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//   Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
//   2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

// SWF buttons.  Mouse-sensitive update/display, actions, etc.


#include "smart_ptr.h"
#include "InteractiveObject.h" // for inheritance

#include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
#include <vector>
#include <set>

// Forward declarations.
namespace gnash {
    namespace SWF {
        class DefineButtonTag;

namespace gnash {
// Button

class Button : public InteractiveObject

        typedef std::vector<DisplayObject*> DisplayObjects;
        typedef std::vector<const DisplayObject*> ConstDisplayObjects;
    /// A container for holding the id of active button records.
    typedef std::set<int> ActiveRecords;

        enum mouse_flags
                FLAG_IDLE = 0,
                FLAG_OVER = 1,
                FLAG_DOWN = 2,
                OVER_DOWN = FLAG_OVER | FLAG_DOWN,

                // aliases
                OVER_UP = FLAG_OVER,
                OUT_DOWN = FLAG_DOWN

        enum MouseState
                MOUSESTATE_UP = 0,

    /// Construct a Button
    /// A button should always have an associated object.
        Button(as_object* object, const SWF::DefineButtonTag* def,
            DisplayObject* parent);

    static const char* mouseStateName(MouseState s);

        bool mouseEnabled() const { return true; }

    virtual bool trackAsMenu();

        // called from keypress listener only
        void notifyEvent(const event_id& id);

    /// Render this Button.
        virtual void display(Renderer& renderer, const Transform& xform);
        void set_current_state(MouseState new_state);

        /// \brief
        /// Return the topmost entity that the given point covers. 
        /// NULL if none.
        /// I.e. check against ourself.
        virtual InteractiveObject* topmostMouseEntity(boost::int32_t x,
            boost::int32_t y);
        virtual void mouseEvent(const event_id& event);

    virtual bool handleFocus();

        void add_invalidated_bounds(InvalidatedRanges& ranges, bool force);
        virtual SWFRect getBounds() const;
        // See dox in DisplayObject.h
        bool pointInShape(boost::int32_t x, boost::int32_t y) const;

        bool isEnabled();

        /// Properly destroy contained DisplayObjects
        void destroy();

    /// Do ActionScript construction of the Button.
    /// (1) Register this button instance as a live DisplayObject
    /// (2) Construct all button state DisplayObjects.
    /// @param init     An init object, which can be passed when constructing
    ///                 Buttons with attachMovie, but is never used.
    virtual void construct(as_object* init = 0);

        // Override to append button DisplayObjects info, see dox in DisplayObject.h
        virtual InfoTree::iterator getMovieInfo(InfoTree& tr,
            InfoTree::iterator it);

        /// Properly unload contained DisplayObjects
        virtual bool unloadChildren();

        /// Mark reachable resources (for the GC)
        /// These are:
        ///     - this char's definition (_def)
        ///     - the vector of state DisplayObjects (_stateCharacters)
        ///     - the vector of hit DisplayObjects (_hitCharacters)
        void markOwnResources() const;


        /// Returns all DisplayObjects that are active based on the current state.
        /// The "_visible" property does not matter here. 
        /// @param list
        ///     The container to push active DisplayObjects into
        /// @param includeUnloaded
        ///     If true, include unloaded but still reachable chars in the records slot.
        void getActiveCharacters(DisplayObjects& list, bool includeUnloaded=false);

    /// Returns all DisplayObjects that are active based on the current state.
    /// This is a const method because the returned DisplayObjects cannot be
    /// modified.
    /// @param list     The container to push unmodifiable DisplayObjects into.
        void getActiveCharacters(ConstDisplayObjects& list) const;

        /// Returns all DisplayObjects (record nums) that should be active on
    /// the given state.
        /// @param list
        ///     The set to push active DisplayObjects record number into
        /// @param state
        ///     The state we're interested in
        void get_active_records(ActiveRecords& list, MouseState state);

        /// Return version of the SWF containing the button definition.
    virtual int getDefinitionVersion() const;
        MouseState _mouseState;
    const boost::intrusive_ptr<const SWF::DefineButtonTag> _def;

        DisplayObjects _stateCharacters;

        DisplayObjects _hitCharacters;


/// Initialize the global Button class
void button_class_init(as_object& global, const ObjectURI& uri);

void registerButtonNative(as_object& global);

}       // end namespace gnash

#endif // GNASH_BUTTON_H

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