
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. MakeRGBImage
  2. MakeRGBAImage
  3. MakePaletteImage
  4. MakeGrayscaleImage
  5. MakeGrayscaleAlphaImage
  6. WriteImageData
  7. FlushImageData
  8. LogLibPNGError
  9. LogLibPNGWarning
  10. EncodeImage
  11. ColorsClose
  12. NonAlphaColorsClose
  13. BGRAGrayEqualsA8Gray
  14. MakeTestBGRASkBitmap
  15. MakeTestA8SkBitmap
  16. TEST
  17. TEST
  18. TEST
  19. TEST
  20. TEST
  21. TEST
  22. TEST
  23. TEST
  24. TEST
  25. TEST
  26. TEST
  27. TEST
  28. TEST
  29. TEST
  30. TEST
  31. TEST
  32. TEST
  33. TEST
  34. TEST
  35. TEST
  36. TEST
  37. TEST
  38. TEST
  39. TEST
  40. TEST
  41. TEST

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/libpng/png.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColorPriv.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkUnPreMultiply.h"
#include "third_party/zlib/zlib.h"
#include "ui/gfx/codec/png_codec.h"
#include "ui/gfx/size.h"
#include "ui/gfx/skia_util.h"

namespace gfx {

namespace {

void MakeRGBImage(int w, int h, std::vector<unsigned char>* data) {
  data->resize(w * h * 3);
  for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
    for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
      unsigned char* org_px = &(*data)[(y * w + x) * 3];
      org_px[0] = x * 3;      // r
      org_px[1] = x * 3 + 1;  // g
      org_px[2] = x * 3 + 2;  // b

// Set use_transparency to write data into the alpha channel, otherwise it will
// be filled with 0xff. With the alpha channel stripped, this should yield the
// same image as MakeRGBImage above, so the code below can make reference
// images for conversion testing.
void MakeRGBAImage(int w, int h, bool use_transparency,
                   std::vector<unsigned char>* data) {
  data->resize(w * h * 4);
  for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
    for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
      unsigned char* org_px = &(*data)[(y * w + x) * 4];
      org_px[0] = x * 3;      // r
      org_px[1] = x * 3 + 1;  // g
      org_px[2] = x * 3 + 2;  // b
      if (use_transparency)
        org_px[3] = x*3 + 3;  // a
        org_px[3] = 0xFF;     // a (opaque)

// Creates a palette-based image.
void MakePaletteImage(int w, int h,
                      std::vector<unsigned char>* data,
                      std::vector<png_color>* palette,
                      std::vector<unsigned char>* trans_chunk = 0) {
  data->resize(w * h);
  for (int i = 0; i < w; ++i) {
    png_color& color = (*palette)[i]; = i * 3; = + 1; = + 2;
  for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
    for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
      (*data)[y * w + x] = x;  // palette index
  if (trans_chunk) {
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < trans_chunk->size(); ++i) {
      (*trans_chunk)[i] = i % 256;

// Creates a grayscale image without an alpha channel.
void MakeGrayscaleImage(int w, int h,
                        std::vector<unsigned char>* data) {
  data->resize(w * h);
  for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
    for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
      (*data)[y * w + x] = x;  // gray value

// Creates a grayscale image with an alpha channel.
void MakeGrayscaleAlphaImage(int w, int h,
                             std::vector<unsigned char>* data) {
  data->resize(w * h * 2);
  for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
    for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
      unsigned char* px = &(*data)[(y * w + x) * 2];
      px[0] = x;        // gray value
      px[1] = x % 256;  // alpha

// User write function (to be passed to libpng by EncodeImage) which writes
// into a buffer instead of to a file.
void WriteImageData(png_structp png_ptr,
                    png_bytep data,
                    png_size_t length) {
  std::vector<unsigned char>& v =
      *static_cast<std::vector<unsigned char>*>(png_get_io_ptr(png_ptr));
  v.resize(v.size() + length);
  memcpy(&v[v.size() - length], data, length);

// User flush function; goes with WriteImageData, above.
void FlushImageData(png_structp /*png_ptr*/) {

// Libpng user error function which allows us to print libpng errors using
// Chrome's logging facilities instead of stderr.
void LogLibPNGError(png_structp png_ptr,
                    png_const_charp error_msg) {
  DLOG(ERROR) << "libpng encode error: " << error_msg;
  longjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr), 1);

// Goes with LogLibPNGError, above.
void LogLibPNGWarning(png_structp png_ptr,
                      png_const_charp warning_msg) {
  DLOG(ERROR) << "libpng encode warning: " << warning_msg;

// Color types supported by EncodeImage. Required because neither libpng nor
// PNGCodec::Encode supports all of the required values.
enum ColorType {

// PNG encoder used for testing. Required because PNGCodec::Encode doesn't do
// interlaced, palette-based, or grayscale images, but PNGCodec::Decode is
// actually asked to decode these types of images by Chrome.
bool EncodeImage(const std::vector<unsigned char>& input,
                 const int width,
                 const int height,
                 ColorType output_color_type,
                 std::vector<unsigned char>* output,
                 const int interlace_type = PNG_INTERLACE_NONE,
                 std::vector<png_color>* palette = 0,
                 std::vector<unsigned char>* palette_alpha = 0) {

  int input_rowbytes = 0;
  int transforms = PNG_TRANSFORM_IDENTITY;

  switch (output_color_type) {
      input_rowbytes = width;
      input_rowbytes = width * 2;
      if (!palette)
        return false;
      input_rowbytes = width;
    case COLOR_TYPE_RGB:
      input_rowbytes = width * 3;
      input_rowbytes = width * 4;
    case COLOR_TYPE_BGR:
      input_rowbytes = width * 3;
      output_color_type = static_cast<ColorType>(PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB);
      transforms |= PNG_TRANSFORM_BGR;
      input_rowbytes = width * 4;
      output_color_type = static_cast<ColorType>(PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGBA);
      transforms |= PNG_TRANSFORM_BGR;

  png_struct* png_ptr =
      png_create_write_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, NULL, NULL, NULL);
  if (!png_ptr)
    return false;
  png_infop info_ptr = png_create_info_struct(png_ptr);
  if (!info_ptr) {
    png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, NULL);
    return false;

  std::vector<png_bytep> row_pointers(height);
  for (int y = 0 ; y < height; ++y) {
    row_pointers[y] = const_cast<unsigned char*>(&input[y * input_rowbytes]);

  if (setjmp(png_jmpbuf(png_ptr))) {
    png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
    return false;

  png_set_error_fn(png_ptr, NULL, LogLibPNGError, LogLibPNGWarning);
  png_set_rows(png_ptr, info_ptr, &row_pointers[0]);
  png_set_write_fn(png_ptr, output, WriteImageData, FlushImageData);
  png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, width, height, 8, output_color_type,
               interlace_type, PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT,
  if (output_color_type == COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE) {
    png_set_PLTE(png_ptr, info_ptr, &palette->front(), palette->size());
    if (palette_alpha) {
      unsigned char* alpha_data = &palette_alpha->front();
      size_t alpha_size = palette_alpha->size();
      png_set_tRNS(png_ptr, info_ptr, alpha_data, alpha_size, NULL);

  png_write_png(png_ptr, info_ptr, transforms, NULL);

  png_destroy_write_struct(&png_ptr, &info_ptr);
  return true;

}  // namespace

// Returns true if each channel of the given two colors are "close." This is
// used for comparing colors where rounding errors may cause off-by-one.
bool ColorsClose(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
  return abs(static_cast<int>(SkColorGetB(a) - SkColorGetB(b))) < 2 &&
         abs(static_cast<int>(SkColorGetG(a) - SkColorGetG(b))) < 2 &&
         abs(static_cast<int>(SkColorGetR(a) - SkColorGetR(b))) < 2 &&
         abs(static_cast<int>(SkColorGetA(a) - SkColorGetA(b))) < 2;

// Returns true if the RGB components are "close."
bool NonAlphaColorsClose(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
  return abs(static_cast<int>(SkColorGetB(a) - SkColorGetB(b))) < 2 &&
         abs(static_cast<int>(SkColorGetG(a) - SkColorGetG(b))) < 2 &&
         abs(static_cast<int>(SkColorGetR(a) - SkColorGetR(b))) < 2;

// Returns true if the BGRA 32-bit SkColor specified by |a| is equivalent to the
// 8-bit Gray color specified by |b|.
bool BGRAGrayEqualsA8Gray(uint32_t a, uint8_t b) {
  return SkColorGetB(a) == b && SkColorGetG(a) ==  b &&
         SkColorGetR(a) == b && SkColorGetA(a) == 255;

void MakeTestBGRASkBitmap(int w, int h, SkBitmap* bmp) {
  bmp->setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, w, h);

  uint32_t* src_data = bmp->getAddr32(0, 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < w * h; i++)
    src_data[i] = SkPreMultiplyARGB(i % 255, i % 250, i % 245, i % 240);

void MakeTestA8SkBitmap(int w, int h, SkBitmap* bmp) {
  bmp->setConfig(SkBitmap::kA8_Config, w, h);

  uint8_t* src_data = bmp->getAddr8(0, 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < w * h; i++)
    src_data[i] = i % 255;

TEST(PNGCodec, EncodeDecodeRGB) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  // create an image with known values
  std::vector<unsigned char> original;
  MakeRGBImage(w, h, &original);

  // encode
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
  ASSERT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Encode(&original[0], PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGB,
                               Size(w, h), w * 3, false,

  // decode, it should have the same size as the original
  std::vector<unsigned char> decoded;
  int outw, outh;
  ASSERT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(),
                               PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGB, &decoded,
                               &outw, &outh));
  ASSERT_EQ(w, outw);
  ASSERT_EQ(h, outh);
  ASSERT_EQ(original.size(), decoded.size());

  // Images must be equal
  ASSERT_TRUE(original == decoded);

TEST(PNGCodec, EncodeDecodeRGBA) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  // create an image with known values, a must be opaque because it will be
  // lost during encoding
  std::vector<unsigned char> original;
  MakeRGBAImage(w, h, true, &original);

  // encode
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
  ASSERT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Encode(&original[0], PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGBA,
                               Size(w, h), w * 4, false,

  // decode, it should have the same size as the original
  std::vector<unsigned char> decoded;
  int outw, outh;
  ASSERT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(),
                               PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGBA, &decoded,
                               &outw, &outh));
  ASSERT_EQ(w, outw);
  ASSERT_EQ(h, outh);
  ASSERT_EQ(original.size(), decoded.size());

  // Images must be exactly equal
  ASSERT_TRUE(original == decoded);

TEST(PNGCodec, EncodeDecodeBGRA) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  // Create an image with known values, alpha must be opaque because it will be
  // lost during encoding.
  std::vector<unsigned char> original;
  MakeRGBAImage(w, h, true, &original);

  // Encode.
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
  ASSERT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Encode(&original[0], PNGCodec::FORMAT_BGRA,
                               Size(w, h), w * 4, false,

  // Decode, it should have the same size as the original.
  std::vector<unsigned char> decoded;
  int outw, outh;
  ASSERT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(),
                               PNGCodec::FORMAT_BGRA, &decoded,
                               &outw, &outh));
  ASSERT_EQ(w, outw);
  ASSERT_EQ(h, outh);
  ASSERT_EQ(original.size(), decoded.size());

  // Images must be exactly equal.
  ASSERT_TRUE(original == decoded);

TEST(PNGCodec, DecodePalette) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  // create an image with known values
  std::vector<unsigned char> original;
  std::vector<png_color> original_palette;
  std::vector<unsigned char> original_trans_chunk;
  MakePaletteImage(w, h, &original, &original_palette, &original_trans_chunk);

  // encode
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
                          w, h,

  // decode
  std::vector<unsigned char> decoded;
  int outw, outh;
  ASSERT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(),
                               PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGBA, &decoded,
                               &outw, &outh));
  ASSERT_EQ(w, outw);
  ASSERT_EQ(h, outh);
  ASSERT_EQ(decoded.size(), w * h * 4U);

  // Images must be equal
  for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
    for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
      unsigned char palette_pixel = original[y * w + x];
      png_color& palette_color = original_palette[palette_pixel];
      int alpha = original_trans_chunk[palette_pixel];
      unsigned char* rgba_pixel = &decoded[(y * w + x) * 4];

      EXPECT_EQ(, rgba_pixel[0]);
      EXPECT_EQ(, rgba_pixel[1]);
      EXPECT_EQ(, rgba_pixel[2]);
      EXPECT_EQ(alpha, rgba_pixel[3]);

TEST(PNGCodec, DecodePaletteDiscardAlpha) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  // create an image with known values
  std::vector<unsigned char> original;
  std::vector<png_color> original_palette;
  std::vector<unsigned char> original_trans_chunk;
  MakePaletteImage(w, h, &original, &original_palette, &original_trans_chunk);

  // encode
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
                          w, h,

  // decode
  std::vector<unsigned char> decoded;
  int outw, outh;
  ASSERT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(),
                               PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGB, &decoded,
                               &outw, &outh));
  ASSERT_EQ(w, outw);
  ASSERT_EQ(h, outh);
  ASSERT_EQ(decoded.size(), w * h * 3U);

  // Images must be equal
  for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
    for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
      unsigned char palette_pixel = original[y * w + x];
      png_color& palette_color = original_palette[palette_pixel];
      unsigned char* rgba_pixel = &decoded[(y * w + x) * 3];

      EXPECT_EQ(, rgba_pixel[0]);
      EXPECT_EQ(, rgba_pixel[1]);
      EXPECT_EQ(, rgba_pixel[2]);

TEST(PNGCodec, DecodeInterlacedPalette) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  // create an image with known values
  std::vector<unsigned char> original;
  std::vector<png_color> original_palette;
  std::vector<unsigned char> original_trans_chunk;
  MakePaletteImage(w, h, &original, &original_palette, &original_trans_chunk);

  // encode
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
                          w, h,

  // decode
  std::vector<unsigned char> decoded;
  int outw, outh;
  ASSERT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(),
                               PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGBA, &decoded,
                               &outw, &outh));
  ASSERT_EQ(w, outw);
  ASSERT_EQ(h, outh);
  ASSERT_EQ(decoded.size(), w * h * 4U);

  // Images must be equal
  for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
    for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
      unsigned char palette_pixel = original[y * w + x];
      png_color& palette_color = original_palette[palette_pixel];
      int alpha = original_trans_chunk[palette_pixel];
      unsigned char* rgba_pixel = &decoded[(y * w + x) * 4];

      EXPECT_EQ(, rgba_pixel[0]);
      EXPECT_EQ(, rgba_pixel[1]);
      EXPECT_EQ(, rgba_pixel[2]);
      EXPECT_EQ(alpha, rgba_pixel[3]);

TEST(PNGCodec, DecodeGrayscale) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  // create an image with known values
  std::vector<unsigned char> original;
  MakeGrayscaleImage(w, h, &original);

  // encode
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
  ASSERT_TRUE(EncodeImage(original, w, h, COLOR_TYPE_GRAY, &encoded));

  // decode
  std::vector<unsigned char> decoded;
  int outw, outh;
  ASSERT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(),
                               PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGB, &decoded,
                               &outw, &outh));
  ASSERT_EQ(w, outw);
  ASSERT_EQ(h, outh);
  ASSERT_EQ(decoded.size(), original.size() * 3);

  // Images must be equal
  for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
    for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
      unsigned char gray_pixel = original[(y * w + x)];
      unsigned char* rgba_pixel = &decoded[(y * w + x) * 3];
      EXPECT_EQ(rgba_pixel[0], gray_pixel);
      EXPECT_EQ(rgba_pixel[1], gray_pixel);
      EXPECT_EQ(rgba_pixel[2], gray_pixel);

TEST(PNGCodec, DecodeGrayscaleWithAlpha) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  // create an image with known values
  std::vector<unsigned char> original;
  MakeGrayscaleAlphaImage(w, h, &original);

  // encode
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
                          w, h,

  // decode
  std::vector<unsigned char> decoded;
  int outw, outh;
  ASSERT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(),
                               PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGBA, &decoded,
                               &outw, &outh));
  ASSERT_EQ(w, outw);
  ASSERT_EQ(h, outh);
  ASSERT_EQ(decoded.size(), original.size() * 2);

  // Images must be equal
  for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
    for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
      unsigned char* gray_pixel = &original[(y * w + x) * 2];
      unsigned char* rgba_pixel = &decoded[(y * w + x) * 4];
      EXPECT_EQ(rgba_pixel[0], gray_pixel[0]);
      EXPECT_EQ(rgba_pixel[1], gray_pixel[0]);
      EXPECT_EQ(rgba_pixel[2], gray_pixel[0]);
      EXPECT_EQ(rgba_pixel[3], gray_pixel[1]);

TEST(PNGCodec, DecodeGrayscaleWithAlphaDiscardAlpha) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  // create an image with known values
  std::vector<unsigned char> original;
  MakeGrayscaleAlphaImage(w, h, &original);

  // encode
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
                          w, h,

  // decode
  std::vector<unsigned char> decoded;
  int outw, outh;
  ASSERT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(),
                               PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGB, &decoded,
                               &outw, &outh));
  ASSERT_EQ(w, outw);
  ASSERT_EQ(h, outh);
  ASSERT_EQ(decoded.size(), w * h * 3U);

  // Images must be equal
  for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
    for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
      unsigned char* gray_pixel = &original[(y * w + x) * 2];
      unsigned char* rgba_pixel = &decoded[(y * w + x) * 3];
      EXPECT_EQ(rgba_pixel[0], gray_pixel[0]);
      EXPECT_EQ(rgba_pixel[1], gray_pixel[0]);
      EXPECT_EQ(rgba_pixel[2], gray_pixel[0]);

TEST(PNGCodec, DecodeInterlacedGrayscale) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  // create an image with known values
  std::vector<unsigned char> original;
  MakeGrayscaleImage(w, h, &original);

  // encode
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
                          w, h,

  // decode
  std::vector<unsigned char> decoded;
  int outw, outh;
  ASSERT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(),
                               PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGBA, &decoded,
                               &outw, &outh));
  ASSERT_EQ(w, outw);
  ASSERT_EQ(h, outh);
  ASSERT_EQ(decoded.size(), original.size() * 4);

  // Images must be equal
  for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
    for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
      unsigned char gray_pixel = original[(y * w + x)];
      unsigned char* rgba_pixel = &decoded[(y * w + x) * 4];
      EXPECT_EQ(rgba_pixel[0], gray_pixel);
      EXPECT_EQ(rgba_pixel[1], gray_pixel);
      EXPECT_EQ(rgba_pixel[2], gray_pixel);
      EXPECT_EQ(rgba_pixel[3], 0xFF);

TEST(PNGCodec, DecodeInterlacedGrayscaleWithAlpha) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  // create an image with known values
  std::vector<unsigned char> original;
  MakeGrayscaleAlphaImage(w, h, &original);

  // encode
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
                          w, h,

  // decode
  std::vector<unsigned char> decoded;
  int outw, outh;
  ASSERT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(),
                               PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGBA, &decoded,
                               &outw, &outh));
  ASSERT_EQ(w, outw);
  ASSERT_EQ(h, outh);
  ASSERT_EQ(decoded.size(), original.size() * 2);

  // Images must be equal
  for (int y = 0; y < h; ++y) {
    for (int x = 0; x < w; ++x) {
      unsigned char* gray_pixel = &original[(y * w + x) * 2];
      unsigned char* rgba_pixel = &decoded[(y * w + x) * 4];
      EXPECT_EQ(rgba_pixel[0], gray_pixel[0]);
      EXPECT_EQ(rgba_pixel[1], gray_pixel[0]);
      EXPECT_EQ(rgba_pixel[2], gray_pixel[0]);
      EXPECT_EQ(rgba_pixel[3], gray_pixel[1]);

TEST(PNGCodec, DecodeInterlacedRGB) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  // create an image with known values
  std::vector<unsigned char> original;
  MakeRGBImage(w, h, &original);

  // encode
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
                          w, h,

  // decode, it should have the same size as the original
  std::vector<unsigned char> decoded;
  int outw, outh;
  ASSERT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(),
                               PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGB, &decoded,
                               &outw, &outh));
  ASSERT_EQ(w, outw);
  ASSERT_EQ(h, outh);
  ASSERT_EQ(original.size(), decoded.size());

  // Images must be equal
  ASSERT_EQ(original, decoded);

TEST(PNGCodec, DecodeInterlacedRGBA) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  // create an image with known values
  std::vector<unsigned char> original;
  MakeRGBAImage(w, h, false, &original);

  // encode
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
                          w, h,

  // decode, it should have the same size as the original
  std::vector<unsigned char> decoded;
  int outw, outh;
  ASSERT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(),
                               PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGBA, &decoded,
                               &outw, &outh));
  ASSERT_EQ(w, outw);
  ASSERT_EQ(h, outh);
  ASSERT_EQ(original.size(), decoded.size());

  // Images must be equal
  ASSERT_EQ(original, decoded);

TEST(PNGCodec, DecodeInterlacedRGBADiscardAlpha) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  // create an image with known values
  std::vector<unsigned char> original;
  MakeRGBAImage(w, h, false, &original);

  // encode
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
                          w, h,

  // decode
  std::vector<unsigned char> decoded;
  int outw, outh;
  ASSERT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(),
                               PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGB, &decoded,
                               &outw, &outh));
  ASSERT_EQ(w, outw);
  ASSERT_EQ(h, outh);
  ASSERT_EQ(decoded.size(), w * h * 3U);

  // Images must be equal
  for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
    for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      unsigned char* orig_px = &original[(y * w + x) * 4];
      unsigned char* dec_px = &decoded[(y * w + x) * 3];
      EXPECT_EQ(dec_px[0], orig_px[0]);
      EXPECT_EQ(dec_px[1], orig_px[1]);
      EXPECT_EQ(dec_px[2], orig_px[2]);

TEST(PNGCodec, DecodeInterlacedBGR) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  // create an image with known values
  std::vector<unsigned char> original;
  MakeRGBImage(w, h, &original);

  // encode
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
                          w, h,

  // decode, it should have the same size as the original
  std::vector<unsigned char> decoded;
  int outw, outh;
  ASSERT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(),
                               PNGCodec::FORMAT_BGRA, &decoded,
                               &outw, &outh));
  ASSERT_EQ(w, outw);
  ASSERT_EQ(h, outh);
  ASSERT_EQ(decoded.size(), w * h * 4U);

  // Images must be equal
  for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
    for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      unsigned char* orig_px = &original[(y * w + x) * 3];
      unsigned char* dec_px = &decoded[(y * w + x) * 4];
      EXPECT_EQ(dec_px[0], orig_px[0]);
      EXPECT_EQ(dec_px[1], orig_px[1]);
      EXPECT_EQ(dec_px[2], orig_px[2]);

TEST(PNGCodec, DecodeInterlacedBGRA) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  // create an image with known values
  std::vector<unsigned char> original;
  MakeRGBAImage(w, h, false, &original);

  // encode
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
                          w, h,

  // decode, it should have the same size as the original
  std::vector<unsigned char> decoded;
  int outw, outh;
  ASSERT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(),
                               PNGCodec::FORMAT_BGRA, &decoded,
                               &outw, &outh));
  ASSERT_EQ(w, outw);
  ASSERT_EQ(h, outh);
  ASSERT_EQ(original.size(), decoded.size());

  // Images must be equal
  ASSERT_EQ(original, decoded);

// Not encoding an interlaced PNG from SkBitmap because we don't do it
// anywhere, and the ability to do that requires more code changes.
TEST(PNGCodec, DecodeInterlacedRGBtoSkBitmap) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  // create an image with known values
  std::vector<unsigned char> original;
  MakeRGBImage(w, h, &original);

  // encode
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
                          w, h,

  // Decode the encoded string.
  SkBitmap decoded_bitmap;
  ASSERT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded.front(), encoded.size(),

  for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
    for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      const unsigned char* original_pixel = &original[(y * w + x) * 3];
      const uint32_t original_pixel_sk = SkPackARGB32(0xFF,
      const uint32_t decoded_pixel = decoded_bitmap.getAddr32(0, y)[x];
      EXPECT_EQ(original_pixel_sk, decoded_pixel);

TEST(PNGCodec, DecodeInterlacedRGBAtoSkBitmap) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  // create an image with known values
  std::vector<unsigned char> original;
  MakeRGBAImage(w, h, false, &original);

  // encode
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
                          w, h,

  // Decode the encoded string.
  SkBitmap decoded_bitmap;
  ASSERT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded.front(), encoded.size(),

  for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
    for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      const unsigned char* original_pixel = &original[(y * w + x) * 4];
      const uint32_t original_pixel_sk = SkPackARGB32(original_pixel[3],
      const uint32_t decoded_pixel = decoded_bitmap.getAddr32(0, y)[x];
      EXPECT_EQ(original_pixel_sk, decoded_pixel);

// Test that corrupted data decompression causes failures.
TEST(PNGCodec, DecodeCorrupted) {
  int w = 20, h = 20;

  // Make some random data (an uncompressed image).
  std::vector<unsigned char> original;
  MakeRGBImage(w, h, &original);

  // It should fail when given non-JPEG compressed data.
  std::vector<unsigned char> output;
  int outw, outh;
  EXPECT_FALSE(PNGCodec::Decode(&original[0], original.size(),
                                PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGB, &output,
                                &outw, &outh));

  // Make some compressed data.
  std::vector<unsigned char> compressed;
  ASSERT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Encode(&original[0], PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGB,
                               Size(w, h), w * 3, false,

  // Try decompressing a truncated version.
  EXPECT_FALSE(PNGCodec::Decode(&compressed[0], compressed.size() / 2,
                                PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGB, &output,
                                &outw, &outh));

  // Corrupt it and try decompressing that.
  for (int i = 10; i < 30; i++)
    compressed[i] = i;
  EXPECT_FALSE(PNGCodec::Decode(&compressed[0], compressed.size(),
                                PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGB, &output,
                                &outw, &outh));

TEST(PNGCodec, StripAddAlpha) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  // These should be the same except one has a 0xff alpha channel.
  std::vector<unsigned char> original_rgb;
  MakeRGBImage(w, h, &original_rgb);
  std::vector<unsigned char> original_rgba;
  MakeRGBAImage(w, h, false, &original_rgba);

  // Encode RGBA data as RGB.
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
  EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Encode(&original_rgba[0], PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGBA,
                               Size(w, h), w * 4, true,

  // Decode the RGB to RGBA.
  std::vector<unsigned char> decoded;
  int outw, outh;
  EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(),
                               PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGBA, &decoded,
                               &outw, &outh));

  // Decoded and reference should be the same (opaque alpha).
  ASSERT_EQ(w, outw);
  ASSERT_EQ(h, outh);
  ASSERT_EQ(original_rgba.size(), decoded.size());
  ASSERT_EQ(original_rgba, decoded);

  // Encode RGBA to RGBA.
  EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Encode(&original_rgba[0], PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGBA,
                               Size(w, h), w * 4, false,

  // Decode the RGBA to RGB.
  EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded[0], encoded.size(),
                               PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGB, &decoded,
                               &outw, &outh));

  // It should be the same as our non-alpha-channel reference.
  ASSERT_EQ(w, outw);
  ASSERT_EQ(h, outh);
  ASSERT_EQ(original_rgb.size(), decoded.size());
  ASSERT_EQ(original_rgb, decoded);

TEST(PNGCodec, EncodeBGRASkBitmapStridePadded) {
  const int kWidth = 20;
  const int kHeight = 20;
  const int kPaddedWidth = 32;
  const int kBytesPerPixel = 4;
  const int kPaddedSize = kPaddedWidth * kHeight;
  const int kRowBytes = kPaddedWidth * kBytesPerPixel;

  SkBitmap original_bitmap;
                            kWidth, kHeight, kRowBytes);

  // Write data over the source bitmap.
  // We write on the pad area here too.
  // The encoder should ignore the pad area.
  uint32_t* src_data = original_bitmap.getAddr32(0, 0);
  for (int i = 0; i < kPaddedSize; i++) {
    src_data[i] = SkPreMultiplyARGB(i % 255, i % 250, i % 245, i % 240);

  // Encode the bitmap.
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
  PNGCodec::EncodeBGRASkBitmap(original_bitmap, false, &encoded);

  // Decode the encoded string.
  SkBitmap decoded_bitmap;
  EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded.front(), encoded.size(),

  // Compare the original bitmap and the output bitmap. We use ColorsClose
  // as SkBitmaps are considered to be pre-multiplied, the unpremultiplication
  // (in Encode) and repremultiplication (in Decode) can be lossy.
  for (int x = 0; x < kWidth; x++) {
    for (int y = 0; y < kHeight; y++) {
      uint32_t original_pixel = original_bitmap.getAddr32(0, y)[x];
      uint32_t decoded_pixel = decoded_bitmap.getAddr32(0, y)[x];
      EXPECT_TRUE(ColorsClose(original_pixel, decoded_pixel));

TEST(PNGCodec, EncodeBGRASkBitmap) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  SkBitmap original_bitmap;
  MakeTestBGRASkBitmap(w, h, &original_bitmap);

  // Encode the bitmap.
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
  PNGCodec::EncodeBGRASkBitmap(original_bitmap, false, &encoded);

  // Decode the encoded string.
  SkBitmap decoded_bitmap;
  EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded.front(), encoded.size(),

  // Compare the original bitmap and the output bitmap. We use ColorsClose
  // as SkBitmaps are considered to be pre-multiplied, the unpremultiplication
  // (in Encode) and repremultiplication (in Decode) can be lossy.
  for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
    for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      uint32_t original_pixel = original_bitmap.getAddr32(0, y)[x];
      uint32_t decoded_pixel = decoded_bitmap.getAddr32(0, y)[x];
      EXPECT_TRUE(ColorsClose(original_pixel, decoded_pixel));

TEST(PNGCodec, EncodeA8SkBitmap) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  SkBitmap original_bitmap;
  MakeTestA8SkBitmap(w, h, &original_bitmap);

  // Encode the bitmap.
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
  EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::EncodeA8SkBitmap(original_bitmap, &encoded));

  // Decode the encoded string.
  SkBitmap decoded_bitmap;
  EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded.front(), encoded.size(),

  for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
    for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      uint8_t original_pixel = *original_bitmap.getAddr8(x, y);
      uint32_t decoded_pixel = *decoded_bitmap.getAddr32(x, y);
      EXPECT_TRUE(BGRAGrayEqualsA8Gray(decoded_pixel, original_pixel));

TEST(PNGCodec, EncodeBGRASkBitmapDiscardTransparency) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  SkBitmap original_bitmap;
  MakeTestBGRASkBitmap(w, h, &original_bitmap);

  // Encode the bitmap.
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
  PNGCodec::EncodeBGRASkBitmap(original_bitmap, true, &encoded);

  // Decode the encoded string.
  SkBitmap decoded_bitmap;
  EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded.front(), encoded.size(),

  // Compare the original bitmap and the output bitmap. We need to
  // unpremultiply original_pixel, as the decoded bitmap doesn't have an alpha
  // channel.
  for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
    for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      uint32_t original_pixel = original_bitmap.getAddr32(0, y)[x];
      uint32_t unpremultiplied =
      uint32_t decoded_pixel = decoded_bitmap.getAddr32(0, y)[x];
      uint32_t unpremultiplied_decoded =

      EXPECT_TRUE(NonAlphaColorsClose(unpremultiplied, unpremultiplied_decoded))
          << "Original_pixel: ("
          << SkColorGetR(unpremultiplied) << ", "
          << SkColorGetG(unpremultiplied) << ", "
          << SkColorGetB(unpremultiplied) << "), "
          << "Decoded pixel: ("
          << SkColorGetR(unpremultiplied_decoded) << ", "
          << SkColorGetG(unpremultiplied_decoded) << ", "
          << SkColorGetB(unpremultiplied_decoded) << ")";

TEST(PNGCodec, EncodeWithComment) {
  const int w = 10, h = 10;

  std::vector<unsigned char> original;
  MakeRGBImage(w, h, &original);

  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded;
  std::vector<PNGCodec::Comment> comments;
  comments.push_back(PNGCodec::Comment("key", "text"));
  comments.push_back(PNGCodec::Comment("test", "something"));
  comments.push_back(PNGCodec::Comment("have some", "spaces in both"));
  EXPECT_TRUE(PNGCodec::Encode(&original[0], PNGCodec::FORMAT_RGB,
                               Size(w, h), w * 3, false, comments, &encoded));

  // Each chunk is of the form length (4 bytes), chunk type (tEXt), data,
  // checksum (4 bytes).  Make sure we find all of them in the encoded
  // results.
  const unsigned char kExpected1[] =
  const unsigned char kExpected2[] =
  const unsigned char kExpected3[] =
      "\x00\x00\x00\x18tEXthave some\x00spaces in both\x8d\x69\x34\x2d";

  EXPECT_NE(std::search(encoded.begin(), encoded.end(), kExpected1,
                        kExpected1 + arraysize(kExpected1)),
  EXPECT_NE(std::search(encoded.begin(), encoded.end(), kExpected2,
                        kExpected2 + arraysize(kExpected2)),
  EXPECT_NE(std::search(encoded.begin(), encoded.end(), kExpected3,
                        kExpected3 + arraysize(kExpected3)),

TEST(PNGCodec, EncodeDecodeWithVaryingCompressionLevels) {
  const int w = 20, h = 20;

  // create an image with known values, a must be opaque because it will be
  // lost during encoding
  SkBitmap original_bitmap;
  MakeTestBGRASkBitmap(w, h, &original_bitmap);

  // encode
  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded_normal;
      PNGCodec::EncodeBGRASkBitmap(original_bitmap, false, &encoded_normal));

  std::vector<unsigned char> encoded_fast;
      PNGCodec::FastEncodeBGRASkBitmap(original_bitmap, false, &encoded_fast));

  // Make sure the different compression settings actually do something; the
  // sizes should be different.
  EXPECT_NE(encoded_normal.size(), encoded_fast.size());

  // decode, they should be identical to the original.
  SkBitmap decoded;
      PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded_normal[0], encoded_normal.size(), &decoded));
  EXPECT_TRUE(BitmapsAreEqual(decoded, original_bitmap));

      PNGCodec::Decode(&encoded_fast[0], encoded_fast.size(), &decoded));
  EXPECT_TRUE(BitmapsAreEqual(decoded, original_bitmap));

}  // namespace gfx

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