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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
 * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
 * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is [Open Source Virtual Machine.].
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
 * Adobe System Incorporated.
 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004-2006
 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):
 *   Adobe AS3 Team
 * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
 * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
 * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
 * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
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 * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */

#ifndef __avmplus_AvmCore__
#define __avmplus_AvmCore__

namespace avmplus

#define OBJECT_TYPE             (core->traits.object_itraits)
#define CLASS_TYPE              (core->traits.class_itraits)
#define FUNCTION_TYPE   (core->traits.function_itraits)
#define ARRAY_TYPE              (core->traits.array_itraits)
#define STRING_TYPE             (core->traits.string_itraits)
#define NUMBER_TYPE             (core->traits.number_itraits)
#define INT_TYPE                (core->traits.int_itraits)
#define UINT_TYPE               (core->traits.uint_itraits)
#define BOOLEAN_TYPE    (core->traits.boolean_itraits)
#define VOID_TYPE               (core->traits.void_itraits)
#define NULL_TYPE               (core->traits.null_itraits)
#define NAMESPACE_TYPE  (core->traits.namespace_itraits)
#define VECTORINT_TYPE  (core->traits.vectorint_itraits)
#define VECTORUINT_TYPE (core->traits.vectoruint_itraits)
#define VECTORDOUBLE_TYPE               (core->traits.vectordouble_itraits)
#define VECTOROBJ_TYPE  (core->traits.vectorobj_itraits)

const int kBufferPadding = 16;

        enum Runmode { RM_mixed, RM_jit_all, RM_interp_all };

    enum VB_Bits {
        // Output control bits for verbose mode
        VB_builtins     = 1<<0, // display output for builtins (default is to ignore any builtins)
        VB_parse        = 1<<1, // abc parsing information
        VB_verify       = 1<<2, // verification information
        VB_interp       = 1<<3, // interpreter information
        VB_jit          = 1<<4, // jit information
        VB_traits       = 1<<5, // traits creation information

        struct Config
                 * The verbose flag may be set to display each bytecode
                 * instruction as it is executed, along with a snapshot of
                 * the state of the stack and scope chain.
                 * @see VB_Bits for individual settings of these flags
                uint32_t verbose_vb;

                // if true, record original names of methods at runtime.
                // if false, don't (Function.toString will return things like "Function-21")
                bool methodNames;
                // give "Vector.<*>" instead of "Vector$object", etc
                bool oldVectorMethodNames;      

                enum Runmode runmode;

                 * To speed up initialization, we don't use jit on
                 * $init methods; we use interp instead.  For testing
                 * purposes, one may want to force the jit to be used
                 * for all code including $init methods.  The
                 * jit switch forces all code to run through the jit
                 * instead of interpreter.
                bool cseopt;

                bool sse2;
        bool fixed_esp;
                bool use_cmov;

                 * If this switch is set, executing code will check the
                 * "interrupted" flag to see whether an interrupt needs
                 * to be handled.
                bool interrupts;

                bool verifyall;

        bool show_stats;
        bool tree_opt;
                bool jitordie;          // Always JIT, and if the JIT fails then abort

        class MethodFrame;
         * The main class of the AVM+ virtual machine.  This is the
         * main entry point to the VM for running ActionScript code.
        class AvmCore : public MMgc::GCRoot
                friend class MethodFrame;
                friend class CodegenLIR;
                friend class EnterCodeContext;
                friend class EnterMethodEnv;
                friend class ExceptionFrame;

                 * Default values for the config parameters.  These need to be visible, because
                 * the shell's command line parsing needs to know what they are.  Presumably
                 * other host environments might find them useful too.
                 * These are not conditionally included because the resulting code is a mess
                 * at no benefit.
                static const uint32_t verbose_default;
                static const bool methodNames_default;
                static const bool oldVectorMethodNames_default;
                static const bool verifyall_default;
                static const bool show_stats_default;
                static const bool tree_opt_default;
                static const Runmode runmode_default;
                static const bool cseopt_default;
                static const bool sse2_default;
        static const bool fixed_esp_default;
                static const bool interrupts_default;
                static const bool jitordie_default;
                // default set of flags to enable for "verbose" with no specific qualifiers
                static const uint32_t DEFAULT_VERBOSE_ON;

                 * The console object.  Text to be displayed to the developer
                 * or end-user can be directed to console, much like the cout
                 * object in C++ iostreams.
                 * The console object is a wrapper around the console output
                 * stream specified by the setConsoleStream method.
                 * Programs embedding AVM+ will typically implement
                 * the OutputStream interface and pass it in via
                 * setConsoleStream.
                PrintWriter console;

#ifdef VTUNE
                iJIT_IsProfilingActiveFlags VTuneStatus;

                iJIT_IsProfilingActiveFlags CheckVTuneStatus();
#endif // VTUNE

                 * The GC used by this AVM instance
                MMgc::GC * const gc;
        #ifdef _DEBUG
                        // Only the thread used to create the AvmCore is allowed to modify currentMethodFrame (and thus, use EnterCodeContext).
                        // We don't enforce this in Release builds, but check for it and assert in Debug builds.
                        vmpi_thread_t           codeContextThread;

                #ifdef DEBUGGER
                        Debugger*               _debugger;
                        Profiler*               _profiler;
                        Sampler*                _sampler;
                        Debugger* debugger() const;
                        Profiler* profiler() const;
                        Sampler* get_sampler() const;
                        void sampleCheck();
                        virtual Debugger* createDebugger(int tracelevel);
                        virtual Profiler* createProfiler();
                        virtual Sampler* createSampler();
                        int                                     langID;
                        bool                            passAllExceptionsToDebugger;
        List<MethodInfo*, LIST_GCObjects> verifyQueue;
                void enqFunction(MethodInfo* f);
                void enqTraits(Traits* t);
                void verifyEarly(Toplevel* toplevel, AbcEnv* abc_env);

                class LivePoolNode : public MMgc::GCRoot
                        LivePoolNode* next;
                        MMgc::GCWeakRef* pool;
                        LivePoolNode(MMgc::GC* gc) : GCRoot(gc) {}
                // note, allocated using mmfx_new, *not* gc memory 
        LivePoolNode* livePools;
                void addLivePool(PoolObject* pool);
                 * inlineable interrupt check; used by interpreter in situations
                 * where we must do more work before calling handleInterrupt, like
                 * in the body of OP_absjump.
                bool interruptCheck(bool interruptable);

                 * on a backwards branch, check if the interrupt flag is enabled.
                 * used by interpreter only.  A copy of this is inline-generated
                 * by CodegenLIR at loop headers.
                void branchCheck(MethodEnv *env, bool interruptable, int go);

                QCache*                 m_tbCache;
                QCache*                 m_tmCache;
                QCache*                 m_msCache;
                QCache* tbCache();
                QCache* tmCache();
                QCache* msCache();
                struct CacheSizes
                        enum { DEFAULT_BINDINGS = 32, DEFAULT_METADATA = 1, DEFAULT_METHODS = 32 };
                        uint16_t bindings;
                        uint16_t metadata;
                        uint16_t methods;
                        inline CacheSizes() : bindings(DEFAULT_BINDINGS), metadata(DEFAULT_METADATA), methods(DEFAULT_METHODS) {}
                // safe to call at any time, but calling tosses existing caches, thus has a perf hit --
                // don't call cavalierly
                void setCacheSizes(const CacheSizes& cs);

                 * Redirects the standard output of the VM to the specified
                 * output stream.  Output from print() statements and
                 * error messages will be sent here.
                 * @param stream output stream to use for console output
                void setConsoleStream(OutputStream *stream);

                 * GCCallback functions 
                virtual void presweep();
                virtual void postsweep();
                virtual void oom(MMgc::MemoryStatus status);
                Config config;
        #ifdef FEATURE_NANOJIT // accessors
            bool quiet_opt() const;
            #if defined AVMPLUS_IA32 || defined AVMPLUS_AMD64
            bool use_sse2() const;
                #ifdef AVMPLUS_VERBOSE
                bool isVerbose(uint32_t b) const;
        static bool isBitSet(uint32_t v, uint32_t bit);
        static uint32_t parseVerboseFlags(const char* arg);

            void SetJITEnabled(bool isEnabled);
        bool IsJITEnabled() const;
                bool JITMustSucceed() const;

                enum InterruptReason {
                        // normal state.  must be 0 to allow efficient code for interrupt checks
                        NotInterrupted = 0,

                        // script is running too long
                        ScriptTimeout = 1,

                        // host-defined external interrupt, other than a script timeout.
                        ExternalInterrupt = 2

                 * Check for stack overflow and call handler if it happens.
                 * This is the canonical stack overflow check called from Interpreter. 
                 * An inlined version of this code is also generated by CodegenLIR::prologue().
                void stackCheck(MethodEnv* env);
                 * Like the previous method but for a Toplevel* argument.
                void stackCheck(Toplevel* env);
                /** set the stack limit that will be checked by executing AS3 code. */
                void setStackLimit(uintptr_t p);

                /** called by executing code when stack overflow is detected (sp < minstack) */
                static void FASTCALL handleStackOverflowMethodEnv(MethodEnv* env);

                /** called by executing code when stack overflow is detected (sp < minstack) */
                static void FASTCALL handleStackOverflowToplevel(Toplevel* env);
                 * Called by certain functions in PCRE to check for overflow.  The state is
                 * kept in thread-local storage and is set up by call-ins to PCRE.
                static void FASTCALL checkPCREStackOverflow();
                 * Set the state for call-ins to PCRE.
                static void setPCREContext(Toplevel* env);
                 * Stack limit set by host and checked by executing AS3 code.
                 * If the stack pointer goes below this value, handleStackOverflow is invoked,
                 * which in turn calls the host-provided virtual stackOverflow() handler.
                uintptr_t minstack;

                 * the host-provided stack limit.  we never change this, but
                 * it's used to save/restore minstack when minstack is moved
                 * to trigger interrupt handling.
                uintptr_t stack_limit;

                 * If this field is not NotInterrupted, the host has requested that the currently
                 * executing AS3 code stop and invoke handleInterrupt.  The field
                 * is checked directly by executing code.
                 * Set to ScriptTimeout for a timeout interrupt,
                 * ExternalInterrupt for an external (i.e., signal handler) interrupt.
                InterruptReason interrupted;

                 * points to the topmost AS3 frame that's executing and provides
                 * the full AS3 callstack.  Every AS3 method prolog/epilog updates
                 * this pointer.  Exception catch handlers update this as well.
                MethodFrame*            currentMethodFrame;

                 * This method will be invoked when the first exception
                 * frame is set up.  This will be a good point to set
                 * minstack by calling setStackLimit().
                virtual void setStackBase();
                /** Internal table of strings for boolean type ("true", "false") */
                DRC(Stringp) booleanStrings[2];

                /** Container object for traits of built-in classes */
                BuiltinTraits traits;

                /** PoolObject for built-in classes */
                PoolObject* builtinPool;

                /** Domain for built-in classes */
                Domain* builtinDomain;
                 * The default namespace, "public"
                DRC(Namespacep) publicNamespace;

                 * The unnamed public namespaces
                NamespaceSet* publicNamespaces;

                #ifdef AVMPLUS_WITH_JNI
                Java* java;     /* java vm control */

                 * Execute an ABC file that has been parsed into a
                 * PoolObject.
                 * @param pool PoolObject containing the ABC file to
                 *             execute
                 * @param domainEnv The DomainEnv object to execute
                 *                  against, or NULL if a new DomainEnv
                 *                  should be created
                 * @param toplevel the Toplevel object to execute against,
                 *                 or NULL if a Toplevel should be
                 *                 created.
                 * @param codeContext FIXME
                 * @throws Exception If an error occurs, an Exception object will
                 *         be thrown using the AVM+ exceptions mechanism.
                 *         Calls to handleActionBlock should be bracketed
                 *         in TRY/CATCH.
                Atom handleActionPool(PoolObject* pool,
                                                                   DomainEnv* domainEnv,
                                                                   Toplevel* &toplevel,
                                                                   CodeContext *codeContext);

                ScriptEnv* prepareActionPool(PoolObject* pool,
                                                                         DomainEnv* domainEnv,
                                                                         Toplevel*& toplevel,
                                                                         CodeContext *codeContext);
                void exportDefs(Traits* traits, ScriptEnv* scriptEnv);

                 * Parse the ABC block starting at offset start in code.
                 * @param code buffer holding the ABC block to parse
                 * @param start zero-indexed offset, in bytes, into the
                 *              buffer where the code begins
                 * @param toplevel the Toplevel object to execute against,
                 *                 or NULL if a Toplevel should be
                 *                 created.
                 * @param domain FIXME
                 * @param ninit FIXME
                 * @param api The api version of the code being parsed. It must
                 *            coorespond to one of the versions in api-versions.h
                 * @throws Exception If an error occurs, an Exception object will
                 *         be thrown using the AVM+ exceptions mechanism.
                 *         Calls to handleActionBlock should be bracketed
                 *         in TRY/CATCH.
                PoolObject* parseActionBlock(ScriptBuffer code,
                                                                         int start,
                                                                         Toplevel* toplevel,
                                                                         Domain* domain,
                                                                         const NativeInitializer* ninit,
                                                                         uint32_t api);
                 * Execute the ABC block starting at offset start in code.
                 * @param code buffer holding the ABC block to execute
                 * @param start zero-indexed offset, in bytes, into the
                 *              buffer where the code begins
                 * @param domainEnv FIXME
                 * @param toplevel the Toplevel object to execute against,
                 *                 or NULL if a Toplevel should be
                 *                 created.
                 * @param ninit FIXME
                 * @param codeContext FIXME
                 * @param api The api version of the code being parsed. It must
                 *            coorespond to one of the versions in api-versions.h
                 * @throws Exception If an error occurs, an Exception object will
                 *         be thrown using the AVM+ exceptions mechanism.
                 *         Calls to handleActionBlock should be bracketed
                 *         in TRY/CATCH.
                Atom handleActionBlock(ScriptBuffer code,
                                                                        int start,
                                                                        DomainEnv* domainEnv,
                                                                        Toplevel* &toplevel,
                                                                        const NativeInitializer* ninit,
                                                                        CodeContext *codeContext,
                                                                        uint32_t api);

                 * Compile the source code held in 'code' and then execute it
                 * as for handleActionBlock() above.
                 * @param code The code to be compiled and executed.  The string must be
                 *             NUL-terminated and the NUL is not considered part of the
                 *             input.  If 'code' is not in UTF-16 format it will be converted
                 *             to UTF-16 format, so it is highly advisable that the caller
                 *             has created an UTF-16 string.
                 * @param filename The name of the file originating the code, or
                 *                 NULL if the source code does not originate from a file.
                 *                 If not NULL then ActionScript's 'include' directive will
                 *                 be allowed in the program and files will be loaded
                 *                 relative to 'filename'.
                 * @param domainEnv FIXME
                 * @param toplevel the Toplevel object to execute against,
                 *                 or NULL if a Toplevel should be
                 *                 created.
                 * @param ninit FIXME
                 * @param codeContext FIXME
                 * @param api The api version of the code being parsed. It must
                 *            coorespond to one of the versions in api-versions.h
                 * @throws Exception If an error occurs, an Exception object will
                 *         be thrown using the AVM+ exceptions mechanism.
                 *         Calls to handleActionBlock should be bracketed
                 *         in TRY/CATCH.
                Atom handleActionSource(String* code,
                                                                String* filename,
                                                                DomainEnv* domainEnv,
                                                                Toplevel* &toplevel,
                                                                const NativeInitializer* ninit,
                                                                CodeContext *codeContext,
                                                                uint32_t api);
                 * Obtain input from a file to handle ActionScript's 'include' directive.
                 * This method invoked by the run-time compiler if the script uses 'include'
                 * and the use of 'include' is allowed because the script originated from
                 * a file; see 'handleActionSource()' above.
                 * 'referencingFilename' should be taken into
                 * account by this method if 'filename' is not an absolute file name.
                 * @param referencingFilename The name of the file from which the script 
                 *                            containing the 'include' directive was loaded
                 * @param filename  The filename in the 'include' directive.
                 * @return  A string representing the contents of the file named by 'filename'.
                 *          The string must NUL-terminated and the NUL is not considered part
                 *          of the input.  If the returned string is not in UTF-16 format then
                 *          it will be converted to UTF-16 format, so it is highly advisable
                 *          that the method has created an UTF-16 string.  If the file cannot
                 *          be opened or read then the return value should be NULL, an
                 *          exception should not be thrown.
                virtual String* readFileForEval(String* referencingFilename, String* filename) = 0;
#endif // VMCFG_EVAL

                /** Implementation of OP_equals */
                Atom equals(Atom lhs, Atom rhs);
                 * this is the abstract relational comparison algorithm according to ECMA 262 11.8.5
                 * @param lhs
                 * @param rhs
                 * @return trueAtom, falseAtom, or undefinedAtom
                Atom compare(Atom lhs, Atom rhs);

                /** Implementation of OP_strictequals */
                Atom stricteq(Atom lhs, Atom rhs);

                 * Helper method; returns true if the atom is a tagged ScriptObject
                 * pointer.  The actual type of the object is indicated by
                 * ScriptObject->vtable->traits.
                static bool isObject(Atom atom);

                static bool isPointer(Atom atom);

                static bool isNamespace(Atom atom);

                static BindingKind bindingKind(Binding b);

                static bool isMethodBinding(Binding b);
                static bool isAccessorBinding(Binding b);

                static bool hasSetterBinding(Binding b);

                static bool hasGetterBinding(Binding b);

                static int bindingToGetterId(Binding b);

                static int bindingToSetterId(Binding b);

                static int bindingToMethodId(Binding b);

                static int bindingToSlotId(Binding b);

                /** true if b is a var or a const */
                static int isSlotBinding(Binding b);

                static Binding makeSlotBinding(uintptr_t id, BindingKind kind);

                static Binding makeMGSBinding(uintptr_t id, BindingKind kind);

                static Binding makeGetSetBinding(Binding b);

                /** true only if b is a var */
                static int isVarBinding(Binding b);

                /** true only if b is a const */
                static int isConstBinding(Binding b);

                /** Helper method; returns true if atom is an Function */
                bool isFunction(Atom atom);

                /** Helper method; returns true if atom's type is double */
                static bool isDouble(Atom atom);

                // removed, because it was being (erroneously) used to ask
        // "will you fit in int32?", which was never right for 64-bit.
        // instead, use atomIsIntptr(), which asks "will you fit in intptr?"
                // static bool isInteger(Atom atom);

                /** Helper method; returns true if atom's type is Number */
                static bool isNumber(Atom atom);

                /** Helper method; returns true if atom's type is boolean */
                static bool isBoolean(Atom atom);

                /** Helper method; returns true if atom's type is null */
                static bool isNull(Atom atom);

                /** Helper method; returns true if atom's type is undefined */
                static bool isUndefined(Atom atom);

                static bool isNullOrUndefined(Atom atom);

                /** Disassembles an opcode and places the text in str. */
                void formatOpcode(PrintWriter& out, const byte *pc, AbcOpcode opcode, ptrdiff_t off, PoolObject* pool);
                void formatOpcode(PrintWriter& out, const uintptr_t *pc, WordOpcode opcode, ptrdiff_t off, PoolObject* pool);
                void formatBits(PrintWriter& buffer, uint32 bits);
# endif
                static void formatMultiname(PrintWriter& out, uint32 index, PoolObject* pool);

                 * @name interned constants
                 * Constants used frequently in the VM; these are typically
                 * identifiers that are part of the core language semantics
                 * like "prototype" and "constructor".  These are interned
                 * up front and held in AvmCore for easy reference.

                DRC(Stringp) kconstructor;
                DRC(Stringp) kEmptyString;
                DRC(Stringp) ktrue;
                DRC(Stringp) kfalse;
                DRC(Stringp) kundefined;
                DRC(Stringp) knull;
                DRC(Stringp) ktoString;
                DRC(Stringp) ktoLocaleString;
                DRC(Stringp) kvalueOf;
                DRC(Stringp) klength;
                DRC(Stringp) kobject;
                DRC(Stringp) kfunction;
                DRC(Stringp) kxml;
                DRC(Stringp) kboolean;
                DRC(Stringp) knumber;
                DRC(Stringp) kstring;
                DRC(Stringp) kuri;
                DRC(Stringp) kprefix;
                DRC(Stringp) kglobal;
                DRC(Stringp) kcallee;
                DRC(Stringp) kNeedsDxns;
                DRC(Stringp) kAsterisk;
                DRC(Stringp) kVersion;
                DRC(Stringp) kanonymousFunc;

                Atom kNaN;

                DRC(Stringp) cachedChars[128];

                /** Constructor */
                AvmCore(MMgc::GC *gc);

                /** Destructor */

                 * Parses into a PoolObject, to be executed
                 * later for each new Toplevel
                void initBuiltinPool(int tracelevel);
                void initBuiltinPool();

                 * Initializes the specified Toplevel object by running
                Toplevel* initTopLevel();               

                virtual Toplevel* createToplevel(AbcEnv* abcEnv);
                 * Support for API versioning

                 * Set the AVM wide version information on startup.
                 * @param apis_start First first API version number
                 * @param apis_sizes Array of sizes of arrays of compatible APIs
                 * @param apis_count Count of API versions
                 * @param apis       Array of arrays of compatible APIs
                 * @param uris_count Count of URIs
                 * @param uris       Array of versioned URIs
                void setAPIInfo(uint32_t apis_start,
                                                uint32_t apis_count,  
                                                uint32_t uris_count, const char** uris,
                                                const int32_t* api_compat);

                bool isVersionedURI(Stringp uri);

                 * Get the AVM wide default API version.
                virtual int32_t getDefaultAPI() = 0;

                 * Get the current API version. Uses the given PoolObject, or otherwise
                 * walks the scope chain for the first non-builtin method info and uses
                 * it's PoolObject.
                 * @param pool The caller's pool object.
                int32_t getAPI(PoolObject* pool);

                 * Find the current public by walking the call stack
                Namespacep findPublicNamespace();

                 * Get the public namespace associated with the given pool's version.
                 * @param pool The caller's pool object.
                Namespacep getPublicNamespace(PoolObject* pool);

                 * Get any public namespace
                Namespacep getAnyPublicNamespace();

                 * Get the public namespace associated with the given pool's version.
                 * @param version The version of public being requested.
                Namespacep getPublicNamespace(int32_t api);

                 * Set the active api bit for the given api
                void setActiveAPI(int32_t api);

                 * Get the bits for the currently active apis
                int32_t getActiveAPIs();

                friend class ApiUtils;

                 * toUInt32 is the ToUInt32 algorithm from
                 * ECMA-262 section 9.6, used in many of the
                 * native core objects
                static uint32_t toUInt32(Atom atom);

                 * toInteger is the ToInteger algorithm from
                 * ECMA-262 section 9.4, used in many of the
                 * native core objects
                static double toInteger(Atom atom);

                 * Converts the passed atom to a 32-bit signed integer.
                 * If the atom is already an integer, it is simply
                 * decoded.  Otherwise, it is coerced to the int type
                 * and returned.  This is ToInt32() from E3 section 9.5
#ifdef AVMPLUS_64BIT
                static  int64_t integer64(Atom atom);
                static  int64_t integer64_i(Atom atom);
                static  int64_t integer64_d(double d);
        #ifdef AVMPLUS_AMD64
                static  int64_t integer64_d_sse2(double d);
                static int32_t integer(Atom atom);

                // convert atom to integer when we know it is already a legal signed-32 bit int value
                static int32_t integer_i(Atom a);
                // convert atom to integer when we know it is already a legal unsigned-32 bit int value
                static uint32_t integer_u(Atom a);

        static int integer_d(double d);
        Atom doubleToAtom(double n);

#if defined (AVMPLUS_IA32) || defined(AVMPLUS_AMD64)
                static int integer_d_sse2(double d);
                Atom doubleToAtom_sse2(double n);

                static int doubleToInt32(double d);

                static double number_d(Atom a);

                 * intAtom is similar to the integer method, but returns
                 * an atom instead of a C++ int.
                Atom intAtom(Atom atom);

                Atom uintAtom(Atom atom);

                 * Converts the passed atom to a C++ bool.
                 * If the atom is already an E4 boolean, it is simply
                 * decoded.  Otherwise, it is coerced to the boolean type
                 * and returned.
                 * [ed] 12/28/04 use int because bool is sometimes byte-wide.
                static int boolean(Atom atom);

                 * Returns the passed atom's string representation.
                 * If the passed atom is not a string, it is coerced
                 * to type string using the ECMAScript coercion rules.
                Stringp string(Atom atom);

                Stringp coerce_s(Atom atom);

                 * Returns true if the passed atom is of string type.
                static bool isString(Atom atom);

                static bool isName(Atom atom);

                 * an interned atom is canonicalized in this way:
                 * boolean -> "true" or "false"
                 * number -> intern'ed string value
                 * string -> intern'ed string value
                 * object -> intern'ed result of toString()
                 * this way, interned atoms are suitable to be used as map keys and can
                 * be compared using ==.
                 * @param atom
                 * @return
                Stringp intern(Atom atom);

                Namespacep internNamespace(Namespacep ns);

                /** Helper function; reads a signed 24-bit integer from pc */
                static int readS24(const byte *pc);

         * Returns the size of the instruction + all it's operands.  For OP_lookupswitch the size will not include
         * the size for the case targets.
                static int calculateInstructionWidth(const byte* p);

         * Read in some operands for the instruction located at *pc.  
         * Returns the size of the instruction, but will not read in all the case targets for 
         * an OP_lookupswitch, since there will be a variable number of them. 
        static void readOperands(const byte* &pc, unsigned int& imm32, int& imm24, unsigned int& imm32b, int& imm8 );

         * Helper function; reads an unsigned 32-bit integer from pc 
         * See AbcParser::readS32 for more explanation of the variable length
         * encoding scheme.  
         * 2nd argument is set to the actual size, in bytes, of the number read in,
         * and third argument is the version of the ABC 
                static uint32 readU30(const byte *&p)
                        // @todo -- needs to be moved into AvmCore-inlines.h, 
                        // but first we must determine whether it should be inline, REALLY_INLINE, etc...
                        unsigned int result = p[0];
                        if (!(result & 0x00000080))
                                return result;
                        result = (result & 0x0000007f) | p[1]<<7;
                        if (!(result & 0x00004000))
                                p += 2;
                                return result;
                        result = (result & 0x00003fff) | p[2]<<14;
                        if (!(result & 0x00200000))
                                p += 3;
                                return result;
                        result = (result & 0x001fffff) | p[3]<<21;
                        if (!(result & 0x10000000))
                                p += 4;
                                return result;
                        result = (result & 0x0fffffff) | p[4]<<28;
                        p += 5;
                        return result;

                // when you need to skip over a u30 and don't care about the result,
                // this is slightly faster.
                static void skipU30(const uint8_t*& p, int count = 1)
                        // @todo -- needs to be moved into AvmCore-inlines.h, 
                        // but first we must determine whether it should be inline, REALLY_INLINE, etc...
                        while (count-- > 0)
                                if (!(p[0] & 0x80)) { p += 1; continue; }
                                if (!(p[1] & 0x80)) { p += 2; continue; }
                                if (!(p[2] & 0x80)) { p += 3; continue; }
                                if (!(p[3] & 0x80)) { p += 4; continue; }
                                //if (!(*p[4] & 0x80)) { p += 5; continue; }    // test should be unnecessary
                                AvmAssert(!(p[4] & 0x80));
                                p += 5;

                /** Helper function; reads an unsigned 16-bit integer from pc */
                static int32_t readU16(const byte *pc);

                static const int k_atomDoesNotNeedCoerce_Masks[8];
                // note, return of true means we definitely DO NOT need a coerce, 
                // but return of false still means we *might* need to (ie, negating the result of this function 
                // isn't "needscoerce")
                static bool atomDoesNotNeedCoerce(Atom a, BuiltinType bt);

                 * this is the implementation of the actionscript "is" operator.  similar to java's
                 * instanceof.  returns true/false according to AS rules.  in particular, it will return
                 * false if value==null.
                static bool istype(Atom atom, Traits* itraits);

                 * this is the implementation of the actionscript "is" operator.  similar to java's
                 * instanceof.  returns true/false according to AS rules.  in particular, it will return
                 * false if value==null.
                static Atom istypeAtom(Atom atom, Traits* itraits);

                 * implements ECMA as operator.  Returns the same value, or null.
                static Atom astype(Atom atom, Traits* expected);

                 * implementation of OP_increg, decreg, increment, decrement which correspond to
                 * ++ and -- operators in AS.
                void increment_d(Atom *atom, int delta);

                 * implementation of OP_increg, decreg, increment, decrement which correspond to
                 * ++ and -- operators in AS.
                void increment_i(Atom *atom, int delta);
                 * ES3's internal ToPrimitive() function
                static Atom primitive(Atom atom);

                /** OP_toboolean; ES3 ToBoolean() */
                static Atom booleanAtom(Atom atom);

                /** OP_tonumber; ES3 ToNumber */
                Atom numberAtom(Atom atom);
                 * ES3's internal ToNumber() function for internal use
                static double number(Atom atom);

                 * The interrupt method is called from executing code
                 * when the interrupted flag is set.  interrupt()
                 * MUST NOT RETURN; the caller expects a thrown exception.
                virtual void interrupt(Toplevel *env, InterruptReason) = 0;
                 * called by the host to raise the AS3 interrupt exception.
                 * if AS3 code is executing, then soon after this call, 
                 * interrupt() will be invoked by the currently executing function.
                void raiseInterrupt(InterruptReason reason);

                // return true if there is a pending interrupt of the specific InterruptReason.
                bool interruptCheckReason(InterruptReason r) const;

                 * called by AS3 code when the interrupt is detected.  Must
                 * not return!
                static void handleInterruptMethodEnv(MethodEnv*);

                 * called by AS3 code when the interrupt is detected.  Must
                 * not return!
                static void handleInterruptToplevel(Toplevel*);
                 * This is called when the stack overflows
                 * (when the machine stack pointer is about to go below
                 *  minstack)
                virtual void stackOverflow(Toplevel *env) = 0;
                 * Throws an exception.  Constructs an Exception object
                 * and calls throwException.
                void throwAtom(Atom atom);

                 * The AVM+ equivalent of the C++ "throw" statement.
                 * Throws an exception, transferring control to the
                 * nearest CATCH block.
                void throwException(Exception *exception);

                 * throwErrorV is a convenience function for throwing
                 * an exception with a formatted error message,
                void throwErrorV(ClassClosure *type, int errorID, Stringp arg1=0, Stringp arg2=0, Stringp arg3=0);

                 * formatErrorMessageV is a convenience function for
                 * assembling an error message with varags.
                String* formatErrorMessageV( int errorID, Stringp arg1=0, Stringp arg2=0, Stringp arg3=0);

                 * Convenience methods for converting various objects into value 
                 * strings used for error message output.
                String* toErrorString(int d);
                String* toErrorString(MethodInfo* m);
                String* toErrorString(const Multiname& n);
                String* toErrorString(const Multiname* n);
                String* toErrorString(Namespacep ns);
                String* toErrorString(const Traits* t);
                String* toErrorString(const char* s);
                String* toErrorString(const wchar* s);
                String* atomToErrorString(Atom a);

                 * getErrorMessage returns the format string for an
                 * errorID.  Override to provide format strings for
                 * additional implementation-dependent error strings.
                virtual String* getErrorMessage(int errorID);

                #ifdef DEBUGGER
                 * willExceptionBeCaught walks all the way up the
                 * ActionScript stack to see if there is any "catch"
                 * statement which is going to catch the specified
                 * exception.
                bool willExceptionBeCaught(Exception* exception);

                 * findErrorMessage searches an error messages table.
                 * Only available in debugger builds.
                String* findErrorMessage(int errorID,
                                                                 int* mapTable,
                                                                 const char** errorTable,
                                                                 int numErrors);

                 * Determines the language id of the given platform
                virtual int determineLanguage();

                 * Creates a StackTrace from the current executing call stack
                StackTrace* newStackTrace();

                #ifdef _DEBUG
                void dumpStackTrace();

                /** The call stack of currently executing code. */
                CallStackNode *callStack;

#endif /* DEBUGGER */

                CodeContext* codeContext() const;
                Namespace* dxns() const;

                 * implements OP_dxns.  internedUri is expected to be from a constant
                 * pool and therefore already interned.  Creates a namespace and
                 * saves it as the given method frame's default xml namespace.
                void setDxns(MethodFrame*, String* internedUri);

                 * implements OP_dxnslate.  uri is any value, which we must convert
                 * to an interned-string, then create an namespace from it,
                 * then save the value in the current method frame as the current
                 * default xml namespace.
                void setDxnsLate(MethodFrame*, Atom uri);

                /** env of the highest catch handler on the call stack, or NULL */
                ExceptionFrame *exceptionFrame;
                Exception *exceptionAddr;

                 * Searches the exception handler table of info for
                 * a try/catch block that contains the instruction at pc
                 * and matches the type of exception.
                 * @param info      the method to search the exception handler
                 *                  table of
                 * @param pc        the program counter at the point where
                 *                  the exception occurred; either a pointer into
                 *                  bytecode or into native compiled code
                 * @param exception the exception object that was thrown;
                 *                  used to match the type.
                 * @return ExceptionHandler object for the exception
                 *         handler that matches, or re-throws the passed-in
                 *         exception if no handler is found.
                ExceptionHandler* findExceptionHandler(MethodInfo *info,
                                                                                           sintptr pc,
                                                                                           Exception *exception);
                ExceptionHandler* beginCatch(ExceptionFrame *ef,
                                MethodInfo *info, sintptr pc, Exception *exception);

                 * Just like findExceptionHandler(), except that this function
                 * returns NULL if it can't find an exception handler, whereas
                 * findExceptionHandler() re-throws the passed-in exception if
                 * it can't find a handler.
                ExceptionHandler* findExceptionHandlerNoRethrow(MethodInfo *info,
                                                                                                                sintptr pc,
                                                                                                                Exception *exception);

                 * Returns true if the passed atom is an XML object,
                 * as defined in the E4X Specification.
                static bool isXML(Atom atm);

                 * Returns true if the passed atom is a XMLList object,
                 * as defined in the E4X Specification.
                static bool isXMLList(Atom atm);

                static bool isXMLorXMLList(Atom atm);

                /* Returns tru if the atom is a Date object */
                static bool isDate(Atom atm);

                // From
                static bool isLetter(wchar c);
                static bool isDigit(wchar c);
                static bool isCombiningChar(wchar c);
                static bool isExtender(wchar c);

                Stringp ToXMLString (Atom a);
                Stringp EscapeElementValue (const Stringp s, bool removeLeadingTrailingWhitespace);
                Stringp EscapeAttributeValue (Atom v);

                 * Converts an Atom to a E4XNode if its traits match.
                 * Otherwise, null is returned. (An exception is NOT thrown)
                static E4XNode* atomToXML(Atom atm);

                 * Converts an Atom to a XMLObject if its traits match.
                 * Otherwise, null is returned. (An exception is NOT thrown)
                static XMLObject* atomToXMLObject(Atom atm);

                 * Converts an Atom to a XMLListObject if its traits match.
                 * Otherwise, null is returned. (An exception is NOT thrown)
                static XMLListObject* atomToXMLList(Atom atm);

                 * Returns true if the passed atom is a QName object,
                 * as defined in the E4X Specification.
                static bool isQName(Atom atm);

                 * Returns true if the passed atom is a Dictionary object,
                 * as defined in the E4X Specification.
                static bool isDictionary(Atom atm);

                static bool isDictionaryLookup(Atom key, Atom obj);

                 * Returns true if the passed atom is a valid XML name,
                 * as defined in the E4X Specification.
                bool isXMLName(Atom arg);

                 * Converts an Atom to a QNameObject if its traits match.
                 * Otherwise, null is returned. (An exception is NOT thrown)
                static QNameObject* atomToQName(Atom atm);

                /** Implementation of OP_typeof */              
                Stringp _typeof (Atom arg);

                /** The XML entities table, used by E4X */
                HeapHashtable* xmlEntities;
                static bool isBuiltinType(Atom atm, BuiltinType bt);
                static bool isBuiltinTypeMask(Atom atm, int btmask);

                // this used to be Heap

                /** size of interned String table */
                int stringCount;

                /** number of deleted entries in our String table */
                int deletedCount;
                #define AVMPLUS_STRING_DELETED ((Stringp)(1))

                /** size of interned Namespace table */
                int nsCount;

                int numStrings;
                int numNamespaces;

                static Namespacep atomToNamespace(Atom atom);
                static double atomToDouble(Atom atom);

                 * Convert an Atom of kStringType to a Stringp
                 * @param atom atom to convert.  Note that the Atom
                 *             must be of kStringType
                static Stringp atomToString(Atom atom);

                // Avoid adding validation checks here and returning NULL.  If this
                // is returning a bad value, the higher level function should be fixed
                // or AbcParser/Verifier should be enhanced to catch this case.
                static ScriptObject* atomToScriptObject(const Atom atom);
                // Helper function, allows generic objects to work with InlineHashtable
                // and AtomArray, uses double type which is the only non-RC pointer tag.
                // The key here is that these methods round-trip any pointer value to the
                // same pointer value, there is no casting that might adjust the pointer.
                static Atom genericObjectToAtom(const void* obj);
                static const void* atomToGenericObject(Atom a);
                static bool isGenericObject(Atom a);

                /** search the string intern table */
                int findStringLatin1(const char* s, int len);
                int findStringUTF16(const wchar* s, int len);
                int findString(Stringp s);

                /** search the namespace intern table */
                int findNamespace(Namespacep ns, bool canRehash = true);
                Namespacep gotNamespace(Stringp uri, int32_t api);


                // String creation. If len is omitted, zero-termination is assumed.
                Stringp newStringLatin1(const char* str, int len = -1);
                Stringp newStringUTF8(const char* str, int len = -1, bool strict = false);
                Stringp newStringUTF16(const wchar* str, int len = -1);

                // decodes UTF16LE or UTF16BE.
                Stringp newStringEndianUTF16(bool littleEndian, const wchar* str, int len = -1);
                // like newStringLatin1, but the string constant is assumed to remain valid
                // for the life of the AvmCore. Generally, should only be used for literal
                // strings, eg newConstantStringLatin1("foo")
                Stringp newConstantStringLatin1(const char* str);

                // variants on the newStringXXX() calls that also intern the string.
                Stringp internStringLatin1(const char* s, int len = -1);
                Stringp internStringUTF8(const char* s, int len = -1, bool constant = false);
                Stringp internStringUTF16(const wchar* s, int len = -1);

                // like internStringLatin1, but the string constant is assumed to remain valid
                // for the life of the AvmCore. Generally, should only be used for literal
                // strings, eg internStringLatin1("foo")
                Stringp internConstantStringLatin1(const char* s);

                 * intern the given string atom which has already been allocated
                 * @param atom
                 * @return
                Stringp internString(Stringp s);
                Stringp internString(Atom atom);
                Stringp internInt(int n);
                Stringp internDouble(double d);
                Stringp internUint32(uint32 ui);

                 * intern without allocating memory, returns NULL if its not already interned
                Stringp findInternedString(const char *s, int len);

                static bool getIndexFromAtom(Atom a, uint32 *result);
                static bool getIndexFromString(Stringp s, uint32 *result);
                ScriptBufferImpl* newScriptBuffer(size_t size);
                VTable* newVTable(Traits* traits, VTable* base, Toplevel* toplevel);

                RegExpObject* newRegExp(RegExpClass* regExpClass,
                                                                Stringp pattern,
                                                                Stringp options);

                ScriptObject* newObject(VTable* ivtable, ScriptObject *delegate);

                FrameState* newFrameState(int frameSize, int scopeBase, int stackBase);
                Namespacep newNamespace(Atom prefix, Atom uri, Namespace::NamespaceType type = Namespace::NS_Public);
                Namespacep newNamespace(Atom uri, Namespace::NamespaceType type = Namespace::NS_Public);
                Namespacep newNamespace(Stringp uri, Namespace::NamespaceType type = Namespace::NS_Public, int32_t api = 0);
                Namespacep newPublicNamespace(Stringp uri);

                Stringp uintToString(uint32 i);
                Stringp intToString(int i);
                Stringp doubleToString(double d);
                Stringp concatStrings(Stringp s1, Stringp s2);
                Atom uintToAtom(uint32_t n);
                Atom intToAtom(int32_t n);

                Atom allocDouble(double n);
                void rehashStrings(int newlen);
                void rehashNamespaces(int newlen);

                // static version for smart pointers
                static void atomWriteBarrier(MMgc::GC *gc, const void *container, Atom *address, Atom atomNew);
                static void atomWriteBarrier_ctor(MMgc::GC *gc, const void *container, Atom *address, Atom atomNew);
                static void atomWriteBarrier_dtor(Atom *address);

                static void decrementAtomRegion(Atom *ar, int length);

                Stringp format(Atom atom);
                Stringp formatAtomPtr(Atom atom);

                // hash set containing intern'ed strings
                DRC(Stringp) * strings;
                // hash set containing namespaces
                DRC(Namespacep) * namespaces;

                // API versioning state
                uint32_t                  apis_start;  // first api number
                uint32_t                  apis_count;  // count of apis
                uint32_t                  uris_count;  // count of uris
                const char**      uris;            // array of uris
                const int32_t*    api_compat;  // array of compatible api bit masks
                int32_t                   largest_api;
                int32_t                   active_api_flags;

                // Saturating counter.  
                uint32_t lookup_cache_timestamp;
                uint32_t lookupCacheTimestamp() const;
                bool lookupCacheIsValid(uint32_t t) const;
                void invalidateLookupCache();

        // when set, we flush all binding caches at the end of the next gc sweep.
        bool m_flushBindingCachesNextSweep;
        void flushBindingCachesNextSweep();

                friend class Traits;
                Traits** _emptySupertypeList; // empty supertype list shared by many Traits
                // avoid multiple inheritance issues
                class GCInterface : MMgc::GCCallback
                        GCInterface(MMgc::GC * _gc) : MMgc::GCCallback(_gc), core(NULL) {}
                        void SetCore(AvmCore* _core) { this->core = _core; }
                        void presweep() { if(core) core->presweep(); }
                        void postsweep() { if(core) core->postsweep(); }
                        void log(const char *str) { if(core) core->console << str; }
                        void oom(MMgc::MemoryStatus status) { if(core) core->oom(status); }
                        AvmCore *core;
                GCInterface gcInterface;

                MethodFrame is a way of maintaining CodeContext and DXNS in a uniform way
                in both Interpreter and JIT modes. CodeContext is a poorly-documented
                structure that is exercised very little in current acceptance tests, but is
                used extensively for Flash and AIR. The theory of operation:
                -- Normally, the "active" CodeContext is that of the most-recently-called
                        non-builtin MethodEnv on the call stack.
                -- native C++ code can override the current CodeContext by using EnterCodeContext(),
                        which just pushes another MethodFrame onto the stack...
                        it overrides the current CodeContext, but subsequent nested calls to non-builtin
                        methods will in turn override this.
                -- The implementation is a bit convoluted, in the name of saving stack space.
                        A single field can contain either a MethodEnv* (for a normal MethodFrame)
                        or a CodeContext* (for one pushed by EnterCodeContext). This means that the top-of-stack
                        may not have the current MethodEnv* handy, so walking down the stack is necessary
                        to find it.
                -- Note that MethodFrame doesn't contain a pointer to AvmCore*; this is by design 
                        (as a stack-saving measure), as CodegenLIR doesn't need to save it (it can emit the proper constant value), 
                        and     all other callers have ready access to one.
        class MethodFrame
                // deliberately no ctor or dtor here.
                // NOTE, the code in enter/exit is replicated in CodegenLIR.cpp;
                // if you make changes here, you may need to make changes there as well.
                void enter(AvmCore* core, MethodEnv* e);
                void enter(AvmCore* core, CodeContext* cc);
                void exit(AvmCore* core);
                CodeContext* cc() const;
                MethodEnv* env() const;

                // Search for a frame that has a default namespace, starting on the given frame.
                static Namespace* findDxns(const MethodFrame* start);

                void setDxns(Namespace* ns);

                MethodFrame*    next;

                friend class CodegenLIR;
                enum {
                        IS_EXPLICIT_CODECONTEXT = 0x1,
                        DXNS_NOT_NULL = 0x2,
                        FLAGS_MASK = 0x3
                uintptr_t               envOrCodeContext;
                Namespace*              dxns; // NOTE: this struct is always stack-allocated (or via VMPI_alloca, which is just as good), so no DRC needed

         * ApiUtils provides some helper methods to friends of
         * api versioning
        class ApiUtils 
                friend class AvmCore;
                friend class AbcParser;
                friend class Namespace;
                friend class NativeInitializer;
                friend class Traits;
                friend class QNameObject;
                friend class TypeDescriber;
                friend class BuiltinTraits;

                 * Return true if type is Namespace::NS_Pubilc and uri is one of the versioned
                 * namespaces in the list provided by the host
                static bool isVersionedNS(AvmCore* core, Namespace::NamespaceType type, Stringp uri);

                 * Return an interned namespace that corresponds to the given a namespace 
                 * and api bitmask
                static Namespacep getVersionedNamespace(AvmCore* core, Namespacep ns, API api);

                 * Map an api bitmask to its cooresponding version number
                static uint32_t toVersion(AvmCore* core, API api);

                 * Strip the given uri of its version marker, if it has one
                static Stringp getBaseURI(AvmCore* core, Stringp uri);

                 * Return the API bitmask for the given uri, or zero if there is none
                static API getURIAPI(AvmCore* core, Stringp uri);

                 * Return true if the given uri has a version marker
                static bool hasVersionMark(Stringp uri);

                 * Return the API bitmask of all APIs compatible with the given API
                static API getCompatibleAPIs(AvmCore* core, API api);

                 * Return the API bitmask for the smallest api
                static API getSmallestAPI();

                 * Return the API bitmask for the largest api
                static API getLargestAPI(AvmCore* core);

                enum { 
                        MIN_API_MARK = 0xE000,
                        MAX_API_MARK = 0xF8FF


                 * Convert a version number to an api bitmask
                static API toAPI(AvmCore* core, uint32_t v);

#endif /* __avmplus_AvmCore__ */

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