
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. should_replace_current_entry
  2. ClearRFHsPendingShutdown
  3. weak_factory_
  4. Init
  5. current_host
  6. pending_render_view_host
  7. GetRenderWidgetHostView
  8. SetPendingWebUI
  9. Navigate
  10. Stop
  11. SetIsLoading
  12. ShouldCloseTabOnUnresponsiveRenderer
  13. OnBeforeUnloadACK
  14. OnCrossSiteResponse
  15. SwappedOut
  16. DidNavigateFrame
  17. DidDisownOpener
  18. RendererProcessClosing
  19. SwapOutOldPage
  20. ClearPendingShutdownRFHForSiteInstance
  21. Observe
  22. ClearSwappedOutRFHsInSiteInstance
  23. ShouldTransitionCrossSite
  24. ShouldSwapBrowsingInstancesForNavigation
  25. ShouldReuseWebUI
  26. GetSiteInstanceForEntry
  27. CreateRenderFrameHost
  28. CreateRenderFrame
  29. InitRenderView
  30. CommitPending
  31. ShutdownRenderFrameHostsInSiteInstance
  32. UpdateRendererStateForNavigate
  33. CancelPending
  34. RenderViewDeleted
  35. IsRVHOnSwappedOutList
  36. IsOnSwappedOutList
  37. GetSwappedOutRenderViewHost
  38. GetSwappedOutRenderFrameHost

// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_host_manager.h"

#include <utility>

#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/debug/trace_event.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "content/browser/child_process_security_policy_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/devtools/render_view_devtools_agent_host.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/cross_process_frame_connector.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/cross_site_transferring_request.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/debug_urls.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/interstitial_page_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_controller_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigation_entry_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/navigator.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_host_factory.h"
#include "content/browser/frame_host/render_frame_host_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_process_host_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_factory.h"
#include "content/browser/renderer_host/render_view_host_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/site_instance_impl.h"
#include "content/browser/webui/web_ui_controller_factory_registry.h"
#include "content/browser/webui/web_ui_impl.h"
#include "content/common/view_messages.h"
#include "content/port/browser/render_widget_host_view_port.h"
#include "content/public/browser/content_browser_client.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h"
#include "content/public/browser/notification_types.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host_iterator.h"
#include "content/public/browser/user_metrics.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_ui_controller.h"
#include "content/public/common/content_switches.h"
#include "content/public/common/url_constants.h"

namespace content {

    const GlobalRequestID& global_request_id,
    scoped_ptr<CrossSiteTransferringRequest> cross_site_transferring_request,
    const std::vector<GURL>& transfer_url_chain,
    Referrer referrer,
    PageTransition page_transition,
    int render_frame_id,
    bool should_replace_current_entry)
    : global_request_id(global_request_id),
      should_replace_current_entry(should_replace_current_entry) {

RenderFrameHostManager::PendingNavigationParams::~PendingNavigationParams() {}

bool RenderFrameHostManager::ClearRFHsPendingShutdown(FrameTreeNode* node) {
  return true;

    FrameTreeNode* frame_tree_node,
    RenderFrameHostDelegate* render_frame_delegate,
    RenderViewHostDelegate* render_view_delegate,
    RenderWidgetHostDelegate* render_widget_delegate,
    Delegate* delegate)
    : frame_tree_node_(frame_tree_node),
      weak_factory_(this) {}

RenderFrameHostManager::~RenderFrameHostManager() {
  if (pending_render_frame_host_)

  if (cross_process_frame_connector_)
    delete cross_process_frame_connector_;

  // We should always have a current RenderFrameHost except in some tests.

  // TODO(creis): Now that we aren't using Shutdown, make RenderFrameHostMap
  // use scoped_ptrs.
  // Delete any swapped out RenderFrameHosts.
  for (RenderFrameHostMap::iterator iter = swapped_out_hosts_.begin();
       iter != swapped_out_hosts_.end();
       ++iter) {
    delete iter->second;

void RenderFrameHostManager::Init(BrowserContext* browser_context,
                                  SiteInstance* site_instance,
                                  int view_routing_id,
                                  int frame_routing_id) {
  // Create a RenderViewHost and RenderFrameHost, once we have an instance.  It
  // is important to immediately give this SiteInstance to a RenderViewHost so
  // that the SiteInstance is ref counted.
  if (!site_instance)
    site_instance = SiteInstance::Create(browser_context);

  render_frame_host_ = make_scoped_ptr(
      CreateRenderFrameHost(site_instance, view_routing_id, frame_routing_id,
                            false, delegate_->IsHidden()));

  // Keep track of renderer processes as they start to shut down or are
  // crashed/killed.

RenderViewHostImpl* RenderFrameHostManager::current_host() const {
  if (!render_frame_host_)
    return NULL;
  return render_frame_host_->render_view_host();

RenderViewHostImpl* RenderFrameHostManager::pending_render_view_host() const {
  if (!pending_render_frame_host_)
    return NULL;
  return pending_render_frame_host_->render_view_host();

RenderWidgetHostView* RenderFrameHostManager::GetRenderWidgetHostView() const {
  if (interstitial_page_)
    return interstitial_page_->GetView();
  if (!render_frame_host_)
    return NULL;
  return render_frame_host_->render_view_host()->GetView();

void RenderFrameHostManager::SetPendingWebUI(const NavigationEntryImpl& entry) {

  // If we have assigned (zero or more) bindings to this NavigationEntry in the
  // past, make sure we're not granting it different bindings than it had
  // before.  If so, note it and don't give it any bindings, to avoid a
  // potential privilege escalation.
  if (pending_web_ui_.get() &&
      entry.bindings() != NavigationEntryImpl::kInvalidBindings &&
      pending_web_ui_->GetBindings() != entry.bindings()) {

RenderFrameHostImpl* RenderFrameHostManager::Navigate(
    const NavigationEntryImpl& entry) {
  TRACE_EVENT0("browser", "RenderFrameHostManager:Navigate");
  // Create a pending RenderFrameHost to use for the navigation.
  RenderFrameHostImpl* dest_render_frame_host =
  if (!dest_render_frame_host)
    return NULL;  // We weren't able to create a pending render frame host.

  // If the current render_frame_host_ isn't live, we should create it so
  // that we don't show a sad tab while the dest_render_frame_host fetches
  // its first page.  (Bug 1145340)
  if (dest_render_frame_host != render_frame_host_ &&
      !render_frame_host_->render_view_host()->IsRenderViewLive()) {
    // Note: we don't call InitRenderView here because we are navigating away
    // soon anyway, and we don't have the NavigationEntry for this host.
        render_frame_host_->render_view_host(), MSG_ROUTING_NONE, NULL);

  // If the renderer crashed, then try to create a new one to satisfy this
  // navigation request.
  if (!dest_render_frame_host->render_view_host()->IsRenderViewLive()) {
    // Recreate the opener chain.
    int opener_route_id = delegate_->CreateOpenerRenderViewsForRenderManager(
    if (!InitRenderView(dest_render_frame_host->render_view_host(),
      return NULL;

    // Now that we've created a new renderer, be sure to hide it if it isn't
    // our primary one.  Otherwise, we might crash if we try to call Show()
    // on it later.
    if (dest_render_frame_host != render_frame_host_ &&
        dest_render_frame_host->render_view_host()->GetView()) {
    } else if (frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
      // This is our primary renderer, notify here as we won't be calling
      // CommitPending (which does the notify).  We only do this for top-level
      // frames.
          NULL, render_frame_host_->render_view_host());

  // If entry includes the request ID of a request that is being transferred,
  // the destination render frame will take ownership, so release ownership of
  // the request.
  if (pending_nav_params_ &&
      pending_nav_params_->global_request_id ==
          entry.transferred_global_request_id()) {

  return dest_render_frame_host;

void RenderFrameHostManager::Stop() {

  // If we are cross-navigating, we should stop the pending renderers.  This
  // will lead to a DidFailProvisionalLoad, which will properly destroy them.
  if (cross_navigation_pending_) {
    pending_render_frame_host_->render_view_host()->Send(new ViewMsg_Stop(

void RenderFrameHostManager::SetIsLoading(bool is_loading) {
  if (pending_render_frame_host_)

bool RenderFrameHostManager::ShouldCloseTabOnUnresponsiveRenderer() {
  if (!cross_navigation_pending_)
    return true;

  // We should always have a pending RFH when there's a cross-process navigation
  // in progress.  Sanity check this for

  // If the tab becomes unresponsive during {before}unload while doing a
  // cross-site navigation, proceed with the navigation.  (This assumes that
  // the pending RenderFrameHost is still responsive.)
  if (render_frame_host_->render_view_host()->IsWaitingForUnloadACK()) {
    // The request has been started and paused while we're waiting for the
    // unload handler to finish.  We'll pretend that it did.  The pending
    // renderer will then be swapped in as part of the usual DidNavigate logic.
    // (If the unload handler later finishes, this call will be ignored because
    // the pending_nav_params_ state will already be cleaned up.)
  } else if (render_frame_host_->render_view_host()->
                 is_waiting_for_beforeunload_ack()) {
    // Haven't gotten around to starting the request, because we're still
    // waiting for the beforeunload handler to finish.  We'll pretend that it
    // did finish, to let the navigation proceed.  Note that there's a danger
    // that the beforeunload handler will later finish and possibly return
    // false (meaning the navigation should not proceed), but we'll ignore it
    // in this case because it took too long.
    if (pending_render_frame_host_->render_view_host()->
            are_navigations_suspended()) {
          false, base::TimeTicks::Now());
  return false;

void RenderFrameHostManager::OnBeforeUnloadACK(
    bool for_cross_site_transition,
    bool proceed,
    const base::TimeTicks& proceed_time) {
  if (for_cross_site_transition) {
    // Ignore if we're not in a cross-site navigation.
    if (!cross_navigation_pending_)

    if (proceed) {
      // Ok to unload the current page, so proceed with the cross-site
      // navigation.  Note that if navigations are not currently suspended, it
      // might be because the renderer was deemed unresponsive and this call was
      // already made by ShouldCloseTabOnUnresponsiveRenderer.  In that case, it
      // is ok to do nothing here.
      if (pending_render_frame_host_ &&
              are_navigations_suspended()) {
            SetNavigationsSuspended(false, proceed_time);
    } else {
      // Current page says to cancel.
      cross_navigation_pending_ = false;
  } else {
    // Non-cross site transition means closing the entire tab.
    bool proceed_to_fire_unload;
    delegate_->BeforeUnloadFiredFromRenderManager(proceed, proceed_time,

    if (proceed_to_fire_unload) {
      // If we're about to close the tab and there's a pending RFH, cancel it.
      // Otherwise, if the navigation in the pending RFH completes before the
      // close in the current RFH, we'll lose the tab close.
      if (pending_render_frame_host_) {
        cross_navigation_pending_ = false;

      // This is not a cross-site navigation, the tab is being closed.

void RenderFrameHostManager::OnCrossSiteResponse(
    RenderFrameHostImpl* pending_render_frame_host,
    const GlobalRequestID& global_request_id,
    scoped_ptr<CrossSiteTransferringRequest> cross_site_transferring_request,
    const std::vector<GURL>& transfer_url_chain,
    const Referrer& referrer,
    PageTransition page_transition,
    bool should_replace_current_entry) {
  // This should be called either when the pending RFH is ready to commit or
  // when we realize that the current RFH's request requires a transfer.
  DCHECK(pending_render_frame_host == pending_render_frame_host_ ||
         pending_render_frame_host == render_frame_host_);

  // TODO(creis): Eventually we will want to check all navigation responses
  // here, but currently we pass information for a transfer if
  // ShouldSwapProcessesForRedirect returned true in the network stack.
  // In that case, we should set up a transfer after the unload handler runs.
  // If |cross_site_transferring_request| is NULL, we will just run the unload
  // handler and resume.
  pending_nav_params_.reset(new PendingNavigationParams(
      global_request_id, cross_site_transferring_request.Pass(),
      transfer_url_chain, referrer, page_transition,

  // Run the unload handler of the current page.

void RenderFrameHostManager::SwappedOut(
    RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host) {
  // Make sure this is from our current RFH, and that we have a pending
  // navigation from OnCrossSiteResponse.  (There may be no pending navigation
  // for data URLs that don't make network requests, for example.)   If not,
  // just return early and ignore.
  if (render_frame_host != render_frame_host_ || !pending_nav_params_.get()) {

  // Now that the unload handler has run, we need to either initiate the
  // pending transfer (if there is one) or resume the paused response (if not).
  // TODO(creis): The blank swapped out page is visible during this time, but
  // we can shorten this by delivering the response directly, rather than
  // forcing an identical request to be made.
  if (pending_nav_params_->cross_site_transferring_request) {
    // Sanity check that the params are for the correct frame and process.
    // These should match the RenderFrameHost that made the request.
    // If it started as a cross-process navigation via OpenURL, this is the
    // pending one.  If it wasn't cross-process until the transfer, this is the
    // current one.
    int render_frame_id = pending_render_frame_host_ ?
        pending_render_frame_host_->GetRoutingID() :
    DCHECK_EQ(render_frame_id, pending_nav_params_->render_frame_id);
    int process_id = pending_render_frame_host_ ?
        pending_render_frame_host_->GetProcess()->GetID() :
    DCHECK_EQ(process_id, pending_nav_params_->global_request_id.child_id);

    // Treat the last URL in the chain as the destination and the remainder as
    // the redirect chain.
    GURL transfer_url = pending_nav_params_->transfer_url_chain.back();

    // We don't know whether the original request had |user_action| set to true.
    // However, since we force the navigation to be in the current tab, it
    // doesn't matter.
  } else if (pending_render_frame_host_) {
    RenderProcessHostImpl* pending_process =

void RenderFrameHostManager::DidNavigateFrame(
    RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host) {
  if (!cross_navigation_pending_) {

    // We should only hear this from our current renderer.
    DCHECK_EQ(render_frame_host_, render_frame_host);

    // Even when there is no pending RVH, there may be a pending Web UI.
    if (pending_web_ui())

  if (render_frame_host == pending_render_frame_host_) {
    // The pending cross-site navigation completed, so show the renderer.
    // If it committed without sending network requests (e.g., data URLs),
    // then we still need to swap out the old RFH first and run its unload
    // handler, only if it hasn't happened yet.  OK for that to happen in the
    // background.
    if (pending_render_frame_host_->render_view_host()->
            HasPendingCrossSiteRequest() &&
        pending_render_frame_host_->render_view_host()->rvh_state() ==
            RenderViewHostImpl::STATE_DEFAULT) {

    cross_navigation_pending_ = false;
  } else if (render_frame_host == render_frame_host_) {
    // A navigation in the original page has taken place.  Cancel the pending
    // one.
    cross_navigation_pending_ = false;
  } else {
    // No one else should be sending us DidNavigate in this state.

// TODO(creis): Take in RenderFrameHost instead, since frames can have openers.
void RenderFrameHostManager::DidDisownOpener(RenderViewHost* render_view_host) {
  // Notify all swapped out hosts, including the pending RVH.
  for (RenderFrameHostMap::iterator iter = swapped_out_hosts_.begin();
       iter != swapped_out_hosts_.end();
       ++iter) {

void RenderFrameHostManager::RendererProcessClosing(
    RenderProcessHost* render_process_host) {
  // Remove any swapped out RVHs from this process, so that we don't try to
  // swap them back in while the process is exiting.  Start by finding them,
  // since there could be more than one.
  std::list<int> ids_to_remove;
  for (RenderFrameHostMap::iterator iter = swapped_out_hosts_.begin();
       iter != swapped_out_hosts_.end();
       ++iter) {
    if (iter->second->GetProcess() == render_process_host)

  // Now delete them.
  while (!ids_to_remove.empty()) {
    delete swapped_out_hosts_[ids_to_remove.back()];

void RenderFrameHostManager::SwapOutOldPage() {
  // Should only see this while we have a pending renderer or transfer.
  CHECK(cross_navigation_pending_ || pending_nav_params_.get());

  // Tell the renderer to suppress any further modal dialogs so that we can swap
  // it out.  This must be done before canceling any current dialog, in case
  // there is a loop creating additional dialogs.
  // TODO(creis): Handle modal dialogs in subframe processes.

  // Now close any modal dialogs that would prevent us from swapping out.  This
  // must be done separately from SwapOut, so that the PageGroupLoadDeferrer is
  // no longer on the stack when we send the SwapOut message.

  if (!frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
    // The RenderFrameHost being swapped out becomes the proxy for this
    // frame in its parent's process. CrossProcessFrameConnector
    // initialization only needs to happen on an initial cross-process
    // navigation, when the RenderFrame leaves the same process as its parent.
    // The same CrossProcessFrameConnector is used for subsequent cross-
    // process navigations, but it will be destroyed if the Frame is
    // navigated back to the same site instance as its parent.
    // TODO(kenrb): This will change when RenderFrameProxyHost is created.
    if (!cross_process_frame_connector_) {
      cross_process_frame_connector_ =
          new CrossProcessFrameConnector(render_frame_host_.get());

  // Tell the old frame it is being swapped out.  This will fire the unload
  // handler in the background (without firing the beforeunload handler a second
  // time).  When the navigation completes, we will send a message to the
  // ResourceDispatcherHost, allowing the pending RVH's response to resume.

  // ResourceDispatcherHost has told us to run the onunload handler, which
  // means it is not a download or unsafe page, and we are going to perform the
  // navigation.  Thus, we no longer need to remember that the RenderFrameHost
  // is part of a pending cross-site request.
  if (pending_render_frame_host_) {

void RenderFrameHostManager::ClearPendingShutdownRFHForSiteInstance(
    int32 site_instance_id,
    RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh) {
  RFHPendingDeleteMap::iterator iter =
  if (iter != pending_delete_hosts_.end() && iter->second.get() == rfh)

void RenderFrameHostManager::Observe(
    int type,
    const NotificationSource& source,
    const NotificationDetails& details) {
  switch (type) {


bool RenderFrameHostManager::ClearSwappedOutRFHsInSiteInstance(
    int32 site_instance_id,
    FrameTreeNode* node) {
  RenderFrameHostMap::iterator iter =
  if (iter != node->render_manager()->swapped_out_hosts_.end()) {
    RenderFrameHostImpl* swapped_out_rfh = iter->second;
    // If the RVH is pending swap out, it needs to switch state to
    // pending shutdown. Otherwise it is deleted.
    if (swapped_out_rfh->render_view_host()->rvh_state() ==
        RenderViewHostImpl::STATE_PENDING_SWAP_OUT) {
      RFHPendingDeleteMap::iterator pending_delete_iter =
      if (pending_delete_iter ==
              node->render_manager()->pending_delete_hosts_.end() ||
          pending_delete_iter->second.get() != iter->second) {
        node->render_manager()->pending_delete_hosts_[site_instance_id] =
    } else {
      delete swapped_out_rfh;

  return true;

bool RenderFrameHostManager::ShouldTransitionCrossSite() {
  // False in the single-process mode, as it makes RVHs to accumulate
  // in swapped_out_hosts_.
  // True if we are using process-per-site-instance (default) or
  // process-per-site (kProcessPerSite).
      !CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(switches::kSingleProcess) &&

bool RenderFrameHostManager::ShouldSwapBrowsingInstancesForNavigation(
    const NavigationEntry* current_entry,
    const NavigationEntryImpl* new_entry) const {

  // If new_entry already has a SiteInstance, assume it is correct.  We only
  // need to force a swap if it is in a different BrowsingInstance.
  if (new_entry->site_instance()) {
    return !new_entry->site_instance()->IsRelatedSiteInstance(

  // Check for reasons to swap processes even if we are in a process model that
  // doesn't usually swap (e.g., process-per-tab).  Any time we return true,
  // the new_entry will be rendered in a new SiteInstance AND BrowsingInstance.

  // We use the effective URL here, since that's what is used in the
  // SiteInstance's site and when we later call IsSameWebSite.  If there is no
  // current_entry, check the current SiteInstance's site, which might already
  // be committed to a Web UI URL (such as the NTP).
  BrowserContext* browser_context =
  const GURL& current_url = (current_entry) ?
                                        current_entry->GetURL()) :
  const GURL& new_url = SiteInstanceImpl::GetEffectiveURL(browser_context,

  // Don't force a new BrowsingInstance for debug URLs that are handled in the
  // renderer process, like javascript: or chrome://crash.
  if (IsRendererDebugURL(new_url))
    return false;

  // For security, we should transition between processes when one is a Web UI
  // page and one isn't.
  if (WebUIControllerFactoryRegistry::GetInstance()->UseWebUIForURL(
          browser_context, current_url)) {
    // If so, force a swap if destination is not an acceptable URL for Web UI.
    // Here, data URLs are never allowed.
    if (!WebUIControllerFactoryRegistry::GetInstance()->IsURLAcceptableForWebUI(
            browser_context, new_url)) {
      return true;
  } else {
    // Force a swap if it's a Web UI URL.
    if (WebUIControllerFactoryRegistry::GetInstance()->UseWebUIForURL(
            browser_context, new_url)) {
      return true;

  // Check with the content client as well.  Important to pass current_url here,
  // which uses the SiteInstance's site if there is no current_entry.
  if (GetContentClient()->browser()->ShouldSwapBrowsingInstancesForNavigation(
          current_url, new_url)) {
    return true;

  // We can't switch a RenderView between view source and non-view source mode
  // without screwing up the session history sometimes (when navigating between
  // "view-source:" and "", Blink doesn't treat
  // it as a new navigation). So require a BrowsingInstance switch.
  if (current_entry &&
      current_entry->IsViewSourceMode() != new_entry->IsViewSourceMode())
    return true;

  return false;

bool RenderFrameHostManager::ShouldReuseWebUI(
    const NavigationEntry* current_entry,
    const NavigationEntryImpl* new_entry) const {
  NavigationControllerImpl& controller =
  return current_entry && web_ui_.get() &&
          controller.GetBrowserContext(), current_entry->GetURL()) ==
          controller.GetBrowserContext(), new_entry->GetURL()));

SiteInstance* RenderFrameHostManager::GetSiteInstanceForEntry(
    const NavigationEntryImpl& entry,
    SiteInstance* current_instance,
    bool force_browsing_instance_swap) {
  // Determine which SiteInstance to use for navigating to |entry|.
  const GURL& dest_url = entry.GetURL();
  NavigationControllerImpl& controller =
  BrowserContext* browser_context = controller.GetBrowserContext();

  // If the entry has an instance already we should use it.
  if (entry.site_instance()) {
    // If we are forcing a swap, this should be in a different BrowsingInstance.
    if (force_browsing_instance_swap) {
    return entry.site_instance();

  // If a swap is required, we need to force the SiteInstance AND
  // BrowsingInstance to be different ones, using CreateForURL.
  if (force_browsing_instance_swap)
    return SiteInstance::CreateForURL(browser_context, dest_url);

  // (UGLY) HEURISTIC, process-per-site only:
  // If this navigation is generated, then it probably corresponds to a search
  // query.  Given that search results typically lead to users navigating to
  // other sites, we don't really want to use the search engine hostname to
  // determine the site instance for this navigation.
  // NOTE: This can be removed once we have a way to transition between
  //       RenderViews in response to a link click.
  if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(switches::kProcessPerSite) &&
                               PAGE_TRANSITION_GENERATED)) {
    return current_instance;

  SiteInstanceImpl* current_site_instance =

  // If we haven't used our SiteInstance (and thus RVH) yet, then we can use it
  // for this entry.  We won't commit the SiteInstance to this site until the
  // navigation commits (in DidNavigate), unless the navigation entry was
  // restored or it's a Web UI as described below.
  if (!current_site_instance->HasSite()) {
    // If we've already created a SiteInstance for our destination, we don't
    // want to use this unused SiteInstance; use the existing one.  (We don't
    // do this check if the current_instance has a site, because for now, we
    // want to compare against the current URL and not the SiteInstance's site.
    // In this case, there is no current URL, so comparing against the site is
    // ok.  See additional comments below.)
    // Also, if the URL should use process-per-site mode and there is an
    // existing process for the site, we should use it.  We can call
    // GetRelatedSiteInstance() for this, which will eagerly set the site and
    // thus use the correct process.
    bool use_process_per_site =
        RenderProcessHost::ShouldUseProcessPerSite(browser_context, dest_url) &&
        RenderProcessHostImpl::GetProcessHostForSite(browser_context, dest_url);
    if (current_site_instance->HasRelatedSiteInstance(dest_url) ||
        use_process_per_site) {
      return current_site_instance->GetRelatedSiteInstance(dest_url);

    // For extensions, Web UI URLs (such as the new tab page), and apps we do
    // not want to use the current_instance if it has no site, since it will
    // have a RenderProcessHost of PRIV_NORMAL.  Create a new SiteInstance for
    // this URL instead (with the correct process type).
    if (current_site_instance->HasWrongProcessForURL(dest_url))
      return current_site_instance->GetRelatedSiteInstance(dest_url);

    // View-source URLs must use a new SiteInstance and BrowsingInstance.
    // TODO(nasko): This is the same condition as later in the function. This
    // should be taken into account when refactoring this method as part of
    if (entry.IsViewSourceMode())
      return SiteInstance::CreateForURL(browser_context, dest_url);

    // If we are navigating from a blank SiteInstance to a WebUI, make sure we
    // create a new SiteInstance.
    if (WebUIControllerFactoryRegistry::GetInstance()->UseWebUIForURL(
            browser_context, dest_url)) {
        return SiteInstance::CreateForURL(browser_context, dest_url);

    // Normally the "site" on the SiteInstance is set lazily when the load
    // actually commits. This is to support better process sharing in case
    // the site redirects to some other site: we want to use the destination
    // site in the site instance.
    // In the case of session restore, as it loads all the pages immediately
    // we need to set the site first, otherwise after a restore none of the
    // pages would share renderers in process-per-site.
    if (entry.restore_type() != NavigationEntryImpl::RESTORE_NONE)

    return current_site_instance;

  // Otherwise, only create a new SiteInstance for a cross-site navigation.

  // TODO(creis): Once we intercept links and script-based navigations, we
  // will be able to enforce that all entries in a SiteInstance actually have
  // the same site, and it will be safe to compare the URL against the
  // SiteInstance's site, as follows:
  // const GURL& current_url = current_instance->site();
  // For now, though, we're in a hybrid model where you only switch
  // SiteInstances if you type in a cross-site URL.  This means we have to
  // compare the entry's URL to the last committed entry's URL.
  NavigationEntry* current_entry = controller.GetLastCommittedEntry();
  if (interstitial_page_) {
    // The interstitial is currently the last committed entry, but we want to
    // compare against the last non-interstitial entry.
    current_entry = controller.GetEntryAtOffset(-1);
  // If there is no last non-interstitial entry (and current_instance already
  // has a site), then we must have been opened from another tab.  We want
  // to compare against the URL of the page that opened us, but we can't
  // get to it directly.  The best we can do is check against the site of
  // the SiteInstance.  This will be correct when we intercept links and
  // script-based navigations, but for now, it could place some pages in a
  // new process unnecessarily.  We should only hit this case if a page tries
  // to open a new tab to an interstitial-inducing URL, and then navigates
  // the page to a different same-site URL.  (This seems very unlikely in
  // practice.)
  const GURL& current_url = (current_entry) ? current_entry->GetURL() :

  // View-source URLs must use a new SiteInstance and BrowsingInstance.
  // We don't need a swap when going from view-source to a debug URL like
  // chrome://crash, however.
  // TODO(creis): Refactor this method so this duplicated code isn't needed.
  // See
  if (current_entry &&
      current_entry->IsViewSourceMode() != entry.IsViewSourceMode() &&
      !IsRendererDebugURL(dest_url)) {
    return SiteInstance::CreateForURL(browser_context, dest_url);

  // Use the current SiteInstance for same site navigations, as long as the
  // process type is correct.  (The URL may have been installed as an app since
  // the last time we visited it.)
  if (SiteInstance::IsSameWebSite(browser_context, current_url, dest_url) &&
      !current_site_instance->HasWrongProcessForURL(dest_url)) {
    return current_instance;

  // Start the new renderer in a new SiteInstance, but in the current
  // BrowsingInstance.  It is important to immediately give this new
  // SiteInstance to a RenderViewHost (if it is different than our current
  // SiteInstance), so that it is ref counted.  This will happen in
  // CreateRenderView.
  return current_instance->GetRelatedSiteInstance(dest_url);

RenderFrameHostImpl* RenderFrameHostManager::CreateRenderFrameHost(
    SiteInstance* site_instance,
    int view_routing_id,
    int frame_routing_id,
    bool swapped_out,
    bool hidden) {
  if (frame_routing_id == MSG_ROUTING_NONE)
    frame_routing_id = site_instance->GetProcess()->GetNextRoutingID();

  // Create a RVH for main frames, or find the existing one for subframes.
  FrameTree* frame_tree = frame_tree_node_->frame_tree();
  RenderViewHostImpl* render_view_host = NULL;
  if (frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
    render_view_host = frame_tree->CreateRenderViewHostForMainFrame(
        site_instance, view_routing_id, frame_routing_id, swapped_out, hidden);
  } else {
    render_view_host = frame_tree->GetRenderViewHostForSubFrame(site_instance);

    // If we haven't found a RVH for a subframe RFH, it's because we currently
    // do not create top-level RFHs for pending subframe navigations.  Create
    // the RVH here for now.
    // TODO(creis): Mirror the frame tree so this check isn't necessary.
    if (!render_view_host) {
      render_view_host = frame_tree->CreateRenderViewHostForMainFrame(
          site_instance, view_routing_id, frame_routing_id, swapped_out,

  // TODO(creis): Make render_frame_host a scoped_ptr.
  // TODO(creis): Pass hidden to RFH.
  RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host =
  return render_frame_host;

int RenderFrameHostManager::CreateRenderFrame(
    SiteInstance* instance,
    int opener_route_id,
    bool swapped_out,
    bool hidden) {
  DCHECK(!swapped_out || hidden); // Swapped out views should always be hidden.

  // We are creating a pending or swapped out RFH here.  We should never create
  // it in the same SiteInstance as our current RFH.
  CHECK_NE(render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance(), instance);

  // Check if we've already created an RFH for this SiteInstance.  If so, try
  // to re-use the existing one, which has already been initialized.  We'll
  // remove it from the list of swapped out hosts if it commits.
  RenderFrameHostImpl* new_render_frame_host =

  FrameTreeNode* parent_node = NULL;
  if (frame_tree_node_)
    parent_node = frame_tree_node_->parent();

  if (new_render_frame_host) {
    // Prevent the process from exiting while we're trying to use it.
    if (!swapped_out) {
    } else {
      // Detect if this is a cross-process child frame that is navigating
      // back to the same SiteInstance as its parent.
      if (parent_node && cross_process_frame_connector_ &&
          render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance() == parent_node->
              render_manager()->current_frame_host()->GetSiteInstance()) {
        delete cross_process_frame_connector_;
        cross_process_frame_connector_ = NULL;
  } else {
    // Create a new RenderFrameHost if we don't find an existing one.
    // TODO(creis): Make new_render_frame_host a scoped_ptr.
    new_render_frame_host = CreateRenderFrameHost(instance, MSG_ROUTING_NONE,
                                                  MSG_ROUTING_NONE, swapped_out,

    // If the new RFH is swapped out already, store it.  Otherwise prevent the
    // process from exiting while we're trying to navigate in it.
    if (swapped_out) {
      swapped_out_hosts_[instance->GetId()] = new_render_frame_host;
    } else {

    RenderViewHostImpl* render_view_host =
    bool success = InitRenderView(render_view_host, opener_route_id);
    if (success && frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame()) {
      // Don't show the main frame's view until we get a DidNavigate from it.
    } else if (!swapped_out && pending_render_frame_host_) {

  // Use this as our new pending RFH if it isn't swapped out.
  if (!swapped_out)

  return new_render_frame_host->render_view_host()->GetRoutingID();

bool RenderFrameHostManager::InitRenderView(RenderViewHost* render_view_host,
                                            int opener_route_id) {
  // We may have initialized this RenderViewHost for another RenderFrameHost.
  if (render_view_host->IsRenderViewLive())
    return true;

  // If the pending navigation is to a WebUI and the RenderView is not in a
  // guest process, tell the RenderViewHost about any bindings it will need
  // enabled.
  if (pending_web_ui() && !render_view_host->GetProcess()->IsGuest()) {
  } else {
    // Ensure that we don't create an unprivileged RenderView in a WebUI-enabled
    // process unless it's swapped out.
    RenderViewHostImpl* rvh_impl =
    if (!rvh_impl->IsSwappedOut()) {

  return delegate_->CreateRenderViewForRenderManager(
      render_view_host, opener_route_id, cross_process_frame_connector_);

void RenderFrameHostManager::CommitPending() {
  // First check whether we're going to want to focus the location bar after
  // this commit.  We do this now because the navigation hasn't formally
  // committed yet, so if we've already cleared |pending_web_ui_| the call chain
  // this triggers won't be able to figure out what's going on.
  bool will_focus_location_bar = delegate_->FocusLocationBarByDefault();

  // We expect SwapOutOldPage to have canceled any modal dialogs and told the
  // renderer to suppress any further dialogs until it is swapped out.  However,
  // crash reports indicate that it's still possible for modal dialogs to exist
  // at this point, which poses a risk if we delete their RenderViewHost below.
  // Cancel them again to be safe.

  // Next commit the Web UI, if any. Either replace |web_ui_| with
  // |pending_web_ui_|, or clear |web_ui_| if there is no pending WebUI, or
  // leave |web_ui_| as is if reusing it.
  DCHECK(!(pending_web_ui_.get() && pending_and_current_web_ui_.get()));
  if (pending_web_ui_) {
  } else if (!pending_and_current_web_ui_.get()) {
  } else {
    DCHECK_EQ(pending_and_current_web_ui_.get(), web_ui_.get());

  // It's possible for the pending_render_frame_host_ to be NULL when we aren't
  // crossing process boundaries. If so, we just needed to handle the Web UI
  // committing above and we're done.
  if (!pending_render_frame_host_) {
    if (will_focus_location_bar)

  // Remember if the page was focused so we can focus the new renderer in
  // that case.
  bool focus_render_view = !will_focus_location_bar &&
      render_frame_host_->render_view_host()->GetView() &&

  // TODO(creis): As long as show/hide are on RVH, we don't want to do them for
  // subframe navigations or they'll interfere with the top-level page.
  bool is_main_frame = frame_tree_node_->IsMainFrame();

  // Swap in the pending frame and make it active. Also ensure the FrameTree
  // stays in sync.
  RenderFrameHostImpl* old_render_frame_host = render_frame_host_.release();
  render_frame_host_ = pending_render_frame_host_.Pass();
  if (is_main_frame)

  // The process will no longer try to exit, so we can decrement the count.

  // If the view is gone, then this RenderViewHost died while it was hidden.
  // We ignored the RenderProcessGone call at the time, so we should send it now
  // to make sure the sad tab shows up, etc.
  if (!render_frame_host_->render_view_host()->GetView()) {
  } else if (!delegate_->IsHidden()) {

  // If the old view is live and top-level, hide it now that the new one is
  // visible.
  int32 old_site_instance_id =
  if (old_render_frame_host->render_view_host()->GetView()) {
    if (is_main_frame) {
    } else {
      // TODO(creis): We'll need to set this back to false if we navigate back.

  // Make sure the size is up to date.  (Fix for bug 1079768.)

  if (will_focus_location_bar) {
  } else if (focus_render_view &&
             render_frame_host_->render_view_host()->GetView()) {

  // Notify that we've swapped RenderFrameHosts. We do this before shutting down
  // the RFH so that we can clean up RendererResources related to the RFH first.
  // TODO(creis): Only do this on top-level RFHs for now, and later update it to
  // pass the RFHs.
  if (is_main_frame) {

  // If the pending frame was on the swapped out list, we can remove it.

  if (old_render_frame_host->render_view_host()->IsRenderViewLive()) {
    // If the old RFH is live, we are swapping it out and should keep track of
    // it in case we navigate back to it, or it is waiting for the unload event
    // to execute in the background.
    // TODO(creis): Swap out the subframe in --site-per-process.
    if (!CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(switches::kSitePerProcess))
      DCHECK(old_render_frame_host->is_swapped_out() ||
    // Temp fix for until we do a better cleanup to make
    // sure we don't get different rvh instances for the same site instance
    // in the same rvhmgr.
    // TODO(creis): Clean this up.
    RenderFrameHostMap::iterator iter =
    if (iter != swapped_out_hosts_.end() &&
        iter->second != old_render_frame_host) {
      // Delete the RFH that will be replaced in the map to avoid a leak.
      delete iter->second;
    // If the RenderViewHost backing the RenderFrameHost is pending shutdown,
    // the RenderFrameHost should be put in the map of RenderFrameHosts pending
    // shutdown. Otherwise, it is stored in the map of swapped out
    // RenderFrameHosts.
    if (old_render_frame_host->render_view_host()->rvh_state() ==
            RenderViewHostImpl::STATE_PENDING_SHUTDOWN) {
      RFHPendingDeleteMap::iterator pending_delete_iter =
      if (pending_delete_iter == pending_delete_hosts_.end() ||
          pending_delete_iter->second.get() != old_render_frame_host) {
        pending_delete_hosts_[old_site_instance_id] =
    } else {
      swapped_out_hosts_[old_site_instance_id] = old_render_frame_host;

    // If there are no active views in this SiteInstance, it means that
    // this RFH was the last active one in the SiteInstance. Now that we
    // know that all RFHs are swapped out, we can delete all the RFHs and RVHs
    // in this SiteInstance.  We do this after ensuring the RFH is on the
    // swapped out list to simplify the deletion.
    if (!static_cast<SiteInstanceImpl*>(
            old_render_frame_host->GetSiteInstance())->active_view_count()) {
      // This is deleted while cleaning up the SiteInstance's views.
      old_render_frame_host = NULL;
  } else {
    delete old_render_frame_host;

void RenderFrameHostManager::ShutdownRenderFrameHostsInSiteInstance(
    int32 site_instance_id) {
  // First remove any swapped out RFH for this SiteInstance from our own list.
  ClearSwappedOutRFHsInSiteInstance(site_instance_id, frame_tree_node_);

  // Use the safe RenderWidgetHost iterator for now to find all RenderViewHosts
  // in the SiteInstance, then tell their respective FrameTrees to remove all
  // swapped out RenderFrameHosts corresponding to them.
  // TODO(creis): Replace this with a RenderFrameHostIterator that protects
  // against use-after-frees if a later element is deleted before getting to it.
  scoped_ptr<RenderWidgetHostIterator> widgets(
  while (RenderWidgetHost* widget = widgets->GetNextHost()) {
    if (!widget->IsRenderView())
    RenderViewHostImpl* rvh =
    if (site_instance_id == rvh->GetSiteInstance()->GetId()) {
      // This deletes all RenderFrameHosts using the |rvh|, which then causes
      // |rvh| to Shutdown.
      FrameTree* tree = rvh->GetDelegate()->GetFrameTree();

RenderFrameHostImpl* RenderFrameHostManager::UpdateRendererStateForNavigate(
    const NavigationEntryImpl& entry) {
  // If we are currently navigating cross-process, we want to get back to normal
  // and then navigate as usual.
  if (cross_navigation_pending_) {
    if (pending_render_frame_host_)
    cross_navigation_pending_ = false;

  // render_frame_host_'s SiteInstance and new_instance will not be deleted
  // before the end of this method, so we don't have to worry about their ref
  // counts dropping to zero.
  SiteInstance* current_instance = render_frame_host_->GetSiteInstance();
  SiteInstance* new_instance = current_instance;

  // We do not currently swap processes for navigations in webview tag guests.
  bool is_guest_scheme = current_instance->GetSiteURL().SchemeIs(kGuestScheme);

  // Determine if we need a new BrowsingInstance for this entry.  If true, this
  // implies that it will get a new SiteInstance (and likely process), and that
  // other tabs in the current BrowsingInstance will be unable to script it.
  // This is used for cases that require a process swap even in the
  // process-per-tab model, such as WebUI pages.
  const NavigationEntry* current_entry =
  bool force_swap = !is_guest_scheme &&
      ShouldSwapBrowsingInstancesForNavigation(current_entry, &entry);
  if (!is_guest_scheme && (ShouldTransitionCrossSite() || force_swap))
    new_instance = GetSiteInstanceForEntry(entry, current_instance, force_swap);

  // If force_swap is true, we must use a different SiteInstance.  If we didn't,
  // we would have two RenderFrameHosts in the same SiteInstance and the same
  // frame, resulting in page_id conflicts for their NavigationEntries.
  if (force_swap)
    CHECK_NE(new_instance, current_instance);

  if (new_instance != current_instance) {
    // New SiteInstance: create a pending RFH to navigate.

    // This will possibly create (set to NULL) a Web UI object for the pending
    // page. We'll use this later to give the page special access. This must
    // happen before the new renderer is created below so it will get bindings.
    // It must also happen after the above conditional call to CancelPending(),
    // otherwise CancelPending may clear the pending_web_ui_ and the page will
    // not have its bindings set appropriately.

    // Ensure that we have created RFHs for the new RFH's opener chain if
    // we are staying in the same BrowsingInstance. This allows the pending RFH
    // to send cross-process script calls to its opener(s).
    int opener_route_id = MSG_ROUTING_NONE;
    if (new_instance->IsRelatedSiteInstance(current_instance)) {
      opener_route_id =

    // Create a non-swapped-out pending RFH with the given opener and navigate
    // it.
    int route_id = CreateRenderFrame(new_instance, opener_route_id, false,
    if (route_id == MSG_ROUTING_NONE)
      return NULL;

    // Check if our current RFH is live before we set up a transition.
    if (!render_frame_host_->render_view_host()->IsRenderViewLive()) {
      if (!cross_navigation_pending_) {
        // The current RFH is not live.  There's no reason to sit around with a
        // sad tab or a newly created RFH while we wait for the pending RFH to
        // navigate.  Just switch to the pending RFH now and go back to non
        // cross-navigating (Note that we don't care about on{before}unload
        // handlers if the current RFH isn't live.)
        return render_frame_host_.get();
      } else {
        return render_frame_host_.get();
    // Otherwise, it's safe to treat this as a pending cross-site transition.

    // We need to wait until the beforeunload handler has run, unless we are
    // transferring an existing request (in which case it has already run).
    // Suspend the new render view (i.e., don't let it send the cross-site
    // Navigate message) until we hear back from the old renderer's
    // beforeunload handler.  If the handler returns false, we'll have to
    // cancel the request.
    bool is_transfer =
        entry.transferred_global_request_id() != GlobalRequestID();
    if (is_transfer) {
      // We don't need to stop the old renderer or run beforeunload/unload
      // handlers, because those have already been done.
      DCHECK(pending_nav_params_->global_request_id ==
    } else {
      // Also make sure the old render view stops, in case a load is in
      // progress.  (We don't want to do this for transfers, since it will
      // interrupt the transfer with an unexpected DidStopLoading.)
      render_frame_host_->render_view_host()->Send(new ViewMsg_Stop(

          true, base::TimeTicks());

      // Tell the CrossSiteRequestManager that this RVH has a pending cross-site
      // request, so that ResourceDispatcherHost will know to tell us to run the
      // old page's unload handler before it sends the response.
      // TODO(creis): This needs to be on the RFH.

    // We now have a pending RFH.
    cross_navigation_pending_ = true;

    // Unless we are transferring an existing request, we should now
    // tell the old render view to run its beforeunload handler, since it
    // doesn't otherwise know that the cross-site request is happening.  This
    // will trigger a call to OnBeforeUnloadACK with the reply.
    if (!is_transfer)

    return pending_render_frame_host_.get();

  // Otherwise the same SiteInstance can be used.  Navigate render_frame_host_.
  if (ShouldReuseWebUI(current_entry, &entry)) {
    pending_and_current_web_ui_ = web_ui_->AsWeakPtr();
  } else {

    // Make sure the new RenderViewHost has the right bindings.
    if (pending_web_ui() && !render_frame_host_->GetProcess()->IsGuest()) {

  if (pending_web_ui() &&
      render_frame_host_->render_view_host()->IsRenderViewLive()) {

  // The renderer can exit view source mode when any error or cancellation
  // happen. We must overwrite to recover the mode.
  if (entry.IsViewSourceMode()) {
        new ViewMsg_EnableViewSourceMode(

  return render_frame_host_.get();

void RenderFrameHostManager::CancelPending() {
  RenderFrameHostImpl* pending_render_frame_host =


  // We no longer need to prevent the process from exiting.

  // The pending RFH may already be on the swapped out list if we started to
  // swap it back in and then canceled.  If so, make sure it gets swapped out
  // again.  If it's not on the swapped out list (e.g., aborting a pending
  // load), then it's safe to shut down.
  if (IsOnSwappedOutList(pending_render_frame_host)) {
    // Any currently suspended navigations are no longer needed.

  } else {
    // We won't be coming back, so shut this one down.
    delete pending_render_frame_host;


void RenderFrameHostManager::RenderViewDeleted(RenderViewHost* rvh) {
  // We are doing this in order to work around and to track a crasher
  // ( where it seems that pending_render_frame_host_ is
  // deleted (not sure from where) but not NULLed.
  if (pending_render_frame_host_ &&
      rvh == pending_render_frame_host_->render_view_host()) {
    // If you hit this NOTREACHED, please report it in the following bug
    // Make sure to include what you were doing when it
    // happened  (navigating to a new page, closing a tab...) and if you can
    // reproduce.

  // Make sure deleted RVHs are not kept in the swapped out list while we are
  // still alive.  (If render_frame_host_ is null, we're already being deleted.)
  if (!render_frame_host_)

  // We can't look it up by SiteInstance ID, which may no longer be valid.
  for (RenderFrameHostMap::iterator iter = swapped_out_hosts_.begin();
       iter != swapped_out_hosts_.end();
       ++iter) {
    if (iter->second->render_view_host() == rvh) {

bool RenderFrameHostManager::IsRVHOnSwappedOutList(
    RenderViewHostImpl* rvh) const {
  RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host = GetSwappedOutRenderFrameHost(
  if (!render_frame_host)
    return false;
  return IsOnSwappedOutList(render_frame_host);

bool RenderFrameHostManager::IsOnSwappedOutList(
    RenderFrameHostImpl* rfh) const {
  if (!rfh->GetSiteInstance())
    return false;

  RenderFrameHostMap::const_iterator iter = swapped_out_hosts_.find(
  if (iter == swapped_out_hosts_.end())
    return false;

  return iter->second == rfh;

RenderViewHostImpl* RenderFrameHostManager::GetSwappedOutRenderViewHost(
   SiteInstance* instance) const {
  RenderFrameHostImpl* render_frame_host =
  if (render_frame_host)
    return render_frame_host->render_view_host();
  return NULL;

RenderFrameHostImpl* RenderFrameHostManager::GetSwappedOutRenderFrameHost(
    SiteInstance* instance) const {
  RenderFrameHostMap::const_iterator iter =
  if (iter != swapped_out_hosts_.end())
    return iter->second;

  return NULL;

}  // namespace content

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