
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. drawable_draw
  2. vrml_drawable_pick
  3. drawable_new
  4. drawable_reset_bounds
  5. drawable_del_ex
  6. drawable_del
  7. drawable_node_del
  8. drawable_stack_new
  9. drawable_check_alloc_bounds
  10. drawable_reset_group_highlight
  11. drawable_mark_modified
  12. drawable_flush_bounds
  13. drawable_has_same_bounds
  14. drawable_get_previous_bound
  15. NewDrawableContext
  16. DeleteDrawableContext
  17. drawctx_reset
  18. drawctx_update_info
  19. drawable_lineprops_dirty
  20. drawable_get_aspect_2d_mpeg4
  21. check_transparent_skip
  22. drawable_check_texture_dirty
  23. drawable_init_context_mpeg4
  24. drawable_finalize_end
  25. drawable_check_bounds
  26. drawable_compute_line_scale
  27. drawable_finalize_sort_ex
  28. drawable_finalize_sort
  29. drawable_check_focus_highlight
  30. drawable_traverse_focus
  31. delete_strikeinfo2d
  32. drawable_get_strikeinfo
  33. drawable_reset_path_outline
  34. drawable_reset_path
  35. DestroyLineProps
  36. compositor_init_lineprops
  37. drawable_get_aspect_2d_svg
  38. drawable_get_aspect_2d_svg
  39. svg_appearance_flag_dirty
  40. drawable_init_context_svg

 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *  This file is part of GPAC / Scene Compositor sub-project
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include "drawable.h"
#include "visual_manager.h"
#include "nodes_stacks.h"

/*default draw routine*/
void drawable_draw(Drawable *drawable, GF_TraverseState *tr_state)
        visual_2d_texture_path(tr_state->visual, tr_state->ctx->drawable->path, tr_state->ctx, tr_state);
        visual_2d_draw_path(tr_state->visual, tr_state->ctx->drawable->path, tr_state->ctx, NULL, NULL, tr_state);

/*default point_over routine*/
void vrml_drawable_pick(Drawable *drawable, GF_TraverseState *tr_state)
        DrawAspect2D asp;
        GF_Matrix2D inv_2d;
        StrikeInfo2D *si;
        Fixed x, y;
        u32 i, count;
        GF_Node *appear = tr_state->override_appearance ? tr_state->override_appearance : tr_state->appear;
        GF_Compositor *compositor = tr_state->visual->compositor;

        if (tr_state->visual->type_3d) {
                visual_3d_vrml_drawable_pick(drawable->node, tr_state, NULL, drawable);
        gf_mx2d_copy(inv_2d, tr_state->transform);
        x = tr_state->ray.orig.x;
        y = tr_state->ray.orig.y;
        gf_mx2d_apply_coords(&inv_2d, &x, &y);

        memset(&asp, 0, sizeof(DrawAspect2D));
        drawable_get_aspect_2d_mpeg4(drawable->node, &asp, tr_state);

        /*MPEG-4 picking is always on regardless of color properties*/
        if (/*tr_state->ctx->aspect.fill_texture */
            /* (tr_state->pick_type<PICK_FULL) */
            /* GF_COL_A(asp.fill_color)*/
            1) {
                if (gf_path_point_over(drawable->path, x, y)) {
                        goto picked;

        if (asp.pen_props.width || asp.line_texture ) {
                si = drawable_get_strikeinfo(tr_state->visual->compositor, drawable, &asp, appear, NULL, 0, NULL);
                if (si && si->outline && gf_path_point_over(si->outline, x, y)) {
                        goto picked;

        compositor->hit_local_point.x = x;
        compositor->hit_local_point.y = y;
        compositor->hit_local_point.z = 0;

        gf_mx_from_mx2d(&compositor->hit_world_to_local, &tr_state->transform);
        gf_mx_from_mx2d(&compositor->hit_local_to_world, &inv_2d);

        compositor->hit_node = drawable->node;
        compositor->hit_use_dom_events = 0;
        compositor->hit_normal.x = compositor->hit_normal.y = 0;
        compositor->hit_normal.z = FIX_ONE;
        compositor->hit_texcoords.x = gf_divfix(x - drawable->path->bbox.x, drawable->path->bbox.width);
        compositor->hit_texcoords.y = FIX_ONE - gf_divfix(drawable->path->bbox.y - y, drawable->path->bbox.height);

        if (compositor_is_composite_texture(appear)) {
                compositor->hit_appear = appear;
        } else
                compositor->hit_appear = NULL;
        compositor->hit_text = NULL;

        count = gf_list_count(tr_state->vrml_sensors);
        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                gf_list_add(tr_state->visual->compositor->sensors, gf_list_get(tr_state->vrml_sensors, i));

Drawable *drawable_new()
        Drawable *tmp;
        GF_SAFEALLOC(tmp, Drawable)
        if (!tmp) {
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_COMPOSE, ("[Compositor] Failed to allocate drawable object\n"));
                return NULL;
        tmp->path = gf_path_new();
        /*allocate a default visual container*/
        GF_SAFEALLOC(tmp->dri, DRInfo);
        if (tmp->dri) {
                /*allocate a default bounds container*/
                GF_SAFEALLOC(tmp->dri->current_bounds, BoundInfo);
        if (!tmp->dri || !tmp->dri->current_bounds) {
                if (tmp->dri) gf_free(tmp->dri);
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_COMPOSE, ("[Compositor] Failed to allocate drawable object bounds\n"));
                return NULL;
        return tmp;

void drawable_reset_bounds(Drawable *dr, GF_VisualManager *visual)
        DRInfo *dri;
        BoundInfo *bi, *_cur;

        dri = dr->dri;
        while (dri) {
                if (dri->visual != visual) {
                        dri = dri->next;
                /*destroy previous bounds only, since current ones are always used during traversing*/
                bi = dri->previous_bounds;
                while (bi) {
                        _cur = bi;
                        bi = bi->next;
                dri->previous_bounds = NULL;

void drawable_del_ex(Drawable *dr, GF_Compositor *compositor)
        StrikeInfo2D *si;
        Bool is_reg = 0;
        DRInfo *dri, *cur;
        BoundInfo *bi, *_cur;

        /*remove node from all visuals it's on*/
        dri = dr->dri;
        while (dri) {
                is_reg = compositor ? gf_sc_visual_is_registered(compositor, dri->visual) : 0;

                bi = dri->current_bounds;
                while (bi) {
                        _cur = bi;
                        if (is_reg && bi->clip.width) {
                                ra_add(&dri->visual->to_redraw, &bi->clip);
                        bi = bi->next;
                bi = dri->previous_bounds;
                while (bi) {
                        _cur = bi;
                        if (is_reg && bi->clip.width) {
                                ra_add(&dri->visual->to_redraw, &bi->clip);
                        bi = bi->next;
                if (is_reg) visual_2d_drawable_delete(dri->visual, dr);
                cur = dri;
                dri = dri->next;
        if (compositor) {
                gf_sc_next_frame_state(compositor, GF_SC_DRAW_FRAME);

                /*check node isn't being tracked*/
                if (compositor->grab_node==dr->node)
                        compositor->grab_node = NULL;

                if (compositor->focus_node==dr->node) {
                        compositor->focus_node = NULL;
                        compositor->focus_text_type = 0;
                if (compositor->hit_node==dr->node) compositor->hit_node = NULL;
                if (compositor->hit_text==dr->node) compositor->hit_text = NULL;

        /*remove path object*/
        if (dr->path) gf_path_del(dr->path);

        if (dr->mesh) mesh_free(dr->mesh);

        si = dr->outline;
        while (si) {
                StrikeInfo2D *next = si->next;
                /*remove from main strike list*/
                if (compositor) gf_list_del_item(compositor->strike_bank, si);
                si = next;

void drawable_del(Drawable *dr)
        GF_Compositor *compositor = gf_sc_get_compositor(dr->node);
        drawable_del_ex(dr, compositor);
void drawable_node_del(GF_Node *node)
        drawable_del( (Drawable *)gf_node_get_private(node) );

Drawable *drawable_stack_new(GF_Compositor *compositor, GF_Node *node)
        Drawable *stack = drawable_new();
        stack->node = node;
        gf_node_set_private(node, stack);
        return stack;

static BoundInfo *drawable_check_alloc_bounds(struct _drawable_context *ctx, GF_VisualManager *visual)
        DRInfo *dri, *prev;
        BoundInfo *bi, *_prev;

        /*get bounds info for this visual manager*/
        prev = NULL;
        dri = ctx->drawable->dri;
        while (dri) {
                if (dri->visual == visual) break;
                if (!dri->visual) {
                        dri->visual = visual;
                prev = dri;
                dri = dri->next;
        if (!dri) {
                GF_SAFEALLOC(dri, DRInfo);
                if (!dri) return NULL;
                dri->visual = visual;
                if (prev) prev->next = dri;
                else ctx->drawable->dri = dri;
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_COMPOSE, ("[Visual2D] Allocating new bound info storage on visual %08x for drawable %s\n", visual, gf_node_get_class_name(ctx->drawable->node)));

        /*get available bound info slot*/
        _prev = NULL;
        bi = dri->current_bounds;
        while (bi) {
                if (!bi->clip.width) break;
                _prev = bi;
                bi = bi->next;
        if (!bi) {
                GF_SAFEALLOC(bi, BoundInfo);
                if (!bi) return NULL;
                if (_prev) {
//                      assert(!_prev->next);
                        _prev->next = bi;
                else {
//                      assert(!dri->current_bounds);
                        dri->current_bounds = bi;
                //GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_COMPOSE, ("[Visual2D] Allocating new bound info for drawable %s\n", gf_node_get_class_name(ctx->drawable->node)));
        /*reset next bound info*/
        if (bi->next) bi->next->clip.width = 0;
        return bi;

void drawable_reset_group_highlight(GF_TraverseState *tr_state, GF_Node *n)
        Drawable *hlight = tr_state->visual->compositor->focus_highlight;
        if (hlight && (n == gf_node_get_private(hlight->node))) gf_node_set_private(hlight->node, NULL);

void drawable_mark_modified(Drawable *drawable, GF_TraverseState *tr_state)
        /*mark drawable as modified*/
        drawable->flags |= tr_state->visual->bounds_tracker_modif_flag;
        /*and remove overlay flag*/
        drawable->flags &= ~DRAWABLE_IS_OVERLAY;

        drawable_reset_group_highlight(tr_state, drawable->node);

/*move current bounds to previous bounds*/
Bool drawable_flush_bounds(Drawable *drawable, GF_VisualManager *on_visual, u32 draw_mode)
        Bool was_drawn;
        DRInfo *dri;
        BoundInfo *tmp;

        /*reset node modified flag*/
        drawable->flags &= ~DRAWABLE_HAS_CHANGED;
        if (drawable->flags & DRAWABLE_HAS_CHANGED_IN_LAST_TRAVERSE) {
                drawable->flags |= DRAWABLE_HAS_CHANGED;
                drawable->flags &= ~DRAWABLE_HAS_CHANGED_IN_LAST_TRAVERSE;

        dri = drawable->dri;
        while (dri) {
                if (dri->visual == on_visual) break;
                dri = dri->next;
        if (!dri) return 0;

        was_drawn = (dri->current_bounds && dri->current_bounds->clip.width) ? 1 : 0;

        if (draw_mode) {
                /*permanent direct drawing mode, destroy previous bounds*/
                if (draw_mode==1) {
                        if (dri->previous_bounds) {
                                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_COMPOSE, ("[Compositor2D] Destroying previous bounds info for drawable %s\n", gf_node_get_class_name(drawable->node)));
                                while (dri->previous_bounds) {
                                        BoundInfo *bi = dri->previous_bounds;
                                        dri->previous_bounds = bi->next;
        /*indirect drawing, flush bounds*/
        else {
                tmp = dri->previous_bounds;
                dri->previous_bounds = dri->current_bounds;
                dri->current_bounds = tmp;
        /*reset first allocated bound*/
        if (dri->current_bounds) dri->current_bounds->clip.width = 0;

        drawable->flags &= ~DRAWABLE_DRAWN_ON_VISUAL;
        return was_drawn;

        return 1 if same bound is found in previous list (and remove it from the list)
        return 0 otherwise

Bool drawable_has_same_bounds(struct _drawable_context *ctx, GF_VisualManager *visual)
        DRInfo *dri;
        BoundInfo *bi;

        dri = ctx->drawable->dri;
        while (dri) {
                if (dri->visual == visual) break;
                dri = dri->next;
        if (!dri) return 0;

        bi = dri->previous_bounds;
        while (bi) {
                if (
                    /*if 0, end of bounds used in the previous pass*/
                    /*we need the same Appearance || parent <use>*/
                    && (bi->extra_check == ctx->appear)
                    /*we need exact same cliper*/
                    && (bi->clip.x==ctx->bi->clip.x) && (bi->clip.y==ctx->bi->clip.y)
                    && (bi->clip.width==ctx->bi->clip.width) && (bi->clip.height==ctx->bi->clip.height)
                    /*only check x and y (if w or h have changed, object has changed -> bounds info has been reset*/
                    && (bi->unclip.x==ctx->bi->unclip.x) && (bi->unclip.y==ctx->bi->unclip.y)
                ) {
                        bi->clip.width = 0;
                        return 1;
                bi = bi->next;
        return 0;

        return any previous bounds related to the same visual in @rc if any
        if nothing found return 0
Bool drawable_get_previous_bound(Drawable *drawable, GF_IRect *rc, GF_VisualManager *visual)
        DRInfo *dri;
        BoundInfo *bi;

        dri = drawable->dri;
        while (dri) {
                if (dri->visual == visual) break;
                dri = dri->next;
        if (!dri) return 0;

        bi = dri->previous_bounds;
        while (bi) {
                if (bi->clip.width) {
                        *rc = bi->clip;
                        bi->clip.width = 0;
                        return 1;
                bi = bi->next;
        return 0;

DrawableContext *NewDrawableContext()
        DrawableContext *tmp;
        GF_SAFEALLOC(tmp, DrawableContext);
        return tmp;
void DeleteDrawableContext(DrawableContext *ctx)
void drawctx_reset(DrawableContext *ctx)
        DrawableContext *next = ctx->next;
        if (ctx->col_mat) gf_free(ctx->col_mat);
        memset(ctx, 0, sizeof(DrawableContext));
        ctx->next = next;

        /*by default all nodes are transparent*/
        ctx->flags |= CTX_IS_TRANSPARENT;

        /*BIFS has default value for 2D appearance ...*/
        ctx->aspect.fill_color = 0xFFCCCCCC;
        ctx->aspect.line_color = 0xFFCCCCCC;
        ctx->aspect.pen_props.width = FIX_ONE;
        ctx->aspect.pen_props.cap = GF_LINE_CAP_FLAT;
        ctx->aspect.pen_props.join = GF_LINE_JOIN_BEVEL;
        ctx->aspect.pen_props.miterLimit = 4*FIX_ONE;


void drawctx_update_info(DrawableContext *ctx, GF_VisualManager *visual)
        DRInfo *dri;
        Bool moved, need_redraw, drawn;
        need_redraw = (ctx->flags & CTX_REDRAW_MASK) ? 1 : 0;

        drawn = 0;
        dri = ctx->drawable->dri;
        while (dri) {
                if (dri->visual==visual) {
                        if (dri->current_bounds && dri->current_bounds->clip.width) drawn = 1;
                dri = dri->next;
        if (drawn) {
                ctx->drawable->flags |= DRAWABLE_DRAWN_ON_VISUAL;
                /*node has been modified, do not check bounds, just assumed it moved*/
                if (ctx->drawable->flags & DRAWABLE_HAS_CHANGED) {
                        moved = 1;
                } else {
                        /*check if same bounds are used*/
                        moved = !drawable_has_same_bounds(ctx, visual);

                if (need_redraw || moved)
                        ctx->flags |= CTX_REDRAW_MASK;

        /*in all cases reset dirty flag of appearance and its sub-nodes*/
        //if (ctx->flags & CTX_HAS_APPEARANCE) gf_node_dirty_reset(ctx->appear);

static Bool drawable_lineprops_dirty(GF_Node *node)
        LinePropStack *st = (LinePropStack *)gf_node_get_private(node);
        if (!st) return 0;

        if (st->compositor->current_frame == st->last_mod_time) return st->is_dirty;
        if (gf_node_dirty_get(node) & GF_SG_NODE_DIRTY) {
                gf_node_dirty_clear(node, 0);
                st->is_dirty = 1;
        } else {
                st->is_dirty = 0;
        st->last_mod_time = st->compositor->current_frame;
        return st->is_dirty;

u32 drawable_get_aspect_2d_mpeg4(GF_Node *node, DrawAspect2D *asp, GF_TraverseState *tr_state)
        M_Material2D *m = NULL;
        M_LineProperties *LP;
        M_XLineProperties *XLP;
        GF_Node *appear = tr_state->override_appearance ? tr_state->override_appearance : tr_state->appear;
        u32 ret = 0;

        asp->pen_props.cap = GF_LINE_CAP_FLAT;
        asp->pen_props.join = GF_LINE_JOIN_MITER;
        asp->pen_props.align = GF_PATH_LINE_CENTER;
        asp->pen_props.miterLimit = 4*FIX_ONE;
        asp->line_color = 0xFFCCCCCC;
        asp->pen_props.width = 0;

        if (appear == NULL) goto check_default;

        if ( ((M_Appearance *) appear)->texture ) {
                asp->fill_texture = gf_sc_texture_get_handler( ((M_Appearance *) appear)->texture );

        m = (M_Material2D *) ((M_Appearance *)appear)->material;
        if ( m == NULL) {
                asp->fill_color &= 0x00FFFFFF;
                goto check_default;
        switch (gf_node_get_tag((GF_Node *) m) ) {
        case TAG_MPEG4_Material2D:
        case TAG_MPEG4_Material:
        case TAG_X3D_Material:
                M_Material *mat = (M_Material *)m;
                asp->pen_props.width = 0;
                asp->fill_color = GF_COL_ARGB_FIXED(FIX_ONE, mat->, mat->, mat->;
                if (!tr_state->color_mat.identity)
                        asp->fill_color = gf_cmx_apply(&tr_state->color_mat, asp->fill_color);
        return 0;
                return 0;

        asp->fill_color = GF_COL_ARGB_FIXED(FIX_ONE-m->transparency, m->, m->, m->;
        if (!tr_state->color_mat.identity)
                asp->fill_color = gf_cmx_apply(&tr_state->color_mat, asp->fill_color);

        asp->line_color = asp->fill_color;
        if (!m->filled) asp->fill_color = 0;

        if (m->lineProps == NULL) {
                /*this is a bug in the spec: by default line width is 1.0, but in meterMetrics this means half of the screen :)*/
                asp->pen_props.width = FIX_ONE;
                if (!tr_state->pixel_metrics) asp->pen_props.width = gf_divfix(asp->pen_props.width, tr_state->min_hsize);
                if (m && m->transparency==FIX_ONE) {
                        asp->pen_props.width = 0;
                } else {
                        switch (gf_node_get_tag(node)) {
                        case TAG_MPEG4_IndexedLineSet2D:
                                asp->fill_color &= 0x00FFFFFF;
                        case TAG_MPEG4_PointSet2D:
                                asp->fill_color |= FIX2INT(255 * (m ? (FIX_ONE - m->transparency) : FIX_ONE)) << 24;
                                asp->pen_props.width = 0;
                                if (GF_COL_A(asp->fill_color)) asp->pen_props.width = 0;
                                /*spec is unclear about that*/
                                //else if (!m && ctx->aspect.fill_texture) ctx->aspect.pen_props.width = 0;
                return 0;
        LP = NULL;
        XLP = NULL;
        switch (gf_node_get_tag((GF_Node *) m->lineProps) ) {
        case TAG_MPEG4_LineProperties:
                LP = (M_LineProperties *) m->lineProps;
        case TAG_MPEG4_XLineProperties:
                XLP = (M_XLineProperties *) m->lineProps;
                asp->pen_props.width = 0;
                return 0;
        if (m->lineProps && drawable_lineprops_dirty(m->lineProps))
                ret = CTX_APP_DIRTY;

        if (LP) {
                asp->pen_props.dash = (u8) LP->lineStyle;
                asp->line_color = GF_COL_ARGB_FIXED(FIX_ONE-m->transparency, LP->, LP->, LP->;
                asp->pen_props.width = LP->width;
                if (!tr_state->color_mat.identity) {
                        asp->line_color = gf_cmx_apply(&tr_state->color_mat, asp->line_color);
                return ret;

        asp->pen_props.dash = (u8) XLP->lineStyle;
        asp->line_color = GF_COL_ARGB_FIXED(FIX_ONE-XLP->transparency, XLP->, XLP->, XLP->;
        asp->pen_props.width = XLP->width;
        if (!tr_state->color_mat.identity) {
                asp->line_color = gf_cmx_apply(&tr_state->color_mat, asp->line_color);

        asp->line_scale = XLP->isScalable ? FIX_ONE : 0;
        asp->pen_props.align = XLP->isCenterAligned ? GF_PATH_LINE_CENTER : GF_PATH_LINE_INSIDE;
        asp->pen_props.cap = (u8) XLP->lineCap;
        asp->pen_props.join = (u8) XLP->lineJoin;
        asp->pen_props.miterLimit = XLP->miterLimit;
        asp->pen_props.dash_offset = XLP->dashOffset;

        /*dash settings strutc is the same as MFFloat from XLP, typecast without storing*/
        if (XLP->dashes.count) {
                asp->pen_props.dash_set = (GF_DashSettings *) &XLP->dashes;
        } else {
                asp->pen_props.dash_set = NULL;
        asp->line_texture = gf_sc_texture_get_handler(XLP->texture);
        return ret;

static Bool check_transparent_skip(DrawableContext *ctx, Bool skipFill)
        /*if texture, cannot skip*/
        if (ctx->aspect.fill_texture) return 0;
        if (! GF_COL_A(ctx->aspect.fill_color) && !GF_COL_A(ctx->aspect.line_color) ) return 1;
        if (ctx->aspect.pen_props.width == 0) {
                if (skipFill) return 1;
                if (!GF_COL_A(ctx->aspect.fill_color) ) return 1;
        return 0;

void drawable_check_texture_dirty(DrawableContext *ctx, Drawable *drawable, GF_TraverseState *tr_state)
        Bool texture_ready=0;

        /*Update texture info - draw even if texture not created (this may happen if the media is removed)*/
        if (ctx->aspect.fill_texture) {
                if (ctx->aspect.fill_texture->needs_refresh) {
                        ctx->flags |= CTX_TEXTURE_DIRTY;
                //in autoGL mode, a texture is dirty only if transparent. If not, the area covered over the video doesn't need to be repainted if unchanged
                //disable for color matrix as we don't yet handle them in GL
                if (tr_state->visual->compositor->hybrid_opengl && !tr_state->visual->offscreen) {
                        u8 alpha = GF_COL_A(ctx->aspect.fill_color);
                        if (!alpha) alpha = GF_COL_A(ctx->aspect.line_color);

                        if (!ctx->aspect.fill_texture->transparent && (alpha==0xFF) && !ctx->aspect.fill_texture->compute_gradient_matrix && (drawable->flags & DRAWABLE_HYBGL_INIT)) {
                                ctx->flags |= CTX_HYBOGL_NO_CLEAR;
                        //otherwise, we need to redraw all object below, wether they changed ot not, because we have erased this part of the canvas
                        else {
                                ctx->flags |= CTX_TEXTURE_DIRTY;
                        //wait untill we have something to draw to decide that the texture is ready, otherwise we will not clear the canvas when texture is ready
                        if (ctx->aspect.fill_texture->compute_gradient_matrix || ctx->aspect.fill_texture->data)
        //same as above
        if (ctx->aspect.line_texture) {
                if (ctx->aspect.line_texture->needs_refresh)
                        ctx->flags |= CTX_TEXTURE_DIRTY;

                //in autoGL mode, a texture is dirty only if transparent. If not, the area covered over the video doesn't need to be repainted if unchanged
                //disable for color matrix as we don't yet handle them in GL
                if (tr_state->visual->compositor->hybrid_opengl && !tr_state->visual->offscreen) {
                        u8 alpha = GF_COL_A(ctx->aspect.line_color);
                        if (!ctx->aspect.line_texture->transparent && (alpha==0xFF) && !ctx->aspect.line_texture->compute_gradient_matrix && (drawable->flags & DRAWABLE_HYBGL_INIT))
                                ctx->flags |= CTX_HYBOGL_NO_CLEAR;
                        //otherwise, we need to redraw all object below, wether they changed ot not, bacause we have erased this part of the canvas
                                ctx->flags |= CTX_TEXTURE_DIRTY;

                        //wait untill we have something to draw to decide that the texture is ready, otherwise we will not clear the canvas when texture is ready
                        if (ctx->aspect.line_texture->compute_gradient_matrix || ctx->aspect.line_texture->data)

        //from now on, we won't clear the canvas when updating this texture (unless transparent, cf above)
        if (texture_ready)
                drawable->flags |= DRAWABLE_HYBGL_INIT;


DrawableContext *drawable_init_context_mpeg4(Drawable *drawable, GF_TraverseState *tr_state)
        DrawableContext *ctx;
        Bool skipFill;
        GF_Node *appear;

        /*switched-off geometry nodes are not drawn*/
        if (tr_state->switched_off) {
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_COMPOSE, ("[Compositor2D] Drawable is switched off - skipping\n"));
                return NULL;

        //Get a empty context from the current visual
        ctx = visual_2d_get_drawable_context(tr_state->visual);
        if (!ctx) return NULL;

        ctx->drawable = drawable;

        appear = tr_state->override_appearance ? tr_state->override_appearance : tr_state->appear;

        /*usually set by colorTransform or changes in OrderedGroup*/
        if (tr_state->invalidate_all)
                ctx->flags |= CTX_APP_DIRTY;

        ctx->aspect.fill_texture = NULL;
        if (appear) {
                ctx->appear = appear;
                if (gf_node_dirty_get(appear))
                        ctx->flags |= CTX_APP_DIRTY;
        /*todo cliper*/

        /*FIXME - only needed for texture*/
        if (!tr_state->color_mat.identity) {
                GF_SAFEALLOC(ctx->col_mat, GF_ColorMatrix);
                gf_cmx_copy(ctx->col_mat, &tr_state->color_mat);

        /*IndexedLineSet2D and PointSet2D ignores fill flag and texturing*/
        skipFill = 0;
        ctx->aspect.fill_texture = NULL;
        switch (gf_node_get_tag(ctx->drawable->node) ) {
        case TAG_MPEG4_IndexedLineSet2D:
                skipFill = 1;

        ctx->flags |= drawable_get_aspect_2d_mpeg4(drawable->node, &ctx->aspect, tr_state);

        drawable_check_texture_dirty(ctx, drawable, tr_state);

        /*not clear in the spec: what happens when a transparent node is in form/layout ?? this may
        completely break layout of children. We consider the node should be drawn*/
        if (!tr_state->parent && check_transparent_skip(ctx, skipFill)) {
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_COMPOSE, ("[Compositor2D] Drawable is fully transparent - skipping\n"));
                return NULL;
        ctx->flags |= CTX_HAS_APPEARANCE;

        /*we are drawing on a fliped coord surface, remember to flip the texture*/
        if (tr_state->fliped_coords)
                ctx->flags |= CTX_FLIPED_COORDS;


        return ctx;

static Bool drawable_finalize_end(struct _drawable_context *ctx, GF_TraverseState *tr_state)
        /*if direct draw we can remove the context*/
        Bool res = tr_state->immediate_draw ? 1 : 0;
        /*copy final transform, once all parent layout is done*/
        gf_mx2d_copy(ctx->transform, tr_state->transform);

        /*setup clipper and register bounds & sensors*/
        gf_irect_intersect(&ctx->bi->clip, &tr_state->visual->top_clipper);
        if (!ctx->bi->clip.width || !ctx->bi->clip.height) {
                ctx->bi->clip.width = 0;
                /*remove if this is the last context*/
                if (tr_state->visual->cur_context == ctx) tr_state->visual->cur_context->drawable = NULL;

                return res;

        /*keep track of node drawn, whether direct or indirect drawing*/
        if (!(ctx->drawable->flags & DRAWABLE_REGISTERED_WITH_VISUAL) ) {
                struct _drawable_store *it;
                GF_SAFEALLOC(it, struct _drawable_store);
                if (!it) {
                        return 0;
                it->drawable = ctx->drawable;
                if (tr_state->visual->last_prev_entry) {
                        tr_state->visual->last_prev_entry->next = it;
                        tr_state->visual->last_prev_entry = it;
                } else {
                        tr_state->visual->prev_nodes = tr_state->visual->last_prev_entry = it;
                //GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_COMPOSE, ("[Compositor2D] Registering new drawn node %s on visual\n", gf_node_get_class_name(it->drawable->node)));
                ctx->drawable->flags |= DRAWABLE_REGISTERED_WITH_VISUAL;

        /*we are in direct draw mode, draw ...*/
        if (res) {
                /*if over an overlay we cannot remove the context and cannot draw directly*/
                if (visual_2d_overlaps_overlay(tr_state->visual, ctx, tr_state))
                        return 0;

                tr_state->traversing_mode = TRAVERSE_DRAW_2D;
                tr_state->ctx = ctx;

                if (ctx->drawable->flags & DRAWABLE_USE_TRAVERSE_DRAW) {
                        gf_node_traverse(ctx->drawable->node, tr_state);
                } else {
                        drawable_draw(ctx->drawable, tr_state);

                tr_state->ctx = NULL;
                tr_state->traversing_mode = TRAVERSE_SORT;
        /*if the drawable is an overlay, always mark it as dirty to avoid flickering*/
        else if (ctx->drawable->flags & DRAWABLE_IS_OVERLAY) {
                ctx->flags |= CTX_APP_DIRTY;
        /*if direct draw we can remove the context*/
        return res;

void drawable_check_bounds(struct _drawable_context *ctx, GF_VisualManager *visual)
        if (!ctx->bi) {
                ctx->bi = drawable_check_alloc_bounds(ctx, visual);
                ctx->bi->extra_check = ctx->appear;

void drawable_compute_line_scale(GF_TraverseState *tr_state, DrawAspect2D *asp)
        GF_Rect rc;
        rc.x = rc.y = 0;
        rc.width = rc.height = FIX_ONE;
        if (tr_state->visual->type_3d)
                gf_mx_apply_rect(&tr_state->model_matrix, &rc);
                gf_mx2d_apply_rect(&tr_state->transform, &rc);

        asp->line_scale = MAX(gf_divfix(tr_state->visual->compositor->scale_x, rc.width), gf_divfix(tr_state->visual->compositor->scale_y, rc.height));

void drawable_finalize_sort_ex(DrawableContext *ctx, GF_TraverseState *tr_state, GF_Rect *orig_bounds, Bool skip_focus)
        Bool can_remove = 0;
        Fixed pw;
        GF_Rect unclip, store_orig_bounds;
        GF_Node *appear = tr_state->override_appearance ? tr_state->override_appearance : tr_state->appear;

        drawable_check_bounds(ctx, tr_state->visual);

        if (orig_bounds) {
                store_orig_bounds = *orig_bounds;
        } else {
                gf_path_get_bounds(ctx->drawable->path, &store_orig_bounds);
        //if (store_orig_bounds) fprintf(stderr, "store_orig_bounds: %d\n", (int) store_orig_bounds.width );
        ctx->bi->unclip = store_orig_bounds;
        gf_mx2d_apply_rect(&tr_state->transform, &ctx->bi->unclip);

        /*apply pen width*/
        if (ctx->aspect.pen_props.width) {
                StrikeInfo2D *si = NULL;

                if (!ctx->aspect.line_scale)
                        drawable_compute_line_scale(tr_state, &ctx->aspect);

#if 0
                /*if pen is not scalable, apply user/viewport transform so that original aspect is kept*/
                if (!ctx->aspect.line_scale) {
                        GF_Point2D pt;
                        pt.x = tr_state->transform.m[0] + tr_state->transform.m[1];
                        pt.y = tr_state->transform.m[3] + tr_state->transform.m[4];
                        ctx->aspect.line_scale = gf_divfix(FLT2FIX(1.41421356f) , gf_v2d_len(&pt));

                /*get strike info & outline for exact bounds compute. If failure use default offset*/
                si = drawable_get_strikeinfo(tr_state->visual->compositor, ctx->drawable, &ctx->aspect, appear, ctx->drawable->path, ctx->flags, NULL);
                if (si && si->outline) {
                        gf_path_get_bounds(si->outline, &ctx->bi->unclip);
                        gf_mx2d_apply_rect(&tr_state->transform, &ctx->bi->unclip);
                } else {
                        pw = gf_mulfix(ctx->aspect.pen_props.width, ctx->aspect.line_scale);
                        ctx->bi->unclip.x -= pw/2;
                        ctx->bi->unclip.y += pw/2;
                        ctx->bi->unclip.width += pw;
                        ctx->bi->unclip.height += pw;

        if (ctx->bi->unclip.width && ctx->bi->unclip.height) {
                unclip = ctx->bi->unclip;
                if (! (ctx->flags & CTX_NO_ANTIALIAS)) {
                        /*grow of 2 pixels (-1 and +1) to handle AA, but ONLY on cliper otherwise we will modify layout/form */
                        pw = (tr_state->pixel_metrics) ? FIX_ONE : 2*FIX_ONE/tr_state->visual->width;
                        unclip.x -= pw;
                        unclip.y += pw;
                        unclip.width += 2*pw;
                        unclip.height += 2*pw;
                ctx->bi->clip = gf_rect_pixelize(&unclip);
        } else {
                ctx->bi->clip.width = 0;

        can_remove = drawable_finalize_end(ctx, tr_state);
        drawable_finalize_end(ctx, tr_state);
        if (ctx->drawable && !skip_focus)
                drawable_check_focus_highlight(ctx->drawable->node, tr_state, &store_orig_bounds);

        /*remove if this is the last context*/
        if (can_remove && (tr_state->visual->cur_context == ctx))
                tr_state->visual->cur_context->drawable = NULL;

void drawable_finalize_sort(struct _drawable_context *ctx, GF_TraverseState *tr_state, GF_Rect *orig_bounds)
        drawable_finalize_sort_ex(ctx, tr_state, orig_bounds, 0);

void drawable_check_focus_highlight(GF_Node *node, GF_TraverseState *tr_state, GF_Rect *orig_bounds)
        DrawableContext *hl_ctx;
        Drawable *hlight;
        GF_Node *prev_node;
        u32 prev_mode;
        GF_Rect *bounds;
        GF_Matrix2D cur;
        GF_Compositor *compositor = tr_state->visual->compositor;

        if (compositor->disable_focus_highlight) return;

        if (compositor->focus_node!=node) return;
        /*if key navigator, don't draw a focus highlight*/
        if (compositor->keynav_node) return;

        if (compositor->focus_used) {
                u32 count = gf_list_count(tr_state->use_stack);
                if (!count || (gf_list_get(tr_state->use_stack, count-1)!=compositor->focus_used) )

        hlight = compositor->focus_highlight;
        if (!hlight) return;

        /*check if focus node has changed*/
        prev_node = gf_node_get_private(hlight->node);
        if (prev_node != node) {
                /*this is a grouping node, get its bounds*/
                if (!orig_bounds) {
                        gf_mx2d_copy(cur, tr_state->transform);
                        prev_mode = tr_state->traversing_mode;
                        tr_state->traversing_mode = TRAVERSE_GET_BOUNDS;
                        tr_state->bounds.width = tr_state->bounds.height = 0;
                        tr_state->bounds.x = tr_state->bounds.y = 0;

                        gf_sc_get_nodes_bounds(node, ((GF_ParentNode *)node)->children, tr_state, NULL);

                        tr_state->traversing_mode = prev_mode;
                        gf_mx2d_copy(tr_state->transform, cur);
                        bounds = &tr_state->bounds;
                } else {
                        bounds = orig_bounds;
                gf_node_set_private(hlight->node, node);

                gf_path_add_rect(hlight->path, bounds->x, bounds->y, bounds->width, bounds->height);
        hl_ctx = visual_2d_get_drawable_context(tr_state->visual);
        hl_ctx->drawable = hlight;
        hl_ctx->aspect.fill_color = compositor->highlight_fill;
        hl_ctx->aspect.line_color = compositor->highlight_stroke;
        hl_ctx->aspect.line_scale = 0;
        hl_ctx->aspect.pen_props.width = compositor->highlight_stroke_width;
        hl_ctx->aspect.pen_props.join = GF_LINE_JOIN_BEVEL;
        hl_ctx->aspect.pen_props.dash = GF_DASH_STYLE_DOT;

        /*editing this node - move to solid stroke*/
        if (compositor->edited_text) {
                hl_ctx->aspect.pen_props.width = 2*FIX_ONE;
                hl_ctx->aspect.pen_props.dash = 1;
                hl_ctx->aspect.line_color = compositor->highlight_stroke;

        if (tr_state->visual->type_3d) {
                gf_mx2d_copy(hl_ctx->transform, tr_state->transform);
                visual_3d_draw_2d_with_aspect(hl_ctx->drawable, tr_state, &hl_ctx->aspect);
        gf_mx2d_copy(hl_ctx->transform, tr_state->transform);
        drawable_finalize_sort_ex(hl_ctx, tr_state, NULL, 1);

void drawable_traverse_focus(GF_Node *node, void *rs, Bool is_destroy)
        GF_TraverseState *tr_state = (GF_TraverseState *)rs;
        if (is_destroy) return;
        if (tr_state->traversing_mode == TRAVERSE_DRAW_2D)
                visual_2d_draw_path(tr_state->visual, tr_state->ctx->drawable->path, tr_state->ctx, NULL, NULL, tr_state);

void delete_strikeinfo2d(StrikeInfo2D *info)
        if (info->outline) gf_path_del(info->outline);
        if (info->mesh_outline) mesh_free(info->mesh_outline);

StrikeInfo2D *drawable_get_strikeinfo(GF_Compositor *compositor, Drawable *drawable, DrawAspect2D *asp, GF_Node *appear, GF_Path *path, u32 svg_flags, GF_TraverseState *tr_state)
        StrikeInfo2D *si, *prev;
        GF_Node *lp;
        Bool dirty;
        if (!asp->pen_props.width) return NULL;
        if (path && !path->n_points) return NULL;

        lp = NULL;
        if (appear && (gf_node_get_tag(appear) < GF_NODE_RANGE_LAST_X3D) ) {
                lp = ((M_Appearance *)appear)->material;
                if (lp) lp = ((M_Material2D *) lp)->lineProps;

        prev = NULL;
        si = drawable->outline;
        while (si) {
                /*note this includes default LP (NULL)*/
                if ((si->lineProps == lp) && (!path || (path==si->original)) ) break;
                if (!si->lineProps) {
                        gf_list_del_item(compositor->strike_bank, si);
                        if (si->outline) gf_path_del(si->outline);
                        if (si->mesh_outline) mesh_free(si->mesh_outline);
                        if (prev) prev->next = si->next;
                        else drawable->outline = si->next;
                        si = prev ? prev->next : drawable->outline;
                prev = si;
                si = si->next;
        /*not found, add*/
        if (!si) {
                GF_SAFEALLOC(si, StrikeInfo2D);
                if (!si) {
                        return NULL;
                si->lineProps = lp;
                si->drawable = drawable;

                if (drawable->outline) {
                        prev = drawable->outline;
                        while (prev->next) prev = prev->next;
                        prev->next = si;
                } else {
                        drawable->outline = si;
                gf_list_add(compositor->strike_bank, si);

        /*3D drawing of outlines*/
        if (tr_state && !asp->line_scale) {
                drawable_compute_line_scale(tr_state, asp);

        if (!asp->line_scale) return si;

        /*node changed or outline not build*/
        dirty = lp ? drawable_lineprops_dirty(lp) : 0;
        dirty = 0;

        if (!si->outline || dirty || (si->line_scale != asp->line_scale) || (si->path_length != asp->pen_props.path_length) || (svg_flags & CTX_SVG_OUTLINE_GEOMETRY_DIRTY)) {
                u32 i;
                Fixed w = asp->pen_props.width;
                Fixed dash_o = asp->pen_props.dash_offset;
                si->line_scale = asp->line_scale;
                if (si->outline) gf_path_del(si->outline);
                if (si->mesh_outline) {
                        si->mesh_outline = NULL;
                /*apply scale whether scalable or not (if not scalable, scale is still needed for scalable zoom)*/
                asp->pen_props.width = gf_mulfix(asp->pen_props.width, asp->line_scale);
                if (asp->pen_props.dash != GF_DASH_STYLE_SVG)
                        asp->pen_props.dash_offset = gf_mulfix(asp->pen_props.dash_offset, asp->pen_props.width);

                if (asp->pen_props.dash_set) {
                        for(i=0; i<asp->pen_props.dash_set->num_dash; i++) {
                                asp->pen_props.dash_set->dashes[i] = gf_mulfix(asp->pen_props.dash_set->dashes[i], asp->line_scale);

                if (path) {
                        si->outline = gf_path_get_outline(path, asp->pen_props);
                        si->original = path;
                } else {
                        si->outline = gf_path_get_outline(drawable->path, asp->pen_props);
                asp->pen_props.width = w;
                asp->pen_props.dash_offset = dash_o;
                if (asp->pen_props.dash_set) {
                        for(i=0; i<asp->pen_props.dash_set->num_dash; i++) {
                                asp->pen_props.dash_set->dashes[i] = gf_divfix(asp->pen_props.dash_set->dashes[i], asp->line_scale);

        return si;

void drawable_reset_path_outline(Drawable *st)
        StrikeInfo2D *si = st->outline;
        while (si) {
                if (si->outline) gf_path_del(si->outline);
                si->outline = NULL;
                if (si->mesh_outline) mesh_free(si->mesh_outline);
                si->mesh_outline = NULL;
                si->original = NULL;
                si = si->next;
        if (st->mesh) {
                st->mesh = NULL;

void drawable_reset_path(Drawable *st)
        if (st->path) gf_path_reset(st->path);
        if (st->mesh) {
                st->mesh = NULL;


static void DestroyLineProps(GF_Node *n, void *rs, Bool is_destroy)
        StrikeInfo2D *si, *cur, *prev;
        u32 i;
        LinePropStack *st;
        if (!is_destroy) return;

        st = (LinePropStack *)gf_node_get_private(n);
        i = 0;

        while ((si = (StrikeInfo2D*)gf_list_enum(st->compositor->strike_bank, &i))) {
                if (si->lineProps == n) {
                        /*remove from node*/
                        if (si->drawable) {
                                cur = si->drawable->outline;
                                prev = NULL;
                                while (cur) {
                                        if (cur!=si) {
                                                prev = cur;
                                                cur = cur->next;
                                        if (prev) prev->next = cur->next;
                                        else si->drawable->outline = cur->next;
                        gf_list_rem(st->compositor->strike_bank, i);



void compositor_init_lineprops(GF_Compositor *compositor, GF_Node *node)
        LinePropStack *st;
        GF_SAFEALLOC(st, LinePropStack);
        if (!st) {
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_COMPOSE, ("[Compositor] Failed to allocate line properties stack\n"));
        st->compositor = compositor;
        st->last_mod_time = 0;
        gf_node_set_private(node, st);
        gf_node_set_callback_function(node, DestroyLineProps);



Bool drawable_get_aspect_2d_svg(GF_Node *node, DrawAspect2D *asp, GF_TraverseState *tr_state)
        return 0;


Bool drawable_get_aspect_2d_svg(GF_Node *node, DrawAspect2D *asp, GF_TraverseState *tr_state)
        Bool ret = 0;
        SVGPropertiesPointers *props = tr_state->svg_props;
        Fixed clamped_opacity = FIX_ONE;
        Fixed clamped_solid_opacity = FIX_ONE;
        Fixed clamped_fill_opacity = (props->fill_opacity->value < 0 ? 0 : (props->fill_opacity->value > FIX_ONE ? FIX_ONE : props->fill_opacity->value));
        Fixed clamped_stroke_opacity = (props->stroke_opacity->value < 0 ? 0 : (props->stroke_opacity->value > FIX_ONE ? FIX_ONE : props->stroke_opacity->value));

        if (props->opacity) {
                clamped_opacity = (props->opacity->value < 0 ? 0 : (props->opacity->value > FIX_ONE ? FIX_ONE : props->opacity->value));
                if (clamped_opacity!=FIX_ONE) {
                        clamped_fill_opacity = gf_mulfix(clamped_fill_opacity, clamped_opacity);
                        clamped_stroke_opacity = gf_mulfix(clamped_stroke_opacity, clamped_opacity);
        asp->fill_color = 0;

        if (props->fill->type==SVG_PAINT_URI) {
                if (props->fill->iri.type != XMLRI_ELEMENTID) {
                        /* trying to resolve the IRI to the Paint Server */
                        XMLRI *iri = &props->fill->iri;
                        GF_SceneGraph *sg = gf_node_get_graph(node);
                        GF_Node *n = gf_sg_find_node_by_name(sg, &(iri->string[1]));
                        if (n) {
                                iri->type = XMLRI_ELEMENTID;
                                iri->target = n;
                                gf_node_register_iri(sg, iri);
                                iri->string = NULL;
                /* If paint server not found, paint is equivalent to none */
                if (props->fill->iri.type == XMLRI_ELEMENTID) {
                        asp->fill_color = GF_COL_ARGB_FIXED(clamped_opacity, 0, 0, 0);
                        switch (gf_node_get_tag((GF_Node *)props->fill-> {
                        case TAG_SVG_solidColor:
                                SVGAllAttributes all_atts;
                                gf_svg_flatten_attributes((SVG_Element*)props->fill->, &all_atts);

                                gf_node_traverse(props->fill->, tr_state);

                                ret += compositor_svg_solid_color_dirty(tr_state->visual->compositor, props->fill->;

                                if (all_atts.solid_color) {
                                        if (all_atts.solid_opacity) {
                                                Fixed val = all_atts.solid_opacity->value;
                                                clamped_solid_opacity = MIN(FIX_ONE, MAX(0, val) );
                                                clamped_solid_opacity = gf_mulfix(clamped_solid_opacity, clamped_opacity);
                                        asp->fill_color = GF_COL_ARGB_FIXED(clamped_solid_opacity, all_atts.solid_color->, all_atts.solid_color->, all_atts.solid_color->;
                        case TAG_SVG_linearGradient:
                        case TAG_SVG_radialGradient:
                                asp->fill_texture = gf_sc_texture_get_handler((GF_Node *)props->fill->;
        } else if (props->fill->type == SVG_PAINT_COLOR) {
                if (props->fill->color.type == SVG_COLOR_CURRENTCOLOR) {
                        asp->fill_color = GF_COL_ARGB_FIXED(clamped_fill_opacity, props->color->, props->color->, props->color->;
                } else if (props->fill->color.type == SVG_COLOR_RGBCOLOR) {
                        asp->fill_color = GF_COL_ARGB_FIXED(clamped_fill_opacity, props->fill->, props->fill->, props->fill->;
                } else if (props->fill->color.type >= SVG_COLOR_ACTIVE_BORDER) {
                        asp->fill_color = tr_state->visual->compositor->sys_colors[props->fill->color.type - 3];
                        asp->fill_color |= ((u32) (clamped_fill_opacity*255) ) << 24;
        if (!tr_state->color_mat.identity)
                asp->fill_color = gf_cmx_apply(&tr_state->color_mat, asp->fill_color);

        asp->line_color = 0;
        asp->pen_props.width = (props->stroke->type != SVG_PAINT_NONE) ? props->stroke_width->value : 0;
        if (props->stroke->type==SVG_PAINT_URI) {
                if (props->stroke->iri.type != XMLRI_ELEMENTID) {
                        /* trying to resolve the IRI to the Paint Server */
                        XMLRI *iri = &props->stroke->iri;
                        GF_SceneGraph *sg = gf_node_get_graph(node);
                        GF_Node *n = gf_sg_find_node_by_name(sg, &(iri->string[1]));
                        if (n) {
                                iri->type = XMLRI_ELEMENTID;
                                iri->target = n;
                                gf_node_register_iri(sg, iri);
                                iri->string = NULL;
                /* Paint server not found, stroke is equivalent to none */
                if ((props->stroke->iri.type == XMLRI_ELEMENTID) && props->stroke-> {
                        switch (gf_node_get_tag((GF_Node *)props->stroke-> {
                        case TAG_SVG_solidColor:
                                SVGAllAttributes all_atts;
                                gf_svg_flatten_attributes((SVG_Element*)props->stroke->, &all_atts);

                                gf_node_traverse(props->stroke->, tr_state);

                                ret += compositor_svg_solid_color_dirty(tr_state->visual->compositor, props->stroke->;

                                if (all_atts.solid_color) {
                                        if (all_atts.solid_opacity) {
                                                Fixed val = all_atts.solid_opacity->value;
                                                clamped_solid_opacity = MIN(FIX_ONE, MAX(0, val) );
                                        asp->line_color = GF_COL_ARGB_FIXED(clamped_solid_opacity, all_atts.solid_color->, all_atts.solid_color->, all_atts.solid_color->;
                        case TAG_SVG_linearGradient:
                        case TAG_SVG_radialGradient:
                                asp->line_texture = gf_sc_texture_get_handler((GF_Node *)props->stroke->;
        } else if (props->stroke->type == SVG_PAINT_COLOR) {
                if (props->stroke->color.type == SVG_COLOR_CURRENTCOLOR) {
                        asp->line_color = GF_COL_ARGB_FIXED(clamped_stroke_opacity, props->color->, props->color->, props->color->;
                } else if (props->stroke->color.type == SVG_COLOR_RGBCOLOR) {
                        asp->line_color = GF_COL_ARGB_FIXED(clamped_stroke_opacity, props->stroke->, props->stroke->, props->stroke->;
                } else if (props->stroke->color.type >= SVG_COLOR_ACTIVE_BORDER) {
                        asp->line_color = tr_state->visual->compositor->sys_colors[SVG_COLOR_ACTIVE_BORDER - 3];
                        asp->line_color |= ((u32) (clamped_stroke_opacity*255)) << 24;
        if (!tr_state->color_mat.identity)
                asp->line_color = gf_cmx_apply(&tr_state->color_mat, asp->line_color);

        if (props->stroke_dasharray->type != SVG_STROKEDASHARRAY_NONE) {
                asp->pen_props.dash = GF_DASH_STYLE_SVG;
                asp->pen_props.dash_offset = props->stroke_dashoffset->value;
                asp->pen_props.dash_set = (GF_DashSettings *) &(props->stroke_dasharray->array);
        asp->line_scale = (props->vector_effect && (*props->vector_effect == SVG_VECTOREFFECT_NONSCALINGSTROKE)) ? 0 : FIX_ONE;

        asp->pen_props.cap = (u8) *props->stroke_linecap;
        asp->pen_props.join = (u8) *props->stroke_linejoin;
        asp->pen_props.miterLimit = props->stroke_miterlimit->value;

        if (!tr_state->color_mat.identity) {
                asp->fill_color = gf_cmx_apply(&tr_state->color_mat, asp->fill_color);
                asp->line_color = gf_cmx_apply(&tr_state->color_mat, asp->line_color);
        return ret;

static Bool svg_appearance_flag_dirty(u32 flags)
#if 1
        /* fill-related */
        if (flags & GF_SG_SVG_FILL_DIRTY)                               return 1;
        if (flags & GF_SG_SVG_FILLOPACITY_DIRTY)                return 1;
        if (flags & GF_SG_SVG_FILLRULE_DIRTY)                   return 1;

        /* stroke-related */
        if (flags & GF_SG_SVG_STROKE_DIRTY)                             return 1;
        if (flags & GF_SG_SVG_STROKEDASHARRAY_DIRTY)    return 1;
        if (flags & GF_SG_SVG_STROKEDASHOFFSET_DIRTY)   return 1;
        if (flags & GF_SG_SVG_STROKELINECAP_DIRTY)              return 1;
        if (flags & GF_SG_SVG_STROKELINEJOIN_DIRTY)             return 1;
        if (flags & GF_SG_SVG_STROKEMITERLIMIT_DIRTY)   return 1;
        if (flags & GF_SG_SVG_STROKEOPACITY_DIRTY)              return 1;
        if (flags & GF_SG_SVG_STROKEWIDTH_DIRTY)                return 1;
        if (flags & GF_SG_SVG_VECTOREFFECT_DIRTY)               return 1;

        /* gradients stops and solidcolor do not affect appearance directly */
        return 0;
        if (flags &
                 | GF_SG_SVG_VECTOREFFECT_DIRTY) )
                return 1;
        return 0;

DrawableContext *drawable_init_context_svg(Drawable *drawable, GF_TraverseState *tr_state)
        DrawableContext *ctx;

        /*setup SVG based on override appearance node */
        if (tr_state->override_appearance) {
                return drawable_init_context_mpeg4(drawable, tr_state);

        /*switched-off geometry nodes are not drawn*/
        if (tr_state->switched_off) return NULL;

        //Get a empty context from the current visual
        ctx = visual_2d_get_drawable_context(tr_state->visual);
        if (!ctx) return NULL;

        gf_mx2d_copy(ctx->transform, tr_state->transform);

        ctx->drawable = drawable;

        if (tr_state->invalidate_all || svg_appearance_flag_dirty(tr_state->svg_flags)) {
                ctx->flags |= CTX_APP_DIRTY;
                GF_LOG(GF_LOG_DEBUG, GF_LOG_COMPOSE, ("Node %s dirty - invalidating\n", gf_node_get_log_name(drawable->node) ));
        if (tr_state->svg_flags & (GF_SG_SVG_STROKEDASHARRAY_DIRTY |
                                   GF_SG_SVG_STROKEDASHOFFSET_DIRTY |
                                   GF_SG_SVG_STROKELINECAP_DIRTY |
                                   GF_SG_SVG_STROKELINEJOIN_DIRTY |
                                   GF_SG_SVG_STROKEMITERLIMIT_DIRTY |
                                   GF_SG_SVG_STROKEWIDTH_DIRTY |
                                   GF_SG_SVG_VECTOREFFECT_DIRTY ))
                ctx->flags |= CTX_SVG_OUTLINE_GEOMETRY_DIRTY;

        ctx->aspect.fill_texture = NULL;

        /*FIXME - only needed for texture*/
        if (!tr_state->color_mat.identity) {
                GF_SAFEALLOC(ctx->col_mat, GF_ColorMatrix);
                gf_cmx_copy(ctx->col_mat, &tr_state->color_mat);

        switch (gf_node_get_tag(ctx->drawable->node) ) {
        case TAG_SVG_image:
        case TAG_SVG_video:
                ctx->aspect.fill_texture = gf_sc_texture_get_handler(ctx->drawable->node);
        case TAG_SVG_line:
        case TAG_SVG_polyline:

        if (drawable_get_aspect_2d_svg(drawable->node, &ctx->aspect, tr_state))
                ctx->flags |= CTX_APP_DIRTY;

        if (ctx->drawable->path) {
                if (*tr_state->svg_props->fill_rule == SVG_FILLRULE_NONZERO) {
                        ctx->drawable->path->flags |= GF_PATH_FILL_ZERO_NONZERO;
                } else {
                        ctx->drawable->path->flags &= ~GF_PATH_FILL_ZERO_NONZERO;

        drawable_check_texture_dirty(ctx, drawable, tr_state);

        /*we are drawing on a centered coord surface, remember to flip the texture*/
        if (tr_state->fliped_coords)
                ctx->flags |= CTX_FLIPED_COORDS;


        return ctx;

#endif  //SVG

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