
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. EncodeIntSafely
  2. MaxIDBKey
  3. MinIDBKey
  4. EncodeByte
  5. EncodeBool
  6. EncodeInt
  7. EncodeVarInt
  8. EncodeString
  9. EncodeBinary
  10. EncodeStringWithLength
  11. EncodeDouble
  12. EncodeIDBKey
  13. EncodeIDBKeyPath
  14. DecodeByte
  15. DecodeBool
  16. DecodeInt
  17. DecodeVarInt
  18. DecodeString
  19. DecodeStringWithLength
  20. DecodeBinary
  21. DecodeIDBKey
  22. DecodeDouble
  23. DecodeIDBKeyPath
  24. ConsumeEncodedIDBKey
  25. ExtractEncodedIDBKey
  26. KeyTypeByteToKeyType
  27. CompareEncodedStringsWithLength
  28. CompareEncodedBinary
  29. CompareInts
  30. CompareSizes
  31. CompareTypes
  32. CompareEncodedIDBKeys
  33. Compare
  34. CompareSuffix
  35. Compare
  36. Compare
  37. index_id_
  38. index_id_
  39. index_id_
  40. index_id_
  41. index_id_
  42. CreateWithSpecialIndex
  43. IsValidDatabaseId
  44. IsValidObjectStoreId
  45. IsValidIndexId
  46. Decode
  47. EncodeEmpty
  48. Encode
  49. EncodeInternal
  50. Compare
  51. type
  52. Encode
  53. Encode
  54. Encode
  55. Encode
  56. Encode
  57. Decode
  58. Encode
  59. EncodeMaxKey
  60. DatabaseId
  61. Compare
  62. Decode
  63. Encode
  64. EncodeMinKeyForOrigin
  65. EncodeStopKeyForOrigin
  66. Compare
  67. IsValidBlobKey
  68. Encode
  69. meta_data_type_
  70. Decode
  71. Encode
  72. EncodeMaxKey
  73. EncodeMaxKey
  74. ObjectStoreId
  75. MetaDataType
  76. Compare
  77. meta_data_type_
  78. Decode
  79. Encode
  80. EncodeMaxKey
  81. EncodeMaxKey
  82. Compare
  83. IndexId
  84. Decode
  85. Encode
  86. EncodeMaxKey
  87. ObjectStoreId
  88. Compare
  89. index_id_
  90. Decode
  91. Encode
  92. EncodeMaxKey
  93. Compare
  94. ObjectStoreId
  95. IndexId
  96. Decode
  97. Encode
  98. Compare
  99. Decode
  100. Encode
  101. Compare
  102. Decode
  103. Encode
  104. Encode
  105. user_key
  106. Decode
  107. Encode
  108. Encode
  109. user_key
  110. Decode
  111. FromObjectStoreDataKey
  112. ReencodeToObjectStoreDataKey
  113. EncodeMinKeyForObjectStore
  114. EncodeStopKeyForObjectStore
  115. Encode
  116. Encode
  117. Encode
  118. sequence_number_
  119. Decode
  120. Encode
  121. Encode
  122. Encode
  123. EncodeMinKey
  124. EncodeMaxKey
  125. DatabaseId
  126. ObjectStoreId
  127. IndexId
  128. user_key
  129. primary_key

// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "content/browser/indexed_db/indexed_db_leveldb_coding.h"

#include <iterator>
#include <limits>

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/sys_byteorder.h"
#include "content/common/indexed_db/indexed_db_key.h"
#include "content/common/indexed_db/indexed_db_key_path.h"

// LevelDB Coding Scheme
// =====================
// LevelDB stores key/value pairs. Keys and values are strings of bytes,
// normally of type std::string.
// The keys in the backing store are variable-length tuples with different
// types of fields. Each key in the backing store starts with a ternary
// prefix: (database id, object store id, index id). For each, 0 is reserved
// for metadata. See KeyPrefix::Decode() for details of the prefix coding.
// The prefix makes sure that data for a specific database, object store, and
// index are grouped together. The locality is important for performance:
// common operations should only need a minimal number of seek operations. For
// example, all the metadata for a database is grouped together so that
// reading that metadata only requires one seek.
// Each key type has a class (in square brackets below) which knows how to
// encode, decode, and compare that key type.
// Strings (origins, names, etc) are encoded as UTF-16BE.
// Global metadata
// ---------------
// The prefix is <0, 0, 0>, followed by a metadata type byte:
// <0, 0, 0, 0> => backing store schema version [SchemaVersionKey]
// <0, 0, 0, 1> => maximum allocated database [MaxDatabaseIdKey]
// <0, 0, 0, 2> => SerializedScriptValue version [DataVersionKey]
// <0, 0, 0, 3>
//   => Blob journal
//     The format of the journal is: {database_id, blobKey}*.
//     If the blobKey is kAllBlobsKey, the whole database should be deleted.
//     [BlobJournalKey]
// <0, 0, 0, 4> => Live blob journal; same format. [LiveBlobJournalKey]
// <0, 0, 0, 100, database id>
//   => Existence implies the database id is in the free list
//      [DatabaseFreeListKey]
// <0, 0, 0, 201, origin, database name> => Database id [DatabaseNameKey]
// Database metadata: [DatabaseMetaDataKey]
// ----------------------------------------
// The prefix is <database id, 0, 0> followed by a metadata type byte:
// <database id, 0, 0, 0> => origin name
// <database id, 0, 0, 1> => database name
// <database id, 0, 0, 2> => IDB string version data (obsolete)
// <database id, 0, 0, 3> => maximum allocated object store id
// <database id, 0, 0, 4> => IDB integer version (var int)
// <database id, 0, 0, 5> => blob key generator current number
// Object store metadata: [ObjectStoreMetaDataKey]
// -----------------------------------------------
// The prefix is <database id, 0, 0>, followed by a type byte (50), then the
// object store id (var int), then a metadata type byte.
// <database id, 0, 0, 50, object store id, 0> => object store name
// <database id, 0, 0, 50, object store id, 1> => key path
// <database id, 0, 0, 50, object store id, 2> => auto increment flag
// <database id, 0, 0, 50, object store id, 3> => is evictable
// <database id, 0, 0, 50, object store id, 4> => last "version" number
// <database id, 0, 0, 50, object store id, 5> => maximum allocated index id
// <database id, 0, 0, 50, object store id, 6> => has key path flag (obsolete)
// <database id, 0, 0, 50, object store id, 7> => key generator current number
// The key path was originally just a string (#1) or null (identified by flag,
// #6). To support null, string, or array the coding is now identified by the
// leading bytes in #1 - see EncodeIDBKeyPath.
// The "version" field is used to weed out stale index data. Whenever new
// object store data is inserted, it gets a new "version" number, and new
// index data is written with this number. When the index is used for
// look-ups, entries are validated against the "exists" entries, and records
// with old "version" numbers are deleted when they are encountered in
// GetPrimaryKeyViaIndex, IndexCursorImpl::LoadCurrentRow and
// IndexKeyCursorImpl::LoadCurrentRow.
// Index metadata: [IndexMetaDataKey]
// ----------------------------------
// The prefix is <database id, 0, 0>, followed by a type byte (100), then the
// object store id (var int), then the index id (var int), then a metadata
// type byte.
// <database id, 0, 0, 100, object store id, index id, 0> => index name
// <database id, 0, 0, 100, object store id, index id, 1> => unique flag
// <database id, 0, 0, 100, object store id, index id, 2> => key path
// <database id, 0, 0, 100, object store id, index id, 3> => multi-entry flag
// Other object store and index metadata
// -------------------------------------
// The prefix is <database id, 0, 0> followed by a type byte. The object
// store and index id are variable length integers, the names are variable
// length strings.
// <database id, 0, 0, 150, object store id>
//   => existence implies the object store id is in the free list
//      [ObjectStoreFreeListKey]
// <database id, 0, 0, 151, object store id, index id>
//   => existence implies the index id is in the free list [IndexFreeListKey]
// <database id, 0, 0, 200, object store name>
//   => object store id [ObjectStoreNamesKey]
// <database id, 0, 0, 201, object store id, index name>
//   => index id [IndexNamesKey]
// Object store data: [ObjectStoreDataKey]
// ---------------------------------------
// The prefix is followed by a type byte and the encoded IDB primary key. The
// data has a "version" prefix followed by the serialized script value.
// <database id, object store id, 1, user key>
//   => "version", serialized script value
// "Exists" entry: [ExistsEntryKey]
// --------------------------------
// The prefix is followed by a type byte and the encoded IDB primary key.
// <database id, object store id, 2, user key> => "version"
// Blob entry table: [BlobEntryKey]
// --------------------------------
// The prefix is followed by a type byte and the encoded IDB primary key.
// <database id, object store id, 3, user key> => array of IndexedDBBlobInfo
// Index data
// ----------
// The prefix is followed by a type byte, the encoded IDB index key, a
// "sequence" number (obsolete; var int), and the encoded IDB primary key.
// <database id, object store id, index id, index key, sequence number,
//   primary key> => "version", primary key [IndexDataKey]
// The sequence number is obsolete; it was used to allow two entries with the
// same user (index) key in non-unique indexes prior to the inclusion of the
// primary key in the data.

using base::StringPiece;
using blink::WebIDBKeyType;
using blink::WebIDBKeyTypeArray;
using blink::WebIDBKeyTypeBinary;
using blink::WebIDBKeyTypeDate;
using blink::WebIDBKeyTypeInvalid;
using blink::WebIDBKeyTypeMin;
using blink::WebIDBKeyTypeNull;
using blink::WebIDBKeyTypeNumber;
using blink::WebIDBKeyTypeString;
using blink::WebIDBKeyPathType;
using blink::WebIDBKeyPathTypeArray;
using blink::WebIDBKeyPathTypeNull;
using blink::WebIDBKeyPathTypeString;

namespace content {

// As most of the IndexedDBKeys and encoded values are short, we
// initialize some std::vectors with a default inline buffer size to reduce
// the memory re-allocations when the std::vectors are appended.
static const size_t kDefaultInlineBufferSize = 32;

static const unsigned char kIndexedDBKeyNullTypeByte = 0;
static const unsigned char kIndexedDBKeyStringTypeByte = 1;
static const unsigned char kIndexedDBKeyDateTypeByte = 2;
static const unsigned char kIndexedDBKeyNumberTypeByte = 3;
static const unsigned char kIndexedDBKeyArrayTypeByte = 4;
static const unsigned char kIndexedDBKeyMinKeyTypeByte = 5;
static const unsigned char kIndexedDBKeyBinaryTypeByte = 6;

static const unsigned char kIndexedDBKeyPathTypeCodedByte1 = 0;
static const unsigned char kIndexedDBKeyPathTypeCodedByte2 = 0;

static const unsigned char kObjectStoreDataIndexId = 1;
static const unsigned char kExistsEntryIndexId = 2;
static const unsigned char kBlobEntryIndexId = 3;

static const unsigned char kSchemaVersionTypeByte = 0;
static const unsigned char kMaxDatabaseIdTypeByte = 1;
static const unsigned char kDataVersionTypeByte = 2;
static const unsigned char kBlobJournalTypeByte = 3;
static const unsigned char kLiveBlobJournalTypeByte = 4;
static const unsigned char kMaxSimpleGlobalMetaDataTypeByte =
    5;  // Insert before this and increment.
static const unsigned char kDatabaseFreeListTypeByte = 100;
static const unsigned char kDatabaseNameTypeByte = 201;

static const unsigned char kObjectStoreMetaDataTypeByte = 50;
static const unsigned char kIndexMetaDataTypeByte = 100;
static const unsigned char kObjectStoreFreeListTypeByte = 150;
static const unsigned char kIndexFreeListTypeByte = 151;
static const unsigned char kObjectStoreNamesTypeByte = 200;
static const unsigned char kIndexNamesKeyTypeByte = 201;

static const unsigned char kObjectMetaDataTypeMaximum = 255;
static const unsigned char kIndexMetaDataTypeMaximum = 255;

const unsigned char kMinimumIndexId = 30;

inline void EncodeIntSafely(int64 nParam, int64 max, std::string* into) {
  DCHECK_LE(nParam, max);
  return EncodeInt(nParam, into);

std::string MaxIDBKey() {
  std::string ret;
  EncodeByte(kIndexedDBKeyNullTypeByte, &ret);
  return ret;

std::string MinIDBKey() {
  std::string ret;
  EncodeByte(kIndexedDBKeyMinKeyTypeByte, &ret);
  return ret;

void EncodeByte(unsigned char value, std::string* into) {

void EncodeBool(bool value, std::string* into) {
  into->push_back(value ? 1 : 0);

void EncodeInt(int64 value, std::string* into) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
  // Exercised by unit tests in debug only.
  DCHECK_GE(value, 0);
  uint64 n = static_cast<uint64>(value);

  do {
    unsigned char c = n;
    n >>= 8;
  } while (n);

void EncodeVarInt(int64 value, std::string* into) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
  // Exercised by unit tests in debug only.
  DCHECK_GE(value, 0);
  uint64 n = static_cast<uint64>(value);

  do {
    unsigned char c = n & 0x7f;
    n >>= 7;
    if (n)
      c |= 0x80;
  } while (n);

void EncodeString(const base::string16& value, std::string* into) {
  if (value.empty())
  // Backing store is UTF-16BE, convert from host endianness.
  size_t length = value.length();
  size_t current = into->size();
  into->resize(into->size() + length * sizeof(base::char16));

  const base::char16* src = value.c_str();
  base::char16* dst =
      reinterpret_cast<base::char16*>(&*into->begin() + current);
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i)
    *dst++ = htons(*src++);

void EncodeBinary(const std::string& value, std::string* into) {
  EncodeVarInt(value.length(), into);
  into->append(value.begin(), value.end());
  DCHECK(into->size() >= value.size());

void EncodeStringWithLength(const base::string16& value, std::string* into) {
  EncodeVarInt(value.length(), into);
  EncodeString(value, into);

void EncodeDouble(double value, std::string* into) {
  // This always has host endianness.
  const char* p = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value);
  into->insert(into->end(), p, p + sizeof(value));

void EncodeIDBKey(const IndexedDBKey& value, std::string* into) {
  size_t previous_size = into->size();
  switch (value.type()) {
    case WebIDBKeyTypeArray: {
      EncodeByte(kIndexedDBKeyArrayTypeByte, into);
      size_t length = value.array().size();
      EncodeVarInt(length, into);
      for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i)
        EncodeIDBKey(value.array()[i], into);
      DCHECK_GT(into->size(), previous_size);
    case WebIDBKeyTypeBinary:
      EncodeByte(kIndexedDBKeyBinaryTypeByte, into);
      EncodeBinary(value.binary(), into);
      DCHECK_GT(into->size(), previous_size);
    case WebIDBKeyTypeString:
      EncodeByte(kIndexedDBKeyStringTypeByte, into);
      EncodeStringWithLength(value.string(), into);
      DCHECK_GT(into->size(), previous_size);
    case WebIDBKeyTypeDate:
      EncodeByte(kIndexedDBKeyDateTypeByte, into);
      EncodeDouble(, into);
      DCHECK_EQ(9u, static_cast<size_t>(into->size() - previous_size));
    case WebIDBKeyTypeNumber:
      EncodeByte(kIndexedDBKeyNumberTypeByte, into);
      EncodeDouble(value.number(), into);
      DCHECK_EQ(9u, static_cast<size_t>(into->size() - previous_size));
    case WebIDBKeyTypeNull:
    case WebIDBKeyTypeInvalid:
    case WebIDBKeyTypeMin:
      EncodeByte(kIndexedDBKeyNullTypeByte, into);

void EncodeIDBKeyPath(const IndexedDBKeyPath& value, std::string* into) {
  // May be typed, or may be a raw string. An invalid leading
  // byte is used to identify typed coding. New records are
  // always written as typed.
  EncodeByte(kIndexedDBKeyPathTypeCodedByte1, into);
  EncodeByte(kIndexedDBKeyPathTypeCodedByte2, into);
  EncodeByte(static_cast<char>(value.type()), into);
  switch (value.type()) {
    case WebIDBKeyPathTypeNull:
    case WebIDBKeyPathTypeString: {
      EncodeStringWithLength(value.string(), into);
    case WebIDBKeyPathTypeArray: {
      const std::vector<base::string16>& array = value.array();
      size_t count = array.size();
      EncodeVarInt(count, into);
      for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
        EncodeStringWithLength(array[i], into);

bool DecodeByte(StringPiece* slice, unsigned char* value) {
  if (slice->empty())
    return false;

  *value = (*slice)[0];
  return true;

bool DecodeBool(StringPiece* slice, bool* value) {
  if (slice->empty())
    return false;

  *value = !!(*slice)[0];
  return true;

bool DecodeInt(StringPiece* slice, int64* value) {
  if (slice->empty())
    return false;

  StringPiece::const_iterator it = slice->begin();
  int shift = 0;
  int64 ret = 0;
  while (it != slice->end()) {
    unsigned char c = *it++;
    ret |= static_cast<int64>(c) << shift;
    shift += 8;
  *value = ret;
  slice->remove_prefix(it - slice->begin());
  return true;

bool DecodeVarInt(StringPiece* slice, int64* value) {
  if (slice->empty())
    return false;

  StringPiece::const_iterator it = slice->begin();
  int shift = 0;
  int64 ret = 0;
  do {
    if (it == slice->end())
      return false;

    unsigned char c = *it;
    ret |= static_cast<int64>(c & 0x7f) << shift;
    shift += 7;
  } while (*it++ & 0x80);
  *value = ret;
  slice->remove_prefix(it - slice->begin());
  return true;

bool DecodeString(StringPiece* slice, base::string16* value) {
  if (slice->empty()) {
    return true;

  // Backing store is UTF-16BE, convert to host endianness.
  DCHECK(!(slice->size() % sizeof(base::char16)));
  size_t length = slice->size() / sizeof(base::char16);
  base::string16 decoded;
  const base::char16* encoded =
      reinterpret_cast<const base::char16*>(slice->begin());
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i)

  *value = decoded;
  slice->remove_prefix(length * sizeof(base::char16));
  return true;

bool DecodeStringWithLength(StringPiece* slice, base::string16* value) {
  if (slice->empty())
    return false;

  int64 length = 0;
  if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &length) || length < 0)
    return false;
  size_t bytes = length * sizeof(base::char16);
  if (slice->size() < bytes)
    return false;

  StringPiece subpiece(slice->begin(), bytes);
  if (!DecodeString(&subpiece, value))
    return false;

  return true;

bool DecodeBinary(StringPiece* slice, std::string* value) {
  if (slice->empty())
    return false;

  int64 length = 0;
  if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &length) || length < 0)
    return false;
  size_t size = length;
  if (slice->size() < size)
    return false;

  value->assign(slice->begin(), size);
  return true;

bool DecodeIDBKey(StringPiece* slice, scoped_ptr<IndexedDBKey>* value) {
  if (slice->empty())
    return false;

  unsigned char type = (*slice)[0];

  switch (type) {
    case kIndexedDBKeyNullTypeByte:
      *value = make_scoped_ptr(new IndexedDBKey());
      return true;

    case kIndexedDBKeyArrayTypeByte: {
      int64 length = 0;
      if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &length) || length < 0)
        return false;
      IndexedDBKey::KeyArray array;
      while (length--) {
        scoped_ptr<IndexedDBKey> key;
        if (!DecodeIDBKey(slice, &key))
          return false;
      *value = make_scoped_ptr(new IndexedDBKey(array));
      return true;
    case kIndexedDBKeyBinaryTypeByte: {
      std::string binary;
      if (!DecodeBinary(slice, &binary))
        return false;
      *value = make_scoped_ptr(new IndexedDBKey(binary));
      return true;
    case kIndexedDBKeyStringTypeByte: {
      base::string16 s;
      if (!DecodeStringWithLength(slice, &s))
        return false;
      *value = make_scoped_ptr(new IndexedDBKey(s));
      return true;
    case kIndexedDBKeyDateTypeByte: {
      double d;
      if (!DecodeDouble(slice, &d))
        return false;
      *value = make_scoped_ptr(new IndexedDBKey(d, WebIDBKeyTypeDate));
      return true;
    case kIndexedDBKeyNumberTypeByte: {
      double d;
      if (!DecodeDouble(slice, &d))
        return false;
      *value = make_scoped_ptr(new IndexedDBKey(d, WebIDBKeyTypeNumber));
      return true;

  return false;

bool DecodeDouble(StringPiece* slice, double* value) {
  if (slice->size() < sizeof(*value))
    return false;

  memcpy(value, slice->begin(), sizeof(*value));
  return true;

bool DecodeIDBKeyPath(StringPiece* slice, IndexedDBKeyPath* value) {
  // May be typed, or may be a raw string. An invalid leading
  // byte sequence is used to identify typed coding. New records are
  // always written as typed.
  if (slice->size() < 3 || (*slice)[0] != kIndexedDBKeyPathTypeCodedByte1 ||
      (*slice)[1] != kIndexedDBKeyPathTypeCodedByte2) {
    base::string16 s;
    if (!DecodeString(slice, &s))
      return false;
    *value = IndexedDBKeyPath(s);
    return true;

  WebIDBKeyPathType type = static_cast<WebIDBKeyPathType>((*slice)[0]);

  switch (type) {
    case WebIDBKeyPathTypeNull:
      *value = IndexedDBKeyPath();
      return true;
    case WebIDBKeyPathTypeString: {
      base::string16 string;
      if (!DecodeStringWithLength(slice, &string))
        return false;
      *value = IndexedDBKeyPath(string);
      return true;
    case WebIDBKeyPathTypeArray: {
      std::vector<base::string16> array;
      int64 count;
      if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &count))
        return false;
      DCHECK_GE(count, 0);
      while (count--) {
        base::string16 string;
        if (!DecodeStringWithLength(slice, &string))
          return false;
      *value = IndexedDBKeyPath(array);
      return true;
  return false;

bool ConsumeEncodedIDBKey(StringPiece* slice) {
  unsigned char type = (*slice)[0];

  switch (type) {
    case kIndexedDBKeyNullTypeByte:
    case kIndexedDBKeyMinKeyTypeByte:
      return true;
    case kIndexedDBKeyArrayTypeByte: {
      int64 length;
      if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &length))
        return false;
      while (length--) {
        if (!ConsumeEncodedIDBKey(slice))
          return false;
      return true;
    case kIndexedDBKeyBinaryTypeByte: {
      int64 length = 0;
      if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &length) || length < 0)
        return false;
      if (slice->size() < static_cast<size_t>(length))
        return false;
      return true;
    case kIndexedDBKeyStringTypeByte: {
      int64 length = 0;
      if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &length) || length < 0)
        return false;
      if (slice->size() < static_cast<size_t>(length) * sizeof(base::char16))
        return false;
      slice->remove_prefix(length * sizeof(base::char16));
      return true;
    case kIndexedDBKeyDateTypeByte:
    case kIndexedDBKeyNumberTypeByte:
      if (slice->size() < sizeof(double))
        return false;
      return true;
  return false;

bool ExtractEncodedIDBKey(StringPiece* slice, std::string* result) {
  const char* start = slice->begin();
  if (!ConsumeEncodedIDBKey(slice))
    return false;

  if (result)
    result->assign(start, slice->begin());
  return true;

static WebIDBKeyType KeyTypeByteToKeyType(unsigned char type) {
  switch (type) {
    case kIndexedDBKeyNullTypeByte:
      return WebIDBKeyTypeInvalid;
    case kIndexedDBKeyArrayTypeByte:
      return WebIDBKeyTypeArray;
    case kIndexedDBKeyBinaryTypeByte:
      return WebIDBKeyTypeBinary;
    case kIndexedDBKeyStringTypeByte:
      return WebIDBKeyTypeString;
    case kIndexedDBKeyDateTypeByte:
      return WebIDBKeyTypeDate;
    case kIndexedDBKeyNumberTypeByte:
      return WebIDBKeyTypeNumber;
    case kIndexedDBKeyMinKeyTypeByte:
      return WebIDBKeyTypeMin;

  return WebIDBKeyTypeInvalid;

int CompareEncodedStringsWithLength(StringPiece* slice1,
                                    StringPiece* slice2,
                                    bool* ok) {
  int64 len1, len2;
  if (!DecodeVarInt(slice1, &len1) || !DecodeVarInt(slice2, &len2)) {
    *ok = false;
    return 0;
  DCHECK_GE(len1, 0);
  DCHECK_GE(len2, 0);
  if (len1 < 0 || len2 < 0) {
    *ok = false;
    return 0;
  DCHECK_GE(slice1->size(), len1 * sizeof(base::char16));
  DCHECK_GE(slice2->size(), len2 * sizeof(base::char16));
  if (slice1->size() < len1 * sizeof(base::char16) ||
      slice2->size() < len2 * sizeof(base::char16)) {
    *ok = false;
    return 0;

  // Extract the string data, and advance the passed slices.
  StringPiece string1(slice1->begin(), len1 * sizeof(base::char16));
  StringPiece string2(slice2->begin(), len2 * sizeof(base::char16));
  slice1->remove_prefix(len1 * sizeof(base::char16));
  slice2->remove_prefix(len2 * sizeof(base::char16));

  *ok = true;
  // Strings are UTF-16BE encoded, so a simple memcmp is sufficient.

int CompareEncodedBinary(StringPiece* slice1,
                         StringPiece* slice2,
                         bool* ok) {
  int64 len1, len2;
  if (!DecodeVarInt(slice1, &len1) || !DecodeVarInt(slice2, &len2)) {
    *ok = false;
    return 0;
  DCHECK_GE(len1, 0);
  DCHECK_GE(len2, 0);
  if (len1 < 0 || len2 < 0) {
    *ok = false;
    return 0;
  size_t size1 = len1;
  size_t size2 = len2;

  DCHECK_GE(slice1->size(), size1);
  DCHECK_GE(slice2->size(), size2);
  if (slice1->size() < size1 || slice2->size() < size2) {
    *ok = false;
    return 0;

  // Extract the binary data, and advance the passed slices.
  StringPiece binary1(slice1->begin(), size1);
  StringPiece binary2(slice2->begin(), size2);

  *ok = true;
  // This is the same as a memcmp()

static int CompareInts(int64 a, int64 b) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
  // Exercised by unit tests in debug only.
  DCHECK_GE(a, 0);
  DCHECK_GE(b, 0);
  int64 diff = a - b;
  if (diff < 0)
    return -1;
  if (diff > 0)
    return 1;
  return 0;

static inline int CompareSizes(size_t a, size_t b) {
  if (a > b)
    return 1;
  if (b > a)
    return -1;
  return 0;

static int CompareTypes(WebIDBKeyType a, WebIDBKeyType b) { return b - a; }

int CompareEncodedIDBKeys(StringPiece* slice_a,
                          StringPiece* slice_b,
                          bool* ok) {
  *ok = true;
  unsigned char type_a = (*slice_a)[0];
  unsigned char type_b = (*slice_b)[0];

  if (int x = CompareTypes(KeyTypeByteToKeyType(type_a),
    return x;

  switch (type_a) {
    case kIndexedDBKeyNullTypeByte:
    case kIndexedDBKeyMinKeyTypeByte:
      // Null type or max type; no payload to compare.
      return 0;
    case kIndexedDBKeyArrayTypeByte: {
      int64 length_a, length_b;
      if (!DecodeVarInt(slice_a, &length_a) ||
          !DecodeVarInt(slice_b, &length_b)) {
        *ok = false;
        return 0;
      for (int64 i = 0; i < length_a && i < length_b; ++i) {
        int result = CompareEncodedIDBKeys(slice_a, slice_b, ok);
        if (!*ok || result)
          return result;
      return length_a - length_b;
    case kIndexedDBKeyBinaryTypeByte:
      return CompareEncodedBinary(slice_a, slice_b, ok);
    case kIndexedDBKeyStringTypeByte:
      return CompareEncodedStringsWithLength(slice_a, slice_b, ok);
    case kIndexedDBKeyDateTypeByte:
    case kIndexedDBKeyNumberTypeByte: {
      double d, e;
      if (!DecodeDouble(slice_a, &d) || !DecodeDouble(slice_b, &e)) {
        *ok = false;
        return 0;
      if (d < e)
        return -1;
      if (d > e)
        return 1;
      return 0;

  return 0;

namespace {

template <typename KeyType>
int Compare(const StringPiece& a,
            const StringPiece& b,
            bool only_compare_index_keys,
            bool* ok) {
  KeyType key_a;
  KeyType key_b;

  StringPiece slice_a(a);
  if (!KeyType::Decode(&slice_a, &key_a)) {
    *ok = false;
    return 0;
  StringPiece slice_b(b);
  if (!KeyType::Decode(&slice_b, &key_b)) {
    *ok = false;
    return 0;

  *ok = true;
  return key_a.Compare(key_b);

template <typename KeyType>
int CompareSuffix(StringPiece* a,
                  StringPiece* b,
                  bool only_compare_index_keys,
                  bool* ok) {
  return 0;

template <>
int CompareSuffix<ExistsEntryKey>(StringPiece* slice_a,
                                  StringPiece* slice_b,
                                  bool only_compare_index_keys,
                                  bool* ok) {
  return CompareEncodedIDBKeys(slice_a, slice_b, ok);

template <>
int CompareSuffix<ObjectStoreDataKey>(StringPiece* slice_a,
                                      StringPiece* slice_b,
                                      bool only_compare_index_keys,
                                      bool* ok) {
  return CompareEncodedIDBKeys(slice_a, slice_b, ok);

template <>
int CompareSuffix<BlobEntryKey>(StringPiece* slice_a,
                                StringPiece* slice_b,
                                bool only_compare_index_keys,
                                bool* ok) {
  return CompareEncodedIDBKeys(slice_a, slice_b, ok);

template <>
int CompareSuffix<IndexDataKey>(StringPiece* slice_a,
                                StringPiece* slice_b,
                                bool only_compare_index_keys,
                                bool* ok) {
  // index key
  int result = CompareEncodedIDBKeys(slice_a, slice_b, ok);
  if (!*ok || result)
    return result;
  if (only_compare_index_keys)
    return 0;

  // sequence number [optional]
  int64 sequence_number_a = -1;
  int64 sequence_number_b = -1;
  if (!slice_a->empty() && !DecodeVarInt(slice_a, &sequence_number_a))
      return 0;
  if (!slice_b->empty() && !DecodeVarInt(slice_b, &sequence_number_b))
      return 0;

  if (slice_a->empty() || slice_b->empty())
    return CompareSizes(slice_a->size(), slice_b->size());

  // primary key [optional]
  result = CompareEncodedIDBKeys(slice_a, slice_b, ok);
  if (!*ok || result)
    return result;

  return CompareInts(sequence_number_a, sequence_number_b);

int Compare(const StringPiece& a,
            const StringPiece& b,
            bool only_compare_index_keys,
            bool* ok) {
  StringPiece slice_a(a);
  StringPiece slice_b(b);
  KeyPrefix prefix_a;
  KeyPrefix prefix_b;
  bool ok_a = KeyPrefix::Decode(&slice_a, &prefix_a);
  bool ok_b = KeyPrefix::Decode(&slice_b, &prefix_b);
  if (!ok_a || !ok_b) {
    *ok = false;
    return 0;

  *ok = true;
  if (int x = prefix_a.Compare(prefix_b))
    return x;

  switch (prefix_a.type()) {
    case KeyPrefix::GLOBAL_METADATA: {

      unsigned char type_byte_a;
      if (!DecodeByte(&slice_a, &type_byte_a)) {
        *ok = false;
        return 0;

      unsigned char type_byte_b;
      if (!DecodeByte(&slice_b, &type_byte_b)) {
        *ok = false;
        return 0;

      if (int x = type_byte_a - type_byte_b)
        return x;
      if (type_byte_a < kMaxSimpleGlobalMetaDataTypeByte)
        return 0;

      // Compare<> is used (which re-decodes the prefix) rather than an
      // specialized CompareSuffix<> because metadata is relatively uncommon
      // in the database.

      if (type_byte_a == kDatabaseFreeListTypeByte) {
        // TODO(jsbell): No need to pass only_compare_index_keys through here.
        return Compare<DatabaseFreeListKey>(a, b, only_compare_index_keys, ok);
      if (type_byte_a == kDatabaseNameTypeByte) {
        return Compare<DatabaseNameKey>(
            a, b, /*only_compare_index_keys*/ false, ok);

    case KeyPrefix::DATABASE_METADATA: {

      unsigned char type_byte_a;
      if (!DecodeByte(&slice_a, &type_byte_a)) {
        *ok = false;
        return 0;

      unsigned char type_byte_b;
      if (!DecodeByte(&slice_b, &type_byte_b)) {
        *ok = false;
        return 0;

      if (int x = type_byte_a - type_byte_b)
        return x;
      if (type_byte_a < DatabaseMetaDataKey::MAX_SIMPLE_METADATA_TYPE)
        return 0;

      // Compare<> is used (which re-decodes the prefix) rather than an
      // specialized CompareSuffix<> because metadata is relatively uncommon
      // in the database.

      if (type_byte_a == kObjectStoreMetaDataTypeByte) {
        // TODO(jsbell): No need to pass only_compare_index_keys through here.
        return Compare<ObjectStoreMetaDataKey>(
            a, b, only_compare_index_keys, ok);
      if (type_byte_a == kIndexMetaDataTypeByte) {
        return Compare<IndexMetaDataKey>(
            a, b, /*only_compare_index_keys*/ false, ok);
      if (type_byte_a == kObjectStoreFreeListTypeByte) {
        return Compare<ObjectStoreFreeListKey>(
            a, b, only_compare_index_keys, ok);
      if (type_byte_a == kIndexFreeListTypeByte) {
        return Compare<IndexFreeListKey>(
            a, b, /*only_compare_index_keys*/ false, ok);
      if (type_byte_a == kObjectStoreNamesTypeByte) {
        // TODO(jsbell): No need to pass only_compare_index_keys through here.
        return Compare<ObjectStoreNamesKey>(
            a, b, only_compare_index_keys, ok);
      if (type_byte_a == kIndexNamesKeyTypeByte) {
        return Compare<IndexNamesKey>(
            a, b, /*only_compare_index_keys*/ false, ok);

    case KeyPrefix::OBJECT_STORE_DATA: {
      // Provide a stable ordering for invalid data.
      if (slice_a.empty() || slice_b.empty())
        return CompareSizes(slice_a.size(), slice_b.size());

      return CompareSuffix<ObjectStoreDataKey>(
          &slice_a, &slice_b, /*only_compare_index_keys*/ false, ok);

    case KeyPrefix::EXISTS_ENTRY: {
      // Provide a stable ordering for invalid data.
      if (slice_a.empty() || slice_b.empty())
        return CompareSizes(slice_a.size(), slice_b.size());

      return CompareSuffix<ExistsEntryKey>(
          &slice_a, &slice_b, /*only_compare_index_keys*/ false, ok);

    case KeyPrefix::BLOB_ENTRY: {
      // Provide a stable ordering for invalid data.
      if (slice_a.empty() || slice_b.empty())
        return CompareSizes(slice_a.size(), slice_b.size());

      return CompareSuffix<BlobEntryKey>(
          &slice_a, &slice_b, /*only_compare_index_keys*/ false, ok);

    case KeyPrefix::INDEX_DATA: {
      // Provide a stable ordering for invalid data.
      if (slice_a.empty() || slice_b.empty())
        return CompareSizes(slice_a.size(), slice_b.size());

      return CompareSuffix<IndexDataKey>(
          &slice_a, &slice_b, only_compare_index_keys, ok);

    case KeyPrefix::INVALID_TYPE:

  *ok = false;
  return 0;

}  // namespace

int Compare(const StringPiece& a,
            const StringPiece& b,
            bool only_compare_index_keys) {
  bool ok;
  int result = Compare(a, b, only_compare_index_keys, &ok);
  if (!ok)
    return 0;
  return result;

    : database_id_(INVALID_TYPE),
      index_id_(INVALID_TYPE) {}

KeyPrefix::KeyPrefix(int64 database_id)
    : database_id_(database_id), object_store_id_(0), index_id_(0) {

KeyPrefix::KeyPrefix(int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id)
    : database_id_(database_id),
      index_id_(0) {

KeyPrefix::KeyPrefix(int64 database_id, int64 object_store_id, int64 index_id)
    : database_id_(database_id),
      index_id_(index_id) {

KeyPrefix::KeyPrefix(enum Type type,
                     int64 database_id,
                     int64 object_store_id,
                     int64 index_id)
    : database_id_(database_id),
      index_id_(index_id) {

KeyPrefix KeyPrefix::CreateWithSpecialIndex(int64 database_id,
                                            int64 object_store_id,
                                            int64 index_id) {
  return KeyPrefix(INVALID_TYPE, database_id, object_store_id, index_id);

bool KeyPrefix::IsValidDatabaseId(int64 database_id) {
  return (database_id > 0) && (database_id < KeyPrefix::kMaxDatabaseId);

bool KeyPrefix::IsValidObjectStoreId(int64 object_store_id) {
  return (object_store_id > 0) &&
         (object_store_id < KeyPrefix::kMaxObjectStoreId);

bool KeyPrefix::IsValidIndexId(int64 index_id) {
  return (index_id >= kMinimumIndexId) && (index_id < KeyPrefix::kMaxIndexId);

bool KeyPrefix::Decode(StringPiece* slice, KeyPrefix* result) {
  unsigned char first_byte;
  if (!DecodeByte(slice, &first_byte))
    return false;

  size_t database_id_bytes = ((first_byte >> 5) & 0x7) + 1;
  size_t object_store_id_bytes = ((first_byte >> 2) & 0x7) + 1;
  size_t index_id_bytes = (first_byte & 0x3) + 1;

  if (database_id_bytes + object_store_id_bytes + index_id_bytes >
    return false;

    StringPiece tmp(slice->begin(), database_id_bytes);
    if (!DecodeInt(&tmp, &result->database_id_))
      return false;
    StringPiece tmp(slice->begin(), object_store_id_bytes);
    if (!DecodeInt(&tmp, &result->object_store_id_))
      return false;
    StringPiece tmp(slice->begin(), index_id_bytes);
    if (!DecodeInt(&tmp, &result->index_id_))
      return false;
  return true;

std::string KeyPrefix::EncodeEmpty() {
  const std::string result(4, 0);
  DCHECK(EncodeInternal(0, 0, 0) == std::string(4, 0));
  return result;

std::string KeyPrefix::Encode() const {
  DCHECK(database_id_ != kInvalidId);
  DCHECK(object_store_id_ != kInvalidId);
  DCHECK(index_id_ != kInvalidId);
  return EncodeInternal(database_id_, object_store_id_, index_id_);

std::string KeyPrefix::EncodeInternal(int64 database_id,
                                      int64 object_store_id,
                                      int64 index_id) {
  std::string database_id_string;
  std::string object_store_id_string;
  std::string index_id_string;

  EncodeIntSafely(database_id, kMaxDatabaseId, &database_id_string);
  EncodeIntSafely(object_store_id, kMaxObjectStoreId, &object_store_id_string);
  EncodeIntSafely(index_id, kMaxIndexId, &index_id_string);

  DCHECK(database_id_string.size() <= kMaxDatabaseIdSizeBytes);
  DCHECK(object_store_id_string.size() <= kMaxObjectStoreIdSizeBytes);
  DCHECK(index_id_string.size() <= kMaxIndexIdSizeBytes);

  unsigned char first_byte =
      (database_id_string.size() - 1) << (kMaxObjectStoreIdSizeBits +
                                          kMaxIndexIdSizeBits) |
      (object_store_id_string.size() - 1) << kMaxIndexIdSizeBits |
      (index_id_string.size() - 1);
  COMPILE_ASSERT(kMaxDatabaseIdSizeBits + kMaxObjectStoreIdSizeBits +
                         kMaxIndexIdSizeBits ==
                     sizeof(first_byte) * 8,
  std::string ret;

  DCHECK_LE(ret.size(), kDefaultInlineBufferSize);
  return ret;

int KeyPrefix::Compare(const KeyPrefix& other) const {
  DCHECK(database_id_ != kInvalidId);
  DCHECK(object_store_id_ != kInvalidId);
  DCHECK(index_id_ != kInvalidId);

  if (database_id_ != other.database_id_)
    return CompareInts(database_id_, other.database_id_);
  if (object_store_id_ != other.object_store_id_)
    return CompareInts(object_store_id_, other.object_store_id_);
  if (index_id_ != other.index_id_)
    return CompareInts(index_id_, other.index_id_);
  return 0;

KeyPrefix::Type KeyPrefix::type() const {
  DCHECK(database_id_ != kInvalidId);
  DCHECK(object_store_id_ != kInvalidId);
  DCHECK(index_id_ != kInvalidId);

  if (!database_id_)
  if (!object_store_id_)
  if (index_id_ == kObjectStoreDataIndexId)
  if (index_id_ == kExistsEntryIndexId)
    return EXISTS_ENTRY;
  if (index_id_ == kBlobEntryIndexId)
    return BLOB_ENTRY;
  if (index_id_ >= kMinimumIndexId)
    return INDEX_DATA;

  return INVALID_TYPE;

std::string SchemaVersionKey::Encode() {
  std::string ret = KeyPrefix::EncodeEmpty();
  return ret;

std::string MaxDatabaseIdKey::Encode() {
  std::string ret = KeyPrefix::EncodeEmpty();
  return ret;

std::string DataVersionKey::Encode() {
  std::string ret = KeyPrefix::EncodeEmpty();
  return ret;

std::string BlobJournalKey::Encode() {
  std::string ret = KeyPrefix::EncodeEmpty();
  return ret;

std::string LiveBlobJournalKey::Encode() {
  std::string ret = KeyPrefix::EncodeEmpty();
  return ret;

DatabaseFreeListKey::DatabaseFreeListKey() : database_id_(-1) {}

bool DatabaseFreeListKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice,
                                 DatabaseFreeListKey* result) {
  KeyPrefix prefix;
  if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
    return false;
  unsigned char type_byte = 0;
  if (!DecodeByte(slice, &type_byte))
    return false;
  DCHECK_EQ(type_byte, kDatabaseFreeListTypeByte);
  if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &result->database_id_))
    return false;
  return true;

std::string DatabaseFreeListKey::Encode(int64 database_id) {
  std::string ret = KeyPrefix::EncodeEmpty();
  EncodeVarInt(database_id, &ret);
  return ret;

std::string DatabaseFreeListKey::EncodeMaxKey() {
  return Encode(std::numeric_limits<int64>::max());

int64 DatabaseFreeListKey::DatabaseId() const {
  DCHECK_GE(database_id_, 0);
  return database_id_;

int DatabaseFreeListKey::Compare(const DatabaseFreeListKey& other) const {
  DCHECK_GE(database_id_, 0);
  return CompareInts(database_id_, other.database_id_);

bool DatabaseNameKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice, DatabaseNameKey* result) {
  KeyPrefix prefix;
  if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
    return false;
  unsigned char type_byte = 0;
  if (!DecodeByte(slice, &type_byte))
    return false;
  DCHECK_EQ(type_byte, kDatabaseNameTypeByte);
  if (!DecodeStringWithLength(slice, &result->origin_))
    return false;
  if (!DecodeStringWithLength(slice, &result->database_name_))
    return false;
  return true;

std::string DatabaseNameKey::Encode(const std::string& origin_identifier,
                                    const base::string16& database_name) {
  std::string ret = KeyPrefix::EncodeEmpty();
  EncodeStringWithLength(base::ASCIIToUTF16(origin_identifier), &ret);
  EncodeStringWithLength(database_name, &ret);
  return ret;

std::string DatabaseNameKey::EncodeMinKeyForOrigin(
    const std::string& origin_identifier) {
  return Encode(origin_identifier, base::string16());

std::string DatabaseNameKey::EncodeStopKeyForOrigin(
    const std::string& origin_identifier) {
  // just after origin in collation order
  return EncodeMinKeyForOrigin(origin_identifier + '\x01');

int DatabaseNameKey::Compare(const DatabaseNameKey& other) {
  if (int x =
    return x;

bool DatabaseMetaDataKey::IsValidBlobKey(int64 blob_key) {
  return blob_key >= kBlobKeyGeneratorInitialNumber;

const int64 DatabaseMetaDataKey::kAllBlobsKey = 1;
const int64 DatabaseMetaDataKey::kBlobKeyGeneratorInitialNumber = 2;
const int64 DatabaseMetaDataKey::kInvalidBlobKey = -1;

std::string DatabaseMetaDataKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
                                        MetaDataType meta_data_type) {
  KeyPrefix prefix(database_id);
  std::string ret = prefix.Encode();
  return ret;

    : object_store_id_(-1), meta_data_type_(-1) {}

bool ObjectStoreMetaDataKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice,
                                    ObjectStoreMetaDataKey* result) {
  KeyPrefix prefix;
  if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
    return false;
  unsigned char type_byte = 0;
  if (!DecodeByte(slice, &type_byte))
    return false;
  DCHECK_EQ(type_byte, kObjectStoreMetaDataTypeByte);
  if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &result->object_store_id_))
    return false;
  if (!DecodeByte(slice, &result->meta_data_type_))
    return false;
  return true;

std::string ObjectStoreMetaDataKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
                                           int64 object_store_id,
                                           unsigned char meta_data_type) {
  KeyPrefix prefix(database_id);
  std::string ret = prefix.Encode();
  EncodeVarInt(object_store_id, &ret);
  return ret;

std::string ObjectStoreMetaDataKey::EncodeMaxKey(int64 database_id) {
  return Encode(database_id,

std::string ObjectStoreMetaDataKey::EncodeMaxKey(int64 database_id,
                                                 int64 object_store_id) {
  return Encode(database_id, object_store_id, kObjectMetaDataTypeMaximum);

int64 ObjectStoreMetaDataKey::ObjectStoreId() const {
  DCHECK_GE(object_store_id_, 0);
  return object_store_id_;
unsigned char ObjectStoreMetaDataKey::MetaDataType() const {
  return meta_data_type_;

int ObjectStoreMetaDataKey::Compare(const ObjectStoreMetaDataKey& other) {
  DCHECK_GE(object_store_id_, 0);
  if (int x = CompareInts(object_store_id_, other.object_store_id_))
    return x;
  return meta_data_type_ - other.meta_data_type_;

    : object_store_id_(-1), index_id_(-1), meta_data_type_(0) {}

bool IndexMetaDataKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice, IndexMetaDataKey* result) {
  KeyPrefix prefix;
  if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
    return false;
  unsigned char type_byte = 0;
  if (!DecodeByte(slice, &type_byte))
    return false;
  DCHECK_EQ(type_byte, kIndexMetaDataTypeByte);
  if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &result->object_store_id_))
    return false;
  if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &result->index_id_))
    return false;
  if (!DecodeByte(slice, &result->meta_data_type_))
    return false;
  return true;

std::string IndexMetaDataKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
                                     int64 object_store_id,
                                     int64 index_id,
                                     unsigned char meta_data_type) {
  KeyPrefix prefix(database_id);
  std::string ret = prefix.Encode();
  EncodeVarInt(object_store_id, &ret);
  EncodeVarInt(index_id, &ret);
  EncodeByte(meta_data_type, &ret);
  return ret;

std::string IndexMetaDataKey::EncodeMaxKey(int64 database_id,
                                           int64 object_store_id) {
  return Encode(database_id,

std::string IndexMetaDataKey::EncodeMaxKey(int64 database_id,
                                           int64 object_store_id,
                                           int64 index_id) {
  return Encode(
      database_id, object_store_id, index_id, kIndexMetaDataTypeMaximum);

int IndexMetaDataKey::Compare(const IndexMetaDataKey& other) {
  DCHECK_GE(object_store_id_, 0);
  DCHECK_GE(index_id_, 0);

  if (int x = CompareInts(object_store_id_, other.object_store_id_))
    return x;
  if (int x = CompareInts(index_id_, other.index_id_))
    return x;
  return meta_data_type_ - other.meta_data_type_;

int64 IndexMetaDataKey::IndexId() const {
  DCHECK_GE(index_id_, 0);
  return index_id_;

ObjectStoreFreeListKey::ObjectStoreFreeListKey() : object_store_id_(-1) {}

bool ObjectStoreFreeListKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice,
                                    ObjectStoreFreeListKey* result) {
  KeyPrefix prefix;
  if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
    return false;
  unsigned char type_byte = 0;
  if (!DecodeByte(slice, &type_byte))
    return false;
  DCHECK_EQ(type_byte, kObjectStoreFreeListTypeByte);
  if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &result->object_store_id_))
    return false;
  return true;

std::string ObjectStoreFreeListKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
                                           int64 object_store_id) {
  KeyPrefix prefix(database_id);
  std::string ret = prefix.Encode();
  EncodeVarInt(object_store_id, &ret);
  return ret;

std::string ObjectStoreFreeListKey::EncodeMaxKey(int64 database_id) {
  return Encode(database_id, std::numeric_limits<int64>::max());

int64 ObjectStoreFreeListKey::ObjectStoreId() const {
  DCHECK_GE(object_store_id_, 0);
  return object_store_id_;

int ObjectStoreFreeListKey::Compare(const ObjectStoreFreeListKey& other) {
  // TODO(jsbell): It may seem strange that we're not comparing database id's,
  // but that comparison will have been made earlier.
  // We should probably make this more clear, though...
  DCHECK_GE(object_store_id_, 0);
  return CompareInts(object_store_id_, other.object_store_id_);

IndexFreeListKey::IndexFreeListKey() : object_store_id_(-1), index_id_(-1) {}

bool IndexFreeListKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice, IndexFreeListKey* result) {
  KeyPrefix prefix;
  if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
    return false;
  unsigned char type_byte = 0;
  if (!DecodeByte(slice, &type_byte))
    return false;
  DCHECK_EQ(type_byte, kIndexFreeListTypeByte);
  if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &result->object_store_id_))
    return false;
  if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &result->index_id_))
    return false;
  return true;

std::string IndexFreeListKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
                                     int64 object_store_id,
                                     int64 index_id) {
  KeyPrefix prefix(database_id);
  std::string ret = prefix.Encode();
  EncodeVarInt(object_store_id, &ret);
  EncodeVarInt(index_id, &ret);
  return ret;

std::string IndexFreeListKey::EncodeMaxKey(int64 database_id,
                                           int64 object_store_id) {
  return Encode(
      database_id, object_store_id, std::numeric_limits<int64>::max());

int IndexFreeListKey::Compare(const IndexFreeListKey& other) {
  DCHECK_GE(object_store_id_, 0);
  DCHECK_GE(index_id_, 0);
  if (int x = CompareInts(object_store_id_, other.object_store_id_))
    return x;
  return CompareInts(index_id_, other.index_id_);

int64 IndexFreeListKey::ObjectStoreId() const {
  DCHECK_GE(object_store_id_, 0);
  return object_store_id_;

int64 IndexFreeListKey::IndexId() const {
  DCHECK_GE(index_id_, 0);
  return index_id_;

// TODO(jsbell): We never use this to look up object store ids,
// because a mapping is kept in the IndexedDBDatabase. Can the
// mapping become unreliable?  Can we remove this?
bool ObjectStoreNamesKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice,
                                 ObjectStoreNamesKey* result) {
  KeyPrefix prefix;
  if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
    return false;
  unsigned char type_byte = 0;
  if (!DecodeByte(slice, &type_byte))
    return false;
  DCHECK_EQ(type_byte, kObjectStoreNamesTypeByte);
  if (!DecodeStringWithLength(slice, &result->object_store_name_))
    return false;
  return true;

std::string ObjectStoreNamesKey::Encode(
    int64 database_id,
    const base::string16& object_store_name) {
  KeyPrefix prefix(database_id);
  std::string ret = prefix.Encode();
  EncodeStringWithLength(object_store_name, &ret);
  return ret;

int ObjectStoreNamesKey::Compare(const ObjectStoreNamesKey& other) {

IndexNamesKey::IndexNamesKey() : object_store_id_(-1) {}

// TODO(jsbell): We never use this to look up index ids, because a mapping
// is kept at a higher level.
bool IndexNamesKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice, IndexNamesKey* result) {
  KeyPrefix prefix;
  if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
    return false;
  unsigned char type_byte = 0;
  if (!DecodeByte(slice, &type_byte))
    return false;
  DCHECK_EQ(type_byte, kIndexNamesKeyTypeByte);
  if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &result->object_store_id_))
    return false;
  if (!DecodeStringWithLength(slice, &result->index_name_))
    return false;
  return true;

std::string IndexNamesKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
                                  int64 object_store_id,
                                  const base::string16& index_name) {
  KeyPrefix prefix(database_id);
  std::string ret = prefix.Encode();
  EncodeVarInt(object_store_id, &ret);
  EncodeStringWithLength(index_name, &ret);
  return ret;

int IndexNamesKey::Compare(const IndexNamesKey& other) {
  DCHECK_GE(object_store_id_, 0);
  if (int x = CompareInts(object_store_id_, other.object_store_id_))
    return x;

ObjectStoreDataKey::ObjectStoreDataKey() {}
ObjectStoreDataKey::~ObjectStoreDataKey() {}

bool ObjectStoreDataKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice,
                                ObjectStoreDataKey* result) {
  KeyPrefix prefix;
  if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
    return false;
  DCHECK_EQ(prefix.index_id_, kSpecialIndexNumber);
  if (!ExtractEncodedIDBKey(slice, &result->encoded_user_key_))
    return false;
  return true;

std::string ObjectStoreDataKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
                                       int64 object_store_id,
                                       const std::string encoded_user_key) {
  KeyPrefix prefix(KeyPrefix::CreateWithSpecialIndex(
      database_id, object_store_id, kSpecialIndexNumber));
  std::string ret = prefix.Encode();

  return ret;

std::string ObjectStoreDataKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
                                       int64 object_store_id,
                                       const IndexedDBKey& user_key) {
  std::string encoded_key;
  EncodeIDBKey(user_key, &encoded_key);
  return Encode(database_id, object_store_id, encoded_key);

scoped_ptr<IndexedDBKey> ObjectStoreDataKey::user_key() const {
  scoped_ptr<IndexedDBKey> key;
  StringPiece slice(encoded_user_key_);
  if (!DecodeIDBKey(&slice, &key)) {
    // TODO(jsbell): Return error.
  return key.Pass();

const int64 ObjectStoreDataKey::kSpecialIndexNumber = kObjectStoreDataIndexId;

ExistsEntryKey::ExistsEntryKey() {}
ExistsEntryKey::~ExistsEntryKey() {}

bool ExistsEntryKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice, ExistsEntryKey* result) {
  KeyPrefix prefix;
  if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
    return false;
  DCHECK_EQ(prefix.index_id_, kSpecialIndexNumber);
  if (!ExtractEncodedIDBKey(slice, &result->encoded_user_key_))
    return false;
  return true;

std::string ExistsEntryKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
                                   int64 object_store_id,
                                   const std::string& encoded_key) {
  KeyPrefix prefix(KeyPrefix::CreateWithSpecialIndex(
      database_id, object_store_id, kSpecialIndexNumber));
  std::string ret = prefix.Encode();
  return ret;

std::string ExistsEntryKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
                                   int64 object_store_id,
                                   const IndexedDBKey& user_key) {
  std::string encoded_key;
  EncodeIDBKey(user_key, &encoded_key);
  return Encode(database_id, object_store_id, encoded_key);

scoped_ptr<IndexedDBKey> ExistsEntryKey::user_key() const {
  scoped_ptr<IndexedDBKey> key;
  StringPiece slice(encoded_user_key_);
  if (!DecodeIDBKey(&slice, &key)) {
    // TODO(jsbell): Return error.
  return key.Pass();

const int64 ExistsEntryKey::kSpecialIndexNumber = kExistsEntryIndexId;

bool BlobEntryKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice, BlobEntryKey* result) {
  KeyPrefix prefix;
  if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
    return false;
  DCHECK_EQ(prefix.index_id_, kSpecialIndexNumber);

  if (!ExtractEncodedIDBKey(slice, &result->encoded_user_key_))
    return false;
  result->database_id_ = prefix.database_id_;
  result->object_store_id_ = prefix.object_store_id_;

  return true;

bool BlobEntryKey::FromObjectStoreDataKey(StringPiece* slice,
                                          BlobEntryKey* result) {
  KeyPrefix prefix;
  if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
    return false;
  DCHECK_EQ(prefix.index_id_, ObjectStoreDataKey::kSpecialIndexNumber);

  if (!ExtractEncodedIDBKey(slice, &result->encoded_user_key_))
    return false;
  result->database_id_ = prefix.database_id_;
  result->object_store_id_ = prefix.object_store_id_;
  return true;

std::string BlobEntryKey::ReencodeToObjectStoreDataKey(StringPiece* slice) {
  // TODO(ericu): We could be more efficient here, since the suffix is the same.
  BlobEntryKey key;
  if (!Decode(slice, &key))
    return std::string();

  return ObjectStoreDataKey::Encode(
      key.database_id_, key.object_store_id_, key.encoded_user_key_);

std::string BlobEntryKey::EncodeMinKeyForObjectStore(int64 database_id,
                                                     int64 object_store_id) {
  // Our implied encoded_user_key_ here is empty, the lowest possible key.
  return Encode(database_id, object_store_id, std::string());

std::string BlobEntryKey::EncodeStopKeyForObjectStore(int64 database_id,
                                                      int64 object_store_id) {
  DCHECK(KeyPrefix::ValidIds(database_id, object_store_id));
  KeyPrefix prefix(KeyPrefix::CreateWithSpecialIndex(
      database_id, object_store_id, kSpecialIndexNumber + 1));
  return prefix.Encode();

std::string BlobEntryKey::Encode() const {
  return Encode(database_id_, object_store_id_, encoded_user_key_);

std::string BlobEntryKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
                                 int64 object_store_id,
                                 const IndexedDBKey& user_key) {
  std::string encoded_key;
  EncodeIDBKey(user_key, &encoded_key);
  return Encode(database_id, object_store_id, encoded_key);

std::string BlobEntryKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
                                 int64 object_store_id,
                                 const std::string& encoded_user_key) {
  DCHECK(KeyPrefix::ValidIds(database_id, object_store_id));
  KeyPrefix prefix(KeyPrefix::CreateWithSpecialIndex(
      database_id, object_store_id, kSpecialIndexNumber));
  return prefix.Encode() + encoded_user_key;

const int64 BlobEntryKey::kSpecialIndexNumber = kBlobEntryIndexId;

    : database_id_(-1),
      sequence_number_(-1) {}

IndexDataKey::~IndexDataKey() {}

bool IndexDataKey::Decode(StringPiece* slice, IndexDataKey* result) {
  KeyPrefix prefix;
  if (!KeyPrefix::Decode(slice, &prefix))
    return false;
  DCHECK_GE(prefix.index_id_, kMinimumIndexId);
  result->database_id_ = prefix.database_id_;
  result->object_store_id_ = prefix.object_store_id_;
  result->index_id_ = prefix.index_id_;
  result->sequence_number_ = -1;
  result->encoded_primary_key_ = MinIDBKey();

  if (!ExtractEncodedIDBKey(slice, &result->encoded_user_key_))
    return false;

  // [optional] sequence number
  if (slice->empty())
    return true;
  if (!DecodeVarInt(slice, &result->sequence_number_))
    return false;

  // [optional] primary key
  if (slice->empty())
    return true;
  if (!ExtractEncodedIDBKey(slice, &result->encoded_primary_key_))
    return false;
  return true;

std::string IndexDataKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
                                 int64 object_store_id,
                                 int64 index_id,
                                 const std::string& encoded_user_key,
                                 const std::string& encoded_primary_key,
                                 int64 sequence_number) {
  KeyPrefix prefix(database_id, object_store_id, index_id);
  std::string ret = prefix.Encode();
  EncodeVarInt(sequence_number, &ret);
  return ret;

std::string IndexDataKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
                                 int64 object_store_id,
                                 int64 index_id,
                                 const IndexedDBKey& user_key) {
  std::string encoded_key;
  EncodeIDBKey(user_key, &encoded_key);
  return Encode(
      database_id, object_store_id, index_id, encoded_key, MinIDBKey(), 0);

std::string IndexDataKey::Encode(int64 database_id,
                                 int64 object_store_id,
                                 int64 index_id,
                                 const IndexedDBKey& user_key,
                                 const IndexedDBKey& user_primary_key) {
  std::string encoded_key;
  EncodeIDBKey(user_key, &encoded_key);
  std::string encoded_primary_key;
  EncodeIDBKey(user_primary_key, &encoded_primary_key);
  return Encode(database_id,

std::string IndexDataKey::EncodeMinKey(int64 database_id,
                                       int64 object_store_id,
                                       int64 index_id) {
  return Encode(
      database_id, object_store_id, index_id, MinIDBKey(), MinIDBKey(), 0);

std::string IndexDataKey::EncodeMaxKey(int64 database_id,
                                       int64 object_store_id,
                                       int64 index_id) {
  return Encode(database_id,

int64 IndexDataKey::DatabaseId() const {
  DCHECK_GE(database_id_, 0);
  return database_id_;

int64 IndexDataKey::ObjectStoreId() const {
  DCHECK_GE(object_store_id_, 0);
  return object_store_id_;

int64 IndexDataKey::IndexId() const {
  DCHECK_GE(index_id_, 0);
  return index_id_;

scoped_ptr<IndexedDBKey> IndexDataKey::user_key() const {
  scoped_ptr<IndexedDBKey> key;
  StringPiece slice(encoded_user_key_);
  if (!DecodeIDBKey(&slice, &key)) {
    // TODO(jsbell): Return error.
  return key.Pass();

scoped_ptr<IndexedDBKey> IndexDataKey::primary_key() const {
  scoped_ptr<IndexedDBKey> key;
  StringPiece slice(encoded_primary_key_);
  if (!DecodeIDBKey(&slice, &key)) {
    // TODO(jsbell): Return error.
  return key.Pass();

}  // namespace content

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