
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. alloc
  2. findBinding
  3. findBinding
  4. findBinding
  5. findBindingAndDeclarer
  6. buildSlotDestroyInfo
  7. checkOverride
  8. isCompatibleOverrideKind
  9. checkLegalInterfaces
  10. fixOneInterfaceBindings
  11. addVersionedBindings
  12. getSlotMetadataPos
  13. getMethodMetadataPos
  14. hasCustomConstruct
  15. newTraits
  16. newCatchTraits
  17. _newParameterizedTraits
  18. traitsPosStart
  19. skipToInstanceInitPos
  20. is8ByteSlot
  21. pad8
  22. bt2sst
  23. isPointerSlot
  24. m_earlySlotBinding
  25. calc_id
  26. slotCount
  27. readNameEntry
  28. allowEarlyBinding
  29. buildBindings
  30. computeSlotOffset
  31. computeSlotAreaCountAndSize
  32. computeSlotAreaStart
  33. finishSlotsAndMethods
  34. skipToInterfaceCount
  35. countNewInterfaces
  36. calcLog2
  37. _buildTraitsBindings
  38. _buildTraitsMetadata
  39. init_declaringScopes
  40. insertSupertype
  41. resolveSignatures
  42. resolveSignaturesSelf
  43. hookUpActivationTraitsInitMethodForTraitsMethod
  44. initActivationTraits
  45. isMachineCompatible
  46. format
  47. genDefaultValue
  48. genInitBody
  49. destroyInstance
  50. formatClassName
  51. getOverride
  52. _getTraitsBindings
  53. _getTraitsMetadata
  54. countSupertypes
  55. build_primary_supertypes
  56. build_secondary_supertypes
  57. secondary_subtypeof
  58. allocSupertypeList

/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
 * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
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 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.].
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
 * Adobe System Incorporated.
 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1993-2006
 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):
 *   Adobe AS3 Team
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
 * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
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 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */

#include "avmplus.h"

namespace avmplus
        using namespace MMgc;

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        /*static*/ TraitsBindings* TraitsBindings::alloc(GC* gc, 
                                                                                                Traits* _owner, 
                                                                                                TraitsBindingsp _base, 
                                                                                                MultinameHashtable* _bindings, 
                                                                                                uint32_t slotCount, 
                                                                                                uint32_t methodCount)
                const uint32_t extra = slotCount * sizeof(SlotInfo) + 
                                                methodCount * sizeof(MethodInfo);

                TraitsBindings* tb = new (gc, extra) TraitsBindings(_owner, _base, _bindings, slotCount, methodCount);
                if (_base)
                        if (_base->slotCount)
                                const SlotInfo* src = &_base->getSlots()[0];
                                SlotInfo* dst = &tb->getSlots()[0];
                                VMPI_memcpy(dst, src, _base->slotCount * sizeof(SlotInfo));
                                AvmAssert(((_owner->isMachineType()) || (tb->owner->m_sizeofInstance >= _base->owner->m_sizeofInstance)));
                        if (_base->methodCount)
                                VMPI_memcpy(&tb->getMethods()[0], &_base->getMethods()[0], _base->methodCount * sizeof(MethodInfo));
                return tb;

        Binding TraitsBindings::findBinding(Stringp name) const
                for (TraitsBindingsp self = this; self; self = self->base)
                        const Binding b = self->m_bindings->getName(name);
                        if (b != BIND_NONE)
                                return b;
                return BIND_NONE;

        Binding TraitsBindings::findBinding(Stringp name, Namespacep ns) const
                for (TraitsBindingsp self = this; self; self = self->base)
                        const Binding b = self->m_bindings->get(name, ns);
                        if (b != BIND_NONE)
                                return b;
                return BIND_NONE;

        Binding TraitsBindings::findBinding(Stringp name, NamespaceSetp nsset) const
                for (TraitsBindingsp self = this; self; self = self->base)
                        const Binding b = self->m_bindings->get(name, nsset);
                        if (b != BIND_NONE)
                                return b;
                return BIND_NONE;

        Binding TraitsBindings::findBindingAndDeclarer(const Multiname& mn, Traitsp& declarer) const
                if (mn.isBinding())
                        for (TraitsBindingsp self = this; self; self = self->base)
                                Namespacep foundns = NULL;
                                Binding const b = self->m_bindings->getMulti(mn, foundns);
                                if (b != BIND_NONE)
                                        declarer = self->owner;

                                        // if the member is 'protected' then we have to do extra work,
                                        // as we may have found it in a descendant's protected namespace -- 
                                        // we have to bounce up the inheritance chain and check our parent's 
                                        // protected namespace.
                                        while (foundns == declarer->protectedNamespace)
                                                Traitsp declParent = declarer->base;
                                                if (!declParent || declParent->protectedNamespace == NULL)

                                                Binding const bp = declParent->getTraitsBindings()->findBinding(mn.getName(), declParent->protectedNamespace);
                                                if (bp != b)

                                                // self->owner->core->console<<"bounce "<<declarer<<" to "<<declParent<<"\n";
                                                declarer = declParent;
                                                foundns = declParent->protectedNamespace;

                                        // self->owner->core->console<<"final declarer is "<<declarer<<"\n";
                                        return b;
                declarer = NULL;
                return BIND_NONE;

        void TraitsBindings::buildSlotDestroyInfo(MMgc::GC* gc, FixedBitSet& slotDestroyInfo, uint32_t slotAreaCount, uint32_t slotAreaSize) const
                MMGC_STATIC_ASSERT(kUnusedAtomTag == 0 && kObjectType == 1 && kStringType == 2 && kNamespaceType == 3);
                AvmAssert(slotAreaCount <= slotCount);
                // not the same as slotCount since a slot of type double
                // takes two bits (in 32-bit builds). note that the bits are
                // always 4-byte chunks even in 64-bit builds!
                const uint32_t bitsNeeded = slotAreaSize / sizeof(uint32_t);    // not sizeof(Atom)!
                AvmAssert(bitsNeeded * sizeof(uint32_t) == slotAreaSize);               // should be even multiple!
                // allocate one extra bit and use it for "all-zero"
                slotDestroyInfo.resize(gc, bitsNeeded+1);
                if (slotAreaSize > 0)
                        const uint32_t sizeofInstance = this->owner->getSizeOfInstance();
                        const TraitsBindings::SlotInfo* tbs             = getSlots() + (slotCount - slotAreaCount);
                        const TraitsBindings::SlotInfo* tbs_end = tbs + slotAreaCount;
                        for ( ; tbs < tbs_end; ++tbs) 
                                // offset is pointed off the end of our object
                                if (isAtomOrRCObjectSlot(tbs->sst())) 
                                        //owner->core->console<<"SDI "<<owner<<" "<<sizeofInstance<<" "<<tbs->type<<" "<<tbs->offset()<<"\n";
                                        AvmAssert(tbs->offset() >= sizeofInstance);
                                        const uint32_t off = tbs->offset() - sizeofInstance;
                                        AvmAssert((off % 4) == 0);
                                        // if slot is "big" then this is the bit of the first 4 bytes. that's fine.
                                        slotDestroyInfo.set((off>>2)+1);        // +1 to leave room for bit 0
                                        slotDestroyInfo.set(0);                         // bit 0 is "anyset" flag
                                // otherwise leave the bit zero
                        AvmAssert(slotAreaCount == 0);
                        AvmAssert(bitsNeeded == 0);

                // if nothing set, blow away what we built and realloc as single clear bit -- smaller and faster
                if (!slotDestroyInfo.test(0))
                        slotDestroyInfo.resize(gc, 1);

        bool TraitsBindings::checkOverride(AvmCore* core, MethodInfo* virt, MethodInfo* over) const
                if (over == virt)
                        return true;
                MethodSignaturep overms = over->getMethodSignature();
                MethodSignaturep virtms = virt->getMethodSignature();

                Traits* overTraits = overms->returnTraits();
                Traits* virtTraits = virtms->returnTraits();

                if (overTraits != virtTraits)
                        core->console << "\n";
                        core->console << "return types dont match\n";
                        core->console << "   virt " << virtTraits << " " << virt << "\n";
                        core->console << "   over " << overTraits << " " << over << "\n";
                        return false;
                if (overms->param_count() != virtms->param_count() ||
                        overms->optional_count() != virtms->optional_count())
                        core->console << "\n";
                        core->console << "param count mismatch\n";
                        core->console << "   virt params=" << virtms->param_count() << " optional=" << virtms->optional_count() << " " << virt << "\n";
                        core->console << "   over params=" << overms->param_count() << " optional=" << overms->optional_count() << " " << virt << "\n";
                        return false;

                // allow subclass param 0 to implement or extend base param 0
                virtTraits = virtms->paramTraits(0);
                if (!owner->subtypeof(virtTraits) || !Traits::isMachineCompatible(this->owner, virtTraits))
                        if (!this->owner->isMachineType() && virtTraits == core->traits.object_itraits)
                                #ifdef AVMPLUS_VERBOSE
                                core->console << "\n";
                                core->console << "param 0 incompatible\n";
                                core->console << "   virt " << virtTraits << " " << virt << "\n";
                                core->console << "   over " << this->owner << " " << over << "\n";
                                return false;

                for (int k=1, p=overms->param_count(); k <= p; k++)
                        overTraits = overms->paramTraits(k);
                        virtTraits = virtms->paramTraits(k);
                        if (overTraits != virtTraits)
                                #ifdef AVMPLUS_VERBOSE
                                core->console << "\n";
                                core->console << "param " << k << " incompatible\n";
                                core->console << "   virt " << virtTraits << " " << virt << "\n";
                                core->console << "   over " << overTraits << " " << over << "\n";
                                return false;

                if (virt->unboxThis())
                        // the UNBOX_THIS flag is sticky, all the way down the inheritance tree

                return true;

        static bool isCompatibleOverrideKind(BindingKind baseKind, BindingKind overKind)
                static const uint8_t kCompatibleBindingKinds[8] = 
                        0,                                                                                                              // BKIND_NONE
                        (1<<BKIND_METHOD),                                                                              // BKIND_METHOD
                        0,                                                                                                              // BKIND_VAR
                        0,                                                                                                              // BKIND_CONST
                        0,                                                                                                              // unused
                        (1<<BKIND_GET) | (1<<BKIND_SET) | (1<<BKIND_GETSET),    // BKIND_GET
                        (1<<BKIND_GET) | (1<<BKIND_SET) | (1<<BKIND_GETSET),    // BKIND_SET
                        (1<<BKIND_GET) | (1<<BKIND_SET) | (1<<BKIND_GETSET)             // BKIND_GETSET
                return (kCompatibleBindingKinds[baseKind] & (1<<overKind)) != 0;

        bool TraitsBindings::checkLegalInterfaces(AvmCore* core) const
                // make sure every interface method is implemented
                for (InterfaceIterator ifc_iter(this); ifc_iter.hasNext();)
                        Traits* ifc =;

                        // don't need to bother checking interfaces in our parent.
                        if (this->base && this->base->owner->subtypeof(ifc))

                        TraitsBindingsp ifcd = ifc->getTraitsBindings();
                        StTraitsBindingsIterator iter(ifcd);
                        while (
                                Stringp name = iter.key();
                                if (!name) continue;
                                Namespacep ns = iter.ns();
                                Binding iBinding = iter.value();
                                const BindingKind iBindingKind = AvmCore::bindingKind(iBinding);

                                Binding cBinding = this->findBinding(name, ns);
                                if (!isCompatibleOverrideKind(iBindingKind, AvmCore::bindingKind(cBinding)))
                                        // Try again with public namespace that matches the version of the current traits
                                        const Binding pBinding = this->findBinding(name, core->getPublicNamespace(owner->pool));
                                        if (isCompatibleOverrideKind(iBindingKind, AvmCore::bindingKind(pBinding)))
                                                cBinding = pBinding;

                                if (iBinding == cBinding) 

                                if (!isCompatibleOverrideKind(iBindingKind, AvmCore::bindingKind(cBinding)))
                                        return false;

                                switch (iBindingKind)
                                                AvmAssert(0);   // interfaces shouldn't have anything but methods, getters, and setters
                                                return false;
                                        case BKIND_METHOD:
                                                MethodInfo* virt = ifcd->getMethod(AvmCore::bindingToMethodId(iBinding));
                                                MethodInfo* over = this->getMethod(AvmCore::bindingToMethodId(cBinding));
                                                if (!checkOverride(core, virt, over))
                                                        return false;
                                        case BKIND_GET:
                                        case BKIND_SET:
                                        case BKIND_GETSET:
                                                // check getter & setter overrides
                                                if (AvmCore::hasGetterBinding(iBinding))
                                                        if (!AvmCore::hasGetterBinding(cBinding))
                                                                return false;
                                                        MethodInfo* virt = ifcd->getMethod(AvmCore::bindingToGetterId(iBinding));
                                                        MethodInfo* over = this->getMethod(AvmCore::bindingToGetterId(cBinding));
                                                        if (!checkOverride(core, virt, over))
                                                                return false;

                                                if (AvmCore::hasSetterBinding(iBinding))
                                                        if (!AvmCore::hasSetterBinding(cBinding))
                                                                return false;
                                                        MethodInfo* virt = ifcd->getMethod(AvmCore::bindingToSetterId(iBinding));
                                                        MethodInfo* over = this->getMethod(AvmCore::bindingToSetterId(cBinding));
                                                        if (!checkOverride(core, virt, over))
                                                                return false;
                                } // switch
                        } // for j
                } // for tbi
                return true;
        void TraitsBindings::fixOneInterfaceBindings(Traitsp ifc)

                TraitsBindingsp ifcd = ifc->getTraitsBindings();
                StTraitsBindingsIterator iter(ifcd);
                while (
                        Stringp name = iter.key();
                        if (!name) continue;
                        Namespacep ns = iter.ns();
                        Binding iBinding = iter.value();
                        const BindingKind iBindingKind = AvmCore::bindingKind(iBinding);
                        const Binding cBinding = this->findBinding(name, ns);
                        if (!isCompatibleOverrideKind(iBindingKind, AvmCore::bindingKind(cBinding)))
                                // Try again with public namespace that matches the version of the current traits
                                const Binding pBinding = this->findBinding(name, ifc->core->getPublicNamespace(owner->pool));
                                if (isCompatibleOverrideKind(iBindingKind, AvmCore::bindingKind(pBinding)))
                                        this->m_bindings->add(name, ns, pBinding);
        void Traits::addVersionedBindings(MultinameHashtable* bindings,
                                                                          Stringp name,
                                                                          NamespaceSetp nss,
                                                                          Binding binding) const
                int32_t apis = 0;
                for (NamespaceSetIterator iter(nss); iter.hasNext();) 
            Namespacep ns =;
                         apis |= ApiUtils::getCompatibleAPIs(core, ns->getAPI());
                Namespacep ns = ApiUtils::getVersionedNamespace(core, nss->nsAt(0), apis);
                bindings->add(name, ns, binding);
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        TraitsMetadata::MetadataPtr TraitsMetadata::getSlotMetadataPos(uint32_t i, PoolObject*& residingPool) const
                AvmAssert(i < slotCount);
                residingPool = NULL;
                for (TraitsMetadatap self = this; self && (i < self->slotCount); self = self->base)
                        MetadataPtr pos = self->slotMetadataPos[i];
                        if (pos)
                                residingPool = self->residingPool;
                                return pos;
                return NULL;

        TraitsMetadata::MetadataPtr TraitsMetadata::getMethodMetadataPos(uint32_t i, PoolObject*& residingPool) const
                AvmAssert(i < methodCount);
                residingPool = NULL;
                for (TraitsMetadatap self = this; self && (i < self->methodCount); self = self->base)
                        MetadataPtr pos = self->methodMetadataPos[i];
                        if (pos)
                                residingPool = self->residingPool;
                                return pos;
                return NULL;

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------
        // -------------------------------------------------------------------

        Traits::Traits(PoolObject* _pool, 
                                   Traits* _base,
                                   uint16_t _sizeofInstance,
                                   uint16_t _offsetofSlots,
                                   TraitsPosPtr traitsPos,
                                   TraitsPosType posType) :
        // assume everything in builtin pools have custom construct unless stated otherwise
                AvmAssert(m_tbref->get() == NULL);
                AvmAssert(m_tmref->get() == NULL);
                AvmAssert(BUILTIN_COUNT <= 32);
                AvmAssert(m_slotDestroyInfo.allocatedSize() == 0);
#ifdef _DEBUG
                switch (posType)
                        case TRAITSTYPE_NVA:
                        case TRAITSTYPE_RT:
                                AvmAssert(m_traitsPos == 0);
                                AvmAssert(m_traitsPos != 0);

        /*static*/ Traits* Traits::newTraits(PoolObject* pool,
                                                        Traits *base,
                                                        uint16_t objectSize,
                                                        uint16_t offsetOfSlots,
                                                        TraitsPosPtr traitsPos,
                                                        TraitsPosType posType)
                AvmAssert(posType != TRAITSTYPE_CATCH);
                AvmAssert(pool != NULL);
                Traits* traits = new (pool->core->GetGC()) Traits(pool, base, objectSize, offsetOfSlots, traitsPos, posType);
                return traits;

        /*static*/ Traits* Traits::newCatchTraits(const Toplevel* toplevel, PoolObject* pool, TraitsPosPtr traitsPos, Stringp name, Namespacep ns)
                AvmAssert(pool != NULL);
                Traits* traits = new (pool->core->GetGC()) Traits(pool, NULL, sizeof(ScriptObject), sizeof(ScriptObject), traitsPos, TRAITSTYPE_CATCH);
                traits->final = true;
                traits->set_names(ns, name);
                return traits;

        Traits* Traits::_newParameterizedTraits(Stringp name, Namespacep ns, Traits* _base)
                Traits* newtraits = Traits::newTraits(this->pool, _base, this->getSizeOfInstance(), this->m_offsetofSlots, NULL, TRAITSTYPE_RT);
                newtraits->m_needsHashtable = this->m_needsHashtable;
                newtraits->set_names(ns, name);
                return newtraits;

        TraitsPosPtr Traits::traitsPosStart() const
                TraitsPosPtr pos = m_traitsPos;
                switch (posType())
                        case TRAITSTYPE_INTERFACE:      
                        case TRAITSTYPE_INSTANCE:       
                                pos = skipToInstanceInitPos(pos);
                                // fall thru, no break

                        case TRAITSTYPE_CLASS:
                        case TRAITSTYPE_SCRIPT:
                                AvmCore::skipU30(pos, 1);               // skip in init_index

                        case TRAITSTYPE_ACTIVATION:
                                // nothing to do

                        case TRAITSTYPE_CATCH:
                        case TRAITSTYPE_NVA:
                        case TRAITSTYPE_RT:
                                pos = NULL;
                return pos;

        TraitsPosPtr Traits::skipToInstanceInitPos(TraitsPosPtr pos) const
                AvmAssert(isInstanceType() && pos != NULL);
                AvmCore::skipU30(pos, 2);               // skip the QName & base traits 
                const uint8_t theflags = *pos++;                
                const bool hasProtected = (theflags & 8) != 0;
                if (hasProtected)
                const uint32_t interfaceCount = AvmCore::readU30(pos);
                AvmCore::skipU30(pos, interfaceCount);
                return pos;

        static bool is8ByteSlot(Traits* slotTE)
                #ifdef AVMPLUS_64BIT
                const uint32_t BIG_TYPE_MASK = ~((1U<<BUILTIN_int) | (1U<<BUILTIN_uint) | (1U<<BUILTIN_boolean));
                const uint32_t BIG_TYPE_MASK = (1U<<BUILTIN_number);
                return ((1 << Traits::getBuiltinType(slotTE)) & BIG_TYPE_MASK) != 0;

    // Sun compilers don't allow static and REALLY_INLINE
        /*static*/ REALLY_INLINE int32_t pad8(int32_t nextSlotOffset)
                // 8-aligned, 8-byte field
                if (nextSlotOffset & 7)
                        AvmAssert((nextSlotOffset % 4) == 0);   // should always be a multiple of 4
                        nextSlotOffset += 4;
                int32_t slotOffset = nextSlotOffset;
                nextSlotOffset += 8;
                return slotOffset;

        static SlotStorageType bt2sst(BuiltinType bt)
                AvmAssert(bt != BUILTIN_void);
                switch (bt)
                        case BUILTIN_int:               return SST_int32;
                        case BUILTIN_uint:              return SST_uint32;
                        case BUILTIN_number:    return SST_double;
                        case BUILTIN_boolean:   return SST_bool32;
                        case BUILTIN_any:               return SST_atom;
                        case BUILTIN_object:    return SST_atom;
                        case BUILTIN_string:    return SST_string;
                        case BUILTIN_namespace: return SST_namespace;
                        default:                                return SST_scriptobject;

    // Sun compilers don't allow static and REALLY_INLINE
        /*static*/ REALLY_INLINE bool isPointerSlot(Traits* slotTE)
                BuiltinType bt = Traits::getBuiltinType(slotTE);
                AvmAssert(bt != BUILTIN_void);
                MMGC_STATIC_ASSERT(BUILTIN_COUNT < (sizeof(int) * 8));
                int const IS_POINTER = ~((1<<BUILTIN_int)|(1<<BUILTIN_uint)|(1<<BUILTIN_number)|(1<<BUILTIN_boolean));
                return ((1 << bt) & IS_POINTER) != 0;

        // the logic for assigning slot id's is used in several places, so it's now collapsed here
        // rather than redundantly sprinkled thru several bits of code.
        class SlotIdCalcer
                uint32_t m_slotCount;
                bool m_earlySlotBinding;
                SlotIdCalcer(uint32_t _baseSlotCount, bool _earlySlotBinding) : 

                uint32_t calc_id(uint32_t id)
                        if (!id || !m_earlySlotBinding)
                                id = ++m_slotCount;
                        if (m_slotCount < id)
                                m_slotCount = id;
                        return id - 1;
                uint32_t slotCount() const { return m_slotCount; }
        struct NameEntry
                const uint8_t* meta_pos;
                uint32_t qni, id, info, value_index;
                CPoolKind value_kind;
                TraitKind kind;
                uint8_t tag;
                void readNameEntry(const uint8_t*& pos);
        void NameEntry::readNameEntry(const uint8_t*& pos)
                qni = AvmCore::readU30(pos);
                tag = *pos++;
                kind = (TraitKind) (tag & 0x0f);
                value_kind = CONSTANT_unused_0x00;
                value_index = 0;

                // Read in the trait entry.
                switch (kind)
                        case TRAIT_Slot:
                        case TRAIT_Const:
                                id = AvmCore::readU30(pos);                             // slot id
                                info = AvmCore::readU30(pos);                   // value type
                                value_index = AvmCore::readU30(pos);    // value index
                                if (value_index)
                                        value_kind = (CPoolKind)*pos++;         // value kind
                        case TRAIT_Class:
                                id = AvmCore::readU30(pos);             // slot id
                                info = AvmCore::readU30(pos);   // classinfo
                        case TRAIT_Getter:
                        case TRAIT_Setter:
                        case TRAIT_Method:
                                AvmCore::skipU30(pos);                  // disp id (never used)
                                id = AvmCore::readU30(pos);             // method index
                                info = 0;
                                // unsupported traits type -- can't happen, caught in AbcParser::parseTraits
                meta_pos = pos;
                if (tag & ATTR_metadata)
                        uint32_t metaCount = AvmCore::readU30(pos);
                        AvmCore::skipU30(pos, metaCount);
        bool Traits::allowEarlyBinding() const
                // the compiler can early bind to a type's slots when it's defined
                // or when the base class came from another abc file and has zero slots
                // this ensures you cant use the early opcodes to access an external type's
                // private members.
                TraitsBindingsp tb = this->base ? this->base->getTraitsBindings() : NULL;
                while (tb != NULL && tb->slotCount > 0)
                        if (tb->owner->pool != this->pool && tb->slotCount > 0)
                                return false;
                        tb = tb->base;
                return true;

        void Traits::buildBindings(TraitsBindingsp basetb, 
                                                                MultinameHashtable* bindings, 
                                                                uint32_t& slotCount, 
                                                                uint32_t& methodCount,
                                                                uint32_t& n32BitNonPointerSlots,
                                                                uint32_t& n64BitNonPointerSlots,
                                                                const Toplevel* toplevel) const
                const uint8_t* pos = traitsPosStart();

                const uint32_t baseSlotCount = basetb ? basetb->slotCount : 0;
                const uint32_t baseMethodCount = basetb ? basetb->methodCount : 0;

                //slotCount = baseSlotCount;
                methodCount = baseMethodCount;
                SlotIdCalcer sic(baseSlotCount, this->allowEarlyBinding());

                NameEntry ne;
                const uint32_t nameCount = pos ? AvmCore::readU30(pos) : 0;
                for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nameCount; i++)
                        Multiname mn;
                        this->pool->resolveQName(ne.qni, mn, toplevel);
                        Stringp name = mn.getName();
                        Namespacep ns;
                        NamespaceSetp compat_nss;
                        if (mn.namespaceCount() > 1) {
                                ns = mn.getNsset()->nsAt(0);
                                compat_nss = mn.getNsset();
                        else {
                                ns = mn.getNamespace();
                                compat_nss = NamespaceSet::create(core->GetGC(), ns);
                        switch (ne.kind)
                                case TRAIT_Slot:
                                case TRAIT_Const:
                                case TRAIT_Class:
                                        uint32_t slot_id = sic.calc_id(;
                                        if (toplevel)
                                                // first time thru, we must do some additional verification checks... these were formerly 
                                                // done in AbcParser::parseTraits but require the base class to be resolved first, so we
                                                // now defer it to here.
                                                // illegal raw slot id.
                                                if ( > nameCount)
                                                // slots are final.
                                                if (basetb && slot_id < basetb->slotCount) 
                                                        toplevel->throwVerifyError(kIllegalOverrideError, core->toErrorString(mn), core->toErrorString(base));

                                                // a slot cannot override anything else.
                                                if (bindings->get(name, ns) != BIND_NONE)

                                                // In theory we should reject duplicate slots here; 
                                                // in practice we don't, as it causes problems with some existing content
                                                //if (basetb->findBinding(name, ns) != BIND_NONE)
                                                //      toplevel->throwVerifyError(kIllegalOverrideError, toplevel->core()->toErrorString(qn), toplevel->core()->toErrorString(this));
                                                // Interfaces cannot have slots.
                                                if (this->isInterface())
                                                        toplevel->throwVerifyError(kIllegalSlotError, core->toErrorString(this));

                                        AvmAssert(!( > nameCount));                                                // unhandled verify error
                                        AvmAssert(!(basetb && slot_id < basetb->slotCount));    // unhandled verify error
                                        AvmAssert(!(bindings->get(name, ns) != BIND_NONE));             // unhandled verify error
                                        addVersionedBindings(bindings, name, compat_nss, AvmCore::makeSlotBinding(slot_id, ne.kind==TRAIT_Slot ? BKIND_VAR : BKIND_CONST));
                                        Traitsp slotType = (ne.kind == TRAIT_Class) ? 
                                                                                pool->getClassTraits( :
                                                                                pool->resolveTypeName(, toplevel);
                                        if (!isPointerSlot(slotType))
                                                if (is8ByteSlot(slotType))
                                case TRAIT_Method:
                                        Binding baseBinding = this->getOverride(basetb, ns, name, ne.tag, toplevel);
                                        if (baseBinding == BIND_NONE)
                                                addVersionedBindings(bindings, name, compat_nss, AvmCore::makeMGSBinding(methodCount, BKIND_METHOD));
                                                // accessors require 2 vtable slots, methods only need 1.
                                                methodCount += 1;
                                        else if (AvmCore::isMethodBinding(baseBinding))
                                                // something got overridden, need new name entry for this subclass
                                                // but keep the existing disp_id
                                                addVersionedBindings(bindings, name, compat_nss, baseBinding);
                                                if (toplevel)
                                                AvmAssert(!"unhandled verify error");
                                case TRAIT_Getter:
                                case TRAIT_Setter:
                                        // if nothing already is defined in this class, use base class in case getter/setter has already been defined.
                                        Binding baseBinding = bindings->get(name, ns);
                                        if (baseBinding == BIND_NONE)
                                                baseBinding = this->getOverride(basetb, ns, name, ne.tag, toplevel);
                                        const BindingKind us = (ne.kind == TRAIT_Getter) ? BKIND_GET : BKIND_SET;
                                        const BindingKind them = (ne.kind == TRAIT_Getter) ? BKIND_SET : BKIND_GET;
                                        if (baseBinding == BIND_NONE)
                                                addVersionedBindings(bindings, name, compat_nss, AvmCore::makeMGSBinding(methodCount, us));
                                                // accessors require 2 vtable slots, methods only need 1.
                                                methodCount += 2;
                                        else if (AvmCore::isAccessorBinding(baseBinding))
                                                // something maybe got overridden, need new name entry for this subclass
                                                // but keep the existing disp_id
                                                // both get & set bindings use the get id.      set_id = get_id + 1.
                                                if (AvmCore::bindingKind(baseBinding) == them)
                                                        baseBinding = AvmCore::makeGetSetBinding(baseBinding);
                                                addVersionedBindings(bindings, name, compat_nss, baseBinding);
                                                if (toplevel)
                                                AvmAssert(!"unhandled verify error");

                                        // unsupported traits type -- can't happen, caught in AbcParser::parseTraits
                } // for i
                slotCount = sic.slotCount();
                // Don't mess with the order of the members of the
                // following struct.
                // This struct is never actually instantiated, it is
                // only used to determine the default padding that C++
                // compiler will insert between 32 bit member variables and
                // 64 bit member variables.
                struct GlueClassTest_Slots
                        int32_t m_intSlot;
                        double m_numberSlot;
                        int32_t m_otherIntSlot;
                        void* m_ptrSlot;
                static const bool align8ByteSlots = (offsetof(GlueClassTest_Slots, m_numberSlot) == 8);
                static const bool alignPointersTo8Bytes = (offsetof(GlueClassTest_Slots, m_ptrSlot) == 24);
                static const bool is64Bit = sizeof(void*) == 8;
    // Sun compilers don't allow static and REALLY_INLINE
        /*static*/ REALLY_INLINE int32_t computeSlotOffset(Traits* slotType, int32_t& next32BitSlotOffset, int32_t& nextPointerSlotOffset, int32_t& next64BitSlotOffset)
                if (isPointerSlot(slotType))
                        int32_t const result = nextPointerSlotOffset;
                        nextPointerSlotOffset += sizeof(void*);
                        return result;
                else if (is8ByteSlot(slotType))
                        int32_t const result = next64BitSlotOffset;
                        next64BitSlotOffset += 8;
                        return result;
                        int32_t const result = next32BitSlotOffset;
                        next32BitSlotOffset += 4;
                        return result;

    void Traits::computeSlotAreaCountAndSize(TraitsBindings* tb, uint32_t& slotCount, uint32_t& size) const
                const TraitsBindings* prevBindings = tb;
                const TraitsBindings* currBindings = tb->base;
                uint32_t thisSize = getSizeOfInstance();
                while ((currBindings != NULL) && (currBindings->owner->getSizeOfInstance() == thisSize))
                        const TraitsBindings* baseBindings = currBindings->base;
                        AvmAssert((baseBindings == 0) || (baseBindings->owner->getSizeOfInstance() <= thisSize)); (void)baseBindings;
                        prevBindings = currBindings;
                        currBindings = currBindings->base;
                // currBindings is first ancestor class that is native with at least one slot or native member variable
                // or null if there is no native ancenstor class
                if (currBindings == NULL)
                        // We could not find a ancestor class that is native.
                        slotCount = tb->slotCount;
                        size = tb->m_slotSize;
                else if (currBindings == tb->base)
                        AvmAssert(tb->base != NULL);
                        AvmAssert((tb->base->slotCount == 0) || (tb->base->owner->getSizeOfInstance() <= thisSize));
                        // "this" is a native class.
                        slotCount = 0;
                        size = 0;
                        AvmAssert(tb->base != NULL);
                        AvmAssert(currBindings != NULL);
                        AvmAssert(currBindings->owner->getSizeOfInstance() <= thisSize);
                        AvmAssert(tb->slotCount >= prevBindings->slotCount);
                        AvmAssert(tb->m_slotSize >= prevBindings->m_slotSize);
                        slotCount = tb->slotCount - prevBindings->slotCount;
                        size = tb->m_slotSize - prevBindings->m_slotSize;
        inline uint32_t Traits::computeSlotAreaStart(uint32_t nPointerSlots, uint32_t n32BitNonPointerSlots, uint32_t n64BitNonPointerSlots) const
                // Actual size of slots can be larger because of padding inserted at beginning of slot area and between 4 byte slots and 8 byte slots.
                uint32_t minSizeOfSlots = (nPointerSlots * sizeof(void*)) + (n32BitNonPointerSlots * 4) + (n64BitNonPointerSlots * 8);
        uint32_t result = 0;
                if (base && minSizeOfSlots)
                        if (getSizeOfInstance() == base->getSizeOfInstance())
                                // we are not a native subclass or if we are, we don't have any slots.
                                // Our slots start right after our base class slots.
                                // The end of our base class slots is the same offset at which
                                // our base class put its hash table.
                                if (base->m_hashTableOffset)
                                        result = base->m_hashTableOffset;
                                        result = base->getTotalSize();
                                // We are a native subclass
                                // We should be bigger than our base class
                                // Our slots are at the end of our instance class.
                                AvmAssert(base->getSizeOfInstance() < getSizeOfInstance());
                                AvmAssert((getSizeOfInstance() - base->getSizeOfInstance()) >= static_cast<intptr_t>(minSizeOfSlots));
                                result = m_offsetofSlots;
                                // result is an offset to a C++ class instance embedded in a glue class instance
                                // If the C++ class instance containing the slot values contains 8 byte types that
                                // are supposed to be 8 byte aligned, then result should also be 8 byte aligned.
                                // If either of these asserts fail, the slot offset calculation code in finishSlotsAndMethods
                                // will most likely produce incorrect slot offsets for 8 byte slots.
                AvmAssert(((result % 8) == 0) || (!align8ByteSlots) || (n64BitNonPointerSlots == 0));
                AvmAssert(((result % 8) == 0) || (!alignPointersTo8Bytes) || (nPointerSlots == 0));
                        AvmAssert((getSizeOfInstance() == sizeof(ScriptObject)) || (minSizeOfSlots == 0));
                        result = getSizeOfInstance();
        return result;

        uint32_t Traits::finishSlotsAndMethods(TraitsBindingsp basetb, 
                                                                        TraitsBindings* tb, 
                                                                        const Toplevel* toplevel,
                                                                        AbcGen* abcGen,
                                                                        uint32_t n32BitNonPointerSlots,
                                                                        uint32_t n64BitNonPointerSlots) const
                const uint8_t* pos = traitsPosStart();
                SlotIdCalcer sic(basetb ? basetb->slotCount : 0, this->allowEarlyBinding());
                uint32_t nBaseSlots = tb->base ? tb->base->slotCount : 0;
                uint32_t nPointerSlots = tb->slotCount - (n32BitNonPointerSlots + n64BitNonPointerSlots + nBaseSlots);
                int32_t slotAreaStart = computeSlotAreaStart(nPointerSlots, n32BitNonPointerSlots, n64BitNonPointerSlots);
                int32_t next32BitSlotOffset = slotAreaStart;
                int32_t endOf32BitSlots = next32BitSlotOffset + (n32BitNonPointerSlots * 4);
                int32_t nextPointerSlotOffset = alignPointersTo8Bytes && (nPointerSlots != 0) ? pad8(endOf32BitSlots) : endOf32BitSlots;
                int32_t endOfPointerSlots = nextPointerSlotOffset + (nPointerSlots * sizeof(void*));
                int32_t next64BitSlotOffset = align8ByteSlots && (n64BitNonPointerSlots != 0) ? pad8(endOfPointerSlots) : endOfPointerSlots;
                int32_t endOf64BitSlots = next64BitSlotOffset + (n64BitNonPointerSlots * 8);

                NameEntry ne;
                const uint32_t nameCount = pos ? AvmCore::readU30(pos) : 0;
                for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nameCount; i++)
            AvmAssert(next32BitSlotOffset <= endOf32BitSlots);
            AvmAssert(nextPointerSlotOffset <= endOfPointerSlots);
                        AvmAssert(next64BitSlotOffset <= endOf64BitSlots); (void)endOf64BitSlots;
                        Multiname mn;
                        this->pool->resolveQName(ne.qni, mn, toplevel);
                        Namespacep ns = mn.getNamespace();
                        Stringp name = mn.getName();
                        // NOTE only one versioned namespace from the set needed here

                        switch (ne.kind)
                                case TRAIT_Slot:
                                case TRAIT_Const:
                                case TRAIT_Class:
                                        AvmAssert(endOf64BitSlots > slotAreaStart);
                                        uint32_t slotid = sic.calc_id(;
                                        // note, for TRAIT_Class, AbcParser::parseTraits has already verified that pool->cinits[] is not null
                                        Traitsp slotType = (ne.kind == TRAIT_Class) ? 
                                                                                pool->getClassTraits( :
                                                                                pool->resolveTypeName(, toplevel);
                                        uint32_t slotOffset = computeSlotOffset(slotType, next32BitSlotOffset, nextPointerSlotOffset, next64BitSlotOffset);
                                        AvmAssert(slotOffset >= sizeof(ScriptObject));
                                        tb->setSlotInfo(slotid, slotType, bt2sst(getBuiltinType(slotType)), slotOffset);
                                        if (abcGen)
                                                genDefaultValue(ne.value_index, slotid, toplevel, slotType, ne.value_kind, *abcGen);
                                case TRAIT_Getter:
                                case TRAIT_Setter:
                                case TRAIT_Method:
                                        const Binding b = tb->m_bindings->get(name, ns);
                                        AvmAssert(b != BIND_NONE);
                                        const uint32 disp_id = uint32(uintptr_t(b) >> 3) + (ne.kind == TRAIT_Setter);
                                        MethodInfo* f = this->pool->getMethodInfo(;
                                        //AvmAssert(f->declaringTraits() == this);
                                        tb->setMethodInfo(disp_id, f);

                                        // unsupported traits type -- can't happen, caught in AbcParser::parseTraits
                } // for i
                // check for sparse slot table -- anything not specified will default to * (but we must allocate space for it)
                for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tb->slotCount; i++)
                        if (tb->getSlotOffset(i) > 0)

                        #ifdef AVMPLUS_VERBOSE
                        if (pool->isVerbose(VB_traits))
                                core->console << "WARNING: slot " << i+1 << " on " << this << " not defined by compiler.  Using *\n";

                        const Traitsp slotType = NULL;
                        const uint32_t slotOffset = nextPointerSlotOffset;
                        nextPointerSlotOffset += sizeof(void*);
                        AvmAssert(slotOffset >= sizeof(ScriptObject));
                        tb->setSlotInfo(i, slotType, SST_atom, slotOffset);
                AvmAssert(next32BitSlotOffset == endOf32BitSlots);
                AvmAssert(nextPointerSlotOffset == endOfPointerSlots);
                AvmAssert(next64BitSlotOffset == endOf64BitSlots);
                AvmAssert(endOf64BitSlots >= slotAreaStart);
                return endOf64BitSlots - slotAreaStart;

        static const uint8_t* skipToInterfaceCount(const uint8_t* pos)
                AvmAssert(pos != NULL);
                AvmCore::skipU30(pos, 2);               // skip the QName + basetraits
                const uint8_t theflags = *pos++;                
                if (theflags & 8)
                        AvmCore::skipU30(pos);  // skip protected namespace
                return pos;

        // Apps often have many interfaces redundantly listed, so first time thru,
        // eliminate redundant ones.  We do this by only adding new interfaces to
        // the "seen" list and only traversing new super-interfaces.  An interface
        // is NEW if our base class does not implement it.
        uint32_t Traits::countNewInterfaces(List<Traitsp, LIST_GCObjects>& seen)
                // each Traits* added to this list is rooted via Domain and PoolObject,
                // so it is okay for this Stack to be opaque to the GC.
                Stack<Traits*> pending;
                while (!pending.isEmpty()) {
                        Traits* t = pending.pop();
                        const uint8_t* pos = skipToInterfaceCount(t->m_traitsPos);
                        const uint32_t interfaceCount = AvmCore::readU30(pos);
                        for (uint32_t j = 0; j < interfaceCount; j++) {
                                // we know all interfaces have been resolved already, it is done
                                // before traits construction in AbcParser::parseInstanceInfos().
                                Traitsp intf = t->pool->resolveTypeName(pos, NULL);
                                AvmAssert(intf && intf->isInterface() && intf->base == NULL);
                                // an interface can "extend" multiple other interfaces, so we must recurse here.
                                if ((!base || !base->subtypeof(intf)) && seen.indexOf(intf) < 0) {
                return seen.size();

        static uint8_t calcLog2(uint32_t cap)
                uint8_t capLog = 1; // start with at least 2 entries
                while ((1U<<capLog) < cap)
                AvmAssert((1U<<capLog) >= cap);
                return capLog;

        TraitsBindings* Traits::_buildTraitsBindings(const Toplevel* toplevel, AbcGen* abcGen)
                // no, this can be called before the resolved bit is set
                if (pool->isVerbose(VB_traits))
                        core->console << "Generate TraitsBindings for "<<this<<"\n";
                TraitsBindings* thisData = NULL;

                // if we know the cap we need, go there right away, otherwise start at small power of 2
                // this saves tremendously on subsequent builds of this set of bindings since we don't have to
                // waste time growing the MNHT as we build it
                const int32_t bindingCap = m_bindingCapLog2 ? (1 << m_bindingCapLog2) : 2;

                MMgc::GC* gc = core->GetGC();
                MultinameHashtable* bindings = new (gc) MultinameHashtable(bindingCap);
                AvmAssert(bindings->numQuads == bindingCap);
                if (this->posType() == TRAITSTYPE_CATCH)
                        const uint8_t* pos = m_traitsPos;

                        Traits* t = this->pool->resolveTypeName(pos, toplevel);

                        // this assumes we save name/ns in all builds, not just verbose
                        NamespaceSetp nss = NamespaceSet::create(core->GetGC(), this->ns());
                        NamespaceSetp compat_nss = nss;
                        addVersionedBindings(bindings, this->name(), compat_nss, AvmCore::makeSlotBinding(0, BKIND_VAR));
                        // bindings just need room for one slot binding
                        thisData = TraitsBindings::alloc(gc, this, /*base*/NULL, bindings, /*slotCount*/1, /*methodCount*/0);
                        thisData->setSlotInfo(0, t, bt2sst(getBuiltinType(t)), this->m_sizeofInstance);
                        thisData->m_slotSize = is8ByteSlot(t) ? 8 : 4;
                        TraitsBindingsp basetb = this->base ? this->base->getTraitsBindings() : NULL;

                        // Copy protected traits from base class into new protected namespace
                        if (basetb && base->protectedNamespace && this->protectedNamespace)
                                StTraitsBindingsIterator iter(basetb);
                                while (
                                        if (!iter.key()) continue;
                                        if (iter.ns() == base->protectedNamespace)
                                                bindings->add(iter.key(), this->protectedNamespace, iter.value());
                        uint32_t slotCount = 0;
                        uint32_t methodCount = 0;
                        uint32_t n32BitNonPointerSlots = 0;
                        uint32_t n64BitNonPointerSlots = 0;
                        buildBindings(basetb, bindings, slotCount, methodCount, n32BitNonPointerSlots, n64BitNonPointerSlots, toplevel);
                        thisData = TraitsBindings::alloc(gc, this, basetb, bindings, slotCount, methodCount);
                        thisData->m_slotSize = finishSlotsAndMethods(basetb, thisData, toplevel, abcGen, n32BitNonPointerSlots, n64BitNonPointerSlots);

                        if (basetb) {
                                thisData->m_slotSize += basetb->m_slotSize;

                        if (!isInterface() && m_implementsNewInterfaces) {
                                // fix up interface bindings
                                for (InterfaceIterator it(this); it.hasNext(); ) {
                                        Traits* t =;
                                        if (!base || !base->subtypeof(t)) {
                                                // new interface not implemented in base.

                // hashtable (if we have one) must start on pointer-sized boundary...
                // much easier to always round slotsize up unconditionally rather than
                // only for cases with hashtable, so that's what we'll do. (MMgc currently
                // allocate in 8-byte increments anyway, so we're not really losing any space.)
                thisData->m_slotSize = (thisData->m_slotSize + (sizeof(uintptr_t)-1)) & ~(sizeof(uintptr_t)-1);
                // remember the cap we need
                if (m_bindingCapLog2 == 0)
                        m_bindingCapLog2 = calcLog2(thisData->m_bindings->numQuads);    // remember capacity, not count
                AvmAssert(m_bindingCapLog2 > 0);

                if (pool->isVerbose(VB_traits))
                        core->console << this << " bindings\n";
                        StTraitsBindingsIterator iter(thisData);
                        while (
                                core->console << iter.key() << ":" << (uint32_t)(uintptr_t)(iter.value()) << "\n";
                        core->console << this << " end bindings \n";
                AvmAssert(m_tbref->get() == NULL);
                m_tbref = thisData->GetWeakRef();
                return thisData;

        TraitsMetadata* Traits::_buildTraitsMetadata()

                if (pool->isVerbose(VB_traits))
                        core->console << "Generate TraitsMetadata for "<<this<<"\n";
                TraitsBindingsp td = this->getTraitsBindings();
                MMgc::GC* gc = core->GetGC();
                TraitsMetadatap basetm = this->base ? this->base->getTraitsMetadata() : NULL;

                const uint32_t extra = td->slotCount * sizeof(TraitsMetadata::MetadataPtr) + td->methodCount * sizeof(TraitsMetadata::MetadataPtr);

                TraitsMetadata* tm = new (gc, extra) TraitsMetadata(basetm, this->pool, this->metadata_pos, td->slotCount, td->methodCount);
                tm->slotMetadataPos = (TraitsMetadata::MetadataPtr*)(tm + 1);
                tm->methodMetadataPos = (TraitsMetadata::MetadataPtr*)(tm->slotMetadataPos + tm->slotCount);

                const uint8_t* pos = traitsPosStart();
                const uint32_t nameCount = pos ? AvmCore::readU30(pos) : 0;
                SlotIdCalcer sic(td->base ? td->base->slotCount : 0, this->allowEarlyBinding());
                NameEntry ne;
                for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nameCount; i++)
                        switch (ne.kind)
                                case TRAIT_Class:
                                        // classes shouldn't have metadata, but just fall thru just in case
                                case TRAIT_Slot:
                                case TRAIT_Const:
                                        const uint32_t slot_id = sic.calc_id(;
                                        if (ne.tag & ATTR_metadata)
                                                tm->slotMetadataPos[slot_id] = ne.meta_pos;
                                case TRAIT_Getter:
                                case TRAIT_Setter:
                                case TRAIT_Method:
                                        if (ne.tag & ATTR_metadata)
                                                Multiname qn;
                                                // passing NULL for toplevel here, since it's only used if a verification error occurs -- 
                                                // but if there was one, we would have encountered it during AbcParser::parseTraits.
                                                this->pool->resolveQName(ne.qni, qn, /*toplevel*/NULL);
                                                const Binding b = td->findBinding(qn.getName(), qn.getNamespace());
                                                AvmAssert(b != BIND_NONE);
                                                const uint32 disp_id = uint32(uintptr_t(b) >> 3) + (ne.kind == TRAIT_Setter);
                                                tm->methodMetadataPos[disp_id] = ne.meta_pos;

                                        // unsupported traits type -- can't happen, caught in AbcParser::parseTraits
                } // for i
                AvmAssert(m_tmref->get() == NULL);
                m_tmref = tm->GetWeakRef();
                return tm;

        void Traits::init_declaringScopes(const ScopeTypeChain* stc) 
                if (!linked)
                if (this->init)

                        TraitsBindingsp tb = this->getTraitsBindings();
                        const TraitsBindings::BindingMethodInfo* tbm            = tb->getMethods();
                        const TraitsBindings::BindingMethodInfo* tbm_end        = tbm + tb->methodCount;
                        for ( ; tbm < tbm_end; ++tbm) 
                                if (tbm->f == NULL)
                                if (tbm->f->declaringTraits() == this)

         * add t to pending[] ahead of any existing entries that are
         * subtypes or implementers of t, so that when we iterate through
         * pending[] we will traverse the inheritance DAG top-down.
        void insertSupertype(Traits* t, List<Traits*> &pending) 
                uint32_t i = 0; 
                for (uint32_t n = pending.size(); i < n; i++) {
                        if (pending[i]->subtypeof(t)) {
                                pending.insert(i, t);

         * resolve this traits signatures by visiting all supertypes in
         * top-down toplogical order, then resolving our own signatures.  The top-down
         * order ensures that we resolve base classes and interfaces first, while
         * avoiding recursion.
        void Traits::resolveSignatures(const Toplevel* toplevel)
                // toplevel actually can be null, when resolving the builtin classes...
                // but they should never cause verification errors in functioning builds
                if (linked)

                List<Traits*> pending(core->gc);
                // copy primary supertypes into pending.
                // primary_supertypes[] is already in top-down order.
                for (int32_t i = 0; i < MAX_PRIMARY_SUPERTYPE; i++) {
                        Traits* t = m_primary_supertypes[i];
                        if (t == NULL || t == this)
                        if (!t->linked)

                // copy other base types, and interfaces, into pending[] by 
                // and maintaining the partial ordering that each type's bases and
                // interfaces are visited before that type itself is visited.
                for (Traits** st = m_secondary_supertypes; *st != NULL; st++) {
                        Traits* t = *st;
                        if (t != this && !t->linked)
                                insertSupertype(t, pending);

                for (uint32_t i = 0, n = pending.size(); i < n; i++) {


         * This must be called before any method is verified or any
         * instances are created.  It is not done eagerly in AbcParser
         * because doing so would prevent circular type references between
         * slots of cooperating classes.
         * Resolve the type and position/width of each slot.
        void Traits::resolveSignaturesSelf(const Toplevel* toplevel)
#ifdef DEBUG
                // make sure our supertypes are resolved. (must be done before calling _buildTraitsBindings)
                for (Traits* t = this->base; t != NULL; t = t->base)
                for (Traits** st = this->m_secondary_supertypes; *st != NULL; st++)
                        AvmAssert(*st == this || (*st)->linked);

                MMgc::GC* gc = core->GetGC();
                AbcGen gen(gc); 
                AbcGen *pgen;
#if defined(VMCFG_AOT)
         pgen = (!(this->init)) || (!(this->init->isCompiledMethod())) ? &gen : 0; 
         pgen = &gen;
                TraitsBindings* tb = _buildTraitsBindings(toplevel, pgen);
                this->genInitBody(toplevel, gen);

                // leave m_tmref as empty, we don't need it yet

                uint32_t slotAreaSize = 0;
                uint32_t slotAreaCount = 0;

                switch (posType())
                        case TRAITSTYPE_INTERFACE:
                        case TRAITSTYPE_INSTANCE:
                        case TRAITSTYPE_CLASS:
                        case TRAITSTYPE_SCRIPT:
                        case TRAITSTYPE_ACTIVATION:
                        case TRAITSTYPE_CATCH:
                                computeSlotAreaCountAndSize(tb, slotAreaCount, slotAreaSize);
                                m_totalSize = getSizeOfInstance() + slotAreaSize;
                        case TRAITSTYPE_NVA:
                        case TRAITSTYPE_RT:
                                m_totalSize = getSizeOfInstance();
                AvmAssert(m_totalSize >= m_sizeofInstance);
                if (m_needsHashtable || (base && base->base && base->m_hashTableOffset && !isXMLType()))
                        // round up total size to multiple of pointer size.
                        m_totalSize = ((m_totalSize+(sizeof(uintptr_t)-1))&~(sizeof(uintptr_t)-1));
                        m_hashTableOffset = m_totalSize;
                        m_totalSize += sizeof(InlineHashtable);
                        AvmAssert(builtinType == BUILTIN_boolean ? true : (m_hashTableOffset & 3) == 0);
                        AvmAssert((m_hashTableOffset & (sizeof(uintptr_t)-1)) == 0);
                        AvmAssert((m_totalSize & (sizeof(uintptr_t)-1)) == 0);

                // make sure all the methods have resolved types
                        const TraitsBindings::BindingMethodInfo* tbm            = tb->getMethods();
                        const TraitsBindings::BindingMethodInfo* tbm_end        = tbm + tb->methodCount;
                        for ( ; tbm < tbm_end; ++tbm) 
                                // don't assert: could be null if only one of a get/set pair is implemented
                                //AvmAssert(tbm->f != NULL);
                                if (tbm->f != NULL)

                if (this->init != NULL)

                bool legal = true;
                TraitsBindingsp tbbase = tb->base;      // might be null

                if (tbbase && tbbase->methodCount > 0)
                        // check concrete overrides
                        const TraitsBindings::BindingMethodInfo* basetbm                = tbbase->getMethods();
                        const TraitsBindings::BindingMethodInfo* basetbm_end    = basetbm + tbbase->methodCount;
                        const TraitsBindings::BindingMethodInfo* tbm                    = tb->getMethods();
                        for ( ; basetbm < basetbm_end; ++basetbm, ++tbm) 
                                if (basetbm->f != NULL && basetbm->f != tbm->f)
                                        legal &= tb->checkOverride(core, basetbm->f, tbm->f);

                if (legal && !this->isInterface())
                        legal &= tb->checkLegalInterfaces(core);

                if (!legal)
                        Multiname qname(ns(), name());
                        if (toplevel)
                                toplevel->throwVerifyError(kIllegalOverrideError, core->toErrorString(&qname), core->toErrorString(this));
                        AvmAssert(!"unhandled verify error");

                tb->buildSlotDestroyInfo(gc, m_slotDestroyInfo, slotAreaCount, slotAreaSize);

                linked = true;
#ifdef VMCFG_AOT

    static inline void hookUpActivationTraitsInitMethodForTraitsMethod(AvmCore* core, Toplevel *toplevel, MethodInfo* m)
                const AOTInfo* aotInfo = m->pool()->aotInfo;
        Traits* activationTraits = m->activationTraits();
        AvmAssert(activationTraits != NULL);
        AvmAssert(aotInfo->activationTraits != NULL);
                AvmAssert(m->method_id() < aotInfo->nActivationTraits);
        AvmAssert(aotInfo->activationTraits[m->method_id()] == activationTraits);
                AvmAssert(aotInfo->activationTraitsInitFunctions != NULL);
                // See comment in initActivationTraits about why this can be called more than once per Traits
                if (activationTraits->init == NULL) {
                if (aotInfo->activationTraitsInitFunctions[m->method_id()]) {
            NativeMethodInfo compiledMethodInfo;
            compiledMethodInfo.thunker = aotThunker;
            compiledMethodInfo.handler.function = aotInfo->activationTraitsInitFunctions[m->method_id()];
            activationTraits->init = new (core->gc) MethodInfo(MethodInfo::kInitMethodStub, activationTraits, &compiledMethodInfo);

    void Traits::initActivationTraits(Toplevel *toplevel)
                // Note: this can be called multiple times per Traits from initScript, which must call this in case it's needed
                // but is itself called once per Toplevel
        const uint8_t* pos = traitsPosStart();

        if (this->init->needActivation()) {
            MethodInfo* m = this->init;
            hookUpActivationTraitsInitMethodForTraitsMethod(core, toplevel, this->init);

                NameEntry ne;
                const uint32_t nameCount = pos ? AvmCore::readU30(pos) : 0;
                for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nameCount; i++)

                        switch (ne.kind)
                                case TRAIT_Slot:
                                case TRAIT_Const:
                                case TRAIT_Class:
                                case TRAIT_Method:
                                case TRAIT_Getter:
                                case TRAIT_Setter:
                                        MethodInfo* m = pool->getMethodInfo(;
                    if (m->needActivation()) {
                        hookUpActivationTraitsInitMethodForTraitsMethod(core, toplevel, m);
                                        // unsupported traits type -- can't happen, caught in AbcParser::parseTraits
        } // for i

        // static
        bool Traits::isMachineCompatible(const Traits* a, const Traits* b)
                return (a == b) ||
                        // *, Object, and Void are each represented as Atom
                        ((!a || a->builtinType == BUILTIN_object || a->builtinType == BUILTIN_void) &&
                        (!b || b->builtinType == BUILTIN_object || b->builtinType == BUILTIN_void)) ||
                        // all other non-pointer types have unique representations
                        (a && b && !a->isMachineType() && !b->isMachineType());

        Stringp Traits::format(AvmCore* core, bool includeAllNamespaces) const
                if (name() != NULL)
                        return Multiname::format(core, ns(), name(), false, !includeAllNamespaces);

                return core->concatStrings(core->newConstantStringLatin1("Traits@"),

        void Traits::genDefaultValue(uint32_t value_index, uint32_t slot_id, const Toplevel* toplevel, Traitsp slotType, CPoolKind kind, AbcGen& gen) const
                // toplevel actually can be null, when resolving the builtin classes...
                // but they should never cause verification errors in functioning builds
                //AvmAssert(toplevel != NULL);

                Atom value = pool->getLegalDefaultValue(toplevel, value_index, kind, slotType);
                switch (Traits::getBuiltinType(slotType))
                        case BUILTIN_any:
                        case BUILTIN_object:
                                if (value == 0)

                        case BUILTIN_number:
                                if (AvmCore::number_d(value) == 0)
                        case BUILTIN_boolean:
                                AvmAssert((uintptr_t(falseAtom)>>3) == 0);
                                if (value == falseAtom)
                                AvmAssert(value == trueAtom);
                        case BUILTIN_uint:
                        case BUILTIN_int:
                                if (value == (zeroIntAtom))

                        case BUILTIN_namespace:
                        case BUILTIN_string:
                                if (AvmCore::isNull(value))


                if (value == undefinedAtom)
                else if (AvmCore::isNull(value))
                else if (value == core->kNaN)
                else if (value == trueAtom)
                        gen.pushconstant(kind, value_index);

        void Traits::genInitBody(const Toplevel* toplevel, AbcGen& gen)
                // if initialization code gen is required, create a new method body and write it to traits->init->body_pos
                if (gen.size() == 0)
                MMgc::GC* gc = core->GetGC();
                AbcGen newMethodBody(gc, uint32_t(16 + gen.size()));    // @todo 16 is a magic value that was here before I touched the code -- I don't know the significance

                // insert body preamble
                if (this->init) 
                        const uint8_t* pos = this->init->abc_body_pos();
                        if (!pos) 

                        uint32_t maxStack = AvmCore::readU30(pos);
                        // the code we're generating needs at least 2
                        maxStack = maxStack > 1 ? maxStack : 2;
                        newMethodBody.writeInt(maxStack); // max_stack
                        newMethodBody.writeInt(AvmCore::readU30(pos)); //local_count
                        newMethodBody.writeInt(AvmCore::readU30(pos)); //init_scope_depth
                        newMethodBody.writeInt(AvmCore::readU30(pos)); //max_scope_depth

                        // skip real code length
                        uint32_t code_length = AvmCore::readU30(pos);
                        // if first instruction is OP_constructsuper keep it as first instruction
                        if (*pos == OP_constructsuper)
                                gen.getBytes().insert(0, OP_constructsuper);
                                // don't invoke it again later
                        gen.abs_jump(pos, code_length); 
                        // this handles an obscure case: we have already resolved the signature for this
                        // and have a MethodSignature cached, but we just (potentially) increased the value of
                        // max_stack above. This updates the cached value of max_stack (iff we have
                        // a MethodSignature cached for this->init)
                        // make one
                        this->init = new (gc) MethodInfo(MethodInfo::kInitMethodStub, this);

                        newMethodBody.writeInt(2); // max_stack
                        newMethodBody.writeInt(1); //local_count
                        newMethodBody.writeInt(1); //init_scope_depth
                        newMethodBody.writeInt(1); //max_scope_depth


                newMethodBody.writeInt((uint32_t)gen.size()); // code length

                // no exceptions, when we jump to the real code, we'll read the exceptions for that code

                // the verifier and interpreter don't read the activation traits so stop here
                uint8_t* newBytes = (uint8_t*) gc->Alloc(newMethodBody.size());
                VMPI_memcpy(newBytes, newMethodBody.getBytes().getData(), newMethodBody.size());
                this->init->set_abc_body_pos_wb(gc, newBytes);

        void Traits::destroyInstance(ScriptObject* obj) const

                InlineHashtable* ht = m_hashTableOffset ? obj->getTableNoInit() : NULL;

                // start by clearing native space to zero (except baseclasses)
                union {
                        char* p_8;
                        uint32_t* p;
                p_8 = (char*)obj + sizeof(AvmPlusScriptableObject);
                AvmAssert((uintptr_t(p) % sizeof(uint32_t)) == 0);
                if (!m_slotDestroyInfo.test(0))
                        AvmAssert(m_slotDestroyInfo.cap() == 1);
                        AvmAssert(m_totalSize >= (sizeof(AvmPlusScriptableObject) + (ht ? sizeof(InlineHashtable) : 0)));
                        uint32_t sizeToZero = m_totalSize - (sizeof(AvmPlusScriptableObject) + (ht ? sizeof(InlineHashtable) : 0));
                        AvmAssert((sizeToZero % sizeof(uint32_t)) == 0); // we assume all sizes are multiples of sizeof(uint32_t)
                        // no RCObjects, so just zero it all... my, that was easy
                        VMPI_memset(p, 0, sizeToZero);
                        uint32_t sizeToZero = m_sizeofInstance - uint32_t(sizeof(AvmPlusScriptableObject));
                        AvmAssert((sizeToZero % sizeof(uint32_t)) == 0); // we assume all sizes are multiples of sizeof(uint32_t)
                        VMPI_memset(p, 0, sizeToZero);
                        p += (sizeToZero / sizeof(uint32_t));

                        AvmAssert(m_slotDestroyInfo.cap() >= 1);
                        AvmAssert((uintptr_t(p) % sizeof(uint32_t)) == 0);
                        const uint32_t slotAreaSize = getSlotAreaSize();
                        const uint32_t bitsUsed = slotAreaSize / sizeof(uint32_t);      // not sizeof(Atom)!
                        for (uint32_t bit = 1; bit <= bitsUsed; bit++) 
                                if (m_slotDestroyInfo.test(bit))
                                        #ifdef AVMPLUS_64BIT
                                        AvmAssert((uintptr_t(p) & 7) == 0);     // we had better be on an 8-byte boundary...
                                        Atom a = *(const Atom*)p;
                                        RCObject* rc = NULL;
                                        if (atomKind(a) <= kNamespaceType)
                                                rc = (RCObject*)atomPtr(a);
                                                if (rc)
                                *p++ = 0;

                // finally, zap the hashtable (if any)
                //for DictionaryObject also zero out the 
                //hashtable pointer stored at the offset address;
                        union {
                                char* p_8;
                                uintptr_t* ptr;
                        p_8 = (char*)obj + m_hashTableOffset;
                        *ptr = 0;

        Stringp Traits::formatClassName()
        if (_fullname != NULL)
            return _fullname;

        Multiname qname(ns(), name());
        StringBuffer buffer(core);
        buffer << qname;
        int length = buffer.length();
        if (length && buffer.c_str()[length-1] == '$') 
        Stringp _fullname;
        _fullname = core->newStringUTF8(buffer.c_str(), length);
        return _fullname;

        Binding Traits::getOverride(TraitsBindingsp basetb, Namespacep ns, Stringp name, int tag, const Toplevel* toplevel) const
                Binding baseBinding = BIND_NONE;
                if (base)
                        const Namespacep lookupNS = (protectedNamespace == ns && base->protectedNamespace) ? (Namespacep)base->protectedNamespace : ns;
                        AvmAssert(basetb != NULL);
                        baseBinding = basetb->findBinding(name, lookupNS);
                const BindingKind baseBindingKind = AvmCore::bindingKind(baseBinding);

                const TraitKind kind = TraitKind(tag & 0x0f);
                // some extra-picky compilers will complain about the values being out of
                // range for the comparison (if we use "kind") even with explicit int casting.
                // so recycle the expression for the assert.
                AvmAssert((tag & 0x0f) >= 0 && (tag & 0x0f) < TRAIT_COUNT); 

                static const uint8_t kDesiredKind[TRAIT_COUNT] = 
                        BKIND_NONE,                                             // TRAIT_Slot
                        BKIND_METHOD,                                   // TRAIT_Method
                        BKIND_GET,                                              // TRAIT_Getter
                        BKIND_SET,                                              // TRAIT_Setter
                        BKIND_NONE,                                             // TRAIT_Class
                        BKIND_NONE,                                             // TRAIT_Function
                        BKIND_NONE                                              // TRAIT_Const

                const BindingKind desiredKind = BindingKind(kDesiredKind[kind]);
                const uint8_t dkMask = uint8_t(1 << desiredKind);

                // given baseBindingKind, what are legal desiredKinds?
                static const uint8_t kLegalBaseKinds[8] = 
                        (1<<BKIND_METHOD) | (1<<BKIND_GET) | (1<<BKIND_SET),    // BKIND_NONE
                        (1<<BKIND_METHOD),                                                                              // BKIND_METHOD
                        0,                                                                                                              // BKIND_VAR
                        0,                                                                                                              // BKIND_CONST
                        0,                                                                                                              // unused
                        (1<<BKIND_GET) | (1<<BKIND_SET),                                                // BKIND_GET
                        (1<<BKIND_GET) | (1<<BKIND_SET),                                                // BKIND_SET
                        (1<<BKIND_GET) | (1<<BKIND_SET)                                                 // BKIND_GETSET

                if ((kLegalBaseKinds[baseBindingKind] & dkMask) == 0)
                        goto failure;

                // given baseBindingKind, which desiredKinds *require* override?
                static const uint8_t kOverrideRequired[8] = 
                        0,                                                                                                              // BKIND_NONE
                        (1<<BKIND_METHOD),                                                                              // BKIND_METHOD
                        0,                                                                                                              // BKIND_VAR
                        0,                                                                                                              // BKIND_CONST
                        0,                                                                                                              // unused
                        (1<<BKIND_GET),                                                                                 // BKIND_GET
                        (1<<BKIND_SET),                                                                                 // BKIND_SET
                        (1<<BKIND_GET) | (1<<BKIND_SET)                                                 // BKIND_GETSET
                if (((kOverrideRequired[baseBindingKind] & dkMask) ? ATTR_override : 0) != (tag & ATTR_override))
                        goto failure;

                return baseBinding;


                if (pool->isVerbose(VB_traits))
                        core->console << "illegal override in "<< this << ": " << Multiname(ns,name) <<"\n";
                if (toplevel)
                        toplevel->throwVerifyError(kIllegalOverrideError, toplevel->core()->toErrorString(Multiname(ns,name)), toplevel->core()->toErrorString(this));
                AvmAssert(!"unhandled verify error");
                return BIND_NONE;

        TraitsBindings* FASTCALL Traits::_getTraitsBindings() 
                // note: TraitsBindings are always built the first time in resolveSignature; this is only 
                // executed for subsequent re-buildings. Thus we pass NULL for toplevel (it's only used
                // for verification errors, but those will have been caught prior to this) and for
                // abcGen (since it only needs to be done once).
                TraitsBindings* tb = _buildTraitsBindings(/*toplevel*/NULL, /*abcGen*/NULL);
                return tb;

        TraitsMetadata* FASTCALL Traits::_getTraitsMetadata() 
                TraitsMetadata* tm = _buildTraitsMetadata();
                return tm;

        // Count supertypes in the given list, like strlen().
        static uint32_t countSupertypes(Traits** list)
                uint32_t n = 0;
                for (Traits** t = list; *t != NULL; t++)
                return n;

        // Initialize the m_primary_supertypes array by copying down the entries
        // from our base class (if it exists), and adding this traits if there is room.
        void Traits::build_primary_supertypes()
                MMGC_STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(Traits, m_primary_supertypes) + sizeof(m_primary_supertypes) < 256);
                MMGC_STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(Traits, m_supertype_cache) < 256);

                // compute m_supertype_offset and fill in m_primary_supertypes
                if (!base) {
                        // class roots and interfaces
                        m_supertype_offset = isInterface() ? offsetof(Traits, m_supertype_cache) : offsetof(Traits, m_primary_supertypes);
                        WB(core->gc, this, &m_primary_supertypes[0], this);
                } else {
                        // single inherited classes
                        for (int i=0; i < MAX_PRIMARY_SUPERTYPE; i++)
                                WB(core->gc, this, &m_primary_supertypes[i], base->m_primary_supertypes[i]);
                        size_t off = base->m_supertype_offset;
                        if (off != offsetof(Traits, m_supertype_cache) &&
                                (off += sizeof(Traits*)) - offsetof(Traits, m_primary_supertypes) < sizeof(m_primary_supertypes)) {
                                AvmAssert(off == (uint8_t) off);
                                m_supertype_offset = uint8_t(off);
                                WB(core->gc, this, (Traits*)(uintptr_t(this)+off), this);
                        } else {
                                // Inheritance is too deep to add this traits to m_primary_supertypes.
                                // Make this traits "secondary", set m_supertype_offset to the cache.
                                m_supertype_offset = offsetof(Traits, m_supertype_cache);

        // Initialize the m_secondary_supertypes array as follows:
        //   * if this traits adds a new interface, create a new list with all
        //     the entries from the base class, plus the base class itself,
        //     plus the new interfaces
        //   * if we do not add new interfaces and there's no base class,
        //     use the empty list.
        //   * if there is a base class, and the base class is primary, just
        //     copy base->m_secondary_supertypes (containing any base interfaces)
        //   * otherwise create a new secondary_supertypes list with everything
        //     from the base class, plus the base class itself.  Install this list
        //     back in the base class so it can be shared by other leaf classes.
        void Traits::build_secondary_supertypes()
                MMgc::GC* gc = core->GetGC();
                List<Traitsp, LIST_GCObjects> seen(gc);
                uint32_t count;
                if (!isInstanceType() || (count = countNewInterfaces(seen)) == 0) {
                        // no new interfaces, attempt to share the base type's secondary list
                        if (!base) {
                                this->m_secondary_supertypes = core->_emptySupertypeList;
                        } else {
                                Traits** base_list = base->m_secondary_supertypes;
                                // If we require base in our secondary_supertypes list, so will other
                                // sibling leaf types.  Try to share the seconary_supertypes list by
                                // inserting base at position 0.
                                if (base->isPrimary() || base_list[0] == base) {
                                        // just copy the base list.
                                        this->m_secondary_supertypes = base_list;
                                } else {
                                        // must prepend base to base_list, save the copy on this type and base.
                                        count = countSupertypes(base_list);
                                        Traits** list = allocSupertypeList(gc, count + 1);
                                        WB(gc, list, list, base);
                                        for (uint32_t i=0; i < count; i++)
                                                WB(gc, list, list+i+1, base_list[i]);
                                        base->m_secondary_supertypes = list;
                                        this->m_secondary_supertypes = list;
                } else {
                        // this type implements new interfaces so we need a new list
                        this->m_implementsNewInterfaces = true;
                        if (base && !base->isPrimary() && base->m_secondary_supertypes[0] != base) {
                        Traits** list;
                        uint32_t baseCount = base ? countSupertypes(base->m_secondary_supertypes) : 0;
                        if (baseCount > 0) {
                                uint32_t total = count + baseCount;
                                list = allocSupertypeList(gc, total);
                                for (Traits **d = list, **s = base->m_secondary_supertypes; *s != NULL; s++, d++)
                                        WB(gc, list, d, *s);
                        } else {
                                list = allocSupertypeList(gc, count);
                        this->m_secondary_supertypes = list;
                        for (uint32_t i=0; i < count; i++) {
                                WB(gc, list, list+baseCount+i, seen[i]);

#ifdef DEBUG
                // sanity check to make sure we don't have any duplicate supertypes.
                List<Traitsp, LIST_GCObjects> supertypes(gc);
                for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PRIMARY_SUPERTYPE; i++) {
                        Traits* t = m_primary_supertypes[i];
                        if (t != NULL) {
                                if (supertypes.indexOf(t) != -1) {
                                        core->console << "t " << this << " dup primary " << t << "\n";
                for (Traits** st = m_secondary_supertypes; *st != NULL; st++) {
                        Traits* t = *st;
                        if (supertypes.indexOf(t) != -1) {
                                core->console << "t " << this << " dup secondary " << t << "\n";

        // search interfaces and bases that didn't fit in m_primary_supertypes,
        // and cache positive/negative results
        bool Traits::secondary_subtypeof(Traits* t)
                for (Traits** s = m_secondary_supertypes; *s != NULL; s++) {
                        if (t == *s) {
                                m_supertype_cache = t;
                                return true;
                m_supertype_neg_cache = t;
                return false;

        // create a new supertype list of the given length
        Traits** Traits::allocSupertypeList(GC* gc, uint32_t size)
                return (Traits**) gc->Alloc((size+1) * sizeof(Traits*), MMgc::GC::kZero);

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