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/* -*- Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t; tab-width: 4 -*- */
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
 * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
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 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.].
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
 * Adobe System Incorporated.
 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004-2006
 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):
 *   Adobe AS3 Team
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
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 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */

#ifndef __GC__
#define __GC__

#define MMGC_GCENTER(_gc)  MMgc::GCAutoEnter __mmgc_auto_enter(_gc);

#if defined(MMGC_IA32) && defined(_MSC_VER)

#define MMGC_GET_STACK_EXTENTS(_gc, _stack, _size)                                              \
        jmp_buf __mmgc_env;                                                                                                     \
        VMPI_setjmpNoUnwind(__mmgc_env);                                                                                                        \
        __asm { mov _stack,esp };                                                                                       \
        _size = (uint32_t)(_gc->GetStackTop() - (uintptr_t)_stack);


#define MMGC_GET_STACK_EXTENTS(_gc, _stack, _size)                                              \
        jmp_buf __mmgc_env;                                                                                                     \
        VMPI_setjmpNoUnwind(__mmgc_env);                                                                                                        \
        asm ("mov %%sp, %0":"=r" (_stack));                                                                     \
        _size = (uint32_t)(_gc->GetOSStackTop() - (uintptr_t)_stack);


register void *mmgc_sp __asm__("r1");

#define MMGC_GET_STACK_EXTENTS(_gc, _stack, _size)                                              \
        jmp_buf __mmgc_env;                                                                                                     \
        VMPI_setjmpNoUnwind(__mmgc_env);                                                                                                        \
        _stack = (void*)mmgc_sp;                                                                                        \
        _size = (uint32_t)(_gc->GetOSStackTop() - (uintptr_t)_stack);


#define MMGC_GET_STACK_EXTENTS(_gc, _stack, _size)                                              \
        jmp_buf __mmgc_env;                                                                                                     \
        VMPI_setjmpNoUnwind(__mmgc_env);                                                                                                        \
        _stack = &__mmgc_env;                                                                                           \
        _size = (uint32_t)(_gc->GetStackTop() - (uintptr_t)_stack);


// This macro creates a GC root of the current threads stack, there
// are two use cases for this: 
// 1) the main thread is halting to let another thread run doing
// possible GC activity (debugger use case)
// 2) the stack is moving to another area of memory (stack switching)
// but the old stack must still get scanned
#define MMGC_GC_ROOT_THREAD(_gc)                                                \
        void *__stack;                                                                          \
        size_t __stackSize;                                                                     \
        MMGC_GET_STACK_EXTENTS(_gc, __stack, __stackSize);      \
        MMgc::GC::AutoRCRootSegment __root(_gc, __stack, __stackSize);  \
        MMgc::GCAutoEnterPause __mmgc_enter_pause(_gc);

// Enable our own alloca() replacement that always allocates in the heap, this is good on
// systems with limited memory or limited stack
#define AVMPLUS_PARAM_ALLOCA_CUTOFF             4000    // Don't make real alloca() blow the stack; this limit is heuristic
#define AVMPLUS_PARAM_ALLOCA_DEFSIZE    1000    // Default number of bytes in a stack segment for heap-based alloca()
#  define VMPI_alloca(core, autoptr, nbytes)    core->gc->allocaPush(nbytes, autoptr)
#  define VMPI_alloca_gc(gc, autoptr, nbytes)   gc->allocaPush(nbytes, autoptr)
#  define VMPI_alloca(core, autoptr, nbytes)  (nbytes > AVMPLUS_PARAM_ALLOCA_CUTOFF ? core->gc->allocaPush(nbytes, autoptr) : alloca(nbytes))
#  define VMPI_alloca_gc(gc, autoptr, nbytes)  (nbytes > AVMPLUS_PARAM_ALLOCA_CUTOFF ? gc->allocaPush(nbytes, autoptr) : alloca(nbytes))

namespace avmplus
        class AvmCore;

namespace MMgc
        class GCAutoEnter;

         * GCRoot is root in the reachability graph, it contains a pointer a size 
         * and will be searched for things.  
        class GCRoot
                friend class GC;
                void init(GC*gc, const void *object, size_t size);
                /** subclassing constructor */
                GCRoot(GC *gc);
                /** general constructor */
                GCRoot(GC *gc, const void *object, size_t size);
                virtual ~GCRoot();

                // override new and delete so we can know the objects extents (via FixedMalloc::Size())
                void *operator new(size_t size);
                void operator delete (void *object);

                const void *Get() const { return object; }
                const void *End() const { return (char*)object + size; }
                void Set(const void *object, size_t size);

                GC *GetGC() const { return gc; }
                /** if your object goes away after the GC is deleted this can be useful */
                void Destroy();

                GC * gc;

                GCRoot *next;
                GCRoot *prev;
                const void *object;
                size_t size;

                GCWorkItem GetWorkItem() const;

         * GCCallback is an interface that allows the application to get
         * callbacks at interesting GC points.
        class GCCallback
                friend class GC;
                friend class ZCT;
                GCCallback(GC *gc);
                virtual ~GCCallback();
                GC *GetGC() const { return gc; }
                /** if your object goes away after the GC is deleted this can be useful */
                void Destroy();

                 * This method is invoked after all marking and before any
                 * sweeping, useful for bookkeeping based on whether things
                 * got marked
                virtual void presweep();

                 * This method is invoked after all sweeping
                virtual void postsweep();

                // called before a ZCT reap begins
                virtual void prereap();

                // called after a ZCT reap completes
                virtual void postreap();

                 * This method is called before an RC object is reaped
                virtual void prereap(void* /*rcobj*/);

                GC *gc;
                GCCallback *nextCB;
                GCCallback *prevCB;

        #ifdef MMGC_64BIT
        #define HIDDENPTRMASK (uintptr_t(0x1L)<<63)
        #define HIDDENPTRMASK (uintptr_t(0x1L)<<31)

        template <class T>
        class GCHiddenPointer
                GCHiddenPointer(T obj=NULL) { set(obj); }
                operator T() const { return (T) (val^HIDDENPTRMASK);     }
                T operator=(T tNew) 
                        return (T)this; 
                T operator->() const { return (T) (val^HIDDENPTRMASK); }

                // private to prevent its use and someone adding it, GCC creates
                // WriteBarrier's on the stack with it
                GCHiddenPointer(const GCHiddenPointer<T>& toCopy) { GCAssert(false); }
                void set(T obj) 
                        uintptr_t p = (uintptr_t)obj;
                        val = p ^ HIDDENPTRMASK;
                uintptr_t val;

         * A policy manager for garbage collection.
         * The policy manager centralizes policy decisions about how and when to run garbage
         * collection.  It is queried from the collector code, and collector code signals
         * to the policy manager at the occurence of certain events.
         * Typically the GCPolicyManager is simply embedded inside a GC instance, and manages
         * policy for that GC.
         * ----
         * Notes, 2009-06-23 / lhansen:
         * This is the second cut, and it implements an allocation-driven policy that is
         * documented extensively in GC.cpp and in doc/mmgc/policy.pdf.  The policy improves
         * on the first-cut policy by running the GC less often and having lower pause times.
         * ZCT reaping times are not bounded, so ZCT reaping may violate any kind of
         * incrementality guarantee.  This will be fixed by and by.
        class GCPolicyManager {
                GCPolicyManager(GC* gc, GCHeap* heap);
                 * Clean up and print any final statistics.  Should be called from the very
                 * start of the GC's destructor.
                void shutdown();
                 * Situation: the GC is about to run the incremental marker.
                 * @return the desired length of the next incremental mark quantum.
                 * @note the result can vary from call to call; the function should
                 *       be called as an incremental mark is about to start and the
                 *       result should not be cached.
                uint32_t incrementalMarkMilliseconds();
                 * @return the number of blocks owned by this GC, as accounted for by calls to
                 * signalBlockAllocation and signalBlockDeallocation.
                size_t blocksOwnedByGC();

                 * @return the number of objects reported marked by signalMarkWork, since startup.
                uint64_t objectsMarked();
                 * @return the number of bytes reported marked by signalMarkWork, since startup.
                uint64_t bytesMarked();
                 * Compute a ZCT growth budget (in blocks) based on its current size.
                 * @return the growth budget
                uint32_t queryZCTBudget(uint32_t zctBlocksUsed);
                 * Set the lower limit beyond which we try not to run the garbage collector.
                 * The value is specified in 4k blocks, thus 256 == 1MB.
                void setLowerLimitCollectionThreshold(uint32_t blocks);

                enum PolicyEvent 
                        START_StartIncrementalMark,     // also, start of garbage collection
                        END_FinalizeAndSweep,           // also, end of garbage collection
                 * Situation: a GC event corresponding to one of the PolicyEvent values occurs.
                 * Tell the policy manager about it.
                void signal(PolicyEvent ev);
                 * Situation: the memory status of the system changes, and a message is being
                 * broadcast to make this known.
                void signalMemoryStatusChange(MemoryStatus from, MemoryStatus to);
                 * Situation: 'numblocks' blocks have just been obtained by this GC from the GCHeap.
                void signalBlockAllocation(size_t numblocks);
                 * Situation: 'numblocks' blocks have just been returned from this GC to the GCHeap.
                void signalBlockDeallocation(size_t numblocks);
                 * Situation: signal that one pointer-containing object, whose size is nbytes,
                 * has been scanned by the garbage collector.
                 * This may only be called between the signals START_StartIncrementalMark and 
                 * END_FinalizeAndSweep, and mark work signaled after a START event may not be
                 * reflected in the values returned by objectsMarked() and bytesMarked() until
                 * after the corresponding END event has been signaled.
                /*REALLY_INLINE*/ void signalMarkWork(size_t nbytes);
                 * Situation: signal that some number of bytes have just been successfully
                 * allocated and are about to be returned to the caller of the allocator.
                 * @return true if collection work should be triggered because the allocation
                 * budget has been exhausted.
                /*REALLY_INLINE*/ bool signalAllocWork(size_t nbytes);

                 * Situation: signal that some number of bytes have just been successfully
                 * freed.
                /*REALLY_INLINE*/ void signalFreeWork(size_t nbytes);

                 * Situation: the incremental marker has been started, and we need to know whether
                 * to run another mark increment or push the conclusion to a finish (because the
                 * total allocation budget for the collection cycle has been exhausted).  This
                 * predicate returns true in the latter case.
                bool queryEndOfCollectionCycle();

                 * Situation: signal that one write has been examined by the write barrier and made
                 * it to the given stage of the barrier.   See the barrier code to find out what the
                 * stages are.
                /*REALLY_INLINE*/ void signalWriteBarrierWork(int stage);

                 * Situation: signal that the ZCT reaper has run and performed some work.
                void signalReapWork(uint32_t objects_reaped, uint32_t bytes_reaped, uint32_t objects_pinned);
                 * Situation: signal that 'words' words have been scanned; that 'could_be_pointer'
                 * number of these words passed the initial heap range checks; and that 
                 * 'actually_is_pointer' number of these words were conservatively found to
                 * be pointers to heap objects.
                /*inline*/ void signalDemographics(size_t words, size_t could_be_pointer, size_t actually_is_pointer);
                 * Situation: signal that IncrementRef has been called on an object.
                /*REALLY_INLINE*/ void signalIncrementRef();
                 * Situation: signal that DecrementRef has been called on an object.
                /*REALLY_INLINE*/ void signalDecrementRef();
                 * Situation: signal that one reference is being added to the ZCT.  If 'initial'
                 * is true then the object is freshly allocated and the adding is from RCObject's
                 * constructor.  'population' is the number of elements in the table at the time
                 * ZCT::Add is entered.
                /*REALLY_INLINE*/ void signalZCTAdd(bool initial, uint32_t population);
                 * Situation: signal that one reference is being removed from the ZCT.  If 'final'
                 * is true then the object is being deleted and the removal is from RCObject's
                 * destructor.
                /*REALLY_INLINE*/ void signalZCTRemove(bool final);

                 * The collector 'gc' (which is not the collector for this manager) has started
                 * a garbage collection, indicating perhaps some memory pressure in that heap.
                void signalStartCollection(GC* gc);
                 * The collctor 'gc' (which is not the collector for this manager) has completed
                 * a garbage collection.
                void signalEndCollection(GC* gc);

                 * Request a full collection happen at the next GC edge (enter/exit)
                void queueFullCollection() { fullCollectionQueued = true; }

                 * called after a full collection is done
                void fullCollectionComplete() { fullCollectionQueued = false; }

                 * called to find out if a full collection has been requested
                bool queryFullCollectionQueued() { return fullCollectionQueued; }

                 * Called by the owner when the owner is notified of an imminent abort
                void SignalImminentAbort();
                // ----- Public data --------------------------------------
                // Elapsed time (in ticks) for various collection phases, and the maximum phase time
                // for each phase.  They are updated when an END event is signaled.  Client code must
                // not modify these variables.

                // The total time for various collection phases across the run
                uint64_t timeStartIncrementalMark;
                uint64_t timeIncrementalMark;
                uint64_t timeFinalRootAndStackScan;
                uint64_t timeFinalizeAndSweep;
                uint64_t timeReapZCT;

                // The total time doing collection work (sum of the variables above except the ZCT reap
                // time) and the elapsed time from the start of StartIncrementalMark to the end of
                // FinalizeAndSweep.  Together they provide a crude approximation to a measure of 
                // pause clustering.
                uint64_t timeInLastCollection;
                uint64_t timeEndToEndLastCollection;

                // Time for ZCT reaping during the last collection cycle (end of one FinalizeAndSweep
                // to the end of the next one).
                uint64_t timeReapZCTLastCollection;

                // The maximum latceny for various collection phases across the run
                uint64_t timeMaxStartIncrementalMark;
                uint64_t timeMaxIncrementalMark;
                uint64_t timeMaxFinalRootAndStackScan;
                uint64_t timeMaxFinalizeAndSweep;
                uint64_t timeMaxReapZCT;
                // The maximum latcency for various collection phases during the previous collection cycle
                uint64_t timeMaxStartIncrementalMarkLastCollection;
                uint64_t timeMaxIncrementalMarkLastCollection;
                uint64_t timeMaxFinalRootAndStackScanLastCollection;
                uint64_t timeMaxFinalizeAndSweepLastCollection;
                uint64_t timeMaxReapZCTLastCollection;

                // The total number of times each phase was run
                uint64_t countStartIncrementalMark;
                uint64_t countIncrementalMark;
                uint64_t countFinalRootAndStackScan;
                uint64_t countFinalizeAndSweep;
                uint64_t countReapZCT;
                // The following parameters can vary not just from machine to machine and
                // run to run on the same machine, but within a run in response to memory
                // pressures and other feedback.
                // The lower limit beyond which we try not to run the garbage collector.
                uint32_t lowerLimitCollectionThreshold();
                // Get the current time (in ticks).
                uint64_t now();

                // Convert ticks to milliseconds, as a double (used for printing)
                double ticksToMillis(uint64_t ticks);
                // @return true if we should print policy data
                bool summarizeGCBehavior();

                // Print policy data.  At shutdown, afterCollection will be passed as false.
                void PrintGCBehaviorStats(bool afterCollection=true);

                // Various private methods for the GC policy follow.  See comment in GC.cpp for details.
                // Amount of GC work to perform (bytes to scan) per byte allocated while the GC is active
                double W();
                // Amount of allocation to allow between two invocations of IncrementalMark
                double A();
                // Called from the policy event handler to start computing adjustments to R: before any
                // mark work is performed.
                void startAdjustingR();
                // Called from the policy event handler to finish computing adjustments to R: after all
                // mark work has been performed.
                void endAdjustingR();
                // Called from adjustPolicyForNextMajorCycle to compute the effective L for the next
                // collection cycle
                void adjustL();

                // Called from the policy manager's constructor
                void adjustPolicyInitially();
                // Called from the policy event handler to compute the GC policy for the next 
                // major collection cycle (from the end of one FinishIncrementalMark to the start
                // of the next one)
                void adjustPolicyForNextMajorCycle();
                // Called from the policy event handler to compute the GC policy for the next
                // minor collection cycle (from the end of one IncrementalMark to the start of the
                // next one)
                void adjustPolicyForNextMinorCycle();
                // ----- Private data --------------------------------------
                GC * const gc;
                GCHeap * const heap;
                // The time recorded the last time we received signalEndOfIncrementalMark
                uint64_t timeEndOfLastIncrementalMark;

                // The time recorded the last time we received signalStartOfCollection
                uint64_t timeStartOfLastCollection;

                // The time recorded the last time we received signalEndOfCollection
                uint64_t timeEndOfLastCollection;

                // The total number of blocks owned by GC, and the maximum such number
                size_t blocksOwned;
                size_t maxBlocksOwned;
                // The number of objects scanned since startup (which is equivalent to the number
                // of calls to GC::MarkItem), less the number scanned during the last
                // collection cycle.
                uint64_t objectsScannedTotal;
                // The number of objects scanned during the last collection cycle.
                uint32_t objectsScannedLastCollection;
                // The number of bytes scanned since startup less the ones scanned during the 
                // last collection cycle.
                uint64_t bytesScannedTotal;
                // The number of bytes scanned during the last collection cycle.
                uint32_t bytesScannedLastCollection;

                // Temporaries for holding the start time / start event until the end event arrives
                uint64_t start_time;
                PolicyEvent start_event;

                // Value returned by lowerLimitCollectionThreshold() and set by setLowerLimitCollectionThreshold():
                // the heap size, in blocks, below which we do not collect.
                uint32_t collectionThreshold;

                // true if a forced garbage collection has been requested
                bool fullCollectionQueued;

                // true if the ZCT statistics for the current GC cycle should be cleared;
                // this is required because the ZCT stats may need to be updated before
                // StartIncrementalMark but can't be cleared at the end of FinalizeAndSweep.
                bool pendingClearZCTStats;

                // Records the heap population before we sweep.  Unit is blocks except where noted.
                size_t heapAllocatedBeforeSweep;
                size_t heapUsedBeforeSweep;
                size_t gcAllocatedBeforeSweep;
                size_t gcBytesUsedBeforeSweep;
                // Barrier stages hit in InlineWriteBarrier: examine mark, and hit the barrier.
                uint64_t barrierStageTotal[2];
                uint32_t barrierStageLastCollection[2];

                // Reap work, overall
                uint64_t objectsReaped;
                uint64_t bytesReaped;
                uint64_t objectsPinned;
                // Allocation work, overall
                uint64_t objectsAllocated;
                uint64_t bytesAllocated;
                // Track the number of scannable words, the number that passes the initial range
                // check, and the number that turn out to be (conservative) pointers.
                // These are cleared at the start of each GC so stats are only valid for one
                // GC cycle.
                uint64_t candidateWords;
                uint64_t couldBePointer;
                uint64_t actuallyIsPointer;
                uint64_t incrementRefTotal;
                uint64_t incrementRefLastCollection;
                uint64_t decrementRefTotal;
                uint64_t decrementRefLastCollection;
                uint32_t zctPeakSize;
                uint64_t addZCTTotal;
                uint64_t addZCTLastCollection;
                uint64_t removeZCTTotal;
                uint64_t removeZCTLastCollection;
                uint64_t addZCTInitialTotal;
                uint64_t removeZCTFinalTotal;

                // Various policy parameters.  For more documentation, see comments in GC.cpp.
                // max pause time in seconds
                double P;

                // approximate mark rate in bytes/sec, [1M,infty)
                double R;

                // requested inverse load factor (1,infty)
                double L_ideal;
                // adjusted inverse load factor (adjusted for heap pressure, growth, etc)
                double L_actual;
                // gc trigger as fraction of allocation budget to use before triggering GC [0,1]
                double T;

                // ratio of gc work to mutator work while the gc is running
                double G;

                // largest multiple of L_ideal to which L_actual can grow (unless 0, which means unlimited)
                double X;

                // the remaining allocation budget for the major GC cycle.  (This can go negative
                // and the variable must accomodate negative values.  It's not frequently accessed.)
                double remainingMajorAllocationBudget;

                // the allocation budget for the minor GC cycle.  This variable remains constant
                // throughout the minor cycle.
                int32_t minorAllocationBudget;
                // the remaining allocation budget for the minor GC cycle.  Initially this has the
                // value of minorAllocationBudget; the allocation request size is subtracted for
                // every allocation.  This variable can go negative because we can overshoot the
                // budget.
                int32_t remainingMinorAllocationBudget;
                // Temporaries used to compute R
                uint64_t adjustR_startTime;
                uint64_t adjustR_totalTime;
         * This is a general-purpose garbage collector used by the Flash Player.
         * Application code must implement the GCRoot interface to mark all
         * reachable data.  Unreachable data is automatically destroyed.
         * Objects may optionally be finalized by subclassing the GCObject
         * interface.
         * This garbage collector is intended to be modular, such that
         * it can be used in other products or replaced with a different
         * collector in the future.
         * Memory allocation and garbage collection strategy:
         * Mark and sweep garbage collector using fixed size classes
         * implemented by the GCAlloc class.  Memory blocks are obtained
         * from the OS via the GCHeap heap manager class.
         * When an allocation fails because a suitable memory block is
         * not available, the garbage collector decides either to garbage
         * collect to free up space, or to expand the heap.  The heuristic
         * used to make the decision to collect or expand is taken from the
         * Boehm-Demers-Weiser (BDW) garbage collector and memory allocator.
         * The BDW algorithm is (pseudo-code):
         *    if (allocs since collect >= heap size / FSD)
         *      collect
         *    else
         *      expand(request size + heap size / FSD)
         * The FSD is the "Free Space Divisor."  For the first cut, I'm trying
         * 4.  TODO: Try various FSD values against real Player workloads
         * to find the optimum value.
        class GC : public OOMCallback
                friend class GCRoot;
                friend class GCHeap;
                friend class GCCallback;
                friend class GCAlloc;
                friend class GCLargeAlloc;
                friend class RCObject;
                friend class GCInterval;
                friend class ZCT;
                friend class AutoRCRootSegment;
                friend class GCPolicyManager;

                 * If you need context vars use this!
                 * FIXME: document context variables.
                void *GetGCContextVariable(int var) const;

                void SetGCContextVariable(int var, void *val);
                 * @return the AvmCore instance associated with this GC.
                avmplus::AvmCore *core() const;

                 * greedy is a debugging flag.  When set, every allocation will cause
                 * a garbage collection.  This makes code run abysmally slow, but can
                 * be useful for detecting mark bugs or computing true peak live size.
                 * (The flag is effective in both debug and release builds.)
                const bool greedy;

                 * nogc is a debugging flag.  When set, garbage collection never happens.
                 * (The flag is effective in both debug and release builds.)
                const bool nogc;

                 * incremental controls the behavior of the garbage collection.  If true,
                 * collection is incremental (and pause times are more or less controlled);
                 * if false, collection is stop-the-world.
                const bool incremental;
             * findUnmarkedPointers is a debugging flag.  If true, the GC will scan the
                 * heap at the end of garbage collection, asserting that every word that
                 * looks like it conservatively points to an object points to an object that
                 * was marked by the collector.  The flag is available in release builds but
                 * effective in debug builds only.)
                bool findUnmarkedPointers;

                 * validateDefRef is a debugging flag.  It turns on code that does a
                 * trace before reaping zero count object and asserting on any objects
                 * that get marked.  Significant space cost.  (The flag is available
                 * in release builds but effective in debug builds only.)
                bool validateDefRef;            
                 * keepDRCHistory is a debugging flag.  It turns on code that keeps the call
                 * stacks of all IncrementRef and DecrementRef operations on each RC object,
                 * and prints this history when the reference count is already zero
                 * on entry to DecrementRef.  Significant space cost.  (The flag is available
                 * in release builds but effective in debug builds only.)
                bool keepDRCHistory;

                bool dontAddToZCTDuringCollection;
                bool incrementalValidation;

#ifdef _DEBUG
                bool incrementalValidationPedantic;

                 * Garbage collection mode.  The GC is configured at creation in one of
                 * these (it would be pointlessly hairy to allow the mode to be changed
                 * at run-time).
                enum GCMode 
                        kDisableGC=1,           // never collect
                        kGreedyGC,                      // stop-the-world collection at every allocation
                        kIncrementalGC,         // incremental collection
                        kNonincrementalGC       // nonincremental collection

                GC(GCHeap *heap, GCMode mode);
                virtual ~GC();
                 * Causes an immediate stop-the-world garbage collection (or finishes any
                 * incremental collection underway).
                void Collect(bool scanStack=true);

                 * Do a full collection at the next MMGC_GCENTER macro site
                void QueueCollection();

                 * flags to be passed as second argument to alloc
                enum AllocFlags

                // FIXME: why is this public?
                enum PageType
                        kNonGC = 0,
                        kGCAllocPage = 1,
                        kGCLargeAllocPageRest = 2,
                        kGCLargeAllocPageFirst = 3

                 * Main interface for allocating memory.  Default flags are
                 * no finalization, not containing pointers, not zero'd, and not ref-counted.
                 * This function returns NULL only if kCanFail is passed in 'flags'.
                void *Alloc(size_t size, int flags=0);

                 * Specialized implementations of Alloc().  Flags are omitted, each function is annotated
                 * with the flags they assume.   Additionally, 'size' is usually known statically in the 
                 * calling context (typically a 'new' operator).  Finally, these are always inlined.
                 * The result is that most computation boils away and we're left with just a call to the
                 * underlying primitive operator.
                void *AllocPtrZero(size_t size);                        // Flags: GC::kContainsPointers|GC::kZero
                void *AllocPtrZeroFinalized(size_t size);       // Flags: GC::kContainsPointers|GC::kZero|GC::kFinalize
                void *AllocRCObject(size_t size);                       // Flags: GC::kContainsPointers|GC::kZero|GC::kRCObject|GC::kFinalize

                 * Like Alloc but optimized for the case of allocating one 8-byte non-pointer-containing
                 * non-finalizable non-rc non-zeroed object (a box for an IEEE double).
                void* AllocDouble();

                 * Like Alloc but allocating a little extra memory; factored out as a
                 * separate function in order to allow for a fast object overflow check.
                void *AllocExtra(size_t size, size_t extra, int flags=0);

                 * Specialized implementations of Alloc().  See above for explanations.
                void *AllocExtraPtrZero(size_t size, size_t extra);                             // Flags: GC::kContainsPointers|GC::kZero
                void *AllocExtraPtrZeroFinalized(size_t size, size_t extra);    // Flags: GC::kContainsPointers|GC::kZero|GC::kFinalize
                void *AllocExtraRCObject(size_t size, size_t extra);                    // Flags: GC::kContainsPointers|GC::kZero|GC::kRCObject|GC::kFinalize
                 * Out-of-line version of AllocExtra, used by the specialized versions
                void *OutOfLineAllocExtra(size_t size, size_t extra, int flags);
                 * Just like Alloc but can return NULL
                void *PleaseAlloc(size_t size, int flags=0);
                 * Signal that we've allocated some memory and that collection can be triggered
                 * if necessary.
                void SignalAllocWork(size_t size);

                const static size_t kLargestAlloc = 1968;

                class RCRootSegment : public GCRoot
                        RCRootSegment(GC* gc, void* mem, size_t size);
                        void*                   mem;
                        size_t                  size;
                        RCRootSegment*  prev;
                        RCRootSegment*  next;
                RCRootSegment* rcRootSegments;
                void AddRCRootSegment(RCRootSegment *segment);

                void RemoveRCRootSegment(RCRootSegment *segment);


                class AutoRCRootSegment : public RCRootSegment
                        AutoRCRootSegment(GC* gc, void* mem, size_t size);

                 * Allocate memory that will be scanned for pointers to GC memory
                 * and from which pointers to RC objects will pin those objects.
                void* AllocRCRoot(size_t size);
                 * Free memory allocated with AllocRCRoot.
                void FreeRCRoot(void* mem);
                 * overflow checking way to call Alloc for a # of n size'd items,
                 * all instance of Alloc(num*sizeof(thing)) should be replaced with:
                 * Calloc(num, sizeof(thing))
                void *Calloc(size_t num, size_t elsize, int flags=0);

                 * One can free a GC allocated pointer.  The pointer may be NULL.
                void Free(const void *ptr);

                 * One can free a GC allocated pointer.  The pointer must not be NULL.
                void FreeNotNull(const void *ptr);
                 * @return the size of a managed object given a user or real pointer to its
                 * beginning.  The returned value may be bigger than what was asked for.
                static size_t Size(const void *ptr);

                 * @return the GC object associated with a managed object.
                 * this item must be a small item (<1968) or the first page of a large allocation,
                 * it won't work on secondary pages of a large allocation,
                static GC* GetGC(const void *item);
                 * Tracers should employ GetMark and SetMark to
                 * set the mark bits during the mark pass.
                static int GetMark(const void *item);
                static int SetMark(const void *item);

                // Not a hot method
                void ClearQueued(const void *item);
                // not a hot method
                static void ClearFinalized(const void *item);

                // not a hot method
                static void SetFinalize(const void *item);

                // not a hot method
                static int IsFinalized(const void *item);

                // not a hot method
                static int HasWeakRef(const void *item);

                 * Used by sub-allocators to obtain memory.
                void* AllocBlock(int size, int pageType, bool zero=true, bool canFail=false);

                void FreeBlock(void *ptr, uint32_t size);

                // Host API: this should go away but Player code is currently using it.  VM code should not use it.
                GCHeap *GetGCHeap() const;

                void ReapZCT(bool scanStack=true);
                bool Reaping();

#ifdef _DEBUG
                // Test whether the RCObject cleaned itself properly by zeroing everything.
                void RCObjectZeroCheck(RCObject *);

                // Test whether 'item' points into a non-free object in the gc'd heap.
                bool IsPointerIntoGCObject(const void* item);

                 * Do as much marking as possible in the allotted time slice
                void IncrementalMark();

                 * Perform some garbage collection work: the allocation budget has been exhausted.
                void CollectionWork();

                 * Are we currently marking?
                bool IncrementalMarking();

                // Write barrier.  Those that are REALLY_INLINE are defined in WriteBarrier.h.

                 * Perform the actual store of value into *address, adjusting reference counts.
                /*REALLY_INLINE*/ void WriteBarrierWriteRC(const void *address, const void *value);
                 * Streamlined versions to be used from the ctor/dtor of containers.
                /*REALLY_INLINE*/ void WriteBarrierWriteRC_ctor(const void *address, const void *value);
                /*REALLY_INLINE*/ void WriteBarrierWriteRC_dtor(const void *address);
                 * Perform the actual store of value into *address.  (This is just a store, but there
                 * is additional error checking in debug builds.)
                /*REALLY_INLINE*/ void WriteBarrierWrite(const void *address, const void *value);

                 * The marker is running and the container object has just been transitioned from
                 * 'marked' to 'queued'.
                void WriteBarrierHit(const void* container);
                 * Implementation of privateWriteBarrier; too large to be inlined everywhere.
                /*REALLY_INLINE*/ void privateInlineWriteBarrier(const void *container, const void *address, const void *value);

                 * Like the preceding but computes 'container' only if 'marking' is true (important optimization).
                /*REALLY_INLINE*/ void privateInlineWriteBarrier(const void *address, const void *value);
                 * Implementation of privateWriteBarrierRC; too large to be inlined everywhere.
                /*REALLY_INLINE*/ void privateInlineWriteBarrierRC(const void *container, const void *address, const void *value);

                 * Like the preceding but computes 'container' only if 'marking' is true (important optimization).
                /*REALLY_INLINE*/ void privateInlineWriteBarrierRC(const void *address, const void *value);
                 * Out-of-line implementation of ConservativeWriteBarrierNoSubstitute, called only
                 * when 'marking' is true.
                void privateConservativeWriteBarrierNoSubstitute(const void *address);
                 * General, conditional write barrier trap.  Tests that incremental marking is in fact ongoing
                 * and that the container is black (marked, not queued); if so, it makes the container gray
                 * by scheduling it for rescanning at some appropriate time.
                 * Container must be a non-NULL untagged pointer to the beginning of an object on a page
                 * owned by this GC.
                void WriteBarrierTrap(const void *container);
                 * Inline implementation of WriteBarrierTrap; probably too large to be inlined everywhere
                 * so use sparingly.  AvmCore::atomWriteBarrier benefits substantially from inlining it.
                 * PRECONDITION: 'marking' must be true when this is called.
                /*REALLY_INLINE*/ void InlineWriteBarrierTrap(const void *container);
                 * Standard write barrier write for non-RC values.  If marking is ongoing, and the 'container'
                 * is black (ie marked and not queued) and the 'value' is white (ie unmarked and not queued) 
                 * then make sure to queue value for marking.
                 * Finally stores value into *address.
                 * 'container' may be NULL, in which case this is just a store and 'address' can be arbitrary.
                 * If 'container' is not NULL then it is constrained as for WriteBarrierTrap, and 'address'
                 * must point into the object referenced by 'container'.
                 * Value can be anything except a reference to an RCObject.
                 * This is called by the WB macro in WriteBarrier.h - not an API to be used otherwise.
                void privateWriteBarrier(const void *container, const void *address, const void *value);

                 * A write barrier that finds the container's address and the container's
                 * GC and then performs a standard write barrier operation (see privateWriteBarrier).
                 * Finally stores value into *address.
                static void WriteBarrier(const void *address, const void *value);
                 * Standard write barrier write for RC values.  If marking is ongoing, and the 'container'
                 * is black (ie marked and not queued) and the 'value' is white (ie unmarked and not queued) 
                 * then make sure to queue value for marking.
                 * Finally stores value into *address, adjusting the reference counts of both the old value
                 * and the new value.
                 * 'container' is constrained as for WriteBarrierTrap.
                 * 'address' must point into the object referenced by 'container'.  The value there, if not
                 * NULL, must be a (possibly tagged) pointer to an RC object.
                 * 'value', if not NULL, must point to an RC object owned by this GC.
                 * This is called by the WBRC macro in WriteBarrier.h - not an API to be used otherwise.
                void privateWriteBarrierRC(const void *container, const void *address, const void *value);
                 * A write barrier that finds the container's address and the container's GC
                 * and then performs a standard RC write barrier operation (see privateWriteBarrierRC).
                static void FASTCALL WriteBarrierRC(const void *address, const void *value);

                 * Like WriteBarrierRC, but used when calling from a container's ctor/dtor.
                 * We can avoid some unnecessary work in each case.
                static void FASTCALL WriteBarrierRC_ctor(const void *address, const void *value);
                static void FASTCALL WriteBarrierRC_dtor(const void *address);

                 * Host API: if 'address' points to a GC page (it can point into an object, not just
                 * to the start of one), and 'value' points to a GC page as well, record that 'value'
                 * has been stored into the object containing 'address'.
                 * The function does /not/ perform the store (this is what NoSubstitute means).
                 * The function works for both RCObjects and GCObjects.
                void ConservativeWriteBarrierNoSubstitute(const void *address, const void *value);

                 * Host API: 'container' must be a non-NULL untagged pointer to the beginning of an
                 * object on a page owned by this GC.  Record that 'value' has been stored into
                 * 'container'.
                 * The function does /not/ perform the store (this is what NoSubstitute means).
                 * The function works for both RCObjects and GCObjects.
                void WriteBarrierNoSubstitute(const void *container, const void *value);
                GCPolicyManager policy;

                // not a hot method
                bool ContainsPointers(const void *item);

                // not a hot method.  Will reliably return NULL if gcItem does not point into managed
                // memory (and _DEBUG code will also assert if that happens - it should not).
                void *FindBeginningGuarded(const void *gcItem, bool allowGarbage=false);

                // Legacy public API.  DO NOT USE from within AVM code.
                void *FindBeginning(const void *gcItem);

                // Used on the critical path of the write barrier path.  gcItem must point into
                // managed memory, and NULL is never returned.  Don't use this for GCAssert and
                // similar purposes, but use it when speed is key.
                void *FindBeginningFast(const void *gcItem);
                // not a hot method; PinStackObjects goes directly to GCAlloc::IsRCObject/GCLargeAlloc::IsRCObject.
                bool IsRCObject(const void *);

                 * True during Sweep phase.  Application code can use this to
                 * determine if it's being called (directly or indirectly) from a
                 * finalizer.
                bool Collecting();

                 * @return true if the item points to a page containing managed objects.
                 * Any pointer can be passed in here.
                bool IsPointerToGCPage(const void *item);

                bool IsPointerToGCObject(const void *realPtr);
                 * GC initialization time, in ticks.  Used for logging.
                 * FIXME: why is this public?
                const uint64_t t0;

                // FIXME: these three static methods could be lifted out of the GC class to the global level,
                // they're simple utilities.
                static double duration(uint64_t start);
                // a tick is the unit of VMPI_getPerformanceFrequency()
                static uint64_t ticksToMicros(uint64_t ticks);

                static uint64_t ticksToMillis(uint64_t ticks);

                 * Total number of bytes of pointer-containing memory scanned by this
                 * GC.  Used to measure marking rate, which is
                 * <code>bytesMarked()/ticksToMillis(markTicks())</code>.
                uint64_t bytesMarked();

                 * Total time spent doing incremental marking, in ticks.  See
                 * bytesMarked.
                uint64_t markTicks();

                // calls to mark item
                uint32_t lastStartMarkIncrementCount;
                uint32_t markIncrements();

                 * Number of calls to Sweep().
        uint32_t sweeps;

                 * Time of the latest FinishIncrementalMark() call, in ticks.
                uint64_t sweepStart;

                // called at some apropos moment from the mututor, ideally at a point
                // where all possible GC references will be below the current stack pointer
                // (ie in memory we can safely zero).  This will return right away if
                // called more than once between collections so it can safely be called
                // a lot without impacting performance
                void CleanStack(bool force=false);

                bool Destroying();

                static GCWeakRef *GetWeakRef(const void *obj);
                // a WeakRef that always refers to null. useful if you need one.
                GCWeakRef* emptyWeakRef;

                void ClearWeakRef(const void *obj);

                // legacy API that gets physical start of OS thread
                uintptr_t GetOSStackTop() const;

                uintptr_t GetStackTop() const;

                uintptr_t GetStackEnter() const;

                // for deciding a tree of things should be scanned from presweep
                void PushWorkItem_MayFail(GCWorkItem &item);
                bool GetMarkStackOverflow() const { return m_markStackOverflow; }
#ifdef DEBUG
                // Check that invariants for an inactive GC hold
                void ShouldBeInactive();


                // heapAlloc is like heap->Alloc except that it also calls policy.signalBlockAllocation
                // if the allocation succeeded.
                void *heapAlloc(size_t size, int flags=GCHeap::kExpand|GCHeap::kZero|GCHeap::kProfile);

                // heapFree is like heap->Free except that it also calls policy.signalBlockDeallocation.
                void heapFree(void *ptr, size_t siz=0, bool profile=true);

                friend class GCAutoEnter;
                friend class GCAutoEnterPause;
                void SetStackEnter(GCAutoEnter *enter, bool doCollectionWork=true);

                GCAutoEnter *GetAutoEnter();

                vmpi_spin_lock_t m_gcLock;

                bool onThread();

                // store a handle to the thread that create the GC to ensure thread safety
                vmpi_thread_t m_gcThread;

                // Will be called from GCHeap::AbortCleanup before a longjmp that jumps past the
                // GC (effectively aborting an operation, be it allocation or GC).  This function
                // must be aware of the internal state of the GC and must take
                // care to make that state consistent.
                void SignalImminentAbort();
                void gclog(const char *format, ...);
                void log_mem(const char *name, size_t s, size_t comp );

                const static int kNumSizeClasses = 40;

                // FIXME: only used for FixedAlloc, GCAlloc sized dynamically
                const static int kPageUsableSpace = 3936;

                uint32_t *GetBits(int numBytes, int sizeClass);

                void FreeBits(uint32_t *bits, int sizeClass);

                uint32_t *m_bitsFreelists[kNumSizeClasses];
                uint32_t *m_bitsNext;

                GCHashtable weakRefs;

                // BEGIN FLAGS
                // The flags are hot, group them and hope they end up in the same cache line
                // True when the GC is being destroyed
                bool destroying;

                 * True if incremental marking is on and some objects have been marked.
                 * This means write barriers are enabled.
                 * The GC thread may read and write this flag.  Application threads in
                 * requests have read-only access.
                 * It is possible for marking==true and collecting==false but not vice versa.
                bool marking;
                 * True during the sweep phase of collection.  Several things have to
                 * behave a little differently during this phase.  For example,
                 * GC::Free() does nothing during sweep phase; otherwise finalizers
                 * could be called twice.
                 * Also, Collect() uses this to protect itself from recursive calls
                 * (from badly behaved finalizers).
                 * It is possible for marking==true and collecting==false but not vice versa.
                bool collecting;
                // END FLAGS
                // we track the top and bottom of the stack for cleaning purposes.
                // the top tells us how far up the stack as been dirtied.
                // the bottom is also tracked so we can ensure we're on the same
                // stack that the GC responsible for cleaning.  necessary if multiple
                // threads use the GC.  only thread that creates the GC will have its stack
                // tracked and cleaned.
                bool stackCleaned;
                const void *rememberedStackTop;
                GCAutoEnter* stackEnter;

                GCRoot* emptyWeakRefRoot;

                GCMarkStack m_incrementalWork;
                void StartIncrementalMark();
                void FinishIncrementalMark(bool scanStack);

                bool m_markStackOverflow;
                void HandleMarkStackOverflow();
                void SignalMarkStackOverflow(GCWorkItem& item);
                GCMarkStack m_barrierWork;
                void CheckBarrierWork();
                void FlushBarrierWork();

                // Set at initialization to the deepest recursion level MarkItem is allowed to
                // reach.  Managed entirely within MarkItem.
                uint32_t mark_item_recursion_control;
#ifdef _DEBUG
                bool IsWhite(const void *item);

                // Used heavily by the write barrier.
                bool IsMarkedThenMakeQueued(const void* userptr);

                // Used heavily by GC::Free.
                bool IsQueued(const void* userptr);

                const static int16_t kSizeClasses[kNumSizeClasses];             
                const static uint8_t kSizeClassIndex[246];

                // These two members help optimize GC::Alloc: by keeping a pointer in the GC instance
                // for the kSizeClassIndex table we avoid code generation SNAFUs when compiling with -fPIC,
                // which is the default on Mac at least.  (GCC generates a call-to-next-instruction-and-pop
                // to obtain the PC address, from which it can compute the table address.  Keeping the
                // member here effectively hoists that computation out of the allocator.)  And by keeping
                // a lookup table of allocators indexed by the flag bits of interest we avoid a decision
                // tree inside GC::Alloc.

                const uint8_t* const sizeClassIndex;
                GCAlloc** allocsTable[(kRCObject|kContainsPointers)+1];

                void *m_contextVars[GCV_COUNT];

                // bitmap for what pages are in use, 2 bits for every page
                // 0 - not in use
                // 1 - used by GCAlloc
                // 3 - used by GCLargeAlloc

                uintptr_t memStart;
                uintptr_t memEnd;

                 * The bitmap for what pages are in use.  Any access to either the
                 * pageMap pointer or the bitmap requires pageMapLock.
                 * (Note: A better synchronization scheme might be to use atomic
                 * operations to read and write the pageMap pointer, writing it only
                 * from within m_lock; and then using atomic read and write
                 * operations--on Intel x86, these are just ordinary reads and
                 * writes--to access the bitmap, with writes again only from within
                 * m_lock.  This would require reallocating the pageMap more often,
                 * but at least write barriers wouldn't have to acquire the spinlock.)
                unsigned char *pageMap;

                // This is very hot
                int GetPageMapValue(uintptr_t addr) const;

                // This is warm - used in IsPointerToGCPage and in FindBeginningGuarded
                int GetPageMapValueGuarded(uintptr_t addr);

                 * Set the pageMap bits for the given address.  Those bits must be
                 * zero beforehand.
                void SetPageMapValue(uintptr_t addr, int val);

                 * Zero out the pageMap bits for the given address.
                void ClearPageMapValue(uintptr_t addr);

                void MarkGCPages(void *item, uint32_t numpages, int val);
                void UnmarkGCPages(void *item, uint32_t numpages);
                 * Mark a region of memory, this will search all memory pointed to recursively
                 * and mark any GC Objects it finds
                void ConservativeMarkRegion(const void *base, size_t bytes);

                GCAlloc *containsPointersAllocs[kNumSizeClasses];
                GCAlloc *containsPointersRCAllocs[kNumSizeClasses];
                GCAlloc *noPointersAllocs[kNumSizeClasses];
                GCLargeAlloc *largeAlloc;
                GCHeap *heap;

#ifdef _DEBUG
                void ClearMarks();

#ifdef _DEBUG
                 * Kill any incremental mark in progress, then trace from roots and stack.  If
                 * stackStart/stackSize are NULL/0 then the thread stack is obtained and used.
                 * It's sometimes useful for mutator to call this; the ZCT reaper uses it for
                 * validating the heap.
                 * @return   true if it succeeded, false if there was a mark stack overflow.
                bool Trace(const void *stackStart=NULL, uint32_t stackSize=0);

                void Finalize();
                void Sweep();
                void ForceSweepAtShutdown();
                void MarkAllRoots(bool deep=false);
                void Mark();
                void MarkQueueAndStack(bool scanStack=true);
                void MarkItem(GCWorkItem &wi);

                // Sweep all small-block pages that need sweeping
                void SweepNeedsSweeping();
                bool finalizedValue;

                void AddToSmallEmptyBlockList(GCAlloc::GCBlock *b);

                 * List of pages to be swept, built up in Finalize.
                GCAlloc::GCBlock *smallEmptyPageList;
                void AddToLargeEmptyBlockList(GCLargeAlloc::LargeBlock *lb);

                 * List of pages to be swept, built up in Finalize.
                GCLargeAlloc::LargeBlock *largeEmptyPageList;
                vmpi_spin_lock_t m_rootListLock;

                GCRoot *m_roots;
                void AddRoot(GCRoot *root);
                void RemoveRoot(GCRoot *root);
                 * Points to the head of a linked list of callback objects.
                GCCallback *m_callbacks;
                void AddCallback(GCCallback *cb);
                void RemoveCallback(GCCallback *cb);

                // Deferred ref counting implementation
                ZCT zct;
                void AddToZCT(RCObject *obj, bool initial=false);
                void AddToZCT(RCObject *obj);

                // Public for one hack from splay.cpp - no one else should call
                // this out of the GC.  (The usage pattern in that file could be
                // abstracted into a better API function here, probably.)
                REALLY_INLINE void RemoveFromZCT(RCObject *obj, bool final=false);
                REALLY_INLINE void RemoveFromZCT(RCObject *obj);

                static const void *Pointer(const void *p);

                void DumpMemoryInfo();
                void DumpPauseInfo();

                // PushWorkItem is defined in GC.cpp, always inlined in callers there.
                // item.ptr must not be NULL.
                void PushWorkItem(GCWorkItem item);

#ifdef _DEBUG
                 * Check the consistency of the free lists for all the allocators.
                void CheckFreelists();

                 * Conservatively find pointers in the entire heap referencing unmarked objects, 
                 * triggering assertions when one is found.  This is a sanity check on the GC
                 * marking algorithm.
                void FindUnmarkedPointers();

                 * Conservatively find pointers in an address range referencing unmarked objects, 
                 * triggering assertions when one is found.
                void UnmarkedScan(const void *mem, size_t size);
                // methods for incremental verification

                 * Scan a region of memory for white pointers. Used by
                 * FindMissingWriteBarriers.
                void WhitePointerScan(const void *mem, size_t size);

                 * Scan all GC memory (skipping roots). If a GC object is black make sure
                 * it has no pointers to white objects.
                void FindMissingWriteBarriers();



#ifdef _DEBUG
                // Dump a list of objects that have pointers to the given location.
                void WhosPointingAtMe(void* me, int recurseDepth=0, int currentDepth=0);

                 * Used by WhosPointingAtMe.
        void ProbeForMatch(const void *mem, size_t size, uintptr_t value, int recurseDepth, int currentDepth);

                void DumpAlloc(GCAlloc *a, size_t& internal_waste, size_t& overhead);
                //This method returns the number bytes allocated for GC objects
                size_t GetBytesInUse();
                //This method is for more fine grained allocation details
                //It reports the total number of bytes requested (i.e. ask size) and
                //the number of bytes actually allocated.  The latter is the same
                //number as reported by GetBytesInUse()
                void GetUsageInfo(size_t& totalAskSize, size_t& totalAllocated);

                size_t GetNumBlocks();

                virtual void memoryStatusChange(MemoryStatus oldStatus, MemoryStatus newStatus);

                /* A portable replacement for alloca().
                 * Memory is allocated from the heap and not from the stack.  It is freed in 
                 * one of two ways: If the function returns normally then an auto_ptr like
                 * mechanism frees the memory.  If the function leaves by throwing an exception
                 * (or if one of its callees throws an exception) then the exception
                 * handling mechanism in Exception.{h,cpp} frees the memory by releasing 
                 * everything that is still allocated that was allocated since the exception
                 * handler was erected.
                 * The auto_ptr mechanism, based on the class MMgc::GC::AllocaAutoPtr, cannot be
                 * circumvented, as allocaPush() takes a reference to such an object as an argument.
                 * Typical usage:
                 *    MMgc::GC::AllocaAutoPtr _ptr;                      // by convention prefixed by "_"
                 *    int* ptr = (int*)core->allocaPush(_ptr, nbytes);  // by convention same name, no "_"
                 * In practice the VMPI_alloca() macro, defined in avmbuild.h, should be used so that
                 * real alloca() can be used on platforms where that makes sense.
                 * Benchmarks suggest that the performance differences from using this mechanism
                 * instead of real alloca() are slight to nonexistent, and that the heap allocation
                 * sometimes provides a performance improvement.
                struct AllocaStackSegment
                        void* start;                            // first address; also, the RCRoot pointer
                        void* limit;                            // address past data
                        void* top;                                      // address past live if this segment is not the top
                        AllocaStackSegment* prev;       // segments further from the top
                void allocaInit();
                void allocaShutdown();
                void allocaUnwind();                    // restore to initial state
                void allocaPopToSlow(void* top);
                void* allocaPushSlow(size_t nbytes);
                void pushAllocaSegment(size_t nbytes);
                void popAllocaSegment();

                AllocaStackSegment* top_segment;// segment at the stack top
                void* stacktop;                                 // current first free word in top_segment
#ifdef _DEBUG
                size_t stackdepth;                              // useful to have for debugging
                /* See documentation above */
                class AllocaAutoPtr
                        friend class GC;
                        GC* gc;
                        void* unwindPtr;
                void* allocaTop();
                void allocaPopTo(void* top);
                void* allocaPush(size_t nbytes, AllocaAutoPtr& x);

                // Attach an opaque sampler to this GC, overriding any previous sampler
                void* GetAttachedSampler();
                // Retrieve the opaque sampler from this GC, NULL if none has been attached
                void SetAttachedSampler(void *sampler);
                // An attached sampler, or NULL.  We need to attach the sampler to the GC
                // because it moves with the GC/AvmCore pair, it is not attached to a
                // particular thread.
                void* m_sampler;

#ifdef MMGC_HEAP_GRAPH                  


                void addToBlacklist(const void *gcptr);
                void removeFromBlacklist(const void *gcptr);


                GCHashtable blacklist;

                void printBlacklist();
                void pruneBlacklist();
                const void *findGCGraphBeginning(const void *addr, bool &wasDeletedGCRoot);
                void dumpBackPointerChain(const void *obj, HeapGraph &g);
                void dumpBackPointerChainHelper(const void *p, HeapGraph& g);
                HeapGraph mutatorGraph;         
                HeapGraph markerGraph;

        // helper class to wipe out vtable pointer of members for DRC
        class Cleaner
                // don't let myself move between objects
                Cleaner& operator=(const Cleaner& /*rhs*/);
                void set(const void * _v, size_t _size);

                int *v;
                size_t size;

         * Stack object that takes care of many things including defining stack
         * boundaries, doing low stack queued collections/ZCT reaps and stack cleaning
        class GCAutoEnter
                GCAutoEnter(GC *gc);
                void Destroy() { gc = NULL; }
                GC* gc;

         * Undoes the affects of GCAutoEnter on entry and reapplies them upon exit
        class GCAutoEnterPause
                GCAutoEnterPause(GC *gc);
                GC* gc;
                GCAutoEnter *enterSave;

#endif /* __GC__ */

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