symbol             96 base/debug/       PSYMBOL_INFO symbol = reinterpret_cast<PSYMBOL_INFO>(&buffer[0]);
symbol             97 base/debug/       symbol->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(SYMBOL_INFO);
symbol             98 base/debug/       symbol->MaxNameLen = kMaxNameLength - 1;
symbol            100 base/debug/                                     &sym_displacement, symbol);
symbol            112 base/debug/         (*os) << symbol->Name << " [0x" << trace[i] << "+"
symbol            304 base/third_party/symbolize/       const ElfW(Sym)& symbol = buf[j];
symbol            305 base/third_party/symbolize/       uint64_t start_address = symbol.st_value;
symbol            307 base/third_party/symbolize/       uint64_t end_address = start_address + symbol.st_size;
symbol            308 base/third_party/symbolize/       if (symbol.st_value != 0 &&  // Skip null value symbols.
symbol            309 base/third_party/symbolize/           symbol.st_shndx != 0 &&  // Skip undefined symbols.
symbol            312 base/third_party/symbolize/                                       strtab->sh_offset + symbol.st_name);
symbol            279 courgette/   uint32 symbol =  rel.r_info >> 8;
symbol            284 courgette/       if (symbol != 0)
symbol             32 courgette/   uint32 symbol =  rel.r_info >> 8;
symbol             47 courgette/       if (symbol != 0)
symbol             30 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/browser.c   struct XRaySymbol* symbol = XRaySymbolTableLookup(symbols, addr);
symbol             31 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/browser.c   return XRaySymbolGetName(symbol);
symbol             17 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/demangle.c const char* XRayDemangle(char* demangle, size_t size, const char* symbol) {
symbol             20 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/demangle.c   __cxa_demangle(symbol, demangle, &size, &stat);
symbol             24 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/demangle.c   return symbol;
symbol             71 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/report.c         struct XRaySymbol* symbol;
symbol             72 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/report.c         symbol = XRaySymbolTableLookup(symbols, addr);
symbol             73 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/report.c         symbol_name = XRaySymbolGetName(symbol);
symbol             57 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/symtable.c const char* XRaySymbolGetName(struct XRaySymbol* symbol) {
symbol             58 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/symtable.c   return (NULL == symbol) ? "(null)" : symbol->name;
symbol             65 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/symtable.c   struct XRaySymbol* symbol;
symbol             66 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/symtable.c   symbol = XRaySymbolPoolAlloc(sympool);
symbol             67 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/symtable.c   symbol->name = name;
symbol             68 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/symtable.c   return symbol;
symbol             73 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/symtable.c   struct XRaySymbol* symbol;
symbol             81 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/symtable.c   symbol = &sympool->current->symbols[sympool->index];
symbol             83 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/symtable.c   return symbol;
symbol            121 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/symtable.c                                       struct XRaySymbol* symbol,
symbol            124 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/symtable.c       XRayHashTableInsert(symtab->hash_table, symbol, addr);
symbol            132 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/symtable.c   struct XRaySymbol* symbol;
symbol            140 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/symtable.c   symbol = XRaySymbolCreate(symtab->symbol_pool, recorded_name);
symbol            141 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/symtable.c   return XRaySymbolTableAdd(symtab, symbol, addr);
symbol            156 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/symtable.c     struct XRaySymbol* symbol = XRaySymbolCreate(symtab->symbol_pool, name);
symbol            157 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/symtable.c     r = XRaySymbolTableAdd(symtab, symbol, addr);
symbol             94 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/xray_priv.h     const char* symbol);
symbol             96 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/xray_priv.h XRAY_NO_INSTRUMENT const char* XRaySymbolGetName(struct XRaySymbol* symbol);
symbol             99 native_client_sdk/src/libraries/xray/xray_priv.h XRAY_NO_INSTRUMENT void XRaySymbolFree(struct XRaySymbol* symbol);
symbol            107 net/spdy/     const Symbol& symbol = symbols[i];
symbol            108 net/spdy/     CHECK_EQ(i,;
symbol            109 net/spdy/     code_by_id_.push_back(symbol.code);
symbol            110 net/spdy/     length_by_id_.push_back(symbol.length);
symbol            245 third_party/codesighs/codesighs.c     char* symbol;
symbol            274 third_party/codesighs/codesighs.c             symbol = strchr(lineBuffer, '\t') + 1;
symbol            441 third_party/codesighs/codesighs.c                         if(NULL != strstr(symbol, inOptions->mMatchSymbols[loop]))
symbol            394 third_party/codesighs/maptsvdifftool.c             char* symbol = NULL;
symbol            421 third_party/codesighs/maptsvdifftool.c                 symbol = strrchr(theLine, '\t') + 1;
symbol            567 third_party/codesighs/maptsvdifftool.c                                     if(0 == strcmp(symbol, theObject->mSymbols[symbolIndex].mSymbol))
symbol            585 third_party/codesighs/maptsvdifftool.c                                         theObject->mSymbols[symbolIndex].mSymbol = strdup(symbol);
symbol            589 third_party/codesighs/maptsvdifftool.c                                             ERROR_REPORT(retval, symbol, "Unable to duplicate string.");
symbol            391 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c                 char* symbol = NULL;
symbol            413 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c                     symbol = skipWhite(lineBuf);
symbol            414 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c                     if(NULL == symbol)
symbol            421 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c                     section = strchr(symbol, '\t');
symbol            472 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c                             if(0 == strcmp((*outDB)->mSymbols[index].mName, symbol))
symbol            508 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c                                 dbSymbol->mName = strdup(symbol);
symbol            512 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c                                     ERROR_REPORT(retval, symbol, "Unable to duplicate string.");
symbol            519 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c                                 ERROR_REPORT(retval, symbol, "Unable to grow symbol DB for symbol.");
symbol            722 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c     const SymDB_Symbol* symbol = (const SymDB_Symbol*)inItem;
symbol            724 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c     retval = strcmp(key, symbol->mName);
symbol            761 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c             SymDB_Symbol* symbol = (SymDB_Symbol*)match;
symbol            775 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c                 for(secLoop = 0; secLoop < symbol->mSectionCount; secLoop++)
symbol            777 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c                     if(0 == strcmp(mapSection->mSegment, symbol->mSections[secLoop].mName))
symbol            779 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c                         SymDB_Section* section = &symbol->mSections[secLoop];
symbol           1733 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c         MSMap_Symbol* symbol = NULL;
symbol           1752 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c             symbol = &module.mSymbols[symLoop];
symbol           1753 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c             section = getSymbolSection(&module, symbol);
symbol           1760 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c             dbSize = symbol->mSymDBSize;
symbol           1800 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c             offsetSize = endOffset - symbol->mOffset;
symbol           1821 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c                 symbol->mScope,
symbol           1824 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c                 symbol->mObject,
symbol           1825 third_party/codesighs/msmap2tsv.c                 symbol->mSymbol
symbol            155 third_party/codesighs/nm2tsv.c     char* symbol = NULL;
symbol            188 third_party/codesighs/nm2tsv.c             symbol = type + 1;
symbol            189 third_party/codesighs/nm2tsv.c             *symbol = '\0';
symbol            190 third_party/codesighs/nm2tsv.c             symbol++;
symbol            258 third_party/codesighs/nm2tsv.c             fprintf(inOptions->mOutput, "%s\n", symbol);
symbol            281 third_party/libjpeg/jcphuff.c emit_symbol (phuff_entropy_ptr entropy, int tbl_no, int symbol)
symbol            284 third_party/libjpeg/jcphuff.c     entropy->count_ptrs[tbl_no][symbol]++;
symbol            287 third_party/libjpeg/jcphuff.c     emit_bits(entropy, tbl->ehufco[symbol], tbl->ehufsi[symbol]);
symbol           1466 third_party/libpng/pngconf.h #     define PNG_EXPORT_TYPE1(type,symbol)  PNG_IMPEXP type PNGAPI symbol
symbol           1467 third_party/libpng/pngconf.h #     define PNG_EXPORT_TYPE2(type,symbol)  type PNG_IMPEXP PNGAPI symbol
symbol           1513 third_party/libpng/pngconf.h #    define PNG_EXPORT(type,symbol) PNG_FUNCTION_EXPORT symbol END
symbol           1523 third_party/libpng/pngconf.h #  define PNG_EXPORT(type,symbol) PNG_IMPEXP type PNGAPI symbol
symbol            186 third_party/libwebp/dec/vp8l.c   int symbol;
symbol            208 third_party/libwebp/dec/vp8l.c   symbol = 0;
symbol            209 third_party/libwebp/dec/vp8l.c   while (symbol < num_symbols) {
symbol            215 third_party/libwebp/dec/vp8l.c       code_lengths[symbol++] = code_len;
symbol            223 third_party/libwebp/dec/vp8l.c       if (symbol + repeat > num_symbols) {
symbol            228 third_party/libwebp/dec/vp8l.c         while (repeat-- > 0) code_lengths[symbol++] = length;
symbol            412 third_party/libwebp/enc/vp8l.c   const int symbol = code->codes[code_index];
symbol            413 third_party/libwebp/enc/vp8l.c   VP8LWriteBits(bw, depth, symbol);
symbol             78 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman.c   int symbol;
symbol             90 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman.c   for (symbol = 0; symbol < code_lengths_size; ++symbol) {
symbol             91 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman.c     if (code_lengths[symbol] > max_code_length) {
symbol             92 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman.c       max_code_length = code_lengths[symbol];
symbol             98 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman.c   for (symbol = 0; symbol < code_lengths_size; ++symbol) {
symbol             99 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman.c     ++code_length_hist[code_lengths[symbol]];
symbol            114 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman.c   for (symbol = 0; symbol < code_lengths_size; ++symbol) {
symbol            115 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman.c     if (code_lengths[symbol] > 0) {
symbol            116 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman.c       huff_codes[symbol] = next_codes[code_lengths[symbol]]++;
symbol            118 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman.c       huff_codes[symbol] = NON_EXISTENT_SYMBOL;
symbol            154 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman.c                          int symbol, int code, int code_length) {
symbol            159 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman.c   assert(symbol == (int16_t)symbol);
symbol            165 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman.c       tree->lut_symbol_[idx] = (int16_t)symbol;
symbol            192 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman.c   node->symbol_ = symbol;  // Add symbol in this node.
symbol            199 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman.c   int symbol;
symbol            207 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman.c   for (symbol = 0; symbol < code_lengths_size; ++symbol) {
symbol            208 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman.c     if (code_lengths[symbol] > 0) {
symbol            211 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman.c       root_symbol = symbol;
symbol            239 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman.c     for (symbol = 0; symbol < code_lengths_size; ++symbol) {
symbol            240 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman.c       if (code_lengths[symbol] > 0) {
symbol            241 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman.c         if (!TreeAddSymbol(tree, symbol, codes[symbol], code_lengths[symbol])) {
symbol             54 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman_encode.c     int symbol = counts[0];
symbol             57 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman_encode.c       if (i == length || counts[i] != symbol) {
symbol             58 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman_encode.c         if ((symbol == 0 && stride >= 5) ||
symbol             59 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman_encode.c             (symbol != 0 && stride >= 7)) {
symbol             67 third_party/libwebp/utils/huffman_encode.c           symbol = counts[i];
symbol           29704 third_party/libxml/src/testapi.c     void ** symbol; /* the resulting symbol address */
symbol           29713 third_party/libxml/src/testapi.c         symbol = gen_void_ptr_ptr(n_symbol, 2);
symbol           29715 third_party/libxml/src/testapi.c         ret_val = xmlModuleSymbol(module, (const char *)name, symbol);
symbol           29720 third_party/libxml/src/testapi.c         des_void_ptr_ptr(n_symbol, symbol, 2);
symbol            106 third_party/libxml/src/xmlmodule.c xmlModuleSymbol(xmlModulePtr module, const char *name, void **symbol)
symbol            110 third_party/libxml/src/xmlmodule.c     if ((NULL == module) || (symbol == NULL)) {
symbol            117 third_party/libxml/src/xmlmodule.c     rc = xmlModulePlatformSymbol(module->handle, name, symbol);
symbol            235 third_party/libxml/src/xmlmodule.c xmlModulePlatformSymbol(void *handle, const char *name, void **symbol)
symbol            237 third_party/libxml/src/xmlmodule.c     *symbol = dlsym(handle, name);
symbol            279 third_party/libxml/src/xmlmodule.c xmlModulePlatformSymbol(void *handle, const char *name, void **symbol)
symbol            284 third_party/libxml/src/xmlmodule.c     rc = shl_findsym(&handle, name, TYPE_UNDEFINED, symbol);
symbol            327 third_party/libxml/src/xmlmodule.c xmlModulePlatformSymbol(void *handle, const char *name, void **symbol)
symbol            329 third_party/libxml/src/xmlmodule.c     *symbol = GetProcAddress(handle, name);
symbol            330 third_party/libxml/src/xmlmodule.c     return (NULL == *symbol) ? -1 : 0;
symbol            377 third_party/libxml/src/xmlmodule.c xmlModulePlatformSymbol(void *handle, const char *name, void **symbol)
symbol            381 third_party/libxml/src/xmlmodule.c     rc = get_image_symbol((image_id) handle, name, B_SYMBOL_TYPE_ANY, symbol);
symbol            432 third_party/libxml/src/xmlmodule.c xmlModulePlatformSymbol(void *handle, const char *name, void **symbol)
symbol            436 third_party/libxml/src/xmlmodule.c     rc = DosQueryProcAddr(handle, 0, name, symbol);
symbol            163 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaDec.c       unsigned symbol;
symbol            173 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaDec.c         symbol = 1;
symbol            174 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaDec.c         do { GET_BIT(prob + symbol, symbol) } while (symbol < 0x100);
symbol            181 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaDec.c         symbol = 1;
symbol            188 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaDec.c           probLit = prob + offs + bit + symbol;
symbol            189 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaDec.c           GET_BIT2(probLit, symbol, offs &= ~bit, offs &= bit)
symbol            191 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaDec.c         while (symbol < 0x100);
symbol            193 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaDec.c       dic[dicPos++] = (Byte)symbol;
symbol            517 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaDec.c         unsigned symbol = 1;
symbol            518 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaDec.c         do { GET_BIT_CHECK(prob + symbol, symbol) } while (symbol < 0x100);
symbol            525 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaDec.c         unsigned symbol = 1;
symbol            532 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaDec.c           probLit = prob + offs + bit + symbol;
symbol            533 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaDec.c           GET_BIT2_CHECK(probLit, symbol, offs &= ~bit, offs &= bit)
symbol            535 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaDec.c         while (symbol < 0x100);
symbol            552 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c static void RangeEnc_EncodeBit(CRangeEnc *p, CLzmaProb *prob, UInt32 symbol)
symbol            556 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c   if (symbol == 0)
symbol            575 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c static void LitEnc_Encode(CRangeEnc *p, CLzmaProb *probs, UInt32 symbol)
symbol            577 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c   symbol |= 0x100;
symbol            580 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c     RangeEnc_EncodeBit(p, probs + (symbol >> 8), (symbol >> 7) & 1);
symbol            581 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c     symbol <<= 1;
symbol            583 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c   while (symbol < 0x10000);
symbol            586 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c static void LitEnc_EncodeMatched(CRangeEnc *p, CLzmaProb *probs, UInt32 symbol, UInt32 matchByte)
symbol            589 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c   symbol |= 0x100;
symbol            593 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c     RangeEnc_EncodeBit(p, probs + (offs + (matchByte & offs) + (symbol >> 8)), (symbol >> 7) & 1);
symbol            594 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c     symbol <<= 1;
symbol            595 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c     offs &= ~(matchByte ^ symbol);
symbol            597 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c   while (symbol < 0x10000);
symbol            624 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c #define GET_PRICE(prob, symbol) \
symbol            625 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c   p->ProbPrices[((prob) ^ (((-(int)(symbol))) & (kBitModelTotal - 1))) >> kNumMoveReducingBits];
symbol            627 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c #define GET_PRICEa(prob, symbol) \
symbol            628 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c   ProbPrices[((prob) ^ ((-((int)(symbol))) & (kBitModelTotal - 1))) >> kNumMoveReducingBits];
symbol            636 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c static UInt32 LitEnc_GetPrice(const CLzmaProb *probs, UInt32 symbol, UInt32 *ProbPrices)
symbol            639 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c   symbol |= 0x100;
symbol            642 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c     price += GET_PRICEa(probs[symbol >> 8], (symbol >> 7) & 1);
symbol            643 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c     symbol <<= 1;
symbol            645 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c   while (symbol < 0x10000);
symbol            649 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c static UInt32 LitEnc_GetPriceMatched(const CLzmaProb *probs, UInt32 symbol, UInt32 matchByte, UInt32 *ProbPrices)
symbol            653 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c   symbol |= 0x100;
symbol            657 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c     price += GET_PRICEa(probs[offs + (matchByte & offs) + (symbol >> 8)], (symbol >> 7) & 1);
symbol            658 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c     symbol <<= 1;
symbol            659 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c     offs &= ~(matchByte ^ symbol);
symbol            661 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c   while (symbol < 0x10000);
symbol            666 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c static void RcTree_Encode(CRangeEnc *rc, CLzmaProb *probs, int numBitLevels, UInt32 symbol)
symbol            674 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c     bit = (symbol >> i) & 1;
symbol            680 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c static void RcTree_ReverseEncode(CRangeEnc *rc, CLzmaProb *probs, int numBitLevels, UInt32 symbol)
symbol            686 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c     UInt32 bit = symbol & 1;
symbol            689 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c     symbol >>= 1;
symbol            693 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c static UInt32 RcTree_GetPrice(const CLzmaProb *probs, int numBitLevels, UInt32 symbol, UInt32 *ProbPrices)
symbol            696 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c   symbol |= (1 << numBitLevels);
symbol            697 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c   while (symbol != 1)
symbol            699 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c     price += GET_PRICEa(probs[symbol >> 1], symbol & 1);
symbol            700 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c     symbol >>= 1;
symbol            705 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c static UInt32 RcTree_ReverseGetPrice(const CLzmaProb *probs, int numBitLevels, UInt32 symbol, UInt32 *ProbPrices)
symbol            712 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c     UInt32 bit = symbol & 1;
symbol            713 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c     symbol >>= 1;
symbol            733 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c static void LenEnc_Encode(CLenEnc *p, CRangeEnc *rc, UInt32 symbol, UInt32 posState)
symbol            735 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c   if (symbol < kLenNumLowSymbols)
symbol            738 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c     RcTree_Encode(rc, p->low + (posState << kLenNumLowBits), kLenNumLowBits, symbol);
symbol            743 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c     if (symbol < kLenNumLowSymbols + kLenNumMidSymbols)
symbol            746 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c       RcTree_Encode(rc, p->mid + (posState << kLenNumMidBits), kLenNumMidBits, symbol - kLenNumLowSymbols);
symbol            751 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c       RcTree_Encode(rc, p->high, kLenNumHighBits, symbol - kLenNumLowSymbols - kLenNumMidSymbols);
symbol            792 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c static void LenEnc_Encode2(CLenPriceEnc *p, CRangeEnc *rc, UInt32 symbol, UInt32 posState, Bool updatePrice, UInt32 *ProbPrices)
symbol            794 third_party/lzma_sdk/LzmaEnc.c   LenEnc_Encode(&p->p, rc, symbol, posState);
symbol            407 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/   bool AddSymbol(const string& full_name, Symbol symbol);
symbol            524 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/                            Symbol symbol);
symbol            730 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/     const string& full_name, Symbol symbol) {
symbol            731 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/   if (InsertIfNotPresent(&symbols_by_name_, full_name.c_str(), symbol)) {
symbol            740 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/     const void* parent, const string& name, Symbol symbol) {
symbol            742 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/   return InsertIfNotPresent(&symbols_by_parent_, by_parent_key, symbol);
symbol           1341 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/     Symbol symbol = tables_->FindSymbol(prefix);
symbol           1344 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/     if (!symbol.IsNull() && symbol.type != Symbol::PACKAGE) {
symbol           2248 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/                  const Message& proto, Symbol symbol);
symbol           2855 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/     const Message& proto, Symbol symbol) {
symbol           2860 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/   if (tables_->AddSymbol(full_name, symbol)) {
symbol           2861 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/     if (!file_tables_->AddAliasUnderParent(parent, name, symbol)) {
symbol           4333 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/   Symbol symbol = builder_->FindSymbolNotEnforcingDeps(
symbol           4335 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/   if (!symbol.IsNull() && symbol.type == Symbol::MESSAGE) {
symbol           4336 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/     options_descriptor = symbol.descriptor;
symbol           4368 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/       symbol = builder_->LookupSymbol(name_part,
symbol           4370 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/       if (!symbol.IsNull() && symbol.type == Symbol::FIELD) {
symbol           4371 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/         field = symbol.field_descriptor;
symbol           4713 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/         Symbol symbol =
symbol           4715 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/         if (!symbol.IsNull() && symbol.type == Symbol::ENUM_VALUE) {
symbol           4716 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/           if (symbol.enum_value_descriptor->type() != enum_type) {
symbol           4722 third_party/protobuf/src/google/protobuf/             enum_value = symbol.enum_value_descriptor;
symbol            168 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *fallback; /* fallback token in case this token doesn't parse */
symbol            184 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol **subsym;  /* Array of constituent symbols */
symbol            190 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *lhs;      /* Left-hand side of the rule */
symbol            195 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol **rhs;     /* The RHS symbols */
symbol            199 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *precsym;  /* Precedence symbol for this rule */
symbol            242 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *sp;       /* The look-ahead symbol */
symbol            284 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol **symbols; /* Sorted array of pointers to symbols */
symbol            286 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *errsym;   /* The error symbol */
symbol            287 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *wildcard; /* Token that matches anything */
symbol            340 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c struct symbol *Symbol_new(const char *);
symbol            343 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c int Symbol_insert(struct symbol *, const char *);
symbol            344 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c struct symbol *Symbol_find(const char *);
symbol            345 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c struct symbol *Symbol_Nth(int);
symbol            347 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c struct symbol **Symbol_arrayof(void);
symbol            425 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *sp,
symbol            665 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c         struct symbol *sp = rp->rhs[i];
symbol            706 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c          struct symbol *sp = rp->rhs[i];
symbol            718 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c     struct symbol *s1, *s2;
symbol            751 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *sp;
symbol            852 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c int same_symbol(struct symbol *a, struct symbol *b)
symbol            873 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *sp;   /* Symbol following the dot in configuration "cfp" */
symbol            874 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *bsp;  /* Symbol following the dot in configuration "bcfp" */
symbol            988 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c static int resolve_conflict(struct action *,struct action *, struct symbol *);
symbol            997 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *sp;
symbol           1078 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *errsym   /* The error symbol (if defined.  NULL otherwise) */
symbol           1080 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *spx, *spy;
symbol           1256 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *sp, *xsp;
symbol           1475 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   qsort(lem.symbols,lem.nsymbol+1,sizeof(struct symbol*), Symbolcmpp);
symbol           1974 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *fallback;   /* The fallback token */
symbol           1975 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *lhs;        /* Left-hand side of current rule */
symbol           1978 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *rhs[MAXRHS];  /* RHS symbols */
symbol           2116 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c              sizeof(struct symbol*)*psp->nrhs + sizeof(char*)*psp->nrhs, 1);
symbol           2125 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c           rp->rhs = (struct symbol**)&rp[1];
symbol           2162 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c         struct symbol *msp = psp->rhs[psp->nrhs-1];
symbol           2164 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c           struct symbol *origsp = msp;
symbol           2165 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c           msp = (struct symbol *) calloc(1,sizeof(*msp));
symbol           2169 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c           msp->subsym = (struct symbol **) calloc(1,sizeof(struct symbol*));
symbol           2175 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c         msp->subsym = (struct symbol **) realloc(msp->subsym,
symbol           2176 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c           sizeof(struct symbol*)*msp->nsubsym);
symbol           2299 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c         struct symbol *sp = Symbol_new(x);
symbol           2313 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c         struct symbol *sp = Symbol_find(x);
symbol           2333 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c         struct symbol *sp;
symbol           2416 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c         struct symbol *sp = Symbol_new(x);
symbol           2437 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c         struct symbol *sp = Symbol_new(x);
symbol           2789 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *sp;
symbol           2834 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *sp;
symbol           2981 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c     struct symbol *sp;
symbol           3190 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *sp,
symbol           3231 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c int has_destructor(struct symbol *sp, struct lemon *lemp)
symbol           3335 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c               struct symbol *sp = rp->rhs[i];
symbol           3444 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c     struct symbol *sp = lemp->symbols[i];
symbol           3462 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c     struct symbol *sp = lemp->symbols[i];
symbol           3588 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c     struct symbol *sp = rp->rhs[j];
symbol           3877 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c       struct symbol *p = lemp->symbols[i];
symbol           3918 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c       struct symbol *sp = lemp->symbols[i];
symbol           3933 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c     struct symbol *dflt_sp = 0;
symbol           3936 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c       struct symbol *sp = lemp->symbols[i];
symbol           3952 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c     struct symbol *sp = lemp->symbols[i];
symbol           3958 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c       struct symbol *sp2 = lemp->symbols[j];
symbol           4414 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c struct symbol *Symbol_new(const char *x)
symbol           4416 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *sp;
symbol           4420 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c     sp = (struct symbol *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct symbol) );
symbol           4452 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   const struct symbol **a = (const struct symbol **) _a;
symbol           4453 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   const struct symbol **b = (const struct symbol **) _b;
symbol           4476 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *data;     /* The data */
symbol           4506 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c int Symbol_insert(struct symbol *data, const char *key)
symbol           4564 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c struct symbol *Symbol_find(const char *key)
symbol           4580 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c struct symbol *Symbol_Nth(int n)
symbol           4582 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol *data;
symbol           4600 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c struct symbol **Symbol_arrayof()
symbol           4602 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   struct symbol **array;
symbol           4606 third_party/sqlite/src/tool/lemon.c   array = (struct symbol **)calloc(size, sizeof(struct symbol *));
symbol             49 third_party/talloc/libreplace/dlfcn.c void *rep_dlsym(void *handle, const char *symbol)
symbol             53 third_party/talloc/libreplace/dlfcn.c 	if (!shl_findsym((shl_t *)&handle, symbol, TYPE_UNDEFINED, &sym_addr))
symbol            320 third_party/talloc/libreplace/replace.h void *rep_dlsym(void *handle, const char *symbol);
symbol             75 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/base/   static int ElfBind(const ElfW(Sym) *symbol) {
symbol             76 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/base/     return ELF32_ST_BIND(symbol->st_info);
symbol             78 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/base/   static int ElfType(const ElfW(Sym) *symbol) {
symbol             79 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/base/     return ELF32_ST_TYPE(symbol->st_info);
symbol             86 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/base/   static int ElfBind(const ElfW(Sym) *symbol) {
symbol             87 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/base/     return ELF64_ST_BIND(symbol->st_info);
symbol             89 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/base/   static int ElfType(const ElfW(Sym) *symbol) {
symbol             90 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/base/     return ELF64_ST_TYPE(symbol->st_info);
symbol            321 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/base/         CurrentElfClass::ElfType(it->symbol) == type) {
symbol            336 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/base/     const char *const symbol_end = symbol_start + it->symbol->st_size;
symbol            340 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/base/         if (CurrentElfClass::ElfBind(it->symbol) == STB_GLOBAL) {
symbol            403 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/base/   const ElfW(Sym)    *symbol = image->GetDynsym(index_);
symbol            405 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/base/   CHECK(symbol && version_symbol);
symbol            406 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/base/   const char *const symbol_name = image->GetDynstr(symbol->st_name);
symbol            410 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/base/   if (symbol->st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF) {
symbol            427 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/base/   info_.address = image->GetSymAddr(symbol);
symbol            428 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/base/   info_.symbol  = symbol;
symbol             68 third_party/tcmalloc/chromium/src/base/elf_mem_image.h     const ElfW(Sym) *symbol;    // Symbol in the dynamic symbol table.
symbol             75 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/base/   static int ElfBind(const ElfW(Sym) *symbol) {
symbol             76 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/base/     return ELF32_ST_BIND(symbol->st_info);
symbol             78 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/base/   static int ElfType(const ElfW(Sym) *symbol) {
symbol             79 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/base/     return ELF32_ST_TYPE(symbol->st_info);
symbol             86 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/base/   static int ElfBind(const ElfW(Sym) *symbol) {
symbol             87 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/base/     return ELF64_ST_BIND(symbol->st_info);
symbol             89 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/base/   static int ElfType(const ElfW(Sym) *symbol) {
symbol             90 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/base/     return ELF64_ST_TYPE(symbol->st_info);
symbol            321 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/base/         CurrentElfClass::ElfType(it->symbol) == type) {
symbol            336 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/base/     const char *const symbol_end = symbol_start + it->symbol->st_size;
symbol            340 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/base/         if (CurrentElfClass::ElfBind(it->symbol) == STB_GLOBAL) {
symbol            403 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/base/   const ElfW(Sym)    *symbol = image->GetDynsym(index_);
symbol            405 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/base/   CHECK(symbol && version_symbol);
symbol            406 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/base/   const char *const symbol_name = image->GetDynstr(symbol->st_name);
symbol            410 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/base/   if (symbol->st_shndx == SHN_UNDEF) {
symbol            427 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/base/   info_.address = image->GetSymAddr(symbol);
symbol            428 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/base/   info_.symbol  = symbol;
symbol             68 third_party/tcmalloc/vendor/src/base/elf_mem_image.h     const ElfW(Sym) *symbol;    // Symbol in the dynamic symbol table.
symbol            310 tools/memory_watcher/       IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64* symbol = reinterpret_cast<IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64*>(buffer);
symbol            312 tools/memory_watcher/       symbol->SizeOfStruct = sizeof(IMAGEHLP_SYMBOL64);
symbol            313 tools/memory_watcher/       symbol->MaxNameLength = kStackWalkMaxNameLen;
symbol            317 tools/memory_watcher/                                      symbol);                    // Symbol
symbol            330 tools/memory_watcher/           if (strstr(symbol->Name, "CallStack::") ||
symbol            331 tools/memory_watcher/               strstr(symbol->Name, "MemoryWatcher::") ||
symbol            332 tools/memory_watcher/               strstr(symbol->Name, "Perftools_") ||
symbol            333 tools/memory_watcher/               strstr(symbol->Name, "MemoryHook::") ) {
symbol            347 tools/memory_watcher/           line += symbol->Name;
symbol            351 tools/memory_watcher/           line += symbol->Name;
symbol             90 tools/win/static_initializers/                                       IDiaSymbol* symbol) {
symbol             93 tools/win/static_initializers/   if (FAILED(symbol->get_symTag(&symtag)))
symbol            100 tools/win/static_initializers/   if (SUCCEEDED(symbol->get_name(&bstr_name))) {
symbol            135 tools/win/static_initializers/       IDiaSymbol* symbol;
symbol            137 tools/win/static_initializers/       while (SUCCEEDED(enum_children->Next(1, &symbol, &children)) &&
symbol            139 tools/win/static_initializers/         PrintIfDynamicInitializer(current_module, symbol);
symbol            140 tools/win/static_initializers/         symbol->Release();
symbol            123 ui/gfx/   Font symbol("Symbol", 16);
symbol            124 ui/gfx/   EXPECT_EQ("symbol", StringToLowerASCII(symbol.GetActualFontNameForTesting()))