
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. diffusivity
  2. setDescriptorType
  3. getDescriptorType
  4. setDescriptorSize
  5. getDescriptorSize
  6. setDescriptorChannels
  7. getDescriptorChannels
  8. setThreshold
  9. getThreshold
  10. setNOctaves
  11. getNOctaves
  12. setNOctaveLayers
  13. getNOctaveLayers
  14. setDiffusivity
  15. getDiffusivity
  16. descriptorSize
  17. descriptorType
  18. defaultNorm
  19. detectAndCompute
  20. write
  21. read
  22. create

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OpenCV wrapper of reference implementation of
[1] Fast Explicit Diffusion for Accelerated Features in Nonlinear Scale Spaces.
Pablo F. Alcantarilla, J. Nuevo and Adrien Bartoli.
In British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Bristol, UK, September 2013
@author Eugene Khvedchenya <>

#include "precomp.hpp"
#include "kaze/AKAZEFeatures.h"

#include <iostream>

namespace cv
    using namespace std;

    class AKAZE_Impl : public AKAZE
        AKAZE_Impl(int _descriptor_type, int _descriptor_size, int _descriptor_channels,
                 float _threshold, int _octaves, int _sublevels, int _diffusivity)
        : descriptor(_descriptor_type)
        , descriptor_channels(_descriptor_channels)
        , descriptor_size(_descriptor_size)
        , threshold(_threshold)
        , octaves(_octaves)
        , sublevels(_sublevels)
        , diffusivity(_diffusivity)

        virtual ~AKAZE_Impl()


        void setDescriptorType(int dtype) { descriptor = dtype; }
        int getDescriptorType() const { return descriptor; }

        void setDescriptorSize(int dsize) { descriptor_size = dsize; }
        int getDescriptorSize() const { return descriptor_size; }

        void setDescriptorChannels(int dch) { descriptor_channels = dch; }
        int getDescriptorChannels() const { return descriptor_channels; }

        void setThreshold(double threshold_) { threshold = (float)threshold_; }
        double getThreshold() const { return threshold; }

        void setNOctaves(int octaves_) { octaves = octaves_; }
        int getNOctaves() const { return octaves; }

        void setNOctaveLayers(int octaveLayers_) { sublevels = octaveLayers_; }
        int getNOctaveLayers() const { return sublevels; }

        void setDiffusivity(int diff_) { diffusivity = diff_; }
        int getDiffusivity() const { return diffusivity; }

        // returns the descriptor size in bytes
        int descriptorSize() const
            switch (descriptor)
            case DESCRIPTOR_KAZE:
                return 64;

            case DESCRIPTOR_MLDB:
                // We use the full length binary descriptor -> 486 bits
                if (descriptor_size == 0)
                    int t = (6 + 36 + 120) * descriptor_channels;
                    return (int)ceil(t / 8.);
                    // We use the random bit selection length binary descriptor
                    return (int)ceil(descriptor_size / 8.);

                return -1;

        // returns the descriptor type
        int descriptorType() const
            switch (descriptor)
            case DESCRIPTOR_KAZE:
                    return CV_32F;

            case DESCRIPTOR_MLDB:
                    return CV_8U;

                    return -1;

        // returns the default norm type
        int defaultNorm() const
            switch (descriptor)
            case DESCRIPTOR_KAZE:
                return NORM_L2;

            case DESCRIPTOR_MLDB:
                return NORM_HAMMING;

                return -1;

        void detectAndCompute(InputArray image, InputArray mask,
                              std::vector<KeyPoint>& keypoints,
                              OutputArray descriptors,
                              bool useProvidedKeypoints)
            Mat img = image.getMat();
            if (img.type() != CV_8UC1)
                cvtColor(image, img, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

            Mat img1_32;
            if ( img.depth() == CV_32F )
                img1_32 = img;
            else if ( img.depth() == CV_8U )
                img.convertTo(img1_32, CV_32F, 1.0 / 255.0, 0);
            else if ( img.depth() == CV_16U )
                img.convertTo(img1_32, CV_32F, 1.0 / 65535.0, 0);

            CV_Assert( ! img1_32.empty() );

            AKAZEOptions options;
            options.descriptor = descriptor;
            options.descriptor_channels = descriptor_channels;
            options.descriptor_size = descriptor_size;
            options.img_width = img.cols;
            options.img_height = img.rows;
            options.dthreshold = threshold;
            options.omax = octaves;
            options.nsublevels = sublevels;
            options.diffusivity = diffusivity;

            AKAZEFeatures impl(options);

            if (!useProvidedKeypoints)

            if (!mask.empty())
                KeyPointsFilter::runByPixelsMask(keypoints, mask.getMat());

            if( descriptors.needed() )
                Mat& desc = descriptors.getMatRef();
                impl.Compute_Descriptors(keypoints, desc);

                CV_Assert((!desc.rows || desc.cols == descriptorSize()));
                CV_Assert((!desc.rows || (desc.type() == descriptorType())));

        void write(FileStorage& fs) const
            fs << "descriptor" << descriptor;
            fs << "descriptor_channels" << descriptor_channels;
            fs << "descriptor_size" << descriptor_size;
            fs << "threshold" << threshold;
            fs << "octaves" << octaves;
            fs << "sublevels" << sublevels;
            fs << "diffusivity" << diffusivity;

        void read(const FileNode& fn)
            descriptor = (int)fn["descriptor"];
            descriptor_channels = (int)fn["descriptor_channels"];
            descriptor_size = (int)fn["descriptor_size"];
            threshold = (float)fn["threshold"];
            octaves = (int)fn["octaves"];
            sublevels = (int)fn["sublevels"];
            diffusivity = (int)fn["diffusivity"];

        int descriptor;
        int descriptor_channels;
        int descriptor_size;
        float threshold;
        int octaves;
        int sublevels;
        int diffusivity;

    Ptr<AKAZE> AKAZE::create(int descriptor_type,
                             int descriptor_size, int descriptor_channels,
                             float threshold, int octaves,
                             int sublevels, int diffusivity)
        return makePtr<AKAZE_Impl>(descriptor_type, descriptor_size, descriptor_channels,
                                   threshold, octaves, sublevels, diffusivity);

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