix(SkMatrix44::kIdentity_Constructor);


  Transform to_return;
  to_return.matrix() = matrix;
  return to_return;

bool CheckViewportPointMapsWithinOnePixel(const Point& point,
                                          const Transform& transform) {
  Point3F point_original(point);
  Point3F point_transformed(point);

  // Can't use TransformRect here since it would give us the axis-aligned
  // bounding rect of the 4 points in the initial rectable which is not what we
  // want.

  if ((point_transformed - point_original).Length() > 1.f) {
    // The changed distance should not be more than 1 pixel.
    return false;
  return true;

bool CheckTransformsMapsIntViewportWithinOnePixel(const Rect& viewport,
                                                  const Transform& original,
                                                  const Transform& snapped) {

  Transform original_inv(Transform::kSkipInitialization);
  bool invertible = true;
  invertible &= original.GetInverse(&original_inv);
  DCHECK(invertible) << "Non-invertible transform, cannot snap.";

  Transform combined = snapped * original_inv;

  return CheckViewportPointMapsWithinOnePixel(viewport.origin(), combined) &&
         CheckViewportPointMapsWithinOnePixel(viewport.top_right(), combined) &&
                                              combined) &&

}  // namespace

Transform GetScaleTransform(const Point& anchor, float scale) {
  Transform transform;
  transform.Translate(anchor.x() * (1 - scale),
                      anchor.y() * (1 - scale));
  transform.Scale(scale, scale);
  return transform;

DecomposedTransform::DecomposedTransform() {
  translate[0] = translate[1] = translate[2] = 0.0;
  scale[0] = scale[1] = scale[2] = 1.0;
  skew[0] = skew[1] = skew[2] = 0.0;
  perspective[0] = perspective[1] = perspective[2] = 0.0;
  quaternion[0] = quaternion[1] = quaternion[2] = 0.0;
  perspective[3] = quaternion[3] = 1.0;

bool BlendDecomposedTransforms(DecomposedTransform* out,
                               const DecomposedTransform& to,
                               const DecomposedTransform& from,
                               double progress) {
  double scalea = progress;
  double scaleb = 1.0 - progress;
  Combine<3>(out->translate, to.translate, from.translate, scalea, scaleb);
  Combine<3>(out->scale, to.scale, from.scale, scalea, scaleb);
  Combine<3>(out->skew, to.skew, from.skew, scalea, scaleb);
      out->perspective, to.perspective, from.perspective, scalea, scaleb);
  return Slerp(out->quaternion, from.quaternion, to.quaternion, progress);

// Taken from
bool DecomposeTransform(DecomposedTransform* decomp,
                        const Transform& transform) {
  if (!decomp)
    return false;

  // We'll operate on a copy of the matrix.
  SkMatrix44 matrix = transform.matrix();

  // If we cannot normalize the matrix, then bail early as we cannot decompose.
  if (!Normalize(matrix))
    return false;

  SkMatrix44 perspectiveMatrix = matrix;

  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
    perspectiveMatrix.set(3, i, 0.0);

  perspectiveMatrix.set(3, 3, 1.0);

  // If the perspective matrix is not invertible, we are also unable to
  // decompose, so we'll bail early. Constant taken from SkMatrix44::invert.
  if (std::abs(perspectiveMatrix.determinant()) < 1e-8)
    return false;

  if (matrix.get(3, 0) != 0.0 || matrix.get(3, 1) != 0.0 ||
      matrix.get(3, 2) != 0.0) {
    // rhs is the right hand side of the equation.
    SkMScalar rhs[4] = {
      matrix.get(3, 0),
      matrix.get(3, 1),
      matrix.get(3, 2),
      matrix.get(3, 3)

    // Solve the equation by inverting perspectiveMatrix and multiplying
    // rhs by the inverse.
    SkMatrix44 inversePerspectiveMatrix(SkMatrix44::kUninitialized_Constructor);
    if (!perspectiveMatrix.invert(&inversePerspectiveMatrix))
      return false;

    SkMatrix44 transposedInversePerspectiveMatrix =


    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
      decomp->perspective[i] = rhs[i];

  } else {
    // No perspective.
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
      decomp->perspective[i] = 0.0;
    decomp->perspective[3] = 1.0;

  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    decomp->translate[i] = matrix.get(i, 3);

  SkMScalar row[3][3];
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
      row[i][j] = matrix.get(j, i);

  // Compute X scale factor and normalize first row.
  decomp->scale[0] = Length3(row[0]);
  if (decomp->scale[0] != 0.0)
    Scale3(row[0], 1.0 / decomp->scale[0]);

  // Compute XY shear factor and make 2nd row orthogonal to 1st.
  decomp->skew[0] = Dot<3>(row[0], row[1]);
  Combine<3>(row[1], row[1], row[0], 1.0, -decomp->skew[0]);

  // Now, compute Y scale and normalize 2nd row.
  decomp->scale[1] = Length3(row[1]);
  if (decomp->scale[1] != 0.0)
    Scale3(row[1], 1.0 / decomp->scale[1]);

  decomp->skew[0] /= decomp->scale[1];

  // Compute XZ and YZ shears, orthogonalize 3rd row
  decomp->skew[1] = Dot<3>(row[0], row[2]);
  Combine<3>(row[2], row[2], row[0], 1.0, -decomp->skew[1]);
  decomp->skew[2] = Dot<3>(row[1], row[2]);
  Combine<3>(row[2], row[2], row[1], 1.0, -decomp->skew[2]);

  // Next, get Z scale and normalize 3rd row.
  decomp->scale[2] = Length3(row[2]);
  if (decomp->scale[2] != 0.0)
    Scale3(row[2], 1.0 / decomp->scale[2]);

  decomp->skew[1] /= decomp->scale[2];
  decomp->skew[2] /= decomp->scale[2];

  // At this point, the matrix (in rows) is orthonormal.
  // Check for a coordinate system flip.  If the determinant
  // is -1, then negate the matrix and the scaling factors.
  SkMScalar pdum3[3];
  Cross3(pdum3, row[1], row[2]);
  if (Dot<3>(row[0], pdum3) < 0) {
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
      decomp->scale[i] *= -1.0;
      for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
        row[i][j] *= -1.0;

  decomp->quaternion[0] =
      0.5 * std::sqrt(std::max(1.0 + row[0][0] - row[1][1] - row[2][2], 0.0));
  decomp->quaternion[1] =
      0.5 * std::sqrt(std::max(1.0 - row[0][0] + row[1][1] - row[2][2], 0.0));
  decomp->quaternion[2] =
      0.5 * std::sqrt(std::max(1.0 - row[0][0] - row[1][1] + row[2][2], 0.0));
  decomp->quaternion[3] =
      0.5 * std::sqrt(std::max(1.0 + row[0][0] + row[1][1] + row[2][2], 0.0));

  if (row[2][1] > row[1][2])
      decomp->quaternion[0] = -decomp->quaternion[0];
  if (row[0][2] > row[2][0])
      decomp->quaternion[1] = -decomp->quaternion[1];
  if (row[1][0] > row[0][1])
      decomp->quaternion[2] = -decomp->quaternion[2];

  return true;

// Taken from
Transform ComposeTransform(const DecomposedTransform& decomp) {
  SkMatrix44 perspective = BuildPerspectiveMatrix(decomp);
  SkMatrix44 translation = BuildTranslationMatrix(decomp);
  SkMatrix44 rotation = BuildRotationMatrix(decomp);
  SkMatrix44 skew = BuildSkewMatrix(decomp);
  SkMatrix44 scale = BuildScaleMatrix(decomp);

  return ComposeTransform(perspective, translation, rotation, skew, scale);

bool SnapTransform(Transform* out,
                   const Transform& transform,
                   const Rect& viewport) {
  DecomposedTransform decomp;
  DecomposeTransform(&decomp, transform);

  SkMatrix44 rotation_matrix = BuildSnappedRotationMatrix(decomp);
  SkMatrix44 translation = BuildSnappedTranslationMatrix(decomp);
  SkMatrix44 scale = BuildSnappedScaleMatrix(decomp);

  // Rebuild matrices for other unchanged components.
  SkMatrix44 perspective = BuildPerspectiveMatrix(decomp);

  // Completely ignore the skew.
  SkMatrix44 skew(SkMatrix44::kIdentity_Constructor);

  // Get full tranform
  Transform snapped =
      ComposeTransform(perspective, translation, rotation_matrix, skew, scale);

  // Verify that viewport is not moved unnaturally.
  bool snappable =
    CheckTransformsMapsIntViewportWithinOnePixel(viewport, transform, snapped);
  if (snappable) {
    *out = snapped;
  return snappable;

std::string DecomposedTransform::ToString() const {
  return base::StringPrintf(
      "translate: %+0.4f %+0.4f %+0.4f\n"
      "scale: %+0.4f %+0.4f %+0.4f\n"
      "skew: %+0.4f %+0.4f %+0.4f\n"
      "perspective: %+0.4f %+0.4f %+0.4f %+0.4f\n"
      "quaternion: %+0.4f %+0.4f %+0.4f %+0.4f\n",

}  // namespace ui

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */