/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
This source file includes following definitions.
- setCacheSizes
- substrMatches
- parseVerboseFlags
- gcInterface
- initBuiltinPool
- createDebugger
- createProfiler
- createSampler
- setStackBase
- readOperands
- initTopLevel
- initScriptActivationTraits
- initScript
- prepareActionPool
- handleActionPool
- exportDefs
- parseActionBlock
- handleActionBlock
- handleActionSource
- equals
- compare
- stricteq
- throwException
- throwAtom
- willExceptionBeCaught
- determineLanguage
- findErrorMessage
- getErrorMessage
- atomToErrorString
- toErrorString
- toErrorString
- toErrorString
- toErrorString
- toErrorString
- toErrorString
- toErrorString
- toErrorString
- formatErrorMessageV
- throwErrorV
- booleanAtom
- boolean
- primitive
- numberAtom
- number
- intern
- internNamespace
- formatMultiname
- formatOpcode
- formatBits
- formatOpcode
- beginCatch
- findExceptionHandler
- findExceptionHandlerNoRethrow
- increment_d
- increment_i
- istype
- coerce_s
- string
- setConsoleStream
- isBuiltinType
- isBuiltinTypeMask
- isDictionary
- isLetter
- isCombiningChar
- isDigit
- isExtender
- isXMLName
- ToXMLString
- EscapeElementValue
- EscapeAttributeValue
- atomToXMLObject
- atomToXML
- atomToXMLList
- atomToQName
- _typeof
- createToplevel
- addLivePool
- presweep
- postsweep
- findString
- findStringLatin1
- findStringUTF16
- findNamespace
- gotNamespace
- internStringLatin1
- internConstantStringLatin1
- internString
- internString
- internInt
- internUint32
- internDouble
- findInternedString
- internStringUTF8
- internStringUTF16
- rehashStrings
- rehashNamespaces
- newScriptBuffer
- newVTable
- newRegExp
- newObject
- newNamespace
- newNamespace
- newNamespace
- newPublicNamespace
- uintToAtom
- intToAtom
- doubleToAtom
- format
- formatAtomPtr
- newConstantStringLatin1
- newStringLatin1
- newStringUTF8
- newStringUTF16
- avmSwap16
- newStringEndianUTF16
- concatStrings
- intToString
- uintToString
- doubleToString
- newStackTrace
- dumpStackTrace
- integer
- integer_d
- integer_d_sse2
- doubleToInt32
- doubleToInt32
- doubleToInt32
- getIndexFromString
- getAPI
- setDxns
- setDxnsLate
- dxns
- findDxns
- decr_atom
- incr_atom
- decrementAtomRegion
- atomWriteBarrier
- atomWriteBarrier_ctor
- atomWriteBarrier_dtor
- genericObjectToAtom
- enqFunction
- enqTraits
- verifyEarly
- oom
- codeContext
- setStackLimit
- handleStackOverflowMethodEnv
- handleStackOverflowToplevel
- checkPCREStackOverflow
- setPCREContext
- raiseInterrupt
- handleInterruptMethodEnv
- handleInterruptToplevel
- setActiveAPI
- setAPIInfo
- findPublicNamespace
- getPublicNamespace
- getPublicNamespace
- getAnyPublicNamespace
- hasVersionMark
- getBaseURI
- isVersionedNS
- apiBit
- getCompatibleAPIs
- getVersionedNamespace
- isVersionedURI
- toAPI
- toVersion
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.].
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Adobe System Incorporated.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1993-2006
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s):
* Adobe AS3 Team
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
* of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
* under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
* use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
* decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
* and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete
* the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
* the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
#include "avmplus.h"
#include "BuiltinNatives.h"
#include "../nanojit/nanojit.h"
#ifdef VMCFG_AOT
#include "AOTCompiler.h"
#include "CodegenLIR.h"
//GCC only allows intrinsics if sse2 is enabled
#if (defined(_MSC_VER) || (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__SSE2__))) && (defined(AVMPLUS_IA32) || defined(AVMPLUS_AMD64))
#include <emmintrin.h>
namespace avmplus
using namespace MMgc;
void AvmCore::setCacheSizes(const CacheSizes& cs)
if (isVerbose(VB_traits))
console << "setCacheSize: bindings " << cs.bindings << " metadata " << cs.metadata << '\n';
//AvmLog("setCacheSize: bindings %d metadata %d\n",cs.bindings,cs.metadata);
const uint32_t AvmCore::verbose_default = 0; // all off
const bool AvmCore::methodNames_default = true;
const bool AvmCore::oldVectorMethodNames_default = true;
const bool AvmCore::verifyall_default = false;
const bool AvmCore::show_stats_default = false;
const bool AvmCore::tree_opt_default = false;
const Runmode AvmCore::runmode_default = RM_mixed;
const bool AvmCore::cseopt_default = true;
const bool AvmCore::sse2_default = true;
const bool AvmCore::fixed_esp_default = false;
const bool AvmCore::interrupts_default = false;
const bool AvmCore::jitordie_default = false;
const uint32_t AvmCore::DEFAULT_VERBOSE_ON = ((uint32_t)~0 & ~(nanojit::LC_FragProfile<<16));
const uint32_t AvmCore::DEFAULT_VERBOSE_ON = ((uint32_t)~0);
static bool substrMatches(const char* pattern, const char* p, const char* e)
ptrdiff_t const patlen = VMPI_strlen(pattern);
return (e-p) >= patlen && !VMPI_strncmp(p, pattern, patlen);
/*static*/ uint32_t AvmCore::parseVerboseFlags(const char* p)
uint32_t r = 0;
for (;;)
const char* e = p;
// stop on null or end-of-line... use >=32 to catch those plus other unlikely/uninteresting cases
while (*e >= 32 && *e != ',')
if (substrMatches("parse", p, e))
r |= VB_parse;
else if (substrMatches("verify", p, e))
r |= VB_verify;
else if (substrMatches("interp", p, e))
r |= VB_interp;
else if (substrMatches("traits", p, e))
r |= VB_traits;
else if (substrMatches("builtins", p, e))
r |= VB_builtins;
else if (substrMatches("memstats", p, e))
MMgc::GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->Config().gcstats = true;
else if (substrMatches("sweep", p, e))
MMgc::GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->Config().autoGCStats = true;
else if (substrMatches("occupancy", p, e))
MMgc::GCHeap::GetGCHeap()->Config().verbose = true;
else if (substrMatches("jit", p, e))
r |= VB_jit | ((nanojit::LC_Activation | nanojit::LC_Liveness | nanojit::LC_ReadLIR
| nanojit::LC_AfterSF | nanojit::LC_RegAlloc | nanojit::LC_Assembly
) << 16); // stuff LC_Bits into the upper 16bits
#endif /* FEATURE_NANOJIT */
if (*e < 32)
p = e+1;
return r;
// a single string with characters 0x00...0x7f (inclusive)
static const char* const k_cachedChars =
AvmCore::AvmCore(GC* g)
: GCRoot(g)
, console(NULL)
, gc(g)
#ifdef _DEBUG
, codeContextThread(VMPI_currentThread())
, _debugger(NULL)
, _profiler(NULL)
, _sampler(NULL)
, langID(-1)
, passAllExceptionsToDebugger(false)
, verifyQueue(g, 0)
, livePools(NULL)
, m_tbCache(new (g) QCache(CacheSizes::DEFAULT_BINDINGS, g))
, m_tmCache(new (g) QCache(CacheSizes::DEFAULT_METADATA, g))
, m_msCache(new (g) QCache(CacheSizes::DEFAULT_METHODS, g))
, currentMethodFrame(NULL)
, lookup_cache_timestamp(1)
, m_flushBindingCachesNextSweep(false)
, gcInterface(g)
// sanity check for all our types
MMGC_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(int8) == 1);
MMGC_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uint8) == 1);
MMGC_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(int16) == 2);
MMGC_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uint16) == 2);
MMGC_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(int32) == 4);
MMGC_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uint32) == 4);
MMGC_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(int64) == 8);
MMGC_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uint64) == 8);
MMGC_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(sintptr) == sizeof(void *));
MMGC_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uintptr) == sizeof(void *));
#ifdef AVMPLUS_64BIT
MMGC_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(sintptr) == 8);
MMGC_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uintptr) == 8);
MMGC_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(sintptr) == 4);
MMGC_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(uintptr) == 4);
// set default mode flags
config.verbose_vb = verbose_default;
// default to recording method names, if possible.
// (subclass might change this in its ctor if it wants to conserve memory.)
config.methodNames = methodNames_default;
config.oldVectorMethodNames = oldVectorMethodNames_default;
config.verifyall = verifyall_default;
config.show_stats = show_stats_default;
config.tree_opt = tree_opt_default;
// jit flag forces use of jit-compiler instead of interpreter
config.runmode = runmode_default;
config.cseopt = cseopt_default;
config.jitordie = jitordie_default;
config.sse2 = sse2_default;
config.fixed_esp = fixed_esp_default;
#ifdef VTUNE
VTuneStatus = CheckVTuneStatus();
#endif // VTUNE
config.interrupts = interrupts_default;
xmlEntities = NULL;
exceptionFrame = NULL;
exceptionAddr = NULL;
builtinPool = NULL;
builtinDomain = NULL;
GetGC()->SetGCContextVariable (MMgc::GC::GCV_AVMCORE, this);
minstack = 0;
callStack = NULL;
interrupted = NotInterrupted;
strings = NULL;
numStrings = 0;
namespaces = NULL;
numNamespaces = 0;
stringCount = 0;
deletedCount = 0;
nsCount = 0;
numStrings = 1024; // power of 2
strings = mmfx_new_array(DRC(Stringp), numStrings);
VMPI_memset(strings, 0, numStrings*sizeof(DRC(Stringp)));
numNamespaces = 1024; // power of 2
namespaces = mmfx_new_array(DRC(Namespacep), numNamespaces);
VMPI_memset(namespaces, 0, numNamespaces*sizeof(DRC(Namespacep)));
kconstructor = internConstantStringLatin1("constructor");
kundefined = internConstantStringLatin1("undefined");
knull = internConstantStringLatin1("null");
ktrue = internConstantStringLatin1("true");
kfalse = internConstantStringLatin1("false");
ktoString = internConstantStringLatin1("toString");
ktoLocaleString = internConstantStringLatin1("toLocaleString");
kvalueOf = internConstantStringLatin1("valueOf");
klength = internConstantStringLatin1("length");
kobject = internConstantStringLatin1("object");
kboolean = internConstantStringLatin1("boolean");
knumber = internConstantStringLatin1("number");
kstring = internConstantStringLatin1("string");
kxml = internConstantStringLatin1("xml");
kfunction = internConstantStringLatin1("function");
kglobal = internConstantStringLatin1("global");
kcallee = internConstantStringLatin1("callee");
kuri = internConstantStringLatin1("uri");
kprefix = internConstantStringLatin1("prefix");
kNaN = doubleToAtom(MathUtils::kNaN);
kNeedsDxns = internConstantStringLatin1("NeedsDxns");
kAsterisk = internConstantStringLatin1("*");
kVersion = internConstantStringLatin1("Version");
kanonymousFunc = newConstantStringLatin1("<anonymous>");
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
AvmAssert(k_cachedChars[i] == i);
// call String::createLatin1() with an explicit length of 1; required
// when singleChar==0, because in that case we need a string
// which is a single character with value 0
cachedChars[i] = internString(String::createLatin1(this, &k_cachedChars[i], 1));
booleanStrings[0] = kfalse;
booleanStrings[1] = ktrue;
// init kEmptyString last, so that StringObject can use it as a sentinel for
// determining if all the cached strings are valid.
kEmptyString = internConstantStringLatin1("");
// create public namespace
publicNamespace = internNamespace(newNamespace(kEmptyString));
java = NULL;
_emptySupertypeList = Traits::allocSupertypeList(gc, 0);
delete _sampler;
_sampler = NULL;
m_tbCache = NULL;
m_tmCache = NULL;
m_msCache = NULL;
// Free the numbers and strings tables
if (gc)
gc->SetGCContextVariable(GC::GCV_AVMCORE, NULL);
strings = NULL;
namespaces = NULL;
delete _profiler;
_profiler = NULL;
LivePoolNode* node = livePools;
while (node)
LivePoolNode* next = node->next;
delete node;
node = next;
livePools = NULL;
void AvmCore::initBuiltinPool(
int tracelevel
_debugger = createDebugger(tracelevel);
_profiler = createProfiler();
builtinDomain = new (GetGC()) Domain(this, NULL);
#ifdef VMCFG_AOT
NativeInitializer ninit(this,
builtinPool = ninit.parseBuiltinABC(builtinDomain);
builtinPool = AVM_INIT_BUILTIN_ABC(builtin, this);
// whack the the non-interruptable bit on all builtin functions
for(int i=0, size=builtinPool->methodCount(); i<size; i++)
for(int i=0, size=builtinPool->classCount(); i<size; i++)
for(int i=0, size=builtinPool->scriptCount(); i<size; i++)
// sampling can begin now, requires builtinPool
if (_debugger)
_sampler = createSampler();
AvmAssert(_sampler != NULL);
Debugger* AvmCore::createDebugger(int /*tracelevel*/)
return NULL;
Profiler* AvmCore::createProfiler()
return NULL;
Sampler* AvmCore::createSampler()
return (new Sampler(this));
/*virtual*/ void AvmCore::setStackBase()
// nothing
/*static*/ void AvmCore::readOperands(const byte* &pc, unsigned int& imm32, int& imm24, unsigned int& imm32b, int& imm8 )
AbcOpcode opcode = (AbcOpcode)*pc++;
int op_count = opcodeInfo[opcode].operandCount;
imm8 = pc[0];
if( opcode == OP_pushbyte || opcode == OP_debug )
// these two operands have a byte as their first operand, which is not encoded
// with the variable length encoding scheme for bigger numbers, because it will
// never be larger than a byte.
if( op_count > 0 )
if( opcode >= OP_ifnlt && opcode <= OP_lookupswitch )
imm24 = AvmCore::readS24(pc);
pc += 3;
imm32 = AvmCore::readU30(pc);
if( opcode == OP_debug )
--op_count; //OP_debug has a third operand of a byte
if( op_count > 1 )
imm32b = AvmCore::readU30(pc);
Toplevel* AvmCore::initTopLevel()
Toplevel* toplevel = NULL;
handleActionPool(builtinPool, NULL, toplevel, NULL);
return toplevel;
static void initScriptActivationTraits(AvmCore* core, Toplevel* toplevel, MethodInfo* method)
#ifdef VMCFG_AOT
PoolObject* pool = method->pool();
const AOTInfo* aotInfo = pool->aotInfo;
if (method->needActivation()) {
Traits* activationTraits = method->activationTraits();
AvmAssert(activationTraits != NULL);
AvmAssert(method->method_id() < aotInfo->nActivationTraits);
aotInfo->activationTraits[method->method_id()] = activationTraits;
if (aotInfo->activationTraitsInitFunctions[method->method_id()] != NULL) {
NativeMethodInfo compiledMethodInfo;
compiledMethodInfo.thunker = aotThunker;
compiledMethodInfo.handler.function = aotInfo->activationTraitsInitFunctions[method->method_id()];
activationTraits->init = new (core->gc) MethodInfo(MethodInfo::kInitMethodStub, activationTraits, &compiledMethodInfo);
static ScriptEnv* initScript(AvmCore* core, Toplevel* toplevel, AbcEnv* abcEnv, Traits* scriptTraits)
// [ed] 3/24/06 why do we really care if a script is dynamic or not?
bool wasResolved = scriptTraits->isResolved();
VTable* scriptVTable = core->newVTable(scriptTraits, toplevel->object_ivtable, toplevel);
if (!wasResolved)
scriptTraits->init_declaringScopes(ScopeTypeChain::createEmpty(core->GetGC(), scriptTraits));
ScriptEnv* scriptEnv = new (core->GetGC()) ScriptEnv(scriptTraits->init, scriptVTable, abcEnv);
scriptVTable->init = scriptEnv;
core->exportDefs(scriptTraits, scriptEnv);
initScriptActivationTraits(core, toplevel, scriptTraits->init);
return scriptEnv;
ScriptEnv* AvmCore::prepareActionPool(PoolObject* pool,
DomainEnv* domainEnv,
Toplevel*& toplevel,
CodeContext* codeContext)
AvmAssert(pool != NULL);
// get the main entry point and its global traits
if (pool->scriptCount() == 0)
if (domainEnv == NULL)
// create a new DomainEnv based on the builtinDomain
domainEnv = new (GetGC()) DomainEnv(this, builtinDomain, NULL);
AbcEnv* abcEnv = new (GetGC(), AbcEnv::calcExtra(pool)) AbcEnv(pool, domainEnv, codeContext);
ScriptEnv* main = NULL;
if (toplevel == NULL)
toplevel = createToplevel(abcEnv);
// save toplevel since it was initially null
main = toplevel->mainEntryPoint();
initScriptActivationTraits(this, toplevel, main->method);
// some code relies on the final script being initialized first, so we
// must continue that behavior
main = initScript(this, toplevel, abcEnv, pool->getScriptTraits(pool->scriptCount()-1));
// skip the final one, it's already been done
for (int i=0, n=pool->scriptCount()-1; i < n; i++)
initScript(this, toplevel, abcEnv, pool->getScriptTraits(i));
if (config.verifyall) {
for (int i=0, n=pool->scriptCount(); i < n; i++)
verifyEarly(toplevel, abcEnv);
return main;
Atom AvmCore::handleActionPool(PoolObject* pool,
DomainEnv* domainEnv,
Toplevel* &toplevel,
CodeContext* codeContext)
bool createdToplevel = (toplevel == NULL);
ScriptEnv* main = prepareActionPool(pool, domainEnv, toplevel, codeContext);
if (!createdToplevel)
Atom result = 0; // init to zero to make GCC happy
#ifndef DEBUGGER
result = main->coerceEnter(main->global->atom());
TRY(this, kCatchAction_Rethrow)
result = main->coerceEnter(main->global->atom());
CATCH(Exception *exception)
// Re-throw exception
return result;
void AvmCore::exportDefs(Traits* scriptTraits, ScriptEnv* scriptEnv)
AbcEnv* abcEnv = scriptEnv->abcEnv();
DomainEnv* domainEnv = abcEnv->domainEnv();
// iterate thru each of the definitions exported by this script
StTraitsBindingsIterator iter(scriptTraits->getTraitsBindings());
while (iter.next())
// don't need to check for DELETED because we never remove trait bindings
Stringp name = iter.key();
if (!name) continue;
Namespacep ns = iter.ns();
// not already in the table then export it
// otherwise we keep the first one that was encountered.
if (!ns->isPrivate())
if (!domainEnv->getNamedScript(name, ns))
// add ns/name to global table
// ISSUE should we filter out Object traits and/or private members?
if (scriptTraits->pool->isVerbose(VB_parse))
console << "exporting " << ns << "::" << name << "\n";
domainEnv->addNamedScript(name, ns, scriptEnv);
if (!abcEnv->getPrivateScriptEnv(name, ns))
abcEnv->addPrivateScriptEnv(name, ns, scriptEnv);
// Adding scripts to a domain always invalidates the lookup cache.
PoolObject* AvmCore::parseActionBlock(ScriptBuffer code,
int /*start*/,
Toplevel* toplevel,
Domain* domain,
const NativeInitializer* ninit,
uint32_t api)
// parse constants and attributes.
PoolObject* pool = AbcParser::decodeAbc(this,
if (_debugger)
_debugger->processAbc(pool, code);
return pool;
Atom AvmCore::handleActionBlock(ScriptBuffer code,
int start,
DomainEnv* domainEnv,
Toplevel* &toplevel,
const NativeInitializer* ninit,
CodeContext *codeContext,
uint32_t api)
Domain* domain = domainEnv ? domainEnv->domain() : builtinDomain;
// parse constants and attributes.
PoolObject *pool = parseActionBlock(code,
return handleActionPool(pool, domainEnv, toplevel, codeContext);
Atom AvmCore::handleActionSource(String* code,
String* filename,
DomainEnv* domainEnv,
Toplevel* &toplevel,
const NativeInitializer* ninit,
CodeContext *codeContext,
uint32_t api)
ScriptBuffer buffer = avmplus::compileProgram(this, toplevel, code, filename);
return handleActionBlock(buffer, 0, domainEnv, toplevel, ninit, codeContext, api);
#endif // VMCFG_EVAL
11.9.3 The Abstract Equality Comparison Algorithm
The comparison x == y, where x and y are values, produces true or false. Such a comparison is performed as
E4X - 0a. if x is XMLList, call [[Equals]] method of x with argument y and return
E4X - 0b. if y is XMLList, call [[Equals]] method of y with argument x and return
1. If Type(x) is different from Type(y), go to step 14.
E4X - 1a. If x is XML and y is XML
if x.class = text/attribute && y.class == text/attribute, do string compare
else to x.[[Equals]](y)
E4X - 1b If x and y are QName
return uri=uri and localname==localName
E4X - 1c if x and y are Namespaces
return uri == uri
2. If Type(x) is Undefined, return true.
3. If Type(x) is Null, return true.
4. If Type(x) is not Number, go to step 11.
5. If x is NaN, return false.
6. If y is NaN, return false.
7. If x is the same number value as y, return true.
8. If x is +0 and y is -0, return true.
9. If x is -0 and y is +0, return true.
10. Return false.
11. If Type(x) is String, then return true if x and y are exactly the same sequence of characters (same length and
same characters in corresponding positions). Otherwise, return false.
12. If Type(x) is Boolean, return true if x and y are both true or both false. Otherwise, return false.
13. Return true if x and y refer to the same object or if they refer to objects joined to each other (section 13.1.2).
Otherwise, return false.
// Different types below here
E4X 14a. if (x is xml) and x.hasSimpleContent = true or (y is xml) and y.hasSimlpeContent = true
return the results of tostring(x) and tostring(y)
14. If x is null and y is undefined, return true.
15. If x is undefined and y is null, return true.
16. If Type(x) is Number and Type(y) is String,
return the result of the comparison x == ToNumber(y).
17. If Type(x) is String and Type(y) is Number,
return the result of the comparison ToNumber(x) == y.
18. If Type(x) is Boolean, return the result of the comparison ToNumber(x) == y.
19. If Type(y) is Boolean, return the result of the comparison x == ToNumber(y).
20. If Type(x) is either String or Number and Type(y) is Object,
return the result of the comparison x == ToPrimitive(y).
21. If Type(x) is Object and Type(y) is either String or Number,
return the result of the comparison ToPrimitive(x) == y.
22. Return false.
Atom AvmCore::equals(Atom lhs, Atom rhs)
if (isNull(lhs)) lhs = 0;
if (isNull(rhs)) rhs = 0;
int ltype = (int)atomKind(lhs);
int rtype = (int)atomKind(rhs);
// See E4X 11.5.1, pg 53.
if ((ltype == kObjectType) && (isXMLList(lhs)))
return atomToXMLList(lhs)->_equals(rhs);
else if ((rtype == kObjectType) && (isXMLList(rhs)))
return atomToXMLList (rhs)->_equals(lhs);
if (ltype == rtype)
// same type
switch (ltype)
case 0:
case kSpecialType:
return trueAtom;
case kStringType:
if (lhs == rhs) return trueAtom;
return (*atomToString(lhs) == *atomToString(rhs)) ? trueAtom : falseAtom;
case kBooleanType:
case kIntptrType:
return lhs == rhs ? trueAtom : falseAtom;
case kNamespaceType:
// E4X 11.5.1, pg 53
return atomToNamespace(lhs)->EqualTo(atomToNamespace(rhs))? trueAtom : falseAtom;
case kObjectType:
// E4X 11.5.1, pg 53
if (lhs == rhs)
return trueAtom;
if (isXML(lhs) && isXML(rhs))
XMLObject *x = atomToXMLObject (lhs);
XMLObject *y = atomToXMLObject (rhs);
if ((((x->getClass() & (E4XNode::kText | E4XNode::kCDATA | E4XNode::kAttribute))) && y->hasSimpleContent()) ||
(((y->getClass() & (E4XNode::kText | E4XNode::kCDATA | E4XNode::kAttribute))) && x->hasSimpleContent()))
return ((*string(lhs) == *string(rhs)) ? trueAtom : falseAtom);
return x->getNode()->_equals(x->toplevel(), this, y->getNode()) ? trueAtom : falseAtom;
else if (isQName(lhs) && isQName(rhs))
QNameObject *qn1 = atomToQName (lhs);
QNameObject *qn2 = atomToQName (rhs);
return (((qn1->getURI() == qn2->getURI()) && (qn1->get_localName() == qn2->get_localName()))? trueAtom : falseAtom);
return falseAtom;
case kDoubleType:
// C++ portability note -- if either arg is NaN, java == returns false, which matches ECMA.
return atomToDouble(lhs) == atomToDouble(rhs) ? trueAtom : falseAtom;
if (isNullOrUndefined(lhs) && isNullOrUndefined(rhs))
return trueAtom;
if (ltype == kIntptrType && rtype == kDoubleType)
return ((double)atomGetIntptr(lhs)) == atomToDouble(rhs) ? trueAtom : falseAtom;
if (ltype == kDoubleType && rtype == kIntptrType)
return atomToDouble(lhs) == ((double)atomGetIntptr(rhs)) ? trueAtom : falseAtom;
// 16. If Type(x) is Number and Type(y) is String,
// return the result of the comparison x == ToNumber(y).
if (isNumber(lhs) && isString(rhs))
return equals(lhs, doubleToAtom(number(rhs)));
// 17. If Type(x) is String and Type(y) is Number,
// return the result of the comparison ToNumber(x) == y.
if (isString(lhs) && isNumber(rhs))
return equals(doubleToAtom(number(lhs)), rhs);
// E4X 11.5.1, step 4. Placed slightly lower then in the spec
// to handle quicker cases earlier. No cases above should be comparing
// an object to a non-object
if (((ltype == kObjectType) && isXML(lhs) && atomToXMLObject(lhs)->hasSimpleContent()) ||
((rtype == kObjectType) && isXML(rhs) && atomToXMLObject(rhs)->hasSimpleContent()))
return ((*string(lhs) == *string(rhs)) ? trueAtom : falseAtom);
// 18. If Type(x) is Boolean, return the result of the comparison ToNumber(x) == y.
if (ltype == kBooleanType)
return equals((lhs&~7)|kIntptrType, rhs); // equal(toInteger(lhs), rhs)
// 19. If Type(y) is Boolean, return the result of the comparison x == ToNumber(y).
if (rtype == kBooleanType)
return equals(lhs, (rhs&~7)|kIntptrType); // equal(lhs, toInteger(rhs))
// 20. If Type(x) is either String or Number and Type(y) is Object,
// return the result of the comparison x == ToPrimitive(y).
if ((isString(lhs) || isNumber(lhs)) && rtype == kObjectType)
return equals(lhs, atomToScriptObject(rhs)->defaultValue());
// 21. If Type(x) is Object and Type(y) is either String or Number,
// return the result of the comparison ToPrimitive(x) == y.
if ((isString(rhs) || isNumber(rhs)) && ltype == kObjectType)
return equals(atomToScriptObject(lhs)->defaultValue(), rhs);
return falseAtom;
* this is the abstract relational comparison algorithm according to ECMA 262 11.8.5
* @param lhs
* @param rhs
* @return trueAtom, falseAtom, or undefinedAtom
Atom AvmCore::compare(Atom lhs, Atom rhs)
// fixme - toprimitive must take number hint, so "7" becomes 7
if (atomIsBothIntptr(lhs, rhs))
// fast path for integers
return lhs < rhs ? trueAtom : falseAtom;
lhs = primitive(lhs);
rhs = primitive(rhs);
if (isString(lhs) && isString(rhs))
// string compare. todo optimize!
// we already know they are strings, call atomToString() rather than string()
return *atomToString(lhs) < *atomToString(rhs) ? trueAtom : falseAtom;
// numeric compare
double dx = number(lhs);
double dy = number(rhs);
if (MathUtils::isNaN(dx)) return undefinedAtom;
if (MathUtils::isNaN(dy)) return undefinedAtom;
return dx < dy ? trueAtom : falseAtom;
Atom AvmCore::stricteq(Atom lhs, Atom rhs)
if (isNull(lhs)) return isNull(rhs) ? trueAtom : falseAtom;
if (isNull(rhs)) return falseAtom; // We already know that lhs is not null
int ltype = atomKind(lhs);
int rtype = atomKind(rhs);
if (ltype == rtype)
// same type
switch (ltype)
case kSpecialType:
return trueAtom; // undefined is the only kSpecialType atom
case kStringType:
return (lhs==rhs || *string(lhs) == *string(rhs)) ? trueAtom : falseAtom;
case kBooleanType:
case kIntptrType:
case kNamespaceType:
return lhs == rhs ? trueAtom : falseAtom;
case kObjectType:
if (lhs == rhs)
return trueAtom;
if (isXML(lhs) && isXML(rhs))
E4XNode *lhn = atomToXML(lhs);
E4XNode *rhn = atomToXML(rhs);
return ((lhn == rhn) ? trueAtom : falseAtom);
return falseAtom;
case kDoubleType:
// C++ portability note -- if either arg is NaN, java == returns false, which matches ECMA.
return atomToDouble(lhs) == atomToDouble(rhs) ? trueAtom : falseAtom;
// Sometimes ints can hide in double atoms (neg zero for one)
else if (((ltype == kIntptrType) && (rtype == kDoubleType)) ||
((rtype == kIntptrType) && (ltype == kDoubleType)))
return number(lhs) == number(rhs) ? trueAtom : falseAtom;
return falseAtom;
* throwException will throw an exception. This function
* never returns. The exception to be thrown is specified
* by exception.
void AvmCore::throwException(Exception *exception)
if (_debugger && !(exception->flags & Exception::SEEN_BY_DEBUGGER))
// I'm going to set the SEEN_BY_DEBUGGER flag now, before calling
// filterException(), just to avoid reentrancy problems (we don't
// want to end up back here with the same Exception object and get
// stuck in an infinite loop).
exception->flags |= Exception::SEEN_BY_DEBUGGER;
bool willBeCaught = willExceptionBeCaught(exception);
if (passAllExceptionsToDebugger || !willBeCaught)
// filterException() returns 'true' if it somehow let the user know
// about the exception, 'false' if it ignored the exception.
if (_debugger->filterException(exception, willBeCaught))
exception->flags |= Exception::SEEN_BY_DEBUGGER;
exception->flags &= ~Exception::SEEN_BY_DEBUGGER;
exception->flags &= ~Exception::SEEN_BY_DEBUGGER;
// exceptionFrame should not be NULL; if it is,
// you are missing a TRY/CATCH block around
// a call to an AVM+ method that throws an
// exception.
AvmAssert(exceptionFrame != NULL);
* throwAtom will throw an exception. This function
* never returns. The exception to be thrown is specified
* by atom.
void AvmCore::throwAtom(Atom atom)
throwException(new (GetGC()) Exception(this, atom));
bool AvmCore::willExceptionBeCaught(Exception* exception)
ExceptionFrame* ef;
for (ef = exceptionFrame; ef != NULL; ef = ef->prevFrame)
switch (ef->catchAction)
// The CATCH block will consume any exception that occurs, and will not treat it as
// an error, so exceptions should not be reported to the debugger.
case kCatchAction_Ignore:
return true;
// The CATCH block will rethrow any exception that occurs; so, we will 'continue',
// which will take us back to the 'for' loop to keep going up the exception stack,
// until we find a frame with some other value.
case kCatchAction_Rethrow:
continue; // return to the 'for' loop
// The CATCH block will treat any exception that occurs as an error -- probably by
// calling uncaughtException, but possibly by some other means. So, exceptions
// should be reported to the debugger.
case kCatchAction_ReportAsError:
return false;
// This is the unfortunate, but rare, case where we can't tell in advance how the
// CATCH block will handle exceptions. In this case, we wil not report the
// exception to the debugger.
case kCatchAction_Unknown:
return true;
// The CATCH block will walk up the exception frames that were defined in
// ActionScript code -- e.g. "try { } catch (e:Error) { }" -- looking for one
// which catch this exception. So, we will do the same thing, and only report
// the error to the debugger if there is no catch block for it.
case kCatchAction_SearchForActionScriptExceptionHandler:
CallStackNode* callStackNode;
// Walk all the way up the stack, one frame at a time, looking for
// one which will catch this exception.
for (callStackNode = callStack; callStackNode; callStackNode = callStackNode->next())
MethodInfo* info = callStackNode->info();
// native methods don't have exception handlers
if (info && info->isNative())
// Note: we only care if the info actually has an exception handler or not...
// if WORD_CODE is enabled and this function is jitted, info->word_code_exceptions() will
// be null even if we have an exception handler. So always look at info->abc_exceptions()
// since it is (currently) always correct.
const bool hasExceptionHandler = info && info->abc_exceptions() != NULL;
if (hasExceptionHandler && callStackNode->eip() && *callStackNode->eip())
// Check if this particular frame of the callstack
// is going to catch the exception.
if (findExceptionHandlerNoRethrow(info, *callStackNode->eip(), exception) != NULL)
return true;
// No ActionScript handler was found, so the exception is going to be
// re-thrown; so, 'continue' will get us back to the 'for' loop
return false;
* Returns LANG_xx enum
int AvmCore::determineLanguage()
if (langID < 0)
// @todo system probe to determine language, then return one of our known enums
langID = LANG_en;
return langID;
String* AvmCore::findErrorMessage(int errorID,
int* mapTable, /* 2 ints per entry i, i+1 */
const char** errorTable,
int numErrors)
// Above that, we must binary search.
int lo = 0;
int hi = numErrors-1;
while (lo <= hi) {
int pivot = (lo+hi)>>1;
int testID = mapTable[2*pivot];
if (testID == errorID) {
lo = pivot;
} else if (errorID < testID) {
hi = pivot-1;
} else {
lo = pivot+1;
int index = mapTable[2*lo+1];
int ident = mapTable[2*lo];
if (ident == errorID) {
return newStringUTF8(errorTable[index]);
} else {
return NULL;
String* AvmCore::getErrorMessage(int errorID)
Stringp buffer = newConstantStringLatin1("Error #");
buffer = concatStrings(buffer, internInt(errorID));
if (_debugger)
// errorConstants is declared char* but is encoded as UTF8
Stringp out = findErrorMessage(errorID,
if (out)
buffer = concatStrings(buffer, newConstantStringLatin1(": "));
buffer = concatStrings(buffer, out);
AvmAssertMsg(0, "errorID not found in the message table; check ErrorConstants.cpp you may need to regenerate it");
return buffer;
String* AvmCore::atomToErrorString(Atom a)
String* out = NULL;
out = this->format(a);
out = kEmptyString;
#endif /* DEBUGGER */
return out;
String* AvmCore::toErrorString(int d)
return MathUtils::convertIntegerToStringBase10(this, d, MathUtils::kTreatAsSigned);
return kEmptyString;
#endif /* DEBUGGER */
String* AvmCore::toErrorString(const char* s)
String* out = NULL;
if (s)
out = this->newStringUTF8(s);
out = kEmptyString;
out = kEmptyString;
#endif /* DEBUGGER */
return out;
String* AvmCore::toErrorString(const wchar* s)
String* out = NULL;
if (s)
out = this->newStringUTF16(s);
out = kEmptyString;
out = kEmptyString;
#endif /* DEBUGGER */
return out;
String* AvmCore::toErrorString(MethodInfo* m)
String* s = NULL;
if (m)
s = m->format(this);
s = kEmptyString;
s = kEmptyString;
#endif /* DEBUGGER */
return s;
String* AvmCore::toErrorString(const Multiname& n)
String* s = NULL;
s = n.format(this, Multiname::MULTI_FORMAT_NAME_ONLY);
s = kEmptyString;
#endif /* DEBUGGER */
return s;
String* AvmCore::toErrorString(const Multiname* n)
String* s = NULL;
if (n)
s = n->format(this, Multiname::MULTI_FORMAT_NAME_ONLY);
s = kEmptyString;
s = kEmptyString;
#endif /* DEBUGGER */
return s;
String* AvmCore::toErrorString(Namespacep ns)
String* s = NULL;
if (ns)
s = ns->format(this);
s = kEmptyString;
s = kEmptyString;
#endif /* DEBUGGER */
return s;
String* AvmCore::toErrorString(const Traits* t)
#ifndef DEBUGGER
return kEmptyString;
if (!t)
return newConstantStringLatin1("*");
String* s = NULL;
if (t->base == traits.class_itraits)
t = t->itraits;
s = newConstantStringLatin1("class ");
s = kEmptyString;
Namespacep ns = t->ns();
if (ns != NULL && !ns->getURI()->isEmpty())
s = concatStrings(s, concatStrings(toErrorString(ns), newConstantStringLatin1(".")));
Stringp n = t->name();
if (n)
s = concatStrings(s, n);
s = concatStrings(s, newConstantStringLatin1("(null)"));
return s;
#endif /* DEBUGGER */
String* AvmCore::formatErrorMessageV( int errorID, Stringp arg1, Stringp arg2, Stringp arg3)
Stringp out = NULL;
Stringp errorMessage = getErrorMessage(errorID);
if (errorMessage)
StUTF8String errorUTF8(errorMessage);
const char *format = errorUTF8.c_str();
// This block is enclosed in {} to force
// StringBuffer destructor to unwind.
StringBuffer buffer(this);
buffer.formatP( format, arg1, arg2, arg3);
out = newStringUTF8(buffer.c_str());
* We can skip all the above processing since getErrorMessage() only
* returns the error code. Likewise the toErrorString() methods return kEmptyString
out = errorMessage;
#endif /* DEBUGGER*/
AvmAssertMsg(errorMessage != NULL, "contract with getErrorMessage() broken, we should always get a string!");
out = kEmptyString;
return out;
void AvmCore::throwErrorV(ClassClosure *type, int errorID, Stringp arg1, Stringp arg2, Stringp arg3)
Stringp out = formatErrorMessageV( errorID, arg1, arg2, arg3);
if (type == NULL)
// print the error message, because we're still bootstrapping
// and the exception type is not yet defined
console << out << "\n";
Atom args[3] = { nullObjectAtom, out->atom(), intToAtom(errorID) };
throwAtom(type->construct(2, args));
/*static*/ Atom AvmCore::booleanAtom(Atom atom)
if (!AvmCore::isNullOrUndefined(atom))
switch (atomKind(atom))
case kIntptrType:
return atomGetIntptr(atom) ? trueAtom : falseAtom;
case kBooleanType:
return atom;
case kObjectType:
case kNamespaceType:
return isNull(atom) ? falseAtom : trueAtom;
case kStringType:
if (isNull(atom)) return falseAtom;
return (atomToString(atom)->length() > 0) ? trueAtom : falseAtom;
double d = atomToDouble(atom);
return !MathUtils::isNaN(d) && d != 0.0 ? trueAtom : falseAtom;
return falseAtom;
/*static*/ int AvmCore::boolean(Atom atom)
if (!AvmCore::isNullOrUndefined(atom))
switch (atomKind(atom))
case kIntptrType:
return atomGetIntptr(atom) != 0;
case kBooleanType:
return (atom & ~7) != 0;
case kObjectType:
case kNamespaceType:
return !isNull(atom);
case kStringType:
return !isNull(atom) && atomToString(atom)->length() > 0;
double d = atomToDouble(atom);
return !MathUtils::isNaN(d) && d != 0.0;
return false;
Return a default value for the Object. The default value of an object is
retrieved by calling the internal [[DefaultValue]] method of the object,
passing the optional hint PreferredType. The behaviour of the
[[DefaultValue]] method is defined by this specification for all native
ECMAScript objects (section
/*static*/ Atom AvmCore::primitive(Atom atom)
return isObject(atom) ? atomToScriptObject(atom)->defaultValue() : atom;
Atom AvmCore::numberAtom(Atom atom)
if (!isNull(atom))
double value;
switch (atomKind(atom))
case kSpecialType:
return kNaN;
case kStringType:
value = atomToString(atom)->toNumber();
case kBooleanType:
return (atom&~7) | kIntptrType;
case kDoubleType:
case kIntptrType:
return atom;
case kNamespaceType:
// return ToNumber(namespace->uri)
value = number(atomToNamespace(atom)->getURI()->atom());
case kObjectType:
value = number(atomToScriptObject(atom)->defaultValue());
return doubleToAtom(value);
return zeroIntAtom;
/*static*/ double AvmCore::number(Atom atom)
for (;;)
const int kind = atomKind(atom);
// kIntptrType is by far the most common
if (kind == kIntptrType)
return (double) atomGetIntptr(atom);
// kDoubleType is next most common
if (kind == kDoubleType)
return atomToDouble(atom);
if (AvmCore::isNull(atom))
return 0.0;
// all other cases are relatively rare
switch (kind)
case kStringType:
return atomToString(atom)->toNumber();
case kSpecialType:
return MathUtils::kNaN;
case kBooleanType:
return atom == trueAtom ? 1.0 : 0.0;
case kNamespaceType:
atom = atomToNamespace(atom)->getURI()->atom();
break; // continue loop, effectively a tailcall
case kObjectType:
atom = AvmCore::atomToScriptObject(atom)->defaultValue();
break; // continue loop, effectively a tailcall
//AvmAssert(0); // can't get here
//return 0.0;
Stringp AvmCore::intern(Atom atom)
if (!isNull(atom))
switch (atomKind(atom))
case kBooleanType:
return booleanStrings[atom>>3];
case kStringType:
return internString(atom);
case kNamespaceType:
return atomToNamespace(atom)->getURI();
case kSpecialType:
return kundefined;
case kObjectType:
return intern(atomToScriptObject(atom)->toString());
case kIntptrType:
return internInt((int32_t)atomGetIntptr(atom));
case kDoubleType:
default: // number
return internDouble(atomToDouble(atom));
return knull;
Namespacep AvmCore::internNamespace(Namespacep ns)
if (ns->isPrivate())
// only intern namespaces with interned uri's. this means anonymous
// namespaces with null prefixes are always unique and can't be shared.
return ns;
int i = findNamespace(ns);
if (namespaces[i] == NULL)
// first time we've seen this namespace. intern it
namespaces[i] = ns;
return ns;
// found the namespace, indexing by URI. return the interned copy.
return namespaces[i];
/* static */
void AvmCore::formatMultiname(PrintWriter& out, uint32 index, PoolObject* pool)
if (index > 0 && index <= pool->cpool_mn_offsets.size())
Multiname name;
pool->parseMultiname(name, index);
out << name;
out << "invalid multiname index " << (uint32_t)index;
void AvmCore::formatOpcode(PrintWriter& buffer, const byte *pc, AbcOpcode opcode, ptrdiff_t off, PoolObject* pool)
switch (opcode)
case OP_debugfile:
case OP_pushstring:
buffer << opcodeInfo[opcode].name;
uint32 index = readU30(pc);
if (index < pool->constantStringCount)
String *s = format(pool->getString(index)->atom());
buffer << " " << s;
case OP_pushbyte:
buffer << opcodeInfo[opcode].name << " " << int(int8(*pc));
case OP_pushint:
buffer << opcodeInfo[opcode].name;
uint32 index = readU30(pc);
if (index < pool->cpool_int.size())
buffer << " " << pool->cpool_int[index];
case OP_pushuint:
buffer << opcodeInfo[opcode].name;
uint32 index = readU30(pc);
if (index < pool->cpool_uint.size())
buffer << " " << (double)pool->cpool_uint[index];
case OP_pushdouble:
buffer << opcodeInfo[opcode].name;
uint32 index = readU30(pc);
if (index > 0 && index < pool->cpool_double.size())
buffer << " " << *pool->cpool_double[index];
buffer << " invalid_index=" << index;
case OP_pushnamespace:
buffer << opcodeInfo[opcode].name;
uint32 index = readU30(pc);
if (index < pool->cpool_ns.size())
buffer << " " << pool->cpool_ns[index]->getURI();
case OP_getsuper:
case OP_setsuper:
case OP_getproperty:
case OP_setproperty:
case OP_initproperty:
case OP_findpropstrict:
case OP_findproperty:
case OP_finddef:
case OP_deleteproperty:
case OP_istype:
case OP_coerce:
case OP_astype:
buffer << opcodeInfo[opcode].name << " ";
formatMultiname(buffer, readU30(pc), pool);
case OP_callproperty:
case OP_callpropvoid:
case OP_callproplex:
case OP_callsuper:
case OP_callsupervoid:
uint32 index = readU30(pc);
int argc = readU30(pc);
buffer << opcodeInfo[opcode].name << " ";
formatMultiname(buffer, index, pool);
buffer << " " << argc;
case OP_callstatic:
case OP_newfunction:
int method_id = readU30(pc);
MethodInfo* f = pool->getMethodInfo(method_id);
buffer << opcodeInfo[opcode].name << " method_id=" << method_id;
if (opcode == OP_callstatic)
buffer << " argc=" << (int)readU30(pc); // argc
Stringp fname = f->getMethodName();
if (fname)
buffer << " " << fname;
buffer << " null";
case OP_newclass:
uint32_t id = readU30(pc);
Traits* c = pool->getClassTraits(id);
buffer << opcodeInfo[opcode].name << " " << c;
case OP_lookupswitch:
ptrdiff_t target = off + readS24(pc);
pc += 3;
int maxindex = readU30(pc);
buffer << opcodeInfo[opcode].name << " default:" << (int)target << " maxcase:"<<maxindex;
for (int i=0; i <= maxindex; i++)
target = off + readS24(pc);
pc += 3;
buffer << " " << (int)target;
case OP_ifnlt:
case OP_ifnle:
case OP_ifngt:
case OP_ifnge:
case OP_jump:
case OP_iftrue:
case OP_iffalse:
case OP_ifeq:
case OP_ifge:
case OP_ifgt:
case OP_ifle:
case OP_iflt:
case OP_ifne:
case OP_ifstricteq:
case OP_ifstrictne:
int imm24 = 0, imm8 = 0;
unsigned int imm30 = 0, imm30b = 0;
const byte* p2 = pc-1;
readOperands(p2, imm30, imm24, imm30b, imm8);
int insWidth = (int)(p2-pc);
ptrdiff_t target = off + insWidth + imm24 + 1;
buffer << opcodeInfo[opcode].name << " " << (double)target;
switch (opcodeInfo[opcode].operandCount) {
buffer << opcodeInfo[opcode].name;
case 1:
buffer << opcodeInfo[opcode].name
<< ' '
<< (int)readU30(pc);
case 2:
int first = readU30(pc);
int second = readU30(pc);
buffer << opcodeInfo[opcode].name
<< ' '
<< first
<< ' '
<< second;
void AvmCore::formatBits(PrintWriter& buffer, uint32 bits)
Atom a = (Atom)(intptr_t)(int32)bits;
if (isUndefined(a))
buffer << "undefined";
else if (isBoolean(a))
buffer << (boolean(a) ? "true" : "false");
else if (atomIsIntptr(a))
buffer << (double)atomGetIntptr(a);
buffer << "[unknown: " << bits << "]";
void AvmCore::formatOpcode(PrintWriter& buffer, const uintptr_t *pc, WordOpcode opcode, ptrdiff_t off, PoolObject* pool)
switch (opcode)
case WOP_debugfile:
case WOP_pushstring: {
buffer << wopAttrs[opcode].name;
uint32 index = (uint32)*pc++;
if (index < pool->constantStringCount)
buffer << " " << format(pool->getString(index)->atom());
buffer << " OUT OF RANGE: " << index;
case WOP_pushbits: {
uint32 bits = (uint32)*pc++;
buffer << wopAttrs[opcode].name << " ";
formatBits(buffer, bits);
case WOP_push_doublebits: {
union {
double d;
uint32_t b[2];
} u;
u.b[0] = (uint32)*pc++;
u.b[1] = (uint32)*pc++;
buffer << wopAttrs[opcode].name << " " << u.d;
case WOP_pushdouble: {
buffer << wopAttrs[opcode].name;
uint32 index = (uint32)*pc++;
if (index < pool->cpool_double.size())
buffer << " " << *pool->cpool_double[index];
buffer << " OUT OF RANGE: " << index;
case WOP_pushnamespace: {
buffer << wopAttrs[opcode].name;
uint32 index = (uint32)*pc++;
if (index < pool->cpool_ns.size())
buffer << " " << pool->cpool_ns[index]->getURI();
buffer << " OUT OF RANGE: " << index;
case WOP_findpropglobal:
case WOP_findpropglobalstrict: {
buffer << wopAttrs[opcode].name << " ";
formatMultiname(buffer, (uint32)*pc++, pool);
buffer << " " << (uint32)*pc++;
case WOP_getsuper:
case WOP_setsuper:
case WOP_getproperty:
case WOP_setproperty:
case WOP_initproperty:
case WOP_findpropstrict:
case WOP_findproperty:
case WOP_finddef:
case WOP_deleteproperty:
case WOP_istype:
case WOP_coerce:
case WOP_astype: {
buffer << wopAttrs[opcode].name << " ";
formatMultiname(buffer, (uint32)*pc++, pool);
case WOP_callproperty:
case WOP_callpropvoid:
case WOP_callproplex:
case WOP_callsuper:
case WOP_callsupervoid: {
uint32 index = (uint32)*pc++;
int argc = (int)*pc++;
buffer << wopAttrs[opcode].name << " ";
formatMultiname(buffer, index, pool);
buffer << " " << argc;
case WOP_callstatic:
case WOP_newfunction: {
int method_id = (int)*pc++;
MethodInfo* f = pool->getMethodInfo(method_id);
buffer << wopAttrs[opcode].name << " method_id=" << method_id;
if (opcode == WOP_callstatic)
buffer << " argc=" << (int)*pc++; // argc
Stringp fname = f->getMethodName();
if (fname)
buffer << " " << fname;
buffer << " null";
case WOP_newclass: {
uint32_t id = (uint32_t)*pc++;
Traits* c = pool->getClassTraits(id);
buffer << wopAttrs[opcode].name << " " << c;
case WOP_lookupswitch: {
ptrdiff_t target = off + *pc++;
int maxindex = (int)*pc++;
buffer << wopAttrs[opcode].name << " default:" << (int)target << " maxcase:"<<maxindex;
for (int i=0; i <= maxindex; i++)
target = off + *pc++;
buffer << " " << (int)target;
case WOP_ifnlt:
case WOP_ifnle:
case WOP_ifngt:
case WOP_ifnge:
case WOP_jump:
case WOP_iftrue:
case WOP_iffalse:
case WOP_ifeq:
case WOP_ifge:
case WOP_ifgt:
case WOP_ifle:
case WOP_iflt:
case WOP_ifne:
case WOP_ifstricteq:
case WOP_ifstrictne: {
int offset = (int)*pc++;
buffer << wopAttrs[opcode].name << " " << (uint32)(off + 2 + offset);
case WOP_subtract_lb:
case WOP_multiply_lb:
case WOP_divide_lb:
case WOP_bitand_lb:
case WOP_bitor_lb:
case WOP_bitxor_lb: {
uint32 r1 = (uint32)*pc++;
uint32 b1 = (uint32)*pc++;
buffer << wopAttrs[opcode].name << " " << r1 << " ";
formatBits(buffer, b1);
case WOP_iflt_ll:
case WOP_ifnlt_ll:
case WOP_ifle_ll:
case WOP_ifnle_ll:
case WOP_ifgt_ll:
case WOP_ifngt_ll:
case WOP_ifge_ll:
case WOP_ifnge_ll:
case WOP_ifeq_ll:
case WOP_ifne_ll:
case WOP_ifstricteq_ll:
case WOP_ifstrictne_ll: {
uint32 r1 = (uint32)*pc++;
uint32 r2 = (uint32)*pc++;
int offset = (int)*pc++;
buffer << wopAttrs[opcode].name << " " << r1 << " " << r2 << " " << (uint32)(off + 4 + offset);
case WOP_iflt_lb:
case WOP_ifnlt_lb:
case WOP_ifle_lb:
case WOP_ifnle_lb:
case WOP_ifgt_lb:
case WOP_ifngt_lb:
case WOP_ifge_lb:
case WOP_ifnge_lb:
case WOP_ifeq_lb:
case WOP_ifne_lb:
case WOP_ifstricteq_lb:
case WOP_ifstrictne_lb: {
uint32 r1 = (uint32)*pc++;
uint32 b1 = (uint32)*pc++;
int offset = (int)*pc++;
buffer << wopAttrs[opcode].name << " " << r1 << " ";
formatBits(buffer, b1);
buffer << " " << (uint32)(off + 4 + offset);
switch (wopAttrs[opcode].width) {
case 0: {
buffer << "UNKNOWN: " << (uint32_t)opcode;
buffer << wopAttrs[opcode].name;
case 2:
buffer << wopAttrs[opcode].name
<< ' '
<< (int)*pc++;
case 3:
int first = (int)*pc++;
int second = (int)*pc++;
buffer << wopAttrs[opcode].name
<< ' '
<< first
<< ' '
<< second;
ExceptionHandler* AvmCore::beginCatch(ExceptionFrame *ef,
MethodInfo *info, sintptr pc, Exception *exception)
ExceptionHandler* handler = findExceptionHandler(info,pc,exception);
return handler;
ExceptionHandler* AvmCore::findExceptionHandler(MethodInfo *info,
sintptr pc,
Exception *exception)
ExceptionHandler* handler = findExceptionHandlerNoRethrow(info, pc, exception);
if (handler)
return handler;
// We don't have a matching exception.
return NULL;// not reached
ExceptionHandler* AvmCore::findExceptionHandlerNoRethrow(MethodInfo *info,
sintptr pc,
Exception *exception)
// If this exception is an EXIT_EXCEPTION, it cannot
// be caught by AS code. Exit immediately.
if (exception->flags & Exception::EXIT_EXCEPTION)
return NULL;
// Search the exception table for a catch clause
// such that pc is between "from" and "to" and
// the thrown atom matches the required type.
// if no handler found, re-throw the exception from here
//[ed] we only call this from methods with catch blocks, when exceptions != NULL
AvmAssert(info->abc_exceptions() != NULL);
// This is hacky and will go away. If the target method was not jitted, use
// word_code.exceptions, otherwise use info->exceptions. methods may or may
// not be JITted based on memory, configuration, or heuristics.
ExceptionHandlerTable* exceptions;
if (info->isInterpreted())
exceptions = info->word_code_exceptions();
exceptions = info->abc_exceptions();
AvmAssert(exceptions != NULL);
ExceptionHandlerTable* exceptions = info->abc_exceptions();
int exception_count = exceptions->exception_count;
ExceptionHandler* handler = exceptions->exceptions;
Atom atom = exception->atom;
while (--exception_count >= 0)
if (pc >= handler->from &&
pc < handler->to)
// verifier makes sure type is valid, resolves to Traits*
if (istype(atom, handler->traits))
if (isVerbose((uint32_t)~0)) // any verbose flag enabled we emit this...
console << "enter " << info << " catch " << handler->traits << '\n';
#endif // DEBUGGER
return handler;
// We don't have a matching exception.
return NULL;
void AvmCore::increment_d(Atom *ap, int delta)
if (atomIsIntptr(*ap))
*ap = intToAtom(delta + int32_t(atomGetIntptr(*ap)));
*ap = doubleToAtom(atomToDouble(*ap)+delta);
void AvmCore::increment_i(Atom *ap, int delta)
switch (atomKind(*ap))
case kBooleanType:
*ap = intToAtom(delta+(sint32((sintptr)*ap>>3)));
case kIntptrType:
*ap = intToAtom(delta + int32_t(atomGetIntptr(*ap)));
case kDoubleType:
*ap = intToAtom((int)((sint32)atomToDouble(*ap)+delta));
*ap = intToAtom(integer(*ap)+delta);
// check for the easy cases with bitmasks
/*static*/ const int AvmCore::k_atomDoesNotNeedCoerce_Masks[8] =
(1<<BUILTIN_null), // kUnusedAtomTag -- recycle for null checking
(1<<BUILTIN_object), // kObjectType
(1<<BUILTIN_string) | (1<<BUILTIN_object), // kStringType
(1<<BUILTIN_namespace) | (1<<BUILTIN_object), // kNamespaceType
(1<<BUILTIN_void), // kSpecialType
(1<<BUILTIN_boolean) | (1<<BUILTIN_object), // kBooleanType
(1<<BUILTIN_number) | (1<<BUILTIN_object), // kIntptrType
(1<<BUILTIN_number) | (1<<BUILTIN_object) // kDoubleType
/*static*/ bool AvmCore::istype(Atom atom, Traits* itraits)
if (!itraits)
return true;
const int bt = itraits->builtinType;
// conceptually, this is atomDoesNotNeedCoerce() inlined, so we don't have to
// re-grab bt and kind
// cheat and use "kUnusedAtomTag" for all null values (streamlines the test)
AvmAssert(atomKind(atom) != kUnusedAtomTag);
const int kind = isNull(atom) ? kUnusedAtomTag : atomKind(atom);
if ((1<<bt) & k_atomDoesNotNeedCoerce_Masks[kind])
return true;
// repeated if-else is better than switch here
if (kind == kObjectType)
return atomToScriptObject(atom)->traits()->subtypeof(itraits);
if (kind == kIntptrType)
// ISSUE need special support for number value ranges
if (bt == BUILTIN_uint)
return atomCanBeUint32(atom);
if (bt == BUILTIN_int)
return atomCanBeInt32(atom);
if (kind == kDoubleType)
// ISSUE there must be a better way...
if (bt == BUILTIN_int)
const double d = atomToDouble(atom);
const int32_t i = MathUtils::real2int(d);
return d == (double)i;
if (bt == BUILTIN_uint)
const double d = atomToDouble(atom);
// ISSUE use real2int?
const uint32_t u = (uint32_t)d;
return d == (double)u;
return false;
Stringp AvmCore::coerce_s(Atom atom)
if (isNullOrUndefined(atom))
return NULL;
return string(atom);
Stringp AvmCore::string(Atom atom)
if (!isNull(atom))
switch (atomKind(atom))
case kNamespaceType:
return atomToNamespace(atom)->getURI();
case kObjectType:
return string(atomToScriptObject(atom)->toString());
case kStringType:
return atomToString(atom);
case kSpecialType:
return kundefined;
case kBooleanType:
return booleanStrings[atom>>3];
case kIntptrType: {
return MathUtils::convertIntegerToStringRadix(this, atomGetIntptr(atom), 10, MathUtils::kTreatAsSigned);
case kDoubleType:
default: // number
return doubleToString(atomToDouble(atom));
return knull;
void AvmCore::setConsoleStream(OutputStream *stream)
/*static*/ bool AvmCore::isBuiltinType(Atom atm, BuiltinType bt)
return isObject(atm) && Traits::getBuiltinType(atomToScriptObject(atm)->traits()) == bt;
/*static*/ bool AvmCore::isBuiltinTypeMask(Atom atm, int btmask)
return isObject(atm) && ((1<<Traits::getBuiltinType(atomToScriptObject(atm)->traits())) & btmask) != 0;
/*static*/ bool AvmCore::isDictionary(Atom atm)
return isObject(atm) && atomToScriptObject(atm)->vtable->traits->isDictionary;
// Tables are from http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml-20040204/#NT-NameChar
// E4X, pg 63
/* BaseChar = */
static const wchar letterTable[] = {
0x0041, 0x005A,
0x0061, 0x007A,
0x00C0, 0x00D6,
0x00D8, 0x00F6,
0x00F8, 0x00FF,
0x0100, 0x0131,
0x0134, 0x013E,
0x0141, 0x0148,
0x014A, 0x017E,
0x0180, 0x01C3,
0x01CD, 0x01F0,
0x01F4, 0x01F5,
0x01FA, 0x0217,
0x0250, 0x02A8,
0x02BB, 0x02C1,
0x0386, 0x0386, // single
0x0388, 0x038A,
0x038C, 0x038C, // single
0x038E, 0x03A1,
0x03A3, 0x03CE,
0x03D0, 0x03D6,
0x03DA, 0x03DA, // single
0x03DC, 0x03DC, // single
0x03DE, 0x03DE, // single
0x03E0, 0x03E0, // single
0x03E2, 0x03F3,
0x0401, 0x040C,
0x040E, 0x044F,
0x0451, 0x045C,
0x045E, 0x0481,
0x0490, 0x04C4,
0x04C7, 0x04C8,
0x04CB, 0x04CC,
0x04D0, 0x04EB,
0x04EE, 0x04F5,
0x04F8, 0x04F9,
0x0531, 0x0556,
0x0559, 0x0559, // single
0x0561, 0x0586,
0x05D0, 0x05EA,
0x05F0, 0x05F2,
0x0621, 0x063A,
0x0641, 0x064A,
0x0671, 0x06B7,
0x06BA, 0x06BE,
0x06C0, 0x06CE,
0x06D0, 0x06D3,
0x06D5, 0x06D5, // single
0x06E5, 0x06E6,
0x0905, 0x0939,
0x093D, 0x093D, // single
0x0958, 0x0961,
0x0985, 0x098C,
0x098F, 0x0990,
0x0993, 0x09A8,
0x09AA, 0x09B0,
0x09B2, 0x09B2, // single
0x09B6, 0x09B9,
0x09DC, 0x09DD,
0x09DF, 0x09E1,
0x09F0, 0x09F1,
0x0A05, 0x0A0A,
0x0A0F, 0x0A10,
0x0A13, 0x0A28,
0x0A2A, 0x0A30,
0x0A32, 0x0A33,
0x0A35, 0x0A36,
0x0A38, 0x0A39,
0x0A59, 0x0A5C,
0x0A5E, 0x0A5E, // single
0x0A72, 0x0A74,
0x0A85, 0x0A8B,
0x0A8D, 0x0A8D, // single
0x0A8F, 0x0A91,
0x0A93, 0x0AA8,
0x0AAA, 0x0AB0,
0x0AB2, 0x0AB3,
0x0AB5, 0x0AB9,
0x0ABD, 0x0ABD, // single
0x0AE0, 0x0AE0, // single
0x0B05, 0x0B0C,
0x0B0F, 0x0B10,
0x0B13, 0x0B28,
0x0B2A, 0x0B30,
0x0B32, 0x0B33,
0x0B36, 0x0B39,
0x0B3D, 0x0B3D, // single
0x0B5C, 0x0B5D,
0x0B5F, 0x0B61,
0x0B85, 0x0B8A,
0x0B8E, 0x0B90,
0x0B92, 0x0B95,
0x0B99, 0x0B9A,
0x0B9C, 0x0B9C, // single
0x0B9E, 0x0B9F,
0x0BA3, 0x0BA4,
0x0BA8, 0x0BAA,
0x0BAE, 0x0BB5,
0x0BB7, 0x0BB9,
0x0C05, 0x0C0C,
0x0C0E, 0x0C10,
0x0C12, 0x0C28,
0x0C2A, 0x0C33,
0x0C35, 0x0C39,
0x0C60, 0x0C61,
0x0C85, 0x0C8C,
0x0C8E, 0x0C90,
0x0C92, 0x0CA8,
0x0CAA, 0x0CB3,
0x0CB5, 0x0CB9,
0x0CDE, 0x0CDE, // single
0x0CE0, 0x0CE1,
0x0D05, 0x0D0C,
0x0D0E, 0x0D10,
0x0D12, 0x0D28,
0x0D2A, 0x0D39,
0x0D60, 0x0D61,
0x0E01, 0x0E2E,
0x0E30, 0x0E30, //single
0x0E32, 0x0E33,
0x0E40, 0x0E45,
0x0E81, 0x0E82,
0x0E84, 0x0E84, // single
0x0E87, 0x0E88,
0x0E8A, 0x0E8A, // single
0x0E8D, 0x0E8D, // single
0x0E94, 0x0E97,
0x0E99, 0x0E9F,
0x0EA1, 0x0EA3,
0x0EA5, 0x0EA5, // single
0x0EA7, 0x0EA7, // single
0x0EAA, 0x0EAB,
0x0EAD, 0x0EAE,
0x0EB0, 0x0EB0, // single
0x0EB2, 0x0EB3,
0x0EBD, 0x0EBD, // single
0x0EC0, 0x0EC4,
0x0F40, 0x0F47,
0x0F49, 0x0F69,
0x10A0, 0x10C5,
0x10D0, 0x10F6,
0x1100, 0x1100, // single
0x1102, 0x1103,
0x1105, 0x1107,
0x1109, 0x1109, // single
0x110B, 0x110C,
0x110E, 0x1112,
0x113C, 0x113C, // single
0x113E, 0x113E, // single
0x1140, 0x1140, // single
0x114C, 0x114C, // single
0x114E, 0x114E, // single
0x1150, 0x1150, // single
0x1154, 0x1155,
0x1159, 0x1159, // single
0x115F, 0x1161,
0x1163, 0x1163, // single
0x1165, 0x1165, // single
0x1167, 0x1167, // single
0x1169, 0x1169, // single
0x116D, 0x116E,
0x1172, 0x1173,
0x1175, 0x1175, // single
0x119E, 0x119E, // single
0x11A8, 0x11A8, // single
0x11AB, 0x11AB, // single
0x11AE, 0x11AF,
0x11B7, 0x11B8,
0x11BA, 0x11BA, // single
0x11BC, 0x11C2,
0x11EB, 0x11EB, // single
0x11F0, 0x11F0, // single
0x11F9, 0x11F9, // single
0x1E00, 0x1E9B,
0x1EA0, 0x1EF9,
0x1F00, 0x1F15,
0x1F18, 0x1F1D,
0x1F20, 0x1F45,
0x1F48, 0x1F4D,
0x1F50, 0x1F57,
0x1F59, 0x1F59, // single
0x1F5B, 0x1F5B, // single
0x1F5D, 0x1F5D, // single
0x1F5F, 0x1F7D,
0x1F80, 0x1FB4,
0x1FB6, 0x1FBC,
0x1FBE, 0x1FBE, // single
0x1FC2, 0x1FC4,
0x1FC6, 0x1FCC,
0x1FD0, 0x1FD3,
0x1FD6, 0x1FDB,
0x1FE0, 0x1FEC,
0x1FF2, 0x1FF4,
0x1FF6, 0x1FFC,
0x2126, 0x2126, // single
0x212A, 0x212B,
0x212E, 0x212E, // single
0x2180, 0x2182,
0x3041, 0x3094,
0x30A1, 0x30FA,
0x3105, 0x312C,
0xAC00, 0xD7A3,
//[86] Ideographic ::=
0x4E00, 0x9FA5,
0x3007, 0x3007, // single
0x3021, 0x3029
/*static*/ bool AvmCore::isLetter(wchar c)
int x = sizeof(letterTable) / (sizeof(wchar));
for (int i = 0; i < x; i += 2)
if (c >= letterTable[i] && c <= letterTable[i+1])
return true;
return false;
//[87] CombiningChar ::=
static const wchar combiningCharTable[] = {
0x0300, 0x0345,
0x0360, 0x0361,
0x0483, 0x0486,
0x0591, 0x05A1,
0x05A3, 0x05B9,
0x05BB, 0x05BD,
0x05BF, 0x05BF, // single
0x05C1, 0x05C2,
0x05C4, 0x05C4, // single
0x064B, 0x0652,
0x0670, 0x0670, // single
0x06D6, 0x06DC,
0x06DD, 0x06DF,
0x06E0, 0x06E4,
0x06E7, 0x06E8,
0x06EA, 0x06ED,
0x0901, 0x0903,
0x093C, 0x093C, // single
0x093E, 0x094C,
0x094D, 0x094D, // single
0x0951, 0x0954,
0x0962, 0x0963,
0x0981, 0x0983,
0x09BC, 0x09BC, // single
0x09BE, 0x09BE, // single
0x09BF, 0x09BF, // single
0x09C0, 0x09C4,
0x09C7, 0x09C8,
0x09CB, 0x09CD,
0x09D7, 0x09D7, // single
0x09E2, 0x09E3,
0x0A02, 0x0A02, // single
0x0A3C, 0x0A3C, // single
0x0A3E, 0x0A3E, // single
0x0A3F, 0x0A3F, // single
0x0A40, 0x0A42,
0x0A47, 0x0A48,
0x0A4B, 0x0A4D,
0x0A70, 0x0A71,
0x0A81, 0x0A83,
0x0ABC, 0x0ABC, // single
0x0ABE, 0x0AC5,
0x0AC7, 0x0AC9,
0x0ACB, 0x0ACD,
0x0B01, 0x0B03,
0x0B3C, 0x0B3C, // single
0x0B3E, 0x0B43,
0x0B47, 0x0B48,
0x0B4B, 0x0B4D,
0x0B56, 0x0B57,
0x0B82, 0x0B83,
0x0BBE, 0x0BC2,
0x0BC6, 0x0BC8,
0x0BCA, 0x0BCD,
0x0BD7, 0x0BD7, // single
0x0C01, 0x0C03,
0x0C3E, 0x0C44,
0x0C46, 0x0C48,
0x0C4A, 0x0C4D,
0x0C55, 0x0C56,
0x0C82, 0x0C83,
0x0CBE, 0x0CC4,
0x0CC6, 0x0CC8,
0x0CCA, 0x0CCD,
0x0CD5, 0x0CD6,
0x0D02, 0x0D03,
0x0D3E, 0x0D43,
0x0D46, 0x0D48,
0x0D4A, 0x0D4D,
0x0D57, 0x0D57, // single
0x0E31, 0x0E31, // single
0x0E34, 0x0E3A,
0x0E47, 0x0E4E,
0x0EB1, 0x0EB1, // single
0x0EB4, 0x0EB9,
0x0EBB, 0x0EBC,
0x0EC8, 0x0ECD,
0x0F18, 0x0F19,
0x0F35, 0x0F35, // single
0x0F37, 0x0F37, // single
0x0F39, 0x0F39, // single
0x0F3E, 0x0F3E, // single
0x0F3F, 0x0F3F, // single
0x0F71, 0x0F84,
0x0F86, 0x0F8B,
0x0F90, 0x0F95,
0x0F97, 0x0F97, // single
0x0F99, 0x0FAD,
0x0FB1, 0x0FB7,
0x0FB9, 0x0FB9, // single
0x20D0, 0x20DC,
0x20E1, 0x20E1, // single
0x302A, 0x302F,
0x3099, 0x3099, // single
0x309A, 0x309A // single
/*static*/ bool AvmCore::isCombiningChar(wchar c)
int x = sizeof(combiningCharTable) / (sizeof(wchar));
for (int i = 0; i < x; i += 2)
if (c >= combiningCharTable[i] && c <= combiningCharTable[i+1])
return true;
return false;
//[88] Digit ::=
static const wchar digitTable[] = {
0x0030, 0x0039,
0x0660, 0x0669,
0x06F0, 0x06F9,
0x0966, 0x096F,
0x09E6, 0x09EF,
0x0A66, 0x0A6F,
0x0AE6, 0x0AEF,
0x0B66, 0x0B6F,
0x0BE7, 0x0BEF,
0x0C66, 0x0C6F,
0x0CE6, 0x0CEF,
0x0D66, 0x0D6F,
0x0E50, 0x0E59,
0x0ED0, 0x0ED9,
0x0F20, 0x0F29};
/*static*/ bool AvmCore::isDigit(wchar c)
int x = sizeof(digitTable) / (sizeof(wchar));
for (int i = 0; i < x; i += 2)
if (c >= digitTable[i] && c <= digitTable[i+1])
return true;
return false;
static const wchar extenderTable[] = {
0x00B7, 0x00B7, // single
0x02D0, 0x02D0, // single
0x02D1, 0x02D1, // single
0x0387, 0x0387, // single
0x0640, 0x0640, // single
0x0E46, 0x0E46, // single
0x0EC6, 0x0EC6, // single
0x3005, 0x3005, // single
0x3031, 0x3035,
0x309D, 0x309E,
0x30FC, 0x30FE};
/*static*/ bool AvmCore::isExtender(wchar c)
int x = sizeof(extenderTable) / (sizeof(wchar));
for (int i = 0; i < x; i += 2)
if (c >= extenderTable[i] && c <= extenderTable[i+1])
return true;
return false;
bool AvmCore::isXMLName(Atom arg)
if (isNullOrUndefined(arg))
return false;
StringIndexer p(string(arg));
// http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/REC-xml-20040204/#NT-NameChar
// Name is (Letter | _ or :) followed by arbitrary number of NameChar
if (!p->length())
return false;
// According to the Mozilla testcase...
// e4x excludes ':'
wchar c = p[0];
if (!isLetter(c) && c != '_' /*&& c != ':'*/)
return false;
for (int i = 1; i < p->length(); i++)
wchar c = p[i];
if (isDigit(c) || isLetter(c) || (c == '.') || (c == '-') || (c == '_') || /*(c != ':') ||*/
isCombiningChar (c) || isExtender(c))
return false;
return true;
Stringp AvmCore::ToXMLString (Atom a)
if (!isNull(a))
switch (atomKind(a))
case kStringType:
return EscapeElementValue (string(a), true);
case kObjectType:
case kNamespaceType:
if (isXML(a))
XMLObject *x = atomToXMLObject (a);
return x->toXMLString();
else if (isXMLList(a))
XMLListObject *x = atomToXMLList (a);
return x->toXMLString();
// !!@ to primitive (hint string first)
// !!@ namespace case falls into this as well
return EscapeElementValue (string(a), true);
case kSpecialType:
return kundefined;
case kIntptrType:
case kBooleanType:
case kDoubleType:
return string(a);
return knull;
Stringp AvmCore::EscapeElementValue(const Stringp _s, bool removeLeadingTrailingWhitespace)
StringIndexer s(_s);
StringBuffer output(this);
int i = 0;
int last = s->length() - 1;
if (removeLeadingTrailingWhitespace)
// finding trailing whitespace
while (last >= 0)
if (!String::isSpace(s[last]))
if (last < 0)
return kEmptyString;
// skip leading whitespace
for (i = 0; i <= last; i++)
if (!String::isSpace(s[i]))
while (i <= last)
switch (s[i])
case '<':
output << "<";
case '>':
output << ">";
case '&':
output << "&";
case 0x0000:
output << "�"; // extension of ECMA-357
output << (s[i]);
return newStringUTF8(output.c_str(), output.length());
Stringp AvmCore::EscapeAttributeValue(Atom v)
StringBuffer output(this);
StringIndexer s(string(v));
for (int i = 0; i < s->length(); i++)
switch (s[i])
case '"':
output << """;
case '<':
output << "<";
case '&':
output << "&";
case 0x000a:
output << "
case 0x000d:
output << "
case 0x0009:
output << "	";
case 0x0000:
output << "�"; // extension of ECMA-357
output << (s[i]);
return newStringUTF8(output.c_str(), output.length());
/*static*/ XMLObject* AvmCore::atomToXMLObject(Atom atm)
return isXML(atm) ? (XMLObject*)(atomToScriptObject(atm)) : NULL;
/*static*/ E4XNode* AvmCore::atomToXML(Atom atm)
return isXML(atm) ? ((XMLObject*)(atomToScriptObject(atm)))->getNode() : NULL;
/*static*/ XMLListObject* AvmCore::atomToXMLList(Atom atm)
return isXMLList(atm) ? (XMLListObject*)(atomToScriptObject(atm)) : NULL;
/*static*/ QNameObject* AvmCore::atomToQName(Atom atm)
return isQName(atm) ? (QNameObject*)(atomToScriptObject(atm)) : NULL;
Stringp AvmCore::_typeof (Atom arg)
if (!isNull(arg))
switch (atomKind(arg))
case kObjectType:
if (isXMLorXMLList(arg))
return kxml;
else if (isFunction(arg))
return kfunction; // No special type code for functions, but we need to
// special case to return 'function' here.
// else fall thru and return kobject
case kNamespaceType:
return kobject;
case kBooleanType:
return kboolean;
case kIntptrType:
case kDoubleType:
return knumber;
case kSpecialType:
return kundefined;
case kStringType:
return kstring;
// typeof(null) = "object"
return kobject;
Toplevel* AvmCore::createToplevel(AbcEnv* abcEnv)
return new (GetGC()) Toplevel(abcEnv);
void AvmCore::addLivePool(PoolObject* pool)
LivePoolNode* node = new LivePoolNode(GetGC());
node->next = livePools;
node->pool = pool->GetWeakRef();
livePools = node;
void AvmCore::presweep()
LivePoolNode** prev = &livePools;
LivePoolNode* node = livePools;
while (node)
PoolObject* pool = (PoolObject*)(void*)(node->pool->get());
if (pool)
// pool is still alive -- if about to get collected, dynamicize the strings
// and remove it from the active list
if (!GetGC()->GetMark(pool))
*prev = node->next;
delete node;
node = *prev;
// pool is dead -- should have already removed it?
prev = &node->next;
node = node->next;
// clear out the string table
for (int i=0, n=numStrings; i < n; i++)
if (strings[i] > AVMPLUS_STRING_DELETED && !GetGC()->GetMark(strings[i]))
// do the same for the namespaces
bool rehashFlag = false;
for (int i=0, n=numNamespaces; i < n; i++)
if (namespaces[i] != NULL && !GetGC()->GetMark(namespaces[i]))
rehashFlag = true;
namespaces[i] = NULL;
// if any interned strings were freed, rehash the intern table
// todo - make this less aggressive
if (rehashFlag)
if (_sampler)
void AvmCore::postsweep()
if (m_flushBindingCachesNextSweep)
for (LivePoolNode* node = livePools; node != NULL; node = node->next)
PoolObject* pool = (PoolObject*)(void*)(node->pool->get());
if (pool && pool->codeMgr)
m_flushBindingCachesNextSweep = false;
if (_sampler)
int AvmCore::findString(Stringp s)
int m = numStrings;
// 80% load factor
if (5*(stringCount+deletedCount+1) > 4*m) {
if (2*stringCount > m) // 50%
rehashStrings(m = m << 1);
// compute the hash function
int hashCode = s->hashCode();
int bitMask = m - 1;
// find the slot to use
int i = (hashCode&0x7FFFFFFF) & bitMask;
int n = 7;
Stringp k;
if (!deletedCount)
while ((k=strings[i]) != NULL && !k->equals(s)) {
i = (i + (n++)) & bitMask; // quadratic probe
int iFirstDeletedSlot = -1;
while ((k=strings[i]) != NULL)
if (iFirstDeletedSlot < 0)
iFirstDeletedSlot = i;
else if (k->equals(s))
i = (i + (n++)) & bitMask; // quadratic probe
if ((k == NULL) && (iFirstDeletedSlot >= 0))
i = iFirstDeletedSlot;
return i;
int AvmCore::findStringLatin1(const char* s, int len)
int m = numStrings;
// 80% load factor
if (5*(stringCount+deletedCount+1) > 4*m) {
if (2*stringCount > m) // 50%
rehashStrings(m = m << 1);
// compute the hash function
int hashCode = String::hashCodeLatin1(s, len);
int bitMask = m - 1;
// find the slot to use
int i = (hashCode&0x7FFFFFFF) & bitMask;
int n = 7;
Stringp k;
if (!deletedCount)
while ((k=strings[i]) != NULL && !k->equalsLatin1(s,len)) {
i = (i + (n++)) & bitMask; // quadratic probe
int iFirstDeletedSlot = -1;
while ((k=strings[i]) != NULL)
if (iFirstDeletedSlot < 0)
iFirstDeletedSlot = i;
else if (k->equalsLatin1(s, len))
i = (i + (n++)) & bitMask; // quadratic probe
if ((k == NULL) && (iFirstDeletedSlot >= 0))
i = iFirstDeletedSlot;
return i;
int AvmCore::findStringUTF16(const wchar* s, int len)
int m = numStrings;
// 80% load factor
if (5*(stringCount+deletedCount+1) > 4*m) {
if (2*stringCount > m) // 50%
rehashStrings(m = m << 1);
// compute the hash function
int hashCode = String::hashCodeUTF16(s, len);
int bitMask = m - 1;
// find the slot to use
int i = (hashCode&0x7FFFFFFF) & bitMask;
int n = 7;
Stringp k;
if (!deletedCount)
while ((k=strings[i]) != NULL && !k->equalsUTF16(s,len)) {
i = (i + (n++)) & bitMask; // quadratic probe
int iFirstDeletedSlot = -1;
while ((k=strings[i]) != NULL)
if (iFirstDeletedSlot < 0)
iFirstDeletedSlot = i;
else if (k->equalsUTF16(s, len))
i = (i + (n++)) & bitMask; // quadratic probe
if ((k == NULL) && (iFirstDeletedSlot >= 0))
i = iFirstDeletedSlot;
return i;
* namespace hash search. interned namespaces are as unique as their
* uri. We assume uri's are already interned, so interning a namespace
* is quick because uri's can be compared quickly.
int AvmCore::findNamespace(Namespacep ns, bool canRehash)
int m = numNamespaces;
// 80% load factor
if (canRehash && nsCount*5 >= 4*m) {
rehashNamespaces(m = m << 1);
// compute the hash function
int hashCode = (int)(((uintptr)ns->getURI())>>3); // FIXME possibly hash api mask too
int bitMask = m - 1;
// find the slot to use
int i = (hashCode&0x7FFFFFFF) & bitMask;
int n = 7;
Namespacep k;
while ((k=namespaces[i]) != NULL && (k->m_uri != ns->m_uri || k->m_api != ns->m_api)) {
i = (i + (n++)) & bitMask; // quadratic probe
return i;
Namespacep AvmCore::gotNamespace(Stringp uri, int32_t api)
int m = numNamespaces;
// compute the hash function
int hashCode = (int)(((uintptr)uri)>>3); // FIXME possibly hash api mask too
int bitMask = m - 1;
// find the slot to use
int i = (hashCode&0x7FFFFFFF) & bitMask;
int n = 7;
Namespacep k;
while ((k=namespaces[i]) != NULL &&
(k->getURI() != uri ||
k->m_api != api)) {
i = (i + (n++)) & bitMask; // quadratic probe
return namespaces[i];
// note, this assumes Latin-1, not UTF8.
Stringp AvmCore::internStringLatin1(const char* s, int len)
if (len < 0) len = String::Length(s);
int i = findStringLatin1(s, len);
Stringp other;
if ((other=strings[i]) <= AVMPLUS_STRING_DELETED)
AvmAssert(deletedCount >= 0);
DRC(Stringp) *oldStrings = strings;
other = newStringLatin1(s, len);
// re-find if String ctor caused rehash
if(strings != oldStrings)
i = findStringLatin1(s, len);
strings[i] = other;
return other;
// note, this assumes Latin-1, not UTF8.
Stringp AvmCore::internConstantStringLatin1(const char* s)
return internString(newConstantStringLatin1(s));
* intern the given string atom which has already been allocated
* @param atom
* @return
Stringp AvmCore::internString(Stringp o)
if (o->isInterned())
return o;
int i = findString(o);
Stringp other;
if ((other=strings[i]) <= AVMPLUS_STRING_DELETED)
AvmAssert(deletedCount >= 0);
// Prevent dependent strings from keeping a huge master in memory
strings[i] = o;
return o;
return other;
Stringp AvmCore::internString(Atom atom)
Stringp s = atomToString(atom);
return s->isInterned() ? s : internString(s);
Stringp AvmCore::internInt(int value)
return internString(MathUtils::convertIntegerToStringBase10(this, value, MathUtils::kTreatAsSigned));
Stringp AvmCore::internUint32 (uint32 ui)
if (ui & 0x80000000)
return internDouble(ui);
return internInt((int)ui);
Stringp AvmCore::internDouble(double d)
return internString(MathUtils::convertDoubleToString(this, d));
Stringp AvmCore::findInternedString(const char *cs, int len8)
// NOTE: this works in strict UTF-8 conversion mode
int32_t len16 = UnicodeUtils::Utf8ToUtf16((const uint8*)cs, len8, NULL, 0, true);
AvmAssertMsg(len16 >= 0, "Malformed UTF-8 sequence");
// use alloca to avoid heap allocations where possible
MMgc::GC::AllocaAutoPtr _buffer;
wchar *buffer = (wchar*) VMPI_alloca(this, _buffer, (len16+1)*sizeof(wchar));
if(!buffer) {
AvmAssertMsg(false, "alloca failed!");
return NULL;
UnicodeUtils::Utf8ToUtf16((const uint8*)cs, len8, buffer, len16, true);
buffer[len16] = 0;
int i = findStringUTF16(buffer, len16);
Stringp other;
if ((other=strings[i]) > AVMPLUS_STRING_DELETED)
return other;
return NULL;
Stringp AvmCore::internStringUTF8(const char* cs, int len8, bool constant)
Stringp s = String::createUTF8(this, (const utf8_t*)cs, len8, String::kAuto, constant);
// createUTF8() will return NULL if we pass it invalid UTF8 data and its "strict" arg is true
// (which it is by default) -- check and bail if that happens.
if (!s) return NULL;
int i = findString(s);
Stringp other;
if ((other=strings[i]) <= AVMPLUS_STRING_DELETED)
AvmAssert(deletedCount >= 0);
strings[i] = s;
return s;
return other;
Stringp AvmCore::internStringUTF16(const wchar* s, int len)
if (len < 0) len = String::Length(s);
int i = findStringUTF16(s, len);
Stringp other;
if ((other=strings[i]) <= AVMPLUS_STRING_DELETED)
AvmAssert(deletedCount >= 0);
DRC(Stringp) *oldStrings = strings;
other = newStringUTF16(s, len);
// re-find if String ctor caused rehash
if(strings != oldStrings)
i = findStringUTF16(s, len);
strings[i] = other;
return other;
void AvmCore::rehashStrings(int newlen)
// rehash
DRC(Stringp) *oldStrings = strings;
int oldStringCount = numStrings;
strings = mmfx_new_array(DRC(Stringp), newlen);
VMPI_memset(strings, 0, newlen*sizeof(DRC(Stringp)));
numStrings = newlen;
#ifdef _DEBUG // debug sanity checks
int oldDeletedCount = deletedCount;
int computedDeleteCount = 0;
int computedStringCount = 0;
deletedCount = 0;
// Inlined and optimized our findString routine. We know that there
// are no duplicated strings in our intern string table so we don't
// need to call Equals. All we need to do is find the first blank
// spot available.
int m = numStrings;
int bitMask = m - 1;
for (int i=0; i < oldStringCount; i++)
Stringp o = oldStrings[i];
// compute the hash function
int hashCode = (int) o->hashCode();
// find the slot to use
int j = (hashCode&0x7FFFFFFF) & bitMask;
int n = 7;
while (strings[j] != NULL) {
j = (j + (n++)) & bitMask; // quadratic probe
strings[j] = o;
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifdef _DEBUG
#ifdef _DEBUG
AvmAssert(computedStringCount == stringCount);
AvmAssert(oldDeletedCount == computedDeleteCount);
// Clear oldStrings so it can be collected.
void AvmCore::rehashNamespaces(int newlen)
// rehash
DRC(Namespacep) *old = namespaces;
int oldCount = numNamespaces;
namespaces = mmfx_new_array(DRC(Namespacep), newlen);
VMPI_memset(namespaces, 0, newlen*sizeof(DRC(Namespacep)));
numNamespaces = newlen;
for (int i=0; i < oldCount; i++)
Namespacep o = old[i];
if (o != NULL)
namespaces[findNamespace(o, /*canRehash = */ false)] = o;
// Clear old namespaces table so it can be collected.
ScriptBufferImpl* AvmCore::newScriptBuffer(size_t size)
return new (GetGC(), size) BasicScriptBufferImpl(size);
VTable* AvmCore::newVTable(Traits* traits, VTable* base, Toplevel* toplevel)
const uint32_t count = traits->getTraitsBindings()->methodCount;
size_t extraSize = sizeof(MethodEnv*)*(count > 0 ? count-1 : 0);
return new (GetGC(), extraSize) VTable(traits, base, toplevel);
RegExpObject* AvmCore::newRegExp(RegExpClass* regexpClass,
Stringp pattern,
Stringp options)
return new (GetGC(), regexpClass->ivtable()->getExtraSize()) RegExpObject(regexpClass,
pattern, options);
ScriptObject* AvmCore::newObject(VTable *vtable, ScriptObject *delegate)
return new (GetGC(), vtable->getExtraSize()) ScriptObject(vtable, delegate);
Namespacep AvmCore::newNamespace(Atom prefix, Atom uri, Namespace::NamespaceType type)
// E4X - this is 13.2.3, step 3 - prefix IS specified
Atom p;
Stringp u;
if (isQName(uri) && !isNull(atomToQName(uri)->getURI()))
u = atomToString(atomToQName(uri)->getURI());
u = internString(string(uri));
if (u->isEmpty())
if (prefix == undefinedAtom)
p = kEmptyString->atom();
else if (!string (prefix)->length())
p = kEmptyString->atom();
// !!@ throw correct type error
return NULL;
else if (prefix == undefinedAtom)
p = undefinedAtom;
else if (prefix != kEmptyString->atom() && !isXMLName (prefix))
p = undefinedAtom;
p = internString(string(prefix))->atom();
Namespacep ns = new (GetGC()) Namespace(p, u, type);
// called from AS so need to get the api version off the call stack
if (ApiUtils::isVersionedNS(this, type, u))
return ns;
Namespacep AvmCore::newNamespace(Atom uri, Namespace::NamespaceType type)
// prefix and uri must be interned!
// E4X - this is 13.2.2, step 3 - "prefix not specified"
Atom p;
Stringp u;
if (isNamespace (uri))
Namespacep ns = atomToNamespace(uri);
p = ns->getPrefix();
u = ns->getURI();
else if (isObject(uri) && isQName(uri) && !isNull(atomToQName(uri)->getURI()))
p = undefinedAtom;
u = atomToString(atomToQName(uri)->getURI());
u = string(uri);
p = u->isEmpty() ? kEmptyString->atom() : undefinedAtom;
u = internString(u);
Namespacep ns = new (GetGC()) Namespace(p, u, type);
// called from AS so need to get the api version off the call stack
if (ApiUtils::isVersionedNS(this, type, u))
return ns;
Namespacep AvmCore::newNamespace(Stringp uri, Namespace::NamespaceType type, int32_t api)
Atom prefix = uri->isEmpty() ? kEmptyString->atom() : undefinedAtom;
Namespacep ns = new (GetGC()) Namespace(prefix, uri, type);
if (ApiUtils::isVersionedNS(this, type, uri))
return ns;
Namespacep AvmCore::newPublicNamespace(Stringp uri)
return newNamespace(uri, Namespace::NS_Public, this->getAPI(NULL));
Atom AvmCore::uintToAtom(uint32_t n)
#ifdef AVMPLUS_64BIT
// We can always fit the value in an Atom
return (((Atom)n)<<3) | kIntptrType;
// As kIntptrType is signed, we can only represent a 28-bit uint in it
if (!(n&0xF0000000)) {
return Atom((n<<3) | kIntptrType);
} else {
return allocDouble(n);
Atom AvmCore::intToAtom(int32_t n)
#ifdef AVMPLUS_64BIT
// We can always fit the value in an Atom
return (((Atom)n)<<3) | kIntptrType;
// handle integer values w/out allocation
int32_t i29 = n << 3;
if ((i29>>3) == n)
return Atom(i29 | kIntptrType);
return allocDouble(n);
#ifdef AVMPLUS_64BIT
#define CAN_BE_INT_ATOM(intval,n) (((intval<<8)>>8) == n && !(intval == 0 && MathUtils::isNegZero(n)))
#define CAN_BE_INT_ATOM(intval,n) (((intval<<3)>>3) == n && !(intval == 0 && MathUtils::isNegZero(n)))
#define MAKE_INT_ATOM(intval) ((intptr_t(intval)<<3) | kIntptrType)
#if defined(AVMPLUS_IA32) || defined(AVMPLUS_AMD64)
// ignore warning that inline asm disables global optimization in this function
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable: 4740)
Atom AvmCore::doubleToAtom_sse2(double n)
// handle integer values w/out allocation
// this logic rounds in the wrong direction for E3, but
// we never use a rounded value, only cleanly converted values.
#if defined(WIN32) || defined(__ICC)
#ifdef AVMPLUS_AMD64
int32_t const intval = _mm_cvttsd_si32(_mm_set_sd(n));
if (CAN_BE_INT_ATOM(intval, n))
return MAKE_INT_ATOM(intval);
return allocDouble(n);
#else // x86
int id3;
__asm {
movsd xmm0,n
cvttsd2si ecx,xmm0
shl ecx,3 // intval<<3
mov eax,ecx
sar ecx,3 // intval>>3
cvtsi2sd xmm1,ecx
ucomisd xmm0,xmm1
jne d2a_alloc // < or >
jp d2a_alloc // unordered
mov id3,eax
if (id3 != 0 || !MathUtils::isNegZero(n))
return id3 | kIntptrType;
__asm d2a_alloc:
return allocDouble(n);
#elif defined(_MAC)
// MacTel always has SSE2 available
int32_t const intval = _mm_cvttsd_si32(_mm_set_sd(n));
if (CAN_BE_INT_ATOM(intval, n))
return MAKE_INT_ATOM(intval);
return allocDouble(n);
#elif defined(SOLARIS)
return AvmCore::doubleToAtom(n); // This needs to be optimized for solaris.
#elif defined(AVMPLUS_UNIX)
#ifdef AVMPLUS_AMD64
int32_t const intval = _mm_cvttsd_si32(_mm_set_sd(n));
if (CAN_BE_INT_ATOM(intval, n))
return MAKE_INT_ATOM(intval);
return allocDouble(n);
#else // not AVMPLUS_AMD64
int id3;
asm("movups %1, %%xmm0;"
"cvttsd2si %%xmm0, %%ecx;"
"shl $0x3, %%ecx;"
"mov %%ecx, %%eax;"
"sar $0x3, %%ecx;"
"cvtsi2sd %%ecx, %%xmm1;"
"ucomisd %%xmm1, %%xmm0;"
"jne d2a_alloc;"
"jp d2a_alloc;"
"movl %%eax, %0" : "=r" (id3) : "m" (n));
if (id3 != 0 || !MathUtils::isNegZero(n))
return id3 | kIntptrType;
return allocDouble(n);
#endif // AVMPLUS_AMD64
#endif // defined(AVMPLUS_UNIX)
#endif // x86 or x64
Atom AvmCore::doubleToAtom(double n)
// There is no need for special logic for NaN or +/-Inf since we don't
// ever test for those values in coreplayer. As far as we're concerned
// they are regular numeric values.
// handle integer values w/out allocation
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined(_ARM_)
#ifdef AVMPLUS_AMD64
int intval = _mm_cvttsd_si32(_mm_set_sd(n));
// this logic rounds in the wrong direction for E3, but
// we never use a rounded value, only cleanly converted values.
int intval;
_asm {
fld [n];
fistp [intval];
#elif defined(_MAC) && (defined (AVMPLUS_IA32) || defined(AVMPLUS_AMD64))
int intval = _mm_cvttsd_si32(_mm_set_sd(n));
int intval = MathUtils::real2int(n);
// make sure n is integer value that fits in 29 bits
if (CAN_BE_INT_ATOM(intval, n))
return MAKE_INT_ATOM(intval);
return allocDouble(n);
#endif // not AVMPLUS_SSE2_ALWAYS
* format the value of an atom for debugging. This is here so that we can
* more eazily take care of pointer swizzling when called from ScriptObject.format().
* @param atom
* @return
Stringp AvmCore::format(Atom atom)
if (!isNull(atom))
switch (atomKind(atom))
case kNamespaceType:
return atomToNamespace(atom)->format(this);
case kObjectType:
return atomToScriptObject(atom)->format(this);
case kStringType:
Stringp quotes = newConstantStringLatin1("\"");
return concatStrings(quotes,
concatStrings(atomToString((atom&~7)==0 ? kEmptyString->atom() : atom),
case kSpecialType:
return kundefined;
case kBooleanType:
return booleanStrings[atom>>3];
case kIntptrType:
return MathUtils::convertIntegerToStringRadix(this, atomGetIntptr(atom), 10, MathUtils::kTreatAsSigned);
case kDoubleType:
AvmAssert(atom != kDoubleType); // this would be a null pointer to double
return doubleToString(atomToDouble(atom));
return knull;
Stringp AvmCore::formatAtomPtr(Atom atom)
return MathUtils::convertIntegerToStringRadix(this, atom, 16, MathUtils::kTreatAsUnsigned);
Stringp AvmCore::newConstantStringLatin1(const char* s)
return String::createLatin1(this, s, String::Length(s), String::k8, true);
Stringp AvmCore::newStringLatin1(const char* s, int len)
return String::createLatin1(this, s, len);
Stringp AvmCore::newStringUTF8(const char* s, int len, bool strict)
return String::createUTF8(this, (const utf8_t*)s, len, String::kDefaultWidth, false, strict);
Stringp AvmCore::newStringUTF16(const wchar* s, int len)
return String::createUTF16(this, s, len);
// "swap16" is apparently reserved/defined in some build environments...
inline uint16_t avmSwap16(const uint16_t c)
const uint16_t hi = (c >> 8);
const uint16_t lo = (c & 0xff);
return (lo << 8) | hi;
Stringp AvmCore::newStringEndianUTF16(bool littleEndian, const wchar* s, int len)
const bool nativeIsLE = true;
const bool nativeIsLE = false;
if (littleEndian == nativeIsLE)
return newStringUTF16(s, len);
if (len < 0 && s != NULL)
len = String::Length(s);
if (s == NULL || len == 0)
return this->kEmptyString;
MMgc::GC::AllocaAutoPtr _swapped;
wchar* swapped = (wchar*)VMPI_alloca(this, _swapped, sizeof(wchar)*(len));
for (int32 i = 0; i < len; i++)
swapped[i] = avmSwap16(s[i]);
return newStringUTF16(swapped, len);
Stringp AvmCore::concatStrings(Stringp s1, Stringp s2)
if (!s1) s1 = knull;
if (!s2) s2 = knull;
return String::concatStrings(s1, s2);
Stringp AvmCore::intToString(int value)
return MathUtils::convertIntegerToStringBase10(this, value, MathUtils::kTreatAsSigned);
Stringp AvmCore::uintToString(uint32 value)
return MathUtils::convertIntegerToStringBase10(this, value, MathUtils::kTreatAsUnsigned);
Stringp AvmCore::doubleToString(double d)
return MathUtils::convertDoubleToString(this, d, MathUtils::DTOSTR_NORMAL,15);
StackTrace* AvmCore::newStackTrace()
int depth = callStack ? callStack->depth() : 0;
int extra = depth > 0 ? sizeof(StackTrace::Element) * (depth-1) : 0;
StackTrace* stackTrace = new (GetGC(), extra) StackTrace();
if (stackTrace)
stackTrace->depth = depth;
CallStackNode *curr = callStack;
StackTrace::Element *element = stackTrace->elements;
while (curr) {
curr = curr->next();
return stackTrace;
#ifdef _DEBUG
void AvmCore::dumpStackTrace()
StringBuffer buffer(this);
buffer << "Stack Trace:\n" << newStackTrace()->format(this) << '\n';
AvmDebugMsg(false, (const char*)buffer.c_str());
#endif /* DEBUGGER */
/*static*/ int32_t AvmCore::integer(Atom atom)
const int kind = atomKind(atom);
if (kind == kIntptrType)
AvmAssert(int32_t(atomGetIntptr(atom)) == (int32_t)integer_d(number(atom)));
return int32_t(atomGetIntptr(atom));
else if (kind == kBooleanType)
return int32_t(atom>>3);
// TODO optimize the code below.
return (int32_t)integer_d(number(atom));
// static
/*static*/ int AvmCore::integer_d(double d)
// Try a simple case first to see if we have a in-range float value
#if defined(WIN32) && defined(AVMPLUS_IA32) // this is the same #define as in MathUtils for the real2int there
// WIN32's real2int returns 0x80000000 if d is not in a valid integer range
int intval = MathUtils::real2int(d);
if (intval != 0x80000000)
return intval;
#elif defined(AVMPLUS_SPARC) || defined(AVMPLUS_ARM)
// real2int in those cases just maps to an int cast which should give:
// +/-0.0:0 +/-nan:0 +/-ind:0 -inf:0x80000000 +inf:0x7fffffff den:0 >=0x7fffffff:x7fffffff <=0x80000000:0x80000000
int intval = MathUtils::real2int(d);
if (intval != 0x7fffffff && intval != (int)0x80000000)
return intval;
return doubleToInt32(d);
#endif // not AVMPLUS_SSE2_ALWAYS
#if defined(AVMPLUS_IA32) || defined(AVMPLUS_AMD64)
int AvmCore::integer_d_sse2(double d)
int intval;
#ifdef WIN32
#ifdef AVMPLUS_AMD64
intval = _mm_cvttsd_si32(_mm_set_sd(d));
if (intval != (int)0x80000000)
return intval;
_asm {
cvttsd2si eax,d
mov intval,eax
if (intval != 0x80000000)
return intval;
#elif defined(_MAC) && (defined(AVMPLUS_IA32) || defined(AVMPLUS_AMD64))
intval = _mm_cvttsd_si32(_mm_set_sd(d));
if (intval != (int)0x80000000)
return intval;
#elif defined(SOLARIS)
#elif defined(AVMPLUS_UNIX)
asm("movups %1, %%xmm0;"
"cvttsd2si %%xmm0, %%eax;"
"movl %%eax, %0" : "=r" (intval) : "m" (d) : "%eax");
if (intval != (int) 0x80000000)
return intval;
return doubleToInt32(d);
#endif // AVMPLUS_IA32 or AVMPLUS_AMD64
#if !defined(AVMPLUS_IA32) && !defined(AVMPLUS_AMD64)
int AvmCore::doubleToInt32(double d)
// From the ES3 spec, 9.5
// 2. If Result(1) is NaN, +0, -0, +Inf, or -Inf, return +0.
// 3. Compute sign(Result(1)) * floor(abs(Result(1))).
// 4. Compute Result(3) modulo 2^32; that is, a finite integer value k of Number
// type with positive sign and less than 2^32 in magnitude such the mathematical
// difference of Result(3) and k is mathematically an integer multiple of 2^32.
// 5. If Result(4) is greater than or equal to 2^31, return Result(4)- 2^32,
// otherwise return Result(4).
// step 2
if (MathUtils::isNaN(d) || MathUtils::isInfinite(d) || d == 0) {
return 0;
// step 3 (round towards 0)
double ad = d < 0.0 ? MathUtils::floor(-d) : MathUtils::floor(d);
// step 4
if (ad > 4294967295.0)
ad = MathUtils::mod(ad,4294967296.0); // ad %= 0x10000000
// step 5
if (ad >= (double)2147483648.0)
// This case is a large negative number that overflows back to a positive
// number. This code has been tweaked to work on both Mac and Windows. Mac
// is particularly sensitive to edge numbers such as 0x80000000 when converting
// doubles to ints).
if (d < 0.0)
int intVal = MathUtils::real2int (ad - 2147483648.0);
return 0x80000000 - intVal;
// This case is a large positive number overflowing to negative.
int intVal = MathUtils::real2int (ad - 2147483648.0);
return 0x80000000 + intVal;
return MathUtils::real2int(d < 0.0 ? -ad : ad);
// From the ES3 spec, 9.5
// 2. If Result(1) is NaN, +0, -0, +Inf, or -Inf, return +0.
// 3. Compute sign(Result(1)) * floor(abs(Result(1))).
// 4. Compute Result(3) modulo 2^32; that is, a finite integer value k of Number
// type with positive sign and less than 2^32 in magnitude such the mathematical
// difference of Result(3) and k is mathematically an integer multiple of 2^32.
// 5. If Result(4) is greater than or equal to 2^31, return Result(4)- 2^32,
// otherwise return Result(4).
#if defined(AVMPLUS_AMD64)
#define DBLTOINT32_INT64 1
#define DBLTOINT32_INT64 0
typedef union {
double d;
uint64 i;
#if defined(AVMPLUS_IA32) || defined(AVMPLUS_AMD64)
struct {
uint32 il, ih;
} i32;
#error("this routine does not work in PowerPC processors");
struct {
uint32 ih, il;
} i32;
} double_int;
int AvmCore::doubleToInt32(double d)
double_int du, duh, two32;
uint64 sign_d;
int64 MASK;
uint32 DI_H, u_tmp, expon, shift_amount;
// Algorithm Outline
// Step 1. If d is NaN, +/-Inf or |d|>=2^84 or |d|<1, then return 0
// All of this is implemented based on an exponent comparison.
// Step 2. If |d|<2^31, then return (int)d
// The cast to integer (conversion in RZ mode) returns the correct result.
// Step 3. If |d|>=2^32, d:=fmod(d, 2^32) is taken -- but without a call
// Step 4. If |d|>=2^31, then the fractional bits are cleared before
// applying the correction by 2^32: d - sign(d)*2^32
// Step 5. Return (int)d
du.d = d;
DI_H = du.i32.ih;
u_tmp = (DI_H & 0x7ff00000) - 0x3ff00000;
if(u_tmp >= (0x45300000-0x3ff00000)) {
// d is Nan, +/-Inf or +/-0, or |d|>=2^(32+52) or |d|<1, in which case result=0
return 0;
if(u_tmp < 0x01f00000) {
// |d|<2^31
return int32(d);
if(u_tmp > 0x01f00000) {
// |d|>=2^32
expon = u_tmp >> 20;
shift_amount = expon - 21;
duh.i = du.i;
MASK = 0x8000000000000000ll;
MASK = MASK >> shift_amount;
duh.i &= (uint64)MASK;
du.d -= duh.d;
DI_H = du.i32.ih;
// eliminate fractional bits
u_tmp = (DI_H & 0x7ff00000);
if(u_tmp >= 0x41e00000) {
// |d|>=2^31
expon = u_tmp >> 20;
shift_amount = expon - (0x3ff - 11);
MASK = 0x8000000000000000ll;
MASK = MASK >> shift_amount;
du.i &= (uint64)MASK;
sign_d = du.i & 0x8000000000000000ull;
two32.i = 0x41f0000000000000ull ^ sign_d;
du.d -= two32.d;
return int32(du.d);
#else // DBLTOINT32_INT64
int AvmCore::doubleToInt32(double d)
double_int du, duh, two32;
uint32 DI_H, u_tmp, expon, shift_amount;
int32 mask32;
// Algorithm Outline
// Step 1. If d is NaN, +/-Inf or |d|>=2^84 or |d|<1, then return 0
// All of this is implemented based on an exponent comparison.
// Step 2. If |d|<2^31, then return (int)d
// The cast to integer (conversion in RZ mode) returns the correct result.
// Step 3. If |d|>=2^32, d:=fmod(d, 2^32) is taken -- but without a call
// Step 4. If |d|>=2^31, then the fractional bits are cleared before
// applying the correction by 2^32: d - sign(d)*2^32
// Step 5. Return (int)d
du.d = d;
DI_H = du.i32.ih;
u_tmp = (DI_H & 0x7ff00000) - 0x3ff00000;
if(u_tmp >= (0x45300000-0x3ff00000)) {
// d is Nan, +/-Inf or +/-0, or |d|>=2^(32+52) or |d|<1, in which case result=0
return 0;
if(u_tmp < 0x01f00000) {
// |d|<2^31
return int32(d);
if(u_tmp > 0x01f00000) {
// |d|>=2^32
expon = u_tmp >> 20;
shift_amount = expon - 21;
duh.i = du.i;
mask32 = 0x80000000;
if(shift_amount<32) {
mask32 >>= shift_amount;
duh.i32.ih = du.i32.ih & mask32;
duh.i32.il = 0;
else {
mask32 >>= (shift_amount-32);
duh.i32.ih = du.i32.ih;
duh.i32.il = du.i32.il & mask32;
du.d -= duh.d;
DI_H = du.i32.ih;
// eliminate fractional bits
u_tmp = (DI_H & 0x7ff00000);
if(u_tmp >= 0x41e00000) {
// |d|>=2^31
expon = u_tmp >> 20;
shift_amount = expon - (0x3ff - 11);
mask32 = 0x80000000;
if(shift_amount<32) {
mask32 >>= shift_amount;
du.i32.ih &= mask32;
du.i32.il = 0;
else {
mask32 >>= (shift_amount-32);
du.i32.il &= mask32;
two32.i32.ih = 0x41f00000 ^ (du.i32.ih & 0x80000000);
two32.i32.il = 0;
du.d -= two32.d;
return int32(du.d);
#endif // DBLTOINT32_INT64
#endif // !(defined(AVMPLUS_IA32) || defined(AVMPLUS_AMD64))
// This routine is a very specific parser to generate a positive integer from a string.
// The following are supported:
// "0" - one single digit for zero - NOT "00" or any other form of zero
// [1-9]+[0-9]* up to 2^32-2 (4294967294)
// 2^32-1 (4294967295) is not supported (see ECMA quote below).
// The ECMA that we're supporting with this routine is...
// cn: the ES3 test for a valid array index is
// "A property name P (in the form of a string value) is an array index if and
// only if ToString(ToUint32(P)) is equal to P and ToUint32(P) is not equal to 2^32-1."
bool AvmCore::getIndexFromString (Stringp s, uint32 *result)
return s->parseIndex((uint32_t&) *result);
int32_t AvmCore::getAPI(PoolObject* pool)
if (pool != NULL) {
return pool->getAPI();
for (MethodFrame* f = currentMethodFrame; f != NULL; f = f->next)
MethodEnv* env = f->env();
if (env && !env->method->pool()->isBuiltin) // FIXME is the isBuiltin check necessary?
return env->method->pool()->getAPI();
return this->getDefaultAPI();
void AvmCore::setDxns(MethodFrame* f, String* internedUri)
Namespace* ns = newPublicNamespace(internedUri);
void AvmCore::setDxnsLate(MethodFrame* f, Atom uri)
String* internedUri = intern(uri);
Namespace* ns = newPublicNamespace(internedUri);
Namespace* AvmCore::dxns() const
// if currentMethodFrame is null, then no AS3 code is executing -- we are being
// called directly from builtin code. We really want to return a non-NULL namespace
// in this case, so that native code that calls (say) XML::construct directly
// can succeed (otherwise, getDefaultNamespace() would throw exceptions).
if (!currentMethodFrame)
return publicNamespace;
// NULL is ok to return here -- Toplevel::getDefaultNamespace() will throw
return MethodFrame::findDxns(currentMethodFrame);
// static
Namespace* MethodFrame::findDxns(const MethodFrame* start)
for (const MethodFrame* f = start; f != NULL; f = f->next) {
// explicit dxns set here? if so, it's the winner
if (f->envOrCodeContext & DXNS_NOT_NULL)
return f->dxns;
// if not -- is this a frame with an env? if so, return its default ns, even if null.
MethodEnv* env = f->env();
if (env)
return env->scope()->getDefaultNamespace();
return NULL;
// apparently SunPro compiler doesn't like combining REALLY_INLINE with static functions.
REALLY_INLINE void decr_atom(Atom const a)
// contrary to what you might think from the name, "kUnusedAtomTag" is in fact occasionally used
// in player code, so be sure *not* to include it.
int const RC_TYPE_MASK = (1 << kObjectType) | (1 << kStringType) | (1 << kNamespaceType);
int const aKind = (1 << atomKind(a));
if (aKind & RC_TYPE_MASK)
MMgc::RCObject* rcptr = (MMgc::RCObject*)atomPtr(a);
if (rcptr)
// apparently SunPro compiler doesn't like combining REALLY_INLINE with static functions.
REALLY_INLINE void incr_atom(MMgc::GC *gc, const void* container, Atom const a)
int const RC_TYPE_MASK = (1 << kObjectType) | (1 << kStringType) | (1 << kNamespaceType);
int const GC_TYPE_MASK = RC_TYPE_MASK | (1 << kDoubleType);
// assume existing contents of address are potentially uninitialized,
// so don't bother even making an assertion.
int const aKind = (1 << atomKind(a));
if (aKind & GC_TYPE_MASK)
if (aKind & RC_TYPE_MASK)
MMgc::RCObject* rcptr = (MMgc::RCObject*)atomPtr(a);
if (rcptr)
// fall through to InlineWriteBarrierTrap()
if (gc->IncrementalMarking())
void AvmCore::decrementAtomRegion(Atom* arr, int length)
Atom* end = arr + length;
while (arr < end)
*arr++ = 0;
/*static*/ void AvmCore::atomWriteBarrier(MMgc::GC *gc, const void *container, Atom *address, Atom atomNew)
incr_atom(gc, container, atomNew);
*address = atomNew;
/*static*/ void AvmCore::atomWriteBarrier_ctor(MMgc::GC *gc, const void *container, Atom *address, Atom atomNew)
incr_atom(gc, container, atomNew);
*address = atomNew;
/*static*/ void AvmCore::atomWriteBarrier_dtor(Atom *address)
*address = 0;
#ifdef _DEBUG
Atom AvmCore::genericObjectToAtom(const void* obj)
// We get a null obj here through ElementE4XNode::_insert
if (obj != NULL)
GC* gc = GC::GetGC(obj);
// return a non-RC atom, makes atomWriteBarrier do the right thing
return (Atom)obj|kDoubleType;
void AvmCore::enqFunction(MethodInfo* f) {
if (config.verifyall &&
f && !f->isVerified() && !f->isVerifyPending()) {
void AvmCore::enqTraits(Traits* t) {
if (config.verifyall && !t->isInterface()) {
TraitsBindingsp td = t->getTraitsBindings();
for (int i=0, n=td->methodCount; i < n; i++)
void AvmCore::verifyEarly(Toplevel* toplevel, AbcEnv* abc_env) {
List<MethodInfo*, LIST_GCObjects> verifyQueue2(GetGC());
int verified = 0;
do {
verified = 0;
while (!verifyQueue.isEmpty()) {
MethodInfo* f = verifyQueue.removeLast();
if (!f->isVerified()) {
if (f->hasNoScopeAndNotClassInitializer()) {
//console << "pre verify " << f << "\n";
f->verify(toplevel, abc_env);
while (!verifyQueue2.isEmpty())
} while (verified > 0);
void AvmCore::oom(MemoryStatus)
// on kReserve ditch native pages and switch from JIT to interpreter
// on kEmpty ditch WORDCODE and switch to abc interpreter
CodeContext* AvmCore::codeContext() const
for (MethodFrame* f = currentMethodFrame; f != NULL; f = f->next)
// has someone overridden the CodeContext at this level (via EnterCodeContext)?
CodeContext* cc = f->cc();
if (cc)
return cc;
MethodEnv* env = f->env();
if (env && !env->method->pool()->isBuiltin)
return env->codeContext();
return NULL;
void AvmCore::setStackLimit(uintptr_t p)
stack_limit = p;
if (interrupted == NotInterrupted)
minstack = p;
/* static */
void AvmCore::handleStackOverflowMethodEnv(MethodEnv* env)
/* static */
void AvmCore::handleStackOverflowToplevel(Toplevel* toplevel)
// this could be a real stack overflow, or an interrupt that
// used the stack overflow handler as a way to take control of AS3.
AvmCore *core = toplevel->core();
if (core->interrupted) {
// never returns
// invoke host's stack overflow handler
static GCThreadLocal<Toplevel*> PCREContext;
/* static */
void AvmCore::checkPCREStackOverflow()
// Stopgap measure 2009-10-29: The PCREContext can be NULL when host code (*cough* Flash Player *cough*)
// calls directly into the PCRE engine. We need to fix that, but for the moment we allow it to happen:
// it's no worse than before.
if (PCREContext != NULL)
/* static */
void AvmCore::setPCREContext(Toplevel* env)
PCREContext = env;
void AvmCore::raiseInterrupt(InterruptReason reason)
AvmAssert(reason != NotInterrupted);
interrupted = reason;
/* static */
void AvmCore::handleInterruptMethodEnv(MethodEnv *env)
/* static */
void AvmCore::handleInterruptToplevel(Toplevel *toplevel)
AvmCore *core = toplevel->core();
InterruptReason reason = core->interrupted;
core->interrupted = NotInterrupted;
core->interrupt(toplevel, reason);
// interrupt() must not return!
// BEGIN api versioning
void AvmCore::setActiveAPI(API api)
active_api_flags |= api;
- largest api is represented by the largest bit that is set
- original api is represented by the first bit
- the nth bit represents number n more than the original version
void AvmCore::setAPIInfo(uint32_t apis_start,
uint32_t apis_count,
uint32_t uris_count, const char** uris,
const API* api_compat)
this->apis_start = apis_start;
this->apis_count = apis_count;
this->uris_count = uris_count;
this->uris = uris;
this->api_compat = api_compat;
this->largest_api = 0x1 << (apis_count-1);
this->active_api_flags = 0;
// cache public namespaces
this->publicNamespaces = NamespaceSet::_create(GetGC(), apis_count);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < apis_count; ++i) {
Namespacep ns = this->internNamespace(this->newNamespace(kEmptyString, Namespace::NS_Public, 0x1<<i));
publicNamespaces->_initNsAt(i, ns);
Namespacep AvmCore::findPublicNamespace()
return publicNamespaces->nsAt(ApiUtils::toVersion(this, this->getAPI(NULL))-apis_start);
Namespacep AvmCore::getPublicNamespace(PoolObject* pool)
AvmAssert(pool != NULL);
return publicNamespaces->nsAt(ApiUtils::toVersion(this, pool->getAPI())-apis_start);
Namespacep AvmCore::getPublicNamespace(int32_t api)
return publicNamespaces->nsAt(ApiUtils::toVersion(this, api)-apis_start);
Namespacep AvmCore::getAnyPublicNamespace()
return publicNamespaces->nsAt(ApiUtils::toVersion(this, largest_api)-apis_start);
// global helpers
bool ApiUtils::hasVersionMark(Stringp uri)
uint32_t mark = uri->length()==0 ? 0: uri->charAt(uri->length()-1);
if (mark >= ApiUtils::MIN_API_MARK && mark <= ApiUtils::MAX_API_MARK) {
return true;
return false;
API ApiUtils::getURIAPI(AvmCore* core, Stringp uri)
uint32_t mark = uri->length()==0 ? 0: uri->charAt(uri->length()-1);
// if mark is not recognized as a valid version marker, then ignore it
if (mark >= ApiUtils::MIN_API_MARK+core->apis_start && mark <= ApiUtils::MIN_API_MARK+core->apis_start+core->apis_count) {
return toAPI(core, mark-ApiUtils::MIN_API_MARK);
return 0;
Stringp ApiUtils::getBaseURI(AvmCore* core, Stringp uri)
uint32_t mark = uri->length()==0 ? 0: uri->charAt(uri->length()-1);
if (mark >= ApiUtils::MIN_API_MARK && mark <= ApiUtils::MAX_API_MARK) {
uri = core->internString(uri->substr(0, uri->length()-1));
return uri;
Return the set of namespaces (including an unversioned namespace) that
are compatible with a set of namespaces that share the same base uri.
bool ApiUtils::isVersionedNS(AvmCore* core, Namespace::NamespaceType type, Stringp uri)
return type == Namespace::NS_Public && core->isVersionedURI(uri);
// this is a poor man's bit checker, but it's probably rich enough.
// nanojit and possibly mmgc have similar operations that use the
// hardware instructions to do it faster, but it's not clear that
// we need the speed. if we do we should provide an public implementation
// one an existing implementation
// NOTE: this is called from two place so inline, if it gets inlined, is
// not a problem
inline static uint32_t apiBit(API api) {
uint32_t x;
switch (api) {
case 0x00000001: x = 0; break;
case 0x00000002: x = 1; break;
case 0x00000004: x = 2; break;
case 0x00000008: x = 3; break;
case 0x00000010: x = 4; break;
case 0x00000020: x = 5; break;
case 0x00000040: x = 6; break;
case 0x00000080: x = 7; break;
case 0x00000100: x = 8; break;
case 0x00000200: x = 9; break;
case 0x00000400: x = 10; break;
case 0x00000800: x = 11; break;
case 0x00001000: x = 12; break;
case 0x00002000: x = 13; break;
case 0x00004000: x = 14; break;
case 0x00008000: x = 15; break;
case 0x00010000: x = 16; break;
case 0x00020000: x = 17; break;
case 0x00040000: x = 18; break;
case 0x00080000: x = 19; break;
case 0x00100000: x = 20; break;
case 0x00200000: x = 21; break;
case 0x00400000: x = 22; break;
case 0x00800000: x = 23; break;
case 0x01000000: x = 24; break;
case 0x02000000: x = 25; break;
case 0x04000000: x = 26; break;
case 0x08000000: x = 27; break;
case 0x10000000: x = 28; break;
case 0x20000000: x = 29; break;
case 0x40000000: x = 30; break;
case 0x80000000: x = 31; break;
AvmAssert(false); // one and only one bit should be set
x = 0;
return x;
API ApiUtils::getCompatibleAPIs(AvmCore* core, API api)
if (api==0)
return 0;
uint32_t x = apiBit(api);
return core->api_compat[x];
Namespacep ApiUtils::getVersionedNamespace(AvmCore* core, Namespacep ns, API api)
AvmAssert(!(ApiUtils::isVersionedNS(core, ns->getType(), ns->getURI()) && api==0));
if (!isVersionedNS(core, ns->getType(), ns->getURI()))
return ns;
Namespacep ns2 = core->gotNamespace(ns->getURI(), api);
if (ns2 != NULL) {
return ns2;
else {
return core->internNamespace(core->newNamespace(ns->getURI(), ns->getType(), api));
bool AvmCore::isVersionedURI(Stringp uri)
// versioning is turned off
if (uris_count == 0)
return false;
if (uri->isEmpty())
return true;
// binary search (requires uris to be sorted). avoids the need
// to call getBaseURI, and to search the whole list in negative
// cases.
uint32_t i = this->uris_count / 2;
uint32_t l1 = (uint32_t)uri->length();
for (uint32_t j = i; j;) {
const char* probe = this->uris[i];
int32_t r = 0;
uint32_t l2 = (uint32_t)strlen(probe);
uint32_t len = l1 < l2 ? l1 : l2;
for (uint32_t k = 0; k < len; k++) {
wchar c1 = uri->charAt(k);
wchar c2 = probe[k];
if (c1 == c2)
r = c1 - c2;
// we have a match if the prefixes match and the strings are the same
// length modulo the version mark, if there is one. (this code assumes
// the uri being checked does not have a unicode characters above 0xF8FF
// in its last position)
if (r==0) {
if (l1==l2 || (l1==l2+1 && uri->charAt(l2) > ApiUtils::MIN_API_MARK)) {
return true;
else {
// keep looking, in the right direction based on length
r = l1-l2;
j /= 2;
if (r < 0)
i = i - j;
i = i + j;
return false;
API ApiUtils::toAPI(AvmCore* core, uint32_t v)
AvmAssert(v >= core->apis_start && v <= core->apis_start+core->apis_count);
return 0x1 << (v-core->apis_start);
uint32_t ApiUtils::toVersion(AvmCore* core, API api)
// handle the special case when versioning is turned off (apis and versions are always zero)
if (api==0)
return 0;
uint32_t x = apiBit(api);
return core->apis_start+x;