msg               196 avi2swf/v2swf.c     msg("%d samples read", l);
msg               227 avi2swf/v2swf.c     msg("writeAudioForOneFrame()");
msg               244 avi2swf/v2swf.c     msg("samplesperblock: %f", samplesperblock);
msg               258 avi2swf/v2swf.c 	msg("swf_SetSoundStreamHead(): %08x %d", i->tag, samplesperframe);
msg               260 avi2swf/v2swf.c 	msg("swf_SetSoundStreamHead() done");
msg               268 avi2swf/v2swf.c     msg("SOUND: frame:%d soundframepos:%f samplewritepos:%d samplepos:%f\n", i->frames, i->soundframepos, i->samplewritepos, i->samplepos);
msg               270 avi2swf/v2swf.c 	msg("SOUND: block skipped\n");
msg               285 avi2swf/v2swf.c     msg("SOUND: number of blocks: %d", num);
msg               420 avi2swf/v2swf.c     msg("finish(): i->finished=%d\n", i->finished);
msg               422 avi2swf/v2swf.c 	msg("write endtag\n", i->finished);
msg               456 avi2swf/v2swf.c 	msg("call videoreader_close(%08x)\n", i->video);
msg               461 avi2swf/v2swf.c     msg("finishing done\n");
msg               596 avi2swf/v2swf.c     msg("scaling from %dx%d to %dx%d\n", 
msg               661 avi2swf/v2swf.c 	msg("videoreader returned eof\n");
msg               670 avi2swf/v2swf.c     msg("encoding image for frame %d\n", i->frames);
msg               682 avi2swf/v2swf.c     msg("version is %d\n", i->version);
msg               721 avi2swf/v2swf.c 		msg("Creating bitmap buffer for %dx%d (%dx%d), (%dx%d)\n", i->width, i->height, width2, i->height, width8, height8);
msg               836 avi2swf/v2swf.c 	    msg("setting video I-frame, ratio=%d\n", i->stream.frame);
msg               840 avi2swf/v2swf.c 	    msg("setting video P-frame, ratio=%d\n", i->stream.frame);
msg               859 avi2swf/v2swf.c         msg("setting new framerate to %f\n", i->framerate);
msg               867 avi2swf/v2swf.c     msg("v2swf_init()\n");
msg               880 avi2swf/v2swf.c     msg("video: %dx%d, fps %f\n", video->width, video->height, video->fps);
msg               917 avi2swf/v2swf.c     msg("v2swf_read(%d)\n", len);
msg               925 avi2swf/v2swf.c     msg("v2swf_read() done: %d bytes available in ringbuffer\n", i->r.available);
msg               933 avi2swf/v2swf.c     msg("close(): i->finished=%d\n", i->finished);
msg               938 avi2swf/v2swf.c     msg("freeing memory\n");
msg               941 avi2swf/v2swf.c     msg("close() done\n");
msg               951 avi2swf/v2swf.c     msg("set parameters %s to %s\n", name, value);
msg               955 avi2swf/v2swf.c 	msg("set parameters %s to %s\n", name, value);
msg              1008 avi2swf/v2swf.c 	msg("bitrate %d requested, setting to %d", o, i->bitrate);
msg              1035 avi2swf/v2swf.c     msg("v2swf_backpatch %s\n", filename);
msg              1059 avi2swf/v2swf.c 	msg("v2swf_backpatch %s - fix header\n", filename);
msg              1069 avi2swf/v2swf.c 		    msg("v2swf_backpatch %s - fix header: success\n", filename);
msg              1078 avi2swf/v2swf.c     msg("v2swf_setvideoparameter()");
msg              1016 lib/action/lex.swf4.c #define YY_FATAL_ERROR(msg) yy_fatal_error( msg )
msg              2462 lib/action/lex.swf4.c     	(void) fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", msg );
msg              2812 lib/action/lex.swf4.c    SWF_warn("\nLine %4.4d:  Reason: '%s' \n", LineNumber(), msg);
msg              2821 lib/action/lex.swf4.c 	      LineText(), ColumnNumber(), "^", LineNumber(), msg);
msg              1050 lib/action/lex.swf5.c #define YY_FATAL_ERROR(msg) yy_fatal_error( msg )
msg              2837 lib/action/lex.swf5.c     	(void) fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", msg );
msg              3187 lib/action/lex.swf5.c    SWF_warn("\nLine %4.4d:  Reason: '%s' \n", LineNumber(), msg);
msg              3196 lib/action/lex.swf5.c 	      LineText(), ColumnNumber(), "^", LineNumber(), msg);
msg                 7 lib/action/libming.c void (*SWF_error)(const char *msg, ...) = 0;
msg                 8 lib/action/libming.c void (*SWF_warn)(const char *msg, ...) = 0;
msg                10 lib/action/libming.h extern void (*SWF_error)(const char *msg, ...);
msg                11 lib/action/libming.h extern void (*SWF_warn)(const char *msg, ...);
msg              2227 lib/as3/tokenizer.yy.c #define YY_FATAL_ERROR(msg) yy_fatal_error( msg )
msg              3918 lib/as3/tokenizer.yy.c     	(void) fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", msg );
msg               417 lib/bitio.c    	  msg,
msg               419 lib/bitio.c    	  zs->msg?zs->msg:"unknown");
msg                94 lib/devices/pdf.c 	msg("<warning> Codependent text matrix");
msg               277 lib/devices/pdf.c 	msg("<notice> Downscaling %dx%d image (dpi %f, %.0fx%.0f on page) to %dx%d (dpi %d)", 
msg               282 lib/devices/pdf.c 	msg("<error> Found image of size %dx%d with dpi %f, minimum allowed dpi is %d", 
msg               308 lib/devices/pdf.c 	    msg("<error> Couldn't process mask jpeg of size %dx%d: error code %d", img->width, img->height, maskid);
msg               318 lib/devices/pdf.c 	msg("<error> Couldn't process jpeg of size %dx%d: error code %d, file %s", img->width, img->height, imgid, tempfile);
msg               434 lib/devices/pdf.c     if(!type3 && !ttf) {msg("<warning> No type3 enabled. Drawing char %d as shape", glyphnr);as_shape=1;}
msg               435 lib/devices/pdf.c     if(glyphnr>256-32) {msg("<warning> Drawing char %d as shape (not < 224)", glyphnr);as_shape=1;}
msg               156 lib/devices/polyops.c 	msg("<error> endclip without startclip (in: polyops)\n");
msg               237 lib/devices/polyops.c         msg("<error> ..");
msg               327 lib/devices/polyops.c 		msg("<trace> Character %d was clipped: (%f,%f,%f,%f) -> (%f,%f,%f,%f)",
msg               369 lib/devices/polyops.c             msg("<notice> --flatten success rate: %.1f%% (%d failed polygons)", i->good_polygons*100.0 / (i->good_polygons + i->bad_polygons), i->bad_polygons);
msg               508 lib/devices/record.c     msg("<trace> record: %08x SETPARAM %s %s\n", dev, key, value);
msg               518 lib/devices/record.c     msg("<trace> record: %08x STROKE\n", dev);
msg               531 lib/devices/record.c     msg("<trace> record: %08x STARTCLIP\n", dev);
msg               540 lib/devices/record.c     msg("<trace> record: %08x ENDCLIP\n", dev);
msg               544 lib/devices/record.c 	msg("<error> record: endclip() without startclip()");
msg               551 lib/devices/record.c     msg("<trace> record: %08x FILL\n", dev);
msg               560 lib/devices/record.c     msg("<trace> record: %08x FILLBITMAP\n", dev);
msg               571 lib/devices/record.c     msg("<trace> record: %08x FILLGRADIENT %08x\n", dev, gradient);
msg               582 lib/devices/record.c     msg("<trace> record: %08x ADDFONT %s\n", dev, font->id);
msg               597 lib/devices/record.c     msg("<trace> record: %08x DRAWCHAR %d\n", glyphnr, dev);
msg               641 lib/devices/record.c     msg("<trace> record: %08x STARTPAGE\n", dev);
msg               650 lib/devices/record.c     msg("<trace> record: %08x ENDPAGE\n", dev);
msg               657 lib/devices/record.c     msg("<trace> record: %08x DRAWLINK\n", dev);
msg               690 lib/devices/record.c 		msg("<trace> replay: SETPARAM");
msg               701 lib/devices/record.c 		msg("<trace> replay: STARTPAGE");
msg               708 lib/devices/record.c 		msg("<trace> replay: ENDPAGE");
msg               713 lib/devices/record.c 		msg("<trace> replay: FINISH");
msg               717 lib/devices/record.c 		msg("<trace> replay: STROKE");
msg               741 lib/devices/record.c 		msg("<trace> replay: STARTCLIP");
msg               748 lib/devices/record.c 		msg("<trace> replay: ENDCLIP");
msg               753 lib/devices/record.c 		msg("<trace> replay: FILL");
msg               761 lib/devices/record.c 		msg("<trace> replay: FILLBITMAP");
msg               774 lib/devices/record.c 		msg("<trace> replay: FILLGRADIENT");
msg               790 lib/devices/record.c 		msg("<trace> replay: DRAWLINK");
msg               799 lib/devices/record.c 		msg("<trace> replay: ADDFONT out=%08x(%s)", out, out->name);
msg               822 lib/devices/record.c 		msg("<trace> replay: DRAWCHAR font=%s glyph=%d", id, glyph);
msg               934 lib/devices/record.c 	    msg("<fatal> Flushing not supported for file based record device");
msg               943 lib/devices/record.c     msg("<trace> record: %08x END", dev);
msg               946 lib/devices/record.c 	msg("<error> Warning: unclosed cliplevels");
msg               955 lib/devices/record.c 	msg("<notice> record device finished. stats:");
msg               956 lib/devices/record.c 	msg("<notice> %4.1f%% matrices (%d bytes)", s->size_matrices*100.0/total, s->size_matrices);
msg               957 lib/devices/record.c 	msg("<notice> %4.1f%% positions (%d bytes)", s->size_positions*100.0/total, s->size_positions);
msg               958 lib/devices/record.c 	msg("<notice> %4.1f%% colors (%d bytes)", s->size_colors*100.0/total, s->size_colors);
msg               959 lib/devices/record.c 	msg("<notice> %4.1f%% lines (%d bytes)", s->size_lines*100.0/total, s->size_lines);
msg               960 lib/devices/record.c 	msg("<notice> %4.1f%% fonts (%d bytes)", s->size_fonts*100.0/total, s->size_fonts);
msg               961 lib/devices/record.c 	msg("<notice> %4.1f%% images (%d bytes)", s->size_images*100.0/total, s->size_images);
msg               962 lib/devices/record.c 	msg("<notice> %4.1f%% characters (%d bytes)", s->size_chars*100.0/total, s->size_chars);
msg               963 lib/devices/record.c 	msg("<notice> total: %d bytes", total);
msg               726 lib/devices/render.c             msg("<error> Invalid gradient- contains values > 1.0");
msg               751 lib/devices/render.c         msg("<error> Invalid gradient- doesn't end with 1.0");
msg               305 lib/devices/swf.c 	    msg("<error> ID Table overflow");
msg               306 lib/devices/swf.c 	    msg("<error> This file is too complex to render- SWF only supports 65536 shapes at once");
msg               319 lib/devices/swf.c 	    msg("<error> Depth Table overflow");
msg               320 lib/devices/swf.c 	    msg("<error> This file is too complex to render- SWF only supports 65536 shapes at once");
msg               637 lib/devices/swf.c         msg("<error> internal error: charbuffer_put needs an text tag, not %d\n",tag->id);
msg               641 lib/devices/swf.c         msg("<warning> charbuffer_put called with zero characters");
msg               830 lib/devices/swf.c     msg("<trace> Placing text as ID %d", textid);
msg              1070 lib/devices/swf.c     msg("<verbose> Starting new SWF page of size %dx%d", width, height);
msg              1189 lib/devices/swf.c     msg("<verbose> initializing swf output\n", i->max_x,i->max_y);
msg              1235 lib/devices/swf.c     msg("<debug> Using shape id %d", i->shapeid);
msg              1316 lib/devices/swf.c 	msg("<debug> Shape has size 0: width=%.2f height=%.2f",
msg              1379 lib/devices/swf.c 	msg("<debug> cancelling shape: bbox is (%f,%f,%f,%f)",
msg              1394 lib/devices/swf.c     msg("<trace> Placing shape ID %d", i->shapeid);
msg              1479 lib/devices/swf.c 		msg("<debug> Reducing font %s", iterator->swffont->name);
msg              1539 lib/devices/swf.c 	msg("<fatal> Could not create \"%s\". ", FIXNULL(filename));
msg              1544 lib/devices/swf.c         msg("<error> WriteSWF() failed.\n");
msg              1852 lib/devices/swf.c     msg("<trace> drawgfxline, %d lines, %d splines", lines, splines);
msg              1971 lib/devices/swf.c     msg("<trace> Placing link ID %d", buttonid);
msg              2039 lib/devices/swf.c     msg("<trace> swfdevice: %s=%s", name, value);
msg              2206 lib/devices/swf.c 	msg("<warning> CXForm not SWF-compatible");
msg              2261 lib/devices/swf.c 	msg("<verbose> Scaling %dx%d image to %dx%d", sizex, sizey, newsizex, newsizey);
msg              2276 lib/devices/swf.c     msg("<verbose> Drawing %dx%d %s%simage (id %d) at size %dx%d (%dx%d), %s%d colors",
msg              2384 lib/devices/swf.c     msg("<trace> Placing image, shape ID %d, bitmap ID %d", myshapeid, bitid);
msg              2430 lib/devices/swf.c         msg("<warning> Too many clip levels.");
msg              2479 lib/devices/swf.c     msg("<trace> Placing clip ID %d", myshapeid);
msg              2498 lib/devices/swf.c         msg("<error> Invalid end of clipping region");
msg              2649 lib/devices/swf.c 	msg("<trace> draw as polygon, type=%d dots=%d", type, has_dots);
msg              2661 lib/devices/swf.c     msg("<trace> draw as stroke, type=%d dots=%d", type, has_dots);
msg              2726 lib/devices/swf.c     msg("<trace> end of swf_fill (shapeid=%d)", i->shapeid);
msg              2800 lib/devices/swf.c     msg("<trace> Placing gradient, shape ID %d, depth %d", myshapeid, depth);
msg              2911 lib/devices/swf.c 		msg("<warning> fix bad advance value for char %d: bbox=%.2f, advance=%.2f\n", t, bbox.xmax/20.0, swffont->glyph[t].advance/20.0);
msg              2969 lib/devices/swf.c 	msg("<debug> Font %s",font->id);
msg              2970 lib/devices/swf.c 	msg("<debug> |   ID: %d", l->swffont->id);
msg              2971 lib/devices/swf.c 	msg("<debug> |   Version: %d", l->swffont->version);
msg              2972 lib/devices/swf.c 	msg("<debug> |   Name: %s", l->swffont->name);
msg              2973 lib/devices/swf.c 	msg("<debug> |   Numchars: %d", l->swffont->numchars);
msg              2974 lib/devices/swf.c 	msg("<debug> |   Maxascii: %d", l->swffont->maxascii);
msg              2975 lib/devices/swf.c 	msg("<debug> |   Style: %d", l->swffont->style);
msg              2976 lib/devices/swf.c 	msg("<debug> |   Encoding: %d", l->swffont->encoding);
msg              2978 lib/devices/swf.c 	    msg("<debug> |   Glyph %d) name=%s, unicode=%d size=%d bbox=(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)\n", iii, l->swffont->glyphnames?l->swffont->glyphnames[iii]:"<nonames>", l->swffont->glyph2ascii[iii], l->swffont->glyph[iii].shape->bitlen, 
msg              3003 lib/devices/swf.c     msg("<error> Unknown font id: %s", fontid);
msg              3061 lib/devices/swf.c 	msg("<error> swf_drawchar called (glyph %d) without font", glyph);
msg              3080 lib/devices/swf.c 	msg("<warning> swf_drawchar: Font is NULL");
msg              3084 lib/devices/swf.c 	msg("<warning> No character %d in font %s (%d chars)", glyph, FIXNULL((char*)i->swffont->name), i->swffont->numchars);
msg              3095 lib/devices/swf.c 	msg("<verbose> Not drawing invisible character %d (det=%f, m=[%f %f;%f %f]\n", glyph, 
msg              3115 lib/devices/swf.c 	msg("<verbose> Moving character origin to %f %f\n", matrix->tx, matrix->ty);
msg              3128 lib/devices/swf.c     msg("<trace> Drawing char %d in font %d at %d,%d in color %02x%02x%02x%02x", 
msg               163 lib/filters/remove_font_transforms.c 	msg("<error> Font has no ID");
msg               721 lib/gfxfont.c  		msg("<warning> gfxfont_to_ttf: glyph %d has an invalid unicode (%d)", t, u);
msg               724 lib/gfxfont.c  		msg("<warning> gfxfont_to_ttf: glyph %d has a duplicate unicode (%d)", t, u);
msg               735 lib/gfxfont.c  		msg("<warning> gfxfont_to_ttf: Font contains an invalid unicode (%d)", u);
msg               625 lib/gfxpoly.c  	msg("<verbose> Simplified polygon from %d points to %d points, %d to %d segs",
msg               638 lib/gfxpoly.c              msg("<error> svp contains segment with zero points\n");
msg               666 lib/gfxpoly.c                      msg("<error> bad svp, y in seg is non-increasing %.16f -> %.16f\n", p1->y, p2->y);
msg               713 lib/gfxpoly.c  	msg("<verbose> svp bleeds from y=%.16f to y=%.16f (%d/%d active segments)\n", 
msg               898 lib/gfxpoly.c      msg("<verbose> Casting gfxline of %d segments (%d line segments) to a gfxpoly", gfxline_len(line), vpath_len(vec));
msg               945 lib/gfxpoly.c          msg("<verbose> Comparing polygon renderings of size %dx%d and %dx%d", bbox.width, bbox.height, bbox.width, bbox.height);
msg               949 lib/gfxpoly.c              msg("<verbose> Bad SVP rewinding result- polygons don't match");
msg               958 lib/gfxpoly.c  	msg("<verbose> Error in polygon processing");
msg               973 lib/gfxpoly.c      msg("<verbose> Casting polygon of %d segments back to gfxline", svp->n_segs);
msg              1057 lib/gfxpoly.c      msg("<verbose> Intersecting two polygons of %d and %d segments", svp1->n_segs, svp2->n_segs);
msg              1095 lib/gfxpoly.c      msg("<verbose> Unifying two polygons of %d and %d segments", svp1->n_segs, svp2->n_segs);
msg              1104 lib/gfxpoly.c      msg("<verbose> Casting gfxline of %d segments to a stroke-polygon", gfxline_len(line));
msg              1127 lib/gfxpoly.c      msg("<verbose> Converting circular-filled gfxline of %d segments to even-odd filled gfxline", gfxline_len(line));
msg                47 lib/log.h      extern void msg(const char* logFormat, ...);
msg               181 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<error> sizeof(SplashColor)!=3");
msg               220 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<verbose> Flushing bitmap (bbox: %d,%d,%d,%d %dx%d) (clipped against %d,%d,%d,%d)", xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax, xmax-xmin, ymax-ymin,
msg               315 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> Flushing text");
msg               437 lib/pdf/         msg("<error> Bitmaps don't correspond: %d out of %d pixels wrong (%.2f%%)", bad, width*height, 
msg               441 lib/pdf/     msg("<notice> %f", badness);
msg               557 lib/pdf/         msg("<verbose> %s %s %s", filename1, filename2, filename3);
msg               570 lib/pdf/     msg("<trace> Testing new text data against current bitmap data, state=%s, counter=%d\n", STATE_NAME[layerstate], dbg_btm_counter);
msg               576 lib/pdf/ 	    msg("<verbose> Text is above current bitmap/polygon data");
msg               584 lib/pdf/ 	    msg("<verbose> Text is above current bitmap/polygon data (which is above some other text)");
msg               597 lib/pdf/ 	    msg("<verbose> Text is still above current bitmap/polygon data");
msg               612 lib/pdf/     msg("<trace> Testing new graphics data against current text data, state=%s, counter=%d\n", STATE_NAME[layerstate], dbg_btm_counter);
msg               617 lib/pdf/ 	    msg("<verbose> Bitmap is above current text data");
msg               621 lib/pdf/ 	    msg("<verbose> Bitmap is above current text data (which is above some bitmap)");
msg               628 lib/pdf/ 	    msg("<verbose> Bitmap is still above current text data");
msg               711 lib/pdf/             msg("<warning> Strange internal error (2)");
msg               713 lib/pdf/             msg("<warning> Bad Bounding Box: Difference in clip0 and clip1 outside bbox");
msg               714 lib/pdf/             msg("<warning> %d %d %d %d", x1, y1, x2, y2);
msg               796 lib/pdf/         msg("<verbose> Testing area (%d,%d,%d,%d), runx=%d,runy=%d", x1,y1,x2,y2, runx, runy);
msg               841 lib/pdf/             msg("<warning> strange internal error");
msg               843 lib/pdf/             msg("<warning> Bad bounding box: intersection outside bbox");
msg               844 lib/pdf/             msg("<warning> given bbox: %d %d %d %d", x1, y1, x2, y2);
msg               845 lib/pdf/             msg("<warning> changed area: %d %d %d %d", ax1, ay1, ax2, ay2);
msg               887 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> startPage %dx%d (%dx%d)", this->width, this->height, booltextbitmap->getWidth(), booltextbitmap->getHeight());
msg               902 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> startPage done");
msg               907 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> endPage (BitmapOutputDev)");
msg               914 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> finishPage (BitmapOutputDev)");
msg              1333 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> stroke");
msg              1376 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> fill");
msg              1390 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> eoFill");
msg              1404 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> tilingPatternFill");
msg              1417 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> tilingPatternFill");
msg              1427 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> functionShadedFill");
msg              1434 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> axialShadedFill");
msg              1441 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> radialShadedFill");
msg              1452 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> clip");
msg              1460 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> eoClip");
msg              1468 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> clipToStrokePath");
msg              1477 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> beginStringOp");
msg              1485 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> beginString");
msg              1510 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> drawChar render=%d", state->getRender());
msg              1558 lib/pdf/ 	    msg("<verbose> Char %d is affected by clipping", code);
msg              1582 lib/pdf/     msg("<error> internal error: drawString not implemented");
msg              1587 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> endTextObject");
msg              1599 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> endString");
msg              1614 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> endStringOp");
msg              1628 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> beginType3Char");
msg              1635 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> type3D0");
msg              1640 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> type3D1");
msg              1645 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> endType3Char");
msg              1714 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> drawImageMask streamkind=%d", str->getKind());
msg              1731 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> drawImage streamkind=%d", str->getKind());
msg              1750 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> drawMaskedImage streamkind=%d", str->getKind());
msg              1770 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> drawSoftMaskedImage %dx%d (%dx%d) streamkind=%d", width, height, maskWidth, maskHeight, str->getKind());
msg              1785 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> drawForm");
msg              1793 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> processLink");
msg              1813 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> beginTransparencyGroup");
msg              1834 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> endTransparencyGroup");
msg              1856 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> paintTransparencyGroup");
msg              1865 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> setSoftMask");
msg              1874 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> clearSoftMask");
msg                40 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> Rendering everything to a bitmap");
msg               145 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> Flushing bitmap (bbox: %d,%d,%d,%d)", xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax);
msg               151 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<error> sizeof(SplashColor)!=3");
msg               216 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> startPage");
msg               223 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> endPage (FullBitmapOutputDev)");
msg               385 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> stroke");
msg               390 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> fill");
msg               395 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> eoFill");
msg               405 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> tilingPatternFill");
msg               415 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> tilingPatternFill");
msg               422 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> functionShadedFill");
msg               427 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> axialShadedFill");
msg               432 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> radialShadedFill");
msg               438 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> clip");
msg               443 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> eoClip");
msg               448 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> clipToStrokePath");
msg               454 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> beginStringOp");
msg               459 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> endStringOp");
msg               464 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> beginString");
msg               469 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> endString");
msg               477 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> drawChar");
msg               482 lib/pdf/     msg("<error> internal error: drawString not implemented");
msg               491 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> endTextObject");
msg               501 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> beginType3Char");
msg               506 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> type3D0");
msg               511 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> type3D1");
msg               516 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> endType3Char");
msg               523 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> drawImageMask");
msg               530 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> drawImage");
msg               539 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> drawMaskedImage");
msg               549 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> drawSoftMaskedImage");
msg               554 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> drawForm");
msg               560 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> processLink");
msg               569 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> beginTransparencyGroup");
msg               574 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> endTransparencyGroup");
msg               579 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> paintTransparencyGroup");
msg               584 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> setSoftMask");
msg               589 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> clearSoftMask");
msg               191 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<warning> %s not yet %ssupported!",feature,fully?"fully ":"");
msg               193 lib/pdf/ 	    msg("<fatal> Aborting conversion due to unsupported feature");
msg               197 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<notice> File contains %s",feature);
msg               295 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> Removing temporary font file %s", filename);
msg               326 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> Performing cleanups");
msg               366 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<debug> Font %s-%s (%s) is a match for %s%s%s", fcfamily, fcstyle, filename, family, style?"-":"", style?style:"");
msg               396 lib/pdf/ 	    msg("<debug> Initializing FontConfig (configfile=%s)", configfile);
msg               398 lib/pdf/ 	    msg("<debug> Initializing FontConfig (no configfile)");
msg               426 lib/pdf/             msg("<debug> FontConfig Initialization failed. Disabling.");
msg               432 lib/pdf/             msg("<debug> FontConfig Config Initialization failed. Disabling.");
msg               441 lib/pdf/             msg("<debug> Adding font %s to fontconfig", fd->filename);
msg               446 lib/pdf/         msg("<verbose> FontConfig initialized. Found %d fonts", set?set->nfont:0);
msg               448 lib/pdf/             msg("<debug> FontConfig has zero fonts. Disabling.");
msg               467 lib/pdf/ 			    msg("<trace> %s (%s) -> %s", fcfamily, fcstyle, filename);
msg               500 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<debug> FontConfig: Looking for font %s (family=%s style=%s)", name, family, style);
msg               503 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<debug> FontConfig: Looking for font %s (family=%s)", name, family);
msg               521 lib/pdf/ 		    msg("<debug> FontConfig: Couldn't get fontconfig's filename for font %s", name);
msg               525 lib/pdf/ 		msg("<debug> fontconfig: returning filename %s", filename);
msg               553 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> looking for font %s", fontName->getCString());
msg               564 lib/pdf/ 		    msg("<error> Couldn't save default font- is the Temp Directory writable?");
msg               566 lib/pdf/ 		    msg("<verbose> Storing standard PDF font %s at %s", name, pdf2t1map[t].fullfilename);
msg               603 lib/pdf/         msg("<verbose> Font %s maps to %s\n", name, filename);
msg               614 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<verbose> Font %s not found\n", name);
msg               754 lib/pdf/       msg("<warning> The following font caused problems:");
msg               756 lib/pdf/       msg("<warning> The following font caused problems (substituting):");
msg               758 lib/pdf/       msg("<warning> The following Type 3 Font will be rendered as graphics:");
msg               767 lib/pdf/   msg("%s=========== %s (ID:%d,%d) ==========", loglevel, name, r->num,r->gen);
msg               771 lib/pdf/   msg("%s| Tag: %s", loglevel, id);
msg               773 lib/pdf/   if(font->isCIDFont()) msg("%s| is CID font", loglevel);
msg               778 lib/pdf/      msg("%s| Type: unknown",loglevel);
msg               781 lib/pdf/      msg("%s| Type: 1",loglevel);
msg               784 lib/pdf/      msg("%s| Type: 1C",loglevel);
msg               787 lib/pdf/      msg("%s| Type: 3",loglevel);
msg               790 lib/pdf/      msg("%s| Type: TrueType",loglevel);
msg               793 lib/pdf/      msg("%s| Type: CIDType0",loglevel);
msg               796 lib/pdf/      msg("%s| Type: CIDType0C",loglevel);
msg               799 lib/pdf/      msg("%s| Type: CIDType2",loglevel);
msg               810 lib/pdf/    msg("%s| Embedded id: %s id: %d",loglevel, FIXNULL(embeddedName), embRef.num);
msg               814 lib/pdf/    msg("%s| External Font file: %s", loglevel, FIXNULL(gstr->getCString()));
msg               817 lib/pdf/   if(font->isFixedWidth()) msg("%s| is fixed width", loglevel);
msg               818 lib/pdf/   if(font->isSerif()) msg("%s| is serif", loglevel);
msg               819 lib/pdf/   if(font->isSymbolic()) msg("%s| is symbolic", loglevel);
msg               820 lib/pdf/   if(font->isItalic()) msg("%s| is italic", loglevel);
msg               821 lib/pdf/   if(font->isBold()) msg("%s| is bold", loglevel);
msg               841 lib/pdf/ 	    msg("<debug> |     moveTo %.2f %.2f", line->x,line->y);
msg               843 lib/pdf/ 	    msg("<debug> |     lineTo %.2f %.2f", line->x,line->y);
msg               845 lib/pdf/ 	    msg("<debug> |     splineTo (%.2f %.2f) %.2f %.2f", line->sx,line->sy, line->x, line->y);
msg               884 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<warning> empty path");
msg               978 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> tilingPatternFill");
msg               984 lib/pdf/     msg("<error> functionShadedFill not supported yet");
msg              1019 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> radialShadedFill %f %f %f %f %f %f %02x%02x%02x->%02x%02x%02x", x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2,
msg              1074 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> axialShadedFill %f %f %f %f %02x%02x%02x->%02x%02x%02x->%02x%02x%02x", x0, y0, x1, y1,
msg              1095 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> userClipBox %f %f %f %f", xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax);
msg              1129 lib/pdf/     msg("<error> drawForm not implemented");
msg              1137 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> endPage (GfxOutputDev)");
msg              1173 lib/pdf/     else msg("<error> Invalid line cap type");
msg              1179 lib/pdf/     else msg("<error> Invalid line join type");
msg              1208 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<trace> %d dashes", dashLength);
msg              1209 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<trace> |  phase: %f", dashStart);
msg              1215 lib/pdf/ 	    msg("<trace> |  d%-3d: %f", t, dashPattern[t]);
msg              1226 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<trace> After dashing:");
msg              1230 lib/pdf/         msg("<trace> stroke width=%f join=%s cap=%s dashes=%d color=%02x%02x%02x%02x",
msg              1247 lib/pdf/ 	    msg("<warning> Empty polygon (resulting from stroked line)");
msg              1259 lib/pdf/             msg("<error> Stroke&clip not supported at the same time");
msg              1285 lib/pdf/         msg("<trace> %sfill %02x%02x%02x%02x", evenodd?"eo":"", col.r, col.g, col.b, col.a);
msg              1294 lib/pdf/         msg("<trace> %sclip", evenodd?"eo":"");
msg              1307 lib/pdf/     msg("<trace> clip");
msg              1332 lib/pdf/         msg("<trace> cliptostrokepath width=%f", width);
msg              1420 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<error> Error: Incompatible change of text rendering to %d while inside cliptext", render);
msg              1422 lib/pdf/     msg("<trace> beginString(%s) render=%d", makeStringPrintable(s->getCString()), render);
msg              1445 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<error> Invalid charid %d for font (%d characters)", charid, current_fontinfo?current_fontinfo->num_glyphs:0);
msg              1465 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<debug> type3 char at %f/%f", x, y);
msg              1475 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> drawChar(%f,%f,c='%c' (%d), u=%d <%d>) CID=%d render=%d glyphid=%d font=%p",m.tx,m.ty,(charid&127)>=32?charid:'?', charid, u, uLen, font->isCIDFont(), render, glyphid, current_gfxfont);
msg              1491 lib/pdf/ 		    msg("<debug> There's a %f pixel gap between char %d and char %d (expected no more than %f), I'm inserting a space here", 
msg              1509 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<debug> Drawing glyph %d as shape", charid);
msg              1511 lib/pdf/ 	    msg("<notice> Some texts will be rendered as shape");
msg              1536 lib/pdf/     msg("<trace> endString() render=%d textstroke=%p", render, current_text_stroke);
msg              1565 lib/pdf/     msg("<trace> endTextObject() render=%d textstroke=%p clipstroke=%p", render, current_text_stroke, current_text_clip);
msg              1591 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> beginType3Char %d u=%d", charid, uLen?u[0]:0);
msg              1605 lib/pdf/ 	    msg("<error> Invalid charid %d for font", charid);
msg              1626 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> endType3Char");
msg              1663 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<verbose> Using user clip box %f/%f/%f/%f",x1,y1,x2,y2);
msg              1673 lib/pdf/     msg("<notice> processing PDF page %d (%dx%d:%d:%d) (move:%d:%d)", pageNum, (int)x2-(int)x1,(int)y2-(int)y1, (int)x1, (int)y1, user_movex + clipmovex, user_movey + clipmovey);
msg              1675 lib/pdf/         msg("<verbose> page is rotated %d degrees", rot);
msg              1705 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> drawlink");
msg              1734 lib/pdf/     msg("<trace> drawlink %.2f/%.2f %.2f/%.2f %.2f/%.2f %.2f/%.2f",
msg              1750 lib/pdf/     msg("<trace> drawlink action=%d", action->getKind());
msg              1849 lib/pdf/             msg("<error> Unknown link type!");
msg              1856 lib/pdf/     msg("<trace> drawlink s=%s", s);
msg              1860 lib/pdf/         msg("<notice> File contains links");
msg              1891 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> \"%s\" link to \"%s\" (%d)", type, FIXNULL(s), page);
msg              1898 lib/pdf/     msg("<trace> saveState %p", state);
msg              1901 lib/pdf/       msg("<fatal> Too many nested states in pdf.");
msg              1921 lib/pdf/       msg("<fatal> Invalid restoreState");
msg              1924 lib/pdf/   msg("<trace> restoreState %p%s%s", state,
msg              1945 lib/pdf/       msg("<fatal> bad state nesting");
msg              1970 lib/pdf/     msg("<debug> updateLineDash, %d dashes", dashLength);
msg              2052 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> Updating font to %s", id);
msg              2060 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<error> Internal Error: FontID is null");
msg              2067 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<error> Internal Error: no fontinfo for font %s", id);
msg              2263 lib/pdf/       msg("<verbose> Ignoring %d by %d image", width, height);
msg              2293 lib/pdf/ 	  msg("<notice> File contains pbm pictures %s",mask?"(masked)":"");
msg              2297 lib/pdf/       msg("<verbose> drawing %d by %d masked picture", width, height);
msg              2300 lib/pdf/       msg("<notice> File contains jpeg pictures");
msg              2445 lib/pdf/ 	      msg("<verbose> resampling %dx%d to mask size (%dx%d)", width, height, maskWidth, maskHeight);
msg              2479 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> drawImageMask %dx%d, invert=%d inline=%d", width, height, invert, inlineImg);
msg              2491 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> drawImage %dx%d, %s, %s, inline=%d", width, height, 
msg              2496 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<verbose> colorMap pixcomps:%d bits:%d mode:%d", colorMap->getNumPixelComps(),
msg              2510 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> drawMaskedImage %dx%d, %s, %dx%d mask", width, height, 
msg              2514 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<verbose> colorMap pixcomps:%d bits:%d mode:%d", colorMap->getNumPixelComps(),
msg              2529 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> drawSoftMaskedImage %dx%d, %s, %dx%d mask", width, height, 
msg              2533 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<verbose> colorMap pixcomps:%d bits:%d mode:%d", colorMap->getNumPixelComps(),
msg              2600 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> Adding font \"%s\".", filename);
msg              2611 lib/pdf/     msg("<notice> Adding %s to language pack directories", dir);
msg              2621 lib/pdf/         msg("<error> Could not open %s", config_file);
msg              2633 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<warning> Couldn't open directory %s", dirname);
msg              2664 lib/pdf/     msg("<notice> Added %s to font directories (%d fonts)", dirname, fonts);
msg              2667 lib/pdf/     msg("<warning> No dirent.h");
msg              2682 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> beginTransparencyGroup %.1f/%.1f/%.1f/%.1f %s isolated=%d knockout=%d forsoftmask=%d", bbox[0],bbox[1],bbox[2],bbox[3], colormodename, isolated, knockout, forSoftMask);
msg              2710 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<error> Invalid state nesting");
msg              2717 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> endTransparencyGroup forsoftmask=%d recording=%p/%p", states[statepos].createsoftmask, r, recording);
msg              2737 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> paintTransparencyGroup blend=%s softmaskon=%d", blendmodes[state->getBlendMode()], states[statepos].softmask);
msg              2777 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> setSoftMask %.1f/%.1f/%.1f/%.1f alpha=%d backdrop=%02x%02x%02x",
msg              2785 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<fatal> Internal error: badly balanced softmasks/transparency groups");
msg              2815 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> clearSoftMask statepos=%d", statepos);
msg              2818 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<error> Error in softmask/tgroup ordering");
msg              2867 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<fatal> Internal error in mask drawing");
msg               284 lib/pdf/ 	    msg("<debug> Font %s has space char %d (unicode=%d)", 
msg               289 lib/pdf/ 	    msg("<debug> Appending space char to font %s, position %d, width %f", this->gfxfont->id, this->space_char, this->gfxfont->glyphs[this->space_char].advance);
msg               312 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> Generating info structure for page %d", pageNum);
msg               335 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<error> Unknown font id: %s", id);
msg                98 lib/pdf/     if(!pi->config_print && pi->nocopy) {msg("<fatal> PDF disallows copying");exit(0);}
msg                99 lib/pdf/     if(pi->config_print && pi->noprint) {msg("<fatal> PDF disallows printing");exit(0);}
msg               138 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<fatal> pdf_page_render: Parent PDF this page belongs to doesn't exist yet/anymore");
msg               143 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<fatal> pdf_page_render: page %d was previously set as not-to-render via the \"pages\" option", page->nr);
msg               376 lib/pdf/     msg("<verbose> setting parameter %s to \"%s\"", name, value);
msg               400 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<error> %s not supported anymore. Please use jpegsubpixels/ppmsubpixels");
msg               480 lib/pdf/ 	msg("<notice> Rendering at %f DPI. (Page width at 72 DPI: %f, target width: %d)", zoom, width_before, zoomtowidth);
msg               659 lib/pdf/xpdf/       x[j] = (((((msg[k+3] << 8) + msg[k+2]) << 8) + msg[k+1]) << 8) + msg[k];
msg               662 lib/pdf/xpdf/ 	x[j] = 0x80000000 + (((msg[k+2] << 8) + msg[k+1]) << 8) + msg[k];
msg               664 lib/pdf/xpdf/ 	x[j] = 0x800000 + (msg[k+1] << 8) + msg[k];
msg               666 lib/pdf/xpdf/ 	x[j] = 0x8000 + msg[k];
msg                33 lib/pdf/xpdf/   va_start(args, msg);
msg                34 lib/pdf/xpdf/   vfprintf(stderr, msg, args);
msg              1054 lib/png.c      	    fprintf(stderr, "error in deflate(): %s", zs->msg?zs->msg:"unknown");
msg              1089 lib/png.c      	    fprintf(stderr, "error in deflate(): %s (mode %s, %d bytes remaining)\n", zs.msg?zs.msg:"unknown", 
msg              1108 lib/png.c      	fprintf(stderr, "error in deflateEnd(): %s\n", zs.msg?zs.msg:"unknown");
msg              1122 lib/png.c      	    fprintf(stderr, "error in deflate(finish): %s\n", zs->msg?zs->msg:"unknown");
msg              1139 lib/png.c      	fprintf(stderr, "error in deflateEnd(): %s\n", zs->msg?zs->msg:"unknown");
msg              1620 lib/png.c      	fprintf(stderr, "error in deflateInit(): %s", zs.msg?zs.msg:"unknown");
msg               118 lib/readers/image.c     msg("<verbose> (gfxsource_image) setting parameter %s to \"%s\"", name, value);
msg               134 lib/readers/image.c 	    msg("<error> Couldn't load image %s", filename);
msg               663 lib/readers/swf.c     msg("<verbose> setting parameter %s to \"%s\"", name, value);
msg               195 lib/ttf.c      	msg("<error> Error: duplicate table %08x", id);
msg               307 lib/ttf.c      	msg("<warning> Font HEAD has unknown version %08x", version);
msg               312 lib/ttf.c      	msg("<warning> Font HEAD has unknown magic number %08x", magic);
msg               326 lib/ttf.c      	msg("<warning> loca index format %d unknown", loc_index);
msg               329 lib/ttf.c      	msg("<warning> Font glyph data format unknown: %04x", glyph_data_format);
msg               331 lib/ttf.c      	msg("<warning> Leftover bytes (%d) in HEAD tag", r->size - r->pos);
msg               451 lib/ttf.c      	msg("<warning> Unknown OS2 version: %04x", version);
msg               501 lib/ttf.c      	msg("<warning> Leftover bytes (%d) in OS2 tag", r->size - r->pos);
msg               654 lib/ttf.c      	msg("<warning> Truncated maxp table (version %d)", version);
msg               762 lib/ttf.c      	msg("<warning> Unknown metric format %d", metricDataFormat);
msg               766 lib/ttf.c      	msg("<warning> bad number of horizontal metrics: %d", num_advances);
msg               871 lib/ttf.c      	    msg("<warning> Short 'loca' table (32 bit): %d/%d", r->size/4, num);
msg               875 lib/ttf.c      	    msg("<warning> Extraneous data (%d bytes) in 'loca' table (32 bit)", r->size-num*4);
msg               880 lib/ttf.c      		msg("<warning> Unsorted 'loca' table (32 bit)");
msg               887 lib/ttf.c      	    msg("<warning> Short 'loca' table (16 bit)");
msg               891 lib/ttf.c      	    msg("<warning> Extraneous data (%d bytes) in 'loca' table (16 bit)", r->size-num*2);
msg               896 lib/ttf.c      		msg("<warning> Unsorted 'loca' table");
msg               940 lib/ttf.c      		msg("<warning> Unsorted endpoints array (len:%d) last=%d now=%d", s, pos, lastpos);
msg               969 lib/ttf.c      	    msg("<error> Bad flags in glyph outline: %02x (at pos %d)", flag, num);
msg               979 lib/ttf.c      	    msg("<warning> Bad count (%d) in glyph (%d) (at pos %d)", count, glyphnr, num);
msg              1043 lib/ttf.c      	    msg("<warning> Truncated glyph entry %d/%d (or bad loca entry %d/%d, next loca: %d)",
msg              1055 lib/ttf.c      		msg("<error> Compound glyphs not supported yet");
msg              1134 lib/ttf.c      	    msg("<error> Coordinate overflow in glyph");
msg              1147 lib/ttf.c      	    msg("<error> Coordinate overflow in glyph");
msg              1246 lib/ttf.c      	msg("<warning> CMap overflow");
msg              1255 lib/ttf.c      	    msg("<warning> CMAP table %d %d is out of bounds (%d)", platform, encoding, offset);
msg              1272 lib/ttf.c      	    msg("<warning> Language code %02x in unicode mapping", language);
msg              1278 lib/ttf.c      		msg("<warning> overflow in format 0 cmap table");
msg              1290 lib/ttf.c      		msg("<error> Bad segmentx2 count %d", segment_count);
msg              1327 lib/ttf.c      			msg("<warning> glyphmap index out of bounds (%d-%d/%d)", pos, pos+end-start, t.size);
msg              1824 lib/ttf.c      	msg("<error> Font has no head table");
msg              1833 lib/ttf.c      	msg("<error> Font has no maxp table");
msg              1841 lib/ttf.c      	msg("<error> Invalid number of characters");
msg              1881 lib/ttf.c      	    msg("<error> Font contains neither HHEA nor VHEA");
msg              2050 lib/ttf.c      	msg("<error> Truncated Truetype file (%d bytes)", length);
msg              2116 lib/ttf.c      	    msg("<error> Truncated TTC file (%d bytes)", length);
msg              2123 lib/ttf.c      	    msg("<error> Truncated TTC file (%d bytes, first font at %d)", length, font1_position);
msg              2137 lib/ttf.c      	msg("<error> Truncated TTF file (table entries: %d)", num_tables);
msg              2158 lib/ttf.c      	    msg("<error> TTF Table %02x%02x%02x%02x outside of stream (pos %d)", (tag>>24)&0xff, (tag>>16)&0xff, (tag>>8)&0xff, (tag)&0xff, pos);
msg              2170 lib/ttf.c      		msg("<warning> Checksum mismatch in tag %02x%02x%02x%02x %c%c%c%c (%d bytes) %08x!=%08x",
msg              2386 lib/ttf.c          msg("<notice> Truetype file version %08x%s", ttf->version, ttf->version == OPENTYPE?" (opentype)":"");
msg              2390 lib/ttf.c      	msg("<notice> Tag %02x%02x%02x%02x [%c%c%c%c] (length: %d)",
msg              2444 lib/ttf.c      	msg("<error> Couldn't load %s", filename);
msg               930 src/parser.yy.c #define YY_FATAL_ERROR(msg) yy_fatal_error( msg )
msg              2022 src/parser.yy.c     	(void) fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", msg );
msg               150 src/pdf2pdf.c              msg("<verbose> Treating file as PDF");
msg               153 src/pdf2pdf.c              msg("<verbose> Treating file as SWF");
msg               157 src/pdf2pdf.c              msg("<verbose> Treating file as Image");
msg               204 src/pdf2pdf.c  	    msg("<notice> Output filename not given. Writing to %s", outputname);
msg               227 src/pdf2pdf.c          msg("<error> Couldn't open %s", filename);
msg               112 src/pdf2swf.c      msg("<fatal> Aborting rendering after %d seconds", max_time);
msg               116 src/pdf2swf.c      msg("<fatal> Memory used: %d,%d,%d", usage.ru_maxrss, usage.ru_idrss, usage.ru_isrss);
msg               120 src/pdf2swf.c      msg("<fatal> Memory used: %d Mb (%d bytes)", info.uordblks/1048576, info.uordblks);
msg               568 src/pdf2swf.c  	msg("<error> Couldn't open %s", filename);
msg               676 src/pdf2swf.c                  msg("<notice> Output filename not given. Writing to %s", outputname);
msg               718 src/pdf2swf.c  	    msg("<error> only one %% allowed in filename\n");
msg               722 src/pdf2swf.c  	    msg("<error> -b/-l/-B/-L not supported together with %% in filename\n");
msg               725 src/pdf2swf.c  	msg("<notice> outputting one file per page");
msg               738 src/pdf2swf.c          msg("<error> Couldn't open %s", filename);
msg               827 src/pdf2swf.c  		msg("<verbose> Render (%d,%d) move:%d/%d\n",
msg               852 src/pdf2swf.c  		msg("<notice> Writing SWF file %s", buf);
msg               863 src/pdf2swf.c  	msg("<notice> Writing SWF file %s", outputname);
msg               883 src/pdf2swf.c  		msg("<warning> --preloader option without --viewer option doesn't make very much sense.");
msg               757 src/png2swf.c          msg("<warning> No jpeg support compiled in");
msg              2838 src/swfc.c     	    msg("<notice> line %d: .flash name=... is deprecated, use .flash filename=...", line);
msg              4411 src/swfc.c         msg("<verbose> parse Command: %s (line %d)", command, line);
msg              4470 src/swfc.c         msg("<verbose> analyse Command: %s (line %d)", command, line);
msg               286 src/swfcombine.c 	msg("<verbose> slave entity %s (named \"%s\")\n", filename, myname);
msg               370 src/swfcombine.c 	    msg("<fatal> Couldn't open/read %s.", slave_filename[t]);
msg               378 src/swfcombine.c 	msg("<verbose> File %s has bounding box %d:%d:%d:%d\n",
msg               407 src/swfcombine.c 	msg("<verbose> New master bounding box is %d:%d:%d:%d\n",
msg               447 src/swfcombine.c     msg("<verbose> temporary SWF created");
msg               510 src/swfcombine.c 	msg("<error> Master and slave have incompatible JPEGTABLES.");
msg               519 src/swfcombine.c 	    msg("<debug> processing sprite tag %02x", tag->id);
msg               522 src/swfcombine.c 		msg("<debug> [sprite defs] write tag %02x (%d bytes in body)", 
msg               529 src/swfcombine.c 		msg("<debug> [sprite defs] write tag %02x (%d bytes in body)", 
msg               545 src/swfcombine.c 		       msg("<debug> deliberately ignoring EXPORTASSETS tag");
msg               548 src/swfcombine.c 		       msg("<debug> deliberately ignoring ENABLEDEBUGGER tag");
msg               551 src/swfcombine.c 		       msg("<debug> deliberately ignoring BACKGROUNDCOLOR tag");
msg               554 src/swfcombine.c 		       msg("<debug> deliberately ignoring SHOWFRAME tag");
msg               557 src/swfcombine.c 		       msg("<debug> deliberately ignoring REFLEX tag");
msg               562 src/swfcombine.c 		       msg("<notice> found tag %d. This is a Generator template, isn't it?", rtag->id);
msg               565 src/swfcombine.c 		       msg("<notice> funny tag: %d is neither defining nor sprite", rtag->id);
msg               599 src/swfcombine.c 	msg("<warning> Depth relocation not fully working yet with clipdepths", tag->id);
msg               684 src/swfcombine.c     msg ("<notice> sprite id is %d", spriteid);
msg               687 src/swfcombine.c     msg("<debug> %d frames to go",tmp);
msg               709 src/swfcombine.c 	    msg("<debug> [sprite main] write tag %02x (%d bytes in body)", 
msg               720 src/swfcombine.c 		msg("<debug> %d frames to go",tmp);
msg               779 src/swfcombine.c 	    msg("<debug> [master] write tag %02x (%d bytes in body)", 
msg               790 src/swfcombine.c 		    msg("<verbose> replacing tag %d ID %d with sprite", rtag->id ,spriteid);
msg               795 src/swfcombine.c 		    msg("<debug> writing sprite defines");
msg               797 src/swfcombine.c 		    msg("<debug> writing sprite");
msg               802 src/swfcombine.c 		    msg("<debug> writing slave");
msg               822 src/swfcombine.c 		    msg("<fatal> Can't combine --clip and --frame");
msg               857 src/swfcombine.c 		msg("<debug> [master] write tag %02x (%d bytes in body)", 
msg               871 src/swfcombine.c 		msg("<debug> [slave] write tag %02x (%d bytes in body), %.2f %.2f", rtag->id, rtag->len, config.movex /20.0, config.movey /20.0);
msg               880 src/swfcombine.c 	    msg("<warning> Frame %d doesn't exist in file. No substitution will occur",
msg               883 src/swfcombine.c 	    msg("<warning> Frame \"%s\" doesn't exist in file. No substitution will occur",
msg               913 src/swfcombine.c 	msg("<fatal> Can't combine --cat and --frame");
msg               924 src/swfcombine.c 	    msg("<debug> tagid %02x defines object %d", tag->id, defineid);
msg               940 src/swfcombine.c 	msg("<fatal> Couldn't allocate %d bytes of memory", 65536);
msg               949 src/swfcombine.c 	msg("<debug> [master] write tag %02x (%d bytes in body)", 
msg               989 src/swfcombine.c 	msg("<debug> [slave] write tag %02x (%d bytes in body)", 
msg              1019 src/swfcombine.c 	    msg("<debug> tagid %02x defines object %d", tag->id, defineid);
msg              1025 src/swfcombine.c 		  msg("<notice> Slave file attached to object %d.", defineid);
msg              1037 src/swfcombine.c 		    msg("<notice> Slave file attached to object %d exported as %s.", id, name);
msg              1065 src/swfcombine.c 	      msg("<verbose> tagid %02x places object %d named \"%s\"", tag->id, id, name);
msg              1067 src/swfcombine.c 	      msg("<verbose> tagid %02x places object %d (no name)", tag->id, id);
msg              1072 src/swfcombine.c 		  msg("<notice> Slave file attached to named object %s (%d).", name, id);
msg              1077 src/swfcombine.c 		msg("<notice> Slave file attached to frame %d.", frame);
msg              1084 src/swfcombine.c 		msg("<notice> Slave file attached to frame %d (%s).", frame, name);
msg              1093 src/swfcombine.c 		msg("<warning> Didn't find anything named %s in file. No substitutions will occur.", slavename);
msg              1095 src/swfcombine.c 		    msg("<warning> (If you were trying to combine rfxview with a document, try replacing 'swf' with 'viewport'.");
msg              1100 src/swfcombine.c 	    msg("<warning> Didn't find id %d in file. No substitutions will occur.", slaveid);
msg              1122 src/swfcombine.c 	    msg("<fatal> Can't combine --antistream and --merge");
msg              1187 src/swfcombine.c     msg("<debug> move x (%d)", config.movex);
msg              1188 src/swfcombine.c     msg("<debug> move y (%d)", config.movey);
msg              1189 src/swfcombine.c     msg("<debug> scale x (%f)", config.scalex);
msg              1190 src/swfcombine.c     msg("<debug> scale y (%f)", config.scaley);
msg              1191 src/swfcombine.c     msg("<debug> master move x (%d)", config.mastermovex);
msg              1192 src/swfcombine.c     msg("<debug> master move y (%d)", config.mastermovey);
msg              1193 src/swfcombine.c     msg("<debug> master scale x (%f)", config.masterscalex);
msg              1194 src/swfcombine.c     msg("<debug> master scale y (%f)", config.masterscaley);
msg              1195 src/swfcombine.c     msg("<debug> is frame (%d)", config.isframe);
msg              1242 src/swfcombine.c 	msg("<error> Can't combine --cat and --merge");
msg              1247 src/swfcombine.c 	msg("<error> Can't combine --cat and --stack");
msg              1253 src/swfcombine.c 	    msg("<error> Can't combine -l and -t");
msg              1257 src/swfcombine.c 	    msg("<error> Can't combine -c and -t");
msg              1260 src/swfcombine.c 	msg("<verbose> (stacking) %d files found\n", numslaves);
msg              1266 src/swfcombine.c 	msg("<verbose> master entity %s (named \"%s\")\n", master_filename, master_name);
msg              1269 src/swfcombine.c 	    msg("<fatal> Failed to open %s\n", master_filename);
msg              1274 src/swfcombine.c 	    msg("<fatal> Failed to read from %s\n", master_filename);
msg              1279 src/swfcombine.c 	msg("<debug> Read %d bytes from masterfile\n", ret);
msg              1284 src/swfcombine.c 	    msg("<verbose> slave entity(%d) %s (%s \"%s\")\n", t+1, slave_filename[t], 
msg              1292 src/swfcombine.c 	    msg("<error> --dummy (-d) implies there are zero slave objects. You supplied %d.", numslaves);
msg              1316 src/swfcombine.c 		msg("<error> You must have at least two objects.");
msg              1318 src/swfcombine.c 		msg("<error> You must have at least one slave entity.");
msg              1329 src/swfcombine.c 	    msg("<notice> Combine [%s]%s and [%s]%s", master_name, master_filename,
msg              1336 src/swfcombine.c 		    msg("<fatal> Failed to open %s\n", slave_filename[t]);
msg              1341 src/swfcombine.c 		    msg("<fatal> Failed to read from %s\n", slave_filename[t]);
msg              1344 src/swfcombine.c 		msg("<debug> Read %d bytes from slavefile\n", ret);
msg               357 src/swfextract.c 		 msg("<warning> ID %d is referenced, but never defined.", t);
msg               736 src/swfextract.c 	    msg("<error> zlib data out of bounds in definebitsjpeg3");
msg               894 src/swfextract.c     msg("<verbose> Width %d", width);
msg               895 src/swfextract.c     msg("<verbose> Height %d", height);
msg               896 src/swfextract.c     msg("<verbose> Format %d", format);
msg               897 src/swfextract.c     msg("<verbose> Cols %d", cols);
msg               898 src/swfextract.c     msg("<verbose> Bpp %d", bpp);
msg               912 src/swfextract.c     msg("<verbose> Uncompressed image is %d bytes (%d colormap)", datalen, (3+alpha)*cols);
msg              1014 src/swfextract.c     msg("<verbose> Compressed data is %d bytes", datalen2);
msg              1041 src/swfextract.c 		msg("<notice> Writing mp3 data to %s",filename);
msg              1044 src/swfextract.c 		msg("<error> Soundstream is not mp3");
msg              1049 src/swfextract.c 		msg("<notice> Writing mp3 data to %s",filename);
msg              1052 src/swfextract.c 		msg("<error> Soundstream is not mp3 (2)");
msg              1326 src/swfextract.c             msg("<error> Didn't find a soundstream in file");
msg               226 src/wav2swf.c  	msg("<fatal> You must supply a filename");
msg               232 src/wav2swf.c  	msg("<fatal> Error reading %s", filename);
msg               302 src/wav2swf.c  	msg("<notice> %d blocks", numsamples/blocksize);
msg               310 src/wav2swf.c  		msg("<notice> Starting block %d %d+%d", t, (int)samplepos, (int)blocksize);
msg               315 src/wav2swf.c  		msg("<notice> Adding data...", t);