
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. quickPowTen
  2. skipSpaces
  3. handleSign
  4. equals
  5. _nan
  6. _infinity
  7. _neg_infinity
  8. isInfinite
  9. isNaN
  10. isNegZero
  11. isInfinite
  12. isNaN
  13. isNegZero
  14. nextPowerOfTwo
  15. isHexNumber
  16. parseIntDigit
  17. parseInt
  18. convertStringToNumber
  19. round
  20. real_to_int
  21. toInt
  22. toIntClamp
  23. powerOfTen
  24. powInt
  25. pow
  26. nextDigit
  27. roundInt
  28. convertIntegerToStringRadix
  29. convertIntegerToStringBase10
  30. convertIntegerToStringBuffer
  31. convertDoubleToStringRadix
  32. convertDoubleToString
  33. convertStringToDouble
  34. RandomFastInit
  35. GenerateRandomNumber
  36. Random
  37. initRandom
  38. random
  39. quickBigPowTen
  40. quickPowTwo
  41. nextDigit
  42. fixup_ExponentEstimate
  43. scale
  44. minPrecision

/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
 * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
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 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.].
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
 * Adobe System Incorporated.
 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004-2006
 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):
 *   Adobe AS3 Team
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
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 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */

#include "avmplus.h"
#include "BigInteger.h"

//GCC only allows intrinsics if sse2 is enabled
#if (defined(_MSC_VER) || (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__SSE2__))) && (defined(AVMPLUS_IA32) || defined(AVMPLUS_AMD64))
    #include <emmintrin.h>

namespace avmplus
        const double kLog2_10 = 0.30102999566398119521373889472449;

        // optimize pow(10,x) for commonly sized numbers;
        static const double kPowersOfTen[23] = { 1, 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9, 1e10,
                                                                           1e11, 1e12, 1e13, 1e14, 1e15, 1e16, 1e17, 1e18, 1e19, 1e20,
                                                                           1e21, 1e22 };

        static inline double quickPowTen(int32_t exp)
                if (exp < 23 && exp > 0) {
                        return kPowersOfTen[exp];
                } else {
                        return MathUtils::pow(10,exp);

        // skipSpaces: skip whitespace characters

        static int32_t skipSpaces(const StringIndexer& s, int32_t index)
                while (index < s->length())
                        uint32_t ch = s[index];
                        if (!(ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\f' || ch == '\v' || 
                                 (ch >= 0x2000 && ch <=0x200b) || ch == 0x2028 || ch == 0x2029 || ch == 0x205f || ch == 0x3000 ))
                return index;

        // handleSign: helper function which checks for sign indicator

        int32_t handleSign(const StringIndexer& s, int32_t index, bool& negative)
                negative = false;
                if (index >= s->length())
                        return index;
                uint32_t ch = s[index];
                if (ch == '+') {
                } else if (ch == '-') {
                        negative = true;
                return index;

        bool MathUtils::equals(double x, double y)
                // Infiniti-ness must match up
                if (isInfinite(x) != isInfinite(y)) {
                        return false;
                // Nothing is equal to NaN, not even itself.
                if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(y)) {
                        return false;
                return x == y;

        static double _nan()
                union { float f; uint32_t d; }; d = 0x7FFFFFFF;
                return f;

        static double _infinity()
                union { float f; uint32_t d; }; d = 0x7F800000;
                return f;

        static double _neg_infinity()
                union { float f; uint32_t d; }; d = 0xFF800000;
                return f;

        /*static*/ const double MathUtils::kNaN = _nan();
        /*static*/ const double MathUtils::kInfinity = _infinity();
        /*static*/ const double MathUtils::kNegInfinity = _neg_infinity();

#ifdef UNIX
         * MathUtils::isNaN and MathUtils::isInfinite are modified versions of
         * s_isNaN.c and s_isInfinite.c, freely usable code by Sun.  Copyright follows:
         * Copyright (C) 1993 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
         * Developed at SunPro, a Sun Microsystems, Inc. business.
         * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this
         * software is freely granted, provided that this notice is preserved.

        union double_overlay {
                double value;
                #if defined AVMPLUS_BIG_ENDIAN || defined VMCFG_DOUBLE_MSW_FIRST
                        struct { uint32_t msw, lsw; } parts;
                        struct { uint32_t lsw, msw; } parts;

        int32_t MathUtils::isInfinite(double x)
                double_overlay u;
                u.value = x;

                int32_t hx =;
                int32_t lx =;

                lx |= (hx & 0x7FFFFFFF) ^ 0x7FF00000;
                lx |= -lx;
                return ~(lx >> 31) & (hx >> 30);

        bool MathUtils::isNaN(double x)
                // Infinity is NOT considered NaN in
                // JavaScript
                if (MathUtils::isInfinite(x) != 0) {
                        return false;

                double_overlay u;
                u.value = x;

                int32_t hx =;
                int32_t lx =;

                hx &= 0x7FFFFFFF;
                hx |= (uint32_t) (lx | (-lx)) >> 31;
                hx = 0x7FF00000 - hx;
                return (bool) (((uint32_t)(hx) >> 31) != 0);

        bool MathUtils::isNegZero(double x)
                double_overlay u;
                u.value = x;

                int32_t hx =;
                int32_t lx =;

                return (hx == (int32_t)0x80000000 && lx == (int32_t)0x0);

         * double precision special value tests:

             inf = 7FF0 0000 0000 0000
                   FFF0 0000 0000 0000

             nan = 7FFx xxxx xxxx xxxx where x != 0
                       FFFx xxxx xxxx xxxx

        int32_t MathUtils::isInfinite(double x)
                union { double d; uint64 v; }; d = x;
                if ((v & 0x7fffffffffffffffLL) != 0x7FF0000000000000LL)
                        return 0;
                if (v & 0x8000000000000000LL)
                        return -1;
                        return 1;

        bool MathUtils::isNaN(double value)
                union {
                          double dvalue;
                          uint64 lvalue;
                dvalue = value;
                return ( ( int64(lvalue) & ~0x8000000000000000ULL ) > 0x7ff0000000000000ULL ); 
                //return x != x;

        bool MathUtils::isNegZero(double x)
                union { double d; uint64 v; }; d = x;
                return (v == 0x8000000000000000LL);

#endif // UNIX

        int32_t MathUtils::nextPowerOfTwo(int32_t n)
                int32_t i = 2;
                while (i < n)
                        i <<= 1;

                return (i);

        static bool isHexNumber(const StringIndexer& s, int32_t index)
                if (s->length() - index < 2 || s[index] != '0')
                        return false;
                uint32_t ch = s[index+1];
                return (ch == 'x' || ch == 'X');

        // parseIntDigit: Helper for ParseInt and ConvertStringToInteger

        static int32_t parseIntDigit(wchar ch)
                if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
                        return (ch - '0');
                } else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') {
                        return (ch - 'a' + 10);
                } else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') {
                        return (ch - 'A' + 10);
                } else {
                        return -1;

        // parseInt: Implementation of ECMA-262 parseInt function
        double MathUtils::parseInt(Stringp inStr, int32_t radix /*=10*/, bool strict /*=false*/ )
                bool negate;
                bool gotDigits = false;
                double result = 0;

                StringIndexer s(inStr);
                int32_t index = skipSpaces(s, 0); // leading and trailing whitespace is valid.
                index = handleSign(s, index, negate);
                if (isHexNumber(s, index) && (radix == 16 || radix == 0) ) {
                        index += 2;
                        if (radix == 0)
                                radix = 16;
                } else if (radix == 0) {
                    // default radix is 10
                        radix = 10;

                // Make sure radix is valid, and we have digits
                if (radix >= 2 && radix <= 36 && index < s->length()) {
                                result = 0;
                                int32_t start = index; 

                                // Read the digits, generate result
                                while (index < s->length()) {
                                        int32_t v = parseIntDigit(s[index]);
                                        if (v == -1 || v >= radix) {
                                        result = result * radix + v;
                                        gotDigits = true;
                                index = skipSpaces(s, index); // leading and trailing whitespace is valid.
                                if (strict && index < s->length()) {
                                        return MathUtils::kNaN;

                        if ( result >= 0x20000000000000LL &&  // i.e. if the result may need at least 54 bits of mantissa
                                        (radix == 2 || radix == 4 || radix == 8 || radix == 16 || radix == 32) )  {

                                // CN:  we're here because we may have incurred roundoff error with the above.  
                                //  Error will creep in once we need more than the available 53 bits
                                //  of precision in the mantissa portion of a double.  No way to deduce
                                //  this from the result, so we have to recalculate it more slowly.
                                result = 0;

                                int32_t powOf2 = 1;
                                for(int32_t x = radix; (x != 1); x >>= 1)
                                powOf2--; // each word contains one less than this # of bits.
                                index = start;
                                int32_t v=0;
                                int32_t end,next;
                                // skip leading zeros
                                for(end=index; end < s->length() && s[end] == '0'; end++)
                                if (end >= s->length())
                                        return 0;

                                for (next=0; next*powOf2 <= 52; next++) { // read first 52 non-zero digits.  Once charPosition*log2(radix) is > 53, we can have rounding issues
                                        v = parseIntDigit(s[end++]);
                                        if (v == -1 || v >= radix) {
                                                v = 0;
                                        result = result * radix + v;
                                        if (end >= s->length())
                                if (next*powOf2 > 52) { // If number contains more than 53 bits of precision, may need to roundUp last digit processed.
                                        bool roundUp = false;
                                        int32_t bit53 = 0;
                                        int32_t bit54 = 0;

                                        double factor = 1;

                                        switch(radix) {
                                        case 32:  // last word read contained digits 51,52,53,54,55
                                                bit53 = v & (1 << 2);
                                                bit54 = v & (1 << 1);
                                                roundUp = (v & 1);
                                        case 16:  // last word read contained digits 50,51,52,53
                                                bit53 = v & (1 << 0);
                                                v = parseIntDigit(s[end]);
                                                if (v != -1 && v < radix) {
                                                        factor *= radix;
                                                        bit54 = v & (1 << 3);
                                                        roundUp = (v & 0x3) != 0;  // check if any bit after bit54 is set
                                                } else {
                                                        roundUp = bit53 != 0;
                                        case 8: // last work read contained digits 49,50,51, next word contains 52,53,54
                                                v = parseIntDigit(s[end]);
                                                if (v == -1 || v >= radix) {
                                                        v = 0;
                                                factor *= radix;
                                                bit53 = v & (1 << 1);
                                                bit54 = v & (1 << 0);
                                        case 4: // 51,52 - 53,54
                                                v = parseIntDigit(s[end]);
                                                if (v == -1 || v >= radix) {
                                                        v = 0;
                                                factor *= radix;
                                                bit53 = v & (1 << 1);
                                                bit54 = v & (1 << 0);
                                        case 2: // 52 - 53 - 54
                                                v = parseIntDigit(s[end++]);
                                                result = result * radix;  // add factor before round-off adjustment for 52 bit
                                                bit53 = v & (1 << 0);
                                                v = parseIntDigit(s[end]);
                                                if (v != -1 && v < radix) {
                                                        factor *= radix;
                                                        bit54 = (v != -1 ? (v & (1 << 0)) : 0); // Might be there are only 53 digits.

                                        bit53 = !!bit53;
                                        bit54 = !!bit54;
                                        while(++end < s->length()) {
                                                v = parseIntDigit(s[end]);
                                                if (v == -1 || v >= radix) {
                                                roundUp |= (v != 0); // any trailing positive bit causes us to round up
                                                factor *= radix;
                                        roundUp = bit54 && (bit53 || roundUp);
                                        result += (roundUp ? 1.0 : 0.0);
                                        result *= factor;
                        else if (radix == 10 && result >= 0x20000000000000)
                        // if there are more than 15 digits, roundoff error may affect us.  Need to use exact integer rep instead of float
                        //int32_t numDigits = len - (s - sStart);
                        if (negate) {
                                result = -result;
                return gotDigits ? result : MathUtils::kNaN;

        // used by AvmCore::number() and numberAtom() for converting arbitrary string to a number.
        double MathUtils::convertStringToNumber(Stringp inStr)
                double value;

                if (inStr->length() == 0) { // toNumber("") should be 0, not NaN
                        value = 0;
                } else if (MathUtils::convertStringToDouble(inStr, &value, true)) {
                        // nothing to do, value set by side effect.
                } else  {
                        value = MathUtils::parseInt(inStr, 0,true); // 0 radix means figure it out from the string.
                return value;

        double MathUtils::round(double value)
                return MathUtils::floor(value + 0.5);
        // apparently SunPro compiler doesn't like combining REALLY_INLINE with static functions.
        REALLY_INLINE int32_t real_to_int(double value)
#if defined(WIN32) && defined(AVMPLUS_AMD64)
                int32_t intValue = _mm_cvttsd_si32(_mm_set_sd(value));
#elif defined(WIN32) && defined(AVMPLUS_IA32)
                int32_t intValue;
                _asm fld [value];
                _asm fistp [intValue];
#elif defined(_MAC) && (defined(AVMPLUS_IA32) || defined(AVMPLUS_AMD64))
                int32_t intValue = _mm_cvttsd_si32(_mm_set_sd(value));
                int32_t intValue = MathUtils::real2int(value);
                return intValue;

        // MathUtils::toInt is the ToInteger algorithm from
        // ECMA-262 section 9.4
        double MathUtils::toInt(double value)
                int32_t intValue = real_to_int(value);

                if ((value == (double)(intValue)) && ((uint32_t)intValue != 0x80000000))
                        return value;

                if (MathUtils::isNaN(value)) {
                        return 0;
                if (MathUtils::isInfinite(value) || value == 0) {
                        return value;
                if (value < 0) {
                        return -MathUtils::floor(-value);
                } else {
                        return MathUtils::floor(value);

        int32_t MathUtils::toIntClamp(double value, int32_t clampMagnitude)
                AvmAssert(clampMagnitude >= 0);
                if (MathUtils::isNaN(value)) 
                        return 0;
                int32_t const inf = MathUtils::isInfinite(value);
                if (inf > 0)
                        return clampMagnitude;
                else if (inf < 0)
                        return -clampMagnitude;

                // clamp first, so we know the double is in an integer range.
                double const clampMag = (double)clampMagnitude;
                if (value > clampMag)
                        value = clampMag;
                else if (value < -clampMag)
                        value = -clampMag;

                int32_t intValue = real_to_int(value);

                if (value != (double)(intValue))
                        // alas, have to round, then reconvert.
                        if (value < 0) 
                                value = -MathUtils::floor(-value);
                                value = MathUtils::floor(value);

                        intValue = real_to_int(value);
                return intValue;

        // powerOfTen(exponent, value) returns the value
        //    value * 10 ^ exponent

        double MathUtils::powerOfTen(int32_t exponent, double value)
                double base = 10.0;

                if (exponent < 0) {
                        exponent = -exponent;
                        while (exponent) {
                                if (exponent & 1) {
                                        value /= base;
                                exponent >>= 1;
                                base *= base;
                } else {
                        while (exponent) {
                                if (exponent & 1) {
                                        value *= base;
                                exponent >>= 1;
                                base *= base;
                return value;

        // powInt(base, exponent) returns the value
        //    base ^ exponent
        // where exponent is an integer.
        static double powInt(double base, int32_t exponent)
                double value = 1.0;
                double original_base = base;
                int32_t original_exponent = exponent;

                if (MathUtils::isInfinite(base))
                        if (exponent < 0) // return -0 or 0 depending on sign of base
                                return (base < 0) ? 1.0/base : 0.0;

                        // if base is -Infinity, return Infinity or -Infinity depending whether the exponent is even or not.
                        if (base < 0) 
                                return (MathUtils::mod(exponent, 2) != 0) ? base : 0-base;

                        return base;

                if (exponent < 0) {
                        exponent = -exponent;
                        while (exponent) {
                                if (exponent & 1) {
                                        value /= base;
                                    // cn: max double value is magnitude 1e308 (base 10), but min double value is magnitude 1e-324
                                    // That means we can't invert the exponent when the base ten value exponent is < 307.  
                                    //  We could first check if powerOfTwo(base)*exp > 1074, but that would
                                    //  slow down all powInts calls.  This limits the xtra work to just very small numbers.
                                        if (value == 0 && base != 0) // double check by calling the real thing
                                                return MathUtils::powInternal(original_base,(double)original_exponent);
                                exponent >>= 1;
                                base *= base;
                } else {
                        while (exponent) {
                                if (exponent & 1) {
                                        value *= base;
                                exponent >>= 1;
                                base *= base;
                return value;

        // x = base, y = exponent
        double MathUtils::pow(double x, double y)
                if (MathUtils::isNaN(y)) {
                        // x^NaN = NaN
                        return MathUtils::kNaN;

                if (y == 0) {
                        // x^0 is 1 for all x
                        return 1;

                int32_t infy = MathUtils::isInfinite(y);

                if (infy == 0 && y == (int32_t)y) {
                        // If y is an integer, use multiplication
                        // algorithm which yields more accurate
                        // results
                        return powInt(x, (int32_t)y);
                double absx = MathUtils::abs(x);

                if (absx < 1) {
                        infy = -infy;
                if (absx == 1 && infy != 0) {
                        // (+/-)1^(+/-)Infinity = NaN
                        return MathUtils::kNaN;
                if (infy == 1) {
                        // x^Infinity = Infinity
                        return MathUtils::kInfinity;
                } else if (infy == -1) {
                        // x^-Infinity = +0
                        return +0;

                if (MathUtils::isInfinite(x))
                        if (y < 0) {
                                // y<0
                                // Infinity^y = 0
                                // -Infinity^y = 0
                                return 0;
                        } else {
                                if (y < 1.0) {
                                        return MathUtils::kInfinity;
                                } else {
                                        // y>0
                                        // Infinity^y = Infinity
                                        // -Infinity^y = Infinity
                                        return x;
                // R41
                // Handle negative x.
                if (x < 0.0) {
                        // If y is non-integer, return NaN.
                        if (y != MathUtils::floor(y)) {
                                return MathUtils::kNaN;
                        // Switch sign of base
                        x = -x;
                        // If exponent is odd, negate result
                        if (MathUtils::mod(y, 2) != 0) {
                                return -powInternal(x, y);
                        // Else do the usual thing.
                // end R41

                // Bug 33811 - Windows math returns NaN incorrectly when base = 0.0
                if (x == 0.0)
                        if (y < 0.0)
                                return MathUtils::kInfinity;
                                return 0.0;

                return powInternal(x, y);

        int32_t MathUtils::nextDigit(double *value)
                int32_t digit;

                #if defined(WIN32) && defined(AVMPLUS_AMD64)
                digit = _mm_cvttsd_si32(_mm_set_sd(*value));
                #elif defined(WIN32) && defined(AVMPLUS_IA32)
                // WARNING! nextDigit assumes that rounding mode is
                // set to truncate.
                _asm mov eax,[value];
                _asm fld qword ptr [eax];
                _asm fistp [digit];
                #elif defined(_MAC) && (defined(AVMPLUS_IA32) || defined(AVMPLUS_AMD64))
                digit = _mm_cvttsd_si32(_mm_set_sd(*value));
                digit = (int32_t) *value;

                *value -= digit;
                *value *= 10;
                return digit;

        int32_t MathUtils::roundInt(double x)
                if (x < 0) {
                        return (int32_t) (x - 0.5);
                } else {
                        return (int32_t) (x + 0.5);

        Stringp MathUtils::convertIntegerToStringRadix(AvmCore* core,
                                                                                          intptr_t value,
                                                                                          int32_t radix,
                                                                                          UnsignedTreatment treatAs)
                MMgc::GC::AllocaAutoPtr _buffer;
                char* buffer = (char*)VMPI_alloca(core, _buffer, kMinSizeForInt64_t_toString);
                int32_t len = kMinSizeForInt64_t_toString;
                char* p = convertIntegerToStringBuffer(value, buffer, len, radix, treatAs);
                return core->newStringLatin1(p, len);

        Stringp MathUtils::convertIntegerToStringBase10(AvmCore* core,
                                                                                          int32_t  value,
                                                                                          UnsignedTreatment treatAs)
                char buffer[kMinSizeForInt32_t_base10_toString];
                int32_t len = kMinSizeForInt32_t_base10_toString;
        #ifdef AVMPLUS_64BIT
                intptr_t wideVal = treatAs == kTreatAsUnsigned ? (intptr_t)(uint32_t)value : (intptr_t)value;
                intptr_t wideVal = (intptr_t) value;
                char* p = convertIntegerToStringBuffer(wideVal, buffer, len, 10, treatAs);
                return core->newStringLatin1(p, len);

        char* MathUtils::convertIntegerToStringBuffer(intptr_t value,
                                                                            char *buffer,
                                                                                    int32_t& len,
                                                                            int32_t radix,
                                                                                    UnsignedTreatment treatAs)
                #ifndef AVMPLUS_64BIT
                // This routines does not work with this integer number since negating
                // this value returns the same negative value and screws up our code 
                // in the while loop below.
                if ( (uint32_t)value == 0x80000000 && treatAs == kTreatAsSigned) 
                // MathUtils::convertIntegerToString doesn't deal with this number because you can't negate it.
                        AvmAssert(len >= 12);
                        if (len < 12)
                                return NULL;
                        VMPI_memcpy (buffer, "-2147483648", 12);
                        len = 11;
                        return buffer;

                if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) 
                        AvmAssert( 0 );
                        return NULL;

                char *src = buffer + len - 1;
                char *srcEnd = src;

                *src-- = '\0';

                if (value == 0)
                        *src-- = '0';
                        uintptr uVal;
                        bool negative=false;

                        if (treatAs == kTreatAsUnsigned)
                                uVal = (uintptr)value;
                                negative = (value < 0);
                                if (negative)
                                        value = -value;
                                uVal = (uintptr)value;

                        while (uVal != 0)
                                // buffer too small?
                                AvmAssert(src >= buffer);
                                uintptr j = uVal;
                                uVal = uVal / radix;
                                j -= (uVal * radix);

                                *src-- = (char)((j < 10) ? (j + '0') : (j + ('a' - 10)));

                        if (negative)
                                AvmAssert(src >= buffer);
                                if (src < buffer)
                                        // buffer too small
                                        return NULL;
                                *src-- = '-';

                len = (int32_t)(srcEnd-src);

                return src;

        Stringp MathUtils::convertDoubleToStringRadix(AvmCore *core,
                                                                                                  double value,
                                                                                          int32_t radix)
                if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) 
                        AvmAssert( 0 );
                        return NULL;

                MMgc::GC::AllocaAutoPtr _tmp;
                char* tmp = (char*)VMPI_alloca(core, _tmp, kMinSizeForDouble_base2_toString);
                char *src = tmp + kMinSizeForDouble_base2_toString - 1;
                char *srcEnd = src;

                bool negative=false;

                negative = (value < 0);
                if (negative)
                        value = -value;

                if (value < 1)
                        *src-- = '0';
                        double uVal = MathUtils::floor(value);

                        while (uVal != 0)
                                double j = uVal;
                                uVal = MathUtils::floor(uVal / radix);
                                j -= (uVal * radix);

                                *src-- = (char)((j < 10) ? ((int32_t)j + '0') : ((int32_t)j + ('a' - 10)));

                                AvmAssert(src >= tmp || 0 == uVal);

                        if (negative)
                                *src-- = '-';

                int32_t len = (int32_t)(srcEnd-src);
                return core->newStringLatin1(src+1, len);
        Stringp MathUtils::convertDoubleToString(AvmCore* core,
                                                                                         double value,
                                                                                     int32_t mode,
                                                                                     int32_t precision)
                switch (isInfinite(value)) {
                case -1:
                        return core->newConstantStringLatin1("-Infinity");
                case 1:
                        return core->newConstantStringLatin1("Infinity");
                if (isNaN(value)) {
                        return core->newConstantStringLatin1("NaN");

                // If our double is really an integer, call our integer version which
                // is much, much faster then our double version.  (Skips a ton of _ftol
                // which are slow).
                if (mode == DTOSTR_NORMAL) {
#if defined(WIN32) && defined(AVMPLUS_AMD64)
                        int32_t intValue = _mm_cvttsd_si32(_mm_set_sd(value));
#elif defined(WIN32) && defined(AVMPLUS_IA32)
                        int32_t intValue;
                        _asm fld [value];
                        _asm fistp [intValue];
#elif defined(_MAC) && (defined(AVMPLUS_IA32) || defined(AVMPLUS_AMD64))
                        int32_t intValue = _mm_cvttsd_si32(_mm_set_sd(value));
                        int32_t intValue = real2int(value);
                        if ((value == (double)(intValue)) && ((uint32_t)intValue != 0x80000000))
                                return convertIntegerToStringBase10(core, intValue, kTreatAsSigned);
                int32_t i, len = 0;

                MMgc::GC::AllocaAutoPtr _buffer;
                char* buffer = (char*)VMPI_alloca(core, _buffer, kMinSizeForDouble_base10_toString);
                char *s = buffer;
                bool negative = false;

                // Deal with negative numbers
                if (value < 0) {
                        value = -value;
                        negative = true;
                        // make room for minus sign later (after applying sentinel)

                // initialize d2a engine
                D2A *d2a = mmfx_new(D2A(value, mode, precision));
                int32_t exp10 = d2a->expBase10()-1;
                // Sentinel is used for rounding
                char *sentinel = s;

                enum {
                int32_t format;
                int32_t digit;

                switch (mode) {
                case DTOSTR_FIXED:
                                if (exp10 < 0) {
                                        format = kFixedFraction;
                                } else {
                                        format = kNormal;
                case DTOSTR_PRECISION:
                                if (exp10 < 0) {
                                        format = kFraction;
                                } else if (exp10 >= precision) {
                                        format = kExponential;
                                } else {
                                        format = kNormal;
                case DTOSTR_EXPONENTIAL:
                        format = kExponential;
                        if (exp10 < 0 && exp10 > -7) {
                                // Number is of form 0.######
                                if (exp10 < -precision) {
                                        exp10 = -precision-1;
                                format = kFraction;
                        } else if (exp10 > 20) { // ECMA spec 9.8.1
                                format = kExponential;
                        } else {
                                format = kNormal;

                #if 0 // ifdef WIN32
                // On Windows, set the FPU control word to round
                // down for the rest of this operation.
                volatile uint16 oldcw;
                volatile uint16 newcw;
                _asm fnstcw [oldcw];
                _asm mov ax,[oldcw];
                _asm or ax,0xc3f;
                _asm mov [newcw],ax;
                _asm fldcw [newcw];
                bool wroteDecimal = false;
                switch (format) {
                case kNormal:
                                int32_t digits = 0;
                                sentinel = s;
                                *s++ = '0';
                                digit = d2a->nextDigit(); 
                                if (digit > 0) {
                                        *s++ = (char)(digit + '0');
                                while (exp10 > 0) {
                                        digit = (d2a->finished) ? 0 : d2a->nextDigit();
                                        *s++ = (char)(digit + '0');
                                if (mode == DTOSTR_FIXED) {
                                        digits = 0;
                                if (mode == DTOSTR_NORMAL) {
                                        if (!d2a->finished) {
                                                *s++ = '.';
                                                wroteDecimal = true;
                                                while( !d2a->finished ) {
                                                        *s++ = (char)(d2a->nextDigit() + '0');
                                else if (digits < precision-1)
                                        *s++ = '.';
                                        wroteDecimal = true;
                                        for (; digits < precision-1; digits++) {
                                                digit = d2a->finished ? 0 : d2a->nextDigit();
                                                *s++ = (char)(digit + '0');
                case kFixedFraction:
                                *s++ = '0'; // Sentinel
                                *s++ = '0';
                                *s++ = '.';
                                wroteDecimal = true;
                                // Write out leading zeros
                                int32_t digits = 0;
                                if (exp10 > 0) {
                                        while (++exp10 < 10 && digits < precision) {
                                                *s++ = '0';
                                } else if (exp10 < 0) {
                                        while ((++exp10 < 0) && (precision-- > 0))
                                                *s++ = '0';

                                // Write out significand
                                for ( ; digits<precision; digits++) {
                                        if (d2a->finished)
                                                if (mode == DTOSTR_NORMAL)
                                                *s++ = '0';
                                        } else {
                                                *s++ = (char)(d2a->nextDigit() + '0');
                                exp10 = 0;
                case kFraction:
                                *s++ = '0'; // Sentinel
                                *s++ = '0';
                                *s++ = '.';
                                wroteDecimal = true;

                                // Write out leading zeros
                                if (value)
                                        for (i=exp10; i<-1; i++) {
                                                *s++ = '0';

                                // Write out significand
                                while (!d2a->finished)
                                        *s++ = (char)(d2a->nextDigit() + '0');
                                        if (mode != DTOSTR_NORMAL && ++i >= precision)
                                if (mode == DTOSTR_PRECISION)
                                        while(i++ < precision)
                                                *s++ = (char)(d2a->finished ? '0' : d2a->nextDigit() + '0');
                                exp10 = 0;
                case kExponential:
                                digit = d2a->finished ? 0 : d2a->nextDigit(); 
                                *s++ = (char)(digit + '0');
                                if ( ((mode == DTOSTR_NORMAL) && !d2a->finished) ||
                                         ((mode != DTOSTR_NORMAL) && precision > 1) ) {
                                        *s++ = '.';
                                        wroteDecimal = true;
                                        for (i=0; i<precision-1; i++) {
                                                if (d2a->finished)
                                                        if (mode == DTOSTR_NORMAL)
                                                        *s++ = '0';
                                                } else {
                                                        *s++ = (char)(d2a->nextDigit() + '0');

                // Rounding  (todo: argh, was hoping to get rid of this, but we still need it for fastEstimate mode)
                // fix bug 121952: must also do rounding for fixed mode
                if (d2a->bFastEstimateOk || mode == DTOSTR_FIXED || mode == DTOSTR_PRECISION)
                        i = d2a->nextDigit();
                        if (i > 4) {
                                char *ptr = s-1;
                                while (ptr >= buffer) {
                                        if (*ptr < '0') {
                                        if (*ptr != 0x3A) {
                                        *ptr-- = '0';
                        if (mode == MathUtils::DTOSTR_NORMAL && wroteDecimal) {
                                // Remove trailing zeros
                                while (*(s-1) == '0') {
                                if (*(s-1) == '.') {

                if (exp10) {
                        char *firstNonZero = buffer + int(negative);
                        while (firstNonZero < s && *firstNonZero == '0') {
                        if (s == firstNonZero) {
                                // Deal with case where all digits were
                                // rounded away
                                *s++ = '1';
                        } else {
                                char *lastNonZero = s;
                                while (lastNonZero > firstNonZero) {
                                        if (*--lastNonZero != '0') {
                                if (value && (firstNonZero == lastNonZero) ) {
                                        // Watch out for extra zeros like
                                        // 10e+95
                                        exp10 += (int32_t) (s - firstNonZero - 1);
                                        s = lastNonZero+1;
                        *s++ = 'e';
                        if (exp10 > 0) {
                                *s++ = '+';
                        char expstr[kMinSizeForInt32_t_base10_toString];
                        len = kMinSizeForInt32_t_base10_toString;
                        char* t = convertIntegerToStringBuffer(exp10, expstr, len, 10, kTreatAsSigned);
                        while (*t) { *s++ = *t++; }
                len = (int32_t)(s-buffer);
                s = buffer;
                if (negative)
                if (sentinel && sentinel[0] == '0' && sentinel[1] != '.') {
                        s = sentinel + 1;
                if (negative)
                        *--s = '-';

                #if 0 // def WIN32
                // Restore control word
                _asm fldcw [oldcw];


                return core->newStringLatin1(s, len);

        // convertStringToDouble: Converts an ASCII string in the form
        //     [+-]######.######e[+-]###
        // to a double-precision floating-point number
        bool MathUtils::convertStringToDouble(Stringp inStr,
                                                                                  double *value,
                                                                                  bool strict /*=false*/ )
                bool negate;
                int32_t numDigits = 0;
                int32_t exp10 = 0;
                double result = 0;
                uint32_t ch = 0;

                StringIndexer s(inStr);
                int32_t index = skipSpaces(s, 0);

                if (index >= s->length()) // empty string or string of spaces == 0
                        *value = 0;
                        return (strict ? true : false); // odd use of strict, but Number('  ') is 0 and that uses strict == true.  parseFloat('  ') is NaN and that uses strict == false

                index = handleSign(s, index, negate);

                // Pass 1: Validate input and determine exponents.
                int32_t start = index;
                while (index < s->length()) {
                        ch = s[index];
                        if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {

                // If decimal point encountered, read past digits
                // to right of decimal point.
                if (ch == '.') {
                        while (++index < s->length()) {
                                ch = s[index];
                                if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {

                // Handle exponent
                if (index < s->length() && (s[index] == 'e' || s[index] == 'E')) {
                        int32_t num = 0;
                        bool negexp;
                        index = handleSign(s, ++index, negexp);
                        if (negexp && index >= s->length()) // fail if string ends in "e-" with no exponent value specified.
                                return false;

                        while (index < s->length()) {
                                ch = s[index];
                                if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
                                        num = num * 10 + (ch - '0');
                        if (negexp) {
                                num = -num;
                        exp10 += num;
                // ecma3 compliant to allow leading and trailing whitespace
                index = skipSpaces(s, index);

                // If we got no digits, check for Infinity/-Infinity, else fail
                if (numDigits == 0) {
                        // check for the strings "Infinity" and "-Infinity"
                        if (s->matchesLatin1("Infinity", 8, index)) {
                                index += 8;
                                // there may be trailing whitespace
                                if (index < s->length() && skipSpaces(s, index) == index)
                                        return false;
                                *value = (negate ? MathUtils::kNegInfinity : MathUtils::kInfinity);
                                return true;
                        return false;

                // If we got digits, but we're in strict mode and not at end of string, fail.
                if (index < s->length() && strict) {
                        return false;

                // Pass 2: We've validated the input, now calculate the result.

                // Read all the digits
                // cn: multiplyinging by negative powers of ten injects roundoff errors.
                while ((*s >= '0' && *s <= '9') || *s == '.') {
                        if (*s != '.') {
                                result += powerOfTen(exp10--, *s - '0');
                index = start;
                if (numDigits > 15) // after 15 digits, we can run into roundoff error
                        BigInteger exactInt;
                        int32_t decimalDigits= -1;
                        while (index < s->length()) {
                                ch = s[index];
                                if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '.') {
                                        if (decimalDigits != -1) {
                                        if (ch != '.') {
                                                exactInt.multAndIncrementBy(10, ch - '0');
                                        } else {
                        if (decimalDigits > 0) {
                                exp10 -= decimalDigits;
                        if (exp10 > 0) {
                                exp10 = 0;
                        //  This is an approximation which is at most off by 1.  To gain complete accuracy, we need to implement
                        //   the algorithm commented out below 
                        result = exactInt.doubleValueOf();
                        if (exp10 < 0) {
                                if (exp10 < -307) { // max positive value is e308. min neg value is e-324  Avoid overflow
                                        int32_t diff = exp10 + 307;
                                        result /= quickPowTen(-diff);
                                        exp10 -= diff;
                                result /= quickPowTen(-exp10); // actually more accurate than multiplying by negative power of 10
                else // we can use double
                        int32_t decimalDigits= -1;
                        while (index < s->length())
                                ch = s[index];
                                if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '.') {
                                        if (decimalDigits != -1) {
                                        if (ch != '.') {
                                                result = result*10 + ch - '0';
                                        } else {
                        if (decimalDigits > 0) {
                                exp10 -= decimalDigits;
                        if (exp10 >= 0) {
                                result *= quickPowTen(exp10);
                        } else {                        
                                if (exp10 < -307) { // max positive value is e308.  min neg value is e-324. Avoid overflow
                                        int32_t diff = exp10 + 307;
                                        result /= quickPowTen(-diff);
                                        exp10 -= diff;
                                result /= quickPowTen(-exp10); // actually more accurate than multiplying by negative power of 10

                *value = negate ? -result : result;
                return true;

                // cn: The following Alg is based on William Clinger's paper "How to Read Floating Point Numbers Accurately"
                //  Using BigIntegers gives us a result which is either the best approximation or the next best approximation.
                //   The rest of this algorithm should be completed to adjust the result in order to make sure its the best.
                //   Held off on finishing it as there are bigger fish to fry, the ecmaScript number tests pass with the above
                //   and perhaps that's good enough.  To finish
                //              1) BigInteger class needs to be extended to support negative numbers
                //              2) The section under findClosestFloat after the comment "Compare" needs to be fleshed out with the
                //         details from Clinger's paper to figure out if the result, nextFloat(), or previousFloat() should
                //         be returned.  Note that no loop needs to be completed because the BigInteger
                //                 calclulation gaurantees we are at worst one estimate off the true value and the loop will 
                //         only require a single iteration.
                //      3) Implement nextFloat() / previousFloat()
                // Check if both the mantissa and exponent are guaranteed to accurately fit into a double 
                //  (mantissa is <= 2^53, exponent is <= 10^23)   If so, we can get away with double math.
                if ( (exactInt->numWords == 1) || 
                         (exactInt->numWords == 2 && wordBuffer[1] < 0x00200000) )  { // i.e. its < 0x0020 0000 0000 0000 == 2^53
                        if (exp10 >= 0 && exp10 < 23) { // log5-of-two^53 = ceil( log(pow(2,53)) / log(5) ) = ceil(22.82585758) = 23
                                double f = exactInt->doubleValueOf();
                                result = f * quickPowTen(exp10);
                        else if (exp10 < 0 && -exp10 < 23) {
                                double f = exactInt->doubleValueOf();
                                result = f / quickPowTen(exp10);
                        else { // exponent doesn't fit exactly into a double
                                result = Bellerophon_MultiplyAndTest(exactInt, exp10, 0);
                } else if (exactInt->numWords == 2) { // i.e. its < 0x0000 0001 0000 0000 0000 0000 == 2^64
                        if ( (exp10 >= 0) && (exp10 < 23) {
                                        result = Bellerophon_MultiplyAndTest(exactInt, exp10, 0);
                        } else { // exp10 < 0 || exp10 > 23)
                                        result = Bellerophon_MultiplyAndTest(exactInt, exp10, 3);
                } else {
                        if ( (exp10 >= 0) && (exp10 < 23) {
                                        result = Bellerophon_MultiplyAndTest(exactInt, exp10, 1);
                        } else { // exp10 < 0 || exp10 > 23)
                                        result = Bellerophon_MultiplyAndTest(exactInt, exp10, 4);

                *value = negate ? -result : result;
                return true;

        MathUtils::Bellerophon_MultiplyAndTest(BigInteger* f, int32_t exp10, int32_t slop)
                double x = f->doubleValueOf();
                double y = quickPowTen(exp10);
                double estimate = x*y;
                uint64 mantissaEstimate = frexp(estimate,&e);
                int64 lowBits = (int64)(mantissaEstimate % 2048); // two^p-n = 2^(64-53) = 2^11 = 2048

                // check if slop is large enough to make a difference when rounding to 53 bits
                int64 diff = lowBits - 1024;
                if ( (diff >= 0 && diff <= slop) ||
                         (diff < 0 && -diff <= slop) )

                return estimate;

        MathUtils::findClosestFloat(BigInteger* f, int32_t e, double estimate)
                int32_t k;
                uint64 m = frexp(estimate,&k);
                BigInteger *m = BigInteger::newFromUint64(m);
                BigInteger* compX;
                BigInteger* compY;

                if (e >= 0) {
                        if (k >= 0) {
                                compX = f->multBy(quickPow2(e));
                                compY = m->multBy(pow(beta,k));
                        } else {
                                compX = f->multBy(quickPow2(e))->multBy( pow(beta,-k) );
                                compY = m;
                } else { // e < 0
                        if (k >= 0) {
                                compX = f;
                                compY = m->multBy(pow(beta,k))->multBy(quickPow2(-e));
                        } else {
                                compX = f->multBy(pow(beta,-k));
                                compY = m->multBy(quickPow2(-e)) );
                // compare
                BigInteger* diff = compX->subtract(compY); // need to modify BigInteger to support negative values
                // rest of compare would go here


        // Random number generator

        /* Coefficients used in the pure random number generator. */
#define c3  15731L
#define c2  789221L
#define c1  1376312589L

        /* Read-only, XOR masks for random # generation. */
        static const uint32_t Random_Xor_Masks[31] =
                        /* First mask is for generating sequences of 3 (2^2 - 1) random numbers,
                           /  Second mask is for generating sequences of 7 (2^3 - 1) random numbers,
                           /  etc.  Numbers to the right are number of bits of random number sequence.
                           /  It generates 2^n - 1 numbers. */
                        0x00000003L, 0x00000006L, 0x0000000CL, 0x00000014L,     /* 2,3,4,5 */
                        0x00000030L, 0x00000060L, 0x000000B8L, 0x00000110L,     /* 6,7,8,9 */
                        0x00000240L, 0x00000500L, 0x00000CA0L, 0x00001B00L,     /* 10,11,12,13 */
                        0x00003500L, 0x00006000L, 0x0000B400L, 0x00012000L,     /* 14,15,16,17 */
                        0x00020400L, 0x00072000L, 0x00090000L, 0x00140000L,     /* 18,19,20,21 */
                        0x00300000L, 0x00400000L, 0x00D80000L, 0x01200000L,     /* 22,23,24,25 */
                        0x03880000L, 0x07200000L, 0x09000000L, 0x14000000L,     /* 26,27,28,29 */
                        0x32800000L, 0x48000000L, 0xA3000000L                   /* 30,31,32 */

                };                              /* Randomizer Xor mask values  CRK 10-29-90 */

        //TRandomFast gRandomFast = { 0, 0, 0};  Initialized in global.cpp

          / Function
          /   RandomFastInit
          / Purpose
          /   This initializes the fast random number generator.
          / Notes
          /   The fast random number generator has some unique qualities:
          /   1) It generates an exact and repeatable sequence of pseudorandom
          /      integers between 1 and 2^n-1, inclusive.  Zero is not generated.
          /   2) The same sequence repeats every 2^n-1 generations.
          /   3) Each number can be generated extremely rapidly.
          /   This returns the first random number in the sequence.
          / Entry
          /   pRandomFast = Pointer to data structure for current state of a fast
          /     pseudorandom number generator.
          /   n = A value which sets the number of unique values to generate before
          /     repeating.  This value can range from 2 to 32, inclusive.  If an
          /     invalid value (such as zero) is passed in, 32 is assumed.
        void MathUtils::RandomFastInit(pTRandomFast pRandomFast)
                sint32 n = 31; // Changed from 32 to 31 per Prince

                /* The sequence always starts with 1. */
                //    pRandomFast->uValue = 1L;
                pRandomFast->uValue = (uint32_t)(VMPI_getTime());

                /* Figure out the sequence length (2^n - 1). */
                pRandomFast->uSequenceLength = (1L << n) - 1L;

                /* Gather the XOR mask value. */
                pRandomFast->uXorMask = Random_Xor_Masks[n - 2];

          / Function
          /   imRandomFastNext
          / Purpose
          /   This generates a new pseudorandom number using the fast random number
          /   generator.
          / Notes
          /   The fast random number generator must be initialized before use.
          /   This is implemented as a macro for the best possible performance.
          / Entry
          /   pRandomFast = Pointer to data structure for current state of a fast
          /     pseudorandom number generator.
          / Exit
          /   Returns the next pseudorandom number in the sequence.
#define RandomFastNext(_pRandomFast)                                                            \
(                                                                                               \
    ((_pRandomFast)->uValue & 1L)                                                               \
        ? ((_pRandomFast)->uValue = ((_pRandomFast)->uValue >> 1) ^ (_pRandomFast)->uXorMask)   \
        : ((_pRandomFast)->uValue = ((_pRandomFast)->uValue >> 1))                              \

          / Function
          /   RandomPureHasher
          / Purpose
          /   This generates a pseudorandom number from a given seed using the high
          /   quality random number generator.
          / Notes
          /   The caller must pass in a seed value.  This value is typically the
          /   output of the fast random number generator multiplied by a prime
          /   number, but can be any seed which was not derived from the output of
          /   this function.
          /   Please note that this random number generator is really as hasher.
          /   It will not work well if you pass its own output in as the next input.
          /   A given input seed always generates the same pseudorandom output result.
          /   The feature of this hasher is that the value returned from one seed
          /   to the next is highly uncorrelated to the seed value.  High quality
          /   multidimensional random numbers can be generated by using a sum of
          /   prime multiples of the seed values.
          /   For example, to generate a vector given three seed values sx, sy and sz,
          /   use something like the following:
          /     result = imRandomPureHasher(59*sx + 67*sy + 71*sz);
          / Entry
          /   iSeed = Starting seed value.
          / Exit
          /   Returns the next pseudorandom value in the sequence.
        sint32 MathUtils::RandomPureHasher(sint32 iSeed)
                sint32   iResult;

                /* Adapted from "A Recursive Implementation of the Perlin Noise Function,"
                   /  by Greg Ward, Graphics Gems II, p. 396. */

                /* First, hash s as a preventive measure.  This helps ensure the first
                   /  few numbers are more random when used in conjunction with the fast
                   /  random number generator, which starts off with the first 10 or so
                   /  numbers all zero in the lowe bits. */
                iSeed = ((iSeed << 13) ^ iSeed) - (iSeed >> 21);

                /* Next, use a third order odd polynomial, better than linear. */
                iResult = (iSeed*(iSeed*iSeed*c3 + c2) + c1) & kRandomPureMax;

                /* DJ14dec94 -- The above wonderful expression always returns odd
                   /  numbers, and this is easy to prove.  So we add the seed back to
                   /  the result which again randomizes bit zero. */
                iResult += iSeed;

                /* DJ17nov95 -- The above always returns values that are NEVER divisible
                   /  evenly by four, so do additional hashing. */
                iResult = ((iResult << 13) ^ iResult) - (iResult >> 21);

                return iResult;
        /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
        sint32 MathUtils::GenerateRandomNumber(pTRandomFast pRandomFast)
                /* Fill out gRandomFast if it is uninitialized.
                   /  This means seed hasn't been set.  Sequence of numbers will be
                   /  the same every time player is run. */
                if (pRandomFast->uValue == 0) {
                        /* Initialize 32 bit pure random number generator. */

                long aNum = RandomFastNext(pRandomFast);

                /* Use the pure random number generator to hash the result. */
                aNum = RandomPureHasher(aNum * 71L);

                return aNum & kRandomPureMax;

        sint32 MathUtils::Random(sint32 range, pTRandomFast pRandomFast)
                if (range > 0) {
                        return GenerateRandomNumber(pRandomFast) % range;
                } else {
                        return 0;

        void MathUtils::initRandom(TRandomFast *seed)
        double MathUtils::random(TRandomFast *seed)
                return (double)GenerateRandomNumber(seed) / ((double)kRandomPureMax+1.0);
        /*  Begining D2A class implemention, used for converting double values to  */
        /*   strings accurately.                                                                                                   */

        // This algorithm for printing floating point numbers is based on the paper
        //  "Printing floating-point numbers quickly and accurately" by Robert G Burger
        //  and R. Kent Dybvig
        //  See that paper for details.
        //  The algorithm generates the shortest, correctly rounded output string that 
        //   converts to the same number when read back in.  This implementation assumes
        //   IEEE unbiased rounding, that the input is a 64 bit (base 2) floating point 
        //   number composed of a sign bit, a hidden bit (valued 1) and 52 explict bits of
        //   mantissa data, and an 11 bit exponent (in base 2).  It also assumes the output
        //   desired is base 10.

        // ------------------------------------------------------
        //  Support functions

        // For results larger than 10^22, error creeps into the double estimate.  Use BigIntegers to avoid error
        static inline void quickBigPowTen(int32_t exp, BigInteger* result)
                if (exp < 22 && exp > 0) {
                } else if (exp > 0) {// double starts to include roundoff error after 1e22, need to compute exactly
                        exp -= 21;
                        while (exp-- > 0)
                } else { // we won't get here because we only deal in positive exponents
                        result->setFromDouble(MathUtils::pow(10,exp)); // but just in case

        // Use left shifts to compute powers of 2 < 63
        static inline double quickPowTwo(int32_t exp)
                static uint64 one = 1; // max we can shift is 64bits
                if (exp < 64 && exp > 0)
                        return (double)(one << exp);
                        return MathUtils::pow(2,exp);

        // nextDigit() returns the next relevant digit in the number being converted, else -1 if 
        //  there are no more relevant digits.  
        int32_t D2A::nextDigit()
                if (finished)
                        return -1;

                bool withinLowEndRoundRange;
                bool withinHighEndRoundRange;
                int32_t quotient;

                if ( bFastEstimateOk )
                        quotient = (int32_t)(dr / ds);
                        double mod = MathUtils::mod(dr,ds);
                        dr = mod;
                        // check if remaining ratio r/s is within the range of floats which would round to the value we have output
                        //  so far when read in from a string.
                        withinLowEndRoundRange  = (lowOk  ? (dr <= dMMinus)   : (dr < dMMinus));
                        withinHighEndRoundRange = (highOk ? (dr+dMPlus >= ds) : (dr+dMPlus > ds));              
                        BigInteger bigQuotient;
                        r.divBy(&s, &bigQuotient); // r = r %s,  bigQuotient = r / s.
                        quotient = (int32)(bigQuotient.wordBuffer[0]); // todo: optimize away need for BigInteger result?  We know it should always be a single digit
                                                                                          // r <= mMinus               :  r < rMinus
                        withinLowEndRoundRange  = (lowOk  ? ( != 1)  : ( == -1));
                                              // r+mPlus >= s                     :  r+mPlus > s
                        withinHighEndRoundRange = (highOk ? (r.compareOffset(&s,&mPlus) != -1) : (r.compareOffset(&s,&mPlus) == 1));

                if (quotient < 0 || quotient > 9) 
                        AvmAssert(quotient >= 0);
                        AvmAssert(quotient < 10);
                        quotient = 0;
                if (!withinLowEndRoundRange)
                        if (!withinHighEndRoundRange) // if not within either error range, set up to generate the next digit.
                                if ( bFastEstimateOk )
                                        dr *= 10; 
                                        dMPlus *= 10;
                                        dMMinus *= 10;
                                finished = true;
                else if (!withinHighEndRoundRange)
                        finished = true;
                        if ( (bFastEstimateOk && (dr*2 < ds)) || 
                                 (!bFastEstimateOk && (r.compareOffset(&s,&r) == -1)) ) // if (r*2 < s)  todo: faster to do lshift and compare?
                                finished = true;
                                finished = true;
                return quotient;

        int32_t D2A::fixup_ExponentEstimate(int32_t exponentEstimate)
                int32_t correctedEstimate;
                if (bFastEstimateOk)
                        if (highOk ? (dr+dMPlus) >= ds : dr+dMPlus > ds)
                                correctedEstimate = exponentEstimate+1;
                                dr *= 10;
                                dMPlus *= 10;
                                dMMinus *= 10;
                                correctedEstimate = exponentEstimate;
                        if (highOk ? (r.compareOffset(&s,&mPlus) != -1) : (r.compareOffset(&s,&mPlus) == 1))
                                correctedEstimate = exponentEstimate+1;
                                correctedEstimate = exponentEstimate;
                return correctedEstimate;

        int32_t D2A::scale()
                // estimate base10 exponent:
                int32_t base2Exponent = e + mantissaPrec-1;
                int32_t exponentEstimate = (int32_t)MathUtils::ceil( (base2Exponent * kLog2_10) - 0.0000000001);

                if (bFastEstimateOk)
                        double scale = quickPowTen( (exponentEstimate > 0) ? exponentEstimate : -exponentEstimate);
                        if (exponentEstimate >= 0)
                                ds *= scale; 
                                return fixup_ExponentEstimate(exponentEstimate);
                                dr *= scale;
                                dMPlus *= scale;
                                dMMinus *= scale;
                                return fixup_ExponentEstimate(exponentEstimate);
                        BigInteger scale;
                        quickBigPowTen( (exponentEstimate > 0) ? exponentEstimate : -exponentEstimate, &scale);

                        if (exponentEstimate >= 0)
                                return fixup_ExponentEstimate(exponentEstimate);

                                return fixup_ExponentEstimate(exponentEstimate);


        D2A::D2A(double avalue, int32_t mode, int32_t minDigits)
                : value(avalue), finished(false), bFastEstimateOk(false), minPrecision(minDigits)
                // break double down into integer mantissa (max size unsigned 53 bits) and integer base 2
                //  expondent (max size 11 signed bits).
                mantissa = MathUtils::frexp(value,&e); // value = mantissa*2^e, mantissa and e are integers.

                if (mode != MathUtils::DTOSTR_NORMAL)
                        lowOk = highOk = true;
                        bool round = !(mantissa & 0x1); // if mantissa is even, need to round.
                        lowOk = highOk = round; // IEEE standard unbiased rounding.

                // calculate #of bits of precision needed to encode this mantissa (max is 53 bits)
                long base2Precision = 53;
                mantissaPrec = base2Precision; // double has 53 bits of precision in the mantissa, but first bit is assumed
                while ( mantissaPrec != 0 && ((mantissa >> --mantissaPrec & 1) == 0) )
                        ; // skip leading zeros
                int32_t absE = (e > 0 ? e : -e);
                if ((absE + mantissaPrec-1) < 50) // we get error prone when there is more than 15 base 10 digits of precision.  (15 / kLog2_10) == 49.828921423310435218054791442341)
                        bFastEstimateOk = true;

                // Represent this double as a ratio of two integers.  Use infinitely precise integers if bFastEstimate is false.
                //  mPlus and mMinus represent the range of doubles around this value which would
                //  round to this same value when converted from string back to number via atod().  
                if (bFastEstimateOk)
                        if (e >= 0)
                                if (mantissa != 0x10000000000000LL) // == 4503599627370496 == pow(2, base2Precision-1)) == 2^52 (i.e. just under becoming +1 to e and rolling over to 0)
                                        double be = quickPowTwo(e); // 2^e

                                        dr = (double)mantissa*be*2;
                                        ds = 2;
                                        dMPlus = be;
                                        dMMinus = be;
                                        double be = quickPowTwo(e);; // 2^e
                                        double be1 = be*2; // 2^(e+1)

                                        dr = (double)mantissa*be1*2;
                                        ds = 4; // 2*2;
                                        dMPlus  = be1;
                                        dMMinus = be;
                        else if ( mantissa != MathUtils::pow(2, base2Precision-1) )
                                dr = (double)mantissa*2.0;
                                ds = quickPowTwo(1-e); // pow(2,-e)*2; 
                                dMPlus  = 1;
                                dMMinus = 1;
                                dr = (double)mantissa*4.0;
                                ds = quickPowTwo(2-e); // pow(2, 1-e)*2;
                                dMPlus  = 2;
                                dMMinus = 1;
                        // adjust stopping conditions if a particular number of digits are requested
                        if (mode != MathUtils::DTOSTR_NORMAL)
                                double fixedPrecisionPowTen = quickPowTen( minPrecision );
                                ds *= fixedPrecisionPowTen;
                                dr *= fixedPrecisionPowTen;
                        if (e >= 0)
                                if (mantissa != 0x10000000000000LL) // == 4503599627370496 == pow(2, base2Precision-1)) == 2^53 (i.e. just under becoming +1 to e and rolling over to 0)
                                        BigInteger be;
                                        be.lshiftBy(e); // == pow(2,e);
                                        r.lshiftBy(1); // r = mantissa*be*2

                                        mPlus.setFromBigInteger(&be,0,be.numWords);  // == be;
                                        mMinus.setFromBigInteger(&be,0,be.numWords); // == be;
                                        BigInteger be;
                                        be.lshiftBy(e); // be = pow(2,e);

                                        BigInteger be1;
                                        be.lshift(1,&be1); // be1 == be*2;

                                        r.setFromDouble(value*4.0); // r == mantissa*be1*2;
                                        s.setFromInteger(4); // 2*2
                                        mPlus.setFromBigInteger(&be1,0,be1.numWords); // == be1;
                                        mMinus.setFromBigInteger(&be,0,be.numWords); // == be;
                        else if ( mantissa != MathUtils::pow(2, base2Precision-1) )
                                r.setFromDouble( (double)(mantissa*2) );
                                s.lshiftBy(-e); // s = pow(2,-e)*2;
                                r.setFromDouble( (double)(mantissa*4) );
                                s.lshiftBy(1-e);  // s == pow(2, 1-e)*2;

                        // adjust stopping conditions if a particular number of digits are requested
                        //  Note: this is a cheap approximation of the correct adjustment.  It will likely
                        //   lead to occasional off by one errors in the final digit generated for toPrecision() when
                        //   a truncation might be required.  This mode is actually less accurate than normal mode anyway.  
                        //   Only normal mode is gauranteed to generate a string which will result in the same value when converted back
                        //   from string (base 10) to double (base 2).  Extra digits generated by toPrecision will often be junk
                        //   (but will display a value more similar to what you would see in a code debugger, where 0.012 can
                        //    appear as 0.012999999999999999999 or such apparent nonsense)
                        if (mode != MathUtils::DTOSTR_NORMAL)
                                BigInteger bFixedPrecisionPowTen;
                                quickBigPowTen( minPrecision, &bFixedPrecisionPowTen );
                base10Exp = scale();

        A2D::A2D(String source,int32_t radix)
                bitsPerChar = 0;
                while ( (radix >>= 1) != 1 )

                source = source;
                radix = radix;
                next = 0;
                end = string.length();
                finished = false;

                // skip leading 0's
                while( nextDigit() == 0);

        inline int32_t A2D::parseIntDigit(wchar ch)
                if (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
                        return (ch - '0');
                } else if (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') {
                        return (ch - 'a' + 10);
                } else if (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') {
                        return (ch - 'A' + 10);
                } else {
                        return -1;
        int32_t A2D::nextDigit()
                if (finished)
                        return -1;

                wc = source[next++];
                int32_t result = parseIntDigit(wc);
                if (next == end || result == -1)
                        finished = true;
                return result;

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