C 55 3rdparty/include/ffmpeg_/libavutil/bswap.h #define AV_BSWAPC(s, x) AV_BSWAP##s##C(x) C 69 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c int C[4 * 4], *tmp; C 71 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c tmp = C; C 91 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c tmp = C; C 272 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c const int C = dst[-1 + BPS]; C 275 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c *(uint32_t*)(dst + 0 * BPS) = 0x01010101U * AVG3(A, B, C); C 276 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c *(uint32_t*)(dst + 1 * BPS) = 0x01010101U * AVG3(B, C, D); C 277 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c *(uint32_t*)(dst + 2 * BPS) = 0x01010101U * AVG3(C, D, E); C 297 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c const int C = dst[2 - BPS]; C 304 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c DST(2, 0) = DST(3, 1) = AVG3(C, B, A); C 305 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c DST(3, 0) = AVG3(D, C, B); C 311 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c const int C = dst[2 - BPS]; C 317 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c DST(0, 0) = AVG3(A, B, C); C 318 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c DST(1, 0) = DST(0, 1) = AVG3(B, C, D); C 319 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c DST(2, 0) = DST(1, 1) = DST(0, 2) = AVG3(C, D, E); C 333 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c const int C = dst[2 - BPS]; C 337 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c DST(2, 0) = DST(3, 2) = AVG2(B, C); C 338 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c DST(3, 0) = AVG2(C, D); C 344 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c DST(2, 1) = DST(3, 3) = AVG3(A, B, C); C 345 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c DST(3, 1) = AVG3(B, C, D); C 351 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c const int C = dst[2 - BPS]; C 358 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c DST(1, 0) = DST(0, 2) = AVG2(B, C); C 359 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c DST(2, 0) = DST(1, 2) = AVG2(C, D); C 362 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c DST(0, 1) = AVG3(A, B, C); C 363 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c DST(1, 1) = DST(0, 3) = AVG3(B, C, D); C 364 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c DST(2, 1) = DST(1, 3) = AVG3(C, D, E); C 393 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c const int C = dst[2 - BPS]; C 400 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/dec.c DST(3, 0) = AVG3(A, B, C); C 96 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c int C[4 * 4], *tmp; C 98 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c tmp = C; C 112 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c tmp = C; C 388 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c const int C = top[2]; C 395 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c DST(2, 0) = DST(3, 1) = AVG3(C, B, A); C 396 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c DST(3, 0) = AVG3(D, C, B); C 402 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c const int C = top[2]; C 408 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c DST(0, 0) = AVG3(A, B, C); C 409 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c DST(1, 0) = DST(0, 1) = AVG3(B, C, D); C 410 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c DST(2, 0) = DST(1, 1) = DST(0, 2) = AVG3(C, D, E); C 424 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c const int C = top[2]; C 428 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c DST(2, 0) = DST(3, 2) = AVG2(B, C); C 429 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c DST(3, 0) = AVG2(C, D); C 435 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c DST(2, 1) = DST(3, 3) = AVG3(A, B, C); C 436 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c DST(3, 1) = AVG3(B, C, D); C 442 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c const int C = top[2]; C 449 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c DST(1, 0) = DST(0, 2) = AVG2(B, C); C 450 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c DST(2, 0) = DST(1, 2) = AVG2(C, D); C 453 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c DST(0, 1) = AVG3(A, B, C); C 454 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c DST(1, 1) = DST(0, 3) = AVG3(B, C, D); C 455 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c DST(2, 1) = DST(1, 3) = AVG3(C, D, E); C 484 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c const int C = top[2]; C 491 3rdparty/libwebp/dsp/enc.c DST(3, 0) = AVG3(A, B, C); C 397 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathFrustum.h T C = -2 / farMinusNear; C 401 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathFrustum.h 0, 0, C, 0, C 408 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathFrustum.h T C = -farPlusNear / farMinusNear; C 436 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathFrustum.h A, B, C, -1, C 152 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrixAlgo.cpp M33d C (0.0); C 156 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrixAlgo.cpp C += outerProduct ((V3d) B[i] - Bcenter, (V3d) A[i] - Acenter); C 163 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrixAlgo.cpp C += outerProduct (w * ((V3d) B[i] - Bcenter), (V3d) A[i] - Acenter); C 169 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrixAlgo.cpp jacobiSVD (C, U, S, V, Imath::limits<double>::epsilon(), true); C 212 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathMatrixAlgo.cpp traceBATQ += Qt[j][i] * C[i][j]; C 123 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathSphere.h T C = (v ^ v) - (radius * radius); C 128 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathSphere.h T discr = B*B - T(4.0)*C; C 1554 apps/traincascade/boost.cpp double C, err = 0.; C 1566 apps/traincascade/boost.cpp C = err = -logRatio( err ); C 1578 apps/traincascade/boost.cpp tree->scale( C ); C 305 apps/traincascade/old_ml.hpp CV_PROP_RW double C; // for CV_SVM_C_SVC, CV_SVM_EPS_SVR and CV_SVM_NU_SVR C 429 apps/traincascade/old_ml.hpp double C[2]; // C[0] == Cn, C[1] == Cp C 483 apps/traincascade/old_ml.hpp CvParamGrid Cgrid = get_default_grid(CvSVM::C), C 505 apps/traincascade/old_ml.hpp CvParamGrid Cgrid = CvSVM::get_default_grid(CvSVM::C), C 1301 apps/traincascade/old_ml_boost.cpp double C, err = 0.; C 1313 apps/traincascade/old_ml_boost.cpp C = err = -log_ratio( err ); C 1325 apps/traincascade/old_ml_boost.cpp tree->scale( C ); C 196 modules/calib3d/src/p3p.cpp double C = q2 + b2*(r2 + p2 - 2) - b*(p2 + pqr) - ab*(r2 + pqr) + (a2 - a_2)*(2 + q2) + 2; C 207 modules/calib3d/src/p3p.cpp int n = solve_deg4(A, B, C, D, E, real_roots[0], real_roots[1], real_roots[2], real_roots[3]); C 1499 modules/calib3d/src/rho.cpp double An, C, K, prevAn; C 1507 modules/calib3d/src/rho.cpp C = (1-delta) * log((1-delta)/(1-epsilon)) + C 1516 modules/calib3d/src/rho.cpp K = t_M*C/m_S + 1; C 438 modules/calib3d/src/stereosgbm.cpp CostType* C = Cbuf + (!fullDP ? 0 : y*costBufSize); C 464 modules/calib3d/src/stereosgbm.cpp const CostType* Cprev = !fullDP || y == 0 ? C : C - costBufSize; C 485 modules/calib3d/src/stereosgbm.cpp _mm_store_si128((__m128i*)(C + x + d), Cx); C 494 modules/calib3d/src/stereosgbm.cpp C[x + d] = (CostType)(Cprev[x + d] + hv - hsumSub[x + d]); C 516 modules/calib3d/src/stereosgbm.cpp C[x] = (CostType)(C[x] + hsumAdd[x]*scale); C 565 modules/calib3d/src/stereosgbm.cpp const CostType* Cp = C + x*D; C 694 modules/calib3d/src/stereosgbm.cpp const CostType* Cp = C + x*D; C 1087 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/core_c.h #define cvAXPY( A, real_scalar, B, C ) cvScaleAdd(A, cvRealScalar(real_scalar), B, C) C 547 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/opencl/runtime/autogenerated/opencl_clamdblas.hpp extern CL_RUNTIME_EXPORT clAmdBlasStatus (*clAmdBlasCgemmEx)(clAmdBlasOrder order, clAmdBlasTranspose transA, clAmdBlasTranspose transB, size_t M, size_t N, size_t K, FloatComplex alpha, const cl_mem A, size_t offA, size_t lda, const cl_mem B, size_t offB, size_t ldb, FloatComplex beta, cl_mem C, size_t offC, size_t ldc, cl_uint numCommandQueues, cl_command_queue* commandQueues, cl_uint numEventsInWaitList, const cl_event* eventWaitList, cl_event* events); C 588 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/opencl/runtime/autogenerated/opencl_clamdblas.hpp extern CL_RUNTIME_EXPORT clAmdBlasStatus (*clAmdBlasDgemmEx)(clAmdBlasOrder order, clAmdBlasTranspose transA, clAmdBlasTranspose transB, size_t M, size_t N, size_t K, cl_double alpha, const cl_mem A, size_t offA, size_t lda, const cl_mem B, size_t offB, size_t ldb, cl_double beta, cl_mem C, size_t offC, size_t ldc, cl_uint numCommandQueues, cl_command_queue* commandQueues, cl_uint numEventsInWaitList, const cl_event* eventWaitList, cl_event* events); C 635 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/opencl/runtime/autogenerated/opencl_clamdblas.hpp extern CL_RUNTIME_EXPORT clAmdBlasStatus (*clAmdBlasSgemmEx)(clAmdBlasOrder order, clAmdBlasTranspose transA, clAmdBlasTranspose transB, size_t M, size_t N, size_t K, cl_float alpha, const cl_mem A, size_t offA, size_t lda, const cl_mem B, size_t offB, size_t ldb, cl_float beta, cl_mem C, size_t offC, size_t ldc, cl_uint numCommandQueues, cl_command_queue* commandQueues, cl_uint numEventsInWaitList, const cl_event* eventWaitList, cl_event* events); C 678 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/opencl/runtime/autogenerated/opencl_clamdblas.hpp extern CL_RUNTIME_EXPORT clAmdBlasStatus (*clAmdBlasZgemmEx)(clAmdBlasOrder order, clAmdBlasTranspose transA, clAmdBlasTranspose transB, size_t M, size_t N, size_t K, DoubleComplex alpha, const cl_mem A, size_t offA, size_t lda, const cl_mem B, size_t offB, size_t ldb, DoubleComplex beta, cl_mem C, size_t offC, size_t ldc, cl_uint numCommandQueues, cl_command_queue* commandQueues, cl_uint numEventsInWaitList, const cl_event* eventWaitList, cl_event* events); C 58 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp template<typename T, int C> class WImageC; C 59 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp template<typename T, int C> class WImageBufferC; C 60 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp template<typename T, int C> class WImageViewC; C 255 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp template<typename T, int C> C 260 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp enum { kChannels = C }; C 267 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageViewC<T, C> View(int c, int r, int width, int height); C 270 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp void CopyFrom(const WImageC<T, C>& src) { C 278 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp int Channels() const {return C; } C 350 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp template<typename T, int C> C 351 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp class WImageBufferC : public WImageC<T, C> C 355 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp enum { kChannels = C }; C 358 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageBufferC() : WImageC<T, C>(0) {} C 360 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageBufferC(int width, int height) : WImageC<T, C>(0) { C 366 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp explicit WImageBufferC(IplImage* img) : WImageC<T, C>(img) {} C 375 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageC<T, C>::SetIpl(img); C 379 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp void CloneFrom(const WImageC<T, C>& src) { C 393 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageC<T, C>::SetIpl(0); C 442 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp template<typename T, int C> C 443 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp class WImageViewC : public WImageC<T, C> C 447 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp enum { kChannels = C }; C 456 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageViewC(WImageC<T, C>* img, C 464 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageViewC(IplImage* img) : WImageC<T, C>(img) {} C 469 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageViewC(const WImageC<T, C>& img) : WImageC<T, C>(0) { C 471 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageC<T, C>::SetIpl(&header_); C 473 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageViewC(const WImageViewC<T, C>& img) : WImageC<T, C>(0) { C 475 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageC<T, C>::SetIpl(&header_); C 478 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageViewC& operator=(const WImageC<T, C>& img) { C 480 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageC<T, C>::SetIpl(&header_); C 483 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageViewC& operator=(const WImageViewC<T, C>& img) { C 485 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageC<T, C>::SetIpl(&header_); C 511 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp template<typename T, int C> inline WImageC<T, C>::~WImageC() {} C 524 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp template<typename T, int C> C 525 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp inline void WImageBufferC<T, C>::Allocate(int width, int height) C 529 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageC<T, C>::SetIpl(cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height),WImage<T>::Depth(), C)); C 556 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp template<typename T, int C> C 557 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageViewC<T, C>::WImageViewC(WImageC<T, C>* img, int c, int r, int width, int height) C 558 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp : WImageC<T, C>(0) C 564 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageC<T, C>::SetIpl(&header_); C 567 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp template<typename T, int C> C 568 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageViewC<T, C>::WImageViewC() : WImageC<T, C>(0) { C 569 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp cvInitImageHeader(&header_, cvSize(0, 0), WImage<T>::Depth(), C); C 571 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageC<T, C>::SetIpl(&header_); C 574 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp template<typename T, int C> C 575 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageViewC<T, C>::WImageViewC(T* data, int width, int height, int width_step) C 576 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp : WImageC<T, C>(0) C 578 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp cvInitImageHeader(&header_, cvSize(width, height), WImage<T>::Depth(), C); C 583 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageC<T, C>::SetIpl(&header_); C 592 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp template<typename T, int C> C 593 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp WImageViewC<T, C> WImageC<T, C>::View(int c, int r, int width, int height) { C 594 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/wimage.hpp return WImageViewC<T, C>(this, c, r, width, height); C 1011 modules/core/src/lda.cpp int C = (int)num2label.size(); C 1014 modules/core/src/lda.cpp if(C == 1) { C 1030 modules/core/src/lda.cpp if ((_num_components <= 0) || (_num_components > (C - 1))) { C 1031 modules/core/src/lda.cpp _num_components = (C - 1); C 1036 modules/core/src/lda.cpp std::vector<Mat> meanClass(C); C 1037 modules/core/src/lda.cpp std::vector<int> numClass(C); C 1039 modules/core/src/lda.cpp for (int i = 0; i < C; i++) { C 1054 modules/core/src/lda.cpp for (int i = 0; i < C; i++) { C 1068 modules/core/src/lda.cpp for (int i = 0; i < C; i++) { C 2055 modules/core/src/mathfuncs.cpp AutoBuffer<C> buf(n*2+2); C 2056 modules/core/src/mathfuncs.cpp C *coeffs = buf, *roots = coeffs + n + 1; C 2063 modules/core/src/mathfuncs.cpp coeffs[i] = C(rcoeffs[i], 0); C 2072 modules/core/src/mathfuncs.cpp C p(1, 0), r(1, 1); C 2087 modules/core/src/mathfuncs.cpp C num = coeffs[n], denom = coeffs[n]; C 730 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp UMat C = matC.getUMat(); C 731 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp if (!ocl::internal::isCLBuffer(C)) C 889 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp Mat A = matA.getMat(), B = matB.getMat(), C = beta != 0 ? matC.getMat() : Mat(); C 919 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp if( !C.empty() ) C 921 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp CV_Assert( C.type() == type && C 922 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp (((flags&GEMM_3_T) == 0 && C.rows == d_size.height && C.cols == d_size.width) || C 923 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp ((flags&GEMM_3_T) != 0 && C.rows == d_size.width && C.cols == d_size.height))); C 928 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp if( (flags & GEMM_3_T) != 0 && C.data == D.data ) C 930 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp transpose( C, C ); C 941 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp *c = (const float*)C.data; C 945 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp c_step = C.data ? C.step/sizeof(c[0]) : 0; C 1069 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp *c = (const double*)C.data; C 1073 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp c_step = C.data ? C.step/sizeof(c[0]) : 0; C 1199 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp const uchar* Cdata = C.data; C 1200 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp size_t Cstep = C.data ? (size_t)C.step : 0; C 1341 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp if( C.empty() ) C 1347 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp c_step0 = C.step, c_step1 = elem_size; C 1349 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp c_step0 = elem_size, c_step1 = C.step; C 3275 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp cv::Mat C, D = cv::cvarrToMat(Darr); C 3278 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp C = cv::cvarrToMat(Carr); C 3284 modules/core/src/matmul.cpp gemm( A, B, alpha, C, beta, D, flags ); C 3470 modules/core/src/matrix.cpp static inline void reduce##optype##C##favor(const cv::Mat& srcmat, cv::Mat& dstmat) \ C 72 modules/core/test/ocl/test_gemm.cpp TEST_DECLARE_INPUT_PARAMETER(C); C 115 modules/core/test/ocl/test_gemm.cpp randomSubMat(C, C_roi, ctrans ? CRoiSizeT : DRoiSize, CBorder, type, -11, 11); C 125 modules/core/test/ocl/test_gemm.cpp UMAT_UPLOAD_INPUT_PARAMETER(C); C 319 modules/cudaarithm/test/test_arithm.cpp void convolveDFT(const cv::Mat& A, const cv::Mat& B, cv::Mat& C, bool ccorr = false) C 322 modules/cudaarithm/test/test_arithm.cpp C.create(std::abs(A.rows - B.rows) + 1, std::abs(A.cols - B.cols) + 1, A.type()); C 352 modules/cudaarithm/test/test_arithm.cpp cv::dft(tempA, tempA, cv::DFT_INVERSE + cv::DFT_SCALE, C.rows); C 355 modules/cudaarithm/test/test_arithm.cpp tempA(cv::Rect(0, 0, C.cols, C.rows)).copyTo(C); C 513 modules/features2d/src/brisk.cpp const int C = (int)((r_x1 * r_y1) * scaling); C 529 modules/features2d/src/brisk.cpp ret_val += C * int(*ptr); C 603 modules/features2d/src/brisk.cpp ret_val += C * int(*ptr); C 1093 modules/features2d/src/brisk.cpp const int C = (int)((r_x1 * r_y1) * scaling); C 1124 modules/features2d/src/brisk.cpp ret_val += C * int(l.getAgastScore(x_left + dx + 1, y_top + dy + 1, 1)); C 2242 modules/features2d/src/brisk.cpp const int C = (int)((r_x1 * r_y1) * scaling); C 2282 modules/features2d/src/brisk.cpp ret_val += C * int(*ptr); C 2481 modules/imgproc/include/opencv2/imgproc.hpp int thresholdType, int blockSize, double C ); C 81 modules/imgproc/perf/perf_threshold.cpp double C = 10.0; C 89 modules/imgproc/perf/perf_threshold.cpp TEST_CYCLE() adaptiveThreshold(src, dst, maxValue, adaptThreshMethod, adaptThreshType, blockSize, C); C 162 modules/imgproc/src/intersection.cpp float C = -(A*pts2[j].x + B*pts2[j].y); C 164 modules/imgproc/src/intersection.cpp float s = A*x+ B*y+ C; C 200 modules/imgproc/src/intersection.cpp float C = -(A*pts1[j].x + B*pts1[j].y); C 202 modules/imgproc/src/intersection.cpp float s = A*x + B*y + C; C 529 modules/imgproc/src/phasecorr.cpp Mat FFT1, FFT2, P, Pm, C; C 547 modules/imgproc/src/phasecorr.cpp divSpectrums(P, Pm, C, 0, false); // FF* / |FF*| (phase correlation equation completed here...) C 549 modules/imgproc/src/phasecorr.cpp idft(C, C); // gives us the nice peak shift location... C 551 modules/imgproc/src/phasecorr.cpp fftShift(C); // shift the energy to the center of the frame. C 555 modules/imgproc/src/phasecorr.cpp minMaxLoc(C, NULL, NULL, NULL, &peakLoc); C 559 modules/imgproc/src/phasecorr.cpp t = weightedCentroid(C, peakLoc, Size(5, 5), response); C 175 modules/imgproc/test/test_approxpoly.cpp double A,B,C; C 202 modules/imgproc/test/test_approxpoly.cpp C = dy * (double)StartPt.x - dx * (double)StartPt.y; C 207 modules/imgproc/test/test_approxpoly.cpp d = C/Sq; C 1756 modules/java/generator/src/cpp/Mat.cpp #define PUT_ITEM(T, R, C) { T*dst = (T*)me->ptr(R, C); for(int ch=0; ch<me->channels() && count>0; count--,ch++,src++,dst++) *dst = cv::saturate_cast<T>(*src); } C 666 modules/ml/include/opencv2/ml.hpp ParamGrid Cgrid = SVM::getDefaultGrid(SVM::C), C 206 modules/ml/src/boost.cpp double sumw = 0., C = 1.; C 240 modules/ml/src/boost.cpp C = -log_ratio( err ); C 241 modules/ml/src/boost.cpp double scale = std::exp(C); C 254 modules/ml/src/boost.cpp scaleTree(roots[treeidx], C); C 113 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp double C; C 126 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp C = 1; C 142 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp C = _Con; C 368 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp if( param_id == SVM::C ) C 496 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp C[0] = _Cn; C 497 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp C[1] = _Cp; C 637 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp #define get_C(i) (C[y[i]>0]) C 793 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp si.upper_bound_p = C[1]; C 794 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp si.upper_bound_n = C[0]; C 1115 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp double p, double C, const Ptr<SVM::Kernel>& _kernel, C 1137 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp Solver solver( _samples, _y, _alpha, _b, C, C, _kernel, C 1154 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp double nu, double C, const Ptr<SVM::Kernel>& _kernel, C 1160 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp double sum = C * nu * sample_count * 0.5; C 1170 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp _alpha[i] = _alpha[i + sample_count] = std::min(sum, C); C 1218 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp double C[2]; // C[0] == Cn, C[1] == Cp C 1255 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp CV_IMPL_PROPERTY(double, C, params.C) C 1320 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp params.C = 0; C 1321 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp else if( params.C <= 0 ) C 1378 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp svmType == EPS_SVR ? Solver::solve_eps_svr( _samples, _yf, params.p, params.C, kernel, _alpha, sinfo, params.termCrit ) : C 1379 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp svmType == NU_SVR ? Solver::solve_nu_svr( _samples, _yf, params.nu, params.C, kernel, _alpha, sinfo, params.termCrit ) : false; C 1426 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp cw.convertTo(class_weights, CV_64F, params.C); C 1466 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp double Cp = params.C, Cn = Cp; C 1654 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp CHECK_GRID(C_grid, C); C 1669 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp C_grid.minVal = C_grid.maxVal = params.C; C 1768 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp FOR_IN_GRID(C, C_grid) C 1986 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp fs << "C" << params.C; C 2120 modules/ml/src/svm.cpp _params.C = (double)fn["C"]; C 7881 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h template <class C> C 7883 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h typename C::iterator* /* it */ = NULL, C 7884 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h typename C::const_iterator* /* const_it */ = NULL) { C 7889 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h template <class C> C 9520 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h template <typename C> C 9523 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h const C& container, ::std::ostream* os) { C 9527 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h for (typename C::const_iterator it = container.begin(); C 538 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp double C = a.depth() < CV_32F ? 1./(65536.*65536.) : 1.; C 550 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp scale.val[k] *= C; C 1771 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp const int C = 0x7fffffff; C 1777 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp if( a < 0 ) a ^= C; if( b < 0 ) b ^= C; C 1793 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp const int64 C = CV_BIG_INT(0x7fffffffffffffff); C 1799 modules/ts/src/ts_func.cpp if( a < 0 ) a ^= C; if( b < 0 ) b ^= C; C 196 modules/videostab/src/global_motion.cpp float C = std::sqrt(A*A + B*B); C 198 modules/videostab/src/global_motion.cpp if ( C != 0 ) C 200 modules/videostab/src/global_motion.cpp float sinAlpha = - B / C; C 201 modules/videostab/src/global_motion.cpp float cosAlpha = A / C; C 125 samples/cpp/points_classifier.cpp static void find_decision_boundary_SVM( double C ) C 136 samples/cpp/points_classifier.cpp svm->setC(C); C 58 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/mat_the_basic_image_container/mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp Mat C = (Mat_<double>(3,3) << 0, -1, 0, -1, 5, -1, 0, -1, 0); C 59 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/mat_the_basic_image_container/mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp cout << "C = " << endl << " " << C << endl << endl; C 63 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/mat_the_basic_image_container/mat_the_basic_image_container.cpp Mat RowClone = C.row(1).clone();