
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. numberOfCharactersJustAppended
  2. push
  3. pop
  4. top
  5. size
  6. depthCrossingShadowBoundaries
  7. nextInPreOrderCrossingShadowBoundaries
  8. fullyClipsContents
  9. ignoresContainerClip
  10. pushFullyClippedState
  11. setUpFullyClippedStack
  12. m_entersAuthorShadowRoots
  13. m_entersAuthorShadowRoots
  14. initialize
  15. advance
  16. characterAt
  17. substring
  18. appendTextToStringBuilder
  19. handleTextNode
  20. handleTextBox
  21. firstRenderTextInFirstLetter
  22. handleTextNodeFirstLetter
  23. handleReplacedElement
  24. hasVisibleTextNode
  25. shouldEmitTabBeforeNode
  26. shouldEmitNewlineForNode
  27. shouldEmitNewlinesBeforeAndAfterNode
  28. shouldEmitNewlineAfterNode
  29. shouldEmitNewlineBeforeNode
  30. shouldEmitExtraNewlineForNode
  31. collapsedSpaceLength
  32. maxOffsetIncludingCollapsedSpaces
  33. shouldRepresentNodeOffsetZero
  34. shouldEmitSpaceBeforeAndAfterNode
  35. representNodeOffsetZero
  36. handleNonTextNode
  37. exitNode
  38. emitCharacter
  39. emitText
  40. emitText
  41. range
  42. node
  43. m_emitsOriginalText
  44. advance
  45. handleTextNode
  46. handleFirstLetter
  47. handleReplacedElement
  48. handleNonTextNode
  49. exitNode
  50. emitCharacter
  51. advanceRespectingRange
  52. range
  53. m_textIterator
  54. m_textIterator
  55. initialize
  56. range
  57. advance
  58. characterSubrange
  59. m_textIterator
  60. range
  61. advance
  62. m_textIterator
  63. advance
  64. length
  65. substring
  66. characterAt
  67. createSearcher
  68. searcher
  69. lockSearcher
  70. unlockSearcher
  71. m_targetRequiresKanaWorkaround
  72. append
  73. needsMoreContext
  74. prependContext
  75. atBreak
  76. reachedBreak
  77. isBadMatch
  78. isWordStartMatch
  79. search
  80. rangeLength
  81. subrange
  82. plainText
  83. collapsedToBoundary
  84. findPlainTextInternal
  85. findPlainText
  86. findPlainText

 * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (C) 2005 Alexey Proskuryakov.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
 * are met:
 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.

#include "config.h"
#include "core/editing/TextIterator.h"

#include "HTMLNames.h"
#include "bindings/v8/ExceptionStatePlaceholder.h"
#include "core/dom/Document.h"
#include "core/dom/NodeTraversal.h"
#include "core/dom/shadow/ShadowRoot.h"
#include "core/editing/VisiblePosition.h"
#include "core/editing/VisibleUnits.h"
#include "core/editing/htmlediting.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLElement.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLTextFormControlElement.h"
#include "core/rendering/InlineTextBox.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderImage.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderTableCell.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderTableRow.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderTextControl.h"
#include "core/rendering/RenderTextFragment.h"
#include "platform/fonts/Character.h"
#include "platform/fonts/Font.h"
#include "platform/text/TextBoundaries.h"
#include "platform/text/TextBreakIteratorInternalICU.h"
#include "platform/text/UnicodeUtilities.h"
#include "wtf/text/CString.h"
#include "wtf/text/StringBuilder.h"
#include "wtf/unicode/CharacterNames.h"
#include <unicode/usearch.h>

using namespace WTF::Unicode;
using namespace std;

namespace WebCore {

using namespace HTMLNames;

// Buffer that knows how to compare with a search target.
// Keeps enough of the previous text to be able to search in the future, but no more.
// Non-breaking spaces are always equal to normal spaces.
// Case folding is also done if the CaseInsensitive option is specified.
// Matches are further filtered if the AtWordStarts option is specified, although some
// matches inside a word are permitted if TreatMedialCapitalAsWordStart is specified as well.
class SearchBuffer {
    SearchBuffer(const String& target, FindOptions);

    // Returns number of characters appended; guaranteed to be in the range [1, length].
    template<typename CharType>
    void append(const CharType*, size_t length);
    size_t numberOfCharactersJustAppended() const { return m_numberOfCharactersJustAppended; }

    bool needsMoreContext() const;
    void prependContext(const UChar*, size_t length);
    void reachedBreak();

    // Result is the size in characters of what was found.
    // And <startOffset> is the number of characters back to the start of what was found.
    size_t search(size_t& startOffset);
    bool atBreak() const;

    bool isBadMatch(const UChar*, size_t length) const;
    bool isWordStartMatch(size_t start, size_t length) const;

    Vector<UChar> m_target;
    FindOptions m_options;

    Vector<UChar> m_buffer;
    size_t m_overlap;
    size_t m_prefixLength;
    size_t m_numberOfCharactersJustAppended;
    bool m_atBreak;
    bool m_needsMoreContext;

    bool m_targetRequiresKanaWorkaround;
    Vector<UChar> m_normalizedTarget;
    mutable Vector<UChar> m_normalizedMatch;

// --------

static const unsigned bitsInWord = sizeof(unsigned) * 8;
static const unsigned bitInWordMask = bitsInWord - 1;

    : m_size(0)


void BitStack::push(bool bit)
    unsigned index = m_size / bitsInWord;
    unsigned shift = m_size & bitInWordMask;
    if (!shift && index == m_words.size()) {
        m_words.grow(index + 1);
        m_words[index] = 0;
    unsigned& word = m_words[index];
    unsigned mask = 1U << shift;
    if (bit)
        word |= mask;
        word &= ~mask;

void BitStack::pop()
    if (m_size)

bool BitStack::top() const
    if (!m_size)
        return false;
    unsigned shift = (m_size - 1) & bitInWordMask;
    return m_words.last() & (1U << shift);

unsigned BitStack::size() const
    return m_size;

// --------


static unsigned depthCrossingShadowBoundaries(Node* node)
    unsigned depth = 0;
    for (Node* parent = node->parentOrShadowHostNode(); parent; parent = parent->parentOrShadowHostNode())
    return depth;


// This function is like Range::pastLastNode, except for the fact that it can climb up out of shadow trees.
static Node* nextInPreOrderCrossingShadowBoundaries(Node* rangeEndContainer, int rangeEndOffset)
    if (!rangeEndContainer)
        return 0;
    if (rangeEndOffset >= 0 && !rangeEndContainer->offsetInCharacters()) {
        if (Node* next = rangeEndContainer->traverseToChildAt(rangeEndOffset))
            return next;
    for (Node* node = rangeEndContainer; node; node = node->parentOrShadowHostNode()) {
        if (Node* next = node->nextSibling())
            return next;
    return 0;

// --------

static inline bool fullyClipsContents(Node* node)
    RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer();
    if (!renderer || !renderer->isBox() || !renderer->hasOverflowClip())
        return false;
    return toRenderBox(renderer)->size().isEmpty();

static inline bool ignoresContainerClip(Node* node)
    RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer();
    if (!renderer || renderer->isText())
        return false;
    return renderer->style()->hasOutOfFlowPosition();

static void pushFullyClippedState(BitStack& stack, Node* node)
    ASSERT(stack.size() == depthCrossingShadowBoundaries(node));

    // FIXME: m_fullyClippedStack was added in response to <>
    // ("Search can find text that's hidden by overflow:hidden"), but the logic here will not work correctly if
    // a shadow tree redistributes nodes. m_fullyClippedStack relies on the assumption that DOM node hierarchy matches
    // the render tree, which is not necessarily true if there happens to be shadow DOM distribution or other mechanics
    // that shuffle around the render objects regardless of node tree hierarchy (like CSS flexbox).
    // A more appropriate way to handle this situation is to detect overflow:hidden blocks by using only rendering
    // primitives, not with DOM primitives.

    // Push true if this node full clips its contents, or if a parent already has fully
    // clipped and this is not a node that ignores its container's clip.
    stack.push(fullyClipsContents(node) || ( && !ignoresContainerClip(node)));

static void setUpFullyClippedStack(BitStack& stack, Node* node)
    // Put the nodes in a vector so we can iterate in reverse order.
    Vector<Node*, 100> ancestry;
    for (Node* parent = node->parentOrShadowHostNode(); parent; parent = parent->parentOrShadowHostNode())

    // Call pushFullyClippedState on each node starting with the earliest ancestor.
    size_t size = ancestry.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        pushFullyClippedState(stack, ancestry[size - i - 1]);
    pushFullyClippedState(stack, node);

    ASSERT(stack.size() == 1 + depthCrossingShadowBoundaries(node));

// --------

TextIterator::TextIterator(const Range* range, TextIteratorBehaviorFlags behavior)
    : m_shadowDepth(0)
    , m_startContainer(0)
    , m_startOffset(0)
    , m_endContainer(0)
    , m_endOffset(0)
    , m_positionNode(0)
    , m_textLength(0)
    , m_needsAnotherNewline(false)
    , m_textBox(0)
    , m_remainingTextBox(0)
    , m_firstLetterText(0)
    , m_lastTextNode(0)
    , m_lastTextNodeEndedWithCollapsedSpace(false)
    , m_lastCharacter(0)
    , m_sortedTextBoxesPosition(0)
    , m_hasEmitted(false)
    , m_emitsCharactersBetweenAllVisiblePositions(behavior & TextIteratorEmitsCharactersBetweenAllVisiblePositions)
    , m_entersTextControls(behavior & TextIteratorEntersTextControls)
    , m_emitsOriginalText(behavior & TextIteratorEmitsOriginalText)
    , m_handledFirstLetter(false)
    , m_ignoresStyleVisibility(behavior & TextIteratorIgnoresStyleVisibility)
    , m_stopsOnFormControls(behavior & TextIteratorStopsOnFormControls)
    , m_shouldStop(false)
    , m_emitsImageAltText(behavior & TextIteratorEmitsImageAltText)
    , m_entersAuthorShadowRoots(behavior & TextIteratorEntersAuthorShadowRoots)
    if (range)
        initialize(range->startPosition(), range->endPosition());

TextIterator::TextIterator(const Position& start, const Position& end, TextIteratorBehaviorFlags behavior)
    : m_shadowDepth(0)
    , m_startContainer(0)
    , m_startOffset(0)
    , m_endContainer(0)
    , m_endOffset(0)
    , m_positionNode(0)
    , m_textLength(0)
    , m_needsAnotherNewline(false)
    , m_textBox(0)
    , m_remainingTextBox(0)
    , m_firstLetterText(0)
    , m_lastTextNode(0)
    , m_lastTextNodeEndedWithCollapsedSpace(false)
    , m_lastCharacter(0)
    , m_sortedTextBoxesPosition(0)
    , m_hasEmitted(false)
    , m_emitsCharactersBetweenAllVisiblePositions(behavior & TextIteratorEmitsCharactersBetweenAllVisiblePositions)
    , m_entersTextControls(behavior & TextIteratorEntersTextControls)
    , m_emitsOriginalText(behavior & TextIteratorEmitsOriginalText)
    , m_handledFirstLetter(false)
    , m_ignoresStyleVisibility(behavior & TextIteratorIgnoresStyleVisibility)
    , m_stopsOnFormControls(behavior & TextIteratorStopsOnFormControls)
    , m_shouldStop(false)
    , m_emitsImageAltText(behavior & TextIteratorEmitsImageAltText)
    , m_entersAuthorShadowRoots(behavior & TextIteratorEntersAuthorShadowRoots)
    initialize(start, end);

void TextIterator::initialize(const Position& start, const Position& end)
    ASSERT(comparePositions(start, end) <= 0);

    // Get and validate |start| and |end|.
    Node* startContainer = start.containerNode();
    if (!startContainer)
    int startOffset = start.computeOffsetInContainerNode();
    Node* endContainer = end.containerNode();
    if (!endContainer)
    int endOffset = end.computeOffsetInContainerNode();

    // Remember the range - this does not change.
    m_startContainer = startContainer;
    m_startOffset = startOffset;
    m_endContainer = endContainer;
    m_endOffset = endOffset;

    // Set up the current node for processing.
    if (startContainer->offsetInCharacters())
        m_node = startContainer;
    else if (Node* child = startContainer->traverseToChildAt(startOffset))
        m_node = child;
    else if (!startOffset)
        m_node = startContainer;
        m_node = NodeTraversal::nextSkippingChildren(*startContainer);

    if (!m_node)

    setUpFullyClippedStack(m_fullyClippedStack, m_node);
    m_offset = m_node == m_startContainer ? m_startOffset : 0;
    m_iterationProgress = HandledNone;

    // Calculate first out of bounds node.
    m_pastEndNode = nextInPreOrderCrossingShadowBoundaries(endContainer, endOffset);

    // Identify the first run.


void TextIterator::advance()
    if (m_shouldStop)

    // reset the run information
    m_positionNode = 0;
    m_textLength = 0;

    // handle remembered node that needed a newline after the text node's newline
    if (m_needsAnotherNewline) {
        // Emit the extra newline, and position it *inside* m_node, after m_node's
        // contents, in case it's a block, in the same way that we position the first
        // newline. The range for the emitted newline should start where the line
        // break begins.
        // FIXME: It would be cleaner if we emitted two newlines during the last
        // iteration, instead of using m_needsAnotherNewline.
        Node* baseNode = m_node->lastChild() ? m_node->lastChild() : m_node;
        emitCharacter('\n', baseNode->parentNode(), baseNode, 1, 1);
        m_needsAnotherNewline = false;

    if (!m_textBox && m_remainingTextBox) {
        m_textBox = m_remainingTextBox;
        m_remainingTextBox = 0;
        m_firstLetterText = 0;
        m_offset = 0;
    // handle remembered text box
    if (m_textBox) {
        if (m_positionNode)

    while (m_node && (m_node != m_pastEndNode || m_shadowDepth > 0)) {
        if (!m_shouldStop && m_stopsOnFormControls && HTMLFormControlElement::enclosingFormControlElement(m_node))
            m_shouldStop = true;

        // if the range ends at offset 0 of an element, represent the
        // position, but not the content, of that element e.g. if the
        // node is a blockflow element, emit a newline that
        // precedes the element
        if (m_node == m_endContainer && !m_endOffset) {
            m_node = 0;

        RenderObject* renderer = m_node->renderer();
        if (!renderer) {
            if (m_node->isShadowRoot()) {
                // A shadow root doesn't have a renderer, but we want to visit children anyway.
                m_iterationProgress = m_iterationProgress < HandledNode ? HandledNode : m_iterationProgress;
            } else {
                m_iterationProgress = HandledChildren;
        } else {
            // Enter author shadow roots, from youngest, if any and if necessary.
            if (m_iterationProgress < HandledAuthorShadowRoots) {
                if (m_entersAuthorShadowRoots && m_node->isElementNode() && toElement(m_node)->hasAuthorShadowRoot()) {
                    ShadowRoot* youngestShadowRoot = toElement(m_node)->shadowRoot();
                    ASSERT(youngestShadowRoot->type() == ShadowRoot::AuthorShadowRoot);
                    m_node = youngestShadowRoot;
                    m_iterationProgress = HandledNone;
                    pushFullyClippedState(m_fullyClippedStack, m_node);

                m_iterationProgress = HandledAuthorShadowRoots;

            // Enter user-agent shadow root, if necessary.
            if (m_iterationProgress < HandledUserAgentShadowRoot) {
                if (m_entersTextControls && renderer->isTextControl()) {
                    ShadowRoot* userAgentShadowRoot = toElement(m_node)->userAgentShadowRoot();
                    ASSERT(userAgentShadowRoot->type() == ShadowRoot::UserAgentShadowRoot);
                    m_node = userAgentShadowRoot;
                    m_iterationProgress = HandledNone;
                    pushFullyClippedState(m_fullyClippedStack, m_node);
                m_iterationProgress = HandledUserAgentShadowRoot;

            // Handle the current node according to its type.
            if (m_iterationProgress < HandledNode) {
                bool handledNode = false;
                if (renderer->isText() && m_node->nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE) { // FIXME: What about CDATA_SECTION_NODE?
                    handledNode = handleTextNode();
                } else if (renderer && (renderer->isImage() || renderer->isWidget()
                    || (m_node && m_node->isElementNode()
                    && (toElement(m_node)->isFormControlElement()
                    || isHTMLLegendElement(toElement(*m_node))
                    || isHTMLMeterElement(toElement(*m_node))
                    || isHTMLProgressElement(toElement(*m_node)))))) {
                    handledNode = handleReplacedElement();
                } else {
                    handledNode = handleNonTextNode();
                if (handledNode)
                    m_iterationProgress = HandledNode;
                if (m_positionNode)

        // Find a new current node to handle in depth-first manner,
        // calling exitNode() as we come back thru a parent node.
        // 1. Iterate over child nodes, if we haven't done yet.
        Node* next = m_iterationProgress < HandledChildren ? m_node->firstChild() : 0;
        m_offset = 0;
        if (!next) {
            // 2. If we've already iterated children or they are not available, go to the next sibling node.
            next = m_node->nextSibling();
            if (!next) {
                // 3. If we are at the last child, go up the node tree until we find a next sibling.
                bool pastEnd = NodeTraversal::next(*m_node) == m_pastEndNode;
                Node* parentNode = m_node->parentNode();
                while (!next && parentNode) {
                    if ((pastEnd && parentNode == m_endContainer) || m_endContainer->isDescendantOf(parentNode))
                    bool haveRenderer = m_node->renderer();
                    m_node = parentNode;
                    parentNode = m_node->parentNode();
                    if (haveRenderer)
                    if (m_positionNode) {
                        m_iterationProgress = HandledChildren;
                    next = m_node->nextSibling();

                if (!next && !parentNode && m_shadowDepth > 0) {
                    // 4. Reached the top of a shadow root. If it's created by author, then try to visit the next
                    // sibling shadow root, if any.
                    ShadowRoot* shadowRoot = toShadowRoot(m_node);
                    if (shadowRoot->type() == ShadowRoot::AuthorShadowRoot) {
                        ShadowRoot* nextShadowRoot = shadowRoot->olderShadowRoot();
                        if (nextShadowRoot && nextShadowRoot->type() == ShadowRoot::AuthorShadowRoot) {
                            m_node = nextShadowRoot;
                            m_iterationProgress = HandledNone;
                            // m_shadowDepth is unchanged since we exit from a shadow root and enter another.
                            pushFullyClippedState(m_fullyClippedStack, m_node);
                        } else {
                            // We are the last shadow root; exit from here and go back to where we were.
                            m_node = shadowRoot->host();
                            m_iterationProgress = HandledAuthorShadowRoots;
                    } else {
                        // If we are in a user-agent shadow root, then go back to the host.
                        ASSERT(shadowRoot->type() == ShadowRoot::UserAgentShadowRoot);
                        m_node = shadowRoot->host();
                        m_iterationProgress = HandledUserAgentShadowRoot;
                    m_handledFirstLetter = false;
                    m_firstLetterText = 0;

        // set the new current node
        m_node = next;
        if (m_node)
            pushFullyClippedState(m_fullyClippedStack, m_node);
        m_iterationProgress = HandledNone;
        m_handledFirstLetter = false;
        m_firstLetterText = 0;

        // how would this ever be?
        if (m_positionNode)

UChar TextIterator::characterAt(unsigned index) const
    ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(index < static_cast<unsigned>(length()));
    if (!(index < static_cast<unsigned>(length())))
        return 0;

    if (m_singleCharacterBuffer) {
        ASSERT(length() == 1);
        return m_singleCharacterBuffer;

    return string()[startOffset() + index];

String TextIterator::substring(unsigned position, unsigned length) const
    ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(position <= static_cast<unsigned>(this->length()));
    ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(position + length <= static_cast<unsigned>(this->length()));
    if (!length)
        return emptyString();
    if (m_singleCharacterBuffer) {
        ASSERT(length == 1);
        return String(&m_singleCharacterBuffer, 1);
    return string().substring(startOffset() + position, length);

void TextIterator::appendTextToStringBuilder(StringBuilder& builder, unsigned position, unsigned maxLength) const
    unsigned lengthToAppend = std::min(static_cast<unsigned>(length()) - position, maxLength);
    if (!lengthToAppend)
    if (m_singleCharacterBuffer) {
    } else {
        builder.append(string(), startOffset() + position, lengthToAppend);

bool TextIterator::handleTextNode()
    if ( && !m_ignoresStyleVisibility)
        return false;

    RenderText* renderer = toRenderText(m_node->renderer());

    m_lastTextNode = m_node;
    String str = renderer->text();

    // handle pre-formatted text
    if (!renderer->style()->collapseWhiteSpace()) {
        int runStart = m_offset;
        if (m_lastTextNodeEndedWithCollapsedSpace && hasVisibleTextNode(renderer)) {
            emitCharacter(' ', m_node, 0, runStart, runStart);
            return false;
        if (!m_handledFirstLetter && renderer->isTextFragment() && !m_offset) {
            if (m_firstLetterText) {
                String firstLetter = m_firstLetterText->text();
                emitText(m_node, m_firstLetterText, m_offset, m_offset + firstLetter.length());
                m_firstLetterText = 0;
                m_textBox = 0;
                return false;
        if (renderer->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE && !m_ignoresStyleVisibility)
            return false;
        int strLength = str.length();
        int end = (m_node == m_endContainer) ? m_endOffset : INT_MAX;
        int runEnd = min(strLength, end);

        if (runStart >= runEnd)
            return true;

        emitText(m_node, runStart, runEnd);
        return true;

    if (renderer->firstTextBox())
        m_textBox = renderer->firstTextBox();

    bool shouldHandleFirstLetter = !m_handledFirstLetter && renderer->isTextFragment() && !m_offset;
    if (shouldHandleFirstLetter)

    if (!renderer->firstTextBox() && str.length() > 0 && !shouldHandleFirstLetter) {
        if (renderer->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE && !m_ignoresStyleVisibility)
            return false;
        m_lastTextNodeEndedWithCollapsedSpace = true; // entire block is collapsed space
        return true;

    if (m_firstLetterText)
        renderer = m_firstLetterText;

    // Used when text boxes are out of order (Hebrew/Arabic w/ embeded LTR text)
    if (renderer->containsReversedText()) {
        for (InlineTextBox* textBox = renderer->firstTextBox(); textBox; textBox = textBox->nextTextBox()) {
        std::sort(m_sortedTextBoxes.begin(), m_sortedTextBoxes.end(), InlineTextBox::compareByStart);
        m_sortedTextBoxesPosition = 0;
        m_textBox = m_sortedTextBoxes.isEmpty() ? 0 : m_sortedTextBoxes[0];

    return true;

void TextIterator::handleTextBox()
    RenderText* renderer = m_firstLetterText ? m_firstLetterText : toRenderText(m_node->renderer());
    if (renderer->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE && !m_ignoresStyleVisibility) {
        m_textBox = 0;
    String str = renderer->text();
    unsigned start = m_offset;
    unsigned end = (m_node == m_endContainer) ? static_cast<unsigned>(m_endOffset) : INT_MAX;
    while (m_textBox) {
        unsigned textBoxStart = m_textBox->start();
        unsigned runStart = max(textBoxStart, start);

        // Check for collapsed space at the start of this run.
        InlineTextBox* firstTextBox = renderer->containsReversedText() ? (m_sortedTextBoxes.isEmpty() ? 0 : m_sortedTextBoxes[0]) : renderer->firstTextBox();
        bool needSpace = m_lastTextNodeEndedWithCollapsedSpace
            || (m_textBox == firstTextBox && textBoxStart == runStart && runStart > 0);
        if (needSpace && !renderer->style()->isCollapsibleWhiteSpace(m_lastCharacter) && m_lastCharacter) {
            if (m_lastTextNode == m_node && runStart > 0 && str[runStart - 1] == ' ') {
                unsigned spaceRunStart = runStart - 1;
                while (spaceRunStart > 0 && str[spaceRunStart - 1] == ' ')
                emitText(m_node, renderer, spaceRunStart, spaceRunStart + 1);
            } else {
                emitCharacter(' ', m_node, 0, runStart, runStart);
        unsigned textBoxEnd = textBoxStart + m_textBox->len();
        unsigned runEnd = min(textBoxEnd, end);

        // Determine what the next text box will be, but don't advance yet
        InlineTextBox* nextTextBox = 0;
        if (renderer->containsReversedText()) {
            if (m_sortedTextBoxesPosition + 1 < m_sortedTextBoxes.size())
                nextTextBox = m_sortedTextBoxes[m_sortedTextBoxesPosition + 1];
        } else {
            nextTextBox = m_textBox->nextTextBox();
        ASSERT(!nextTextBox || nextTextBox->renderer() == renderer);

        if (runStart < runEnd) {
            // Handle either a single newline character (which becomes a space),
            // or a run of characters that does not include a newline.
            // This effectively translates newlines to spaces without copying the text.
            if (str[runStart] == '\n') {
                emitCharacter(' ', m_node, 0, runStart, runStart + 1);
                m_offset = runStart + 1;
            } else {
                size_t subrunEnd = str.find('\n', runStart);
                if (subrunEnd == kNotFound || subrunEnd > runEnd)
                    subrunEnd = runEnd;

                m_offset = subrunEnd;
                emitText(m_node, renderer, runStart, subrunEnd);

            // If we are doing a subrun that doesn't go to the end of the text box,
            // come back again to finish handling this text box; don't advance to the next one.
            if (static_cast<unsigned>(m_positionEndOffset) < textBoxEnd)

            // Advance and return
            unsigned nextRunStart = nextTextBox ? nextTextBox->start() : str.length();
            if (nextRunStart > runEnd)
                m_lastTextNodeEndedWithCollapsedSpace = true; // collapsed space between runs or at the end
            m_textBox = nextTextBox;
            if (renderer->containsReversedText())
        // Advance and continue
        m_textBox = nextTextBox;
        if (renderer->containsReversedText())
    if (!m_textBox && m_remainingTextBox) {
        m_textBox = m_remainingTextBox;
        m_remainingTextBox = 0;
        m_firstLetterText = 0;
        m_offset = 0;

static inline RenderText* firstRenderTextInFirstLetter(RenderObject* firstLetter)
    if (!firstLetter)
        return 0;

    // FIXME: Should this check descendent objects?
    for (RenderObject* current = firstLetter->firstChild(); current; current = current->nextSibling()) {
        if (current->isText())
            return toRenderText(current);
    return 0;

void TextIterator::handleTextNodeFirstLetter(RenderTextFragment* renderer)
    if (renderer->firstLetter()) {
        RenderObject* r = renderer->firstLetter();
        if (r->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE && !m_ignoresStyleVisibility)
        if (RenderText* firstLetter = firstRenderTextInFirstLetter(r)) {
            m_handledFirstLetter = true;
            m_remainingTextBox = m_textBox;
            m_textBox = firstLetter->firstTextBox();
            m_firstLetterText = firstLetter;
    m_handledFirstLetter = true;

bool TextIterator::handleReplacedElement()
    if (
        return false;

    RenderObject* renderer = m_node->renderer();
    if (renderer->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE && !m_ignoresStyleVisibility)
        return false;

    if (m_lastTextNodeEndedWithCollapsedSpace) {
        emitCharacter(' ', m_lastTextNode->parentNode(), m_lastTextNode, 1, 1);
        return false;

    if (m_entersTextControls && renderer->isTextControl()) {
        // The shadow tree should be already visited.
        return true;

    m_hasEmitted = true;

    if (m_emitsCharactersBetweenAllVisiblePositions) {
        // We want replaced elements to behave like punctuation for boundary
        // finding, and to simply take up space for the selection preservation
        // code in moveParagraphs, so we use a comma.
        emitCharacter(',', m_node->parentNode(), m_node, 0, 1);
        return true;

    m_positionNode = m_node->parentNode();
    m_positionOffsetBaseNode = m_node;
    m_positionStartOffset = 0;
    m_positionEndOffset = 1;
    m_singleCharacterBuffer = 0;

    if (m_emitsImageAltText && renderer->isImage() && renderer->isRenderImage()) {
        m_text = toRenderImage(renderer)->altText();
        if (!m_text.isEmpty()) {
            m_textLength = m_text.length();
            m_lastCharacter = m_text[m_textLength - 1];
            return true;

    m_textLength = 0;
    m_lastCharacter = 0;

    return true;

bool TextIterator::hasVisibleTextNode(RenderText* renderer)
    if (renderer->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE)
        return true;
    if (renderer->isTextFragment()) {
        RenderTextFragment* fragment = toRenderTextFragment(renderer);
        if (fragment->firstLetter() && fragment->firstLetter()->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE)
            return true;
    return false;

static bool shouldEmitTabBeforeNode(Node* node)
    RenderObject* r = node->renderer();

    // Table cells are delimited by tabs.
    if (!r || !isTableCell(node))
        return false;

    // Want a tab before every cell other than the first one
    RenderTableCell* rc = toRenderTableCell(r);
    RenderTable* t = rc->table();
    return t && (t->cellBefore(rc) || t->cellAbove(rc));

static bool shouldEmitNewlineForNode(Node* node, bool emitsOriginalText)
    RenderObject* renderer = node->renderer();

    if (renderer ? !renderer->isBR() : !isHTMLBRElement(node))
        return false;
    return emitsOriginalText || !(node->isInShadowTree() && isHTMLInputElement(*node->shadowHost()));

static bool shouldEmitNewlinesBeforeAndAfterNode(Node& node)
    // Block flow (versus inline flow) is represented by having
    // a newline both before and after the element.
    RenderObject* r = node.renderer();
    if (!r) {
        return (node.hasTagName(blockquoteTag)
            || node.hasTagName(ddTag)
            || node.hasTagName(divTag)
            || node.hasTagName(dlTag)
            || node.hasTagName(dtTag)
            || node.hasTagName(h1Tag)
            || node.hasTagName(h2Tag)
            || node.hasTagName(h3Tag)
            || node.hasTagName(h4Tag)
            || node.hasTagName(h5Tag)
            || node.hasTagName(h6Tag)
            || node.hasTagName(hrTag)
            || node.hasTagName(liTag)
            || node.hasTagName(listingTag)
            || node.hasTagName(olTag)
            || node.hasTagName(pTag)
            || node.hasTagName(preTag)
            || node.hasTagName(trTag)
            || node.hasTagName(ulTag));

    // Need to make an exception for table cells, because they are blocks, but we
    // want them tab-delimited rather than having newlines before and after.
    if (isTableCell(&node))
        return false;

    // Need to make an exception for table row elements, because they are neither
    // "inline" or "RenderBlock", but we want newlines for them.
    if (r->isTableRow()) {
        RenderTable* t = toRenderTableRow(r)->table();
        if (t && !t->isInline())
            return true;

    return !r->isInline() && r->isRenderBlock()
        && !r->isFloatingOrOutOfFlowPositioned() && !r->isBody() && !r->isRubyText();

static bool shouldEmitNewlineAfterNode(Node& node)
    // FIXME: It should be better but slower to create a VisiblePosition here.
    if (!shouldEmitNewlinesBeforeAndAfterNode(node))
        return false;
    // Check if this is the very last renderer in the document.
    // If so, then we should not emit a newline.
    Node* next = &node;
    while ((next = NodeTraversal::nextSkippingChildren(*next))) {
        if (next->renderer())
            return true;
    return false;

static bool shouldEmitNewlineBeforeNode(Node& node)
    return shouldEmitNewlinesBeforeAndAfterNode(node);

static bool shouldEmitExtraNewlineForNode(Node* node)
    // When there is a significant collapsed bottom margin, emit an extra
    // newline for a more realistic result. We end up getting the right
    // result even without margin collapsing. For example: <div><p>text</p></div>
    // will work right even if both the <div> and the <p> have bottom margins.
    RenderObject* r = node->renderer();
    if (!r || !r->isBox())
        return false;

    // NOTE: We only do this for a select set of nodes, and fwiw WinIE appears
    // not to do this at all
    if (node->hasTagName(h1Tag)
        || node->hasTagName(h2Tag)
        || node->hasTagName(h3Tag)
        || node->hasTagName(h4Tag)
        || node->hasTagName(h5Tag)
        || node->hasTagName(h6Tag)
        || node->hasTagName(pTag)) {
        RenderStyle* style = r->style();
        if (style) {
            int bottomMargin = toRenderBox(r)->collapsedMarginAfter();
            int fontSize = style->fontDescription().computedPixelSize();
            if (bottomMargin * 2 >= fontSize)
                return true;

    return false;

static int collapsedSpaceLength(RenderText* renderer, int textEnd)
    const String& text = renderer->text();
    int length = text.length();
    for (int i = textEnd; i < length; ++i) {
        if (!renderer->style()->isCollapsibleWhiteSpace(text[i]))
            return i - textEnd;

    return length - textEnd;

static int maxOffsetIncludingCollapsedSpaces(Node* node)
    int offset = caretMaxOffset(node);

    if (node->renderer() && node->renderer()->isText())
        offset += collapsedSpaceLength(toRenderText(node->renderer()), offset);

    return offset;

// Whether or not we should emit a character as we enter m_node (if it's a container) or as we hit it (if it's atomic).
bool TextIterator::shouldRepresentNodeOffsetZero()
    if (m_emitsCharactersBetweenAllVisiblePositions && isRenderedTable(m_node))
        return true;

    // Leave element positioned flush with start of a paragraph
    // (e.g. do not insert tab before a table cell at the start of a paragraph)
    if (m_lastCharacter == '\n')
        return false;

    // Otherwise, show the position if we have emitted any characters
    if (m_hasEmitted)
        return true;

    // We've not emitted anything yet. Generally, there is no need for any positioning then.
    // The only exception is when the element is visually not in the same line as
    // the start of the range (e.g. the range starts at the end of the previous paragraph).
    // NOTE: Creating VisiblePositions and comparing them is relatively expensive, so we
    // make quicker checks to possibly avoid that. Another check that we could make is
    // is whether the inline vs block flow changed since the previous visible element.
    // I think we're already in a special enough case that that won't be needed, tho.

    // No character needed if this is the first node in the range.
    if (m_node == m_startContainer)
        return false;

    // If we are outside the start container's subtree, assume we need to emit.
    // FIXME: m_startContainer could be an inline block
    if (!m_node->isDescendantOf(m_startContainer))
        return true;

    // If we started as m_startContainer offset 0 and the current node is a descendant of
    // the start container, we already had enough context to correctly decide whether to
    // emit after a preceding block. We chose not to emit (m_hasEmitted is false),
    // so don't second guess that now.
    // NOTE: Is this really correct when m_node is not a leftmost descendant? Probably
    // immaterial since we likely would have already emitted something by now.
    if (!m_startOffset)
        return false;

    // If this node is unrendered or invisible the VisiblePosition checks below won't have much meaning.
    // Additionally, if the range we are iterating over contains huge sections of unrendered content,
    // we would create VisiblePositions on every call to this function without this check.
    if (!m_node->renderer() || m_node->renderer()->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE
        || (m_node->renderer()->isRenderBlockFlow() && !toRenderBlock(m_node->renderer())->height() && !isHTMLBodyElement(*m_node)))
        return false;

    // The startPos.isNotNull() check is needed because the start could be before the body,
    // and in that case we'll get null. We don't want to put in newlines at the start in that case.
    // The currPos.isNotNull() check is needed because positions in non-HTML content
    // (like SVG) do not have visible positions, and we don't want to emit for them either.
    VisiblePosition startPos = VisiblePosition(Position(m_startContainer, m_startOffset, Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor), DOWNSTREAM);
    VisiblePosition currPos = VisiblePosition(positionBeforeNode(m_node), DOWNSTREAM);
    return startPos.isNotNull() && currPos.isNotNull() && !inSameLine(startPos, currPos);

bool TextIterator::shouldEmitSpaceBeforeAndAfterNode(Node* node)
    return isRenderedTable(node) && (node->renderer()->isInline() || m_emitsCharactersBetweenAllVisiblePositions);

void TextIterator::representNodeOffsetZero()
    // Emit a character to show the positioning of m_node.

    // When we haven't been emitting any characters, shouldRepresentNodeOffsetZero() can
    // create VisiblePositions, which is expensive. So, we perform the inexpensive checks
    // on m_node to see if it necessitates emitting a character first and will early return
    // before encountering shouldRepresentNodeOffsetZero()s worse case behavior.
    if (shouldEmitTabBeforeNode(m_node)) {
        if (shouldRepresentNodeOffsetZero())
            emitCharacter('\t', m_node->parentNode(), m_node, 0, 0);
    } else if (shouldEmitNewlineBeforeNode(*m_node)) {
        if (shouldRepresentNodeOffsetZero())
            emitCharacter('\n', m_node->parentNode(), m_node, 0, 0);
    } else if (shouldEmitSpaceBeforeAndAfterNode(m_node)) {
        if (shouldRepresentNodeOffsetZero())
            emitCharacter(' ', m_node->parentNode(), m_node, 0, 0);

bool TextIterator::handleNonTextNode()
    if (shouldEmitNewlineForNode(m_node, m_emitsOriginalText))
        emitCharacter('\n', m_node->parentNode(), m_node, 0, 1);
    else if (m_emitsCharactersBetweenAllVisiblePositions && m_node->renderer() && m_node->renderer()->isHR())
        emitCharacter(' ', m_node->parentNode(), m_node, 0, 1);

    return true;

void TextIterator::exitNode()
    // prevent emitting a newline when exiting a collapsed block at beginning of the range
    // FIXME: !m_hasEmitted does not necessarily mean there was a collapsed block... it could
    // have been an hr (e.g.). Also, a collapsed block could have height (e.g. a table) and
    // therefore look like a blank line.
    if (!m_hasEmitted)

    // Emit with a position *inside* m_node, after m_node's contents, in
    // case it is a block, because the run should start where the
    // emitted character is positioned visually.
    Node* baseNode = m_node->lastChild() ? m_node->lastChild() : m_node;
    // FIXME: This shouldn't require the m_lastTextNode to be true, but we can't change that without making
    // the logic in _web_attributedStringFromRange match. We'll get that for free when we switch to use
    // TextIterator in _web_attributedStringFromRange.
    // See <rdar://problem/5428427> for an example of how this mismatch will cause problems.
    if (m_lastTextNode && shouldEmitNewlineAfterNode(*m_node)) {
        // use extra newline to represent margin bottom, as needed
        bool addNewline = shouldEmitExtraNewlineForNode(m_node);

        // FIXME: We need to emit a '\n' as we leave an empty block(s) that
        // contain a VisiblePosition when doing selection preservation.
        if (m_lastCharacter != '\n') {
            // insert a newline with a position following this block's contents.
            emitCharacter('\n', baseNode->parentNode(), baseNode, 1, 1);
            // remember whether to later add a newline for the current node
            m_needsAnotherNewline = addNewline;
        } else if (addNewline) {
            // insert a newline with a position following this block's contents.
            emitCharacter('\n', baseNode->parentNode(), baseNode, 1, 1);

    // If nothing was emitted, see if we need to emit a space.
    if (!m_positionNode && shouldEmitSpaceBeforeAndAfterNode(m_node))
        emitCharacter(' ', baseNode->parentNode(), baseNode, 1, 1);

void TextIterator::emitCharacter(UChar c, Node* textNode, Node* offsetBaseNode, int textStartOffset, int textEndOffset)
    m_hasEmitted = true;

    // remember information with which to construct the TextIterator::range()
    // NOTE: textNode is often not a text node, so the range will specify child nodes of positionNode
    m_positionNode = textNode;
    m_positionOffsetBaseNode = offsetBaseNode;
    m_positionStartOffset = textStartOffset;
    m_positionEndOffset = textEndOffset;

    // remember information with which to construct the TextIterator::characters() and length()
    m_singleCharacterBuffer = c;
    m_textLength = 1;

    // remember some iteration state
    m_lastTextNodeEndedWithCollapsedSpace = false;
    m_lastCharacter = c;

void TextIterator::emitText(Node* textNode, RenderObject* renderObject, int textStartOffset, int textEndOffset)
    RenderText* renderer = toRenderText(renderObject);
    m_text = m_emitsOriginalText ? renderer->originalText() : renderer->text();
    ASSERT(0 <= textStartOffset && textStartOffset < static_cast<int>(m_text.length()));
    ASSERT(0 <= textEndOffset && textEndOffset <= static_cast<int>(m_text.length()));
    ASSERT(textStartOffset <= textEndOffset);

    m_positionNode = textNode;
    m_positionOffsetBaseNode = 0;
    m_positionStartOffset = textStartOffset;
    m_positionEndOffset = textEndOffset;
    m_singleCharacterBuffer = 0;
    m_textLength = textEndOffset - textStartOffset;
    m_lastCharacter = m_text[textEndOffset - 1];

    m_lastTextNodeEndedWithCollapsedSpace = false;
    m_hasEmitted = true;

void TextIterator::emitText(Node* textNode, int textStartOffset, int textEndOffset)
    emitText(textNode, m_node->renderer(), textStartOffset, textEndOffset);

PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> TextIterator::range() const
    // use the current run information, if we have it
    if (m_positionNode) {
        if (m_positionOffsetBaseNode) {
            int index = m_positionOffsetBaseNode->nodeIndex();
            m_positionStartOffset += index;
            m_positionEndOffset += index;
            m_positionOffsetBaseNode = 0;
        return Range::create(m_positionNode->document(), m_positionNode, m_positionStartOffset, m_positionNode, m_positionEndOffset);

    // otherwise, return the end of the overall range we were given
    if (m_endContainer)
        return Range::create(m_endContainer->document(), m_endContainer, m_endOffset, m_endContainer, m_endOffset);

    return nullptr;

Node* TextIterator::node() const
    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> textRange = range();
    if (!textRange)
        return 0;

    Node* node = textRange->startContainer();
    if (!node)
        return 0;
    if (node->offsetInCharacters())
        return node;

    return node->traverseToChildAt(textRange->startOffset());

// --------

SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator::SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator(const Range* r, TextIteratorBehaviorFlags behavior)
    : m_node(0)
    , m_offset(0)
    , m_handledNode(false)
    , m_handledChildren(false)
    , m_startNode(0)
    , m_startOffset(0)
    , m_endNode(0)
    , m_endOffset(0)
    , m_positionNode(0)
    , m_positionStartOffset(0)
    , m_positionEndOffset(0)
    , m_textOffset(0)
    , m_textLength(0)
    , m_lastTextNode(0)
    , m_lastCharacter(0)
    , m_singleCharacterBuffer(0)
    , m_havePassedStartNode(false)
    , m_shouldHandleFirstLetter(false)
    , m_stopsOnFormControls(behavior & TextIteratorStopsOnFormControls)
    , m_shouldStop(false)
    , m_emitsOriginalText(false)
    ASSERT(behavior == TextIteratorDefaultBehavior || behavior == TextIteratorStopsOnFormControls);

    if (!r)

    Node* startNode = r->startContainer();
    if (!startNode)
    Node* endNode = r->endContainer();
    int startOffset = r->startOffset();
    int endOffset = r->endOffset();

    if (!startNode->offsetInCharacters() && startOffset >= 0) {
        // traverseToChildAt() will return 0 if the offset is out of range. We rely on this behavior
        // instead of calling countChildren() to avoid traversing the children twice.
        if (Node* childAtOffset = startNode->traverseToChildAt(startOffset)) {
            startNode = childAtOffset;
            startOffset = 0;
    if (!endNode->offsetInCharacters() && endOffset > 0) {
        // traverseToChildAt() will return 0 if the offset is out of range. We rely on this behavior
        // instead of calling countChildren() to avoid traversing the children twice.
        if (Node* childAtOffset = endNode->traverseToChildAt(endOffset - 1)) {
            endNode = childAtOffset;
            endOffset = lastOffsetInNode(endNode);

    m_node = endNode;
    setUpFullyClippedStack(m_fullyClippedStack, m_node);
    m_offset = endOffset;
    m_handledNode = false;
    m_handledChildren = !endOffset;

    m_startNode = startNode;
    m_startOffset = startOffset;
    m_endNode = endNode;
    m_endOffset = endOffset;

#ifndef NDEBUG
    // Need this just because of the assert.
    m_positionNode = endNode;

    m_lastTextNode = 0;
    m_lastCharacter = '\n';

    m_havePassedStartNode = false;


void SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator::advance()

    if (m_shouldStop)

    if (m_stopsOnFormControls && HTMLFormControlElement::enclosingFormControlElement(m_node)) {
        m_shouldStop = true;

    m_positionNode = 0;
    m_textLength = 0;

    while (m_node && !m_havePassedStartNode) {
        // Don't handle node if we start iterating at [node, 0].
        if (!m_handledNode && !(m_node == m_endNode && !m_endOffset)) {
            RenderObject* renderer = m_node->renderer();
            if (renderer && renderer->isText() && m_node->nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE) {
                // FIXME: What about CDATA_SECTION_NODE?
                if (renderer->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE && m_offset > 0)
                    m_handledNode = handleTextNode();
            } else if (renderer && (renderer->isImage() || renderer->isWidget())) {
                if (renderer->style()->visibility() == VISIBLE && m_offset > 0)
                    m_handledNode = handleReplacedElement();
            } else {
                m_handledNode = handleNonTextNode();
            if (m_positionNode)

        if (!m_handledChildren && m_node->hasChildren()) {
            m_node = m_node->lastChild();
            pushFullyClippedState(m_fullyClippedStack, m_node);
        } else {
            // Exit empty containers as we pass over them or containers
            // where [container, 0] is where we started iterating.
            if (!m_handledNode
                && canHaveChildrenForEditing(m_node)
                && m_node->parentNode()
                && (!m_node->lastChild() || (m_node == m_endNode && !m_endOffset))) {
                if (m_positionNode) {
                    m_handledNode = true;
                    m_handledChildren = true;

            // Exit all other containers.
            while (!m_node->previousSibling()) {
                if (!advanceRespectingRange(m_node->parentOrShadowHostNode()))
                if (m_positionNode) {
                    m_handledNode = true;
                    m_handledChildren = true;

            if (advanceRespectingRange(m_node->previousSibling()))
                pushFullyClippedState(m_fullyClippedStack, m_node);
                m_node = 0;

        // For the purpose of word boundary detection,
        // we should iterate all visible text and trailing (collapsed) whitespaces.
        m_offset = m_node ? maxOffsetIncludingCollapsedSpaces(m_node) : 0;
        m_handledNode = false;
        m_handledChildren = false;

        if (m_positionNode)

bool SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator::handleTextNode()
    m_lastTextNode = m_node;

    int startOffset;
    int offsetInNode;
    RenderText* renderer = handleFirstLetter(startOffset, offsetInNode);
    if (!renderer)
        return true;

    String text = renderer->text();
    if (!renderer->firstTextBox() && text.length() > 0)
        return true;

    m_positionEndOffset = m_offset;
    m_offset = startOffset + offsetInNode;
    m_positionNode = m_node;
    m_positionStartOffset = m_offset;

    ASSERT(0 <= m_positionStartOffset - offsetInNode && m_positionStartOffset - offsetInNode <= static_cast<int>(text.length()));
    ASSERT(1 <= m_positionEndOffset - offsetInNode && m_positionEndOffset - offsetInNode <= static_cast<int>(text.length()));
    ASSERT(m_positionStartOffset <= m_positionEndOffset);

    m_textLength = m_positionEndOffset - m_positionStartOffset;
    m_textOffset = m_positionStartOffset - offsetInNode;
    m_textContainer = text;
    m_singleCharacterBuffer = 0;
    RELEASE_ASSERT(static_cast<unsigned>(m_textOffset + m_textLength) <= text.length());

    m_lastCharacter = text[m_positionEndOffset - 1];

    return !m_shouldHandleFirstLetter;

RenderText* SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator::handleFirstLetter(int& startOffset, int& offsetInNode)
    RenderText* renderer = toRenderText(m_node->renderer());
    startOffset = (m_node == m_startNode) ? m_startOffset : 0;

    if (!renderer->isTextFragment()) {
        offsetInNode = 0;
        return renderer;

    RenderTextFragment* fragment = toRenderTextFragment(renderer);
    int offsetAfterFirstLetter = fragment->start();
    if (startOffset >= offsetAfterFirstLetter) {
        offsetInNode = offsetAfterFirstLetter;
        return renderer;

    if (!m_shouldHandleFirstLetter && offsetAfterFirstLetter < m_offset) {
        m_shouldHandleFirstLetter = true;
        offsetInNode = offsetAfterFirstLetter;
        return renderer;

    m_shouldHandleFirstLetter = false;
    offsetInNode = 0;
    RenderText* firstLetterRenderer = firstRenderTextInFirstLetter(fragment->firstLetter());

    m_offset = firstLetterRenderer->caretMaxOffset();
    m_offset += collapsedSpaceLength(firstLetterRenderer, m_offset);

    return firstLetterRenderer;

bool SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator::handleReplacedElement()
    unsigned index = m_node->nodeIndex();
    // We want replaced elements to behave like punctuation for boundary
    // finding, and to simply take up space for the selection preservation
    // code in moveParagraphs, so we use a comma. Unconditionally emit
    // here because this iterator is only used for boundary finding.
    emitCharacter(',', m_node->parentNode(), index, index + 1);
    return true;

bool SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator::handleNonTextNode()
    // We can use a linefeed in place of a tab because this simple iterator is only used to
    // find boundaries, not actual content. A linefeed breaks words, sentences, and paragraphs.
    if (shouldEmitNewlineForNode(m_node, m_emitsOriginalText) || shouldEmitNewlineAfterNode(*m_node) || shouldEmitTabBeforeNode(m_node)) {
        unsigned index = m_node->nodeIndex();
        // The start of this emitted range is wrong. Ensuring correctness would require
        // VisiblePositions and so would be slow. previousBoundary expects this.
        emitCharacter('\n', m_node->parentNode(), index + 1, index + 1);
    return true;

void SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator::exitNode()
    if (shouldEmitNewlineForNode(m_node, m_emitsOriginalText) || shouldEmitNewlineBeforeNode(*m_node) || shouldEmitTabBeforeNode(m_node)) {
        // The start of this emitted range is wrong. Ensuring correctness would require
        // VisiblePositions and so would be slow. previousBoundary expects this.
        emitCharacter('\n', m_node, 0, 0);

void SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator::emitCharacter(UChar c, Node* node, int startOffset, int endOffset)
    m_singleCharacterBuffer = c;
    m_positionNode = node;
    m_positionStartOffset = startOffset;
    m_positionEndOffset = endOffset;
    m_textOffset = 0;
    m_textLength = 1;
    m_lastCharacter = c;

bool SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator::advanceRespectingRange(Node* next)
    if (!next)
        return false;
    m_havePassedStartNode |= m_node == m_startNode;
    if (m_havePassedStartNode)
        return false;
    m_node = next;
    return true;

PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator::range() const
    if (m_positionNode)
        return Range::create(m_positionNode->document(), m_positionNode, m_positionStartOffset, m_positionNode, m_positionEndOffset);

    return Range::create(m_startNode->document(), m_startNode, m_startOffset, m_startNode, m_startOffset);

// --------

CharacterIterator::CharacterIterator(const Range* range, TextIteratorBehaviorFlags behavior)
    : m_offset(0)
    , m_runOffset(0)
    , m_atBreak(true)
    , m_textIterator(range, behavior)

CharacterIterator::CharacterIterator(const Position& start, const Position& end, TextIteratorBehaviorFlags behavior)
    : m_offset(0)
    , m_runOffset(0)
    , m_atBreak(true)
    , m_textIterator(start, end, behavior)

void CharacterIterator::initialize()
    while (!atEnd() && !m_textIterator.length())

PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> CharacterIterator::range() const
    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> r = m_textIterator.range();
    if (!m_textIterator.atEnd()) {
        if (m_textIterator.length() <= 1) {
        } else {
            Node* n = r->startContainer();
            ASSERT(n == r->endContainer());
            int offset = r->startOffset() + m_runOffset;
            r->setStart(n, offset, ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
            r->setEnd(n, offset + 1, ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
    return r.release();

void CharacterIterator::advance(int count)
    if (count <= 0) {

    m_atBreak = false;

    // easy if there is enough left in the current m_textIterator run
    int remaining = m_textIterator.length() - m_runOffset;
    if (count < remaining) {
        m_runOffset += count;
        m_offset += count;

    // exhaust the current m_textIterator run
    count -= remaining;
    m_offset += remaining;

    // move to a subsequent m_textIterator run
    for (m_textIterator.advance(); !atEnd(); m_textIterator.advance()) {
        int runLength = m_textIterator.length();
        if (!runLength) {
            m_atBreak = true;
        } else {
            // see whether this is m_textIterator to use
            if (count < runLength) {
                m_runOffset = count;
                m_offset += count;

            // exhaust this m_textIterator run
            count -= runLength;
            m_offset += runLength;

    // ran to the end of the m_textIterator... no more runs left
    m_atBreak = true;
    m_runOffset = 0;

static PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> characterSubrange(CharacterIterator& it, int offset, int length)
    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> start = it.range();

    if (length > 1)
        it.advance(length - 1);
    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> end = it.range();

    return Range::create(start->startContainer()->document(),
        start->startContainer(), start->startOffset(),
        end->endContainer(), end->endOffset());

BackwardsCharacterIterator::BackwardsCharacterIterator(const Range* range, TextIteratorBehaviorFlags behavior)
    : m_offset(0)
    , m_runOffset(0)
    , m_atBreak(true)
    , m_textIterator(range, behavior)
    while (!atEnd() && !m_textIterator.length())

PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> BackwardsCharacterIterator::range() const
    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> r = m_textIterator.range();
    if (!m_textIterator.atEnd()) {
        if (m_textIterator.length() <= 1) {
        } else {
            Node* n = r->startContainer();
            ASSERT(n == r->endContainer());
            int offset = r->endOffset() - m_runOffset;
            r->setStart(n, offset - 1, ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
            r->setEnd(n, offset, ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
    return r.release();

void BackwardsCharacterIterator::advance(int count)
    if (count <= 0) {

    m_atBreak = false;

    int remaining = m_textIterator.length() - m_runOffset;
    if (count < remaining) {
        m_runOffset += count;
        m_offset += count;

    count -= remaining;
    m_offset += remaining;

    for (m_textIterator.advance(); !atEnd(); m_textIterator.advance()) {
        int runLength = m_textIterator.length();
        if (!runLength) {
            m_atBreak = true;
        } else {
            if (count < runLength) {
                m_runOffset = count;
                m_offset += count;

            count -= runLength;
            m_offset += runLength;

    m_atBreak = true;
    m_runOffset = 0;

// --------

WordAwareIterator::WordAwareIterator(const Range* range)
    : m_didLookAhead(true) // So we consider the first chunk from the text iterator.
    , m_textIterator(range)
    advance(); // Get in position over the first chunk of text.


// FIXME: Performance could be bad for huge spans next to each other that don't fall on word boundaries.

void WordAwareIterator::advance()

    // If last time we did a look-ahead, start with that looked-ahead chunk now
    if (!m_didLookAhead) {
    m_didLookAhead = false;

    // Go to next non-empty chunk.
    while (!m_textIterator.atEnd() && !m_textIterator.length())

    m_range = m_textIterator.range();

    if (m_textIterator.atEnd())

    while (1) {
        // If this chunk ends in whitespace we can just use it as our chunk.
        if (isSpaceOrNewline(m_textIterator.characterAt(m_textIterator.length() - 1)))

        // If this is the first chunk that failed, save it in m_buffer before look ahead.
        if (m_buffer.isEmpty())

        // Look ahead to next chunk. If it is whitespace or a break, we can use the previous stuff
        if (m_textIterator.atEnd() || !m_textIterator.length() || isSpaceOrNewline(m_textIterator.characterAt(0))) {
            m_didLookAhead = true;

        // Start gobbling chunks until we get to a suitable stopping point
        m_range->setEnd(m_textIterator.range()->endContainer(), m_textIterator.range()->endOffset(), IGNORE_EXCEPTION);

int WordAwareIterator::length() const
    if (!m_buffer.isEmpty())
        return m_buffer.size();
    return m_textIterator.length();

String WordAwareIterator::substring(unsigned position, unsigned length) const
    if (!m_buffer.isEmpty())
        return String( + position, length);
    return m_textIterator.substring(position, length);

UChar WordAwareIterator::characterAt(unsigned index) const
    if (!m_buffer.isEmpty())
        return m_buffer[index];
    return m_textIterator.characterAt(index);

// --------

static const size_t minimumSearchBufferSize = 8192;

#ifndef NDEBUG
static bool searcherInUse;

static UStringSearch* createSearcher()
    // Provide a non-empty pattern and non-empty text so usearch_open will not fail,
    // but it doesn't matter exactly what it is, since we don't perform any searches
    // without setting both the pattern and the text.
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    String searchCollatorName = currentSearchLocaleID() + String("@collation=search");
    UStringSearch* searcher = usearch_open(&newlineCharacter, 1, &newlineCharacter, 1, searchCollatorName.utf8().data(), 0, &status);
    return searcher;

static UStringSearch* searcher()
    static UStringSearch* searcher = createSearcher();
    return searcher;

static inline void lockSearcher()
#ifndef NDEBUG
    searcherInUse = true;

static inline void unlockSearcher()
#ifndef NDEBUG
    searcherInUse = false;

inline SearchBuffer::SearchBuffer(const String& target, FindOptions options)
    : m_options(options)
    , m_prefixLength(0)
    , m_numberOfCharactersJustAppended(0)
    , m_atBreak(true)
    , m_needsMoreContext(options & AtWordStarts)
    , m_targetRequiresKanaWorkaround(containsKanaLetters(target))

    // FIXME: We'd like to tailor the searcher to fold quote marks for us instead
    // of doing it in a separate replacement pass here, but ICU doesn't offer a way
    // to add tailoring on top of the locale-specific tailoring as of this writing.
    foldQuoteMarksAndSoftHyphens(, m_target.size());

    size_t targetLength = m_target.size();
    m_buffer.reserveInitialCapacity(max(targetLength * 8, minimumSearchBufferSize));
    m_overlap = m_buffer.capacity() / 4;

    if ((m_options & AtWordStarts) && targetLength) {
        UChar32 targetFirstCharacter;
        U16_GET(, 0, 0, targetLength, targetFirstCharacter);
        // Characters in the separator category never really occur at the beginning of a word,
        // so if the target begins with such a character, we just ignore the AtWordStart option.
        if (isSeparator(targetFirstCharacter)) {
            m_options &= ~AtWordStarts;
            m_needsMoreContext = false;

    // Grab the single global searcher.
    // If we ever have a reason to do more than once search buffer at once, we'll have
    // to move to multiple searchers.

    UStringSearch* searcher = WebCore::searcher();
    UCollator* collator = usearch_getCollator(searcher);

    UCollationStrength strength = m_options & CaseInsensitive ? UCOL_PRIMARY : UCOL_TERTIARY;
    if (ucol_getStrength(collator) != strength) {
        ucol_setStrength(collator, strength);

    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    usearch_setPattern(searcher,, targetLength, &status);
    ASSERT(status == U_ZERO_ERROR);

    // The kana workaround requires a normalized copy of the target string.
    if (m_targetRequiresKanaWorkaround)
        normalizeCharactersIntoNFCForm(, m_target.size(), m_normalizedTarget);

inline SearchBuffer::~SearchBuffer()
    // Leave the static object pointing to a valid string.
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    usearch_setPattern(WebCore::searcher(), &newlineCharacter, 1, &status);
    ASSERT(status == U_ZERO_ERROR);


template<typename CharType>
inline void SearchBuffer::append(const CharType* characters, size_t length)

    if (m_atBreak) {
        m_prefixLength = 0;
        m_atBreak = false;
    } else if (m_buffer.size() == m_buffer.capacity()) {
        memcpy(, + m_buffer.size() - m_overlap, m_overlap * sizeof(UChar));
        m_prefixLength -= min(m_prefixLength, m_buffer.size() - m_overlap);

    size_t oldLength = m_buffer.size();
    size_t usableLength = min(m_buffer.capacity() - oldLength, length);
    m_buffer.resize(oldLength + usableLength);
    UChar* destination = + oldLength;
    StringImpl::copyChars(destination, characters, usableLength);
    foldQuoteMarksAndSoftHyphens(destination, usableLength);
    m_numberOfCharactersJustAppended = usableLength;

inline bool SearchBuffer::needsMoreContext() const
    return m_needsMoreContext;

inline void SearchBuffer::prependContext(const UChar* characters, size_t length)
    ASSERT(m_prefixLength == m_buffer.size());

    if (!length)

    m_atBreak = false;

    size_t wordBoundaryContextStart = length;
    if (wordBoundaryContextStart) {
        U16_BACK_1(characters, 0, wordBoundaryContextStart);
        wordBoundaryContextStart = startOfLastWordBoundaryContext(characters, wordBoundaryContextStart);

    size_t usableLength = min(m_buffer.capacity() - m_prefixLength, length - wordBoundaryContextStart);
    m_buffer.prepend(characters + length - usableLength, usableLength);
    m_prefixLength += usableLength;

    if (wordBoundaryContextStart || m_prefixLength == m_buffer.capacity())
        m_needsMoreContext = false;

inline bool SearchBuffer::atBreak() const
    return m_atBreak;

inline void SearchBuffer::reachedBreak()
    m_atBreak = true;

inline bool SearchBuffer::isBadMatch(const UChar* match, size_t matchLength) const
    // This function implements the kana workaround. If usearch treats
    // it as a match, but we do not want to, then it's a "bad match".
    if (!m_targetRequiresKanaWorkaround)
        return false;

    // Normalize into a match buffer. We reuse a single buffer rather than
    // creating a new one each time.
    normalizeCharactersIntoNFCForm(match, matchLength, m_normalizedMatch);

    return !checkOnlyKanaLettersInStrings(m_normalizedTarget.begin(), m_normalizedTarget.size(), m_normalizedMatch.begin(), m_normalizedMatch.size());

inline bool SearchBuffer::isWordStartMatch(size_t start, size_t length) const
    ASSERT(m_options & AtWordStarts);

    if (!start)
        return true;

    int size = m_buffer.size();
    int offset = start;
    UChar32 firstCharacter;
    U16_GET(, 0, offset, size, firstCharacter);

    if (m_options & TreatMedialCapitalAsWordStart) {
        UChar32 previousCharacter;
        U16_PREV(, 0, offset, previousCharacter);

        if (isSeparator(firstCharacter)) {
            // The start of a separator run is a word start (".org" in "").
            if (!isSeparator(previousCharacter))
                return true;
        } else if (isASCIIUpper(firstCharacter)) {
            // The start of an uppercase run is a word start ("Kit" in "WebKit").
            if (!isASCIIUpper(previousCharacter))
                return true;
            // The last character of an uppercase run followed by a non-separator, non-digit
            // is a word start ("Request" in "XMLHTTPRequest").
            offset = start;
            U16_FWD_1(, offset, size);
            UChar32 nextCharacter = 0;
            if (offset < size)
                U16_GET(, 0, offset, size, nextCharacter);
            if (!isASCIIUpper(nextCharacter) && !isASCIIDigit(nextCharacter) && !isSeparator(nextCharacter))
                return true;
        } else if (isASCIIDigit(firstCharacter)) {
            // The start of a digit run is a word start ("2" in "WebKit2").
            if (!isASCIIDigit(previousCharacter))
                return true;
        } else if (isSeparator(previousCharacter) || isASCIIDigit(previousCharacter)) {
            // The start of a non-separator, non-uppercase, non-digit run is a word start,
            // except after an uppercase. ("org" in "", but not "ore" in "WebCore").
            return true;

    // Chinese and Japanese lack word boundary marks, and there is no clear agreement on what constitutes
    // a word, so treat the position before any CJK character as a word start.
    if (Character::isCJKIdeographOrSymbol(firstCharacter))
        return true;

    size_t wordBreakSearchStart = start + length;
    while (wordBreakSearchStart > start)
        wordBreakSearchStart = findNextWordFromIndex(, m_buffer.size(), wordBreakSearchStart, false /* backwards */);
    return wordBreakSearchStart == start;

inline size_t SearchBuffer::search(size_t& start)
    size_t size = m_buffer.size();
    if (m_atBreak) {
        if (!size)
            return 0;
    } else {
        if (size != m_buffer.capacity())
            return 0;

    UStringSearch* searcher = WebCore::searcher();

    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    usearch_setText(searcher,, size, &status);
    ASSERT(status == U_ZERO_ERROR);

    usearch_setOffset(searcher, m_prefixLength, &status);
    ASSERT(status == U_ZERO_ERROR);

    int matchStart = usearch_next(searcher, &status);
    ASSERT(status == U_ZERO_ERROR);

    if (!(matchStart >= 0 && static_cast<size_t>(matchStart) < size)) {
        ASSERT(matchStart == USEARCH_DONE);
        return 0;

    // Matches that start in the overlap area are only tentative.
    // The same match may appear later, matching more characters,
    // possibly including a combining character that's not yet in the buffer.
    if (!m_atBreak && static_cast<size_t>(matchStart) >= size - m_overlap) {
        size_t overlap = m_overlap;
        if (m_options & AtWordStarts) {
            // Ensure that there is sufficient context before matchStart the next time around for
            // determining if it is at a word boundary.
            int wordBoundaryContextStart = matchStart;
            U16_BACK_1(, 0, wordBoundaryContextStart);
            wordBoundaryContextStart = startOfLastWordBoundaryContext(, wordBoundaryContextStart);
            overlap = min(size - 1, max(overlap, size - wordBoundaryContextStart));
        memcpy(, + size - overlap, overlap * sizeof(UChar));
        m_prefixLength -= min(m_prefixLength, size - overlap);
        return 0;

    size_t matchedLength = usearch_getMatchedLength(searcher);
    ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION(matchStart + matchedLength <= size);

    // If this match is "bad", move on to the next match.
    if (isBadMatch( + matchStart, matchedLength) || ((m_options & AtWordStarts) && !isWordStartMatch(matchStart, matchedLength))) {
        matchStart = usearch_next(searcher, &status);
        ASSERT(status == U_ZERO_ERROR);
        goto nextMatch;

    size_t newSize = size - (matchStart + 1);
    memmove(, + matchStart + 1, newSize * sizeof(UChar));
    m_prefixLength -= min<size_t>(m_prefixLength, matchStart + 1);

    start = size - matchStart;
    return matchedLength;

// --------

int TextIterator::rangeLength(const Range* r, bool forSelectionPreservation)
    int length = 0;
    for (TextIterator it(r, forSelectionPreservation ? TextIteratorEmitsCharactersBetweenAllVisiblePositions : TextIteratorDefaultBehavior); !it.atEnd(); it.advance())
        length += it.length();

    return length;

PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> TextIterator::subrange(Range* entireRange, int characterOffset, int characterCount)
    CharacterIterator entireRangeIterator(entireRange);
    return characterSubrange(entireRangeIterator, characterOffset, characterCount);

// --------

String plainText(const Range* r, TextIteratorBehaviorFlags behavior)
    // The initial buffer size can be critical for performance:
    static const unsigned initialCapacity = 1 << 15;

    unsigned bufferLength = 0;
    StringBuilder builder;

    for (TextIterator it(r, behavior); !it.atEnd(); it.advance()) {
        bufferLength += it.length();

    if (!bufferLength)
        return emptyString();

    return builder.toString();

static PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> collapsedToBoundary(const Range* range, bool forward)
    RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> result = range->cloneRange(ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
    result->collapse(!forward, ASSERT_NO_EXCEPTION);
    return result.release();

static size_t findPlainTextInternal(CharacterIterator& it, const String& target, FindOptions options, size_t& matchStart)
    matchStart = 0;
    size_t matchLength = 0;

    SearchBuffer buffer(target, options);

    if (buffer.needsMoreContext()) {
        RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> startRange = it.range();
        RefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> beforeStartRange = startRange->ownerDocument().createRange();
        beforeStartRange->setEnd(startRange->startContainer(), startRange->startOffset(), IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
        for (SimplifiedBackwardsTextIterator backwardsIterator(beforeStartRange.get()); !backwardsIterator.atEnd(); backwardsIterator.advance()) {
            Vector<UChar, 1024> characters;
            buffer.prependContext(, characters.size());
            if (!buffer.needsMoreContext())

    while (!it.atEnd()) {
        size_t matchStartOffset;
        if (size_t newMatchLength = {
            // Note that we found a match, and where we found it.
            size_t lastCharacterInBufferOffset = it.characterOffset();
            ASSERT(lastCharacterInBufferOffset >= matchStartOffset);
            matchStart = lastCharacterInBufferOffset - matchStartOffset;
            matchLength = newMatchLength;
            // If searching forward, stop on the first match.
            // If searching backward, don't stop, so we end up with the last match.
            if (!(options & Backwards))
            goto tryAgain;
        if (it.atBreak() && !buffer.atBreak()) {
            goto tryAgain;

    return matchLength;

static const TextIteratorBehaviorFlags iteratorFlagsForFindPlainText = TextIteratorEntersTextControls | TextIteratorEntersAuthorShadowRoots;

PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> findPlainText(const Range* range, const String& target, FindOptions options)
    // CharacterIterator requires renderers to be up-to-date

    // First, find the text.
    size_t matchStart;
    size_t matchLength;
        CharacterIterator findIterator(range, iteratorFlagsForFindPlainText);
        matchLength = findPlainTextInternal(findIterator, target, options, matchStart);
        if (!matchLength)
            return collapsedToBoundary(range, !(options & Backwards));

    // Then, find the document position of the start and the end of the text.
    CharacterIterator computeRangeIterator(range, iteratorFlagsForFindPlainText);
    return characterSubrange(computeRangeIterator, matchStart, matchLength);

PassRefPtrWillBeRawPtr<Range> findPlainText(const Position& start, const Position& end, const String& target, FindOptions options)
    // CharacterIterator requires renderers to be up-to-date.
    if (!start.inDocument())
        return nullptr;
    ASSERT(start.document() == end.document());

    // FIXME: Reduce the code duplication with above (but how?).
    size_t matchStart;
    size_t matchLength;
        CharacterIterator findIterator(start, end, iteratorFlagsForFindPlainText);
        matchLength = findPlainTextInternal(findIterator, target, options, matchStart);
        if (!matchLength) {
            const Position& collapseTo = options & Backwards ? start : end;
            return Range::create(*start.document(), collapseTo, collapseTo);

    CharacterIterator computeRangeIterator(start, end, iteratorFlagsForFindPlainText);
    return characterSubrange(computeRangeIterator, matchStart, matchLength);


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