
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. GenerateSalt
  2. AsyncOpen
  3. WriteToFile
  4. AsyncWrite
  5. AsyncTruncate
  6. AsyncClose
  7. TableBuilder
  8. persist_to_disk_
  9. persist_to_disk_
  10. InitMembers
  11. Init
  12. TryToAddURL
  13. PostIOTask
  14. AddURL
  15. AddURLs
  16. DeleteAllURLs
  17. GetDelegate
  18. DeleteURLs
  19. AddFingerprint
  20. DeleteFingerprintsFromCurrentTable
  21. DeleteFingerprint
  22. WriteFullTable
  23. InitFromFile
  24. InitFromScratch
  25. ReadFileHeader
  26. GetDatabaseFileName
  27. CreateURLTable
  28. BeginReplaceURLTable
  29. FreeURLTable
  30. ResizeTableIfNecessary
  31. ResizeTable
  32. NewTableSizeForCount
  33. RebuildTableFromDelegate
  34. OnTableRebuildComplete
  35. WriteToFile
  36. WriteUsedItemCountToFile
  37. WriteHashRangeToFile
  38. ReadFromFile
  39. success_
  40. DisownMaster
  41. OnURL
  42. OnComplete
  43. OnCompleteMainThread

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/visitedlink/browser/visitedlink_master.h"

#if defined(OS_WIN)
#include <windows.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#endif  // defined(OS_WIN)
#include <stdio.h>

#include <algorithm>

#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
#include "base/containers/stack_container.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_file.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/rand_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
#include "components/visitedlink/browser/visitedlink_delegate.h"
#include "components/visitedlink/browser/visitedlink_event_listener.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_context.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"

using content::BrowserThread;

namespace visitedlink {

const int32 VisitedLinkMaster::kFileHeaderSignatureOffset = 0;
const int32 VisitedLinkMaster::kFileHeaderVersionOffset = 4;
const int32 VisitedLinkMaster::kFileHeaderLengthOffset = 8;
const int32 VisitedLinkMaster::kFileHeaderUsedOffset = 12;
const int32 VisitedLinkMaster::kFileHeaderSaltOffset = 16;

const int32 VisitedLinkMaster::kFileCurrentVersion = 3;

// the signature at the beginning of the URL table = "VLnk" (visited links)
const int32 VisitedLinkMaster::kFileSignature = 0x6b6e4c56;
const size_t VisitedLinkMaster::kFileHeaderSize =
    kFileHeaderSaltOffset + LINK_SALT_LENGTH;

// This value should also be the same as the smallest size in the lookup
// table in NewTableSizeForCount (prime number).
const unsigned VisitedLinkMaster::kDefaultTableSize = 16381;

const size_t VisitedLinkMaster::kBigDeleteThreshold = 64;

namespace {

// Fills the given salt structure with some quasi-random values
// It is not necessary to generate a cryptographically strong random string,
// only that it be reasonably different for different users.
void GenerateSalt(uint8 salt[LINK_SALT_LENGTH]) {
  DCHECK_EQ(LINK_SALT_LENGTH, 8) << "This code assumes the length of the salt";
  uint64 randval = base::RandUint64();
  memcpy(salt, &randval, 8);

// Opens file on a background thread to not block UI thread.
void AsyncOpen(FILE** file, const base::FilePath& filename) {
  *file = base::OpenFile(filename, "wb+");
  DLOG_IF(ERROR, !(*file)) << "Failed to open file " << filename.value();

// Returns true if the write was complete.
static bool WriteToFile(FILE* file,
                        off_t offset,
                        const void* data,
                        size_t data_len) {
  if (fseek(file, offset, SEEK_SET) != 0)
    return false;  // Don't write to an invalid part of the file.

  size_t num_written = fwrite(data, 1, data_len, file);

  // The write may not make it to the kernel (stdlib may buffer the write)
  // until the next fseek/fclose call.  If we crash, it's easy for our used
  // item count to be out of sync with the number of hashes we write.
  // Protect against this by calling fflush.
  int ret = fflush(file);
  DCHECK_EQ(0, ret);
  return num_written == data_len;

// This task executes on a background thread and executes a write. This
// prevents us from blocking the UI thread doing I/O. Double pointer to FILE
// is used because file may still not be opened by the time of scheduling
// the task for execution.
void AsyncWrite(FILE** file, int32 offset, const std::string& data) {
  if (*file)
    WriteToFile(*file, offset,, data.size());

// Truncates the file to the current position asynchronously on a background
// thread. Double pointer to FILE is used because file may still not be opened
// by the time of scheduling the task for execution.
void AsyncTruncate(FILE** file) {
  if (*file)

// Closes the file on a background thread and releases memory used for storage
// of FILE* value. Double pointer to FILE is used because file may still not
// be opened by the time of scheduling the task for execution.
void AsyncClose(FILE** file) {
  if (*file)

}  // namespace

// TableBuilder ---------------------------------------------------------------

// How rebuilding from history works
// ---------------------------------
// We mark that we're rebuilding from history by setting the table_builder_
// member in VisitedLinkMaster to the TableBuilder we create. This builder
// will be called on the history thread by the history system for every URL
// in the database.
// The builder will store the fingerprints for those URLs, and then marshalls
// back to the main thread where the VisitedLinkMaster will be notified. The
// master then replaces its table with a new table containing the computed
// fingerprints.
// The builder must remain active while the history system is using it.
// Sometimes, the master will be deleted before the rebuild is complete, in
// which case it notifies the builder via DisownMaster(). The builder will
// delete itself once rebuilding is complete, and not execute any callback.
class VisitedLinkMaster::TableBuilder
    : public VisitedLinkDelegate::URLEnumerator {
  TableBuilder(VisitedLinkMaster* master,
               const uint8 salt[LINK_SALT_LENGTH]);

  // Called on the main thread when the master is being destroyed. This will
  // prevent a crash when the query completes and the master is no longer
  // around. We can not actually do anything but mark this fact, since the
  // table will be being rebuilt simultaneously on the other thread.
  void DisownMaster();

  // VisitedLinkDelegate::URLEnumerator
  virtual void OnURL(const GURL& url) OVERRIDE;
  virtual void OnComplete(bool succeed) OVERRIDE;

  virtual ~TableBuilder() {}

  // OnComplete mashals to this function on the main thread to do the
  // notification.
  void OnCompleteMainThread();

  // Owner of this object. MAY ONLY BE ACCESSED ON THE MAIN THREAD!
  VisitedLinkMaster* master_;

  // Indicates whether the operation has failed or not.
  bool success_;

  // Salt for this new table.
  uint8 salt_[LINK_SALT_LENGTH];

  // Stores the fingerprints we computed on the background thread.
  VisitedLinkCommon::Fingerprints fingerprints_;


// VisitedLinkMaster ----------------------------------------------------------

VisitedLinkMaster::VisitedLinkMaster(content::BrowserContext* browser_context,
                                     VisitedLinkDelegate* delegate,
                                     bool persist_to_disk)
    : browser_context_(browser_context),
      listener_(new VisitedLinkEventListener(this, browser_context)),
      persist_to_disk_(persist_to_disk) {

VisitedLinkMaster::VisitedLinkMaster(Listener* listener,
                                     VisitedLinkDelegate* delegate,
                                     bool persist_to_disk,
                                     bool suppress_rebuild,
                                     const base::FilePath& filename,
                                     int32 default_table_size)
    : browser_context_(NULL),
      persist_to_disk_(persist_to_disk) {

  database_name_override_ = filename;
  table_size_override_ = default_table_size;
  suppress_rebuild_ = suppress_rebuild;

VisitedLinkMaster::~VisitedLinkMaster() {
  if (table_builder_.get()) {
    // Prevent the table builder from calling us back now that we're being
    // destroyed. Note that we DON'T delete the object, since the history
    // system is still writing into it. When that is complete, the table
    // builder will destroy itself when it finds we are gone.
  // FreeURLTable() will schedule closing of the file and deletion of |file_|.
  // So nothing should be done here.

void VisitedLinkMaster::InitMembers() {
  file_ = NULL;
  shared_memory_ = NULL;
  shared_memory_serial_ = 0;
  used_items_ = 0;
  table_size_override_ = 0;
  suppress_rebuild_ = false;
  sequence_token_ = BrowserThread::GetBlockingPool()->GetSequenceToken();

#ifndef NDEBUG
  posted_asynchronous_operation_ = false;

bool VisitedLinkMaster::Init() {
  // We probably shouldn't be loading this from the UI thread,
  // but it does need to happen early on in startup.
  base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowIO allow_io;

  if (persist_to_disk_) {
    if (InitFromFile())
      return true;
  return InitFromScratch(suppress_rebuild_);

VisitedLinkMaster::Hash VisitedLinkMaster::TryToAddURL(const GURL& url) {
  // Extra check that we are not incognito. This should not happen.
  // TODO(boliu): Move this check to HistoryService when IsOffTheRecord is
  // removed from BrowserContext.
  if (browser_context_ && browser_context_->IsOffTheRecord()) {
    return null_hash_;

  if (!url.is_valid())
    return null_hash_;  // Don't add invalid URLs.

  Fingerprint fingerprint = ComputeURLFingerprint(url.spec().data(),
  if (table_builder_.get()) {
    // If we have a pending delete for this fingerprint, cancel it.
    std::set<Fingerprint>::iterator found =
    if (found != deleted_since_rebuild_.end())

    // A rebuild is in progress, save this addition in the temporary list so
    // it can be added once rebuild is complete.

  // If the table is "full", we don't add URLs and just drop them on the floor.
  // This can happen if we get thousands of new URLs and something causes
  // the table resizing to fail. This check prevents a hang in that case. Note
  // that this is *not* the resize limit, this is just a sanity check.
  if (used_items_ / 8 > table_length_ / 10)
    return null_hash_;  // Table is more than 80% full.

  return AddFingerprint(fingerprint, true);

void VisitedLinkMaster::PostIOTask(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
                                   const base::Closure& task) {
                                                            from_here, task);

void VisitedLinkMaster::AddURL(const GURL& url) {
  Hash index = TryToAddURL(url);
  if (!table_builder_.get() && index != null_hash_) {
    // Not rebuilding, so we want to keep the file on disk up-to-date.
    if (persist_to_disk_) {
      WriteHashRangeToFile(index, index);

void VisitedLinkMaster::AddURLs(const std::vector<GURL>& url) {
  for (std::vector<GURL>::const_iterator i = url.begin();
       i != url.end(); ++i) {
    Hash index = TryToAddURL(*i);
    if (!table_builder_.get() && index != null_hash_)

  // Keeps the file on disk up-to-date.
  if (!table_builder_.get() && persist_to_disk_)

void VisitedLinkMaster::DeleteAllURLs() {
  // Any pending modifications are invalid.

  // Clear the hash table.
  used_items_ = 0;
  memset(hash_table_, 0, this->table_length_ * sizeof(Fingerprint));

  // Resize it if it is now too empty. Resize may write the new table out for
  // us, otherwise, schedule writing the new table to disk ourselves.
  if (!ResizeTableIfNecessary() && persist_to_disk_)


VisitedLinkDelegate* VisitedLinkMaster::GetDelegate() {
  return delegate_;

void VisitedLinkMaster::DeleteURLs(URLIterator* urls) {
  if (!urls->HasNextURL())


  if (table_builder_.get()) {
    // A rebuild is in progress, save this deletion in the temporary list so
    // it can be added once rebuild is complete.
    while (urls->HasNextURL()) {
      const GURL& url(urls->NextURL());
      if (!url.is_valid())

      Fingerprint fingerprint =
          ComputeURLFingerprint(url.spec().data(), url.spec().size(), salt_);

      // If the URL was just added and now we're deleting it, it may be in the
      // list of things added since the last rebuild. Delete it from that list.
      std::set<Fingerprint>::iterator found =
      if (found != added_since_rebuild_.end())

      // Delete the URLs from the in-memory table, but don't bother writing
      // to disk since it will be replaced soon.
      DeleteFingerprint(fingerprint, false);

  // Compute the deleted URLs' fingerprints and delete them
  std::set<Fingerprint> deleted_fingerprints;
  while (urls->HasNextURL()) {
    const GURL& url(urls->NextURL());
    if (!url.is_valid())
        ComputeURLFingerprint(url.spec().data(), url.spec().size(), salt_));

// See VisitedLinkCommon::IsVisited which should be in sync with this algorithm
VisitedLinkMaster::Hash VisitedLinkMaster::AddFingerprint(
    Fingerprint fingerprint,
    bool send_notifications) {
  if (!hash_table_ || table_length_ == 0) {
    NOTREACHED();  // Not initialized.
    return null_hash_;

  Hash cur_hash = HashFingerprint(fingerprint);
  Hash first_hash = cur_hash;
  while (true) {
    Fingerprint cur_fingerprint = FingerprintAt(cur_hash);
    if (cur_fingerprint == fingerprint)
      return null_hash_;  // This fingerprint is already in there, do nothing.

    if (cur_fingerprint == null_fingerprint_) {
      // End of probe sequence found, insert here.
      hash_table_[cur_hash] = fingerprint;
      // If allowed, notify listener that a new visited link was added.
      if (send_notifications)
      return cur_hash;

    // Advance in the probe sequence.
    cur_hash = IncrementHash(cur_hash);
    if (cur_hash == first_hash) {
      // This means that we've wrapped around and are about to go into an
      // infinite loop. Something was wrong with the hashtable resizing
      // logic, so stop here.
      return null_hash_;

void VisitedLinkMaster::DeleteFingerprintsFromCurrentTable(
    const std::set<Fingerprint>& fingerprints) {
  bool bulk_write = (fingerprints.size() > kBigDeleteThreshold);

  // Delete the URLs from the table.
  for (std::set<Fingerprint>::const_iterator i = fingerprints.begin();
       i != fingerprints.end(); ++i)
    DeleteFingerprint(*i, !bulk_write);

  // These deleted fingerprints may make us shrink the table.
  if (ResizeTableIfNecessary())
    return;  // The resize function wrote the new table to disk for us.

  // Nobody wrote this out for us, write the full file to disk.
  if (bulk_write && persist_to_disk_)

bool VisitedLinkMaster::DeleteFingerprint(Fingerprint fingerprint,
                                          bool update_file) {
  if (!hash_table_ || table_length_ == 0) {
    NOTREACHED();  // Not initialized.
    return false;
  if (!IsVisited(fingerprint))
    return false;  // Not in the database to delete.

  // First update the header used count.
  if (update_file && persist_to_disk_)

  Hash deleted_hash = HashFingerprint(fingerprint);

  // Find the range of "stuff" in the hash table that is adjacent to this
  // fingerprint. These are things that could be affected by the change in
  // the hash table. Since we use linear probing, anything after the deleted
  // item up until an empty item could be affected.
  Hash end_range = deleted_hash;
  while (true) {
    Hash next_hash = IncrementHash(end_range);
    if (next_hash == deleted_hash)
      break;  // We wrapped around and the whole table is full.
    if (!hash_table_[next_hash])
      break;  // Found the last spot.
    end_range = next_hash;

  // We could get all fancy and move the affected fingerprints around, but
  // instead we just remove them all and re-add them (minus our deleted one).
  // This will mean there's a small window of time where the affected links
  // won't be marked visited.
  base::StackVector<Fingerprint, 32> shuffled_fingerprints;
  Hash stop_loop = IncrementHash(end_range);  // The end range is inclusive.
  for (Hash i = deleted_hash; i != stop_loop; i = IncrementHash(i)) {
    if (hash_table_[i] != fingerprint) {
      // Don't save the one we're deleting!

      // This will balance the increment of this value in AddFingerprint below
      // so there is no net change.
    hash_table_[i] = null_fingerprint_;

  if (!shuffled_fingerprints->empty()) {
    // Need to add the new items back.
    for (size_t i = 0; i < shuffled_fingerprints->size(); i++)
      AddFingerprint(shuffled_fingerprints[i], false);

  // Write the affected range to disk [deleted_hash, end_range].
  if (update_file && persist_to_disk_)
    WriteHashRangeToFile(deleted_hash, end_range);

  return true;

void VisitedLinkMaster::WriteFullTable() {
  // This function can get called when the file is open, for example, when we
  // resize the table. We must handle this case and not try to reopen the file,
  // since there may be write operations pending on the file I/O thread.
  // Note that once we start writing, we do not delete on error. This means
  // there can be a partial file, but the short file will be detected next time
  // we start, and will be replaced.
  // This might possibly get corrupted if we crash in the middle of writing.
  // We should pick up the most common types of these failures when we notice
  // that the file size is different when we load it back in, and then we will
  // regenerate the table.

  if (!file_) {
    file_ = static_cast<FILE**>(calloc(1, sizeof(*file_)));
    base::FilePath filename;
    PostIOTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&AsyncOpen, file_, filename));

  // Write the new header.
  int32 header[4];
  header[0] = kFileSignature;
  header[1] = kFileCurrentVersion;
  header[2] = table_length_;
  header[3] = used_items_;
  WriteToFile(file_, 0, header, sizeof(header));
  WriteToFile(file_, sizeof(header), salt_, LINK_SALT_LENGTH);

  // Write the hash data.
  WriteToFile(file_, kFileHeaderSize,
              hash_table_, table_length_ * sizeof(Fingerprint));

  // The hash table may have shrunk, so make sure this is the end.
  PostIOTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&AsyncTruncate, file_));

bool VisitedLinkMaster::InitFromFile() {
  DCHECK(file_ == NULL);

  base::FilePath filename;
  base::ScopedFILE file_closer(base::OpenFile(filename, "rb+"));
  if (!file_closer.get())
    return false;

  int32 num_entries, used_count;
  if (!ReadFileHeader(file_closer.get(), &num_entries, &used_count, salt_))
    return false;  // Header isn't valid.

  // Allocate and read the table.
  if (!CreateURLTable(num_entries, false))
    return false;
  if (!ReadFromFile(file_closer.get(), kFileHeaderSize,
                    hash_table_, num_entries * sizeof(Fingerprint))) {
    return false;
  used_items_ = used_count;

#ifndef NDEBUG

  file_ = static_cast<FILE**>(malloc(sizeof(*file_)));
  *file_ = file_closer.release();
  return true;

bool VisitedLinkMaster::InitFromScratch(bool suppress_rebuild) {
  int32 table_size = kDefaultTableSize;
  if (table_size_override_)
    table_size = table_size_override_;

  // The salt must be generated before the table so that it can be copied to
  // the shared memory.
  if (!CreateURLTable(table_size, true))
    return false;

#ifndef NDEBUG

  if (suppress_rebuild && persist_to_disk_) {
    // When we disallow rebuilds (normally just unit tests), just use the
    // current empty table.
    return true;

  // This will build the table from history. On the first run, history will
  // be empty, so this will be correct. This will also write the new table
  // to disk. We don't want to save explicitly here, since the rebuild may
  // not complete, leaving us with an empty but valid visited link database.
  // In the future, we won't know we need to try rebuilding again.
  return RebuildTableFromDelegate();

bool VisitedLinkMaster::ReadFileHeader(FILE* file,
                                       int32* num_entries,
                                       int32* used_count,
                                       uint8 salt[LINK_SALT_LENGTH]) {

  // Get file size.
  // Note that there is no need to seek back to the original location in the
  // file since ReadFromFile() [which is the next call accessing the file]
  // seeks before reading.
  if (fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END) == -1)
    return false;
  size_t file_size = ftell(file);

  if (file_size <= kFileHeaderSize)
    return false;

  uint8 header[kFileHeaderSize];
  if (!ReadFromFile(file, 0, &header, kFileHeaderSize))
    return false;

  // Verify the signature.
  int32 signature;
  memcpy(&signature, &header[kFileHeaderSignatureOffset], sizeof(signature));
  if (signature != kFileSignature)
    return false;

  // Verify the version is up-to-date. As with other read errors, a version
  // mistmatch will trigger a rebuild of the database from history, which will
  // have the effect of migrating the database.
  int32 version;
  memcpy(&version, &header[kFileHeaderVersionOffset], sizeof(version));
  if (version != kFileCurrentVersion)
    return false;  // Bad version.

  // Read the table size and make sure it matches the file size.
  memcpy(num_entries, &header[kFileHeaderLengthOffset], sizeof(*num_entries));
  if (*num_entries * sizeof(Fingerprint) + kFileHeaderSize != file_size)
    return false;  // Bad size.

  // Read the used item count.
  memcpy(used_count, &header[kFileHeaderUsedOffset], sizeof(*used_count));
  if (*used_count > *num_entries)
    return false;  // Bad used item count;

  // Read the salt.
  memcpy(salt, &header[kFileHeaderSaltOffset], LINK_SALT_LENGTH);

  // This file looks OK from the header's perspective.
  return true;

bool VisitedLinkMaster::GetDatabaseFileName(base::FilePath* filename) {
  if (!database_name_override_.empty()) {
    // use this filename, the directory must exist
    *filename = database_name_override_;
    return true;

  if (!browser_context_ || browser_context_->GetPath().empty())
    return false;

  base::FilePath profile_dir = browser_context_->GetPath();
  *filename = profile_dir.Append(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Visited Links"));
  return true;

// Initializes the shared memory structure. The salt should already be filled
// in so that it can be written to the shared memory
bool VisitedLinkMaster::CreateURLTable(int32 num_entries, bool init_to_empty) {
  // The table is the size of the table followed by the entries.
  uint32 alloc_size = num_entries * sizeof(Fingerprint) + sizeof(SharedHeader);

  // Create the shared memory object.
  shared_memory_ = new base::SharedMemory();
  if (!shared_memory_)
    return false;

  if (!shared_memory_->CreateAndMapAnonymous(alloc_size)) {
    delete shared_memory_;
    shared_memory_ = NULL;
    return false;

  if (init_to_empty) {
    memset(shared_memory_->memory(), 0, alloc_size);
    used_items_ = 0;
  table_length_ = num_entries;

  // Save the header for other processes to read.
  SharedHeader* header = static_cast<SharedHeader*>(shared_memory_->memory());
  header->length = table_length_;
  memcpy(header->salt, salt_, LINK_SALT_LENGTH);

  // Our table pointer is just the data immediately following the size.
  hash_table_ = reinterpret_cast<Fingerprint*>(
      static_cast<char*>(shared_memory_->memory()) + sizeof(SharedHeader));

  return true;

bool VisitedLinkMaster::BeginReplaceURLTable(int32 num_entries) {
  base::SharedMemory *old_shared_memory = shared_memory_;
  Fingerprint* old_hash_table = hash_table_;
  int32 old_table_length = table_length_;
  if (!CreateURLTable(num_entries, true)) {
    // Try to put back the old state.
    shared_memory_ = old_shared_memory;
    hash_table_ = old_hash_table;
    table_length_ = old_table_length;
    return false;

#ifndef NDEBUG

  return true;

void VisitedLinkMaster::FreeURLTable() {
  if (shared_memory_) {
    delete shared_memory_;
    shared_memory_ = NULL;
  if (!persist_to_disk_ || !file_)
  PostIOTask(FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&AsyncClose, file_));
  // AsyncClose() will close the file and free the memory pointed by |file_|.
  file_ = NULL;

bool VisitedLinkMaster::ResizeTableIfNecessary() {
  DCHECK(table_length_ > 0) << "Must have a table";

  // Load limits for good performance/space. We are pretty conservative about
  // keeping the table not very full. This is because we use linear probing
  // which increases the likelihood of clumps of entries which will reduce
  // performance.
  const float max_table_load = 0.5f;  // Grow when we're > this full.
  const float min_table_load = 0.2f;  // Shrink when we're < this full.

  float load = ComputeTableLoad();
  if (load < max_table_load &&
      (table_length_ <= static_cast<float>(kDefaultTableSize) ||
       load > min_table_load))
    return false;

  // Table needs to grow or shrink.
  int new_size = NewTableSizeForCount(used_items_);
  DCHECK(new_size > used_items_);
  DCHECK(load <= min_table_load || new_size > table_length_);
  return true;

void VisitedLinkMaster::ResizeTable(int32 new_size) {
  DCHECK(shared_memory_ && shared_memory_->memory() && hash_table_);

#ifndef NDEBUG

  base::SharedMemory* old_shared_memory = shared_memory_;
  Fingerprint* old_hash_table = hash_table_;
  int32 old_table_length = table_length_;
  if (!BeginReplaceURLTable(new_size))

  // Now we have two tables, our local copy which is the old one, and the new
  // one loaded into this object where we need to copy the data.
  for (int32 i = 0; i < old_table_length; i++) {
    Fingerprint cur = old_hash_table[i];
    if (cur)
      AddFingerprint(cur, false);

  // On error unmapping, just forget about it since we can't do anything
  // else to release it.
  delete old_shared_memory;

  // Send an update notification to all child processes so they read the new
  // table.

#ifndef NDEBUG

  // The new table needs to be written to disk.
  if (persist_to_disk_)

uint32 VisitedLinkMaster::NewTableSizeForCount(int32 item_count) const {
  // These table sizes are selected to be the maximum prime number less than
  // a "convenient" multiple of 1K.
  static const int table_sizes[] = {
      16381,    // 16K  = 16384   <- don't shrink below this table size
                //                   (should be == default_table_size)
      32767,    // 32K  = 32768
      65521,    // 64K  = 65536
      130051,   // 128K = 131072
      262127,   // 256K = 262144
      524269,   // 512K = 524288
      1048549,  // 1M   = 1048576
      2097143,  // 2M   = 2097152
      4194301,  // 4M   = 4194304
      8388571,  // 8M   = 8388608
      16777199,  // 16M  = 16777216
      33554347};  // 32M  = 33554432

  // Try to leave the table 33% full.
  int desired = item_count * 3;

  // Find the closest prime.
  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(table_sizes); i ++) {
    if (table_sizes[i] > desired)
      return table_sizes[i];

  // Growing very big, just approximate a "good" number, not growing as much
  // as normal.
  return item_count * 2 - 1;

// See the TableBuilder definition in the header file for how this works.
bool VisitedLinkMaster::RebuildTableFromDelegate() {

  // TODO(brettw) make sure we have reasonable salt!
  table_builder_ = new TableBuilder(this, salt_);
  return true;

// See the TableBuilder declaration above for how this works.
void VisitedLinkMaster::OnTableRebuildComplete(
    bool success,
    const std::vector<Fingerprint>& fingerprints) {
  if (success) {
    // Replace the old table with a new blank one.

    // We are responsible for freeing it AFTER it has been replaced if
    // replacement succeeds.
    base::SharedMemory* old_shared_memory = shared_memory_;

    int new_table_size = NewTableSizeForCount(
        static_cast<int>(fingerprints.size() + added_since_rebuild_.size()));
    if (BeginReplaceURLTable(new_table_size)) {
      // Free the old table.
      delete old_shared_memory;

      // Add the stored fingerprints to the hash table.
      for (size_t i = 0; i < fingerprints.size(); i++)
        AddFingerprint(fingerprints[i], false);

      // Also add anything that was added while we were asynchronously
      // generating the new table.
      for (std::set<Fingerprint>::iterator i = added_since_rebuild_.begin();
           i != added_since_rebuild_.end(); ++i)
        AddFingerprint(*i, false);

      // Now handle deletions.

      // Send an update notification to all child processes.

      if (persist_to_disk_)
  table_builder_ = NULL;  // Will release our reference to the builder.

  // Notify the unit test that the rebuild is complete (will be NULL in prod.)
  if (!rebuild_complete_task_.is_null()) {

void VisitedLinkMaster::WriteToFile(FILE** file,
                                    off_t offset,
                                    void* data,
                                    int32 data_size) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
  posted_asynchronous_operation_ = true;
      base::Bind(&AsyncWrite, file, offset,
                 std::string(static_cast<const char*>(data), data_size)));

void VisitedLinkMaster::WriteUsedItemCountToFile() {
  if (!file_)
    return;  // See comment on the file_ variable for why this might happen.
  WriteToFile(file_, kFileHeaderUsedOffset, &used_items_, sizeof(used_items_));

void VisitedLinkMaster::WriteHashRangeToFile(Hash first_hash, Hash last_hash) {

  if (!file_)
    return;  // See comment on the file_ variable for why this might happen.
  if (last_hash < first_hash) {
    // Handle wraparound at 0. This first write is first_hash->EOF
    WriteToFile(file_, first_hash * sizeof(Fingerprint) + kFileHeaderSize,
                (table_length_ - first_hash + 1) * sizeof(Fingerprint));

    // Now do 0->last_lash.
    WriteToFile(file_, kFileHeaderSize, hash_table_,
                (last_hash + 1) * sizeof(Fingerprint));
  } else {
    // Normal case, just write the range.
    WriteToFile(file_, first_hash * sizeof(Fingerprint) + kFileHeaderSize,
                (last_hash - first_hash + 1) * sizeof(Fingerprint));

bool VisitedLinkMaster::ReadFromFile(FILE* file,
                                     off_t offset,
                                     void* data,
                                     size_t data_size) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
  // Since this function is synchronous, we require that no asynchronous
  // operations could possibly be pending.

  if (fseek(file, offset, SEEK_SET) != 0)
    return false;

  size_t num_read = fread(data, 1, data_size, file);
  return num_read == data_size;

// VisitedLinkTableBuilder ----------------------------------------------------

    VisitedLinkMaster* master,
    const uint8 salt[LINK_SALT_LENGTH])
    : master_(master),
      success_(true) {
  memcpy(salt_, salt, LINK_SALT_LENGTH * sizeof(uint8));

// TODO(brettw): Do we want to try to cancel the request if this happens? It
// could delay shutdown if there are a lot of URLs.
void VisitedLinkMaster::TableBuilder::DisownMaster() {
  master_ = NULL;

void VisitedLinkMaster::TableBuilder::OnURL(const GURL& url) {
  if (!url.is_empty()) {
        url.spec().data(), url.spec().length(), salt_));

void VisitedLinkMaster::TableBuilder::OnComplete(bool success) {
  success_ = success;
  DLOG_IF(WARNING, !success) << "Unable to rebuild visited links";

  // Marshal to the main thread to notify the VisitedLinkMaster that the
  // rebuild is complete.
      BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE,
      base::Bind(&TableBuilder::OnCompleteMainThread, this));

void VisitedLinkMaster::TableBuilder::OnCompleteMainThread() {
  if (master_)
    master_->OnTableRebuildComplete(success_, fingerprints_);

}  // namespace visitedlink

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