
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. timesmod
  2. Comb_Filt
  3. inner_loop_locate
  4. inner_loop_filter_regular
  5. inner_loop_filter_Comb
  6. estimate_values
  7. outer_loop
  8. predict_performance
  9. debug_inner_loop

#include "computefourier.h"
#include "filters.h"

#include <cstring>
#include <ctime>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cassert>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>
#include "utils.h"
#include "plot.h"
#include "timer.h"

bool WITH_COMB = false;
bool ALGORITHM1   = true;
bool VERBOSE      = false;
bool TIMING       = true;

#define vprintf(...) if (VERBOSE){ printf(__VA_ARGS__);}

inline const int timesmod(const int &x, const int &a, const int &n) {
  return int((((long long int)x) * a)%n);

void debug_inner_loop(complex_t *origx, int n, const Filter & filter,
                      int num, int B, int a, int ai, int b,
                      int *J, real_t *samples);

int Comb_Filt(complex_t *origx, int n, int num, int W_Comb, int* Comb_Approved){

  if(n%W_Comb) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Warning: W_Comb is not divisible by N, which algorithm expects.\n");
    assert(n%W_Comb == 0);

  complex_t *x_sampt =(complex_t*)malloc(W_Comb*sizeof(*x_sampt));

  int sigma = n/W_Comb;
  int offset = (unsigned) floor( drand48() * sigma);

  for(int i = 0; i < W_Comb; i++) {
    x_sampt[i] = origx[offset + i*sigma];

  fftw_dft(x_sampt, W_Comb, x_sampt);
  real_t *samples = (real_t *)malloc(W_Comb * sizeof(*samples));
  for(int i = 0; i < W_Comb; i ++)
    samples[i] = cabs2(x_sampt[i]);

  find_largest_indices(Comb_Approved, num, samples, W_Comb);

  return 0;

  Inner loop of the algorithm, part one.

  n-dimensional origx
  permute the fourier spectrum, take the first w coordinates.
  dot with the filter
  B-dimensional FFT
  return the top num samples.

  Output to 
int inner_loop_locate(complex_t *origx, int n, const Filter &filter,
                      int num, int B, int a, int ai, int b,
                      complex_t *x_samp, int *J,
                      double& PF_T, double& BC_T){

  if (n % B)
    fprintf(stderr, "Warning: n is not divisible by B, which algorithm expects.\n");

  double DDD = get_time(), DDD2 = get_time();
  complex_t *x_sampt =(complex_t*)malloc(n*sizeof(*x_sampt));

  memset(x_sampt, 0, B*sizeof(x_sampt[0]));

  //Permute, dot, collate all in one loop.
  int index=b;
  for(int i = 0; i < filter.sizet; i++) {
    x_sampt[i%B] += origx[index] * filter.time[i];
    index = (index+ai) %n;

  if (TIMING) {
    PF_T = get_time()-DDD2;
    vprintf("Step 1.A (PERM + FILTER):------------------------ %lf\n", get_time()-DDD2);
    DDD = get_time();
    DDD2 = DDD;

  fftw_dft(x_samp, B, x_sampt);

  if (TIMING) {
    vprintf("Step 1.B (FFTW)---------: %lf\n", get_time()-DDD);
    DDD = get_time();

  real_t *samples = (real_t *)malloc(B * sizeof(*samples));
  for(int i = 0; i < B; i ++)
    samples[i] = cabs2(x_samp[i]);

  find_largest_indices(J, num, samples, B);

  if (TIMING) {
    BC_T = get_time() - DDD2;
    vprintf("Step 1.C (LARGEST BUCKS): %lf\n", get_time()-DDD);
    DDD = get_time();
    DDD2 = DDD;

#ifdef DEBUG
  debug_inner_loop(origx, n, filter, num, B, a, ai, b, J, samples);


  return 0;

 Find indices that map to J , i.e., lie within n/(2B) of (J * n/B) after permutation.

 For each such i, increment score[i] and append to hits if score[i] reaches loop_threshold.
int inner_loop_filter_regular(int *J, int n, int num, int B, int a, int ai, int b, int loop_threshold,
                              int *score, int *hits, int &hits_found,
                              double &G_T){
  double DDD = get_time();

  // Given the set of large samples, find the locations in [n] that map there
  // and output them

  for(int i = 0; i < num; i++){
    int low, high;
    low = (int(ceil((J[i] - 0.5) * n / B)) + n)%n;
    high = (int(ceil((J[i] + 0.5) * n / B)) + n)%n;
    int loc = timesmod(low, a, n);
    for(int j = low; j != high; j = (j + 1)%n) {
      loc = (loc + a)%n;

  if (TIMING) {
    G_T = get_time()-DDD;
    vprintf("Step 1.D (GROUPING):----------------------------- %lf\n\n", get_time()-DDD);

  return 0;

 Find indices that (1) map to J under the permutation and (2) lie in Comb_Approved mod W_Comb.

 For each such i, increment hits[i] and append to hits_found if hits[i] reaches loop_threshold.

int inner_loop_filter_Comb(int *J, int n, int num, int B, int a, int ai, int b, int loop_threshold,
                      int *score, int *hits, int &hits_found,
                      double &G_T,
                      int *Comb_Approved,int num_Comb, int W_Comb){
  double DDD = get_time();

  std::pair<int, int> *permuted_approved = (__typeof(permuted_approved))malloc(num_Comb*sizeof(*permuted_approved));
  for(int m =0; m< num_Comb; m++){
    int prev = timesmod(Comb_Approved[m], ai, W_Comb);
    permuted_approved[m] = std::make_pair(prev, timesmod(prev, a, n));
  std::sort(permuted_approved, permuted_approved+num_Comb);

  // compute intersection of permuted_approved and indices close to J * n/B, then invert to get true locations.

  for(int i = 0; i < num; i++){
    int low, high;
    low = (int(ceil((J[i] - 0.5) * n / B)) + n)%n;
    high = (int(ceil((J[i] + 0.5) * n / B)) + n)%n;
    int index = int(std::upper_bound(permuted_approved, permuted_approved + num_Comb,
                                     std::make_pair(low%W_Comb, -1)) - permuted_approved);
    int location = low - (low % W_Comb);
    int locinv = timesmod(location, a, n);
    for(int j = index; ; j++){
      if (j == num_Comb){
        j -= num_Comb;
        location = (location + W_Comb)%n;
        locinv = timesmod(location, a, n);
      int approved_loc = location + permuted_approved[j].first;
      if((low < high && (approved_loc >= high || approved_loc < low)) ||
         (low > high && (approved_loc >= high && approved_loc < low)))
      int loc = (locinv + permuted_approved[j].second)%n;

        //  printf("{%d,%d}:::(%d-%d)---(%d-%d)---(%d==%d)--:%d--->%d | (%d==%d)|| %d ||| ai=%d, b=%d, a=%d\n",i,j,low,high,low%W_Comb,high%W_Comb,approved_loc%W_Comb,Comb_Approved[j],approved_loc,loc,loc%W_Comb,mod_approved,score[loc],ai,b,a);


  if (TIMING) {
    G_T = get_time()-DDD;
    vprintf("Step 1.D (GROUPING):----------------------------- %lf\n\n", get_time()-DDD);

  return 0;

  hits contains the indices that we want to estimate.

  x_samp contains a B-dimensional array for each of the `loops`
  iterations of the outer loop.  Every coordinate i of x "hashes to" a
  corresponding coordinate (permute[j] * i) mod B of x_samp[j], which
  gives an estimate of x[i].

  We estimate each coordinate as the median (independently in real and
  imaginary axes) of its images in the rows of x_samp.
std::map<int, complex_t>
estimate_values(const int *hits, const int &hits_found,
                complex_t **x_samp,  const int &loops, int n,
                const int * permute,
                const int B, const int B2,
                const Filter &filter, const Filter &filter_Est, int location_loops){
  std::map<int, complex_t> ans;
  real_t *values[2];
  for(int a = 0; a < 2; a++)
    values[a] = (real_t *) malloc(loops * sizeof(*values[a]));

  for(int i = 0; i < hits_found; i++){
    int position=0;

    for(int j = 0; j < loops; j++){
      int cur_B = (j < location_loops) ? B : B2;
      const Filter & cur_filter = (j < location_loops) ? filter : filter_Est;
      int permuted_index= timesmod(permute[j], hits[i],  n);
      int hashed_to = permuted_index / (n / cur_B);
      int dist = permuted_index % (n / cur_B);
      if (dist > (n/cur_B)/2) {
        hashed_to = (hashed_to + 1)%cur_B;
        dist -= n/cur_B;
      dist = (n - dist) % n;
      complex_t filter_value = cur_filter.freq[dist];// * cexp(2*M_PI * I * timesmod(permuteb[j], hits[i], n) / n);
      values[0][position] =creal(x_samp[j][hashed_to] / filter_value);
      values[1][position] =cimag(x_samp[j][hashed_to] / filter_value);
      //printf("MOO %d %lf %lf: %lf %d %lf %lf+%lfj\n", hits[i], permuted_index * 1./n, hashed_to * 1./B, hashed_to * (n * 1. /B), dist, cabs(filter_value), values[0][position-1], values[1][position-1]);

    int location = (loops - 1) / 2;

    for(int a = 0; a < 2; a++)
      std::nth_element(values[a], values[a] + location, values[a] + position);
    real_t realv = values[0][location];
    real_t imagv = values[1][location];
    ans[hits[i]] = realv + I*imagv;
  for(int a = 0; a < 2; a++)
  return ans;

  Outer loop of the algorithm.

  If we are performing the Comb heuristic, first we do so.

  Then, `loops` times:
    choose a random permutation
    run inner_loop_locate
    if in the first location_loops loops, also run inner_loop_filter

  at the end, `hits` contains the coordinates that appear at least
  loop_threshold of location_loops times.  We estimate the values at
  these coordinates as the median of the images x_samp[loops].

  Returns a map from coordinates to estimates.
std::map<int, complex_t>
outer_loop(complex_t *origx, int n, const Filter &filter, const Filter &filter_Est, int B2,
           int num, int B, int W_Comb, int Comb_loops, int loop_threshold, int location_loops,
           int loops){
  int *permute =(int*)malloc(loops * sizeof(*permute));
  int *permuteb =(int*)malloc(loops * sizeof(*permuteb));

  complex_t *x_samp[loops];
  for(int i = 0; i < loops; i++){
    if (i < location_loops)
      x_samp[i] = (complex_t*)calloc(B, sizeof(*x_samp[i]));
      x_samp[i] = (complex_t*)calloc(B2, sizeof(*x_samp[i]));
  int hits_found =0;

  //Variables used for timing
  double SCORE_T = 0;
  double PF_T =0;
  double G_T =0;
  double BC_T =0;
  double PF_ALL =0;
  double G_ALL =0;
  double BC_ALL =0;

  double DDD = get_time();

  // calloc is faster if few pages are hit, while malloc/memset is
  // faster if most pages are hit.
  double pages_hit = num * (n/B) * (WITH_COMB ? num * 1. / W_Comb : 1.) * location_loops;
  int *score;
  if (pages_hit > n / 1024) {
    score =(int*)malloc(n*sizeof(*score));
    memset(score, 0, n*sizeof(*score));
  } else {
    score =(int*)calloc(n,sizeof(*score));

  SCORE_T = get_time() - DDD;
  // printf("Created score array: %lf\n", get_time() - DDD);

  int *hits = (int*)malloc(n*sizeof(*hits));

  double PF_LOC = 0;
  double G_LOC = 0;

  //BEGIN Comb
  DDD = get_time();
  int *Comb_Approved = (int*)malloc(Comb_loops*num*sizeof(*Comb_Approved));  
  int num_Comb = num;

    for(int i = 0; i < Comb_loops; i++)
      Comb_Filt(origx, n, num, W_Comb, Comb_Approved+i*num);

  if(Comb_loops > 1){
    radix_sort(Comb_Approved, Comb_loops * num);
    int Last =0;
    for(int i = 1; i < Comb_loops * num; i++){


    hits_found= num_Comb * (n/W_Comb);
    for(int j=0; j < n/W_Comb; j++)
      for (int i=0; i<num_Comb; i++)
        hits[j*num_Comb + i] = j*W_Comb + Comb_Approved[i];

  double Comb_time = get_time()-DDD;
  //END Comb


  for(int i = 0; i < loops; i++){
    int a = 0;
    int b = 0;//random() % n;
    while(gcd(a, n) != 1){
      a = int(random() % n);
    int ai = mod_inverse(a, n);

    permuteb[i] = b;

    int perform_location = (i < location_loops);
    assert(ALGORITHM1 || !perform_location);
    Filter cur_filter = perform_location ? filter : filter_Est;
    int cur_B = perform_location ? B : B2;

    int *J = (int *)malloc(num * sizeof(*J));

    inner_loop_locate(origx, n, cur_filter,
                      num, cur_B,
                      a, ai, b,
                      x_samp[i], J,
                      PF_T, BC_T);
    if (perform_location) {
      if (!WITH_COMB) {
        inner_loop_filter_regular(J, n, num, cur_B,
                                  a, ai, b, loop_threshold,
                                  score, hits, hits_found, G_T);
      } else {
        inner_loop_filter_Comb(J, n, num, cur_B,
                                  a, ai, b, loop_threshold,
                                  score, hits, hits_found, G_T,
                                  Comb_Approved, num_Comb, W_Comb);

    PF_ALL += PF_T;
    BC_ALL += BC_T;
    if (perform_location){
      PF_LOC += PF_T;
      G_LOC += G_T;
      G_ALL += G_T;

  vprintf("Number of candidates: %d\n", hits_found);

  DDD = get_time();

  std::map<int, complex_t> ans = estimate_values(hits, hits_found, x_samp,  loops, n, permute, B, B2,
                                                 filter, filter_Est, location_loops);

  double E_T = get_time() - DDD;

#ifdef DEBUG
    real_t *x = (real_t *)malloc(n*sizeof(*x));
    memset(x, 0, n*sizeof(*x));
    for(std::map<int,complex_t>::iterator it=ans.begin();
        it != ans.end(); it++){
      x[it->first] = cabs(it->second);

    real_t *xc = (real_t *)malloc(n*sizeof(*xc));
    memset(xc, 0, n*sizeof(*xc));
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      xc[i] = score[i] * 1./ loops;

    complex_t *xf = (complex_t *)malloc(n*sizeof(*xf));
    fftw_dft(xf, n, origx);
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      xf[i] /= n;
    plot("outer loop", "counts\ntrue signal\nreconstruction",
         Vec(xc, n), map_abs(Vec(xf, n)), Vec(x, n));

#endif //DEBUG

  for(int i = 0; i < loops; i++)

  DDD = get_time();

          printf("Total sFFT time: %lf\n", DDD); 
          printf("Time distribution: scoretable  Comb __  perm+filter grouping estimation  stepB+C    other    total\n");
          printf("                     %lf %lf    %lf %lf   %lf %lf %lf %lf\n",
                         SCORE_T, Comb_time, PF_ALL, G_ALL, E_T, BC_ALL, DDD-PF_ALL-G_ALL-E_T-Comb_time-BC_ALL-SCORE_T, DDD);
          double tott = (DDD)/100;
          printf("                        %4.1lf%%    %4.1lf%%       %4.1lf%%    %4.1lf%%      %4.1lf%%    %4.1lf%%    %4.1lf%%   %5.1lf%%\n",
                         SCORE_T / tott, Comb_time/tott, PF_ALL/tott, G_ALL/tott, E_T/tott, BC_ALL/tott, (DDD-PF_ALL-G_ALL-E_T-Comb_time-BC_ALL-SCORE_T)/tott, (DDD)/tott);

          //printf("LOC/EST loops: perm+filter grouping total\n");
          //printf("Location:         %lf %lf %lf\n", PF_LOC, G_LOC, PF_LOC + G_LOC);
          //printf("Estimation:       %lf %lf %lf\n", PF_ALL-PF_LOC, G_ALL-G_LOC, (PF_ALL + G_ALL) - (PF_LOC + G_LOC));

  return ans;

// Everything beyond this point is for debugging / testing only. //


  predict_performance uses empirically determined constants to predict
  the running time for a given set of parameters.  In principle, we
  could use this to optimize the choice of parameters.

  On the computer for which the constants were tuned, it is reliably
  within 10% of the true running time.  Unfortunately, the constants
  vary substantially by computer.


double predict_performance(int n, const Filter &filter, const Filter &filter_Est, int B2,
                           int num, int B, int W_Comb, int Comb_loops, int loop_threshold, int location_loops,
                           int loops) {
  int est_loops = loops - location_loops;
  double scale = 1e9;
  double m_frac = WITH_COMB ? num * 1. / W_Comb : 1;
  double projected_hits = ALGORITHM1 ? binomial_cdf(num * (1. / B - 1./n), location_loops, loop_threshold) * n * m_frac + num/2 : n * m_frac;
  //XXX B2 for some, B for some
  int k_est = num/2;
  double projected_noise_on_k = 2 * binomial_cdf(k_est * (1. / B2 - 1./n) / 2, loops, (loops+1)/2) * k_est;
  double projected_error_rate = 2 * binomial_cdf(k_est * (1. / B2 - 1./n) / 4, loops, (loops+1)/2) * n * m_frac + projected_noise_on_k;
  //double projected_error_rate = binomial_cdf((num/2) * (1. / B2 - 1./n), est_loops, (est_loops+1)/2) * (projected_hits - num/2);
  printf("Projected error rate: %lg (%lg per large frequency)\n", projected_error_rate, projected_noise_on_k);

  double pages_to_set = num * (n/B) * m_frac * location_loops * 1024;
  bool will_array_memset = pages_to_set > n;

  double const_scorearray = n < (1<<21) ? 0.3 : 1.8;
  double const_permfilt = 38.0;
  double const_Combtime = 90.0;
  //double const_estimationtime = WITH_COMB ? 210 : 220;
  double const_estimationtime = WITH_COMB ? 140 : 150;
  double const_grouping = 23;
  double const_group_sort = (WITH_COMB ? 30 : 0);
  double const_bplusctime = 41;

  double time_scorearray = will_array_memset ? const_scorearray * n : 0;
  double time_Comb = const_Combtime * W_Comb * Comb_loops;
  double time_permfilt = const_permfilt*(filter.sizet *1. * location_loops + filter_Est.sizet * 1. * est_loops);
  double time_grouping = (location_loops * (const_grouping * num * (n/B) * m_frac
                                            + const_group_sort * num * log(num))
                          + const_scorearray * (!will_array_memset) * pages_to_set);
  double time_estimation = const_estimationtime * projected_hits * loops;
  double time_bplusc = const_bplusctime * (location_loops * B + est_loops * B2);
  double time_total = time_scorearray + time_Comb + time_permfilt + time_grouping + time_estimation + time_bplusc;

  printf("Predictions:       scoretable  Comb perm+filter grouping estimation  stepB+C             total\n");
  printf("                     %lf %lf    %lf %lf   %lf %lf          %lf\n",
         time_scorearray/scale, time_Comb/scale, time_permfilt/scale, time_grouping/scale, time_estimation/scale, time_bplusc/scale, time_total/scale);
  //    printf("real/estimate        %7.1lf%% %7.1lf%%    %7.1lf%% %7.1lf%%   %7.1lf%% %7.1lf%%          %7.1lf%%\n",
  //       100*scale *SCORE_T/time_scorearray, 100*scale *Comb_time/time_Comb, 100*scale *PF_ALL/time_permfilt, 100*scale *G_ALL/time_grouping, 100*scale *E_T/time_estimation, 100*scale *BC_ALL/time_bplusc, 100*scale*DDD/time_total);

  printf("Projected hits_found: %d\n", int(projected_hits));

  return time_total;


  When called in the inner loop, this function plots some informative graphics about what's going on.

void debug_inner_loop(complex_t *origx, int n, const Filter &filter,
                      int num, int B, int a, int ai, int b,
                      int *J, real_t *samples){
    complex_t *xf = (complex_t *)malloc(n*sizeof(*xf));
    complex_t *pxdotg = (complex_t *)malloc(n*sizeof(*pxdotg));
    complex_t *pxdotgn = (complex_t *)malloc(n*sizeof(*pxdotg));
    complex_t *pxdotgw = (complex_t *)malloc(n*sizeof(*pxdotg));
    memset(xf, 0, n*sizeof(*xf));
    int index=b;
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      xf[i] = origx[index];
      index = (index+ai) %n;

    int w = filter.sizet;
    memcpy(pxdotg, xf, w*sizeof(*pxdotg));
    memset(pxdotg + w, 0, (n-w)*sizeof(*pxdotg));
    for(int i = 0; i < w; i++)
      pxdotg[i] *= filter.time[i];
    //plot("time after permutation", map_real(Vec(xf, n)));
    //plot_fft("FFT after permutation", Vec(xf, n));
    printf("Using %dx (%d^-1)\n", a, ai);
    fftw_dft(xf, n, xf);

    fftw_dft(pxdotgn, n, pxdotg);
    fftw_dft(pxdotgw, w, pxdotg);

    real_t xtmp[B];
    memset(xtmp, 0, B*sizeof(*xtmp));
    for(int i = 0; i < num; i++) xtmp[J[i]] = sqrt(samples[J[i]]);
    std::vector<std::pair<real_t, real_t> > fft_n, fft_w, fft_sample, fft_large, fft_true;
    for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      fft_n.push_back(std::make_pair(i * 1. / n, cabs(pxdotgn[i])));
      fft_true.push_back(std::make_pair(i * 1. / n, cabs(xf[i]) / n));
    for(int i = 0; i < w; i++)
      fft_w.push_back(std::make_pair(i * 1. / w, cabs(pxdotgw[i])));
    for(int i = 0; i < B; i++) {
      fft_sample.push_back(std::make_pair(i* 1./B, sqrt(samples[i])));
    for(int i = 0; i < num; i++){
      if (J[i])
        fft_large.push_back(std::make_pair((J[i] - 0.1) * 1./B, 0));
      fft_large.push_back(std::make_pair(J[i] * 1. / B, sqrt(samples[J[i]])));
      if (J[i] < B - 1)
        fft_large.push_back(std::make_pair((J[i] + 0.1)  * 1. / B, 0));
    plot("Inner loop result", "n-dim convolved FFT\nw-dim convolved FFT\nsampled convolved FFT\nlargest in sample\ntrue FFT",
         fft_n, fft_w, fft_sample, fft_large, fft_true);

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */