
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. visit
  2. visit
  3. add_image_checks

#include "AddImageChecks.h"
#include "Target.h"
#include "IRVisitor.h"
#include "Substitute.h"
#include "Simplify.h"

namespace Halide {
namespace Internal {

using std::vector;
using std::string;
using std::map;
using std::pair;
using std::make_pair;

/* Find all the externally referenced buffers in a stmt */
class FindBuffers : public IRGraphVisitor {
    struct Result {
        Buffer<> image;
        Parameter param;
        Type type;
        int dimensions;
        Result() : dimensions(0) {}

    map<string, Result> buffers;

    using IRGraphVisitor::visit;

    void visit(const Call *op) {
        if (op->image.defined()) {
            Result r;
            r.image = op->image;
            r.type = op->type.element_of();
            r.dimensions = (int)op->args.size();
            buffers[op->name] = r;
        } else if (op->param.defined()) {
            Result r;
            r.param = op->param;
            r.type = op->type.element_of();
            r.dimensions = (int)op->args.size();
            buffers[op->name] = r;

    void visit(const Variable *op) {
        if (op->param.defined() &&
            op->param.is_buffer() &&
            buffers.find(op-> == buffers.end()) {
            Result r;
            r.param = op->param;
            r.type = op->param.type();
            r.dimensions = op->param.dimensions();
            buffers[op->] = r;

Stmt add_image_checks(Stmt s,
                      const vector<Function> &outputs,
                      const Target &t,
                      const vector<string> &order,
                      const map<string, Function> &env,
                      const FuncValueBounds &fb) {

    bool no_asserts = t.has_feature(Target::NoAsserts);
    bool no_bounds_query = t.has_feature(Target::NoBoundsQuery);

    // First hunt for all the referenced buffers
    FindBuffers finder;
    map<string, FindBuffers::Result> bufs = finder.buffers;

    // Add the output buffer(s).
    for (Function f : outputs) {
        for (size_t i = 0; i < f.values().size(); i++) {
            FindBuffers::Result output_buffer;
            output_buffer.type = f.values()[i].type();
            output_buffer.param = f.output_buffers()[i];
            output_buffer.dimensions = f.dimensions();
            if (f.values().size() > 1) {
                bufs[ + '.' + std::to_string(i)] = output_buffer;
            } else {
                bufs[] = output_buffer;

    Scope<Interval> empty_scope;
    map<string, Box> boxes = boxes_touched(s, empty_scope, fb);

    // Now iterate through all the buffers, creating a list of lets
    // and a list of asserts.
    vector<pair<string, Expr>> lets_overflow;
    vector<pair<string, Expr>> lets_required;
    vector<pair<string, Expr>> lets_constrained;
    vector<pair<string, Expr>> lets_proposed;
    vector<Stmt> dims_no_overflow_asserts;
    vector<Stmt> asserts_required;
    vector<Stmt> asserts_constrained;
    vector<Stmt> asserts_proposed;
    vector<Stmt> asserts_elem_size;
    vector<Stmt> asserts_host_alignment;
    vector<Stmt> buffer_rewrites;

    // Inject the code that conditionally returns if we're in inference mode
    Expr maybe_return_condition = const_false();

    // We're also going to apply the constraints to the required min
    // and extent. To do this we have to substitute all references to
    // the actual sizes of the input images in the constraints with
    // references to the required sizes.
    map<string, Expr> replace_with_required;

    for (const pair<string, FindBuffers::Result> &buf : bufs) {
        const string &name = buf.first;

        for (int i = 0; i < buf.second.dimensions; i++) {
            string dim = std::to_string(i);

            Expr min_required = Variable::make(Int(32), name + ".min." + dim + ".required");
            replace_with_required[name + ".min." + dim] = min_required;

            Expr extent_required = Variable::make(Int(32), name + ".extent." + dim + ".required");
            replace_with_required[name + ".extent." + dim] = simplify(extent_required);

            Expr stride_required = Variable::make(Int(32), name + ".stride." + dim + ".required");
            replace_with_required[name + ".stride." + dim] = stride_required;

    // We also want to build a map that lets us replace values passed
    // in with the constrained version. This is applied to the rest of
    // the lowered pipeline to take advantage of the constraints,
    // e.g. for constant folding.
    map<string, Expr> replace_with_constrained;

    for (pair<const string, FindBuffers::Result> &buf : bufs) {
        const string &name = buf.first;
        Buffer<> &image = buf.second.image;
        Parameter &param = buf.second.param;
        Type type = buf.second.type;
        int dimensions = buf.second.dimensions;

        // Detect if this is one of the outputs of a multi-output pipeline.
        bool is_output_buffer = false;
        bool is_secondary_output_buffer = false;
        string buffer_name = name;
        for (Function f : outputs) {
            for (size_t i = 0; i < f.output_buffers().size(); i++) {
                if (param.defined() &&
                    param.same_as(f.output_buffers()[i])) {
                    is_output_buffer = true;
                    // If we're one of multiple output buffers, we should use the
                    // region inferred for the func in general.
                    buffer_name =;
                    if (i > 0) {
                        is_secondary_output_buffer = true;

        Box touched = boxes[buffer_name];
        internal_assert(touched.empty() || (int)(touched.size()) == dimensions);

        // The buffer may be used in one or more extern stage. If so we need to
        // expand the box touched to include the results of the
        // top-level bounds query calls to those extern stages.
        if (param.defined()) {
            // Find the extern users.
            vector<string> extern_users;
            for (size_t i = 0; i < order.size(); i++) {
                Function f = env.find(order[i])->second;
                if (f.has_extern_definition()) {
                    const vector<ExternFuncArgument> &args = f.extern_arguments();
                    for (size_t j = 0; j < args.size(); j++) {
                        if ((args[j].image_param.defined() &&
                             args[j] == ||
                            (args[j].buffer.defined() &&
                             args[j] == {

            // Expand the box by the result of the bounds query from each.
            for (size_t i = 0; i < extern_users.size(); i++) {
                const string &extern_user = extern_users[i];
                Box query_box;
                Expr query_buf = Variable::make(type_of<struct halide_buffer_t *>(),
                                       + ".bounds_query." + extern_user);
                for (int j = 0; j < dimensions; j++) {
                    Expr min = Call::make(Int(32), Call::buffer_get_min,
                                          {query_buf, j}, Call::Extern);
                    Expr max = Call::make(Int(32), Call::buffer_get_max,
                                          {query_buf, j}, Call::Extern);
                    query_box.push_back(Interval(min, max));
                merge_boxes(touched, query_box);

        ReductionDomain rdom;

        // An expression returning whether or not we're in inference mode
        Expr handle = Variable::make(type_of<buffer_t *>(), name + ".buffer",
                                     image, param, rdom);
        Expr inference_mode = Call::make(Bool(), Call::buffer_is_bounds_query,
                                         {handle}, Call::Extern);
        maybe_return_condition = maybe_return_condition || inference_mode;

        // Come up with a name to refer to this buffer in the error messages
        string error_name = (is_output_buffer ? "Output" : "Input");
        error_name += " buffer " + name;

        // Check the type matches the internally-understood type
            string type_code_name = name + ".type.code";
            string type_bits_name = name + ".type.bits";
            string type_lanes_name = name + ".type.lanes";
            Expr type_code = Variable::make(UInt(8), type_code_name, image, param, rdom);
            Expr type_bits = Variable::make(UInt(8), type_bits_name, image, param, rdom);
            Expr type_lanes = Variable::make(UInt(16), type_lanes_name, image, param, rdom);
            Expr error = Call::make(Int(32), "halide_error_bad_type",
                                     type_code, make_const(UInt(8), (int)type.code()),
                                     type_bits, make_const(UInt(8), type.bits()),
                                     type_lanes, make_const(UInt(16), type.lanes())},
                AssertStmt::make((type_code == type.code()) &&
                                 (type_bits == type.bits()) &&
                                 (type_lanes == type.lanes()), error));

        if (touched.maybe_unused()) {
            debug(3) << "Image " << name << " is only used when " << touched.used << "\n";

        // Check that the region passed in (after applying constraints) is within the region used
        debug(3) << "In image " << name << " region touched is:\n";

        for (int j = 0; j < dimensions; j++) {
            string dim = std::to_string(j);
            string actual_min_name = name + ".min." + dim;
            string actual_extent_name = name + ".extent." + dim;
            string actual_stride_name = name + ".stride." + dim;
            Expr actual_min = Variable::make(Int(32), actual_min_name, image, param, rdom);
            Expr actual_extent = Variable::make(Int(32), actual_extent_name, image, param, rdom);
            Expr actual_stride = Variable::make(Int(32), actual_stride_name, image, param, rdom);

            if (!touched.empty() && !touched[j].is_bounded()) {
                user_error << "Buffer " << name
                           << " may be accessed in an unbounded way in dimension "
                           << j << "\n";

            Expr min_required = touched.empty() ? actual_min : touched[j].min;
            Expr extent_required = touched.empty() ? actual_extent : (touched[j].max + 1 - touched[j].min);

            if (touched.maybe_unused()) {
                min_required = select(touched.used, min_required, actual_min);
                extent_required = select(touched.used, extent_required, actual_extent);

            string min_required_name = name + ".min." + dim + ".required";
            string extent_required_name = name + ".extent." + dim + ".required";

            Expr min_required_var = Variable::make(Int(32), min_required_name);
            Expr extent_required_var = Variable::make(Int(32), extent_required_name);

            lets_required.push_back({ extent_required_name, extent_required });
            lets_required.push_back({ min_required_name, min_required });

            Expr actual_max = actual_min + actual_extent - 1;
            Expr max_required = min_required_var + extent_required_var - 1;

            if (touched.maybe_unused()) {
                max_required = select(touched.used, max_required, actual_max);

            Expr oob_condition = actual_min <= min_required_var && actual_max >= max_required;

            Expr oob_error = Call::make(Int(32), "halide_error_access_out_of_bounds",
                                        {error_name, j, min_required_var, max_required, actual_min, actual_max},

            asserts_required.push_back(AssertStmt::make(oob_condition, oob_error));

            // Come up with a required stride to use in bounds
            // inference mode. We don't assert it. It's just used to
            // apply the constraints to to come up with a proposed
            // stride. Strides actually passed in may not be in this
            // order (e.g if storage is swizzled relative to dimension
            // order).
            Expr stride_required;
            if (j == 0) {
                stride_required = 1;
            } else {
                string last_dim = std::to_string(j-1);
                stride_required = (Variable::make(Int(32), name + ".stride." + last_dim + ".required") *
                                   Variable::make(Int(32), name + ".extent." + last_dim + ".required"));
            lets_required.push_back({ name + ".stride." + dim + ".required", stride_required });

            // On 32-bit systems, insert checks to make sure the total
            // size of all input and output buffers is <= 2^31 - 1.
            // And that no product of extents overflows 2^31 - 1. This
            // second test is likely only needed if a fuse directive
            // is used in the schedule to combine multiple extents,
            // but it is here for extra safety. On targets with the
            // LargeBuffers feature, the maximum size is 2^63 - 1.
            Expr max_size = make_const(UInt(64), t.maximum_buffer_size());
            Expr max_extent = make_const(UInt(64), 0x7fffffff);
            Expr actual_size = abs(cast<int64_t>(actual_extent) * actual_stride);
            Expr allocation_size_error = Call::make(Int(32), "halide_error_buffer_allocation_too_large",
                                                    {name, actual_size, max_size}, Call::Extern);
            Stmt check = AssertStmt::make(actual_size <= max_size, allocation_size_error);

            // Don't repeat extents check for secondary buffers as extents must be the same as for the first one.
            if (!is_secondary_output_buffer) {
                if (j == 0) {
                    lets_overflow.push_back({ name + ".total_extent." + dim, cast<int64_t>(actual_extent) });
                } else {
                    max_size = cast<int64_t>(max_size);
                    Expr last_dim = Variable::make(Int(64), name + ".total_extent." + std::to_string(j-1));
                    Expr this_dim = actual_extent * last_dim;
                    Expr this_dim_var = Variable::make(Int(64), name + ".total_extent." + dim);
                    lets_overflow.push_back({ name + ".total_extent." + dim, this_dim });
                    Expr error = Call::make(Int(32), "halide_error_buffer_extents_too_large",
                                            {name, this_dim_var, max_size}, Call::Extern);
                    Stmt check = AssertStmt::make(this_dim_var <= max_size, error);

                // It is never legal to have a negative buffer extent.
                Expr negative_extent_condition = actual_extent >= 0;
                Expr negative_extent_error = Call::make(Int(32), "halide_error_buffer_extents_negative",
                                                        {error_name, j, actual_extent}, Call::Extern);
                asserts_required.push_back(AssertStmt::make(negative_extent_condition, negative_extent_error));

        // Create code that mutates the input buffers if we're in bounds inference mode.
        BufferBuilder builder;
        builder.buffer_memory = Variable::make(type_of<struct halide_buffer_t *>(), name + ".buffer");
        builder.shape_memory = Call::make(type_of<struct halide_dimension_t *>(),
                                          Call::buffer_get_shape, {builder.buffer_memory},
        builder.type = type;
        builder.dimensions = dimensions;
        for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) {
            string dim = std::to_string(i);
            builder.mins.push_back(Variable::make(Int(32), name + ".min." + dim + ".proposed"));
            builder.extents.push_back(Variable::make(Int(32), name + ".extent." + dim + ".proposed"));
            builder.strides.push_back(Variable::make(Int(32), name + ".stride." + dim + ".proposed"));
        Stmt rewrite = Evaluate::make(;

        rewrite = IfThenElse::make(inference_mode, rewrite);

        // Build the constraints tests and proposed sizes.
        vector<pair<Expr, Expr>> constraints;
        for (int i = 0; i < dimensions; i++) {
            string dim = std::to_string(i);
            string min_name = name + ".min." + dim;
            string stride_name = name + ".stride." + dim;
            string extent_name = name + ".extent." + dim;

            Expr stride_constrained, extent_constrained, min_constrained;

            Expr stride_orig = Variable::make(Int(32), stride_name, image, param, rdom);
            Expr extent_orig = Variable::make(Int(32), extent_name, image, param, rdom);
            Expr min_orig    = Variable::make(Int(32), min_name, image, param, rdom);

            Expr stride_required = Variable::make(Int(32), stride_name + ".required");
            Expr extent_required = Variable::make(Int(32), extent_name + ".required");
            Expr min_required = Variable::make(Int(32), min_name + ".required");

            Expr stride_proposed = Variable::make(Int(32), stride_name + ".proposed");
            Expr extent_proposed = Variable::make(Int(32), extent_name + ".proposed");
            Expr min_proposed = Variable::make(Int(32), min_name + ".proposed");

            debug(2) << "Injecting constraints for " << name << "." << i << "\n";
            if (is_secondary_output_buffer) {
                // For multi-output (Tuple) pipelines, output buffers
                // beyond the first implicitly have their min and extent
                // constrained to match the first output.

                if (param.defined()) {
                    user_assert(!param.extent_constraint(i).defined() &&
                        << "Can't constrain the min or extent of an output buffer beyond the "
                        << "first. They are implicitly constrained to have the same min and extent "
                        << "as the first output buffer.\n";

                    stride_constrained = param.stride_constraint(i);
                } else if (image.defined() && (int)i < image.dimensions()) {
                    stride_constrained = image.dim(i).stride();

                std::string min0_name = buffer_name + ".0.min." + dim;
                if (replace_with_constrained.count(min0_name) > 0 ) {
                    min_constrained = replace_with_constrained[min0_name];
                } else {
                    min_constrained = Variable::make(Int(32), min0_name);

                std::string extent0_name = buffer_name + ".0.extent." + dim;
                if (replace_with_constrained.count(extent0_name) > 0 ) {
                    extent_constrained = replace_with_constrained[extent0_name];
                } else {
                    extent_constrained = Variable::make(Int(32), extent0_name);
            } else if (image.defined() && (int)i < image.dimensions()) {
                stride_constrained = image.dim(i).stride();
                extent_constrained = image.dim(i).extent();
                min_constrained = image.dim(i).min();
            } else if (param.defined()) {
                stride_constrained = param.stride_constraint(i);
                extent_constrained = param.extent_constraint(i);
                min_constrained = param.min_constraint(i);

            if (stride_constrained.defined()) {
                // Come up with a suggested stride by passing the
                // required region through this constraint.
                constraints.push_back({ stride_orig, stride_constrained});
                stride_constrained = substitute(replace_with_required, stride_constrained);
                lets_proposed.push_back({ stride_name + ".proposed", stride_constrained });
            } else {
                lets_proposed.push_back({ stride_name + ".proposed", stride_required });

            if (min_constrained.defined()) {
                constraints.push_back({ min_orig, min_constrained });
                min_constrained = substitute(replace_with_required, min_constrained);
                lets_proposed.push_back({ min_name + ".proposed", min_constrained });
            } else {
                lets_proposed.push_back({ min_name + ".proposed", min_required });

            if (extent_constrained.defined()) {
                constraints.push_back({ extent_orig, extent_constrained });
                extent_constrained = substitute(replace_with_required, extent_constrained);
                lets_proposed.push_back({ extent_name + ".proposed", extent_constrained });
            } else {
                lets_proposed.push_back({ extent_name + ".proposed", extent_required });

            // In bounds inference mode, make sure the proposed
            // versions still satisfy the constraints.
            Expr max_proposed = min_proposed + extent_proposed - 1;
            Expr max_required = min_required + extent_required - 1;
            Expr check = (min_proposed <= min_required) && (max_proposed >= max_required);
            Expr error = Call::make(Int(32), "halide_error_constraints_make_required_region_smaller",
                                    {error_name, i, min_proposed, max_proposed, min_required, max_required},
            asserts_proposed.push_back(AssertStmt::make((!inference_mode) || check, error));

            // stride_required is just a suggestion. It's ok if the
            // constraints shuffle them around in ways that make it
            // smaller.
            check = (stride_proposed >= stride_required);
            error = "Applying the constraints to the required stride made it smaller";
            asserts_proposed.push_back(AssertStmt::make((!inference_mode) || check, error, vector<Expr>()));

        // Assert all the conditions, and set the new values
        for (size_t i = 0; i < constraints.size(); i++) {
            Expr var = constraints[i].first;
            const string &name =<Variable>()->name;
            Expr constrained_var = Variable::make(Int(32), name + ".constrained");

            std::ostringstream ss;
            ss << constraints[i].second;
            string constrained_var_str = ss.str();

            replace_with_constrained[name] = constrained_var;

            lets_constrained.push_back({ name + ".constrained", constraints[i].second });

            Expr error = Call::make(Int(32), "halide_error_constraint_violated",
                                    {name, var, constrained_var_str, constrained_var},

            // Check the var passed in equals the constrained version (when not in inference mode)
            asserts_constrained.push_back(AssertStmt::make(var == constrained_var, error));
        if (param.defined() && param.host_alignment() != param.type().bytes()) {
            string host_name = name;
            int alignment_required = param.host_alignment();
            Expr host_ptr = Variable::make(Handle(), host_name);
            Expr u64t_host_ptr = reinterpret<uint64_t>(host_ptr);
            Expr align_condition = (u64t_host_ptr % alignment_required) == 0;
            Expr error = Call::make(Int(32), "halide_error_unaligned_host_ptr",
                                    {name, alignment_required}, Call::Extern);
            asserts_host_alignment.push_back(AssertStmt::make(align_condition, error));

    // Inject the code that check for the alignment of the host pointers.
    if (!no_asserts) {
        for (size_t i = asserts_host_alignment.size(); i > 0; i--) {
            s = Block::make(asserts_host_alignment[i-1], s);
    // Inject the code that checks that no dimension math overflows
    if (!no_asserts) {
        for (size_t i = dims_no_overflow_asserts.size(); i > 0; i--) {
            s = Block::make(dims_no_overflow_asserts[i-1], s);

        // Inject the code that defines the proposed sizes.
        for (size_t i = lets_overflow.size(); i > 0; i--) {
            s = LetStmt::make(lets_overflow[i-1].first, lets_overflow[i-1].second, s);

    // Replace uses of the var with the constrained versions in the
    // rest of the program. We also need to respect the existence of
    // constrained versions during storage flattening and bounds
    // inference.
    s = substitute(replace_with_constrained, s);

    // Now we add a bunch of code to the top of the pipeline. This is
    // all in reverse order compared to execution, as we incrementally
    // prepending code.

    if (!no_asserts) {
        // Inject the code that checks the constraints are correct.
        for (size_t i = asserts_constrained.size(); i > 0; i--) {
            s = Block::make(asserts_constrained[i-1], s);

        // Inject the code that checks for out-of-bounds access to the buffers.
        for (size_t i = asserts_required.size(); i > 0; i--) {
            s = Block::make(asserts_required[i-1], s);

        // Inject the code that checks that elem_sizes are ok.
        for (size_t i = asserts_elem_size.size(); i > 0; i--) {
            s = Block::make(asserts_elem_size[i-1], s);

    // Inject the code that returns early for inference mode.
    if (!no_bounds_query) {
        s = IfThenElse::make(!maybe_return_condition, s);

        // Inject the code that does the buffer rewrites for inference mode.
        for (size_t i = buffer_rewrites.size(); i > 0; i--) {
            s = Block::make(buffer_rewrites[i-1], s);

    if (!no_asserts) {
        // Inject the code that checks the proposed sizes still pass the bounds checks
        for (size_t i = asserts_proposed.size(); i > 0; i--) {
            s = Block::make(asserts_proposed[i-1], s);

    // Inject the code that defines the proposed sizes.
    for (size_t i = lets_proposed.size(); i > 0; i--) {
        s = LetStmt::make(lets_proposed[i-1].first, lets_proposed[i-1].second, s);

    // Inject the code that defines the constrained sizes.
    for (size_t i = lets_constrained.size(); i > 0; i--) {
        s = LetStmt::make(lets_constrained[i-1].first, lets_constrained[i-1].second, s);

    // Inject the code that defines the required sizes produced by bounds inference.
    for (size_t i = lets_required.size(); i > 0; i--) {
        s = LetStmt::make(lets_required[i-1].first, lets_required[i-1].second, s);

    return s;


/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */