
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. poly
  2. linear
  3. quadIn
  4. quadOut
  5. quadInOut
  6. cubicIn
  7. cubicOut
  8. cubicInOut
  9. quartIn
  10. quartOut
  11. quartInOut
  12. quintIn
  13. quintOut
  14. quintInOut
  15. circleIn
  16. circleOut
  17. circleInOut
  18. exponentialIn
  19. exponentialOut
  20. exponentialInOut
  21. sineIn
  22. sineOut
  23. sineInOut
  24. elasticIn
  25. elasticOut
  26. elasticInOut
  27. backIn
  28. backOut
  29. backInOut
  30. bounceIn
  31. bounceOut
  32. bounceInOut
  33. fastBounceIn
  34. fastBounceOut
  35. fastBounceInOut

/* swfc- Compiles swf code (.sc) files into .swf files.

   Part of the swftools package.

   Copyright (c) 2007 Huub Schaeks <>
   Copyright (c) 2007 Matthias Kramm <>
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   (at your option) any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA */

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include "swfc-interpolation.h"

static inline float poly(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope, int degree)
    return delta * ((1 - slope) * pow(fraction, degree) + slope * fraction) + start;

float linear(float fraction, float start, float delta)
    return poly(fraction, start, delta, 0, 1);

float quadIn(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
    return poly(fraction, start, delta, slope, 2);

float quadOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
    return quadIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, slope);

float quadInOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
    if (fraction < 0.5)
        return quadIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, slope);
    return quadOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, slope);

float cubicIn(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
    return poly(fraction, start, delta, slope, 3);

float cubicOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
    return cubicIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, slope);

float cubicInOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
    if (fraction < 0.5)
        return cubicIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, slope);
    return cubicOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, slope);

float quartIn(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
    return poly(fraction, start, delta, slope, 4);

float quartOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
    return quartIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, slope);

float quartInOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
    if (fraction < 0.5)
        return quartIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, slope);
    return quartOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, slope);

float quintIn(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
    return poly(fraction, start, delta, slope, 5);

float quintOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
    return quintIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, slope);

float quintInOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
    if (fraction < 0.5)
        return quintIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, slope);
    return quintOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, slope);

float circleIn(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
    return delta * (1 - sqrt(1 - (1 - 2 * slope) * fraction * fraction - 2 * slope * fraction)) + start;

float circleOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
    return circleIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, slope);

float circleInOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float slope)
    if (fraction < 0.5)
        return circleIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, slope);
    return circleOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, slope);

float exponentialIn(float fraction, float start, float delta)
    if (fraction == 0)
        return start;
    return delta * pow(2, 10 * (fraction - 1)) + start;

float exponentialOut(float fraction, float start, float delta)
    return exponentialIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta);

float exponentialInOut(float fraction, float start, float delta)
    if (fraction < 0.5)
        return exponentialIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2);
    return exponentialOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2);

float sineIn(float fraction, float start, float delta)
    return delta * (1 - cos(fraction * M_PI/2)) + start;

float sineOut(float fraction, float start, float delta)
    return sineIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta);

float sineInOut(float fraction, float start, float delta)
    if (fraction < 0.5)
        return sineIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2);
    return sineOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2);

float elasticIn(float fraction, float start, float delta, float amplitude, int bounces, float damping)
    if (fraction == 0 || delta == 0)
        return start;
    if (fraction == 1)
        return start + delta;
    if (amplitude < fabs(delta))
        amplitude = delta;
    float period = 1 / (bounces + 0.25);
    return amplitude * pow(2, damping * (fraction - 1)) * sin(fraction * (2 * M_PI) / period) + start;

float elasticOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float amplitude, int bounces, float damping)
    return elasticIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, amplitude, bounces, damping);
float elasticInOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float amplitude, int bounces, float damping)
    if (fraction < 0.5)
        return elasticIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, amplitude, bounces, damping);
    return elasticOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, amplitude, bounces, damping);

float backIn(float fraction, float start, float delta, float speed)
    return delta * fraction * fraction * ((speed + 1) * fraction - speed) + start;

float backOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float speed)
    return backIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, speed);

float backInOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, float speed)
    if (fraction < 0.5)
        return backIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, speed);
    return backOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, speed);

/* when applied to movement bounceIn the object 'hits the floor' bounces times 
 * (after leaving the floor first) before gently reaching the final position at the top of the final bounce
 * Each bounce takes growth times a long as the previous, except for the last one which lasts only half 
 * that time. The heights of the intermediate bounces are determined by the damping parameter.
 * Set damping to 0 for an undamped movement.*/

float bounceIn(float fraction, float start, float delta, int bounces, float growth, float damping)
    if (fraction == 0 || delta == 0)
        return start;
    if (fraction == 1)
        return start + delta;
    float w0;
    if (growth == 1.0)
        w0 = 1 / (bounces + 0.5);
        float gN = pow(growth, bounces);
        w0 = 1 / ((gN - 1) / (growth - 1) + gN / 2 );
    float bounceStart = 0;
    int i;
    float w = w0;
    for (i = 0; i <= bounces; i++)
        float bounceEnd = bounceStart + w;
        if (fraction >= bounceStart && fraction < bounceEnd)
            float half = (bounceEnd + bounceStart) / 2;
            float top = delta / pow(2, damping * ((bounces - i)));
            fraction -= half;
            fraction /= (w / 2);
            return (1 - fraction * fraction) * top + start;
        bounceStart = bounceEnd;
        w = w * growth;
    return w;

/* bounceOut is a time-reversed bounceIn; therefore each bounce takes 1/growth times as long as
 * the previous, which I think fits the idea when applied to movement */

float bounceOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, int bounces, float growth, float damping)
    return bounceIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, bounces, growth, damping);

/* since bounceIn and bounceOut are combined, if growth > 1 then the bounce-times will increase in
 * the first half and decrease in the second half */

float bounceInOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, int bounces, float growth, float damping)
    if (fraction < 0.5)
        return bounceIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, bounces, growth, damping);
    return bounceOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, bounces, growth, damping);
/* fastBounce(In/Out) doesn't end or start in a horizontal slope (= gentle end or start) as
 * bounce(In/Out) do which means fastBounceInOut doesn't have the 'delay' in the middle */
float fastBounceIn(float fraction, float start, float delta, int bounces, float growth, float damping)
    if (fraction == 0 || delta == 0)
        return start;
    if (fraction == 1)
        return start + delta;
    float w0;
    if (growth == 1.0)
        w0 = 1 / (bounces + 0.25); /* in general (bounces + 1 / (2 * f)) */
        float gN = pow(growth, bounces);
        w0 = 1 / ((gN - 1) / (growth - 1) + gN / 4 /* in general: gN / (2 * f) */ );
    float bounceStart = 0;
    int i;
    float w = w0;
    for (i = 0; i <= bounces; i++)
        float bounceEnd = bounceStart + w;
        if (fraction >= bounceStart && fraction < bounceEnd)
            float half = (bounceEnd + bounceStart) / 2;
            float top = delta / 0.75/* in general: (1 - (1 / f) * (1 / f)) */ / pow(2, damping * ((bounces - i)));
            fraction -= half;
            fraction /= (w / 2);
            return (1 - fraction * fraction) * top + start;
        bounceStart = bounceEnd;
        w = w * growth;
    return 0;

float fastBounceOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, int bounces, float growth, float damping)
    return fastBounceIn(1 - fraction, start + delta, -delta, bounces, growth, damping);

float fastBounceInOut(float fraction, float start, float delta, int bounces, float growth, float damping)
    if (fraction < 0.5)
        return fastBounceIn(2 * fraction, start, delta / 2, bounces, growth, damping);
    return fastBounceOut(2 * fraction - 1, start + delta / 2, delta / 2, bounces, growth, damping);

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