frexp 49 core/BigInteger.cpp uint64 mantissa = MathUtils::frexp(value,&e); // value = mantissa*2^e, mantissa and e are integers. frexp 1922 core/MathUtils.cpp mantissa = MathUtils::frexp(value,&e); // value = mantissa*2^e, mantissa and e are integers. frexp 100 core/MathUtils.h static uint64 frexp(double x, int32_t *eptr); frexp 94 platform/arm/MathUtilsUnix.cpp double fracMantissa = ::frexp(value, eptr); frexp 118 platform/unix/MathUtilsSolaris.cpp double fracMantissa = ::frexp(value, eptr); frexp 99 platform/unix/MathUtilsUnix.cpp double fracMantissa = ::frexp(value, eptr);