This source file includes following definitions.
- setUp
- testExpectedType
- getActualClassName
- testByteAt
- testByteIterator
- testByteIterable
- testSize
- testGetTreeDepth
- testIsBalanced
- testCopyTo_ByteArrayOffsetLength
- testCopyTo_ByteArrayOffsetLengthErrors
- testCopyTo_ByteBuffer
- testAsReadOnlyByteBuffer
- testAsReadOnlyByteBufferList
- testToByteArray
- testWriteTo
- testWriteTo_mutating
- testNewOutput
- testToString
- testEquals
- testHashCode
- testPeekCachedHashCode
- testPartialHash
- testNewInput
- testNewInput_skip
- testNewCodedInput
- testConcat_empty
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
public class LiteralByteStringTest extends TestCase {
protected static final String UTF_8 = "UTF-8";
protected String classUnderTest;
protected byte[] referenceBytes;
protected ByteString stringUnderTest;
protected int expectedHashCode;
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
classUnderTest = "LiteralByteString";
referenceBytes = ByteStringTest.getTestBytes(1234, 11337766L);
stringUnderTest = ByteString.copyFrom(referenceBytes);
expectedHashCode = 331161852;
public void testExpectedType() {
String actualClassName = getActualClassName(stringUnderTest);
assertEquals(classUnderTest + " should match type exactly", classUnderTest, actualClassName);
protected String getActualClassName(Object object) {
String actualClassName = object.getClass().getName();
actualClassName = actualClassName.substring(actualClassName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
return actualClassName;
public void testByteAt() {
boolean stillEqual = true;
for (int i = 0; stillEqual && i < referenceBytes.length; ++i) {
stillEqual = (referenceBytes[i] == stringUnderTest.byteAt(i));
assertTrue(classUnderTest + " must capture the right bytes", stillEqual);
public void testByteIterator() {
boolean stillEqual = true;
ByteString.ByteIterator iter = stringUnderTest.iterator();
for (int i = 0; stillEqual && i < referenceBytes.length; ++i) {
stillEqual = (iter.hasNext() && referenceBytes[i] == iter.nextByte());
assertTrue(classUnderTest + " must capture the right bytes", stillEqual);
assertFalse(classUnderTest + " must have exhausted the itertor", iter.hasNext());
try {
fail("Should have thrown an exception.");
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
public void testByteIterable() {
boolean stillEqual = true;
int j = 0;
for (byte quantum : stringUnderTest) {
stillEqual = (referenceBytes[j] == quantum);
assertTrue(classUnderTest + " must capture the right bytes as Bytes", stillEqual);
assertEquals(classUnderTest + " iterable character count", referenceBytes.length, j);
public void testSize() {
assertEquals(classUnderTest + " must have the expected size", referenceBytes.length,
public void testGetTreeDepth() {
assertEquals(classUnderTest + " must have depth 0", 0, stringUnderTest.getTreeDepth());
public void testIsBalanced() {
assertTrue(classUnderTest + " is technically balanced", stringUnderTest.isBalanced());
public void testCopyTo_ByteArrayOffsetLength() {
int destinationOffset = 50;
int length = 100;
byte[] destination = new byte[destinationOffset + length];
int sourceOffset = 213;
stringUnderTest.copyTo(destination, sourceOffset, destinationOffset, length);
boolean stillEqual = true;
for (int i = 0; stillEqual && i < length; ++i) {
stillEqual = referenceBytes[i + sourceOffset] == destination[i + destinationOffset];
assertTrue(classUnderTest + ".copyTo(4 arg) must give the expected bytes", stillEqual);
public void testCopyTo_ByteArrayOffsetLengthErrors() {
int destinationOffset = 50;
int length = 100;
byte[] destination = new byte[destinationOffset + length];
try {
stringUnderTest.copyTo(destination, stringUnderTest.size() + 1 - length,
destinationOffset, length);
fail("Should have thrown an exception when copying too many bytes of a "
+ classUnderTest);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException expected) {
try {
stringUnderTest.copyTo(destination, -1, destinationOffset, length);
fail("Should have thrown an exception when given a negative sourceOffset in "
+ classUnderTest);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException expected) {
try {
stringUnderTest.copyTo(destination, 0, -1, length);
fail("Should have thrown an exception when given a negative destinationOffset in "
+ classUnderTest);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException expected) {
try {
stringUnderTest.copyTo(destination, 0, 0, -1);
fail("Should have thrown an exception when given a negative size in "
+ classUnderTest);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException expected) {
try {
stringUnderTest.copyTo(destination, 2 * stringUnderTest.size(), 0, length);
fail("Should have thrown an exception when the destinationOffset is too large in "
+ classUnderTest);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException expected) {
try {
stringUnderTest.copyTo(destination, 0, 2 * destination.length, length);
fail("Should have thrown an exception when the destinationOffset is too large in "
+ classUnderTest);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException expected) {
public void testCopyTo_ByteBuffer() {
ByteBuffer myBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(referenceBytes.length);
assertTrue(classUnderTest + ".copyTo(ByteBuffer) must give back the same bytes",
Arrays.equals(referenceBytes, myBuffer.array()));
public void testAsReadOnlyByteBuffer() {
ByteBuffer byteBuffer = stringUnderTest.asReadOnlyByteBuffer();
byte[] roundTripBytes = new byte[referenceBytes.length];
assertTrue(byteBuffer.remaining() == referenceBytes.length);
assertTrue(classUnderTest + ".asReadOnlyByteBuffer() must give back the same bytes",
Arrays.equals(referenceBytes, roundTripBytes));
public void testAsReadOnlyByteBufferList() {
List<ByteBuffer> byteBuffers = stringUnderTest.asReadOnlyByteBufferList();
int bytesSeen = 0;
byte[] roundTripBytes = new byte[referenceBytes.length];
for (ByteBuffer byteBuffer : byteBuffers) {
int thisLength = byteBuffer.remaining();
assertTrue(bytesSeen + thisLength <= referenceBytes.length);
byteBuffer.get(roundTripBytes, bytesSeen, thisLength);
bytesSeen += thisLength;
assertTrue(bytesSeen == referenceBytes.length);
assertTrue(classUnderTest + ".asReadOnlyByteBufferTest() must give back the same bytes",
Arrays.equals(referenceBytes, roundTripBytes));
public void testToByteArray() {
byte[] roundTripBytes = stringUnderTest.toByteArray();
assertTrue(classUnderTest + ".toByteArray() must give back the same bytes",
Arrays.equals(referenceBytes, roundTripBytes));
public void testWriteTo() throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] roundTripBytes = bos.toByteArray();
assertTrue(classUnderTest + ".writeTo() must give back the same bytes",
Arrays.equals(referenceBytes, roundTripBytes));
public void testWriteTo_mutating() throws IOException {
OutputStream os = new OutputStream() {
public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) {
for (int x = 0; x < len; ++x) {
b[off + x] = (byte) 0;
public void write(int b) {
byte[] newBytes = stringUnderTest.toByteArray();
assertTrue(classUnderTest + ".writeTo() must not grant access to underlying array",
Arrays.equals(referenceBytes, newBytes));
public void testNewOutput() throws IOException {
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ByteString.Output output = ByteString.newOutput();
assertEquals("Output Size returns correct result",
output.size(), stringUnderTest.size());
assertTrue("Output.writeTo() must give back the same bytes",
Arrays.equals(referenceBytes, bos.toByteArray()));
assertEquals("Writing an output stream to itself is successful",
stringUnderTest.concat(stringUnderTest), output.toByteString());
assertEquals("Output.reset() resets the output", 0, output.size());
assertEquals("Output.reset() resets the output",
ByteString.EMPTY, output.toByteString());
public void testToString() throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
String testString = "I love unicode \u1234\u5678 characters";
LiteralByteString unicode = new LiteralByteString(testString.getBytes(UTF_8));
String roundTripString = unicode.toString(UTF_8);
assertEquals(classUnderTest + " unicode must match", testString, roundTripString);
public void testEquals() {
assertEquals(classUnderTest + " must not equal null", false, stringUnderTest.equals(null));
assertEquals(classUnderTest + " must equal self", stringUnderTest, stringUnderTest);
assertFalse(classUnderTest + " must not equal the empty string",
assertEquals(classUnderTest + " empty strings must be equal",
new LiteralByteString(new byte[]{}), stringUnderTest.substring(55, 55));
assertEquals(classUnderTest + " must equal another string with the same value",
stringUnderTest, new LiteralByteString(referenceBytes));
byte[] mungedBytes = new byte[referenceBytes.length];
System.arraycopy(referenceBytes, 0, mungedBytes, 0, referenceBytes.length);
mungedBytes[mungedBytes.length - 5] ^= 0xFF;
assertFalse(classUnderTest + " must not equal every string with the same length",
stringUnderTest.equals(new LiteralByteString(mungedBytes)));
public void testHashCode() {
int hash = stringUnderTest.hashCode();
assertEquals(classUnderTest + " must have expected hashCode", expectedHashCode, hash);
public void testPeekCachedHashCode() {
assertEquals(classUnderTest + ".peekCachedHashCode() should return zero at first", 0,
assertEquals(classUnderTest + ".peekCachedHashCode should return zero at first",
expectedHashCode, stringUnderTest.peekCachedHashCode());
public void testPartialHash() {
int hash = stringUnderTest.partialHash(stringUnderTest.size(), 0, stringUnderTest.size());
assertEquals(classUnderTest + ".partialHash() must yield expected hashCode",
expectedHashCode, hash);
public void testNewInput() throws IOException {
InputStream input = stringUnderTest.newInput();
assertEquals("InputStream.available() returns correct value",
stringUnderTest.size(), input.available());
boolean stillEqual = true;
for (byte referenceByte : referenceBytes) {
int expectedInt = (referenceByte & 0xFF);
stillEqual = (expectedInt ==;
assertEquals("InputStream.available() returns correct value",
0, input.available());
assertTrue(classUnderTest + " must give the same bytes from the InputStream", stillEqual);
assertEquals(classUnderTest + " InputStream must now be exhausted", -1,;
public void testNewInput_skip() throws IOException {
InputStream input = stringUnderTest.newInput();
int stringSize = stringUnderTest.size();
int nearEndIndex = stringSize * 2 / 3;
long skipped1 = input.skip(nearEndIndex);
assertEquals("InputStream.skip()", skipped1, nearEndIndex);
stringSize - skipped1, input.available());
assertTrue("InputStream.mark() is available", input.markSupported());
assertEquals("InputStream.skip(), read()",
stringUnderTest.byteAt(nearEndIndex) & 0xFF,;
stringSize - skipped1 - 1, input.available());
long skipped2 = input.skip(stringSize);
assertEquals("InputStream.skip() incomplete",
skipped2, stringSize - skipped1 - 1);
assertEquals("InputStream.skip(), no more input", 0, input.available());
assertEquals("InputStream.skip(), no more input", -1,;
assertEquals("InputStream.reset() succeded",
stringSize - skipped1, input.available());
assertEquals("InputStream.reset(), read()",
stringUnderTest.byteAt(nearEndIndex) & 0xFF,;
public void testNewCodedInput() throws IOException {
CodedInputStream cis = stringUnderTest.newCodedInput();
byte[] roundTripBytes = cis.readRawBytes(referenceBytes.length);
assertTrue(classUnderTest + " must give the same bytes back from the CodedInputStream",
Arrays.equals(referenceBytes, roundTripBytes));
assertTrue(classUnderTest + " CodedInputStream must now be exhausted", cis.isAtEnd());
public void testConcat_empty() {
assertSame(classUnderTest + " concatenated with empty must give " + classUnderTest,
stringUnderTest.concat(ByteString.EMPTY), stringUnderTest);
assertSame("empty concatenated with " + classUnderTest + " must give " + classUnderTest,
ByteString.EMPTY.concat(stringUnderTest), stringUnderTest);