
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. GetNaturalSize
  2. CopyPlane
  3. CopyYPlane
  4. CopyUPlane
  5. CopyVPlane
  6. CopyAPlane
  7. MakeOpaqueAPlane
  8. FillYUV
  9. LetterboxPlane
  10. LetterboxYUV
  11. RotatePlaneByPixels
  12. ComputeLetterboxRegion
  13. CopyRGBToVideoFrame

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "media/base/video_util.h"

#include <cmath>

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "media/base/video_frame.h"
#include "media/base/yuv_convert.h"

namespace media {

gfx::Size GetNaturalSize(const gfx::Size& visible_size,
                         int aspect_ratio_numerator,
                         int aspect_ratio_denominator) {
  if (aspect_ratio_denominator == 0 ||
      aspect_ratio_numerator < 0 ||
      aspect_ratio_denominator < 0)
    return gfx::Size();

  double aspect_ratio = aspect_ratio_numerator /

  int width = floor(visible_size.width() * aspect_ratio + 0.5);
  int height = visible_size.height();

  // An even width makes things easier for YV12 and appears to be the behavior
  // expected by WebKit layout tests.
  return gfx::Size(width & ~1, height);

void CopyPlane(size_t plane, const uint8* source, int stride, int rows,
               VideoFrame* frame) {
  uint8* dest = frame->data(plane);
  int dest_stride = frame->stride(plane);

  // Clamp in case source frame has smaller stride.
  int bytes_to_copy_per_row = std::min(frame->row_bytes(plane), stride);

  // Clamp in case source frame has smaller height.
  int rows_to_copy = std::min(frame->rows(plane), rows);

  // Copy!
  for (int row = 0; row < rows_to_copy; ++row) {
    memcpy(dest, source, bytes_to_copy_per_row);
    source += stride;
    dest += dest_stride;

void CopyYPlane(const uint8* source, int stride, int rows, VideoFrame* frame) {
  CopyPlane(VideoFrame::kYPlane, source, stride, rows, frame);

void CopyUPlane(const uint8* source, int stride, int rows, VideoFrame* frame) {
  CopyPlane(VideoFrame::kUPlane, source, stride, rows, frame);

void CopyVPlane(const uint8* source, int stride, int rows, VideoFrame* frame) {
  CopyPlane(VideoFrame::kVPlane, source, stride, rows, frame);

void CopyAPlane(const uint8* source, int stride, int rows, VideoFrame* frame) {
  CopyPlane(VideoFrame::kAPlane, source, stride, rows, frame);

void MakeOpaqueAPlane(int stride, int rows, VideoFrame* frame) {
  int rows_to_clear = std::min(frame->rows(VideoFrame::kAPlane), rows);
  memset(frame->data(VideoFrame::kAPlane), 255,
         frame->stride(VideoFrame::kAPlane) * rows_to_clear);

void FillYUV(VideoFrame* frame, uint8 y, uint8 u, uint8 v) {
  // Fill the Y plane.
  uint8* y_plane = frame->data(VideoFrame::kYPlane);
  int y_rows = frame->rows(VideoFrame::kYPlane);
  int y_row_bytes = frame->row_bytes(VideoFrame::kYPlane);
  for (int i = 0; i < y_rows; ++i) {
    memset(y_plane, y, y_row_bytes);
    y_plane += frame->stride(VideoFrame::kYPlane);

  // Fill the U and V planes.
  uint8* u_plane = frame->data(VideoFrame::kUPlane);
  uint8* v_plane = frame->data(VideoFrame::kVPlane);
  int uv_rows = frame->rows(VideoFrame::kUPlane);
  int u_row_bytes = frame->row_bytes(VideoFrame::kUPlane);
  int v_row_bytes = frame->row_bytes(VideoFrame::kVPlane);
  for (int i = 0; i < uv_rows; ++i) {
    memset(u_plane, u, u_row_bytes);
    memset(v_plane, v, v_row_bytes);
    u_plane += frame->stride(VideoFrame::kUPlane);
    v_plane += frame->stride(VideoFrame::kVPlane);

static void LetterboxPlane(VideoFrame* frame,
                           int plane,
                           const gfx::Rect& view_area,
                           uint8 fill_byte) {
  uint8* ptr = frame->data(plane);
  const int rows = frame->rows(plane);
  const int row_bytes = frame->row_bytes(plane);
  const int stride = frame->stride(plane);

  CHECK_GE(stride, row_bytes);
  CHECK_GE(view_area.x(), 0);
  CHECK_GE(view_area.y(), 0);
  CHECK_LE(view_area.right(), row_bytes);
  CHECK_LE(view_area.bottom(), rows);

  int y = 0;
  for (; y < view_area.y(); y++) {
    memset(ptr, fill_byte, row_bytes);
    ptr += stride;
  if (view_area.width() < row_bytes) {
    for (; y < view_area.bottom(); y++) {
      if (view_area.x() > 0) {
        memset(ptr, fill_byte, view_area.x());
      if (view_area.right() < row_bytes) {
        memset(ptr + view_area.right(),
               row_bytes - view_area.right());
      ptr += stride;
  } else {
    y += view_area.height();
    ptr += stride * view_area.height();
  for (; y < rows; y++) {
    memset(ptr, fill_byte, row_bytes);
    ptr += stride;

void LetterboxYUV(VideoFrame* frame, const gfx::Rect& view_area) {
  DCHECK(!(view_area.x() & 1));
  DCHECK(!(view_area.y() & 1));
  DCHECK(!(view_area.width() & 1));
  DCHECK(!(view_area.height() & 1));
  DCHECK(frame->format() == VideoFrame::YV12 ||
         frame->format() == VideoFrame::YV12J ||
         frame->format() == VideoFrame::I420);
  LetterboxPlane(frame, VideoFrame::kYPlane, view_area, 0x00);
  gfx::Rect half_view_area(view_area.x() / 2,
                           view_area.y() / 2,
                           view_area.width() / 2,
                           view_area.height() / 2);
  LetterboxPlane(frame, VideoFrame::kUPlane, half_view_area, 0x80);
  LetterboxPlane(frame, VideoFrame::kVPlane, half_view_area, 0x80);

void RotatePlaneByPixels(
    const uint8* src,
    uint8* dest,
    int width,
    int height,
    int rotation,  // Clockwise.
    bool flip_vert,
    bool flip_horiz) {
  DCHECK((width > 0) && (height > 0) &&
         ((width & 1) == 0) && ((height & 1) == 0) &&
         (rotation >= 0) && (rotation < 360) && (rotation % 90 == 0));

  // Consolidate cases. Only 0 and 90 are left.
  if (rotation == 180 || rotation == 270) {
    rotation -= 180;
    flip_vert = !flip_vert;
    flip_horiz = !flip_horiz;

  int num_rows = height;
  int num_cols = width;
  int src_stride = width;
  // During pixel copying, the corresponding incremental of dest pointer
  // when src pointer moves to next row.
  int dest_row_step = width;
  // During pixel copying, the corresponding incremental of dest pointer
  // when src pointer moves to next column.
  int dest_col_step = 1;

  if (rotation == 0) {
    if (flip_horiz) {
      // Use pixel copying.
      dest_col_step = -1;
      if (flip_vert) {
        // Rotation 180.
        dest_row_step = -width;
        dest += height * width - 1;
      } else {
        dest += width - 1;
    } else {
      if (flip_vert) {
        // Fast copy by rows.
        dest += width * (height - 1);
        for (int row = 0; row < height; ++row) {
          memcpy(dest, src, width);
          src += width;
          dest -= width;
      } else {
        memcpy(dest, src, width * height);
  } else if (rotation == 90) {
    int offset;
    if (width > height) {
      offset = (width - height) / 2;
      src += offset;
      num_rows = num_cols = height;
    } else {
      offset = (height - width) / 2;
      src += width * offset;
      num_rows = num_cols = width;

    dest_col_step = (flip_vert ? -width : width);
    dest_row_step = (flip_horiz ? 1 : -1);
    if (flip_horiz) {
      if (flip_vert) {
        dest += (width > height ? width * (height - 1) + offset :
                                  width * (height - offset - 1));
      } else {
        dest += (width > height ? offset : width * offset);
    } else {
      if (flip_vert) {
        dest += (width > height ?  width * height - offset - 1 :
                                   width * (height - offset) - 1);
      } else {
        dest += (width > height ? width - offset - 1 :
                                  width * (offset + 1) - 1);
  } else {

  // Copy pixels.
  for (int row = 0; row < num_rows; ++row) {
    const uint8* src_ptr = src;
    uint8* dest_ptr = dest;
    for (int col = 0; col < num_cols; ++col) {
      *dest_ptr = *src_ptr++;
      dest_ptr += dest_col_step;
    src += src_stride;
    dest += dest_row_step;

gfx::Rect ComputeLetterboxRegion(const gfx::Rect& bounds,
                                 const gfx::Size& content) {
  // If |content| has an undefined aspect ratio, let's not try to divide by
  // zero.
  if (content.IsEmpty())
    return gfx::Rect();

  int64 x = static_cast<int64>(content.width()) * bounds.height();
  int64 y = static_cast<int64>(content.height()) * bounds.width();

  gfx::Size letterbox(bounds.width(), bounds.height());
  if (y < x)
    letterbox.set_height(static_cast<int>(y / content.width()));
    letterbox.set_width(static_cast<int>(x / content.height()));
  gfx::Rect result = bounds;
  return result;

void CopyRGBToVideoFrame(const uint8* source,
                         int stride,
                         const gfx::Rect& region_in_frame,
                         VideoFrame* frame) {
  const int kY = VideoFrame::kYPlane;
  const int kU = VideoFrame::kUPlane;
  const int kV = VideoFrame::kVPlane;
  CHECK_EQ(frame->stride(kU), frame->stride(kV));
  const int uv_stride = frame->stride(kU);

  if (region_in_frame != gfx::Rect(frame->coded_size())) {
    LetterboxYUV(frame, region_in_frame);

  const int y_offset = region_in_frame.x()
                     + (region_in_frame.y() * frame->stride(kY));
  const int uv_offset = region_in_frame.x() / 2
                      + (region_in_frame.y() / 2 * uv_stride);

                    frame->data(kY) + y_offset,
                    frame->data(kU) + uv_offset,
                    frame->data(kV) + uv_offset,

}  // namespace media

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */