/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
// Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
// 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "InteractiveObject.h" // for inheritance
#include "LineStyle.h" // for LineStyle
#include "snappingrange.h"
#include "SWFRect.h" // for inlines
// Forward declarations
namespace gnash {
namespace SWF {
class DefineEditTextTag;
class TextRecord;
class TextFormat_as;
class Font;
namespace gnash {
/// An instance of a DefineEditTextTag
class TextField : public InteractiveObject
typedef std::vector<size_t> LineStarts;
/// Text alignment values
enum TextAlignment
/// Text format display values
enum TextFormatDisplay
/// Possible autoSize values
enum AutoSize {
/// Do not automatically resize TextField as text grow/shrink
/// Expand TextField, anchor the top-left side
/// Expand TextField, anchor the horizontal center
/// Expand TextField, anchor the top-right side
/// Possible type values
enum TypeValue {
/// Invalid value
/// Do not accept input, text is only changed by variable name
/// or assigning to the .text member
/// Accept user input
/// Constructs a TextField as specified in a DefineEditText tag.
TextField(as_object* object, DisplayObject* parent,
const SWF::DefineEditTextTag& def);
/// Constructs a TextField with default values and the specified bounds.
/// Notably, the default textHeight is 12pt (240 twips).
/// @param parent A pointer to the DisplayObject parent of this TextField
/// @param bounds A SWFRect specifying the bounds of this TextField
TextField(as_object* object, DisplayObject* parent, const SWFRect& bounds);
// TODO: should this return isSelectable() ?
/// Returns true for now, TextField is always "Mouse-Enabled"
bool mouseEnabled() const { return true; }
/// Returns a pointer to the topmost InteractiveObject at (x,y)
/// @param x x-coordinate
/// @param y y-coordinate
InteractiveObject* topmostMouseEntity(boost::int32_t x, boost::int32_t y);
/// Return the version of the SWF this was parsed from.
/// TODO: work out what this means for dynamic TextFields.
virtual int getDefinitionVersion() const;
/// This function is called as a user-input handler
void notifyEvent(const event_id& id);
const std::string& getVariableName() const
return _variable_name;
/// Set the name of a variable associated to this
/// TextField's displayed text.
/// Calling this function will override any previous
/// setting for the variable name.
void set_variable_name(const std::string& newname);
/// \brief Set our text to the given string by effect of an update of a
/// registered variable name
/// This call only updates the text and is only meant to be called
/// by ourselves or by MovieClip when a registered TextVariable is
/// updated.
void updateText(const std::string& s);
/// Return value of our text.
std::string get_text_value() const;
/// Return value of our htmlText.
std::string get_htmltext_value() const;
/// Return true if text is defined
bool getTextDefined() const { return _textDefined; }
size_t getCaretIndex() const {
return m_cursor;
/// Get a std::pair of size_t with start/end of selection
/// Both start and end should invariably be within the
/// range of the text.
const std::pair<size_t, size_t>& getSelection() const {
return _selection;
/// Replace the current selection with the new text.
/// @param replace String to replace the current selection
void replaceSelection(const std::string& replace);
/// Set the current selection
/// @param start The index of the beginning of the selection.
/// @param end The index of the end of the selection.
/// If start is greater than end, the values are swapped, ensuring
/// end is never less than start.
void setSelection(int start, int end);
/// Override of DisplayObject::setWidth
/// TextField width currently behaves differently from MovieClip width
virtual void setWidth(double width);
/// Override of DisplayObject::setHeight
/// TextField height currently behaves differently from MovieClip height
virtual void setHeight(double height);
/// Draw the dynamic string.
virtual void display(Renderer& renderer, const Transform& xform);
void add_invalidated_bounds(InvalidatedRanges& ranges, bool force);
/// Get bounding SWFRect of this TextField
virtual SWFRect getBounds() const
return _bounds;
// See dox in DisplayObject.h
bool pointInShape(boost::int32_t x, boost::int32_t y) const;
/// Return true if the 'background' should be drawn
bool getDrawBackground() const;
/// Specify whether to draw the background
/// @param draw If true the background of this TextField will be drawn
void setDrawBackground(bool draw);
/// \brief Return color of the background
rgba getBackgroundColor() const;
/// Set color of the background
/// Use setDrawBackground to actually use this value.
/// @param col RGBA Object with color information. TextField
/// background will be drawn in this color
void setBackgroundColor(const rgba& col);
/// Return true if this TextField should have its border visible
bool getDrawBorder() const;
/// Specify whether to draw the border
/// @param draw If true the border of this TextField will be drawn
void setDrawBorder(bool draw);
/// Return color of the border
rgba getBorderColor() const;
/// Set color of the border
/// Use setDrawBorder to actually use this value.
/// @param col RGBA Object with color information. TextField border
/// will be drawn in this color.
void setBorderColor(const rgba& col);
/// Return color of the text
const rgba& getTextColor() const
return _textColor;
/// Set color of the text
/// @param col RGBA Object with color information. Text in this TextField
/// will be displayed in this color.
void setTextColor(const rgba& col);
/// \brief
/// Return true if this TextField should use embedded font glyphs,
/// false if it should use device font glyphs
bool getEmbedFonts() const {
return _embedFonts;
/// Get the current maxChars setting of the TextField
boost::int32_t maxChars() const {
return _maxChars;
/// Set the current maxChars setting of the TextField
/// @param max The maximum number of characters that can be
/// input by the user (Does not restrict Scripts)
void maxChars(boost::int32_t max) {
_maxChars = max;
/// Get the current multiline setting of the TextField
bool multiline() const {
return _multiline;
/// Set the current multiline setting of the TextField
/// @param b If true "Enter" key will be recognized (Does not
/// restrict Scripts)
void multiline(bool b) {
_multiline = b;
/// Get the current password setting of the TextField
bool password() const {
return _password;
/// Set the current password setting of the TextField
/// @param b If true characters in the TextField will be displayed
/// as (*)
void password(bool b) {
_password = b;
/// \brief
/// Set whether this TextField should use embedded font glyphs,
/// or use device font glyphs
/// @param use
void setEmbedFonts(bool use);
/// Get autoSize value
AutoSize getAutoSize() const
return _autoSize;
/// Return text TextAlignment
TextAlignment getTextAlignment();
/// Set autoSize value
/// @param val
/// The AutoSize to use
void setAutoSize(AutoSize val);
/// Set type (input or dynamic)
/// @param val
/// The TypeValue to use, no-op if typeInvalid.
void setType(TypeValue val) { if (val != typeInvalid) _type=val; }
/// Get type (input, dynamic or invalid)
TypeValue getType() const
return _type;
/// Return true if this TextField is read-only
bool isReadOnly() const { return _type != typeInput; }
/// Parse type string value
/// @param val
/// Type value as a string (one of input or dynamic)
/// @return an TypeValue identifier. typeInvalid if invalid.
static TypeValue parseTypeValue(const std::string& val);
/// Return type value as a string
/// @param val
/// Type value (enum)
/// @return a C-string representation of the type value.
/// The returns is *never* NULL.
static const char* typeValueName(TypeValue val);
/// \brief
/// Return true if text should continue to next available line
/// when hitting end of bounding box.
bool doWordWrap() const {
return _wordWrap;
/// Set wordWrap parameter
/// @param on
/// If true text hitting bounding box limits will continue
/// to next line.
/// If false, either text will be truncated or bounding box
/// expanded, depending on autoSize (see getAutoSize)
void setWordWrap(bool on);
/// Return true if HTML markup in text should be rendered.
bool doHtml() const {
return _html;
/// Set html parameter
/// @param on
/// If true HTML tags in the text will be parsed and rendered
void setHtml(bool on) {
_html = on;
/// Return true if the TextField text is selectable
bool isSelectable() const
return _selectable;
/// Set 'selectable' parameter
/// @param v
/// If true text in this TextField will be selectable
void setSelectable(bool v)
_selectable = v;
// See DisplayObject::isActiveTextField
/// Return true if the TextField text is selectable
virtual bool isSelectableTextField() const
return isSelectable();
/// Remove this textfield from the stage
/// This is to implement TextField.removeTextField, will
/// basically forward the request to its parent.
/// Eventually this and MovieClip::removeMovieClip
/// will be merged in a single function to be later used
/// also for AS3 removeChild().
void removeTextField();
/// Set our font, return previously set one.
/// @param newfont
/// Will be stored in an intrusive_ptr
boost::intrusive_ptr<const Font> setFont(
boost::intrusive_ptr<const Font> newfont);
const Font* getFont() { return _font.get(); }
boost::uint16_t getFontHeight() const
return _fontHeight;
void setFontHeight(boost::uint16_t h);
boost::uint16_t getLeftMargin() const
return _leftMargin;
void setLeftMargin(boost::uint16_t h);
boost::uint16_t getRightMargin() const
return _rightMargin;
void setRightMargin(boost::uint16_t h);
boost::uint16_t getIndent() const
return _indent;
void setIndent(boost::uint16_t h);
boost::uint16_t getBlockIndent() const
return _blockIndent;
void setBlockIndent(boost::uint16_t h);
TextAlignment getAlignment() const
return _alignment;
void setAlignment(TextAlignment h);
boost::int16_t getLeading() const
return _leading;
void setLeading(boost::int16_t h);
bool getUnderlined() const
return _underlined;
TextFormatDisplay getDisplay() const
return _display;
bool getBullet() const
return _bullet;
const std::vector<int>& getTabStops() const
return _tabStops;
bool isRestrict() const
return _restrictDefined;
const std::string& getRestrict() const
return _restrict;
size_t getScroll() const
return _scroll;
size_t getMaxScroll() const
return _maxScroll;
size_t getHScroll() const
return _hScroll;
size_t getMaxHScroll() const
return _maxHScroll;
size_t getBottomScroll() const
return _bottomScroll;
void setUnderlined(bool v);
void setTabStops(const std::vector<int>& tabStops);
void setBullet(bool b);
void setURL(std::string url);
void setTarget(std::string target);
void setRestrict(const std::string& restrict);
void setDisplay(TextFormatDisplay display);
void setScroll(size_t scroll) {
_scroll = scroll;
void setMaxScroll(size_t maxScroll) {
_maxScroll = maxScroll;
void setHScroll(size_t hScroll) {
_hScroll = hScroll;
void setMaxHScroll(size_t maxHScroll) {
_maxHScroll = maxHScroll;
void setbottomScroll(size_t bottomScroll) {
_bottomScroll = bottomScroll;
/// Returns the number of the record that the cursor is in
size_t cursorRecord();
void setTextFormat(TextFormat_as& tf);
const SWFRect& getTextBoundingBox() const {
return m_text_bounding_box;
/// Set our text to the given string.
/// This function will also update any registered variable
void setTextValue(const std::wstring& wstr);
void init();
/// \brief Set our text to the given string by effect of an update of a
/// registered variable name
/// This call only updates the text and is only meant to be called
/// by ourselves or by MovieClip when a registered TextVariable is
/// updated.
void updateText(const std::wstring& s);
void updateHtmlText(const std::wstring& s);
void insertTab(SWF::TextRecord& rec, boost::int32_t& x, float scale);
/// What happens when setFocus() is called on this TextField.
/// @return true if focus was set. A TextField can always receive focus,
/// so this always returns true.
virtual bool handleFocus();
/// Kill focus
virtual void killFocus();
/// Call this function when willing to invoke the onChanged event handler
void onChanged();
/// Reset our text bounding box to the given point.
void reset_bounding_box(boost::int32_t x, boost::int32_t y)
m_text_bounding_box.set_to_point(x, y);
/// Convert the DisplayObjects in _text into a series of
/// text_glyph_records to be rendered.
void format_text();
/// Move viewable lines based on m_cursor
void scrollLines();
/// Handles a new line, this will be called several times, so this
/// will hopefully make code cleaner
void newLine(boost::int32_t& x, boost::int32_t& y,
SWF::TextRecord& rec, int& last_space_glyph,
LineStarts::value_type& last_line_start_record, float div);
/// De-reference and do appropriate action for character iterator
void handleChar(std::wstring::const_iterator& it,
const std::wstring::const_iterator& e, boost::int32_t& x,
boost::int32_t& y, SWF::TextRecord& rec, int& last_code,
int& last_space_glyph,
LineStarts::value_type& last_line_start_record);
/// Extracts an HTML tag.
/// @param tag This string is filled with the extracted HTML tag.
/// @param attributes This is a map of attribute names and values
/// @param it An iterator pointing to the first DisplayObject of the
/// HTML tag. It is left pointing to the DisplayObject after the
/// closing tag or the end of the string.
/// @param e An iterator pointing to the end of the string.
/// @return Whether the tag is complete or not (i.e. whether a '>'
/// was found).
bool parseHTML(std::wstring& tag,
std::map<std::string, std::string>& attributes,
std::wstring::const_iterator& it,
const std::wstring::const_iterator& e,
bool& selfclosing) const;
/// Does LEFT/CENTER/RIGHT alignment on the records in
/// m_text_glyph_records[], starting with
/// last_line_start_record and going through the end of
/// m_text_glyph_records.
float align_line(TextAlignment align, int last_line_start_record, float x);
/// Associate a variable to the text of this DisplayObject
/// Setting the associated variable actually changes the
/// displayed text. Getting the variable would return the
/// displayed text.
/// If the given variable already exist use it to set
/// current text before overriding it.
/// Since the variable target may be undefined at time
/// of instantiation of this EditText DisplayObject, the
/// class keeps track of wheter it succeeded registering
/// the variable and this function will do nothing in this
/// case. Thus it is safe to call it multiple time, using
/// an as-needed policy (will be called from get_text_value and
/// display)
void registerTextVariable();
typedef std::pair<as_object*, ObjectURI> VariableRef;
/// \brief
/// Parse the given variable name
/// into sprite and a string_table::key components
VariableRef parseTextVariableRef(const std::string& variableName) const;
/// Called in display(), sets the cursor using m_cursor and _textRecords
/// @param renderer
/// @param mat
void show_cursor(Renderer& renderer, const SWFMatrix& mat);
/// The immutable definition of our TextField
/// This is NULL for dynamic TextFields.
boost::intrusive_ptr<const SWF::DefineEditTextTag> _tag;
/// The actual text.
/// Because we have to deal with non-ascii DisplayObjects (129-255), this
/// is a wide string; the cursor position and the position within the
/// string are then the same, which makes manipulating the string much
/// easier.
std::wstring _text;
/// The html representation of our text
std::wstring _htmlText;
/// bounds of dynamic text, as laid out
SWFRect m_text_bounding_box;
typedef std::vector<SWF::TextRecord> TextRecords;
TextRecords _textRecords;
std::vector<size_t> _recordStarts;
TextRecords _displayRecords;
std::string _url;
std::string _target;
std::string _restrict;
std::set<wchar_t> _restrictedchars;
TextFormatDisplay _display;
std::vector<int> _tabStops;
LineStarts _line_starts;
/// The text variable name
/// This is stored here, and not just in the definition,
/// because it can be changed programmatically, by setting
/// 'TextFields.variable'
std::string _variable_name;
rgba _backgroundColor;
rgba _borderColor;
rgba _textColor;
TextAlignment _alignment;
boost::intrusive_ptr<const Font> _font;
size_t m_cursor;
size_t _glyphcount;
size_t _scroll;
size_t _maxScroll;
size_t _hScroll;
size_t _maxHScroll;
size_t _bottomScroll;
size_t _linesindisplay;
/// Corresponds to the maxChars property.
size_t _maxChars;
AutoSize _autoSize;
TypeValue _type;
/// Area in which the text is drawn.
/// This area encloses all the text, can be automatically
/// extended to fit text or hide text overflowing it.
/// See the setAutoSize() method to change that.
SWFRect _bounds;
/// Represents the selected part of the text. The second element must
/// never be less than the first.
std::pair<size_t, size_t> _selection;
boost::int16_t _leading;
boost::uint16_t _indent;
/// Indentation for every line (including the ones created by
/// effect of a word-wrap.
boost::uint16_t _blockIndent;
boost::uint16_t _leftMargin;
boost::uint16_t _rightMargin;
boost::uint16_t _fontHeight;
/// This flag will be true as soon as the TextField
/// is assigned a text value. Only way to be false is
/// when definition has the hasText flag set to false
/// and no actionscript added text.
bool _textDefined;
bool _restrictDefined;
bool _underlined;
bool _bullet;
bool m_has_focus;
/// Corresponds to the multiline property.
bool _multiline;
/// Corresponds to the password property.
bool _password;
/// The flag keeping status of TextVariable registration
/// It will be set to true if there's no need to register
/// a text variable (ie. non-specified in the SWF)
bool _text_variable_registered;
bool _drawBackground;
bool _drawBorder;
bool _embedFonts;
bool _wordWrap;
bool _html;
bool _selectable;
} // namespace gnash