
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */



This source file includes following definitions.
  1. initPixel
  2. redQuantum
  3. redQuantum
  4. greenQuantum
  5. greenQuantum
  6. blueQuantum
  7. blueQuantum
  8. alphaQuantum
  9. alphaQuantum
  10. PixelPacket
  11. alpha
  12. alpha
  13. red
  14. red
  15. green
  16. green
  17. blue
  18. blue

// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright Bob Friesenhahn, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2008
// Color Implementation
#if !defined (Magick_Color_header)
#define Magick_Color_header

#include "Magick++/Include.h"
#include <string>

namespace Magick

  class MagickPPExport Color;

  // Compare two Color objects regardless of LHS/RHS
  int MagickPPExport operator == ( const Magick::Color& left_, const Magick::Color& right_ );
  int MagickPPExport operator != ( const Magick::Color& left_, const Magick::Color& right_ );
  int MagickPPExport operator >  ( const Magick::Color& left_, const Magick::Color& right_ );
  int MagickPPExport operator <  ( const Magick::Color& left_, const Magick::Color& right_ );
  int MagickPPExport operator >= ( const Magick::Color& left_, const Magick::Color& right_ );
  int MagickPPExport operator <= ( const Magick::Color& left_, const Magick::Color& right_ );

  // Base color class stores RGB components scaled to fit Quantum
  class MagickPPExport Color
    Color ( Quantum red_,
            Quantum green_,
            Quantum blue_ );
    Color ( Quantum red_,
            Quantum green_,
            Quantum blue_,
            Quantum alpha_ );
    Color ( const std::string &x11color_ );
    Color ( const char * x11color_ );
    Color ( void );
    virtual        ~Color ( void );
    Color ( const Color & color_ );

    // Red color (range 0 to QuantumRange)
    void           redQuantum ( Quantum red_ );
    Quantum        redQuantum ( void ) const;

    // Green color (range 0 to QuantumRange)
    void           greenQuantum ( Quantum green_ );
    Quantum        greenQuantum ( void ) const;

    // Blue color (range 0 to QuantumRange)
    void           blueQuantum ( Quantum blue_ );
    Quantum        blueQuantum ( void ) const;

    // Alpha level (range OpaqueOpacity=0 to TransparentOpacity=QuantumRange)
    void           alphaQuantum ( Quantum alpha_ );
    Quantum        alphaQuantum ( void ) const;

    // Scaled (to 1.0) version of alpha for use in sub-classes
    // (range opaque=0 to transparent=1.0)
    void           alpha ( double alpha_ );
    double         alpha ( void ) const;
    // Does object contain valid color?
    void           isValid ( bool valid_ );
    bool           isValid ( void ) const;
    // Set color via X11 color specification string
    const Color& operator= ( const std::string &x11color_ );
    const Color& operator= ( const char * x11color_ );

    // Assignment operator
    Color& operator= ( const Color& color_ );

    // Return X11 color specification string
    /* virtual */ operator std::string() const;

    // Return ImageMagick PixelPacket
    operator PixelPacket() const;

    // Construct color via ImageMagick PixelPacket
    Color ( const PixelPacket &color_ );

    // Set color via ImageMagick PixelPacket
    const Color& operator= ( const PixelPacket &color_ );

    // Public methods beyond this point are for Magick++ use only.

    // Obtain pixel intensity as a double
    double intensity ( void ) const
        return (0.299*(_pixel->red)+0.587*(_pixel->green)+0.114*(_pixel->blue));

    // Scale a value expressed as a double (0-1) to Quantum range (0-QuantumRange)
    static Quantum scaleDoubleToQuantum( const double double_ )
        return (static_cast<Magick::Quantum>(double_*QuantumRange));

    // Scale a value expressed as a Quantum (0-QuantumRange) to double range (0-1)
    static double scaleQuantumToDouble( const Quantum quantum_ )
        return (static_cast<double>(quantum_)/QuantumRange);
    static double scaleQuantumToDouble( const double quantum_ )
        return (quantum_/QuantumRange);


    // PixelType specifies the interpretation of PixelPacket members
    // RGBPixel:
    //   Red      = red;
    //   Green    = green;
    //   Blue     = blue;
    // RGBAPixel:
    //   Red      = red;
    //   Green    = green;
    //   Blue     = blue;
    //   Alpha    = opacity;
    // CYMKPixel:
    //   Cyan     = red
    //   Yellow   = green
    //   Magenta  = blue
    //   Black(K) = opacity
    enum PixelType

    // Constructor to construct with PixelPacket*
    // Used to point Color at a pixel in an image
    Color ( PixelPacket* rep_, PixelType pixelType_ );

    // Set pixel
    // Used to point Color at a pixel in an image
    void pixel ( PixelPacket* rep_, PixelType pixelType_ );

    // PixelPacket represents a color pixel:
    //  red     = red   (range 0 to QuantumRange)
    //  green   = green (range 0 to QuantumRange)
    //  blue    = blue  (range 0 to QuantumRange)
    //  opacity = alpha (range OpaqueOpacity=0 to TransparentOpacity=QuantumRange)
    //  index   = PseudoColor colormap index
    PixelPacket*     _pixel;


    // Common initializer for PixelPacket representation
    void initPixel();

    // Set true if we allocated pixel
    bool                        _pixelOwn;

    // Set true if pixel is "valid"
    bool                       _isValid;

    // Color type supported by _pixel
    PixelType                   _pixelType;


  // HSL Colorspace colors
  class MagickPPExport ColorHSL : public Color
    ColorHSL ( double hue_, double saturation_, double luminosity_ );
    ColorHSL ( void );
    ColorHSL ( const Color & color_ );
    /* virtual */  ~ColorHSL ( );
    void           hue ( double hue_ );
    double         hue ( void ) const;
    void           saturation ( double saturation_ );
    double         saturation ( void ) const;
    void           luminosity ( double luminosity_ );
    double         luminosity ( void ) const;

    // Assignment operator from base class
    ColorHSL& operator= ( const Color& color_ );

    // Constructor to construct with PixelPacket*
    ColorHSL ( PixelPacket* rep_, PixelType pixelType_ );
  // Grayscale RGB color
  // Grayscale is simply RGB with equal parts of red, green, and blue
  // All double arguments have a valid range of 0.0 - 1.0.
  class MagickPPExport ColorGray : public Color
    ColorGray ( double shade_ );
    ColorGray ( void );
    ColorGray ( const Color & color_ );
    /* virtual */ ~ColorGray ();

    void           shade ( double shade_ );
    double         shade ( void ) const;

    // Assignment operator from base class
    ColorGray& operator= ( const Color& color_ );

    // Constructor to construct with PixelPacket*
    ColorGray ( PixelPacket* rep_, PixelType pixelType_ );
  // Monochrome color
  // Color arguments are constrained to 'false' (black pixel) and 'true'
  // (white pixel)
  class MagickPPExport ColorMono : public Color
    ColorMono ( bool mono_ );
    ColorMono ( void );
    ColorMono ( const Color & color_ );
    /* virtual */ ~ColorMono ();
    void           mono ( bool mono_ );
    bool           mono ( void ) const;

    // Assignment operator from base class
    ColorMono& operator= ( const Color& color_ );

    // Constructor to construct with PixelPacket*
    ColorMono ( PixelPacket* rep_, PixelType pixelType_ );
  // RGB color
  // All color arguments have a valid range of 0.0 - 1.0.
  class MagickPPExport ColorRGB : public Color
    ColorRGB ( double red_, double green_, double blue_ );
    ColorRGB ( void );
    ColorRGB ( const Color & color_ );
    /* virtual */  ~ColorRGB ( void );
    void           red ( double red_ );
    double         red ( void ) const;
    void           green ( double green_ );
    double         green ( void ) const;
    void           blue ( double blue_ );
    double         blue ( void ) const;

    // Assignment operator from base class
    ColorRGB& operator= ( const Color& color_ );

    // Constructor to construct with PixelPacket*
    ColorRGB ( PixelPacket* rep_, PixelType pixelType_ );
  // YUV Colorspace color
  // Argument ranges:
  //        Y:  0.0 through 1.0
  //        U: -0.5 through 0.5
  //        V: -0.5 through 0.5
  class MagickPPExport ColorYUV : public Color
    ColorYUV ( double y_, double u_, double v_ );
    ColorYUV ( void );
    ColorYUV ( const Color & color_ );
    /* virtual */ ~ColorYUV ( void );
    void           u ( double u_ );
    double         u ( void ) const;
    void           v ( double v_ );
    double         v ( void ) const;
    void           y ( double y_ );
    double         y ( void ) const;

    // Assignment operator from base class
    ColorYUV& operator= ( const Color& color_ );

    // Constructor to construct with PixelPacket*
    ColorYUV ( PixelPacket* rep_, PixelType pixelType_ );
} // namespace Magick

// Inlines

// Color

// Common initializer for PixelPacket representation
// Initialized transparent black
inline void Magick::Color::initPixel()
  _pixel->red     = 0;
  _pixel->green   = 0;
  _pixel->blue    = 0;
  _pixel->opacity = TransparentOpacity;

inline void Magick::Color::redQuantum ( Magick::Quantum red_ )
  _pixel->red = red_;
  _isValid = true;

inline Magick::Quantum Magick::Color::redQuantum ( void ) const
  return _pixel->red;

inline void Magick::Color::greenQuantum ( Magick::Quantum green_ )
  _pixel->green = green_;
  _isValid = true;

inline Magick::Quantum  Magick::Color::greenQuantum ( void ) const
  return _pixel->green;

inline void  Magick::Color::blueQuantum ( Magick::Quantum blue_ )
  _pixel->blue = blue_;
  _isValid = true;

inline Magick::Quantum Magick::Color::blueQuantum ( void ) const
  return _pixel->blue;

inline void  Magick::Color::alphaQuantum ( Magick::Quantum alpha_ )
  _pixel->opacity = alpha_;
  _isValid = true ;

inline Magick::Quantum Magick::Color::alphaQuantum ( void ) const
  return _pixel->opacity;

// Return ImageMagick PixelPacket struct based on color.
inline Magick::Color::operator MagickCore::PixelPacket () const
  return *_pixel;

// Scaled version of alpha for use in sub-classes
inline void  Magick::Color::alpha ( double alpha_ )
  alphaQuantum( scaleDoubleToQuantum(alpha_) );
inline double Magick::Color::alpha ( void ) const
  return scaleQuantumToDouble( alphaQuantum() );

// ColorHSL
inline Magick::ColorHSL::ColorHSL ( Magick::PixelPacket* rep_,
                                    Magick::Color::PixelType pixelType_ )
: Color( rep_, pixelType_ )

// ColorGray
inline Magick::ColorGray::ColorGray ( Magick::PixelPacket* rep_,
                                      Magick::Color::PixelType pixelType_ )
: Color( rep_, pixelType_ )

// ColorMono
inline Magick::ColorMono::ColorMono ( Magick::PixelPacket* rep_,
                                      Magick::Color::PixelType pixelType_ )
  : Color( rep_, pixelType_ )

// ColorRGB
inline Magick::ColorRGB::ColorRGB ( Magick::PixelPacket* rep_,
                                    Magick::Color::PixelType pixelType_ )
  : Color( rep_, pixelType_ )

inline void Magick::ColorRGB::red ( double red_ )
  redQuantum( scaleDoubleToQuantum(red_) );

inline double Magick::ColorRGB::red ( void ) const
  return scaleQuantumToDouble( redQuantum() );

inline void Magick::ColorRGB::green ( double green_ )
  greenQuantum( scaleDoubleToQuantum(green_) );

inline double Magick::ColorRGB::green ( void ) const
  return scaleQuantumToDouble( greenQuantum() );

inline void Magick::ColorRGB::blue ( double blue_ )
  blueQuantum( scaleDoubleToQuantum(blue_) );

inline double Magick::ColorRGB::blue ( void ) const
  return scaleQuantumToDouble( blueQuantum() );

// ColorYUV

inline Magick::ColorYUV::ColorYUV ( Magick::PixelPacket* rep_,
                                    Magick::Color::PixelType pixelType_ )
  : Color( rep_, pixelType_ )

#endif // Magick_Color_header

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */