
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. shutdown_behavior_
  2. PostDelayedTask
  3. RunsTasksOnCurrentThread
  4. shutdown_behavior_
  5. SequencedWorkerPoolSequencedTaskRunner
  6. PostDelayedTask
  7. RunsTasksOnCurrentThread
  8. PostNonNestableDelayedTask
  9. GetTaskTraceID
  10. set_running_task_info
  11. running_sequence
  12. running_shutdown_behavior
  13. running_shutdown_behavior_
  14. Run
  15. testing_observer_
  16. GetSequenceToken
  17. GetNamedSequenceToken
  18. PostTask
  19. RunsTasksOnCurrentThread
  20. IsRunningSequenceOnCurrentThread
  21. CleanupForTesting
  22. SignalHasWorkForTesting
  23. Shutdown
  24. IsShutdownInProgress
  25. ThreadLoop
  26. HandleCleanup
  27. LockedGetNamedTokenID
  28. LockedGetNextSequenceTaskNumber
  29. LockedCurrentThreadShutdownBehavior
  30. WillRunWorkerTask
  31. DidRunWorkerTask
  32. IsSequenceTokenRunnable
  33. PrepareToStartAdditionalThreadIfHelpful
  34. FinishStartingAdditionalThread
  35. SignalHasWork
  36. CanShutdown
  37. GetSequenceTokenForCurrentThread
  38. inner_
  39. inner_
  40. OnDestruct
  41. GetSequenceToken
  42. GetNamedSequenceToken
  43. GetSequencedTaskRunner
  44. GetSequencedTaskRunnerWithShutdownBehavior
  45. GetTaskRunnerWithShutdownBehavior
  46. PostWorkerTask
  47. PostDelayedWorkerTask
  48. PostWorkerTaskWithShutdownBehavior
  49. PostSequencedWorkerTask
  50. PostDelayedSequencedWorkerTask
  51. PostNamedSequencedWorkerTask
  52. PostSequencedWorkerTaskWithShutdownBehavior
  53. PostDelayedTask
  54. RunsTasksOnCurrentThread
  55. IsRunningSequenceOnCurrentThread
  56. FlushForTesting
  57. SignalHasWorkForTesting
  58. Shutdown
  59. IsShutdownInProgress

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "base/threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h"

#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "base/atomic_sequence_num.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/critical_closure.h"
#include "base/debug/trace_event.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop_proxy.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/synchronization/condition_variable.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
#include "base/threading/simple_thread.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_local.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/tracked_objects.h"

#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
#include "base/mac/scoped_nsautorelease_pool.h"

#if !defined(OS_NACL)
#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"

namespace base {

namespace {

struct SequencedTask : public TrackingInfo  {
      : sequence_token_id(0),
        shutdown_behavior(SequencedWorkerPool::BLOCK_SHUTDOWN) {}

  explicit SequencedTask(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here)
      : base::TrackingInfo(from_here, TimeTicks()),
        shutdown_behavior(SequencedWorkerPool::BLOCK_SHUTDOWN) {}

  ~SequencedTask() {}

  int sequence_token_id;
  int trace_id;
  int64 sequence_task_number;
  SequencedWorkerPool::WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior;
  tracked_objects::Location posted_from;
  Closure task;

  // Non-delayed tasks and delayed tasks are managed together by time-to-run
  // order. We calculate the time by adding the posted time and the given delay.
  TimeTicks time_to_run;

struct SequencedTaskLessThan {
  bool operator()(const SequencedTask& lhs, const SequencedTask& rhs) const {
    if (lhs.time_to_run < rhs.time_to_run)
      return true;

    if (lhs.time_to_run > rhs.time_to_run)
      return false;

    // If the time happen to match, then we use the sequence number to decide.
    return lhs.sequence_task_number < rhs.sequence_task_number;

// SequencedWorkerPoolTaskRunner ---------------------------------------------
// A TaskRunner which posts tasks to a SequencedWorkerPool with a
// fixed ShutdownBehavior.
// Note that this class is RefCountedThreadSafe (inherited from TaskRunner).
class SequencedWorkerPoolTaskRunner : public TaskRunner {
      const scoped_refptr<SequencedWorkerPool>& pool,
      SequencedWorkerPool::WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior);

  // TaskRunner implementation
  virtual bool PostDelayedTask(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
                               const Closure& task,
                               TimeDelta delay) OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() const OVERRIDE;

  virtual ~SequencedWorkerPoolTaskRunner();

  const scoped_refptr<SequencedWorkerPool> pool_;

  const SequencedWorkerPool::WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior_;


    const scoped_refptr<SequencedWorkerPool>& pool,
    SequencedWorkerPool::WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior)
    : pool_(pool),
      shutdown_behavior_(shutdown_behavior) {

SequencedWorkerPoolTaskRunner::~SequencedWorkerPoolTaskRunner() {

bool SequencedWorkerPoolTaskRunner::PostDelayedTask(
    const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    const Closure& task,
    TimeDelta delay) {
  if (delay == TimeDelta()) {
    return pool_->PostWorkerTaskWithShutdownBehavior(
        from_here, task, shutdown_behavior_);
  return pool_->PostDelayedWorkerTask(from_here, task, delay);

bool SequencedWorkerPoolTaskRunner::RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() const {
  return pool_->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread();

// SequencedWorkerPoolSequencedTaskRunner ------------------------------------
// A SequencedTaskRunner which posts tasks to a SequencedWorkerPool with a
// fixed sequence token.
// Note that this class is RefCountedThreadSafe (inherited from TaskRunner).
class SequencedWorkerPoolSequencedTaskRunner : public SequencedTaskRunner {
      const scoped_refptr<SequencedWorkerPool>& pool,
      SequencedWorkerPool::SequenceToken token,
      SequencedWorkerPool::WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior);

  // TaskRunner implementation
  virtual bool PostDelayedTask(const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
                               const Closure& task,
                               TimeDelta delay) OVERRIDE;
  virtual bool RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() const OVERRIDE;

  // SequencedTaskRunner implementation
  virtual bool PostNonNestableDelayedTask(
      const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
      const Closure& task,
      TimeDelta delay) OVERRIDE;

  virtual ~SequencedWorkerPoolSequencedTaskRunner();

  const scoped_refptr<SequencedWorkerPool> pool_;

  const SequencedWorkerPool::SequenceToken token_;

  const SequencedWorkerPool::WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior_;


    const scoped_refptr<SequencedWorkerPool>& pool,
    SequencedWorkerPool::SequenceToken token,
    SequencedWorkerPool::WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior)
    : pool_(pool),
      shutdown_behavior_(shutdown_behavior) {

~SequencedWorkerPoolSequencedTaskRunner() {

bool SequencedWorkerPoolSequencedTaskRunner::PostDelayedTask(
    const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    const Closure& task,
    TimeDelta delay) {
  if (delay == TimeDelta()) {
    return pool_->PostSequencedWorkerTaskWithShutdownBehavior(
        token_, from_here, task, shutdown_behavior_);
  return pool_->PostDelayedSequencedWorkerTask(token_, from_here, task, delay);

bool SequencedWorkerPoolSequencedTaskRunner::RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() const {
  return pool_->IsRunningSequenceOnCurrentThread(token_);

bool SequencedWorkerPoolSequencedTaskRunner::PostNonNestableDelayedTask(
    const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    const Closure& task,
    TimeDelta delay) {
  // There's no way to run nested tasks, so simply forward to
  // PostDelayedTask.
  return PostDelayedTask(from_here, task, delay);

// Create a process-wide unique ID to represent this task in trace events. This
// will be mangled with a Process ID hash to reduce the likelyhood of colliding
// with MessageLoop pointers on other processes.
uint64 GetTaskTraceID(const SequencedTask& task,
                      void* pool) {
  return (static_cast<uint64>(task.trace_id) << 32) |

    SequencedWorkerPool::SequenceToken> >::Leaky g_lazy_tls_ptr =

}  // namespace

// Worker ---------------------------------------------------------------------

class SequencedWorkerPool::Worker : public SimpleThread {
  // Hold a (cyclic) ref to |worker_pool|, since we want to keep it
  // around as long as we are running.
  Worker(const scoped_refptr<SequencedWorkerPool>& worker_pool,
         int thread_number,
         const std::string& thread_name_prefix);
  virtual ~Worker();

  // SimpleThread implementation. This actually runs the background thread.
  virtual void Run() OVERRIDE;

  void set_running_task_info(SequenceToken token,
                             WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior) {
    running_sequence_ = token;
    running_shutdown_behavior_ = shutdown_behavior;

  SequenceToken running_sequence() const {
    return running_sequence_;

  WorkerShutdown running_shutdown_behavior() const {
    return running_shutdown_behavior_;

  scoped_refptr<SequencedWorkerPool> worker_pool_;
  SequenceToken running_sequence_;
  WorkerShutdown running_shutdown_behavior_;


// Inner ----------------------------------------------------------------------

class SequencedWorkerPool::Inner {
  // Take a raw pointer to |worker| to avoid cycles (since we're owned
  // by it).
  Inner(SequencedWorkerPool* worker_pool, size_t max_threads,
        const std::string& thread_name_prefix,
        TestingObserver* observer);


  SequenceToken GetSequenceToken();

  SequenceToken GetNamedSequenceToken(const std::string& name);

  // This function accepts a name and an ID. If the name is null, the
  // token ID is used. This allows us to implement the optional name lookup
  // from a single function without having to enter the lock a separate time.
  bool PostTask(const std::string* optional_token_name,
                SequenceToken sequence_token,
                WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior,
                const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
                const Closure& task,
                TimeDelta delay);

  bool RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() const;

  bool IsRunningSequenceOnCurrentThread(SequenceToken sequence_token) const;

  void CleanupForTesting();

  void SignalHasWorkForTesting();

  int GetWorkSignalCountForTesting() const;

  void Shutdown(int max_blocking_tasks_after_shutdown);

  bool IsShutdownInProgress();

  // Runs the worker loop on the background thread.
  void ThreadLoop(Worker* this_worker);

  enum GetWorkStatus {

  enum CleanupState {

  // Called from within the lock, this converts the given token name into a
  // token ID, creating a new one if necessary.
  int LockedGetNamedTokenID(const std::string& name);

  // Called from within the lock, this returns the next sequence task number.
  int64 LockedGetNextSequenceTaskNumber();

  // Called from within the lock, returns the shutdown behavior of the task
  // running on the currently executing worker thread. If invoked from a thread
  // that is not one of the workers, returns CONTINUE_ON_SHUTDOWN.
  WorkerShutdown LockedCurrentThreadShutdownBehavior() const;

  // Gets new task. There are 3 cases depending on the return value:
  // 1) If the return value is |GET_WORK_FOUND|, |task| is filled in and should
  //    be run immediately.
  // 2) If the return value is |GET_WORK_NOT_FOUND|, there are no tasks to run,
  //    and |task| is not filled in. In this case, the caller should wait until
  //    a task is posted.
  // 3) If the return value is |GET_WORK_WAIT|, there are no tasks to run
  //    immediately, and |task| is not filled in. Likewise, |wait_time| is
  //    filled in the time to wait until the next task to run. In this case, the
  //    caller should wait the time.
  // In any case, the calling code should clear the given
  // delete_these_outside_lock vector the next time the lock is released.
  // See the implementation for a more detailed description.
  GetWorkStatus GetWork(SequencedTask* task,
                        TimeDelta* wait_time,
                        std::vector<Closure>* delete_these_outside_lock);

  void HandleCleanup();

  // Peforms init and cleanup around running the given task. WillRun...
  // returns the value from PrepareToStartAdditionalThreadIfNecessary.
  // The calling code should call FinishStartingAdditionalThread once the
  // lock is released if the return values is nonzero.
  int WillRunWorkerTask(const SequencedTask& task);
  void DidRunWorkerTask(const SequencedTask& task);

  // Returns true if there are no threads currently running the given
  // sequence token.
  bool IsSequenceTokenRunnable(int sequence_token_id) const;

  // Checks if all threads are busy and the addition of one more could run an
  // additional task waiting in the queue. This must be called from within
  // the lock.
  // If another thread is helpful, this will mark the thread as being in the
  // process of starting and returns the index of the new thread which will be
  // 0 or more. The caller should then call FinishStartingAdditionalThread to
  // complete initialization once the lock is released.
  // If another thread is not necessary, returne 0;
  // See the implementedion for more.
  int PrepareToStartAdditionalThreadIfHelpful();

  // The second part of thread creation after
  // PrepareToStartAdditionalThreadIfHelpful with the thread number it
  // generated. This actually creates the thread and should be called outside
  // the lock to avoid blocking important work starting a thread in the lock.
  void FinishStartingAdditionalThread(int thread_number);

  // Signal |has_work_| and increment |has_work_signal_count_|.
  void SignalHasWork();

  // Checks whether there is work left that's blocking shutdown. Must be
  // called inside the lock.
  bool CanShutdown() const;

  SequencedWorkerPool* const worker_pool_;

  // The last sequence number used. Managed by GetSequenceToken, since this
  // only does threadsafe increment operations, you do not need to hold the
  // lock. This is class-static to make SequenceTokens issued by
  // GetSequenceToken unique across SequencedWorkerPool instances.
  static base::StaticAtomicSequenceNumber g_last_sequence_number_;

  // This lock protects |everything in this class|. Do not read or modify
  // anything without holding this lock. Do not block while holding this
  // lock.
  mutable Lock lock_;

  // Condition variable that is waited on by worker threads until new
  // tasks are posted or shutdown starts.
  ConditionVariable has_work_cv_;

  // Condition variable that is waited on by non-worker threads (in
  // Shutdown()) until CanShutdown() goes to true.
  ConditionVariable can_shutdown_cv_;

  // The maximum number of worker threads we'll create.
  const size_t max_threads_;

  const std::string thread_name_prefix_;

  // Associates all known sequence token names with their IDs.
  std::map<std::string, int> named_sequence_tokens_;

  // Owning pointers to all threads we've created so far, indexed by
  // ID. Since we lazily create threads, this may be less than
  // max_threads_ and will be initially empty.
  typedef std::map<PlatformThreadId, linked_ptr<Worker> > ThreadMap;
  ThreadMap threads_;

  // Set to true when we're in the process of creating another thread.
  // See PrepareToStartAdditionalThreadIfHelpful for more.
  bool thread_being_created_;

  // Number of threads currently waiting for work.
  size_t waiting_thread_count_;

  // Number of threads currently running tasks that have the BLOCK_SHUTDOWN
  // or SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN flag set.
  size_t blocking_shutdown_thread_count_;

  // A set of all pending tasks in time-to-run order. These are tasks that are
  // either waiting for a thread to run on, waiting for their time to run,
  // or blocked on a previous task in their sequence. We have to iterate over
  // the tasks by time-to-run order, so we use the set instead of the
  // traditional priority_queue.
  typedef std::set<SequencedTask, SequencedTaskLessThan> PendingTaskSet;
  PendingTaskSet pending_tasks_;

  // The next sequence number for a new sequenced task.
  int64 next_sequence_task_number_;

  // Number of tasks in the pending_tasks_ list that are marked as blocking
  // shutdown.
  size_t blocking_shutdown_pending_task_count_;

  // Lists all sequence tokens currently executing.
  std::set<int> current_sequences_;

  // An ID for each posted task to distinguish the task from others in traces.
  int trace_id_;

  // Set when Shutdown is called and no further tasks should be
  // allowed, though we may still be running existing tasks.
  bool shutdown_called_;

  // The number of new BLOCK_SHUTDOWN tasks that may be posted after Shudown()
  // has been called.
  int max_blocking_tasks_after_shutdown_;

  // State used to cleanup for testing, all guarded by lock_.
  CleanupState cleanup_state_;
  size_t cleanup_idlers_;
  ConditionVariable cleanup_cv_;

  TestingObserver* const testing_observer_;


// Worker definitions ---------------------------------------------------------

    const scoped_refptr<SequencedWorkerPool>& worker_pool,
    int thread_number,
    const std::string& prefix)
    : SimpleThread(
          prefix + StringPrintf("Worker%d", thread_number).c_str()),
      running_shutdown_behavior_(CONTINUE_ON_SHUTDOWN) {

SequencedWorkerPool::Worker::~Worker() {

void SequencedWorkerPool::Worker::Run() {
  // Store a pointer to the running sequence in thread local storage for
  // static function access.

  // Just jump back to the Inner object to run the thread, since it has all the
  // tracking information and queues. It might be more natural to implement
  // using DelegateSimpleThread and have Inner implement the Delegate to avoid
  // having these worker objects at all, but that method lacks the ability to
  // send thread-specific information easily to the thread loop.
  // Release our cyclic reference once we're done.
  worker_pool_ = NULL;

// Inner definitions ---------------------------------------------------------

    SequencedWorkerPool* worker_pool,
    size_t max_threads,
    const std::string& thread_name_prefix,
    TestingObserver* observer)
    : worker_pool_(worker_pool),
      testing_observer_(observer) {}

SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::~Inner() {
  // You must call Shutdown() before destroying the pool.

  // Need to explicitly join with the threads before they're destroyed or else
  // they will be running when our object is half torn down.
  for (ThreadMap::iterator it = threads_.begin(); it != threads_.end(); ++it)

  if (testing_observer_)

SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::GetSequenceToken() {
  // Need to add one because StaticAtomicSequenceNumber starts at zero, which
  // is used as a sentinel value in SequenceTokens.
  return SequenceToken(g_last_sequence_number_.GetNext() + 1);

SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::GetNamedSequenceToken(const std::string& name) {
  AutoLock lock(lock_);
  return SequenceToken(LockedGetNamedTokenID(name));

bool SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::PostTask(
    const std::string* optional_token_name,
    SequenceToken sequence_token,
    WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior,
    const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    const Closure& task,
    TimeDelta delay) {
  DCHECK(delay == TimeDelta() || shutdown_behavior == SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN);
  SequencedTask sequenced(from_here);
  sequenced.sequence_token_id = sequence_token.id_;
  sequenced.shutdown_behavior = shutdown_behavior;
  sequenced.posted_from = from_here;
  sequenced.task =
      shutdown_behavior == BLOCK_SHUTDOWN ?
      base::MakeCriticalClosure(task) : task;
  sequenced.time_to_run = TimeTicks::Now() + delay;

  int create_thread_id = 0;
    AutoLock lock(lock_);
    if (shutdown_called_) {
      if (shutdown_behavior != BLOCK_SHUTDOWN ||
          LockedCurrentThreadShutdownBehavior() == CONTINUE_ON_SHUTDOWN) {
        return false;
      if (max_blocking_tasks_after_shutdown_ <= 0) {
        DLOG(WARNING) << "BLOCK_SHUTDOWN task disallowed";
        return false;
      max_blocking_tasks_after_shutdown_ -= 1;

    // The trace_id is used for identifying the task in about:tracing.
    sequenced.trace_id = trace_id_++;

        TRACE_ID_MANGLE(GetTaskTraceID(sequenced, static_cast<void*>(this))));

    sequenced.sequence_task_number = LockedGetNextSequenceTaskNumber();

    // Now that we have the lock, apply the named token rules.
    if (optional_token_name)
      sequenced.sequence_token_id = LockedGetNamedTokenID(*optional_token_name);

    if (shutdown_behavior == BLOCK_SHUTDOWN)

    create_thread_id = PrepareToStartAdditionalThreadIfHelpful();

  // Actually start the additional thread or signal an existing one now that
  // we're outside the lock.
  if (create_thread_id)

  return true;

bool SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() const {
  AutoLock lock(lock_);
  return ContainsKey(threads_, PlatformThread::CurrentId());

bool SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::IsRunningSequenceOnCurrentThread(
    SequenceToken sequence_token) const {
  AutoLock lock(lock_);
  ThreadMap::const_iterator found = threads_.find(PlatformThread::CurrentId());
  if (found == threads_.end())
    return false;
  return sequence_token.Equals(found->second->running_sequence());

// See
void SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::CleanupForTesting() {
  base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowWait allow_wait;
  AutoLock lock(lock_);
  CHECK_EQ(CLEANUP_DONE, cleanup_state_);
  if (shutdown_called_)
  if (pending_tasks_.empty() && waiting_thread_count_ == threads_.size())
  cleanup_state_ = CLEANUP_REQUESTED;
  cleanup_idlers_ = 0;
  while (cleanup_state_ != CLEANUP_DONE)

void SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::SignalHasWorkForTesting() {

void SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::Shutdown(
    int max_new_blocking_tasks_after_shutdown) {
  DCHECK_GE(max_new_blocking_tasks_after_shutdown, 0);
    AutoLock lock(lock_);
    // Cleanup and Shutdown should not be called concurrently.
    CHECK_EQ(CLEANUP_DONE, cleanup_state_);
    if (shutdown_called_)
    shutdown_called_ = true;
    max_blocking_tasks_after_shutdown_ = max_new_blocking_tasks_after_shutdown;

    // Tickle the threads. This will wake up a waiting one so it will know that
    // it can exit, which in turn will wake up any other waiting ones.

    // There are no pending or running tasks blocking shutdown, we're done.
    if (CanShutdown())

  // If we're here, then something is blocking shutdown.  So wait for
  // CanShutdown() to go to true.

  if (testing_observer_)

#if !defined(OS_NACL)
  TimeTicks shutdown_wait_begin = TimeTicks::Now();

    base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowWait allow_wait;
    AutoLock lock(lock_);
    while (!CanShutdown())
#if !defined(OS_NACL)
                      TimeTicks::Now() - shutdown_wait_begin);

bool SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::IsShutdownInProgress() {
    AutoLock lock(lock_);
    return shutdown_called_;

void SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::ThreadLoop(Worker* this_worker) {
    AutoLock lock(lock_);
    thread_being_created_ = false;
    std::pair<ThreadMap::iterator, bool> result =
            std::make_pair(this_worker->tid(), make_linked_ptr(this_worker)));

    while (true) {
#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
      base::mac::ScopedNSAutoreleasePool autorelease_pool;


      // See GetWork for what delete_these_outside_lock is doing.
      SequencedTask task;
      TimeDelta wait_time;
      std::vector<Closure> delete_these_outside_lock;
      GetWorkStatus status =
          GetWork(&task, &wait_time, &delete_these_outside_lock);
      if (status == GET_WORK_FOUND) {
            TRACE_ID_MANGLE(GetTaskTraceID(task, static_cast<void*>(this))));
        TRACE_EVENT2("toplevel", "SequencedWorkerPool::ThreadLoop",
                     "src_file", task.posted_from.file_name(),
                     "src_func", task.posted_from.function_name());
        int new_thread_id = WillRunWorkerTask(task);
          AutoUnlock unlock(lock_);
          // There may be more work available, so wake up another
          // worker thread. (Technically not required, since we
          // already get a signal for each new task, but it doesn't
          // hurt.)

          // Complete thread creation outside the lock if necessary.
          if (new_thread_id)

              SequenceToken(task.sequence_token_id), task.shutdown_behavior);

          tracked_objects::TrackedTime start_time =


              start_time, tracked_objects::ThreadData::NowForEndOfRun());

          // Make sure our task is erased outside the lock for the
          // same reason we do this with delete_these_oustide_lock.
          // Also, do it before calling set_running_task_info() so
          // that sequence-checking from within the task's destructor
          // still works.
          task.task = Closure();

              SequenceToken(), CONTINUE_ON_SHUTDOWN);
        DidRunWorkerTask(task);  // Must be done inside the lock.
      } else if (cleanup_state_ == CLEANUP_RUNNING) {
        switch (status) {
          case GET_WORK_WAIT: {
              AutoUnlock unlock(lock_);
          case GET_WORK_NOT_FOUND:
            cleanup_state_ = CLEANUP_FINISHING;
      } else {
        // When we're terminating and there's no more work, we can
        // shut down, other workers can complete any pending or new tasks.
        // We can get additional tasks posted after shutdown_called_ is set
        // but only worker threads are allowed to post tasks at that time, and
        // the workers responsible for posting those tasks will be available
        // to run them. Also, there may be some tasks stuck behind running
        // ones with the same sequence token, but additional threads won't
        // help this case.
        if (shutdown_called_ &&
            blocking_shutdown_pending_task_count_ == 0)

        switch (status) {
          case GET_WORK_NOT_FOUND:
          case GET_WORK_WAIT:
  }  // Release lock_.

  // We noticed we should exit. Wake up the next worker so it knows it should
  // exit as well (because the Shutdown() code only signals once).

  // Possibly unblock shutdown.

void SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::HandleCleanup() {
  if (cleanup_state_ == CLEANUP_DONE)
  if (cleanup_state_ == CLEANUP_REQUESTED) {
    // We win, we get to do the cleanup as soon as the others wise up and idle.
    cleanup_state_ = CLEANUP_STARTING;
    while (thread_being_created_ ||
           cleanup_idlers_ != threads_.size() - 1) {
    cleanup_state_ = CLEANUP_RUNNING;
  if (cleanup_state_ == CLEANUP_STARTING) {
    // Another worker thread is cleaning up, we idle here until thats done.
    while (cleanup_state_ != CLEANUP_FINISHING) {
  if (cleanup_state_ == CLEANUP_FINISHING) {
    // We wait for all idlers to wake up prior to being DONE.
    while (cleanup_idlers_ != 0) {
    if (cleanup_state_ == CLEANUP_FINISHING) {
      cleanup_state_ = CLEANUP_DONE;

int SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::LockedGetNamedTokenID(
    const std::string& name) {

  std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator found =
  if (found != named_sequence_tokens_.end())
    return found->second;  // Got an existing one.

  // Create a new one for this name.
  SequenceToken result = GetSequenceToken();
  named_sequence_tokens_.insert(std::make_pair(name, result.id_));
  return result.id_;

int64 SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::LockedGetNextSequenceTaskNumber() {
  // We assume that we never create enough tasks to wrap around.
  return next_sequence_task_number_++;

SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::LockedCurrentThreadShutdownBehavior() const {
  ThreadMap::const_iterator found = threads_.find(PlatformThread::CurrentId());
  if (found == threads_.end())
  return found->second->running_shutdown_behavior();

SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::GetWorkStatus SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::GetWork(
    SequencedTask* task,
    TimeDelta* wait_time,
    std::vector<Closure>* delete_these_outside_lock) {

#if !defined(OS_NACL)

  // Find the next task with a sequence token that's not currently in use.
  // If the token is in use, that means another thread is running something
  // in that sequence, and we can't run it without going out-of-order.
  // This algorithm is simple and fair, but inefficient in some cases. For
  // example, say somebody schedules 1000 slow tasks with the same sequence
  // number. We'll have to go through all those tasks each time we feel like
  // there might be work to schedule. If this proves to be a problem, we
  // should make this more efficient.
  // One possible enhancement would be to keep a map from sequence ID to a
  // list of pending but currently blocked SequencedTasks for that ID.
  // When a worker finishes a task of one sequence token, it can pick up the
  // next one from that token right away.
  // This may lead to starvation if there are sufficient numbers of sequences
  // in use. To alleviate this, we could add an incrementing priority counter
  // to each SequencedTask. Then maintain a priority_queue of all runnable
  // tasks, sorted by priority counter. When a sequenced task is completed
  // we would pop the head element off of that tasks pending list and add it
  // to the priority queue. Then we would run the first item in the priority
  // queue.

  GetWorkStatus status = GET_WORK_NOT_FOUND;
  int unrunnable_tasks = 0;
  PendingTaskSet::iterator i = pending_tasks_.begin();
  // We assume that the loop below doesn't take too long and so we can just do
  // a single call to TimeTicks::Now().
  const TimeTicks current_time = TimeTicks::Now();
  while (i != pending_tasks_.end()) {
    if (!IsSequenceTokenRunnable(i->sequence_token_id)) {

    if (shutdown_called_ && i->shutdown_behavior != BLOCK_SHUTDOWN) {
      // We're shutting down and the task we just found isn't blocking
      // shutdown. Delete it and get more work.
      // Note that we do not want to delete unrunnable tasks. Deleting a task
      // can have side effects (like freeing some objects) and deleting a
      // task that's supposed to run after one that's currently running could
      // cause an obscure crash.
      // We really want to delete these tasks outside the lock in case the
      // closures are holding refs to objects that want to post work from
      // their destructorss (which would deadlock). The closures are
      // internally refcounted, so we just need to keep a copy of them alive
      // until the lock is exited. The calling code can just clear() the
      // vector they passed to us once the lock is exited to make this
      // happen.

    if (i->time_to_run > current_time) {
      // The time to run has not come yet.
      *wait_time = i->time_to_run - current_time;
      status = GET_WORK_WAIT;
      if (cleanup_state_ == CLEANUP_RUNNING) {
        // Deferred tasks are deleted when cleaning up, see Inner::ThreadLoop.

    // Found a runnable task.
    *task = *i;
    if (task->shutdown_behavior == BLOCK_SHUTDOWN) {

    status = GET_WORK_FOUND;

  // Track the number of tasks we had to skip over to see if we should be
  // making this more efficient. If this number ever becomes large or is
  // frequently "some", we should consider the optimization above.
#if !defined(OS_NACL)
  return status;

int SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::WillRunWorkerTask(const SequencedTask& task) {

  // Mark the task's sequence number as in use.
  if (task.sequence_token_id)

  // Ensure that threads running tasks posted with either SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN
  // or BLOCK_SHUTDOWN will prevent shutdown until that task or thread
  // completes.
  if (task.shutdown_behavior != CONTINUE_ON_SHUTDOWN)

  // We just picked up a task. Since StartAdditionalThreadIfHelpful only
  // creates a new thread if there is no free one, there is a race when posting
  // tasks that many tasks could have been posted before a thread started
  // running them, so only one thread would have been created. So we also check
  // whether we should create more threads after removing our task from the
  // queue, which also has the nice side effect of creating the workers from
  // background threads rather than the main thread of the app.
  // If another thread wasn't created, we want to wake up an existing thread
  // if there is one waiting to pick up the next task.
  // Note that we really need to do this *before* running the task, not
  // after. Otherwise, if more than one task is posted, the creation of the
  // second thread (since we only create one at a time) will be blocked by
  // the execution of the first task, which could be arbitrarily long.
  return PrepareToStartAdditionalThreadIfHelpful();

void SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::DidRunWorkerTask(const SequencedTask& task) {

  if (task.shutdown_behavior != CONTINUE_ON_SHUTDOWN) {
    DCHECK_GT(blocking_shutdown_thread_count_, 0u);

  if (task.sequence_token_id)

bool SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::IsSequenceTokenRunnable(
    int sequence_token_id) const {
  return !sequence_token_id ||
      current_sequences_.find(sequence_token_id) ==

int SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::PrepareToStartAdditionalThreadIfHelpful() {
  // How thread creation works:
  // We'de like to avoid creating threads with the lock held. However, we
  // need to be sure that we have an accurate accounting of the threads for
  // proper Joining and deltion on shutdown.
  // We need to figure out if we need another thread with the lock held, which
  // is what this function does. It then marks us as in the process of creating
  // a thread. When we do shutdown, we wait until the thread_being_created_
  // flag is cleared, which ensures that the new thread is properly added to
  // all the data structures and we can't leak it. Once shutdown starts, we'll
  // refuse to create more threads or they would be leaked.
  // Note that this creates a mostly benign race condition on shutdown that
  // will cause fewer workers to be created than one would expect. It isn't
  // much of an issue in real life, but affects some tests. Since we only spawn
  // one worker at a time, the following sequence of events can happen:
  //  1. Main thread posts a bunch of unrelated tasks that would normally be
  //     run on separate threads.
  //  2. The first task post causes us to start a worker. Other tasks do not
  //     cause a worker to start since one is pending.
  //  3. Main thread initiates shutdown.
  //  4. No more threads are created since the shutdown_called_ flag is set.
  // The result is that one may expect that max_threads_ workers to be created
  // given the workload, but in reality fewer may be created because the
  // sequence of thread creation on the background threads is racing with the
  // shutdown call.
  if (!shutdown_called_ &&
      !thread_being_created_ &&
      cleanup_state_ == CLEANUP_DONE &&
      threads_.size() < max_threads_ &&
      waiting_thread_count_ == 0) {
    // We could use an additional thread if there's work to be done.
    for (PendingTaskSet::const_iterator i = pending_tasks_.begin();
         i != pending_tasks_.end(); ++i) {
      if (IsSequenceTokenRunnable(i->sequence_token_id)) {
        // Found a runnable task, mark the thread as being started.
        thread_being_created_ = true;
        return static_cast<int>(threads_.size() + 1);
  return 0;

void SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::FinishStartingAdditionalThread(
    int thread_number) {
  // Called outside of the lock.
  DCHECK(thread_number > 0);

  // The worker is assigned to the list when the thread actually starts, which
  // will manage the memory of the pointer.
  new Worker(worker_pool_, thread_number, thread_name_prefix_);

void SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::SignalHasWork() {
  if (testing_observer_) {

bool SequencedWorkerPool::Inner::CanShutdown() const {
  // See PrepareToStartAdditionalThreadIfHelpful for how thread creation works.
  return !thread_being_created_ &&
         blocking_shutdown_thread_count_ == 0 &&
         blocking_shutdown_pending_task_count_ == 0;


// SequencedWorkerPool --------------------------------------------------------

// static
SequencedWorkerPool::GetSequenceTokenForCurrentThread() {
  // Don't construct lazy instance on check.
  if (g_lazy_tls_ptr == NULL)
    return SequenceToken();

  SequencedWorkerPool::SequenceToken* token = g_lazy_tls_ptr.Get().Get();
  if (!token)
    return SequenceToken();
  return *token;

    size_t max_threads,
    const std::string& thread_name_prefix)
    : constructor_message_loop_(MessageLoopProxy::current()),
      inner_(new Inner(this, max_threads, thread_name_prefix, NULL)) {

    size_t max_threads,
    const std::string& thread_name_prefix,
    TestingObserver* observer)
    : constructor_message_loop_(MessageLoopProxy::current()),
      inner_(new Inner(this, max_threads, thread_name_prefix, observer)) {

SequencedWorkerPool::~SequencedWorkerPool() {}

void SequencedWorkerPool::OnDestruct() const {
  // Avoid deleting ourselves on a worker thread (which would
  // deadlock).
  if (RunsTasksOnCurrentThread()) {
    constructor_message_loop_->DeleteSoon(FROM_HERE, this);
  } else {
    delete this;

SequencedWorkerPool::SequenceToken SequencedWorkerPool::GetSequenceToken() {
  return inner_->GetSequenceToken();

SequencedWorkerPool::SequenceToken SequencedWorkerPool::GetNamedSequenceToken(
    const std::string& name) {
  return inner_->GetNamedSequenceToken(name);

scoped_refptr<SequencedTaskRunner> SequencedWorkerPool::GetSequencedTaskRunner(
    SequenceToken token) {
  return GetSequencedTaskRunnerWithShutdownBehavior(token, BLOCK_SHUTDOWN);

    SequenceToken token, WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior) {
  return new SequencedWorkerPoolSequencedTaskRunner(
      this, token, shutdown_behavior);

    WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior) {
  return new SequencedWorkerPoolTaskRunner(this, shutdown_behavior);

bool SequencedWorkerPool::PostWorkerTask(
    const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    const Closure& task) {
  return inner_->PostTask(NULL, SequenceToken(), BLOCK_SHUTDOWN,
                          from_here, task, TimeDelta());

bool SequencedWorkerPool::PostDelayedWorkerTask(
    const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    const Closure& task,
    TimeDelta delay) {
  WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior =
      delay == TimeDelta() ? BLOCK_SHUTDOWN : SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN;
  return inner_->PostTask(NULL, SequenceToken(), shutdown_behavior,
                          from_here, task, delay);

bool SequencedWorkerPool::PostWorkerTaskWithShutdownBehavior(
    const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    const Closure& task,
    WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior) {
  return inner_->PostTask(NULL, SequenceToken(), shutdown_behavior,
                          from_here, task, TimeDelta());

bool SequencedWorkerPool::PostSequencedWorkerTask(
    SequenceToken sequence_token,
    const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    const Closure& task) {
  return inner_->PostTask(NULL, sequence_token, BLOCK_SHUTDOWN,
                          from_here, task, TimeDelta());

bool SequencedWorkerPool::PostDelayedSequencedWorkerTask(
    SequenceToken sequence_token,
    const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    const Closure& task,
    TimeDelta delay) {
  WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior =
      delay == TimeDelta() ? BLOCK_SHUTDOWN : SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN;
  return inner_->PostTask(NULL, sequence_token, shutdown_behavior,
                          from_here, task, delay);

bool SequencedWorkerPool::PostNamedSequencedWorkerTask(
    const std::string& token_name,
    const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    const Closure& task) {
  return inner_->PostTask(&token_name, SequenceToken(), BLOCK_SHUTDOWN,
                          from_here, task, TimeDelta());

bool SequencedWorkerPool::PostSequencedWorkerTaskWithShutdownBehavior(
    SequenceToken sequence_token,
    const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    const Closure& task,
    WorkerShutdown shutdown_behavior) {
  return inner_->PostTask(NULL, sequence_token, shutdown_behavior,
                          from_here, task, TimeDelta());

bool SequencedWorkerPool::PostDelayedTask(
    const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    const Closure& task,
    TimeDelta delay) {
  return PostDelayedWorkerTask(from_here, task, delay);

bool SequencedWorkerPool::RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() const {
  return inner_->RunsTasksOnCurrentThread();

bool SequencedWorkerPool::IsRunningSequenceOnCurrentThread(
    SequenceToken sequence_token) const {
  return inner_->IsRunningSequenceOnCurrentThread(sequence_token);

void SequencedWorkerPool::FlushForTesting() {

void SequencedWorkerPool::SignalHasWorkForTesting() {

void SequencedWorkerPool::Shutdown(int max_new_blocking_tasks_after_shutdown) {

bool SequencedWorkerPool::IsShutdownInProgress() {
  return inner_->IsShutdownInProgress();

}  // namespace base

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