line 198 3rdparty/include/ffmpeg_/libavutil/log.h char *line, int line_size, int *print_prefix); line 87 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_fax3.c int line; line 169 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_fax3.c sp->line = 0; line 180 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_fax3.c Fax3Unexpected(const char* module, TIFF* tif, uint32 line, uint32 a0) line 183 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_fax3.c line, isTiled(tif) ? "tile" : "strip", line 187 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_fax3.c #define unexpected(table, a0) Fax3Unexpected(module, tif, sp->line, a0) line 190 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_fax3.c Fax3Extension(const char* module, TIFF* tif, uint32 line, uint32 a0) line 194 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_fax3.c line, isTiled(tif) ? "tile" : "strip", line 198 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_fax3.c #define extension(a0) Fax3Extension(module, tif, sp->line, a0) line 201 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_fax3.c Fax3BadLength(const char* module, TIFF* tif, uint32 line, uint32 a0, uint32 lastx) line 205 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_fax3.c line, isTiled(tif) ? "tile" : "strip", line 209 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_fax3.c #define badlength(a0,lastx) Fax3BadLength(module, tif, sp->line, a0, lastx) line 212 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_fax3.c Fax3PrematureEOF(const char* module, TIFF* tif, uint32 line, uint32 a0) line 215 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_fax3.c line, isTiled(tif) ? "tile" : "strip", line 219 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_fax3.c #define prematureEOF(a0) Fax3PrematureEOF(module, tif, sp->line, a0) line 252 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_fax3.c sp->line++; line 309 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_fax3.c sp->line++; line 751 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_fax3.c sp->line = 0; line 1410 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_fax3.c sp->line++; line 1422 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_fax3.c return ( sp->line ? 1 : -1); /* don't error on badly-terminated strips */ line 1542 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_fax3.c sp->line++; line 657 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_getimage.c uint32 line; line 659 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_getimage.c for (line = 0; line < h; line++) { line 660 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_getimage.c uint32 *left = raster + (line * w); line 805 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_getimage.c uint32 line; line 807 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_getimage.c for (line = 0; line < h; line++) { line 808 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_getimage.c uint32 *left = raster + (line * w); line 888 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_getimage.c uint32 line; line 890 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_getimage.c for (line = 0; line < h; line++) { line 891 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_getimage.c uint32 *left = raster + (line * w); line 1020 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_getimage.c uint32 line; line 1022 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_getimage.c for (line = 0; line < h; line++) { line 1023 3rdparty/libtiff/tif_getimage.c uint32 *left = raster + (line * w); line 344 3rdparty/libwebp/cpu-features/cpu-features.c cpulist_parse(CpuList* list, const char* line, int line_len) line 346 3rdparty/libwebp/cpu-features/cpu-features.c const char* p = line; line 86 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathLine.h T distanceTo(const Line3<T>& line) const; line 88 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathLine.h Vec3<T> closestPointTo(const Line3<T>& line) const; line 136 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathLine.h inline T Line3<T>::distanceTo(const Line3<T>& line) const line 138 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathLine.h T d = (dir % line.dir) ^ (line.pos - pos); line 144 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathLine.h Line3<T>::closestPointTo(const Line3<T>& line) const line 148 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathLine.h Vec3<T> posLpos = pos - line.pos ; line 150 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathLine.h T a = line.dir ^ dir; line 151 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathLine.h T f = line.dir ^ posLpos ; line 170 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathLine.h std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &o, const Line3<T> &line) line 172 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathLine.h return o << "(" << line.pos << ", " << line.dir << ")"; line 176 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathLine.h inline Line3<S> operator * (const Line3<S> &line, const Matrix44<T> &M) line 178 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathLine.h return Line3<S>( line.pos * M, (line.pos + line.dir) * M ); line 124 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathLineAlgo.h (const Line3<T> &line, line 172 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathLineAlgo.h T d = normal ^ (v0 - line.pos); line 173 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathLineAlgo.h T nd = normal ^ line.dir; line 176 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathLineAlgo.h pt = line (d / nd); line 221 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathLineAlgo.h front = ((line.dir ^ normal) < 0); line 94 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathPlane.h bool intersect(const Line3<T> &line, line 97 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathPlane.h bool intersectT(const Line3<T> &line, line 186 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathPlane.h inline bool Plane3<T>::intersect(const Line3<T>& line, Vec3<T>& point) const line 188 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathPlane.h T d = normal ^ line.dir; line 190 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathPlane.h T t = - ((normal ^ line.pos) - distance) / d; line 191 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathPlane.h point = line(t); line 196 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathPlane.h inline bool Plane3<T>::intersectT(const Line3<T>& line, T &t) const line 198 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathPlane.h T d = normal ^ line.dir; line 200 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathPlane.h t = - ((normal ^ line.pos) - distance) / d; line 117 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathSphere.h bool Sphere3<T>::intersectT(const Line3<T> &line, T &t) const line 121 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathSphere.h Vec3<T> v = line.pos - center; line 122 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathSphere.h T B = T(2.0) * (line.dir ^ v); line 159 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathSphere.h bool Sphere3<T>::intersect(const Line3<T> &line, Vec3<T> &intersection) const line 163 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathSphere.h if (intersectT (line, t)) line 165 3rdparty/openexr/Imath/ImathSphere.h intersection = line(t); line 1429 apps/createsamples/utility.cpp int line; line 1497 apps/createsamples/utility.cpp for( line = 1, error = 0, total = 0; total < num ;line++ ) line 1543 apps/createsamples/utility.cpp fprintf( stderr, "%s(%d) : parse error", infoname, line ); line 267 modules/calib3d/src/circlesgrid.cpp line(linesImage, corners[maxLoc.y], corners[(maxLoc.y + 1) % n], Scalar(255)); line 268 modules/calib3d/src/circlesgrid.cpp line(linesImage, corners[maxLoc.x], corners[(maxLoc.x + 1) % n], Scalar(255)); line 896 modules/calib3d/src/circlesgrid.cpp void CirclesGridFinder::findCandidateLine(std::vector<size_t> &line, size_t seedLineIdx, bool addRow, Point2f basisVec, line 899 modules/calib3d/src/circlesgrid.cpp line.clear(); line 907 modules/calib3d/src/circlesgrid.cpp addPoint(pt, line); line 916 modules/calib3d/src/circlesgrid.cpp addPoint(pt, line); line 921 modules/calib3d/src/circlesgrid.cpp CV_Assert( line.size() == seeds.size() ); line 1202 modules/calib3d/src/circlesgrid.cpp line(*drawImage, keypoints[i], keypoints[j], Scalar(255, 0, 0), 2); line 1319 modules/calib3d/src/circlesgrid.cpp line(drawImg, origin, origin + pt, Scalar(0, (double)(i * 255), 0), 2); line 1345 modules/calib3d/src/circlesgrid.cpp line(drawImage, keypoints[v1], keypoints[v2], edgeColor, edgeThickness); line 1381 modules/calib3d/src/circlesgrid.cpp line(drawImage, keypoints[holes[i][j]], keypoints[holes[i][j + 1]], Scalar(255, 0, 0), 2); line 1383 modules/calib3d/src/circlesgrid.cpp line(drawImage, keypoints[holes[i][j]], keypoints[holes[i + 1][j]], Scalar(255, 0, 0), 2); line 178 modules/calib3d/src/circlesgrid.hpp void findCandidateLine(std::vector<size_t> &line, size_t seedLineIdx, bool addRow, cv::Point2f basisVec, std::vector< line 615 modules/calib3d/test/test_fisheye.cpp cv::line(merged, cv::Point(0, i), cv::Point(merged.cols, i), cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0)); line 124 modules/core/include/opencv2/core.hpp int line; ///< line number in the source file where the error has occured line 648 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/base.hpp int line = 0); line 2629 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/core_c.h const char* err_msg, const char* file_name, int line ); line 2636 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/core_c.h const char** filename, int* line ); line 2642 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/core_c.h const char* err_msg, const char* file_name, int line, void* userdata ); line 2651 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/core_c.h const char* file_name, int line, void* userdata ); line 2655 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/core_c.h const char* file_name, int line, void* userdata ); line 2659 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/core_c.h const char* file_name, int line, void* userdata ); line 66 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/common.hpp static inline void checkCudaError(cudaError_t err, const char* file, const int line, const char* func) line 69 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/cuda/common.hpp cv::error(cv::Error::GpuApiCallError, cudaGetErrorString(err), func, file, line); line 119 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/private.cuda.hpp static inline void checkNppError(int code, const char* file, const int line, const char* func) line 122 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/private.cuda.hpp cv::error(cv::Error::GpuApiCallError, getNppErrorMessage(code), func, file, line); line 125 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/private.cuda.hpp static inline void checkCudaDriverApiError(int code, const char* file, const int line, const char* func) line 128 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/private.cuda.hpp cv::error(cv::Error::GpuApiCallError, getCudaDriverApiErrorMessage(code), func, file, line); line 161 modules/core/include/opencv2/core/utility.hpp int line, void* userdata ); line 859 modules/core/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(gray0, point1, point2, color); line 869 modules/core/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(gray0, point1, point2, colorWhite, 0); line 881 modules/core/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(gray0, point2, point1, colorWhite, 2, Imgproc.LINE_8, 0); line 885 modules/core/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(gray0, point2_4, point1_4, colorBlack, 2, Imgproc.LINE_8, 2); line 62 modules/core/src/opengl.cpp bool checkError(const char* file, const int line, const char* func = 0) line 92 modules/core/src/opengl.cpp cvError(CV_OpenGlApiCallError, func, msg, file, line); line 200 modules/core/src/system.cpp Exception::Exception() { code = 0; line = 0; } line 218 modules/core/src/system.cpp msg = format("%s:%d: error: (%d) %s in function %s\n", file.c_str(), line, code, err.c_str(), func.c_str()); line 220 modules/core/src/system.cpp msg = format("%s:%d: error: (%d) %s\n", file.c_str(), line, code, err.c_str()); line 633 modules/core/src/system.cpp exc.file.c_str(), exc.line, customErrorCallbackData); line 641 modules/core/src/system.cpp exc.func.c_str() : "unknown function", exc.file.c_str(), exc.line ); line 798 modules/core/src/system.cpp const char* file_name, int line ) line 800 modules/core/src/system.cpp cv::error(cv::Exception(code, err_msg, func_name, file_name, line)); line 332 modules/core/test/test_ds.cpp const char* file, int line ); line 106 modules/cudaarithm/src/arithm.cpp static inline void ___cublasSafeCall(cublasStatus_t err, const char* file, const int line, const char* func) line 111 modules/cudaarithm/src/arithm.cpp cv::error(cv::Error::GpuApiCallError, msg, func, file, line); line 140 modules/cudaarithm/src/arithm.cpp void ___cufftSafeCall(int err, const char* file, const int line, const char* func) line 145 modules/cudaarithm/src/arithm.cpp cv::error(cv::Error::GpuApiCallError, msg, func, file, line); line 95 modules/cudaimgproc/perf/perf_hough.cpp cv::line(src, cv::Point(0, 100), cv::Point(src.cols, 100), cv::Scalar::all(255), 1); line 96 modules/cudaimgproc/perf/perf_hough.cpp cv::line(src, cv::Point(0, 200), cv::Point(src.cols, 200), cv::Scalar::all(255), 1); line 97 modules/cudaimgproc/perf/perf_hough.cpp cv::line(src, cv::Point(0, 400), cv::Point(src.cols, 400), cv::Scalar::all(255), 1); line 98 modules/cudaimgproc/perf/perf_hough.cpp cv::line(src, cv::Point(100, 0), cv::Point(100, src.rows), cv::Scalar::all(255), 1); line 99 modules/cudaimgproc/perf/perf_hough.cpp cv::line(src, cv::Point(200, 0), cv::Point(200, src.rows), cv::Scalar::all(255), 1); line 100 modules/cudaimgproc/perf/perf_hough.cpp cv::line(src, cv::Point(400, 0), cv::Point(400, src.rows), cv::Scalar::all(255), 1); line 58 modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_hough.cpp cv::line(img, cv::Point(20, 0), cv::Point(20, img.rows), cv::Scalar::all(255)); line 59 modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_hough.cpp cv::line(img, cv::Point(0, 50), cv::Point(img.cols, 50), cv::Scalar::all(255)); line 60 modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_hough.cpp cv::line(img, cv::Point(0, 0), cv::Point(img.cols, img.rows), cv::Scalar::all(255)); line 61 modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_hough.cpp cv::line(img, cv::Point(img.cols, 0), cv::Point(0, img.rows), cv::Scalar::all(255)); line 78 modules/cudaimgproc/test/test_hough.cpp cv::line(dst, pt1, pt2, cv::Scalar::all(255)); line 82 modules/cudalegacy/include/opencv2/cudalegacy/private.hpp static inline void checkNcvError(int err, const char* file, const int line, const char* func) line 87 modules/cudalegacy/include/opencv2/cudalegacy/private.hpp cv::error(cv::Error::GpuApiCallError, msg, func, file, line); line 99 modules/cudastereo/src/disparity_bilateral_filter.cpp float* line = cpu_table_color.ptr<float>(); line 102 modules/cudastereo/src/disparity_bilateral_filter.cpp line[i] = static_cast<float>(std::exp(-double(i * i) / (2 * sigma_range * sigma_range))); line 70 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/common.hpp __host__ __forceinline__ void checkCudaError(cudaError_t err, const char* file, const int line, const char* func) line 73 modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/common.hpp cv::error(cv::Error::GpuApiCallError, cudaGetErrorString(err), func, file, line); line 22 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(20, matSize / 2), new Point(matSize - 21, matSize / 2), new Scalar(100), 2); line 23 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(matSize / 2, 20), new Point(matSize / 2, matSize - 21), new Scalar(100), 2); line 57 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(30, matSize / 2), new Point(matSize - 31, matSize / 2), new Scalar(100), 3); line 58 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(matSize / 2, 30), new Point(matSize / 2, matSize - 31), new Scalar(100), 3); line 77 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(20, matSize / 2), new Point(matSize - 21, matSize / 2), new Scalar(100), 2); line 78 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(matSize / 2, 20), new Point(matSize / 2, matSize - 21), new Scalar(100), 2); line 42 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(img, new Point(40, matSize - 40), new Point(matSize - 50, 50), new Scalar(0), 8); line 65 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(img, new Point(40, 40), new Point(matSize - 40, matSize - 40), new Scalar(0), 8); line 41 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(img, new Point(40, matSize - 40), new Point(matSize - 50, 50), new Scalar(0), 8); line 64 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(img, new Point(40, 40), new Point(matSize - 40, matSize - 40), new Scalar(0), 8); line 57 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(30, matSize / 2), new Point(matSize - 31, matSize / 2), new Scalar(100), 3); line 58 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(matSize / 2, 30), new Point(matSize / 2, matSize - 31), new Scalar(100), 3); line 77 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(20, matSize / 2), new Point(matSize - 21, matSize / 2), new Scalar(100), 2); line 78 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(matSize / 2, 20), new Point(matSize / 2, matSize - 21), new Scalar(100), 2); line 62 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(30, matSize / 2), new Point(matSize - 31, matSize / 2), new Scalar(100), 3); line 63 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(matSize / 2, 30), new Point(matSize / 2, matSize - 31), new Scalar(100), 3); line 82 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(20, matSize / 2), new Point(matSize - 21, matSize / 2), new Scalar(100), 2); line 83 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(matSize / 2, 20), new Point(matSize / 2, matSize - 21), new Scalar(100), 2); line 31 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(img, new Point(30, 30), new Point(70, 70), new Scalar(0), 8); line 131 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(30, matSize / 2), new Point(matSize - 31, matSize / 2), new Scalar(100), 3); line 132 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(matSize / 2, 30), new Point(matSize / 2, matSize - 31), new Scalar(100), 3); line 151 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(20, matSize / 2), new Point(matSize - 21, matSize / 2), new Scalar(100), 2); line 152 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(matSize / 2, 20), new Point(matSize / 2, matSize - 21), new Scalar(100), 2); line 27 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(20, matSize / 2), new Point(matSize - 21, matSize / 2), new Scalar(100), 2); line 28 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(matSize / 2, 20), new Point(matSize / 2, matSize - 21), new Scalar(100), 2); line 24 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(20, matSize / 2), new Point(matSize - 21, matSize / 2), new Scalar(100), 2); line 25 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(matSize / 2, 20), new Point(matSize / 2, matSize - 21), new Scalar(100), 2); line 22 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(20, matSize / 2), new Point(matSize - 21, matSize / 2), new Scalar(100), 2); line 23 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(matSize / 2, 20), new Point(matSize / 2, matSize - 21), new Scalar(100), 2); line 36 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(20, matSize / 2), new Point(matSize - 21, matSize / 2), new Scalar(100), 2); line 37 modules/features2d/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(cross, new Point(matSize / 2, 20), new Point(matSize / 2, matSize - 21), new Scalar(100), 2); line 72 modules/features2d/src/draw.cpp line( img, center, center+orient, color, 1, LINE_AA, draw_shift_bits ); line 183 modules/features2d/src/draw.cpp line( outImg, line 668 modules/imgcodecs/src/grfmt_exr.cpp for(int line = 0; line < height; line++) line 676 modules/imgcodecs/src/grfmt_exr.cpp const uchar* sd = img.ptr(line); line 682 modules/imgcodecs/src/grfmt_exr.cpp const unsigned short *sd = img.ptr<unsigned short>(line); line 688 modules/imgcodecs/src/grfmt_exr.cpp const int *sd = img.ptr<int>(line); // FIXME 64-bit problems line 699 modules/imgcodecs/src/grfmt_exr.cpp const uchar* sd = img.ptr(line); line 705 modules/imgcodecs/src/grfmt_exr.cpp const unsigned short *sd = img.ptr<unsigned short>(line); line 143 modules/imgcodecs/test/test_drawing.cpp line( img, *it, *(it+1), Scalar(50,250,100)); line 177 modules/imgcodecs/test/test_drawing.cpp line(img, textOrg + Point(0, thickness), textOrg + Point(textSize.width, thickness), Scalar(0, 0, 255)); line 496 modules/imgcodecs/test/test_drawing.cpp for (vector<string>::const_iterator line = lines.begin(); line != lines.end(); ++line) line 503 modules/imgcodecs/test/test_drawing.cpp Size textSize = getTextSize(*line, *font | italic, fontScale, thickness, &baseline); line 506 modules/imgcodecs/test/test_drawing.cpp putText(img, *line, textOrg, *font | italic, fontScale, color, thickness, CV_AA); line 3674 modules/imgproc/include/opencv2/imgproc.hpp CV_EXPORTS_W void fitLine( InputArray points, OutputArray line, int distType, line 3776 modules/imgproc/include/opencv2/imgproc.hpp CV_EXPORTS_W void line(InputOutputArray img, Point pt1, Point pt2, const Scalar& color, line 969 modules/imgproc/include/opencv2/imgproc/imgproc_c.h double reps, double aeps, float* line ); line 1082 modules/imgproc/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(img, point1, point2, colorWhite, 1); line 1113 modules/imgproc/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(img, point1, point2, Scalar.all(255), 1); line 1114 modules/imgproc/misc/java/test/ Imgproc.line(img, point3, point4, Scalar.all(255), 1); line 42 modules/imgproc/perf/opencl/perf_houghLines.cpp line(src, Point(0, 100), Point(src.cols, 100), Scalar::all(255), 1); line 43 modules/imgproc/perf/opencl/perf_houghLines.cpp line(src, Point(0, 200), Point(src.cols, 200), Scalar::all(255), 1); line 44 modules/imgproc/perf/opencl/perf_houghLines.cpp line(src, Point(0, 400), Point(src.cols, 400), Scalar::all(255), 1); line 45 modules/imgproc/perf/opencl/perf_houghLines.cpp line(src, Point(100, 0), Point(100, src.rows), Scalar::all(255), 1); line 46 modules/imgproc/perf/opencl/perf_houghLines.cpp line(src, Point(200, 0), Point(200, src.rows), Scalar::all(255), 1); line 47 modules/imgproc/perf/opencl/perf_houghLines.cpp line(src, Point(400, 0), Point(400, src.rows), Scalar::all(255), 1); line 1682 modules/imgproc/src/drawing.cpp line(img, pt1, pt2, color, thickness, line_type, shift); line 1688 modules/imgproc/src/drawing.cpp line(img, p, pt2, color, thickness, line_type, shift); line 1692 modules/imgproc/src/drawing.cpp line(img, p, pt2, color, thickness, line_type, shift); line 2587 modules/imgproc/src/drawing.cpp cv::line( img, pt1, pt2, color, thickness, line_type, shift ); line 173 modules/imgproc/src/hough.cpp LinePolar line; line 177 modules/imgproc/src/hough.cpp line.rho = (r - (numrho - 1)*0.5f) * rho; line 178 modules/imgproc/src/hough.cpp line.angle = static_cast<float>(min_theta) + n * theta; line 179 modules/imgproc/src/hough.cpp lines.push_back(Vec2f(line.rho, line.angle)); line 48 modules/imgproc/src/linefit.cpp static void fitLine2D_wods( const Point2f* points, int count, float *weights, float *line ) line 92 modules/imgproc/src/linefit.cpp line[0] = (float) cos( t ); line 93 modules/imgproc/src/linefit.cpp line[1] = (float) sin( t ); line 95 modules/imgproc/src/linefit.cpp line[2] = (float) x; line 96 modules/imgproc/src/linefit.cpp line[3] = (float) y; line 99 modules/imgproc/src/linefit.cpp static void fitLine3D_wods( const Point3f * points, int count, float *weights, float *line ) line 194 modules/imgproc/src/linefit.cpp line[0] = v[0] / n; line 195 modules/imgproc/src/linefit.cpp line[1] = v[1] / n; line 196 modules/imgproc/src/linefit.cpp line[2] = v[2] / n; line 197 modules/imgproc/src/linefit.cpp line[3] = x0; line 198 modules/imgproc/src/linefit.cpp line[4] = y0; line 199 modules/imgproc/src/linefit.cpp line[5] = z0; line 316 modules/imgproc/src/linefit.cpp float _param, float reps, float aeps, float *line ) line 328 modules/imgproc/src/linefit.cpp memset( line, 0, 4*sizeof(line[0]) ); line 333 modules/imgproc/src/linefit.cpp return fitLine2D_wods( points, count, 0, line ); line 443 modules/imgproc/src/linefit.cpp memcpy( line, _line, 4 * sizeof(line[0])); line 456 modules/imgproc/src/linefit.cpp float _param, float reps, float aeps, float *line ) line 471 modules/imgproc/src/linefit.cpp return fitLine3D_wods( points, count, 0, line ); line 585 modules/imgproc/src/linefit.cpp memcpy( line, _line, 6 * sizeof(line[0])); line 625 modules/imgproc/src/linefit.cpp double reps, double aeps, float *line ) line 627 modules/imgproc/src/linefit.cpp CV_Assert(line != 0); line 631 modules/imgproc/src/linefit.cpp cv::Mat linemat(points.checkVector(2) >= 0 ? 4 : 6, 1, CV_32F, line); line 1187 modules/imgproc/src/lsd.cpp line(_image.getMatRef(), b, e, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1); line 1213 modules/imgproc/src/lsd.cpp line(I1, b, e, Scalar::all(255), 1); line 1219 modules/imgproc/src/lsd.cpp line(I2, b, e, Scalar::all(255), 1); line 48 modules/imgproc/test/ocl/test_houghlines.cpp line(src, Point(0, 100), Point(100, 100), Scalar::all(255), 1); line 49 modules/imgproc/test/ocl/test_houghlines.cpp line(src, Point(0, 200), Point(100, 200), Scalar::all(255), 1); line 50 modules/imgproc/test/ocl/test_houghlines.cpp line(src, Point(0, 400), Point(100, 400), Scalar::all(255), 1); line 51 modules/imgproc/test/ocl/test_houghlines.cpp line(src, Point(100, 0), Point(100, 200), Scalar::all(255), 1); line 52 modules/imgproc/test/ocl/test_houghlines.cpp line(src, Point(200, 0), Point(200, 200), Scalar::all(255), 1); line 53 modules/imgproc/test/ocl/test_houghlines.cpp line(src, Point(400, 0), Point(400, 200), Scalar::all(255), 1); line 148 modules/imgproc/test/ocl/test_houghlines.cpp line(result_cpu, Point(p[0], p[1]), Point(p[2], p[3]), Scalar(255)); line 155 modules/imgproc/test/ocl/test_houghlines.cpp line(result_gpu, Point(p[0], p[1]), Point(p[2], p[3]), Scalar(255)); line 400 modules/imgproc/test/test_contours.cpp line(img, Point(0, 10), Point(255, 10), Scalar(0), 2, 4); line 401 modules/imgproc/test/test_contours.cpp line(img, Point(-5, 20), Point(260, 20), Scalar(0), 2, 4); line 402 modules/imgproc/test/test_contours.cpp line(img, Point(10, 0), Point(10, 255), Scalar(0), 2, 4); line 408 modules/imgproc/test/test_contours.cpp line(img, Point(int(x0), int(y)), Point(int(x1), int(y)), Scalar(0), 2, 4, 2); line 477 modules/imgproc/test/test_contours.cpp line(img, p*scale + ofs, q*scale + ofs, Scalar::all(255)); line 1429 modules/imgproc/test/test_convhull.cpp float line[6], line0[6]; line 1539 modules/imgproc/test/test_convhull.cpp cvFitLine( points, dist_type, 0, reps, aeps, line ); line 1541 modules/imgproc/test/test_convhull.cpp cv::fitLine(cv::cvarrToMat(points), (cv::Vec4f&)line[0], dist_type, 0, reps, aeps); line 1543 modules/imgproc/test/test_convhull.cpp cv::fitLine(cv::cvarrToMat(points), (cv::Vec6f&)line[0], dist_type, 0, reps, aeps); line 1559 modules/imgproc/test/test_convhull.cpp if( cvIsNaN(line[k]) || cvIsInf(line[k]) ) line 1562 modules/imgproc/test/test_convhull.cpp k, line[k] ); line 1575 modules/imgproc/test/test_convhull.cpp if( line[max_k] < 0 ) line 1577 modules/imgproc/test/test_convhull.cpp line[k] = -line[k]; line 1581 modules/imgproc/test/test_convhull.cpp double dt = line[k] - line0[k]; line 1590 modules/imgproc/test/test_convhull.cpp line[0], line[1], line0[0], line0[1] ); line 1594 modules/imgproc/test/test_convhull.cpp line[0], line[1], line[2], line0[0], line0[1], line0[2] ); line 1599 modules/imgproc/test/test_convhull.cpp t = (line[max_k+dims] - line0[max_k+dims])/line0[max_k]; line 1602 modules/imgproc/test/test_convhull.cpp double p = line0[k+dims] + t*line0[k] - line[k+dims]; line 1611 modules/imgproc/test/test_convhull.cpp line[2]+line0[2], line[3]+line0[3] ); line 1615 modules/imgproc/test/test_convhull.cpp line[3]+line0[3], line[4]+line0[4], line[5]+line0[5] ); line 1398 modules/imgproc/test/test_imgwarp.cpp std::vector<float> line; line 1400 modules/imgproc/test/test_imgwarp.cpp cv::fitLine(points_vector, line, CV_DIST_L2, 0 ,0 ,0); line 1402 modules/imgproc/test/test_imgwarp.cpp ASSERT_EQ(line.size(), (size_t)6); line 1418 modules/imgproc/test/test_imgwarp.cpp std::vector<float> line; line 1420 modules/imgproc/test/test_imgwarp.cpp cv::fitLine(points_vector, line, CV_DIST_L2, 0 ,0 ,0); line 1422 modules/imgproc/test/test_imgwarp.cpp ASSERT_EQ(line.size(), (size_t)4); line 176 modules/imgproc/test/test_imgwarp_strict.cpp line(src, Point2i(0, y), Point2i(src.cols, y), Scalar::all(0), 1); line 178 modules/imgproc/test/test_imgwarp_strict.cpp line(src, Point2i(x, 0), Point2i(x, src.rows), Scalar::all(0), 1); line 74 modules/imgproc/test/test_lsd.cpp line(image, p1, p2, Scalar(255), 3); line 95 modules/imgproc/test/test_lsd.cpp line(image, vertices[i], vertices[(i + 1) % 4], Scalar(255), 3); line 98 modules/imgproc/test/test_watershed.cpp int* line = markers.ptr<int>(j); line 101 modules/imgproc/test/test_watershed.cpp int& pixel = line[i]; line 431 modules/java/android_test/src/org/opencv/test/ String line; line 433 modules/java/android_test/src/org/opencv/test/ while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { line 434 modules/java/android_test/src/org/opencv/test/ result.append(line); line 461 modules/java/pure_test/src/org/opencv/test/ String line; line 463 modules/java/pure_test/src/org/opencv/test/ while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { line 464 modules/java/pure_test/src/org/opencv/test/ result.append(line); line 2158 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h GTEST_API_ ::std::string FormatFileLocation(const char* file, int line); line 2164 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h int line); line 2184 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h GTestLog(GTestLogSeverity severity, const char* file, int line); line 7181 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h ScopedTrace(const char* file, int line, const Message& message); line 7537 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h bool AddTestName(const char* file, int line, const char* case_name, line 7542 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h FormatFileLocation(file, line).c_str(), test_name, case_name); line 7554 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h const char* file, int line, const char* registered_tests); line 8045 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h #define GTEST_MESSAGE_AT_(file, line, message, result_type) \ line 8046 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h ::testing::internal::AssertHelper(result_type, file, line, message) \ line 8298 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h const char* file, int line, DeathTest** test); line 8362 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h const char* file, int line, DeathTest** test) = 0; line 8369 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h const char* file, int line, DeathTest** test); line 8467 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h int line() const { return line_; } line 10121 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h const char* file, int line); line 10632 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h int line) { line 10641 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h ReportInvalidTestCaseType(test_case_name, file, line); line 19205 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h int line, line 19223 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h : type(t), file(srcfile), line(line_num), message(msg) { } line 19227 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h int const line; line 19344 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h #define ADD_FAILURE_AT(file, line) \ line 19345 modules/ts/include/opencv2/ts/ts_gtest.h GTEST_MESSAGE_AT_(file, line, "Failed", \ line 231 modules/ts/src/ts.cpp exc.func.c_str() : "unknown function", exc.file.c_str(), exc.line ); line 443 modules/ts/src/ts.cpp static int tsErrorCallback( int status, const char* func_name, const char* err_msg, const char* file_name, int line, TS* ts ) line 445 modules/ts/src/ts.cpp ts->printf(TS::LOG, "OpenCV Error:\n\t%s (%s) in %s, file %s, line %d\n", cvErrorStr(status), err_msg, func_name[0] != 0 ? func_name : "unknown function", file_name, line); line 878 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp int line; line 1849 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp int line, line 1851 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp : data_(new AssertHelperData(type, file, line, message)) { line 1861 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp AddTestPartResult(data_->type, data_->file, data_->line, line 3734 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp const char* file, int line) { line 3746 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp fprintf(stderr, "%s %s", FormatFileLocation(file, line).c_str(), line 4994 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp ScopedTrace::ScopedTrace(const char* file, int line, const Message& message) line 4998 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp trace.line = line; line 5301 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp msg << "\n" << internal::FormatFileLocation(trace.file, trace.line) line 6879 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp const char* file, int line, DeathTest** test) { line 6881 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp statement, regex, file, line, test); line 7146 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp int line) line 7147 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp : DeathTestImpl(a_statement, a_regex), file_(file), line_(line) {} line 7404 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp const char* file, int line) : line 7405 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp ForkingDeathTest(a_statement, a_regex), file_(file), line_(line) { } line 7689 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp const char* file, int line, line 7706 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp if (!(flag->file() == file && flag->line() == line && line 7717 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp *test = new WindowsDeathTest(statement, regex, file, line); line 7723 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp *test = new ExecDeathTest(statement, regex, file, line); line 7836 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp int line = -1; line 7849 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp || !ParseNaturalNumber(fields[1], &line) line 7863 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp || !ParseNaturalNumber(fields[1], &line) line 7872 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp return new InternalRunDeathTestFlag(fields[0], line, index, write_fd); line 8707 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp GTEST_API_ ::std::string FormatFileLocation(const char* file, int line) { line 8710 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp if (line < 0) { line 8714 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp return file_name + "(" + StreamableToString(line) + "):"; line 8716 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp return file_name + ":" + StreamableToString(line) + ":"; line 8726 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp const char* file, int line) { line 8729 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp if (line < 0) line 8732 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp return file_name + ":" + StreamableToString(line); line 8736 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp GTestLog::GTestLog(GTestLogSeverity severity, const char* file, int line) line 8743 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp << FormatFileLocation(file, line).c_str() << ": "; line 9575 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp const char* file, int line, const char* registered_tests) { line 9621 modules/ts/src/ts_gtest.cpp fprintf(stderr, "%s %s", FormatFileLocation(file, line).c_str(), line 140 modules/videoio/src/cap_xine.cpp int line = yuv->widthStep; line 149 modules/videoio/src/cap_xine.cpp int offset = y * line; line 52 modules/viz/src/shapes.cpp vtkSmartPointer<vtkLineSource> line = vtkSmartPointer<vtkLineSource>::New(); line 53 modules/viz/src/shapes.cpp line->SetPoint1(pt1.x, pt1.y, pt1.z); line 54 modules/viz/src/shapes.cpp line->SetPoint2(pt2.x, pt2.y, pt2.z); line 55 modules/viz/src/shapes.cpp line->Update(); line 57 modules/viz/src/shapes.cpp vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyData> polydata = line->GetOutput(); line 276 modules/viz/src/shapes.cpp vtkSmartPointer<vtkLineSource> line = vtkSmartPointer<vtkLineSource>::New(); line 277 modules/viz/src/shapes.cpp line->SetPoint1(axis_point1.x, axis_point1.y, axis_point1.z); line 278 modules/viz/src/shapes.cpp line->SetPoint2(axis_point2.x, axis_point2.y, axis_point2.z); line 281 modules/viz/src/shapes.cpp tuber->SetInputConnection(line->GetOutputPort()); line 76 platforms/android/service/engine/src/org/opencv/engine/ String line = s.nextLine(); line 77 platforms/android/service/engine/src/org/opencv/engine/ Log.d(TAG, "Got CPUs: " + line); line 78 platforms/android/service/engine/src/org/opencv/engine/ Matcher m = pattern.matcher(line); line 103 platforms/android/service/engine/src/org/opencv/engine/ String line = s.nextLine(); line 104 platforms/android/service/engine/src/org/opencv/engine/ String[] vals = line.split(": "); line 108 platforms/android/service/engine/src/org/opencv/engine/ Log.d(TAG, "Failed to parse cpuinfo: " + line); line 164 samples/android/15-puzzle/src/org/opencv/samples/puzzle15/ Imgproc.line(drawMat, new Point(0, i * rows / GRID_SIZE), new Point(cols, i * rows / GRID_SIZE), new Scalar(0, 255, 0, 255), 3); line 165 samples/android/15-puzzle/src/org/opencv/samples/puzzle15/ Imgproc.line(drawMat, new Point(i * cols / GRID_SIZE, 0), new Point(i * cols / GRID_SIZE, rows), new Scalar(0, 255, 0, 255), 3); line 234 samples/android/image-manipulations/src/org/opencv/samples/imagemanipulations/ Imgproc.line(rgba, mP1, mP2, mColorsRGB[c], thikness); line 247 samples/android/image-manipulations/src/org/opencv/samples/imagemanipulations/ Imgproc.line(rgba, mP1, mP2, mWhilte, thikness); line 257 samples/android/image-manipulations/src/org/opencv/samples/imagemanipulations/ Imgproc.line(rgba, mP1, mP2, mColorsHue[h], thikness); line 368 samples/cpp/3calibration.cpp line(small_canvas, Point(0, k), Point(small_canvas.cols, k), Scalar(0,255,0), 1); line 89 samples/cpp/cloning_gui.cpp line(img1,pts[var-2], point, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0); line 57 samples/cpp/contours2.cpp line(img, Point(cvRound(dx+100+j*10-80*cos(angle)), line 52 samples/cpp/convexhull.cpp line(img, pt0, pt, Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1,LINE_AA); line 55 samples/cpp/create_mask.cpp line(img1,pts[var-2], point, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0); line 37 samples/cpp/delaunay2.cpp line(img, pt[0], pt[1], delaunay_color, 1, LINE_AA, 0); line 38 samples/cpp/delaunay2.cpp line(img, pt[1], pt[2], delaunay_color, 1, LINE_AA, 0); line 39 samples/cpp/delaunay2.cpp line(img, pt[2], pt[0], delaunay_color, 1, LINE_AA, 0); line 49 samples/cpp/delaunay2.cpp line(img, pt0, pt1, delaunay_color, 1, LINE_AA, 0); line 67 samples/cpp/delaunay2.cpp line( img, org, dst, active_color, 3, LINE_AA, 0 ); line 42 samples/cpp/drawing.cpp line( image, pt1, pt2, randomColor(rng), rng.uniform(1,10), lineType ); line 27 samples/cpp/fback.cpp line(cflowmap, Point(x,y), Point(cvRound(x+fxy.x), cvRound(y+fxy.y)), line 91 samples/cpp/fitellipse.cpp line(cimage, vtx[j], vtx[(j+1)%4], Scalar(0,255,0), 1, LINE_AA); line 47 samples/cpp/houghlines.cpp line( cdst, pt1, pt2, Scalar(0,0,255), 3, CV_AA); line 55 samples/cpp/houghlines.cpp line( cdst, Point(l[0], l[1]), Point(l[2], l[3]), Scalar(0,0,255), 3, LINE_AA); line 167 samples/cpp/image_alignment.cpp line(image, top_left, top_right, Scalar(255,0,255)); line 168 samples/cpp/image_alignment.cpp line(image, top_right, bottom_right, Scalar(255,0,255)); line 169 samples/cpp/image_alignment.cpp line(image, bottom_right, bottom_left, Scalar(255,0,255)); line 170 samples/cpp/image_alignment.cpp line(image, bottom_left, top_left, Scalar(255,0,255)); line 40 samples/cpp/inpaint.cpp line( inpaintMask, prevPt, pt, Scalar::all(255), 5, 8, 0 ); line 41 samples/cpp/inpaint.cpp line( img, prevPt, pt, Scalar::all(255), 5, 8, 0 ); line 73 samples/cpp/kalman.cpp line( img, Point( center.x - d, center.y - d ), \ line 75 samples/cpp/kalman.cpp line( img, Point( center.x + d, center.y - d ), \ line 82 samples/cpp/kalman.cpp line( img, statePt, measPt, Scalar(0,0,255), 3, LINE_AA, 0 ); line 83 samples/cpp/kalman.cpp line( img, statePt, predictPt, Scalar(0,255,255), 3, LINE_AA, 0 ); line 64 samples/cpp/minarea.cpp line(img, vtx[i], vtx[(i+1)%4], Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1, LINE_AA); line 68 samples/cpp/minarea.cpp line(img, triangle[i], triangle[(i+1)%3], Scalar(255, 255, 0), 1, LINE_AA); line 60 samples/cpp/pca.cpp string line; line 61 samples/cpp/pca.cpp while (getline(file, line)) { line 62 samples/cpp/pca.cpp images.push_back(imread(line, 0)); line 36 samples/cpp/phase_corr.cpp line(frame, center, Point(center.x + (int)shift.x, center.y + (int)shift.y), Scalar(0, 255, 0), 3, LINE_AA); line 158 samples/cpp/select3dobj.cpp line(shownFrame, imgpt[0], imgpt[1], Scalar(0,255,0), 3, LINE_AA); line 164 samples/cpp/select3dobj.cpp line(shownFrame, imgpt[i], imgpt[(i+1)%4], Scalar(0,255,0), 3, LINE_AA); line 170 samples/cpp/select3dobj.cpp line(shownFrame, imgpt[i], imgpt[(i+1)%4 + (i/4)*4], Scalar(0,255,0), 3, LINE_AA); line 171 samples/cpp/select3dobj.cpp line(shownFrame, imgpt[i], imgpt[i%4], Scalar(0,255,0), 3, LINE_AA); line 319 samples/cpp/stereo_calib.cpp line(canvas, Point(0, j), Point(canvas.cols, j), Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1, 8); line 322 samples/cpp/stereo_calib.cpp line(canvas, Point(j, 0), Point(j, canvas.rows), Scalar(0, 255, 0), 1, 8); line 77 samples/cpp/train_HOG.cpp string line; line 90 samples/cpp/train_HOG.cpp getline( file, line ); line 91 samples/cpp/train_HOG.cpp if( line == "" ) // no more file to read line 96 samples/cpp/train_HOG.cpp Mat img = imread( (prefix+line).c_str() ); // load the image line 267 samples/cpp/train_HOG.cpp line(visu, Point((int)(x1*zoomFac),(int)(y1*zoomFac)), Point((int)(x2*zoomFac),(int)(y2*zoomFac)), Scalar(0,255,0), 1); line 63 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/Histograms_Matching/calcHist_Demo.cpp line( histImage, Point( bin_w*(i-1), hist_h - cvRound(<float>(i-1)) ) , line 66 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/Histograms_Matching/calcHist_Demo.cpp line( histImage, Point( bin_w*(i-1), hist_h - cvRound(<float>(i-1)) ) , line 69 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/Histograms_Matching/calcHist_Demo.cpp line( histImage, Point( bin_w*(i-1), hist_h - cvRound(<float>(i-1)) ) , line 104 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgTrans/HoughLines_Demo.cpp line( standard_hough, pt1, pt2, Scalar(255,0,0), 3, LINE_AA); line 125 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ImgTrans/HoughLines_Demo.cpp line( probabilistic_hough, Point(l[0], l[1]), Point(l[2], l[3]), Scalar(255,0,0), 3, LINE_AA); line 85 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ShapeDescriptors/generalContours_demo2.cpp line( drawing, rect_points[j], rect_points[(j+1)%4], color, 1, 8 ); line 37 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ShapeDescriptors/pointPolygonTest_demo.cpp { line( src, vert[j], vert[(j+1)%6], Scalar( 255 ), 3, 8 ); } line 12 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/calib3d/real_time_pose_estimation/src/CsvReader.cpp std::string line, tmp_str, n; line 19 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/calib3d/real_time_pose_estimation/src/CsvReader.cpp while (getline(_file, line)) { line 20 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/calib3d/real_time_pose_estimation/src/CsvReader.cpp stringstream liness(line); line 114 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/calib3d/real_time_pose_estimation/src/Utils.cpp cv::line(image, p, q, color, thickness, line_type, shift); line 122 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/calib3d/real_time_pose_estimation/src/Utils.cpp cv::line(image, p, q, color, thickness, line_type, shift); line 127 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/calib3d/real_time_pose_estimation/src/Utils.cpp cv::line(image, p, q, color, thickness, line_type, shift); line 166 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/calib3d/real_time_pose_estimation/src/Utils.cpp cv::line(image, point_2d_0, point_2d_1, color, 1); line 167 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/calib3d/real_time_pose_estimation/src/Utils.cpp cv::line(image, point_2d_1, point_2d_2, color, 1); line 168 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/calib3d/real_time_pose_estimation/src/Utils.cpp cv::line(image, point_2d_2, point_2d_0, color, 1); line 165 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/Matrix/Drawing_1.cpp line( img, line 119 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/core/Matrix/Drawing_2.cpp line( image, pt1, pt2, randomColor(rng), rng.uniform(1, 10), 8 ); line 19 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/features2D/AKAZE_tracking/utils.h line(image, bb[i], bb[i + 1], Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2); line 21 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/features2D/AKAZE_tracking/utils.h line(image, bb[bb.size() - 1], bb[0], Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2); line 33 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ml/introduction_to_pca/introduction_to_pca.cpp line(img, p, q, colour, 1, CV_AA); line 38 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ml/introduction_to_pca/introduction_to_pca.cpp line(img, p, q, colour, 1, CV_AA); line 42 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/ml/introduction_to_pca/introduction_to_pca.cpp line(img, p, q, colour, 1, CV_AA); line 88 samples/cpp/tutorial_code/photo/seamless_cloning/cloning_gui.cpp line(img1,pts[var-2], point, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0); line 42 samples/cpp/watershed.cpp line( markerMask, prevPt, pt, Scalar::all(255), 5, 8, 0 ); line 43 samples/cpp/watershed.cpp line( img, prevPt, pt, Scalar::all(255), 5, 8, 0 ); line 58 samples/gpu/driver_api_multi.cpp inline void safeCall_(int code, const char* expr, const char* file, int line) line 63 samples/gpu/driver_api_multi.cpp << ", file " << file << ", line " << line << endl; line 60 samples/gpu/driver_api_stereo_multi.cpp inline void safeCall_(int code, const char* expr, const char* file, int line) line 65 samples/gpu/driver_api_stereo_multi.cpp << ", file " << file << ", line " << line << endl; line 174 samples/gpu/generalized_hough.cpp line(out, pts[0], pts[1], Scalar(0, 0, 255), 3); line 175 samples/gpu/generalized_hough.cpp line(out, pts[1], pts[2], Scalar(0, 0, 255), 3); line 176 samples/gpu/generalized_hough.cpp line(out, pts[2], pts[3], Scalar(0, 0, 255), 3); line 177 samples/gpu/generalized_hough.cpp line(out, pts[3], pts[0], Scalar(0, 0, 255), 3); line 54 samples/gpu/houghlines.cpp line(dst_cpu, Point(l[0], l[1]), Point(l[2], l[3]), Scalar(0, 0, 255), 3, LINE_AA); line 81 samples/gpu/houghlines.cpp line(dst_gpu, Point(l[0], l[1]), Point(l[2], l[3]), Scalar(0, 0, 255), 3, LINE_AA); line 53 samples/gpu/pyrlk_optical_flow.cpp line(frame, p, q, line_color, line_thickness); line 60 samples/gpu/pyrlk_optical_flow.cpp line(frame, p, q, line_color, line_thickness); line 64 samples/gpu/pyrlk_optical_flow.cpp line(frame, p, q, line_color, line_thickness); line 58 samples/tapi/pyrlk_optical_flow.cpp line(frame, p, q, line_color, line_thickness); line 65 samples/tapi/pyrlk_optical_flow.cpp line(frame, p, q, line_color, line_thickness); line 69 samples/tapi/pyrlk_optical_flow.cpp line(frame, p, q, line_color, line_thickness); line 1378 samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvTransform.cpp cv::line(OutputY, mP1, mP2, mColorsY[c], thikness); line 1385 samples/winrt/ImageManipulations/MediaExtensions/OcvTransform/OcvTransform.cpp cv::line(OutputUV, mP1, mP2, mColorsUV[c], thikness/2);