im 25 apps/fft/complex.h Halide::Expr im() { return y; } im 42 apps/fft/complex.h inline Halide::Expr im(ComplexExpr z) { return; } im 47 apps/fft/complex.h return ComplexExpr(re(z), -im(z)); im 52 apps/fft/complex.h return ComplexExpr(-re(z), -im(z)); im 56 apps/fft/complex.h return ComplexExpr(re(a) + re(b), im(a) + im(b)); im 59 apps/fft/complex.h return ComplexExpr(re(a) + b, im(a)); im 62 apps/fft/complex.h return ComplexExpr(a + re(b), im(b)); im 65 apps/fft/complex.h return ComplexExpr(re(a) - re(b), im(a) - im(b)); im 68 apps/fft/complex.h return ComplexExpr(re(a) - b, im(a)); im 71 apps/fft/complex.h return ComplexExpr(a - re(b), -im(b)); im 74 apps/fft/complex.h return ComplexExpr(re(a) * re(b) - im(a) * im(b), im 75 apps/fft/complex.h re(a) * im(b) + im(a) * re(b)); im 78 apps/fft/complex.h return ComplexExpr(re(a) * b, im(a) * b); im 81 apps/fft/complex.h return ComplexExpr(a * re(b), a * im(b)); im 84 apps/fft/complex.h return ComplexExpr(re(a) / b, im(a) / b); im 95 apps/fft/complex.h Halide::sum(im(z), s + "_im")); im 99 apps/fft/complex.h Halide::select(c, im(t), im(f))); im 105 apps/fft/complex.h Halide::select(c1, im(t1), c2, im(t2), im(f))); im 109 apps/fft/complex.h return ComplexExpr(Halide::cast<T>(re(z)), Halide::cast<T>(im(z))); im 112 apps/fft/complex.h return ComplexExpr(Halide::cast(type, re(z)), Halide::cast(type, im(z))); im 115 apps/fft/complex.h return ComplexExpr(Halide::likely(re(z)), Halide::likely(im(z))); im 782 apps/fft/fft.cpp dft(A({0, N1 / 2}, args)) = im(dft(A({0, 0}, args))); im 920 apps/fft/fft.cpp n1 >= N1 / 2, im(dft0(A({n0, 0}, args))), im 971 apps/fft/fft.cpp im(dft_padded(A({unzip_n0, n1}, args)))); im 80 apps/fft/fft_aot_test.cpp float imaginary = im(out, i, 0); im 93 apps/fft/fft_aot_test.cpp imaginary = im(out, 0, i); im 115 apps/fft/fft_aot_test.cpp float imaginary = im(out, i, j); im 142 apps/fft/fft_aot_test.cpp im(in, 1, 0) = term_magnitude; im 145 apps/fft/fft_aot_test.cpp im(in, kSize - 1, 0) = -term_magnitude; // complex conjugate im 188 apps/fft/fft_aot_test.cpp im(in, i, j) = signal_1d_complex[i] + signal_1d_complex[j]; im 204 apps/fft/fft_aot_test.cpp float imaginary = im(out, i, 0); im 217 apps/fft/fft_aot_test.cpp imaginary = im(out, 0, i); im 240 apps/fft/fft_aot_test.cpp float imaginary = im(out, i, j); im 262 apps/fft/fft_aot_test.cpp im(in, 1, 0) = .5f; im 264 apps/fft/fft_aot_test.cpp im(in, kSize - 1, 0) = .5f; // Not conjugate. Result will not be real im 278 apps/fft/fft_aot_test.cpp float imaginary_sample = im(out, i, j); im 136 apps/fft/fft_generator.cpp im(complex_result(x, y))); im 121 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp void buffer_set_min1(h::Buffer<T> &im, int m0) { im 122 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp im.set_min(m0); im 126 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp void buffer_set_min2(h::Buffer<T> &im, int m0, int m1) { im 127 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp im.set_min(m0, m1); im 131 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp void buffer_set_min3(h::Buffer<T> &im, int m0, int m1, int m2) { im 132 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp im.set_min(m0, m1, m2); im 136 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp void buffer_set_min4(h::Buffer<T> &im, int m0, int m1, int m2, int m3) { im 137 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp im.set_min(m0, m1, m2, m3); im 176 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp void buffer_copy_to_host(h::Buffer<T> &im) { im 177 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp im.copy_to_host(); im 181 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp void buffer_set_host_dirty(h::Buffer<T> &im, bool value) { im 182 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp im.set_host_dirty(value); im 186 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp int buffer_channels(h::Buffer<T> &im) { im 187 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp return im.channels(); im 191 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp int buffer_width(h::Buffer<T> &im) { im 192 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp return im.width(); im 196 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp int buffer_height(h::Buffer<T> &im) { im 197 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp return im.height(); im 201 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp int buffer_dimensions(h::Buffer<T> &im) { im 202 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp return im.dimensions(); im 206 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp int buffer_left(h::Buffer<T> &im) { im 207 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp return im.left(); im 211 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp int buffer_right(h::Buffer<T> &im) { im 212 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp return im.right(); im 216 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp int buffer_top(h::Buffer<T> &im) { im 217 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp return; im 221 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp int buffer_bottom(h::Buffer<T> &im) { im 222 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp return im.bottom(); im 226 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp int buffer_stride(h::Buffer<T> &im, int d) { im 227 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp return im.stride(d); im 231 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp int buffer_min(h::Buffer<T> &im, int d) { im 232 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp return im.min(d); im 236 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp int buffer_extent(h::Buffer<T> &im, int d) { im 237 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp return im.extent(d); im 414 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp p::object buffer_to_python_object(const h::Buffer<> &im) { im 416 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp if (im.type() == h::UInt(8)) { im 418 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp obj = converter(new h::Buffer<uint8_t>(im)); im 419 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp } else if (im.type() == h::UInt(16)) { im 421 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp obj = converter(new h::Buffer<uint16_t>(im)); im 422 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp } else if (im.type() == h::UInt(32)) { im 424 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp obj = converter(new h::Buffer<uint32_t>(im)); im 425 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp } else if (im.type() == h::Int(8)) { im 427 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp obj = converter(new h::Buffer<int8_t>(im)); im 428 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp } else if (im.type() == h::Int(16)) { im 430 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp obj = converter(new h::Buffer<int16_t>(im)); im 431 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp } else if (im.type() == h::Int(32)) { im 433 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp obj = converter(new h::Buffer<int32_t>(im)); im 434 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp } else if (im.type() == h::Float(32)) { im 436 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp obj = converter(new h::Buffer<float>(im)); im 437 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp } else if (im.type() == h::Float(64)) { im 439 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp obj = converter(new h::Buffer<double>(im)); im 524 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp h::Buffer<> im = python_object_to_buffer(buffer_object); im 526 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp if ( == nullptr) { im 530 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp std::vector<int32_t> extent(im.dimensions()), stride(im.dimensions()); im 531 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp for (int i = 0; i < im.dimensions(); i++) { im 532 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp extent[i] = im.dim(i).extent(); im 533 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp stride[i] = im.dim(i).stride() * im.type().bytes(); im 537 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp, im 538 python_bindings/python/Image.cpp type_to_dtype(im.type()), im 63 python_bindings/python/Param.cpp void image_param_set(h::ImageParam ¶m, const h::Buffer<T> &im) { im 64 python_bindings/python/Param.cpp param.set(im); im 78 src/Argument.h Argument(Buffer<T> im) : im 79 src/Argument.h name(, im 81 src/Argument.h dimensions(im.dimensions()), im 82 src/Argument.h type(im.type()) {} im 17 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp static Buffer<uint8_t> im(256, 2); im 22 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp im(i, 0) = table_runtime_u8[i][2]; im 23 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp im(i, 1) = table_runtime_u8[i][3]; im 26 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp return im; im 34 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp static Buffer<uint8_t> im(256, 2); im 39 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp im(i, 0) = table_runtime_s8[i][2]; im 40 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp im(i, 1) = table_runtime_s8[i][3]; im 43 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp return im; im 51 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp static Buffer<uint16_t> im(256, 2); im 56 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp im(i, 0) = table_runtime_u16[i][2]; im 57 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp im(i, 1) = table_runtime_u16[i][3]; im 60 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp return im; im 68 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp static Buffer<uint16_t> im(256, 2); im 73 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp im(i, 0) = table_runtime_s16[i][2]; im 74 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp im(i, 1) = table_runtime_s16[i][3]; im 77 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp return im; im 85 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp static Buffer<uint32_t> im(256, 2); im 90 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp im(i, 0) = table_runtime_u32[i][2]; im 91 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp im(i, 1) = table_runtime_u32[i][3]; im 94 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp return im; im 102 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp static Buffer<uint32_t> im(256, 2); im 107 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp im(i, 0) = table_runtime_s32[i][2]; im 108 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp im(i, 1) = table_runtime_s32[i][3]; im 111 src/FastIntegerDivide.cpp return im; im 2764 src/Func.cpp Buffer<> im = Buffer<>::make_scalar(func.output_types()[i]); im 2767 src/Func.cpp im.add_dimension(); im 2768 src/Func.cpp im.crop(im.dimensions()-1, 0, s); im 2770 src/Func.cpp outputs[i] = std::move(im); im 538 src/Func.h NO_INLINE explicit Func(Buffer<T> &im) : Func() { im 539 src/Func.h (*this)(_) = im(_); im 2014 src/Func.h Buffer<T> im = f.realize(); im 2015 src/Func.h return im(); im 2058 src/Func.h Buffer<T> im = f.realize(); im 2059 src/Func.h return im(); im 1991 src/Generator.cpp Buffer<float> im = tester_instance.realize(1); im 1992 src/Generator.cpp internal_assert(im.dim(0).extent() == 1); im 1993 src/Generator.cpp internal_assert(im(0) == 1475.25f) << "Expected 1475.25 but saw " << im(0); im 41 src/ImageParam.h EXPORT void set(Buffer<> im); im 219 src/RDom.h NO_INLINE RDom(const Buffer<T> &im) : RDom(Buffer<>(im)) {} im 1026 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h Buffer<T, D> im = *this; im 1027 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h im.crop(d, min, extent); im 1028 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h return im; im 1050 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h Buffer<T, D> im = *this; im 1051 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h im.crop(rect); im 1052 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h return im; im 1067 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h Buffer<T, D> im = *this; im 1068 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h im.translate(d, dx); im 1069 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h return im; im 1081 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h Buffer<T, D> im = *this; im 1082 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h im.translate(delta); im 1083 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h return im; im 1121 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h Buffer<T, D> im = *this; im 1122 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h im.transpose(d1, d2); im 1123 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h return im; im 1134 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h Buffer<T, D> im = *this; im 1135 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h im.slice(d, pos); im 1136 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h return im; im 1165 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h Buffer<T, D> im(*this); im 1166 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h im.add_dimension(); im 1167 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h im.translate(im.dimensions() - 1, pos); im 1168 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h for (int i = im.dimensions(); i > d; i--) { im 1169 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h im.transpose(); im 1171 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h return im; im 1294 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h Buffer<void, D> im(t, channels, width, height); im 1295 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h im.transpose(0, 1); im 1296 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h im.transpose(1, 2); im 1297 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h return im; im 1307 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h Buffer<T, D> im(channels, width, height); im 1308 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h im.transpose(0, 1); im 1309 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h im.transpose(1, 2); im 1310 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h return im; im 1316 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h Buffer<add_const_if_T_is_const<void>, D> im(t, data, channels, width, height); im 1317 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h im.transpose(0, 1); im 1318 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h im.transpose(1, 2); im 1319 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h return im; im 1324 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h Buffer<T, D> im(data, channels, width, height); im 1325 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h im.transpose(0, 1); im 1326 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h im.transpose(1, 2); im 1327 src/runtime/HalideBuffer.h return im; im 85 test/common/check_call_graphs.h inline int check_image(const Halide::Buffer<int> &im, const std::function<int(int,int)> &func) { im 86 test/common/check_call_graphs.h for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 87 test/common/check_call_graphs.h for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 89 test/common/check_call_graphs.h if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 91 test/common/check_call_graphs.h x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 99 test/common/check_call_graphs.h inline int check_image(const Halide::Buffer<int> &im, const std::function<int(int,int,int)> &func) { im 100 test/common/check_call_graphs.h for (int z = 0; z < im.channels(); z++) { im 101 test/common/check_call_graphs.h for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 102 test/common/check_call_graphs.h for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 104 test/common/check_call_graphs.h if (im(x, y, z) != correct) { im 106 test/common/check_call_graphs.h x, y, z, im(x, y, z), correct); im 12 test/correctness/bad_likely.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(30); im 15 test/correctness/bad_likely.cpp if (im(x) != correct) { im 16 test/correctness/bad_likely.cpp printf("im(%d) = %d instead of %d\n", x, im(x), correct); im 12 test/correctness/bounds_of_abs.cpp Buffer<int> im = in.get(); im 14 test/correctness/bounds_of_abs.cpp if (im.extent(0) != extent || im.min(0) != min) { im 16 test/correctness/bounds_of_abs.cpp im.min(0), im.extent(0), min, extent); im 12 test/correctness/bounds_of_cast.cpp Buffer<int> im = in.get(); im 14 test/correctness/bounds_of_cast.cpp if (im.extent(0) != extent || im.min(0) != min) { im 16 test/correctness/bounds_of_cast.cpp im.min(0), im.extent(0), min, extent); im 26 test/correctness/chunk.cpp Buffer<float> im = g.realize(32, 32, target); im 30 test/correctness/chunk.cpp if (im(i,j) != 2*i) { im 31 test/correctness/chunk.cpp printf("im[%d, %d] = %f\n", i, j, im(i,j)); im 23 test/correctness/chunk_sharing.cpp Buffer<int> im = d.realize(32, 32); im 31 test/correctness/chunk_sharing.cpp if (im(x, y) != d) { im 32 test/correctness/chunk_sharing.cpp printf("im(%d, %d) = %d instead of %d\n", x, y, im(x, y), d); im 11 test/correctness/compare_vars.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(10, 10); im 16 test/correctness/compare_vars.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 18 test/correctness/compare_vars.cpp x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 33 test/correctness/compute_at_split_rvar.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(10); im 35 test/correctness/compute_at_split_rvar.cpp for (int i = 0; i < im.width(); i++) { im 36 test/correctness/compute_at_split_rvar.cpp if (im(i) != i) { im 37 test/correctness/compute_at_split_rvar.cpp printf("im(%d) = %d instead of %d\n", i, im(i), i); im 57 test/correctness/compute_at_split_rvar.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(10); im 59 test/correctness/compute_at_split_rvar.cpp for (int i = 0; i < im.width(); i++) { im 60 test/correctness/compute_at_split_rvar.cpp if (im(i) != i) { im 61 test/correctness/compute_at_split_rvar.cpp printf("im(%d) = %d instead of %d\n", i, im(i), i); im 81 test/correctness/compute_at_split_rvar.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(10); im 83 test/correctness/compute_at_split_rvar.cpp for (int i = 0; i < im.width(); i++) { im 84 test/correctness/compute_at_split_rvar.cpp if (im(i) != i) { im 85 test/correctness/compute_at_split_rvar.cpp printf("im(%d) = %d instead of %d\n", i, im(i), i); im 107 test/correctness/compute_at_split_rvar.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(10); im 109 test/correctness/compute_at_split_rvar.cpp for (int i = 0; i < im.width(); i++) { im 111 test/correctness/compute_at_split_rvar.cpp if (im(i) != correct) { im 112 test/correctness/compute_at_split_rvar.cpp printf("im(%d) = %d instead of %d\n", i, im(i), correct); im 132 test/correctness/compute_at_split_rvar.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(20); im 134 test/correctness/compute_at_split_rvar.cpp for (int i = 0; i < im.width(); i++) { im 136 test/correctness/compute_at_split_rvar.cpp if (im(i) != correct) { im 137 test/correctness/compute_at_split_rvar.cpp printf("im(%d) = %d instead of %d\n", i, im(i), correct); im 12 test/correctness/constant_type.cpp Buffer<T> im = f.realize(10); im 19 test/correctness/constant_type.cpp Expr add_one = im(_) + 1; im 25 test/correctness/constant_type.cpp Expr one_add = 1 + im(_); im 34 test/correctness/custom_allocator.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(100000); im 37 test/correctness/debug_to_file.cpp Buffer<float> im = h.realize(10, 10, target); im 39 test/correctness/debug_to_file_reorder.cpp Buffer<float> im = h.realize(size_x, size_y, target); im 18 test/correctness/dynamic_reduction_bounds.cpp Buffer<float> im(32, 32); im 19 test/correctness/dynamic_reduction_bounds.cpp input.set(im); im 28 test/correctness/erf.cpp Buffer<float> im = f.realize(100000); im 35 test/correctness/erf.cpp float approx = im(i); im 85 test/correctness/exception.cpp ImageParam im(Float(32), 1); im 87 test/correctness/exception.cpp f2(x) = im(x) * 2.0f; im 99 test/correctness/exception.cpp im.set(an_image); im 29 test/correctness/extern_bounds_inference.cpp void check(ImageParam im, int x, int w, int y, int h) { im 30 test/correctness/extern_bounds_inference.cpp Buffer<uint8_t> buf = im.get(); im 8 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp Buffer<int> im(1000, 1000, 3); im 11 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp im = im.cropped(0, 100, 800).cropped(1, 200, 600); im 13 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp im.for_each_element([&](int x, int y, int c) { im 14 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp im(x, y, c) = 10*x + 5*y + c; im 17 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp im.for_each_element([&](const int *pos) { im 20 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp if (im(x, y, c) != correct) { im 22 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp x, y, c, im(x, y, c), correct); im 25 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp im(pos) *= 3; im 28 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp im.for_each_element([&](int x, int y) { im 31 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp if (im(x, y, c) != correct) { im 33 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp x, y, c, im(x, y, c), correct); im 36 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp im(x, y, c) *= 2; im 40 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp for (int c = im.dim(2).min(); c < im.dim(2).min() + im.dim(2).extent(); c++) { im 41 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp for (int y = im.dim(1).min(); y < im.dim(1).min() + im.dim(1).extent(); y++) { im 42 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp for (int x = im.dim(0).min(); x < im.dim(0).min() + im.dim(0).extent(); x++) { im 44 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp if (im(x, y, c) != correct) { im 46 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp x, y, c, im(x, y, c), correct); im 49 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp im(x, y, c) *= 2; im 54 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp for (int c : im.dim(2)) { im 55 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp for (int y : im.dim(1)) { im 56 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp for (int x : im.dim(0)) { im 58 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp if (im(x, y, c) != correct) { im 60 test/correctness/for_each_element.cpp x, y, c, im(x, y, c), correct); im 7 test/correctness/func_lifetime.cpp bool validate(const Buffer<int> &im, int add) im 10 test/correctness/func_lifetime.cpp for (int i = 0; i < im.width(); i++) { im 11 test/correctness/func_lifetime.cpp for (int j = 0; j < im.height(); j++) { im 13 test/correctness/func_lifetime.cpp if (im(i, j) != correct) { im 14 test/correctness/func_lifetime.cpp printf("im[%d, %d] = %d instead of %d\n", i, j, im(i, j), correct); im 7 test/correctness/func_lifetime_2.cpp bool validate(const Buffer<int> &im, int add) im 10 test/correctness/func_lifetime_2.cpp for (int i = 0; i < im.width(); i++) { im 11 test/correctness/func_lifetime_2.cpp for (int j = 0; j < im.height(); j++) { im 13 test/correctness/func_lifetime_2.cpp if (im(i, j) != correct) { im 14 test/correctness/func_lifetime_2.cpp printf("im[%d, %d] = %d instead of %d\n", i, j, im(i, j), correct); im 15 test/correctness/gpu_sum_scan.cpp ImageParam im(Int(32), 1); im 19 test/correctness/gpu_sum_scan.cpp Expr blocks = im.width() / B; im 27 test/correctness/gpu_sum_scan.cpp f(r1, y) = im(y*B + r1) + f(r1-1, y); im 47 test/correctness/gpu_sum_scan.cpp out.bound(x, 0, im.width()/B * B); im 51 test/correctness/gpu_sum_scan.cpp im.set(input); im 55 test/correctness/handle.cpp Buffer<char *> im = h.realize(100); im 57 test/correctness/handle.cpp uint64_t handle = (uint64_t)(im(0)); im 70 test/correctness/handle.cpp for (int i = 0; i < im.width(); i++) { im 71 test/correctness/handle.cpp if (im(i) != im(0)) { im 73 test/correctness/handle.cpp i, im(i), im(0)); im 76 test/correctness/handle.cpp if (std::string(im(i)) != msg) { im 77 test/correctness/handle.cpp printf("Handle was %s instead of %s\n", im(i), msg.c_str()); im 50 test/correctness/heap_cleanup.cpp Buffer<int> im = h.realize(g_size+100); im 96 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(200, 200); im 98 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 137 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = g1.realize(200, 200); im 139 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 160 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = g2.realize(200, 200); im 162 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 183 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = g3.realize(200, 200); im 185 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 229 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = h.realize(200, 200); im 231 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 285 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(200, 200); im 289 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 313 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(200, 200); im 317 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 361 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = wrapper.realize(200, 200); im 363 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 405 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = result.realize(200, 200); im 407 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 456 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = h.realize(200, 200); im 458 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 502 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = h.realize(200, 200); im 504 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 551 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(200, 200); im 555 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 596 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = output.realize(1024, 1024); im 598 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 645 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(1024, 1024); im 647 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 670 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = h.realize(1024, 1024); im 672 test/correctness/image_wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 12 test/correctness/implicit_args_tests.cpp const Buffer<int> &im = r[idx]; im 13 test/correctness/implicit_args_tests.cpp for (int z = 0; z < im.channels(); z++) { im 14 test/correctness/implicit_args_tests.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 15 test/correctness/implicit_args_tests.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 17 test/correctness/implicit_args_tests.cpp if (im(x, y, z) != correct) { im 19 test/correctness/implicit_args_tests.cpp x, y, z, im(x, y, z), correct); im 17 test/correctness/isnan.cpp Buffer<float> im = f.realize(w, h); im 21 test/correctness/isnan.cpp if (im(x, y) != 0.0f) { im 26 test/correctness/isnan.cpp if (im(x, y) != 1.0f) { im 17 test/correctness/lambda.cpp Buffer<int32_t> im = lambda(f(_) - g(_) + lambda(x, y, x+y)(_)).realize(10, 10); im 22 test/correctness/lambda.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 23 test/correctness/lambda.cpp printf("im(%d, %d) = %d instead of %d\n", x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 40 test/correctness/loop_invariant_extern_calls.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(32, 32); im 46 test/correctness/loop_invariant_extern_calls.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 47 test/correctness/loop_invariant_extern_calls.cpp printf("im(%d, %d) = %d instead of %d\n", x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 18 test/correctness/many_updates.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(N, N); im 12 test/correctness/mod.cpp Buffer<T> im = f.realize(16); im 15 test/correctness/mod.cpp if (im(i) != (T)(i%2)) { im 16 test/correctness/mod.cpp printf("Mod error for %d %% 2 == %f\n", i, (double)(im(i))); im 24 test/correctness/multi_splits_with_diff_tail_strategies.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(3000, 2000, 3); im 28 test/correctness/multi_splits_with_diff_tail_strategies.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 17 test/correctness/parallel.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(16); im 20 test/correctness/parallel.cpp if (im(i) != i*3) { im 21 test/correctness/parallel.cpp printf("im(%d) = %d\n", i, im(i)); im 18 test/correctness/parallel_alloc.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(8, 8); im 19 test/correctness/parallel_alloc.cpp f.realize(im); im 23 test/correctness/parallel_alloc.cpp if (im(x, y) != (x-1)*y + (x+1)*y) { im 24 test/correctness/parallel_alloc.cpp printf("im(%d, %d) = %d\n", x, y, im(x, y)); im 24 test/correctness/parallel_gpu_nested.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(64, 64, 64); im 29 test/correctness/parallel_gpu_nested.cpp if (im(x, y, z) != x*y+z*3+1) { im 30 test/correctness/parallel_gpu_nested.cpp printf("im(%d, %d, %d) = %d\n", x, y, z, im(x, y, z)); im 19 test/correctness/parallel_nested.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(64, 64, 64); im 24 test/correctness/parallel_nested.cpp if (im(x, y, z) != x*y+z*3+1) { im 25 test/correctness/parallel_nested.cpp printf("im(%d, %d, %d) = %d\n", x, y, z, im(x, y, z)); im 27 test/correctness/parallel_reductions.cpp Buffer<int> im = f2.realize(); im 30 test/correctness/parallel_reductions.cpp if (im(0) != correct) { im 31 test/correctness/parallel_reductions.cpp printf("im(0) = %d instead of %d\n", im(0), correct); im 23 test/correctness/partial_application.cpp Buffer<float> im = h.realize(4, 4); im 27 test/correctness/partial_application.cpp if (im(x, y) != 36.0f) { im 28 test/correctness/partial_application.cpp printf("im(%d, %d) = %f\n", x, y, im(x, y)); im 35 test/correctness/partition_loops.cpp Buffer<float> im = output.realize(1024, 1024, 3); im 41 test/correctness/partition_loops.cpp if (im(x, y, c) != correct) { im 43 test/correctness/partition_loops.cpp x, y, c, im(x, y, c), correct); im 108 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(170, 170); im 110 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 137 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(size, size); im 138 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp auto func = [&im_ref, &im](int x, int y, int z) { im 140 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp return (x < 23) ? im_ref(x, y, z) : im(x, y, z); im 142 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 175 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(size, size); im 177 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 208 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(160, 160); im 210 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 243 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(160, 160); im 245 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 278 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(160, 160, 160); im 280 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 312 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(240, 240); im 314 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 345 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(160, 160); im 347 test/correctness/predicated_store_load.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 119 test/correctness/random.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(1024, 1024); im 122 test/correctness/random.cpp RDom r(im); im 90 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(200, 200); im 91 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 92 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 97 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 99 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 123 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(200, 200); im 124 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 125 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 130 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 132 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 151 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(200, 200, 200); im 152 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int z = 0; z < im.channels(); z++) { im 153 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 154 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 159 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp if (im(x, y, z) != correct) { im 161 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp x, y, z, im(x, y, z), correct); im 194 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(200, 200); im 196 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 197 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 202 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 204 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 233 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(200, 200); im 235 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 236 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 241 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 243 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 275 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(200, 200); im 276 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 277 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 282 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 284 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 322 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(200, 200); im 323 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 324 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 329 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 331 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 367 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(200, 200); im 368 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 369 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 374 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 376 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 394 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(200, 200); im 395 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 396 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 398 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 400 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 438 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(200, 200); im 440 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 441 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 448 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 450 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 492 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(200, 200); im 494 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 495 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 500 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 502 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 658 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(200, 200); im 659 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 660 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 665 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 667 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 690 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(200, 200); im 691 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 692 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 697 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 699 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 739 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(200, 200); im 740 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 741 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 746 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 748 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 761 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(200, 200); im 762 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 763 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 768 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 770 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 795 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(200, 200); im 796 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 797 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 799 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp if ((1 <= x && x < im.width() - 1) && (1 <= y && y < im.height() - 1) && im 803 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 805 test/correctness/reduction_non_rectangular.cpp x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 46 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(80, 80); im 50 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 95 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(80, 80); im 99 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 147 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(80, 80); im 151 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 199 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(20, 20, 20); im 204 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 273 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(20, 20, 20); im 277 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 321 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(80, 80); im 325 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 331 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(80, 80); im 335 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 378 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(20, 20, 20); im 383 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 488 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp Buffer<int32_t> im = dot.realize(); im 507 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp Buffer<int32_t> im = dot.realize(); im 508 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp if (ref(0) != im(0)) { im 509 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp printf("result = %d instead of %d\n", im(0), ref(0)); im 925 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(8); im 929 test/correctness/rfactor.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 15 test/correctness/round.cpp Buffer<T> im = f.realize(N); im 20 test/correctness/round.cpp if (result[i] != im(i)) { im 21 test/correctness/round.cpp printf("Error: %s(%.9g)=%.9g, should be %.9g\n", funcname, input(i), im(i), result[i]); im 20 test/correctness/sliding_reduction.cpp void check(Buffer<int> im) { im 21 test/correctness/sliding_reduction.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 22 test/correctness/sliding_reduction.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 24 test/correctness/sliding_reduction.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 26 test/correctness/sliding_reduction.cpp x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 38 test/correctness/sliding_window.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(100); im 58 test/correctness/sliding_window.cpp Buffer<int> im = h.realize(100); im 85 test/correctness/sliding_window.cpp Buffer<int> im = h.realize(100, 4); im 104 test/correctness/sliding_window.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(10, 10); im 124 test/correctness/sliding_window.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(10, 10); im 142 test/correctness/sliding_window.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(10, 10); im 156 test/correctness/sliding_window.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(10, 10); im 213 test/correctness/specialize.cpp ImageParam im(Float(32), 1); im 214 test/correctness/specialize.cpp im.dim(0).set_stride(Expr()); // unconstrain the stride im 219 test/correctness/specialize.cpp f(x) = im(x); im 222 test/correctness/specialize.cpp f.specialize(im.dim(0).stride() == 1 && im.width() >= 8).vectorize(x, 8); im 229 test/correctness/specialize.cpp int m = im.get().min(0), e = im.get().extent(0); im 245 test/correctness/specialize.cpp im.set(image); im 258 test/correctness/specialize.cpp ImageParam im(Float(32), 1); im 263 test/correctness/specialize.cpp f(x) = select(param, im(x + 10), im(x - 10)); im 268 test/correctness/specialize.cpp int m = im.get().min(0); im 274 test/correctness/specialize.cpp im.reset(); im 276 test/correctness/specialize.cpp m = im.get().min(0); im 310 test/correctness/specialize.cpp ImageParam im(Float(32), 1); im 315 test/correctness/specialize.cpp f(x) = select(param, im(x), 0.0f); im 321 test/correctness/specialize.cpp im.set(image); im 331 test/correctness/specialize.cpp ImageParam im(Int(32), 2); im 334 test/correctness/specialize.cpp f(x, y) = im(x, y); im 348 test/correctness/specialize.cpp if (im.get().extent(0) != 3) { im 353 test/correctness/specialize.cpp if (im.get().extent(1) != 2) { im 364 test/correctness/specialize.cpp ImageParam im(Int(32), 1); im 367 test/correctness/specialize.cpp f(x) = im(x); im 382 test/correctness/specialize.cpp im.set(input); im 388 test/correctness/specialize.cpp ImageParam im(Int(32), 2); im 392 test/correctness/specialize.cpp f(x, y) = im(x, y); im 406 test/correctness/specialize.cpp im.set(input); im 417 test/correctness/specialize.cpp ImageParam im(Int(32), 2); im 421 test/correctness/specialize.cpp f(x, y) = im(x, y); im 435 test/correctness/specialize.cpp im.set(input); im 450 test/correctness/specialize.cpp ImageParam im(Int(32), 2); im 456 test/correctness/specialize.cpp f(x) = select(test, im(x, 0), im(0, x)); im 468 test/correctness/specialize.cpp int w = im.get().width(); im 469 test/correctness/specialize.cpp int h = im.get().height(); im 474 test/correctness/specialize.cpp im.reset(); im 478 test/correctness/specialize.cpp w = im.get().width(); im 479 test/correctness/specialize.cpp h = im.get().height(); im 488 test/correctness/specialize.cpp ImageParam im(Int(32), 2); im 494 test/correctness/specialize.cpp f(x) = select(p > 50, im(x, 0), im(0, x)); im 502 test/correctness/specialize.cpp int w = im.get().width(); im 503 test/correctness/specialize.cpp int h = im.get().height(); im 508 test/correctness/specialize.cpp im.reset(); im 517 test/correctness/specialize.cpp w = im.get().width(); im 518 test/correctness/specialize.cpp h = im.get().height(); im 36 test/correctness/stmt_to_html.cpp Buffer<int> im(800, 600); im 37 test/correctness/stmt_to_html.cpp gradient_fast.compile_to_lowered_stmt(result_file_2, {im}, Halide::HTML); im 36 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(100, 1000, 3); im 58 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(100, 1000, 3); im 82 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(100, 1000); im 105 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(1000, 1000); im 112 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 113 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 115 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 116 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp printf("im(%d, %d) = %d instead of %d\n", x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 139 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(1000, 1000); im 146 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 147 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 149 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 150 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp printf("im(%d, %d) = %d instead of %d\n", x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 174 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(1000, 1000); im 183 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 184 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 186 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 187 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp printf("im(%d, %d) = %d instead of %d\n", x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 213 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(1000, 1000); im 222 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 223 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 225 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 226 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp printf("im(%d, %d) = %d instead of %d\n", x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 251 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(1000, 1000); im 260 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 261 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 263 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 264 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp printf("im(%d, %d) = %d instead of %d\n", x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 285 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(1000, 1000); im 294 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 295 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 297 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 298 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp printf("im(%d, %d) = %d instead of %d\n", x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 318 test/correctness/storage_folding.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(100, 1000, 3); im 7 test/correctness/strided_load.cpp Buffer<int8_t> im(1697); im 18 test/correctness/strided_load.cpp f(x) = im(2*x); im 64 test/correctness/trim_no_ops.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(100); im 65 test/correctness/trim_no_ops.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 71 test/correctness/trim_no_ops.cpp if (im(x) != correct) { im 73 test/correctness/trim_no_ops.cpp x, im(x), correct); im 98 test/correctness/trim_no_ops.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(100, 100); im 99 test/correctness/trim_no_ops.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 100 test/correctness/trim_no_ops.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 103 test/correctness/trim_no_ops.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 105 test/correctness/trim_no_ops.cpp x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 197 test/correctness/trim_no_ops.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(200, 200); im 216 test/correctness/trim_no_ops.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 217 test/correctness/trim_no_ops.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 222 test/correctness/trim_no_ops.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 224 test/correctness/trim_no_ops.cpp x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 27 test/correctness/unrolled_reduction.cpp Buffer<float> im = f.realize(64, 64, 4); im 16 test/correctness/vector_extern.cpp Buffer<float> im = f.realize(32); im 20 test/correctness/vector_extern.cpp if (fabs(im(i) - correct) > 0.001) { im 21 test/correctness/vector_extern.cpp printf("im(%d) = %f instead of %f\n", i, im(i), correct); im 24 test/correctness/vectorized_load_from_vectorized_allocation.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(size, size, size); im 26 test/correctness/vectorized_load_from_vectorized_allocation.cpp for (int z = 0; z < im.channels(); z++) { im 27 test/correctness/vectorized_load_from_vectorized_allocation.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 28 test/correctness/vectorized_load_from_vectorized_allocation.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 30 test/correctness/vectorized_load_from_vectorized_allocation.cpp if (im(x, y, z) != correct) { im 32 test/correctness/vectorized_load_from_vectorized_allocation.cpp x, y, z, im(x, y, z), correct); im 55 test/correctness/vectorized_reduction_bug.cpp Buffer<int32_t> im = f.realize(100, 100); im 57 test/correctness/vectorized_reduction_bug.cpp for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 58 test/correctness/vectorized_reduction_bug.cpp for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 60 test/correctness/vectorized_reduction_bug.cpp if (im(x, y) != correct) { im 62 test/correctness/vectorized_reduction_bug.cpp x, y, im(x, y), correct); im 91 test/correctness/wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(200, 200); im 93 test/correctness/wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 127 test/correctness/wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = g1.realize(200, 200); im 129 test/correctness/wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 150 test/correctness/wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = g2.realize(200, 200); im 152 test/correctness/wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 173 test/correctness/wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = g3.realize(200, 200); im 175 test/correctness/wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 214 test/correctness/wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = h.realize(200, 200); im 216 test/correctness/wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 265 test/correctness/wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(200, 200); im 269 test/correctness/wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 293 test/correctness/wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(200, 200); im 297 test/correctness/wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 336 test/correctness/wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = wrapper.realize(200, 200); im 338 test/correctness/wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 375 test/correctness/wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = result.realize(200, 200); im 377 test/correctness/wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 421 test/correctness/wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = h.realize(200, 200); im 423 test/correctness/wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 465 test/correctness/wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = h.realize(200, 200); im 467 test/correctness/wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 508 test/correctness/wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(200, 200); im 512 test/correctness/wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 548 test/correctness/wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = output.realize(1024, 1024); im 550 test/correctness/wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 592 test/correctness/wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(1024, 1024); im 594 test/correctness/wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 617 test/correctness/wrap.cpp Buffer<int> im = h.realize(1024, 1024); im 619 test/correctness/wrap.cpp if (check_image(im, func)) { im 15 test/error/bad_fold.cpp Buffer<int> im = g.realize(100, 1000); im 12 test/error/define_after_realize.cpp Buffer<int> im = f.realize(10); im 9 test/error/missing_args.cpp ImageParam im(Int(8), 2); im 12 test/error/missing_args.cpp f(x) = im(x, x) + arg; im 10 test/error/wrong_type.cpp Buffer<float> im = f.realize(100); im 117 test/generator/metadata_tester_aottest.cpp Buffer<Type> im(kSize, kSize, 3); im 121 test/generator/metadata_tester_aottest.cpp im(x, y, c) = static_cast<Type>(x + y + c); im 125 test/generator/metadata_tester_aottest.cpp return im; im 13 test/generator/stubtest_aottest.cpp Buffer<Type> im(kSize, kSize, 3); im 17 test/generator/stubtest_aottest.cpp im(x, y, c) = static_cast<Type>(x + y + c + extra); im 21 test/generator/stubtest_aottest.cpp return im; im 9 test/generator/stubtest_generator.cpp Halide::Buffer<Type> im(size, size, dim); im 13 test/generator/stubtest_generator.cpp im(x, y, c) = static_cast<Type>(x + y + c + extra); im 17 test/generator/stubtest_generator.cpp return im; im 20 test/generator/stubtest_jittest.cpp Buffer<Type> im(kSize, kSize, 3); im 24 test/generator/stubtest_jittest.cpp im(x, y, c) = static_cast<Type>(x + y + c + extra); im 28 test/generator/stubtest_jittest.cpp return im; im 12 test/generator/stubuser_aottest.cpp Buffer<Type> im(kSize, kSize, 3); im 16 test/generator/stubuser_aottest.cpp im(x, y, c) = static_cast<Type>(x + y + c); im 20 test/generator/stubuser_aottest.cpp return im; im 11 test/generator/stubuser_generator.cpp Buffer<Type> im(size, size, 3); im 15 test/generator/stubuser_generator.cpp im(x, y, c) = static_cast<Type>(x + y + c); im 19 test/generator/stubuser_generator.cpp return im; im 51 test/performance/profiler.cpp Buffer<float> im = out.realize(10, 1000, t); im 148 tools/halide_image_io.h bool load_png(const std::string &filename, ImageType *im) { im 189 tools/halide_image_io.h *im = ImageType(width, height, channels); im 191 tools/halide_image_io.h *im = ImageType(width, height); im 200 tools/halide_image_io.h Internal::PngRowPointers row_pointers(im->height(), png_get_rowbytes(png_ptr, info_ptr)); im 207 tools/halide_image_io.h int64_t c_stride = (im->channels() == 1) ? 0 : ((&(*im)(0, 0, 1)) - (&(*im)(0, 0, 0))); im 208 tools/halide_image_io.h typename ImageType::ElemType *ptr = (typename ImageType::ElemType*)im->data(); im 210 tools/halide_image_io.h for (int y = 0; y < im->height(); y++) { im 212 tools/halide_image_io.h for (int x = 0; x < im->width(); x++) { im 213 tools/halide_image_io.h for (int c = 0; c < im->channels(); c++) { im 220 tools/halide_image_io.h for (int y = 0; y < im->height(); y++) { im 222 tools/halide_image_io.h for (int x = 0; x < im->width(); x++) { im 223 tools/halide_image_io.h for (int c = 0; c < im->channels(); c++) { im 235 tools/halide_image_io.h im->set_host_dirty(); im 242 tools/halide_image_io.h bool save_png(ImageType &im, const std::string &filename) { im 251 tools/halide_image_io.h im.copy_to_host(); im 253 tools/halide_image_io.h if (!check(im.channels() > 0 && im.channels() < 5, im 259 tools/halide_image_io.h color_type = color_types[im.channels() - 1]; im 284 tools/halide_image_io.h png_set_IHDR(png_ptr, info_ptr, im.width(), im.height(), im 290 tools/halide_image_io.h Internal::PngRowPointers row_pointers(im.height(), png_get_rowbytes(png_ptr, info_ptr)); im 295 tools/halide_image_io.h int64_t c_stride = (im.channels() == 1) ? 0 : ((&im(0, 0, 1)) - (&im(0, 0, 0))); im 296 tools/halide_image_io.h int64_t x_stride = (int)((&im(1, 0, 0)) - (&im(0, 0, 0))); im 297 tools/halide_image_io.h typename ImageType::ElemType *srcPtr = (typename ImageType::ElemType*); im 299 tools/halide_image_io.h for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 303 tools/halide_image_io.h for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 304 tools/halide_image_io.h for (int c = 0; c < im.channels(); c++) { im 314 tools/halide_image_io.h for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 315 tools/halide_image_io.h for (int c = 0; c < im.channels(); c++) { im 344 tools/halide_image_io.h bool load_pgm(const std::string &filename, ImageType *im) { im 372 tools/halide_image_io.h *im = ImageType(width, height); im 378 tools/halide_image_io.h typename ImageType::ElemType *im_data = (typename ImageType::ElemType*) im->data(); im 389 tools/halide_image_io.h typename ImageType::ElemType *im_data = (typename ImageType::ElemType*) im->data(); im 399 tools/halide_image_io.h (*im)(0,0,0) = (*im)(0,0,0); /* Mark dirty inside read/write functions. */ im 407 tools/halide_image_io.h bool save_pgm(ImageType &im, const std::string &filename, unsigned int channel = 0) { im 408 tools/halide_image_io.h im.copy_to_host(); im 411 tools/halide_image_io.h unsigned int num_channels = im.channels(); im 417 tools/halide_image_io.h fprintf(f.f, "P5\n%d %d\n%d\n", im.width(), im.height(), (1<<bit_depth)-1); im 418 tools/halide_image_io.h int width = im.width(), height = im.height(); im 425 tools/halide_image_io.h Internal::convert(im(x, y, channel), *p++); im 436 tools/halide_image_io.h Internal::convert(im(x, y, channel), value); im 449 tools/halide_image_io.h bool load_ppm(const std::string &filename, ImageType *im) { im 477 tools/halide_image_io.h *im = ImageType(width, height, channels); im 483 tools/halide_image_io.h typename ImageType::ElemType *im_data = (typename ImageType::ElemType*) im->data(); im 496 tools/halide_image_io.h typename ImageType::ElemType *im_data = (typename ImageType::ElemType*) im->data(); im 513 tools/halide_image_io.h (*im)(0,0,0) = (*im)(0,0,0); /* Mark dirty inside read/write functions. */ im 520 tools/halide_image_io.h bool save_ppm(ImageType &im, const std::string &filename) { im 521 tools/halide_image_io.h if (!check(im.channels() == 3, "save_ppm() requires a 3-channel image.\n")) { return false; } im 523 tools/halide_image_io.h im.copy_to_host(); im 529 tools/halide_image_io.h fprintf(f.f, "P6\n%d %d\n%d\n", im.width(), im.height(), (1<<bit_depth)-1); im 530 tools/halide_image_io.h int width = im.width(), height = im.height(), channels = im.channels(); im 539 tools/halide_image_io.h Internal::convert(im(x, y, 0), *p++); im 540 tools/halide_image_io.h Internal::convert(im(x, y, 1), *p++); im 541 tools/halide_image_io.h Internal::convert(im(x, y, 2), *p++); im 548 tools/halide_image_io.h Internal::convert(im(x, y, c), *p++); im 563 tools/halide_image_io.h Internal::convert(im(x, y, 0), value0); im 566 tools/halide_image_io.h Internal::convert(im(x, y, 1), value1); im 569 tools/halide_image_io.h Internal::convert(im(x, y, 2), value2); im 579 tools/halide_image_io.h Internal::convert(im(x, y, c), value); im 594 tools/halide_image_io.h bool save_jpg(ImageType &im, const std::string &filename) { im 599 tools/halide_image_io.h im.copy_to_host(); im 602 tools/halide_image_io.h if (im.dimensions() == 3) { im 603 tools/halide_image_io.h channels = im.channels(); im 606 tools/halide_image_io.h if (!check((im.dimensions() == 2 || im 607 tools/halide_image_io.h im.dimensions() == 3) && im 630 tools/halide_image_io.h cinfo.image_width = im.width(); im 631 tools/halide_image_io.h cinfo.image_height = im.height(); im 644 tools/halide_image_io.h std::vector<JSAMPLE> row(im.width() * channels); im 646 tools/halide_image_io.h for (int y = 0; y < im.height(); y++) { im 648 tools/halide_image_io.h if (im.dimensions() == 2) { im 649 tools/halide_image_io.h for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 650 tools/halide_image_io.h *dst++ = (JSAMPLE)(im(x, y)); im 653 tools/halide_image_io.h for (int x = 0; x < im.width(); x++) { im 655 tools/halide_image_io.h *dst++ = (JSAMPLE)(im(x, y, c)); im 671 tools/halide_image_io.h bool load_jpg(const std::string &filename, ImageType *im) { im 694 tools/halide_image_io.h *im = ImageType(cinfo.output_width, cinfo.output_height, channels); im 696 tools/halide_image_io.h *im = ImageType(cinfo.output_width, cinfo.output_height); im 698 tools/halide_image_io.h std::vector<JSAMPLE> row(im->width() * channels); im 700 tools/halide_image_io.h for (int y = 0; y < im->height(); y++) { im 704 tools/halide_image_io.h for (int x = 0; x < im->width(); x++) { im 706 tools/halide_image_io.h (*im)(x, y, c) = *src++; im 710 tools/halide_image_io.h for (int x = 0; x < im->width(); x++) { im 711 tools/halide_image_io.h (*im)(x, y) = *src++; im 726 tools/halide_image_io.h bool load(const std::string &filename, ImageType *im) { im 728 tools/halide_image_io.h return load_png<ImageType, check>(filename, im); im 731 tools/halide_image_io.h return load_jpg<ImageType, check>(filename, im); im 733 tools/halide_image_io.h return load_pgm<ImageType, check>(filename, im); im 735 tools/halide_image_io.h return load_ppm<ImageType, check>(filename, im); im 742 tools/halide_image_io.h bool save(ImageType &im, const std::string &filename) { im 744 tools/halide_image_io.h return save_png<ImageType, check>(im, filename); im 747 tools/halide_image_io.h return save_jpg<ImageType, check>(im, filename); im 749 tools/halide_image_io.h return save_pgm<ImageType, check>(im, filename); im 751 tools/halide_image_io.h return save_ppm<ImageType, check>(im, filename); im 768 tools/halide_image_io.h ImageType im; im 769 tools/halide_image_io.h (void) load<ImageType, Internal::CheckFail>(filename, &im); im 770 tools/halide_image_io.h return im; im 782 tools/halide_image_io.h void save_image(ImageType &im, const std::string &filename) { im 783 tools/halide_image_io.h (void) save<ImageType, Internal::CheckFail>(im, filename);