
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. identifier_
  2. identifier_
  3. ShutdownThreadPool
  4. FlushThreadPoolHelper
  5. Init
  7. DBThreadRun
  8. FileThreadRun
  9. FileUserBlockingThreadRun
  10. ProcessLauncherThreadRun
  11. CacheThreadRun
  12. IOThreadRun
  13. Run
  14. CleanUp
  15. Initialize
  16. PostTaskHelper
  17. PostDelayedTask
  18. PostNonNestableDelayedTask
  19. RunsTasksOnCurrentThread
  20. PostBlockingPoolTask
  21. PostBlockingPoolTaskAndReply
  22. PostBlockingPoolSequencedTask
  23. GetBlockingPool
  24. IsThreadInitialized
  25. CurrentlyOn
  26. GetThreadName
  27. GetDCheckCurrentlyOnErrorMessage
  28. IsMessageLoopValid
  29. PostTask
  30. PostDelayedTask
  31. PostNonNestableTask
  32. PostNonNestableDelayedTask
  33. PostTaskAndReply
  34. GetCurrentThreadIdentifier
  35. GetMessageLoopProxyForThread
  36. UnsafeGetMessageLoopForThread
  37. SetDelegate

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "content/browser/browser_thread_impl.h"

#include <string>

#include "base/atomicops.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop_proxy.h"
#include "base/threading/sequenced_worker_pool.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread_delegate.h"

namespace content {

namespace {

// Friendly names for the well-known threads.
static const char* g_browser_thread_names[BrowserThread::ID_COUNT] = {
  "",  // UI (name assembled in
  "Chrome_DBThread",  // DB
  "Chrome_FileThread",  // FILE
  "Chrome_FileUserBlockingThread",  // FILE_USER_BLOCKING
  "Chrome_ProcessLauncherThread",  // PROCESS_LAUNCHER
  "Chrome_CacheThread",  // CACHE
  "Chrome_IOThread",  // IO

struct BrowserThreadGlobals {
      : blocking_pool(new base::SequencedWorkerPool(3, "BrowserBlocking")) {
    memset(threads, 0, BrowserThread::ID_COUNT * sizeof(threads[0]));
    memset(thread_delegates, 0,
           BrowserThread::ID_COUNT * sizeof(thread_delegates[0]));

  // This lock protects |threads|. Do not read or modify that array
  // without holding this lock. Do not block while holding this lock.
  base::Lock lock;

  // This array is protected by |lock|. The threads are not owned by this
  // array. Typically, the threads are owned on the UI thread by
  // BrowserMainLoop. BrowserThreadImpl objects remove themselves from this
  // array upon destruction.
  BrowserThreadImpl* threads[BrowserThread::ID_COUNT];

  // Only atomic operations are used on this array. The delegates are not owned
  // by this array, rather by whoever calls BrowserThread::SetDelegate.
  BrowserThreadDelegate* thread_delegates[BrowserThread::ID_COUNT];

  const scoped_refptr<base::SequencedWorkerPool> blocking_pool;


}  // namespace

BrowserThreadImpl::BrowserThreadImpl(ID identifier)
    : Thread(g_browser_thread_names[identifier]),
      identifier_(identifier) {

BrowserThreadImpl::BrowserThreadImpl(ID identifier,
                                     base::MessageLoop* message_loop)
    : Thread(message_loop->thread_name().c_str()), identifier_(identifier) {

// static
void BrowserThreadImpl::ShutdownThreadPool() {
  // The goal is to make it impossible for chrome to 'infinite loop' during
  // shutdown, but to reasonably expect that all BLOCKING_SHUTDOWN tasks queued
  // during shutdown get run. There's nothing particularly scientific about the
  // number chosen.
  const int kMaxNewShutdownBlockingTasks = 1000;
  BrowserThreadGlobals& globals = g_globals.Get();

// static
void BrowserThreadImpl::FlushThreadPoolHelper() {
  // We don't want to create a pool if none exists.
  if (g_globals == NULL)

void BrowserThreadImpl::Init() {
  BrowserThreadGlobals& globals = g_globals.Get();

  using base::subtle::AtomicWord;
  AtomicWord* storage =
  AtomicWord stored_pointer = base::subtle::NoBarrier_Load(storage);
  BrowserThreadDelegate* delegate =
  if (delegate) {
                                        // Delegate is expected to exist for the
                                        // duration of the thread's lifetime

// We disable optimizations for this block of functions so the compiler doesn't
// merge them all together.

NOINLINE void BrowserThreadImpl::UIThreadRun(base::MessageLoop* message_loop) {
  volatile int line_number = __LINE__;
  CHECK_GT(line_number, 0);

NOINLINE void BrowserThreadImpl::DBThreadRun(base::MessageLoop* message_loop) {
  volatile int line_number = __LINE__;
  CHECK_GT(line_number, 0);

NOINLINE void BrowserThreadImpl::FileThreadRun(
    base::MessageLoop* message_loop) {
  volatile int line_number = __LINE__;
  CHECK_GT(line_number, 0);

NOINLINE void BrowserThreadImpl::FileUserBlockingThreadRun(
    base::MessageLoop* message_loop) {
  volatile int line_number = __LINE__;
  CHECK_GT(line_number, 0);

NOINLINE void BrowserThreadImpl::ProcessLauncherThreadRun(
    base::MessageLoop* message_loop) {
  volatile int line_number = __LINE__;
  CHECK_GT(line_number, 0);

NOINLINE void BrowserThreadImpl::CacheThreadRun(
    base::MessageLoop* message_loop) {
  volatile int line_number = __LINE__;
  CHECK_GT(line_number, 0);

NOINLINE void BrowserThreadImpl::IOThreadRun(base::MessageLoop* message_loop) {
  volatile int line_number = __LINE__;
  CHECK_GT(line_number, 0);


void BrowserThreadImpl::Run(base::MessageLoop* message_loop) {
  BrowserThread::ID thread_id = ID_COUNT;
  if (!GetCurrentThreadIdentifier(&thread_id))
    return Thread::Run(message_loop);

  switch (thread_id) {
    case BrowserThread::UI:
      return UIThreadRun(message_loop);
    case BrowserThread::DB:
      return DBThreadRun(message_loop);
    case BrowserThread::FILE:
      return FileThreadRun(message_loop);
    case BrowserThread::FILE_USER_BLOCKING:
      return FileUserBlockingThreadRun(message_loop);
    case BrowserThread::PROCESS_LAUNCHER:
      return ProcessLauncherThreadRun(message_loop);
    case BrowserThread::CACHE:
      return CacheThreadRun(message_loop);
    case BrowserThread::IO:
      return IOThreadRun(message_loop);
    case BrowserThread::ID_COUNT:
      CHECK(false);  // This shouldn't actually be reached!

void BrowserThreadImpl::CleanUp() {
  BrowserThreadGlobals& globals = g_globals.Get();

  using base::subtle::AtomicWord;
  AtomicWord* storage =
  AtomicWord stored_pointer = base::subtle::NoBarrier_Load(storage);
  BrowserThreadDelegate* delegate =

  if (delegate)

void BrowserThreadImpl::Initialize() {
  BrowserThreadGlobals& globals = g_globals.Get();

  base::AutoLock lock(globals.lock);
  DCHECK(identifier_ >= 0 && identifier_ < ID_COUNT);
  DCHECK(globals.threads[identifier_] == NULL);
  globals.threads[identifier_] = this;

BrowserThreadImpl::~BrowserThreadImpl() {
  // All Thread subclasses must call Stop() in the destructor. This is
  // doubly important here as various bits of code check they are on
  // the right BrowserThread.

  BrowserThreadGlobals& globals = g_globals.Get();
  base::AutoLock lock(globals.lock);
  globals.threads[identifier_] = NULL;
#ifndef NDEBUG
  // Double check that the threads are ordered correctly in the enumeration.
  for (int i = identifier_ + 1; i < ID_COUNT; ++i) {
    DCHECK(!globals.threads[i]) <<
        "Threads must be listed in the reverse order that they die";

// static
bool BrowserThreadImpl::PostTaskHelper(
    BrowserThread::ID identifier,
    const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    const base::Closure& task,
    base::TimeDelta delay,
    bool nestable) {
  DCHECK(identifier >= 0 && identifier < ID_COUNT);
  // Optimization: to avoid unnecessary locks, we listed the ID enumeration in
  // order of lifetime.  So no need to lock if we know that the target thread
  // outlives current thread.
  // Note: since the array is so small, ok to loop instead of creating a map,
  // which would require a lock because std::map isn't thread safe, defeating
  // the whole purpose of this optimization.
  BrowserThread::ID current_thread = ID_COUNT;
  bool target_thread_outlives_current =
      GetCurrentThreadIdentifier(&current_thread) &&
      current_thread >= identifier;

  BrowserThreadGlobals& globals = g_globals.Get();
  if (!target_thread_outlives_current)

  base::MessageLoop* message_loop =
      globals.threads[identifier] ? globals.threads[identifier]->message_loop()
                                  : NULL;
  if (message_loop) {
    if (nestable) {
      message_loop->PostDelayedTask(from_here, task, delay);
    } else {
      message_loop->PostNonNestableDelayedTask(from_here, task, delay);

  if (!target_thread_outlives_current)

  return !!message_loop;

// An implementation of MessageLoopProxy to be used in conjunction
// with BrowserThread.
class BrowserThreadMessageLoopProxy : public base::MessageLoopProxy {
  explicit BrowserThreadMessageLoopProxy(BrowserThread::ID identifier)
      : id_(identifier) {

  // MessageLoopProxy implementation.
  virtual bool PostDelayedTask(
      const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
      const base::Closure& task, base::TimeDelta delay) OVERRIDE {
    return BrowserThread::PostDelayedTask(id_, from_here, task, delay);

  virtual bool PostNonNestableDelayedTask(
      const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
      const base::Closure& task,
      base::TimeDelta delay) OVERRIDE {
    return BrowserThread::PostNonNestableDelayedTask(id_, from_here, task,

  virtual bool RunsTasksOnCurrentThread() const OVERRIDE {
    return BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(id_);

  virtual ~BrowserThreadMessageLoopProxy() {}

  BrowserThread::ID id_;

// static
bool BrowserThread::PostBlockingPoolTask(
    const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    const base::Closure& task) {
  return g_globals.Get().blocking_pool->PostWorkerTask(from_here, task);

// static
bool BrowserThread::PostBlockingPoolTaskAndReply(
    const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    const base::Closure& task,
    const base::Closure& reply) {
  return g_globals.Get().blocking_pool->PostTaskAndReply(
      from_here, task, reply);

// static
bool BrowserThread::PostBlockingPoolSequencedTask(
    const std::string& sequence_token_name,
    const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    const base::Closure& task) {
  return g_globals.Get().blocking_pool->PostNamedSequencedWorkerTask(
      sequence_token_name, from_here, task);

// static
base::SequencedWorkerPool* BrowserThread::GetBlockingPool() {
  return g_globals.Get().blocking_pool.get();

// static
bool BrowserThread::IsThreadInitialized(ID identifier) {
  if (g_globals == NULL)
    return false;

  BrowserThreadGlobals& globals = g_globals.Get();
  base::AutoLock lock(globals.lock);
  DCHECK(identifier >= 0 && identifier < ID_COUNT);
  return globals.threads[identifier] != NULL;

// static
bool BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(ID identifier) {
  // We shouldn't use MessageLoop::current() since it uses LazyInstance which
  // may be deleted by ~AtExitManager when a WorkerPool thread calls this
  // function.
  base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowSingleton allow_singleton;
  BrowserThreadGlobals& globals = g_globals.Get();
  base::AutoLock lock(globals.lock);
  DCHECK(identifier >= 0 && identifier < ID_COUNT);
  return globals.threads[identifier] &&
         globals.threads[identifier]->message_loop() ==

static const char* GetThreadName(BrowserThread::ID thread) {
  if (BrowserThread::UI < thread && thread < BrowserThread::ID_COUNT)
    return g_browser_thread_names[thread];
  if (thread == BrowserThread::UI)
    return "Chrome_UIThread";
  return "Unknown Thread";

// static
std::string BrowserThread::GetDCheckCurrentlyOnErrorMessage(ID expected) {
  const std::string& message_loop_name =
  ID actual_browser_thread;
  const char* actual_name = "Unknown Thread";
  if (!message_loop_name.empty()) {
    actual_name = message_loop_name.c_str();
  } else if (GetCurrentThreadIdentifier(&actual_browser_thread)) {
    actual_name = GetThreadName(actual_browser_thread);
  std::string result = "Must be called on ";
  result += GetThreadName(expected);
  result += "; actually called on ";
  result += actual_name;
  result += ".";
  return result;

// static
bool BrowserThread::IsMessageLoopValid(ID identifier) {
  if (g_globals == NULL)
    return false;

  BrowserThreadGlobals& globals = g_globals.Get();
  base::AutoLock lock(globals.lock);
  DCHECK(identifier >= 0 && identifier < ID_COUNT);
  return globals.threads[identifier] &&

// static
bool BrowserThread::PostTask(ID identifier,
                             const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
                             const base::Closure& task) {
  return BrowserThreadImpl::PostTaskHelper(
      identifier, from_here, task, base::TimeDelta(), true);

// static
bool BrowserThread::PostDelayedTask(ID identifier,
                                    const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
                                    const base::Closure& task,
                                    base::TimeDelta delay) {
  return BrowserThreadImpl::PostTaskHelper(
      identifier, from_here, task, delay, true);

// static
bool BrowserThread::PostNonNestableTask(
    ID identifier,
    const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    const base::Closure& task) {
  return BrowserThreadImpl::PostTaskHelper(
      identifier, from_here, task, base::TimeDelta(), false);

// static
bool BrowserThread::PostNonNestableDelayedTask(
    ID identifier,
    const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    const base::Closure& task,
    base::TimeDelta delay) {
  return BrowserThreadImpl::PostTaskHelper(
      identifier, from_here, task, delay, false);

// static
bool BrowserThread::PostTaskAndReply(
    ID identifier,
    const tracked_objects::Location& from_here,
    const base::Closure& task,
    const base::Closure& reply) {
  return GetMessageLoopProxyForThread(identifier)->PostTaskAndReply(from_here,

// static
bool BrowserThread::GetCurrentThreadIdentifier(ID* identifier) {
  if (g_globals == NULL)
    return false;

  // We shouldn't use MessageLoop::current() since it uses LazyInstance which
  // may be deleted by ~AtExitManager when a WorkerPool thread calls this
  // function.
  base::ThreadRestrictions::ScopedAllowSingleton allow_singleton;
  base::MessageLoop* cur_message_loop = base::MessageLoop::current();
  BrowserThreadGlobals& globals = g_globals.Get();
  for (int i = 0; i < ID_COUNT; ++i) {
    if (globals.threads[i] &&
        globals.threads[i]->message_loop() == cur_message_loop) {
      *identifier = globals.threads[i]->identifier_;
      return true;

  return false;

// static
BrowserThread::GetMessageLoopProxyForThread(ID identifier) {
  return make_scoped_refptr(new BrowserThreadMessageLoopProxy(identifier));

// static
base::MessageLoop* BrowserThread::UnsafeGetMessageLoopForThread(ID identifier) {
  if (g_globals == NULL)
    return NULL;

  BrowserThreadGlobals& globals = g_globals.Get();
  base::AutoLock lock(globals.lock);
  base::Thread* thread = globals.threads[identifier];
  base::MessageLoop* loop = thread->message_loop();
  return loop;

// static
void BrowserThread::SetDelegate(ID identifier,
                                BrowserThreadDelegate* delegate) {
  using base::subtle::AtomicWord;
  BrowserThreadGlobals& globals = g_globals.Get();
  AtomicWord* storage = reinterpret_cast<AtomicWord*>(
  AtomicWord old_pointer = base::subtle::NoBarrier_AtomicExchange(
      storage, reinterpret_cast<AtomicWord>(delegate));

  // This catches registration when previously registered.
  DCHECK(!delegate || !old_pointer);

}  // namespace content

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */