/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
// Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "SWFRect.h"
#include "DefinitionTag.h"
#include "SWF.h" // for TagType definition
#include "RGBA.h"
#include "TextField.h"
#include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp> // for boost::uint16_t and friends
// Forward declarations
namespace gnash {
class SWFStream;
class movie_definition;
class RunResources;
class Font;
namespace gnash {
namespace SWF {
/// SWF Tag DefineEditText (37).
/// Virtual control tag for syncing streaming sound to playhead
/// Gnash will register instances of this ControlTag in the
/// frame containing blocks of a streaming sound, which is
/// occurrences of SWF Tag StreamSoundBlock (19).
/// The tag will then be used to start playing the specific block
/// in sync with the frame playhead.
class DefineEditTextTag : public DefinitionTag
~DefineEditTextTag() {}
/// Load an SWF::DEFINEEDITTEXT (37) tag.
static void loader(SWFStream& in, TagType tag, movie_definition& m,
const RunResources& r);
const SWFRect& bounds() const { return _rect; }
DisplayObject* createDisplayObject(Global_as& gl,
DisplayObject* parent) const;
/// Return a reference to the default text associated
/// with this EditText definition.
const std::string& defaultText() const {
return _defaultText;
/// Return a reference to the "VariableName" associated
/// with this EditText definition. The variable name
/// is allowed to contain path information and should
/// be used to provide an 'alias' to the 'text' member
/// of instances.
const std::string& variableName() const {
return _variableName;
/// Return the maximum length of text this widget can hold.
/// If zero, the text length is unlimited.
unsigned int maxChars() const {
return _maxChars;
/// Get right margin in twips
boost::uint16_t rightMargin() const {
return _rightMargin;
/// Get left margin in twips
boost::uint16_t leftMargin() const {
return _leftMargin;
/// Get indentation in twips
boost::uint16_t indent() const {
return _indent;
/// Get height of font in twips.
// @@ what if has_font is false ??
boost::uint16_t textHeight() const {
return _textHeight;
/// Get color of the text
const rgba& color() const {
return _color;
/// \brief
/// Get extra space between lines (in twips).
/// This is in addition to default font line spacing.
boost::uint16_t leading() const {
return _leading;
bool multiline() const {
return _multiline;
bool password() const {
return _password;
/// Get text alignment
TextField::TextAlignment alignment() const {
return _alignment;
/// Is border requested ?
bool border() const {
return _border;
bool autoSize() const {
return _autoSize;
/// Word wrap requested ?
bool wordWrap() const {
return _wordWrap;
/// Has text defined ?
bool hasText() const {
return _hasText;
bool readOnly() const
return _readOnly;
bool noSelect() const
return _noSelect;
/// Return true if HTML was allowed by definition
bool html() const { return _html; }
/// Return true if this DisplayObject definition requested use of device fonts
/// Used by TextFielf constructor to set its default.
bool getUseEmbeddedGlyphs() const
return _useOutlines;
boost::intrusive_ptr<Font> getFont() const
return _font;
/// Construct a DefineEditTextTag.
/// This should only be used from the loader() function.
DefineEditTextTag(SWFStream& in, movie_definition& m, boost::uint16_t id);
/// Read a tag from the SWFStream.
void read(SWFStream& in, movie_definition& m);
SWFRect _rect;
std::string _variableName;
// For an SWF-defined textfield we'll read
// this from the tag. Dynamic textfields should
// behave as always having text by default (not tested).
bool _hasText;
bool _wordWrap;
bool _multiline;
/// show asterisks instead of actual DisplayObjects
bool _password;
bool _readOnly;
/// resize our bound to fit the text
bool _autoSize;
bool _noSelect;
/// forces white background and black border.
/// silly, but sometimes used
bool _border;
/// Allowed HTML (from Alexis SWF Reference).
/// <a href=url target=targ>...</a> -- hyperlink
/// <b>...</b> -- bold
/// <br> -- line break
/// <font face=name size=[+|-][0-9]+ color=#RRGGBB>...</font> -- font change; size in TWIPS
/// <i>...</i> -- italic
/// <li>...</li> -- list item
/// <p>...</p> -- paragraph
/// <tab> -- insert tab
/// [ BLOCKINDENT=[0-9]+ ]
/// [ INDENT=[0-9]+ ]
/// [ LEADING=[0-9]+ ]
/// [ LEFTMARGIN=[0-9]+ ]
/// [ RIGHTMARGIN=[0-9]+ ]
/// [ TABSTOPS=[0-9]+{,[0-9]+} ]
/// Change the different parameters as indicated. The
/// sizes are all in TWIPs. There can be multiple
/// positions for the tab stops. These are seperated by
/// commas.
/// <U>...</U> -- underline
bool _html;
/// \brief
/// When true, use specified SWF internal font (embed fonts)
/// Otherwise, use specified device font (or a default one if m_font_id is -1)
/// Also known as USE_GLYPH (from Ming)
// For an SWF-defined textfield we'll read
// this from the tag. Dynamic textfields should
// use device fonts by default (so not use outline ones)
bool _useOutlines;
int _fontID;
boost::intrusive_ptr<Font> _font;
/// height of font text, in twips
// TODO: initialize to a meaningful value (see MovieClip::add_textfield)
// and make sure get_font_height is not called for rendering purposes
// (instead call a method of TextField) (?)
boost::uint16_t _textHeight;
/// Text color
rgba _color;
/// Maximum length of text this widget can display (number of chars?)
/// If zero, the text length is unlimited.
unsigned int _maxChars;
TextField::TextAlignment _alignment;
/// extra space between box's left border and text (in twips)
boost::uint16_t _leftMargin;
/// extra space between box's right border and text (in twips)
boost::uint16_t _rightMargin;
/// how much to indent the first line of multiline text (in twips)
boost::uint16_t _indent;
/// \brief
/// Extra space between lines
/// (in addition to default font line spacing)
boost::uint16_t _leading;
/// The default text to be displayed
std::string _defaultText;
} // namespace gnash::SWF
} // namespace gnash