
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. GetCertDistinguishedName
  2. IsCertIssuerInEncodedList
  3. GetCertDateForOID
  4. GetCertSerialNumber
  5. ExtendedKeyUsageAllows
  6. IsValidOSCertHandle
  7. AddCertificatesFromBytes
  8. Initialize
  9. IsIssuedByEncoded
  10. GetSubjectAltName
  11. GetDEREncoded
  12. IsSameOSCert
  13. CreateOSCertHandleFromBytes
  14. CreateOSCertHandlesFromBytes
  15. DupOSCertHandle
  16. FreeOSCertHandle
  17. CalculateFingerprint
  18. CalculateCAFingerprint
  19. SupportsSSLClientAuth
  20. CreateOSCertChainForCert
  21. ReadOSCertHandleFromPickle
  22. WriteOSCertHandleToPickle
  23. GetPublicKeyInfo

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "net/cert/x509_certificate.h"

#include <CommonCrypto/CommonDigest.h>
#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>
#include <Security/Security.h>

#include <vector>

#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/mac/mac_logging.h"
#include "base/mac/scoped_cftyperef.h"
#include "base/memory/singleton.h"
#include "base/pickle.h"
#include "base/sha1.h"
#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "crypto/cssm_init.h"
#include "crypto/mac_security_services_lock.h"
#include "net/cert/x509_util_mac.h"

using base::ScopedCFTypeRef;
using base::Time;

namespace net {

namespace {

void GetCertDistinguishedName(
    const x509_util::CSSMCachedCertificate& cached_cert,
    const CSSM_OID* oid,
    CertPrincipal* result) {
  x509_util::CSSMFieldValue distinguished_name;
  OSStatus status = cached_cert.GetField(oid, &distinguished_name);
  if (status || !distinguished_name.field())

bool IsCertIssuerInEncodedList(X509Certificate::OSCertHandle cert_handle,
                               const std::vector<std::string>& issuers) {
  x509_util::CSSMCachedCertificate cached_cert;
  if (cached_cert.Init(cert_handle) != CSSM_OK)
    return false;

  x509_util::CSSMFieldValue distinguished_name;
  OSStatus status = cached_cert.GetField(&CSSMOID_X509V1IssuerNameStd,
  if (status || !distinguished_name.field())
    return false;

  base::StringPiece name_piece(
      reinterpret_cast<const char*>(distinguished_name.field()->Data),

  for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = issuers.begin();
       it != issuers.end(); ++it) {
    base::StringPiece issuer_piece(*it);
    if (name_piece == issuer_piece)
      return true;

  return false;

void GetCertDateForOID(const x509_util::CSSMCachedCertificate& cached_cert,
                       const CSSM_OID* oid,
                       Time* result) {
  *result = Time::Time();

  x509_util::CSSMFieldValue field;
  OSStatus status = cached_cert.GetField(oid, &field);
  if (status)

  const CSSM_X509_TIME* x509_time = field.GetAs<CSSM_X509_TIME>();
  if (x509_time->timeType != BER_TAG_UTC_TIME &&
      x509_time->timeType != BER_TAG_GENERALIZED_TIME) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Unsupported date/time format "
               << x509_time->timeType;

  base::StringPiece time_string(
      reinterpret_cast<const char*>(x509_time->time.Data),
  CertDateFormat format = x509_time->timeType == BER_TAG_UTC_TIME ?
  if (!ParseCertificateDate(time_string, format, result))
    LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid certificate date/time " << time_string;

std::string GetCertSerialNumber(
    const x509_util::CSSMCachedCertificate& cached_cert) {
  x509_util::CSSMFieldValue serial_number;
  OSStatus status = cached_cert.GetField(&CSSMOID_X509V1SerialNumber,
  if (status || !serial_number.field())
    return std::string();

  return std::string(
      reinterpret_cast<const char*>(serial_number.field()->Data),

// Returns true if |purpose| is listed as allowed in |usage|. This
// function also considers the "Any" purpose. If the attribute is
// present and empty, we return false.
bool ExtendedKeyUsageAllows(const CE_ExtendedKeyUsage* usage,
                            const CSSM_OID* purpose) {
  for (unsigned p = 0; p < usage->numPurposes; ++p) {
    if (CSSMOIDEqual(&usage->purposes[p], purpose))
      return true;
    if (CSSMOIDEqual(&usage->purposes[p], &CSSMOID_ExtendedKeyUsageAny))
      return true;
  return false;

// Test that a given |cert_handle| is actually a valid X.509 certificate, and
// return true if it is.
// On OS X, SecCertificateCreateFromData() does not return any errors if
// called with invalid data, as long as data is present. The actual decoding
// of the certificate does not happen until an API that requires a CSSM
// handle is called. While SecCertificateGetCLHandle is the most likely
// candidate, as it performs the parsing, it does not check whether the
// parsing was actually successful. Instead, SecCertificateGetSubject is
// used (supported since 10.3), as a means to check that the certificate
// parsed as a valid X.509 certificate.
bool IsValidOSCertHandle(SecCertificateRef cert_handle) {
  const CSSM_X509_NAME* sanity_check = NULL;
  OSStatus status = SecCertificateGetSubject(cert_handle, &sanity_check);
  return status == noErr && sanity_check;

// Parses |data| of length |length|, attempting to decode it as the specified
// |format|. If |data| is in the specified format, any certificates contained
// within are stored into |output|.
void AddCertificatesFromBytes(const char* data, size_t length,
                              SecExternalFormat format,
                              X509Certificate::OSCertHandles* output) {
  SecExternalFormat input_format = format;
  ScopedCFTypeRef<CFDataRef> local_data(CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(
      kCFAllocatorDefault, reinterpret_cast<const UInt8*>(data), length,

  CFArrayRef items = NULL;
  OSStatus status;
    base::AutoLock lock(crypto::GetMacSecurityServicesLock());
    status = SecKeychainItemImport(local_data, NULL, &input_format,
                                   NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, &items);

  if (status) {
        << "Unable to import items from data of length " << length;

  ScopedCFTypeRef<CFArrayRef> scoped_items(items);
  CFTypeID cert_type_id = SecCertificateGetTypeID();

  for (CFIndex i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount(items); ++i) {
    SecKeychainItemRef item = reinterpret_cast<SecKeychainItemRef>(
        const_cast<void*>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(items, i)));

    // While inputFormat implies only certificates will be imported, if/when
    // other formats (eg: PKCS#12) are supported, this may also include
    // private keys or other items types, so filter appropriately.
    if (CFGetTypeID(item) == cert_type_id) {
      SecCertificateRef cert = reinterpret_cast<SecCertificateRef>(item);
      // OS X ignores |input_format| if it detects that |local_data| is PEM
      // encoded, attempting to decode data based on internal rules for PEM
      // block headers. If a PKCS#7 blob is encoded with a PEM block of
      // CERTIFICATE, OS X 10.5 will return a single, invalid certificate
      // based on the decoded data. If this happens, the certificate should
      // not be included in |output|. Because |output| is empty,
      // CreateCertificateListfromBytes will use PEMTokenizer to decode the
      // data. When called again with the decoded data, OS X will honor
      // |input_format|, causing decode to succeed. On OS X 10.6, the data
      // is properly decoded as a PKCS#7, whether PEM or not, which avoids
      // the need to fallback to internal decoding.
      if (IsValidOSCertHandle(cert)) {

}  // namespace

void X509Certificate::Initialize() {
  x509_util::CSSMCachedCertificate cached_cert;
  if (cached_cert.Init(cert_handle_) == CSSM_OK) {
    GetCertDistinguishedName(cached_cert, &CSSMOID_X509V1SubjectNameStd,
    GetCertDistinguishedName(cached_cert, &CSSMOID_X509V1IssuerNameStd,
    GetCertDateForOID(cached_cert, &CSSMOID_X509V1ValidityNotBefore,
    GetCertDateForOID(cached_cert, &CSSMOID_X509V1ValidityNotAfter,
    serial_number_ = GetCertSerialNumber(cached_cert);

  fingerprint_ = CalculateFingerprint(cert_handle_);
  ca_fingerprint_ = CalculateCAFingerprint(intermediate_ca_certs_);

bool X509Certificate::IsIssuedByEncoded(
    const std::vector<std::string>& valid_issuers) {
  if (IsCertIssuerInEncodedList(cert_handle_, valid_issuers))
    return true;

  for (OSCertHandles::iterator it = intermediate_ca_certs_.begin();
       it != intermediate_ca_certs_.end(); ++it) {
    if (IsCertIssuerInEncodedList(*it, valid_issuers))
      return true;
  return false;

void X509Certificate::GetSubjectAltName(
    std::vector<std::string>* dns_names,
    std::vector<std::string>* ip_addrs) const {
  if (dns_names)
  if (ip_addrs)

  x509_util::CSSMCachedCertificate cached_cert;
  OSStatus status = cached_cert.Init(cert_handle_);
  if (status)
  x509_util::CSSMFieldValue subject_alt_name;
  status = cached_cert.GetField(&CSSMOID_SubjectAltName, &subject_alt_name);
  if (status || !subject_alt_name.field())
  const CSSM_X509_EXTENSION* cssm_ext =
  if (!cssm_ext || !cssm_ext->value.parsedValue)
  const CE_GeneralNames* alt_name =
      reinterpret_cast<const CE_GeneralNames*>(cssm_ext->value.parsedValue);

  for (size_t name = 0; name < alt_name->numNames; ++name) {
    const CE_GeneralName& name_struct = alt_name->generalName[name];
    const CSSM_DATA& name_data =;
    // DNSName and IPAddress are encoded as IA5String and OCTET STRINGs
    // respectively, both of which can be byte copied from
    // CSSM_DATA::data into the appropriate output vector.
    if (dns_names && name_struct.nameType == GNT_DNSName) {
          reinterpret_cast<const char*>(name_data.Data),
    } else if (ip_addrs && name_struct.nameType == GNT_IPAddress) {
          reinterpret_cast<const char*>(name_data.Data),

// static
bool X509Certificate::GetDEREncoded(X509Certificate::OSCertHandle cert_handle,
                                    std::string* encoded) {
  CSSM_DATA der_data;
  if (SecCertificateGetData(cert_handle, &der_data) != noErr)
    return false;
  return true;

// static
bool X509Certificate::IsSameOSCert(X509Certificate::OSCertHandle a,
                                   X509Certificate::OSCertHandle b) {
  DCHECK(a && b);
  if (a == b)
    return true;
  if (CFEqual(a, b))
    return true;
  CSSM_DATA a_data, b_data;
  return SecCertificateGetData(a, &a_data) == noErr &&
      SecCertificateGetData(b, &b_data) == noErr &&
      a_data.Length == b_data.Length &&
      memcmp(a_data.Data, b_data.Data, a_data.Length) == 0;

// static
X509Certificate::OSCertHandle X509Certificate::CreateOSCertHandleFromBytes(
    const char* data, int length) {
  CSSM_DATA cert_data;
  cert_data.Data = const_cast<uint8*>(reinterpret_cast<const uint8*>(data));
  cert_data.Length = length;

  OSCertHandle cert_handle = NULL;
  OSStatus status = SecCertificateCreateFromData(&cert_data,
  if (status != noErr)
    return NULL;
  if (!IsValidOSCertHandle(cert_handle)) {
    return NULL;
  return cert_handle;

// static
X509Certificate::OSCertHandles X509Certificate::CreateOSCertHandlesFromBytes(
    const char* data, int length, Format format) {
  OSCertHandles results;

  switch (format) {
      OSCertHandle handle = CreateOSCertHandleFromBytes(data, length);
      if (handle)
    case FORMAT_PKCS7:
      AddCertificatesFromBytes(data, length, kSecFormatPKCS7, &results);
      NOTREACHED() << "Certificate format " << format << " unimplemented";

  return results;

// static
X509Certificate::OSCertHandle X509Certificate::DupOSCertHandle(
    OSCertHandle handle) {
  if (!handle)
    return NULL;
  return reinterpret_cast<OSCertHandle>(const_cast<void*>(CFRetain(handle)));

// static
void X509Certificate::FreeOSCertHandle(OSCertHandle cert_handle) {

// static
SHA1HashValue X509Certificate::CalculateFingerprint(
    OSCertHandle cert) {
  SHA1HashValue sha1;
  memset(, 0, sizeof(;

  CSSM_DATA cert_data;
  OSStatus status = SecCertificateGetData(cert, &cert_data);
  if (status)
    return sha1;

  DCHECK_NE(cert_data.Length, 0U);

  CC_SHA1(cert_data.Data, cert_data.Length,;

  return sha1;

// static
SHA1HashValue X509Certificate::CalculateCAFingerprint(
    const OSCertHandles& intermediates) {
  SHA1HashValue sha1;
  memset(, 0, sizeof(;

  // The CC_SHA(3cc) man page says all CC_SHA1_xxx routines return 1, so
  // we don't check their return values.
  CC_SHA1_CTX sha1_ctx;
  CSSM_DATA cert_data;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < intermediates.size(); ++i) {
    OSStatus status = SecCertificateGetData(intermediates[i], &cert_data);
    if (status)
      return sha1;
    CC_SHA1_Update(&sha1_ctx, cert_data.Data, cert_data.Length);
  CC_SHA1_Final(, &sha1_ctx);

  return sha1;

bool X509Certificate::SupportsSSLClientAuth() const {
  x509_util::CSSMCachedCertificate cached_cert;
  OSStatus status = cached_cert.Init(cert_handle_);
  if (status)
    return false;

  // RFC5280 says to take the intersection of the two extensions.
  // Our underlying crypto libraries don't expose
  // ClientCertificateType, so for now we will not support fixed
  // Diffie-Hellman mechanisms. For rsa_sign, we need the
  // digitalSignature bit.
  // In particular, if a key has the nonRepudiation bit and not the
  // digitalSignature one, we will not offer it to the user.
  x509_util::CSSMFieldValue key_usage;
  status = cached_cert.GetField(&CSSMOID_KeyUsage, &key_usage);
  if (status == CSSM_OK && key_usage.field()) {
    const CSSM_X509_EXTENSION* ext = key_usage.GetAs<CSSM_X509_EXTENSION>();
    const CE_KeyUsage* key_usage_value =
        reinterpret_cast<const CE_KeyUsage*>(ext->value.parsedValue);
    if (!((*key_usage_value) & CE_KU_DigitalSignature))
      return false;

  status = cached_cert.GetField(&CSSMOID_ExtendedKeyUsage, &key_usage);
  if (status == CSSM_OK && key_usage.field()) {
    const CSSM_X509_EXTENSION* ext = key_usage.GetAs<CSSM_X509_EXTENSION>();
    const CE_ExtendedKeyUsage* ext_key_usage =
        reinterpret_cast<const CE_ExtendedKeyUsage*>(ext->value.parsedValue);
    if (!ExtendedKeyUsageAllows(ext_key_usage, &CSSMOID_ClientAuth))
      return false;
  return true;

CFArrayRef X509Certificate::CreateOSCertChainForCert() const {
  CFMutableArrayRef cert_list =
      CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0,
  if (!cert_list)
    return NULL;

  CFArrayAppendValue(cert_list, os_cert_handle());
  for (size_t i = 0; i < intermediate_ca_certs_.size(); ++i)
    CFArrayAppendValue(cert_list, intermediate_ca_certs_[i]);

  return cert_list;

// static
X509Certificate::ReadOSCertHandleFromPickle(PickleIterator* pickle_iter) {
  const char* data;
  int length;
  if (!pickle_iter->ReadData(&data, &length))
    return NULL;

  return CreateOSCertHandleFromBytes(data, length);

// static
bool X509Certificate::WriteOSCertHandleToPickle(OSCertHandle cert_handle,
                                                Pickle* pickle) {
  CSSM_DATA cert_data;
  OSStatus status = SecCertificateGetData(cert_handle, &cert_data);
  if (status)
    return false;

  return pickle->WriteData(reinterpret_cast<char*>(cert_data.Data),

// static
void X509Certificate::GetPublicKeyInfo(OSCertHandle cert_handle,
                                       size_t* size_bits,
                                       PublicKeyType* type) {
  // Since we might fail, set the output parameters to default values first.
  *type = kPublicKeyTypeUnknown;
  *size_bits = 0;

  SecKeyRef key;
  OSStatus status = SecCertificateCopyPublicKey(cert_handle, &key);
  if (status) {
    NOTREACHED() << "SecCertificateCopyPublicKey failed: " << status;
  ScopedCFTypeRef<SecKeyRef> scoped_key(key);

  const CSSM_KEY* cssm_key;
  status = SecKeyGetCSSMKey(key, &cssm_key);
  if (status) {
    NOTREACHED() << "SecKeyGetCSSMKey failed: " << status;

  *size_bits = cssm_key->KeyHeader.LogicalKeySizeInBits;

  switch (cssm_key->KeyHeader.AlgorithmId) {
    case CSSM_ALGID_RSA:
      *type = kPublicKeyTypeRSA;
    case CSSM_ALGID_DSA:
      *type = kPublicKeyTypeDSA;
      *type = kPublicKeyTypeECDSA;
    case CSSM_ALGID_DH:
      *type = kPublicKeyTypeDH;
      *type = kPublicKeyTypeUnknown;
      *size_bits = 0;

}  // namespace net

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */