
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. _correction
  2. get
  3. procrustesRotationAndTranslation
  4. procrustesRotationAndTranslation
  5. jacobiRotateRight
  6. jacobiRotateRight
  7. twoSidedJacobiRotation
  8. twoSidedJacobiRotation
  9. swapColumns
  10. maxOffDiag
  11. maxOffDiag
  12. twoSidedJacobiSVD
  13. twoSidedJacobiSVD
  14. jacobiSVD
  15. jacobiSVD
  16. jacobiRotateRight
  17. jacobiRotation
  18. jacobiRotation
  19. maxOffDiagSymm
  20. jacobiEigenSolver
  21. jacobiEigenSolver
  22. maxEigenVector
  23. minEigenVector

// Copyright (c) 2002, Industrial Light & Magic, a division of Lucas
// Digital Ltd. LLC
// All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// *       Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// *       Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.
// *       Neither the name of Industrial Light & Magic nor the names of
// its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
// from this software without specific prior written permission.

//      Implementation of non-template items declared in ImathMatrixAlgo.h

#include "ImathMatrixAlgo.h"
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm> // for std::max()

#if defined(OPENEXR_DLL)
    #define EXPORT_CONST __declspec(dllexport)
    #define EXPORT_CONST const

namespace Imath {

EXPORT_CONST M33f identity33f ( 1, 0, 0,
                0, 1, 0,
                0, 0, 1);

EXPORT_CONST M33d identity33d ( 1, 0, 0,
                0, 1, 0,
                0, 0, 1);

EXPORT_CONST M44f identity44f ( 1, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 1, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 1, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 1);

EXPORT_CONST M44d identity44d ( 1, 0, 0, 0,
                0, 1, 0, 0,
                0, 0, 1, 0,
                0, 0, 0, 1);


class KahanSum
    KahanSum() : _total(0), _correction(0) {}

    operator+= (const double val)
        const double y = val - _correction;
        const double t = _total + y;
        _correction = (t - _total) - y;
        _total = t;

    double get() const
        return _total;

    double _total;
    double _correction;


template <typename T>
procrustesRotationAndTranslation (const Vec3<T>* A, const Vec3<T>* B, const T* weights, const size_t numPoints, const bool doScale)
    if (numPoints == 0)
        return M44d();

    // Always do the accumulation in double precision:
    V3d Acenter (0.0);
    V3d Bcenter (0.0);
    double weightsSum = 0.0;

    if (weights == 0)
        for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
            Acenter += (V3d) A[i];
            Bcenter += (V3d) B[i];
        weightsSum = (double) numPoints;
        for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
            const double w = weights[i];
            weightsSum += w;

            Acenter += w * (V3d) A[i];
            Bcenter += w * (V3d) B[i];

    if (weightsSum == 0)
        return M44d();

    Acenter /= weightsSum;
    Bcenter /= weightsSum;

    // Find Q such that |Q*A - B|  (actually A-Acenter and B-Bcenter, weighted)
    // is minimized in the least squares sense.
    // From Golub/Van Loan, p.601
    // A,B are 3xn
    // Let C = B A^T   (where A is 3xn and B^T is nx3, so C is 3x3)
    // Compute the SVD: C = U D V^T  (U,V rotations, D diagonal).
    // Throw away the D part, and return Q = U V^T
    M33d C (0.0);
    if (weights == 0)
        for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
            C += outerProduct ((V3d) B[i] - Bcenter, (V3d) A[i] - Acenter);
        for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
            const double w = weights[i];
            C += outerProduct (w * ((V3d) B[i] - Bcenter), (V3d) A[i] - Acenter);

    M33d U, V;
    V3d S;
    jacobiSVD (C, U, S, V, Imath::limits<double>::epsilon(), true);

    // We want Q.transposed() here since we are going to be using it in the
    // Imath style (multiplying vectors on the right, v' = v*A^T):
    const M33d Qt = V * U.transposed();

    double s = 1.0;
    if (doScale && numPoints > 1)
        // Finding a uniform scale: let us assume the Q is completely fixed
        // at this point (solving for both simultaneously seems much harder).
        // We are trying to compute (again, per Golub and van Loan)
        //    min || s*A*Q - B ||_F
        // Notice that we've jammed a uniform scale in front of the Q.
        // Now, the Frobenius norm (the least squares norm over matrices)
        // has the neat property that it is equivalent to minimizing the trace
        // of M^T*M (see your friendly neighborhood linear algebra text for a
        // derivation).  Thus, we can expand this out as
        //   min tr (s*A*Q - B)^T*(s*A*Q - B)
        // = min tr(Q^T*A^T*s*s*A*Q) + tr(B^T*B) - 2*tr(Q^T*A^T*s*B)  by linearity of the trace
        // = min s^2 tr(A^T*A) + tr(B^T*B) - 2*s*tr(Q^T*A^T*B)        using the fact that the trace is invariant
        //                                                            under similarity transforms Q*M*Q^T
        // If we differentiate w.r.t. s and set this to 0, we get
        // 0 = 2*s*tr(A^T*A) - 2*tr(Q^T*A^T*B)
        // so
        // 2*s*tr(A^T*A) = 2*s*tr(Q^T*A^T*B)
        // s = tr(Q^T*A^T*B) / tr(A^T*A)

        KahanSum traceATA;
        if (weights == 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
                traceATA += ((V3d) A[i] - Acenter).length2();
            for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; ++i)
                traceATA += ((double) weights[i]) * ((V3d) A[i] - Acenter).length2();

        KahanSum traceBATQ;
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
                traceBATQ += Qt[j][i] * C[i][j];

        s = traceBATQ.get() / traceATA.get();

    // Q is the rotation part of what we want to return.
    // The entire transform is:
    //    (translate origin to Bcenter) * Q * (translate Acenter to origin)
    //                last                                first
    // The effect of this on a point is:
    //    (translate origin to Bcenter) * Q * (translate Acenter to origin) * point
    //  = (translate origin to Bcenter) * Q * (-Acenter + point)
    //  = (translate origin to Bcenter) * (-Q*Acenter + Q*point)
    //  = (translate origin to Bcenter) * (translate Q*Acenter to origin) * Q*point
    //  = (translate Q*Acenter to Bcenter) * Q*point
    // So what we want to return is:
    //    (translate Q*Acenter to Bcenter) * Q
    // In block form, this is:
    //   [ 1 0 0  | ] [       0 ] [ 1 0 0  |  ]   [ 1 0 0  | ] [           |   ]   [                 ]
    //   [ 0 1 0 tb ] [  s*Q  0 ] [ 0 1 0 -ta ] = [ 0 1 0 tb ] [  s*Q  -s*Q*ta ] = [   Q   tb-s*Q*ta ]
    //   [ 0 0 1  | ] [       0 ] [ 0 0 1  |  ]   [ 0 0 1  | ] [           |   ]   [                 ]
    //   [ 0 0 0  1 ] [ 0 0 0 1 ] [ 0 0 0  1  ]   [ 0 0 0  1 ] [ 0 0 0     1   ]   [ 0 0 0    1      ]
    // (ofc the whole thing is transposed for Imath).
    const V3d translate = Bcenter - s*Acenter*Qt;

    return M44d (s*Qt.x[0][0], s*Qt.x[0][1], s*Qt.x[0][2], T(0),
                 s*Qt.x[1][0], s*Qt.x[1][1], s*Qt.x[1][2], T(0),
                 s*Qt.x[2][0], s*Qt.x[2][1], s*Qt.x[2][2], T(0),
                 translate.x, translate.y, translate.z, T(1));
} // procrustesRotationAndTranslation

template <typename T>
procrustesRotationAndTranslation (const Vec3<T>* A, const Vec3<T>* B, const size_t numPoints, const bool doScale)
    return procrustesRotationAndTranslation (A, B, (const T*) 0, numPoints, doScale);
} // procrustesRotationAndTranslation

template M44d procrustesRotationAndTranslation (const V3d* from, const V3d* to, const size_t numPoints, const bool doScale);
template M44d procrustesRotationAndTranslation (const V3f* from, const V3f* to, const size_t numPoints, const bool doScale);
template M44d procrustesRotationAndTranslation (const V3d* from, const V3d* to, const double* weights, const size_t numPoints, const bool doScale);
template M44d procrustesRotationAndTranslation (const V3f* from, const V3f* to, const float* weights, const size_t numPoints, const bool doScale);


// Applies the 2x2 Jacobi rotation
//   [  c s 0 ]    [ 1  0 0 ]    [  c 0 s ]
//   [ -s c 0 ] or [ 0  c s ] or [  0 1 0 ]
//   [  0 0 1 ]    [ 0 -s c ]    [ -s 0 c ]
// from the right; that is, computes
//   J * A
// for the Jacobi rotation J and the matrix A.  This is efficient because we
// only need to touch exactly the 2 columns that are affected, so we never
// need to explicitly construct the J matrix.
template <typename T, int j, int k>
jacobiRotateRight (Imath::Matrix33<T>& A,
                   const T c,
                   const T s)
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        const T tau1 = A[i][j];
        const T tau2 = A[i][k];
        A[i][j] = c * tau1 - s * tau2;
        A[i][k] = s * tau1 + c * tau2;

template <typename T>
jacobiRotateRight (Imath::Matrix44<T>& A,
                   const int j,
                   const int k,
                   const T c,
                   const T s)
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
        const T tau1 = A[i][j];
        const T tau2 = A[i][k];
        A[i][j] = c * tau1 - s * tau2;
        A[i][k] = s * tau1 + c * tau2;

// This routine solves the 2x2 SVD:
//     [  c1   s1 ] [ w   x ] [  c2  s2 ]   [ d1    0 ]
//     [          ] [       ] [         ] = [         ]
//     [ -s1   c1 ] [ y   z ] [ -s2  c2 ]   [  0   d2 ]
// where
//      [ w   x ]
//  A = [       ]
//      [ y   z ]
// is the subset of A consisting of the [j,k] entries, A([j k], [j k]) in
// Matlab parlance.  The method is the 'USVD' algorithm described in the
// following paper:
//    'Computation of the Singular Value Decomposition using Mesh-Connected Processors'
//    by Richard P. Brent, Franklin T. Luk, and Charles Van Loan
// It breaks the computation into two steps: the first symmetrizes the matrix,
// and the second diagonalizes the symmetric matrix.
template <typename T, int j, int k, int l>
twoSidedJacobiRotation (Imath::Matrix33<T>& A,
                        Imath::Matrix33<T>& U,
                        Imath::Matrix33<T>& V,
                        const T tol)
    // Load everything into local variables to make things easier on the
    // optimizer:
    const T w = A[j][j];
    const T x = A[j][k];
    const T y = A[k][j];
    const T z = A[k][k];

    // We will keep track of whether we're actually performing any rotations,
    // since if the matrix is already diagonal we'll end up with the identity
    // as our Jacobi rotation and we can short-circuit.
    bool changed = false;

    // The first step is to symmetrize the 2x2 matrix,
    //   [ c  s ]^T [ w x ] = [ p q ]
    //   [ -s c ]   [ y z ]   [ q r ]
    T mu_1 = w + z;
    T mu_2 = x - y;

    T c, s;
    if (std::abs(mu_2) <= tol*std::abs(mu_1))  // Already symmetric (to tolerance)
    {                                          // Note that the <= is important here
        c = T(1);                              // because we want to bypass the computation
        s = T(0);                              // of rho if mu_1 = mu_2 = 0.

        const T p = w;
        const T r = z;
        mu_1 = r - p;
        mu_2 = x + y;
        const T rho = mu_1 / mu_2;
        s = T(1) / std::sqrt (T(1) + rho*rho);  // TODO is there a native inverse square root function?
        if (rho < 0)
            s = -s;
        c = s * rho;

        mu_1 = s * (x + y) + c * (z - w);   // = r - p
        mu_2 = T(2) * (c * x - s * z);      // = 2*q

        changed = true;

    // The second stage diagonalizes,
    //   [ c2   s2 ]^T [ p q ] [ c2  s2 ]  = [ d1   0 ]
    //   [ -s2  c2 ]   [ q r ] [ -s2 c2 ]    [  0  d2 ]
    T c_2, s_2;
    if (std::abs(mu_2) <= tol*std::abs(mu_1))
       c_2 = T(1);
       s_2 = T(0);
        const T rho_2 = mu_1 / mu_2;
        T t_2 = T(1) / (std::abs(rho_2) + std::sqrt(1 + rho_2*rho_2));
        if (rho_2 < 0)
            t_2 = -t_2;
        c_2 = T(1) / std::sqrt (T(1) + t_2*t_2);
        s_2 = c_2 * t_2;

        changed = true;

    const T c_1 = c_2 * c - s_2 * s;
    const T s_1 = s_2 * c + c_2 * s;

    if (!changed)
        // We've decided that the off-diagonal entries are already small
        // enough, so we'll set them to zero.  This actually appears to result
        // in smaller errors than leaving them be, possibly because it prevents
        // us from trying to do extra rotations later that we don't need.
        A[k][j] = 0;
        A[j][k] = 0;
        return false;

    const T d_1 = c_1*(w*c_2 - x*s_2) - s_1*(y*c_2 - z*s_2);
    const T d_2 = s_1*(w*s_2 + x*c_2) + c_1*(y*s_2 + z*c_2);

    // For the entries we just zeroed out, we'll just set them to 0, since
    // they should be 0 up to machine precision.
    A[j][j] = d_1;
    A[k][k] = d_2;
    A[k][j] = 0;
    A[j][k] = 0;

    // Rotate the entries that _weren't_ involved in the 2x2 SVD:
        // Rotate on the left by
        //    [  c1 s1 0 ]^T      [  c1 0 s1 ]^T      [ 1   0  0 ]^T
        //    [ -s1 c1 0 ]    or  [   0 1  0 ]    or  [ 0  c1 s1 ]
        //    [   0  0 1 ]        [ -s1 0 c1 ]        [ 0 -s1 c1 ]
        // This has the effect of adding the (weighted) ith and jth _rows_ to
        // each other.
        const T tau1 = A[j][l];
        const T tau2 = A[k][l];
        A[j][l] = c_1 * tau1 - s_1 * tau2;
        A[k][l] = s_1 * tau1 + c_1 * tau2;

        // Rotate on the right by
        //    [  c2 s2 0 ]      [  c2 0 s2 ]      [ 1   0  0 ]
        //    [ -s2 c2 0 ]  or  [   0 1  0 ]  or  [ 0  c2 s2 ]
        //    [   0  0 1 ]      [ -s2 0 c2 ]      [ 0 -s2 c2 ]
        // This has the effect of adding the (weighted) ith and jth _columns_ to
        // each other.
        const T tau1 = A[l][j];
        const T tau2 = A[l][k];
        A[l][j] = c_2 * tau1 - s_2 * tau2;
        A[l][k] = s_2 * tau1 + c_2 * tau2;

    // Now apply the rotations to U and V:
    // Remember that we have
    //    R1^T * A * R2 = D
    // This is in the 2x2 case, but after doing a bunch of these
    // we will get something like this for the 3x3 case:
    //   ... R1b^T * R1a^T * A * R2a * R2b * ... = D
    //   -----------------       ---------------
    //        = U^T                    = V
    // So,
    //   U = R1a * R1b * ...
    //   V = R2a * R2b * ...
    jacobiRotateRight<T, j, k> (U, c_1, s_1);
    jacobiRotateRight<T, j, k> (V, c_2, s_2);

    return true;

template <typename T>
twoSidedJacobiRotation (Imath::Matrix44<T>& A,
                        int j,
                        int k,
                        Imath::Matrix44<T>& U,
                        Imath::Matrix44<T>& V,
                        const T tol)
    // Load everything into local variables to make things easier on the
    // optimizer:
    const T w = A[j][j];
    const T x = A[j][k];
    const T y = A[k][j];
    const T z = A[k][k];

    // We will keep track of whether we're actually performing any rotations,
    // since if the matrix is already diagonal we'll end up with the identity
    // as our Jacobi rotation and we can short-circuit.
    bool changed = false;

    // The first step is to symmetrize the 2x2 matrix,
    //   [ c  s ]^T [ w x ] = [ p q ]
    //   [ -s c ]   [ y z ]   [ q r ]
    T mu_1 = w + z;
    T mu_2 = x - y;

    T c, s;
    if (std::abs(mu_2) <= tol*std::abs(mu_1))  // Already symmetric (to tolerance)
    {                                          // Note that the <= is important here
        c = T(1);                              // because we want to bypass the computation
        s = T(0);                              // of rho if mu_1 = mu_2 = 0.

        const T p = w;
        const T r = z;
        mu_1 = r - p;
        mu_2 = x + y;
        const T rho = mu_1 / mu_2;
        s = T(1) / std::sqrt (T(1) + rho*rho);  // TODO is there a native inverse square root function?
        if (rho < 0)
            s = -s;
        c = s * rho;

        mu_1 = s * (x + y) + c * (z - w);   // = r - p
        mu_2 = T(2) * (c * x - s * z);      // = 2*q

        changed = true;

    // The second stage diagonalizes,
    //   [ c2   s2 ]^T [ p q ] [ c2  s2 ]  = [ d1   0 ]
    //   [ -s2  c2 ]   [ q r ] [ -s2 c2 ]    [  0  d2 ]
    T c_2, s_2;
    if (std::abs(mu_2) <= tol*std::abs(mu_1))
       c_2 = T(1);
       s_2 = T(0);
        const T rho_2 = mu_1 / mu_2;
        T t_2 = T(1) / (std::abs(rho_2) + std::sqrt(1 + rho_2*rho_2));
        if (rho_2 < 0)
            t_2 = -t_2;
        c_2 = T(1) / std::sqrt (T(1) + t_2*t_2);
        s_2 = c_2 * t_2;

        changed = true;

    const T c_1 = c_2 * c - s_2 * s;
    const T s_1 = s_2 * c + c_2 * s;

    if (!changed)
        // We've decided that the off-diagonal entries are already small
        // enough, so we'll set them to zero.  This actually appears to result
        // in smaller errors than leaving them be, possibly because it prevents
        // us from trying to do extra rotations later that we don't need.
        A[k][j] = 0;
        A[j][k] = 0;
        return false;

    const T d_1 = c_1*(w*c_2 - x*s_2) - s_1*(y*c_2 - z*s_2);
    const T d_2 = s_1*(w*s_2 + x*c_2) + c_1*(y*s_2 + z*c_2);

    // For the entries we just zeroed out, we'll just set them to 0, since
    // they should be 0 up to machine precision.
    A[j][j] = d_1;
    A[k][k] = d_2;
    A[k][j] = 0;
    A[j][k] = 0;

    // Rotate the entries that _weren't_ involved in the 2x2 SVD:
    for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l)
        if (l == j || l == k)

        // Rotate on the left by
        //    [ 1               ]
        //    [   .             ]
        //    [     c2   s2     ]  j
        //    [        1        ]
        //    [    -s2   c2     ]  k
        //    [             .   ]
        //    [               1 ]
        //          j    k
        // This has the effect of adding the (weighted) ith and jth _rows_ to
        // each other.
        const T tau1 = A[j][l];
        const T tau2 = A[k][l];
        A[j][l] = c_1 * tau1 - s_1 * tau2;
        A[k][l] = s_1 * tau1 + c_1 * tau2;

    for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l)
        // We set the A[j/k][j/k] entries already
        if (l == j || l == k)

        // Rotate on the right by
        //    [ 1               ]
        //    [   .             ]
        //    [     c2   s2     ]  j
        //    [        1        ]
        //    [    -s2   c2     ]  k
        //    [             .   ]
        //    [               1 ]
        //          j    k
        // This has the effect of adding the (weighted) ith and jth _columns_ to
        // each other.
        const T tau1 = A[l][j];
        const T tau2 = A[l][k];
        A[l][j] = c_2 * tau1 - s_2 * tau2;
        A[l][k] = s_2 * tau1 + c_2 * tau2;

    // Now apply the rotations to U and V:
    // Remember that we have
    //    R1^T * A * R2 = D
    // This is in the 2x2 case, but after doing a bunch of these
    // we will get something like this for the 3x3 case:
    //   ... R1b^T * R1a^T * A * R2a * R2b * ... = D
    //   -----------------       ---------------
    //        = U^T                    = V
    // So,
    //   U = R1a * R1b * ...
    //   V = R2a * R2b * ...
    jacobiRotateRight (U, j, k, c_1, s_1);
    jacobiRotateRight (V, j, k, c_2, s_2);

    return true;

template <typename T>
swapColumns (Imath::Matrix33<T>& A, int j, int k)
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        std::swap (A[i][j], A[i][k]);

template <typename T>
maxOffDiag (const Imath::Matrix33<T>& A)
    T result = 0;
    result = std::max (result, std::abs (A[0][1]));
    result = std::max (result, std::abs (A[0][2]));
    result = std::max (result, std::abs (A[1][0]));
    result = std::max (result, std::abs (A[1][2]));
    result = std::max (result, std::abs (A[2][0]));
    result = std::max (result, std::abs (A[2][1]));
    return result;

template <typename T>
maxOffDiag (const Imath::Matrix44<T>& A)
    T result = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
            if (i != j)
                result = std::max (result, std::abs (A[i][j]));

    return result;

template <typename T>
twoSidedJacobiSVD (Imath::Matrix33<T> A,
                   Imath::Matrix33<T>& U,
                   Imath::Vec3<T>& S,
                   Imath::Matrix33<T>& V,
                   const T tol,
                   const bool forcePositiveDeterminant)
    // The two-sided Jacobi SVD works by repeatedly zeroing out
    // off-diagonal entries of the matrix, 2 at a time.  Basically,
    // we can take our 3x3 matrix,
    //    [* * *]
    //    [* * *]
    //    [* * *]
    // and use a pair of orthogonal transforms to zero out, say, the
    // pair of entries (0, 1) and (1, 0):
    //  [ c1 s1  ] [* * *] [ c2 s2  ]   [*   *]
    //  [-s1 c1  ] [* * *] [-s2 c2  ] = [  * *]
    //  [       1] [* * *] [       1]   [* * *]
    // When we go to zero out the next pair of entries (say, (0, 2) and (2, 0))
    // then we don't expect those entries to stay 0:
    //  [ c1 s1  ] [*   *] [ c2 s2  ]   [* *  ]
    //  [-s1 c1  ] [  * *] [-s2 c2  ] = [* * *]
    //  [       1] [* * *] [       1]   [  * *]
    // However, if we keep doing this, we'll find that the off-diagonal entries
    // converge to 0 fairly quickly (convergence should be roughly cubic).  The
    // result is a diagonal A matrix and a bunch of orthogonal transforms:
    //               [* * *]                [*    ]
    //  L1 L2 ... Ln [* * *] Rn ... R2 R1 = [  *  ]
    //               [* * *]                [    *]
    //  ------------ ------- ------------   -------
    //      U^T         A         V            S
    // This turns out to be highly accurate because (1) orthogonal transforms
    // are extremely stable to compute and apply (this is why QR factorization
    // works so well, FWIW) and because (2) by applying everything to the original
    // matrix A instead of computing (A^T * A) we avoid any precision loss that
    // would result from that.

    const int maxIter = 20;  // In case we get really unlucky, prevents infinite loops
    const T absTol = tol * maxOffDiag (A);  // Tolerance is in terms of the maximum
    if (absTol != 0)                        // _off-diagonal_ entry.
        int numIter = 0;
            bool changed = twoSidedJacobiRotation<T, 0, 1, 2> (A, U, V, tol);
            changed = twoSidedJacobiRotation<T, 0, 2, 1> (A, U, V, tol) || changed;
            changed = twoSidedJacobiRotation<T, 1, 2, 0> (A, U, V, tol) || changed;
            if (!changed)
        } while (maxOffDiag(A) > absTol && numIter < maxIter);

    // The off-diagonal entries are (effectively) 0, so whatever's left on the
    // diagonal are the singular values:
    S.x = A[0][0];
    S.y = A[1][1];
    S.z = A[2][2];

    // Nothing thus far has guaranteed that the singular values are positive,
    // so let's go back through and flip them if not (since by contract we are
    // supposed to return all positive SVs):
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
        if (S[i] < 0)
            // If we flip S[i], we need to flip the corresponding column of U
            // (we could also pick V if we wanted; it doesn't really matter):
            S[i] = -S[i];
            for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
                U[j][i] = -U[j][i];

    // Order the singular values from largest to smallest; this requires
    // exactly two passes through the data using bubble sort:
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < (2 - i); ++j)
            // No absolute values necessary since we already ensured that
            // they're positive:
            if (S[j] < S[j+1])
                // If we swap singular values we also have to swap
                // corresponding columns in U and V:
                std::swap (S[j], S[j+1]);
                swapColumns (U, j, j+1);
                swapColumns (V, j, j+1);

    if (forcePositiveDeterminant)
        // We want to guarantee that the returned matrices always have positive
        // determinant.  We can do this by adding the appropriate number of
        // matrices of the form:
        //       [ 1       ]
        //  L =  [    1    ]
        //       [      -1 ]
        // Note that L' = L and L*L = Identity.  Thus we can add:
        //   U*L*L*S*V = (U*L)*(L*S)*V
        // if U has a negative determinant, and
        //   U*S*L*L*V = U*(S*L)*(L*V)
        // if V has a neg. determinant.
        if (U.determinant() < 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                U[i][2] = -U[i][2];
            S.z = -S.z;

        if (V.determinant() < 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
                V[i][2] = -V[i][2];
            S.z = -S.z;

template <typename T>
twoSidedJacobiSVD (Imath::Matrix44<T> A,
                   Imath::Matrix44<T>& U,
                   Imath::Vec4<T>& S,
                   Imath::Matrix44<T>& V,
                   const T tol,
                   const bool forcePositiveDeterminant)
    // Please see the Matrix33 version for a detailed description of the algorithm.

    const int maxIter = 20;  // In case we get really unlucky, prevents infinite loops
    const T absTol = tol * maxOffDiag (A);  // Tolerance is in terms of the maximum
    if (absTol != 0)                        // _off-diagonal_ entry.
        int numIter = 0;
            bool changed = twoSidedJacobiRotation (A, 0, 1, U, V, tol);
            changed = twoSidedJacobiRotation (A, 0, 2, U, V, tol) || changed;
            changed = twoSidedJacobiRotation (A, 0, 3, U, V, tol) || changed;
            changed = twoSidedJacobiRotation (A, 1, 2, U, V, tol) || changed;
            changed = twoSidedJacobiRotation (A, 1, 3, U, V, tol) || changed;
            changed = twoSidedJacobiRotation (A, 2, 3, U, V, tol) || changed;
            if (!changed)
        } while (maxOffDiag(A) > absTol && numIter < maxIter);

    // The off-diagonal entries are (effectively) 0, so whatever's left on the
    // diagonal are the singular values:
    S[0] = A[0][0];
    S[1] = A[1][1];
    S[2] = A[2][2];
    S[3] = A[3][3];

    // Nothing thus far has guaranteed that the singular values are positive,
    // so let's go back through and flip them if not (since by contract we are
    // supposed to return all positive SVs):
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
        if (S[i] < 0)
            // If we flip S[i], we need to flip the corresponding column of U
            // (we could also pick V if we wanted; it doesn't really matter):
            S[i] = -S[i];
            for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
                U[j][i] = -U[j][i];

    // Order the singular values from largest to smallest using insertion sort:
    for (int i = 1; i < 4; ++i)
        const Imath::Vec4<T> uCol (U[0][i], U[1][i], U[2][i], U[3][i]);
        const Imath::Vec4<T> vCol (V[0][i], V[1][i], V[2][i], V[3][i]);
        const T sVal = S[i];

        int j = i - 1;
        while (std::abs (S[j]) < std::abs (sVal))
            for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
                U[k][j+1] = U[k][j];
            for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
                V[k][j+1] = V[k][j];
            S[j+1] = S[j];

            if (j < 0)

        for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
            U[k][j+1] = uCol[k];
        for (int k = 0; k < 4; ++k)
            V[k][j+1] = vCol[k];
        S[j+1] = sVal;

    if (forcePositiveDeterminant)
        // We want to guarantee that the returned matrices always have positive
        // determinant.  We can do this by adding the appropriate number of
        // matrices of the form:
        //       [ 1          ]
        //  L =  [    1       ]
        //       [       1    ]
        //       [         -1 ]
        // Note that L' = L and L*L = Identity.  Thus we can add:
        //   U*L*L*S*V = (U*L)*(L*S)*V
        // if U has a negative determinant, and
        //   U*S*L*L*V = U*(S*L)*(L*V)
        // if V has a neg. determinant.
        if (U.determinant() < 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                U[i][3] = -U[i][3];
            S[3] = -S[3];

        if (V.determinant() < 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                V[i][3] = -V[i][3];
            S[3] = -S[3];


template <typename T>
jacobiSVD (const Imath::Matrix33<T>& A,
           Imath::Matrix33<T>& U,
           Imath::Vec3<T>& S,
           Imath::Matrix33<T>& V,
           const T tol,
           const bool forcePositiveDeterminant)
    twoSidedJacobiSVD (A, U, S, V, tol, forcePositiveDeterminant);

template <typename T>
jacobiSVD (const Imath::Matrix44<T>& A,
           Imath::Matrix44<T>& U,
           Imath::Vec4<T>& S,
           Imath::Matrix44<T>& V,
           const T tol,
           const bool forcePositiveDeterminant)
    twoSidedJacobiSVD (A, U, S, V, tol, forcePositiveDeterminant);

template void jacobiSVD (const Imath::Matrix33<float>& A,
                         Imath::Matrix33<float>& U,
                         Imath::Vec3<float>& S,
                         Imath::Matrix33<float>& V,
                         const float tol,
                         const bool forcePositiveDeterminant);
template void jacobiSVD (const Imath::Matrix33<double>& A,
                         Imath::Matrix33<double>& U,
                         Imath::Vec3<double>& S,
                         Imath::Matrix33<double>& V,
                         const double tol,
                         const bool forcePositiveDeterminant);
template void jacobiSVD (const Imath::Matrix44<float>& A,
                         Imath::Matrix44<float>& U,
                         Imath::Vec4<float>& S,
                         Imath::Matrix44<float>& V,
                         const float tol,
                         const bool forcePositiveDeterminant);
template void jacobiSVD (const Imath::Matrix44<double>& A,
                         Imath::Matrix44<double>& U,
                         Imath::Vec4<double>& S,
                         Imath::Matrix44<double>& V,
                         const double tol,
                         const bool forcePositiveDeterminant);


template <int j, int k, typename TM>
jacobiRotateRight (TM& A,
                   const typename TM::BaseType s,
                   const typename TM::BaseType tau)
    typedef typename TM::BaseType T;

    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TM::dimensions(); ++i)
        const T nu1 = A[i][j];
        const T nu2 = A[i][k];
        A[i][j] -= s * (nu2 + tau * nu1);
        A[i][k] += s * (nu1 - tau * nu2);

template <int j, int k, int l, typename T>
jacobiRotation (Matrix33<T>& A,
                Matrix33<T>& V,
                Vec3<T>& Z,
                const T tol)
    // Load everything into local variables to make things easier on the
    // optimizer:
    const T x = A[j][j];
    const T y = A[j][k];
    const T z = A[k][k];

    // The first stage diagonalizes,
    //   [ c  s ]^T [ x y ] [ c -s ]  = [ d1   0 ]
    //   [ -s c ]   [ y z ] [ s  c ]    [  0  d2 ]
    const T mu1 = z - x;
    const T mu2 = 2 * y;

    if (std::abs(mu2) <= tol*std::abs(mu1))
        // We've decided that the off-diagonal entries are already small
        // enough, so we'll set them to zero.  This actually appears to result
        // in smaller errors than leaving them be, possibly because it prevents
        // us from trying to do extra rotations later that we don't need.
        A[j][k] = 0;
        return false;
    const T rho = mu1 / mu2;
    const T t = (rho < 0 ? T(-1) : T(1)) / (std::abs(rho) + std::sqrt(1 + rho*rho));
    const T c = T(1) / std::sqrt (T(1) + t*t);
    const T s = t * c;
    const T tau = s / (T(1) + c);
    const T h = t * y;

    // Update diagonal elements.
    Z[j] -= h;
    Z[k] += h;
    A[j][j] -= h;
    A[k][k] += h;

    // For the entries we just zeroed out, we'll just set them to 0, since
    // they should be 0 up to machine precision.
    A[j][k] = 0;

    // We only update upper triagnular elements of A, since
    // A is supposed to be symmetric.
    T& offd1 = l < j ? A[l][j] : A[j][l];
    T& offd2 = l < k ? A[l][k] : A[k][l];
    const T nu1 = offd1;
    const T nu2 = offd2;
    offd1 = nu1 - s * (nu2 + tau * nu1);
    offd2 = nu2 + s * (nu1 - tau * nu2);

    // Apply rotation to V
    jacobiRotateRight<j, k> (V, s, tau);

    return true;

template <int j, int k, int l1, int l2, typename T>
jacobiRotation (Matrix44<T>& A,
                Matrix44<T>& V,
                Vec4<T>& Z,
                const T tol)
    const T x = A[j][j];
    const T y = A[j][k];
    const T z = A[k][k];

    const T mu1 = z - x;
    const T mu2 = T(2) * y;

    // Let's see if rho^(-1) = mu2 / mu1 is less than tol
    // This test also checks if rho^2 will overflow
    // when tol^(-1) < sqrt(limits<T>::max()).
    if (std::abs(mu2) <= tol*std::abs(mu1))
        A[j][k] = 0;
        return true;

    const T rho = mu1 / mu2;
    const T t = (rho < 0 ? T(-1) : T(1)) / (std::abs(rho) + std::sqrt(1 + rho*rho));
    const T c = T(1) / std::sqrt (T(1) + t*t);
    const T s = c * t;
    const T tau = s / (T(1) + c);
    const T h = t * y;

    Z[j] -= h;
    Z[k] += h;
    A[j][j] -= h;
    A[k][k] += h;
    A[j][k] = 0;

        T& offd1 = l1 < j ? A[l1][j] : A[j][l1];
        T& offd2 = l1 < k ? A[l1][k] : A[k][l1];
        const T nu1 = offd1;
        const T nu2 = offd2;
        offd1 -= s * (nu2 + tau * nu1);
        offd2 += s * (nu1 - tau * nu2);

        T& offd1 = l2 < j ? A[l2][j] : A[j][l2];
        T& offd2 = l2 < k ? A[l2][k] : A[k][l2];
        const T nu1 = offd1;
        const T nu2 = offd2;
        offd1 -= s * (nu2 + tau * nu1);
        offd2 += s * (nu1 - tau * nu2);

    jacobiRotateRight<j, k> (V, s, tau);

    return true;

template <typename TM>
typename TM::BaseType
maxOffDiagSymm (const TM& A)
    typedef typename TM::BaseType T;
    T result = 0;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TM::dimensions(); ++i)
        for (unsigned int j = i+1; j < TM::dimensions(); ++j)
            result = std::max (result, std::abs (A[i][j]));

   return result;

} // namespace

template <typename T>
jacobiEigenSolver (Matrix33<T>& A,
                   Vec3<T>& S,
                   Matrix33<T>& V,
                   const T tol)
    for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
        S[i] = A[i][i];

    const int maxIter = 20;  // In case we get really unlucky, prevents infinite loops
    const T absTol = tol * maxOffDiagSymm (A);  // Tolerance is in terms of the maximum
    if (absTol != 0)                        // _off-diagonal_ entry.
        int numIter = 0;
            // Z is for accumulating small changes (h) to diagonal entries
            // of A for one sweep. Adding h's directly to A might cause
            // a cancellation effect when h is relatively very small to
            // the corresponding diagonal entry of A and
            // this will increase numerical errors
            Vec3<T> Z(0, 0, 0);
            bool changed = jacobiRotation<0, 1, 2> (A, V, Z, tol);
            changed = jacobiRotation<0, 2, 1> (A, V, Z, tol) || changed;
            changed = jacobiRotation<1, 2, 0> (A, V, Z, tol) || changed;
            // One sweep passed. Add accumulated changes (Z) to singular values (S)
            // Update diagonal elements of A for better accuracy as well.
            for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
                A[i][i] = S[i] += Z[i];
            if (!changed)
        } while (maxOffDiagSymm(A) > absTol && numIter < maxIter);

template <typename T>
jacobiEigenSolver (Matrix44<T>& A,
                   Vec4<T>& S,
                   Matrix44<T>& V,
                   const T tol)

    for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        S[i] = A[i][i];

    const int maxIter = 20;  // In case we get really unlucky, prevents infinite loops
    const T absTol = tol * maxOffDiagSymm (A);  // Tolerance is in terms of the maximum
    if (absTol != 0)                        // _off-diagonal_ entry.
        int numIter = 0;
            Vec4<T> Z(0, 0, 0, 0);
            bool changed = jacobiRotation<0, 1, 2, 3> (A, V, Z, tol);
            changed = jacobiRotation<0, 2, 1, 3> (A, V, Z, tol) || changed;
            changed = jacobiRotation<0, 3, 1, 2> (A, V, Z, tol) || changed;
            changed = jacobiRotation<1, 2, 0, 3> (A, V, Z, tol) || changed;
            changed = jacobiRotation<1, 3, 0, 2> (A, V, Z, tol) || changed;
            changed = jacobiRotation<2, 3, 0, 1> (A, V, Z, tol) || changed;
            for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
                A[i][i] = S[i] += Z[i];
           if (!changed)
        } while (maxOffDiagSymm(A) > absTol && numIter < maxIter);

template <typename TM, typename TV>
maxEigenVector (TM& A, TV& V)
    TV S;
    TM MV;
    jacobiEigenSolver(A, S, MV);

    int maxIdx(0);
    for(unsigned int i = 1; i < TV::dimensions(); ++i)
        if(std::abs(S[i]) > std::abs(S[maxIdx]))
            maxIdx = i;

    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < TV::dimensions(); ++i)
        V[i] = MV[i][maxIdx];

template <typename TM, typename TV>
minEigenVector (TM& A, TV& V)
    TV S;
    TM MV;
    jacobiEigenSolver(A, S, MV);

    int minIdx(0);
    for(unsigned int i = 1; i < TV::dimensions(); ++i)
        if(std::abs(S[i]) < std::abs(S[minIdx]))
            minIdx = i;

   for(unsigned int i = 0; i < TV::dimensions(); ++i)
        V[i] = MV[i][minIdx];

template void jacobiEigenSolver (Matrix33<float>& A,
                                 Vec3<float>& S,
                                 Matrix33<float>& V,
                                 const float tol);
template void jacobiEigenSolver (Matrix33<double>& A,
                                 Vec3<double>& S,
                                 Matrix33<double>& V,
                                 const double tol);
template void jacobiEigenSolver (Matrix44<float>& A,
                                 Vec4<float>& S,
                                 Matrix44<float>& V,
                                 const float tol);
template void jacobiEigenSolver (Matrix44<double>& A,
                                 Vec4<double>& S,
                                 Matrix44<double>& V,
                                 const double tol);

template void maxEigenVector (Matrix33<float>& A,
                              Vec3<float>& S);
template void maxEigenVector (Matrix44<float>& A,
                              Vec4<float>& S);
template void maxEigenVector (Matrix33<double>& A,
                              Vec3<double>& S);
template void maxEigenVector (Matrix44<double>& A,
                              Vec4<double>& S);

template void minEigenVector (Matrix33<float>& A,
                              Vec3<float>& S);
template void minEigenVector (Matrix44<float>& A,
                              Vec4<float>& S);
template void minEigenVector (Matrix33<double>& A,
                              Vec3<double>& S);
template void minEigenVector (Matrix44<double>& A,
                              Vec4<double>& S);

} // namespace Imath

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