
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. ComputeDatabaseMetrics
  2. BeginExclusiveMode
  3. GetCurrentVersion
  4. BeginTransaction
  5. CommitTransaction
  6. RollbackTransaction
  7. RecreateAllTablesButURL
  8. Vacuum
  9. TrimMemory
  10. Raze
  11. SetSegmentID
  12. GetSegmentID
  13. GetEarlyExpirationThreshold
  14. UpdateEarlyExpirationThreshold
  15. GetDB
  16. EnsureCurrentVersion
  17. MigrateTimeEpoch

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/browser/history/history_database.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <string>

#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram.h"
#include "base/rand_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "sql/transaction.h"

#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
#include "base/mac/mac_util.h"

namespace history {

namespace {

// Current version number. We write databases at the "current" version number,
// but any previous version that can read the "compatible" one can make do with
// our database without *too* many bad effects.
const int kCurrentVersionNumber = 28;
const int kCompatibleVersionNumber = 16;
const char kEarlyExpirationThresholdKey[] = "early_expiration_threshold";

}  // namespace

    : needs_version_17_migration_(false) {

HistoryDatabase::~HistoryDatabase() {

sql::InitStatus HistoryDatabase::Init(const base::FilePath& history_name) {

  // Set the exceptional sqlite error handler.

  // Set the database page size to something a little larger to give us
  // better performance (we're typically seek rather than bandwidth limited).
  // This only has an effect before any tables have been created, otherwise
  // this is a NOP. Must be a power of 2 and a max of 8192.

  // Set the cache size. The page size, plus a little extra, times this
  // value, tells us how much memory the cache will use maximum.
  // 1000 * 4kB = 4MB
  // TODO(brettw) scale this value to the amount of available memory.

  // Note that we don't set exclusive locking here. That's done by
  // BeginExclusiveMode below which is called later (we have to be in shared
  // mode to start out for the in-memory backend to read the data).

  if (!db_.Open(history_name))
    return sql::INIT_FAILURE;

  // Wrap the rest of init in a tranaction. This will prevent the database from
  // getting corrupted if we crash in the middle of initialization or migration.
  sql::Transaction committer(&db_);
  if (!committer.Begin())
    return sql::INIT_FAILURE;

#if defined(OS_MACOSX)
  // Exclude the history file from backups.

  // Prime the cache.

  // Create the tables and indices.
  // NOTE: If you add something here, also add it to
  //       RecreateAllButStarAndURLTables.
  if (!meta_table_.Init(&db_, GetCurrentVersion(), kCompatibleVersionNumber))
    return sql::INIT_FAILURE;
  if (!CreateURLTable(false) || !InitVisitTable() ||
      !InitKeywordSearchTermsTable() || !InitDownloadTable() ||
    return sql::INIT_FAILURE;

  // TODO(benjhayden) Remove at some point.

  // Version check.
  sql::InitStatus version_status = EnsureCurrentVersion();
  if (version_status != sql::INIT_OK)
    return version_status;

  return committer.Commit() ? sql::INIT_OK : sql::INIT_FAILURE;

void HistoryDatabase::ComputeDatabaseMetrics(
    const base::FilePath& history_name) {
    base::TimeTicks start_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
  int64 file_size = 0;
  if (!base::GetFileSize(history_name, &file_size))
  int file_mb = static_cast<int>(file_size / (1024 * 1024));
  UMA_HISTOGRAM_MEMORY_MB("History.DatabaseFileMB", file_mb);

  sql::Statement url_count(db_.GetUniqueStatement("SELECT count(*) FROM urls"));
  if (!url_count.Step())
  UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("History.URLTableCount", url_count.ColumnInt(0));

  sql::Statement visit_count(db_.GetUniqueStatement(
      "SELECT count(*) FROM visits"));
  if (!visit_count.Step())
  UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("History.VisitTableCount", visit_count.ColumnInt(0));

  base::Time one_week_ago = base::Time::Now() - base::TimeDelta::FromDays(7);
  sql::Statement weekly_visit_sql(db_.GetUniqueStatement(
      "SELECT count(*) FROM visits WHERE visit_time > ?"));
  weekly_visit_sql.BindInt64(0, one_week_ago.ToInternalValue());
  int weekly_visit_count = 0;
  if (weekly_visit_sql.Step())
    weekly_visit_count = weekly_visit_sql.ColumnInt(0);
  UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("History.WeeklyVisitCount", weekly_visit_count);

  base::Time one_month_ago = base::Time::Now() - base::TimeDelta::FromDays(30);
  sql::Statement monthly_visit_sql(db_.GetUniqueStatement(
      "SELECT count(*) FROM visits WHERE visit_time > ? AND visit_time <= ?"));
  monthly_visit_sql.BindInt64(0, one_month_ago.ToInternalValue());
  monthly_visit_sql.BindInt64(1, one_week_ago.ToInternalValue());
  int older_visit_count = 0;
  if (monthly_visit_sql.Step())
    older_visit_count = monthly_visit_sql.ColumnInt(0);
                       older_visit_count + weekly_visit_count);

                      base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time);

  // Compute the advanced metrics even less often, pending timing data showing
  // that's not necessary.
  if (base::RandInt(1, 3) == 3) {
    start_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();

    // Collect all URLs visited within the last month.
    sql::Statement url_sql(db_.GetUniqueStatement(
        "SELECT url, last_visit_time FROM urls WHERE last_visit_time > ?"));
    url_sql.BindInt64(0, one_month_ago.ToInternalValue());

    // Count URLs (which will always be unique) and unique hosts within the last
    // week and last month.
    int week_url_count = 0;
    int month_url_count = 0;
    std::set<std::string> week_hosts;
    std::set<std::string> month_hosts;
    while (url_sql.Step()) {
      GURL url(url_sql.ColumnString(0));
      base::Time visit_time =
      if (visit_time > one_week_ago) {
    UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("History.WeeklyURLCount", week_url_count);
    UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("History.WeeklyHostCount", week_hosts.size());
    UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS("History.MonthlyURLCount", month_url_count);
    UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_10000("History.MonthlyHostCount", month_hosts.size());
                        base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time);

void HistoryDatabase::BeginExclusiveMode() {
  // We can't use set_exclusive_locking() since that only has an effect before
  // the DB is opened.
  ignore_result(db_.Execute("PRAGMA locking_mode=EXCLUSIVE"));

// static
int HistoryDatabase::GetCurrentVersion() {
  return kCurrentVersionNumber;

void HistoryDatabase::BeginTransaction() {

void HistoryDatabase::CommitTransaction() {

void HistoryDatabase::RollbackTransaction() {

bool HistoryDatabase::RecreateAllTablesButURL() {
  if (!DropVisitTable())
    return false;
  if (!InitVisitTable())
    return false;

  if (!DropKeywordSearchTermsTable())
    return false;
  if (!InitKeywordSearchTermsTable())
    return false;

  if (!DropSegmentTables())
    return false;
  if (!InitSegmentTables())
    return false;

  // We also add the supplementary URL indices at this point. This index is
  // over parts of the URL table that weren't automatically created when the
  // temporary URL table was
  return true;

void HistoryDatabase::Vacuum() {
  DCHECK_EQ(0, db_.transaction_nesting()) <<
      "Can not have a transaction when vacuuming.";

void HistoryDatabase::TrimMemory(bool aggressively) {

bool HistoryDatabase::Raze() {
  return db_.Raze();

bool HistoryDatabase::SetSegmentID(VisitID visit_id, SegmentID segment_id) {
  sql::Statement s(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "UPDATE visits SET segment_id = ? WHERE id = ?"));
  s.BindInt64(0, segment_id);
  s.BindInt64(1, visit_id);
  DCHECK(db_.GetLastChangeCount() == 1);

  return s.Run();

SegmentID HistoryDatabase::GetSegmentID(VisitID visit_id) {
  sql::Statement s(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "SELECT segment_id FROM visits WHERE id = ?"));
  s.BindInt64(0, visit_id);

  if (s.Step()) {
    if (s.ColumnType(0) == sql::COLUMN_TYPE_NULL)
      return 0;
      return s.ColumnInt64(0);
  return 0;

base::Time HistoryDatabase::GetEarlyExpirationThreshold() {
  if (!cached_early_expiration_threshold_.is_null())
    return cached_early_expiration_threshold_;

  int64 threshold;
  if (!meta_table_.GetValue(kEarlyExpirationThresholdKey, &threshold)) {
    // Set to a very early non-zero time, so it's before all history, but not
    // zero to avoid re-retrieval.
    threshold = 1L;

  cached_early_expiration_threshold_ = base::Time::FromInternalValue(threshold);
  return cached_early_expiration_threshold_;

void HistoryDatabase::UpdateEarlyExpirationThreshold(base::Time threshold) {
  cached_early_expiration_threshold_ = threshold;

sql::Connection& HistoryDatabase::GetDB() {
  return db_;

// Migration -------------------------------------------------------------------

sql::InitStatus HistoryDatabase::EnsureCurrentVersion() {
  // We can't read databases newer than we were designed for.
  if (meta_table_.GetCompatibleVersionNumber() > kCurrentVersionNumber) {
    LOG(WARNING) << "History database is too new.";
    return sql::INIT_TOO_NEW;

  // NOTICE: If you are changing structures for things shared with the archived
  // history file like URLs, visits, or downloads, that will need migration as
  // well. Instead of putting such migration code in this class, it should be
  // in the corresponding file (, etc.) and called from here and
  // from the

  int cur_version = meta_table_.GetVersionNumber();

  // Put migration code here

  if (cur_version == 15) {
    if (!db_.Execute("DROP TABLE starred") || !DropStarredIDFromURLs()) {
      LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to update history database to version 16.";
      return sql::INIT_FAILURE;
        std::min(cur_version, kCompatibleVersionNumber));

  if (cur_version == 16) {
#if !defined(OS_WIN)
    // In this version we bring the time format on Mac & Linux in sync with the
    // Windows version so that profiles can be moved between computers.
    // On all platforms we bump the version number, so on Windows this
    // migration is a NOP. We keep the compatible version at 16 since things
    // will basically still work, just history will be in the future if an
    // old version reads it.

  if (cur_version == 17) {
    // Version 17 was for thumbnails to top sites migration. We ended up
    // disabling it though, so 17->18 does nothing.

  if (cur_version == 18) {
    // This is the version prior to adding url_source column. We need to
    // migrate the database.
    cur_version = 19;

  if (cur_version == 19) {
    // This was the thumbnail migration.  Obsolete.

  if (cur_version == 20) {
    // This is the version prior to adding the visit_duration field in visits
    // database. We need to migrate the database.
    if (!MigrateVisitsWithoutDuration()) {
      LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to update history database to version 21.";
      return sql::INIT_FAILURE;

  if (cur_version == 21) {
    // The android_urls table's data schemal was changed in version 21.
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
    if (!MigrateToVersion22()) {
      LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to migrate the android_urls table to version 22";

  if (cur_version == 22) {
    if (!MigrateDownloadsState()) {
      LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to fix invalid downloads state values";
      // Invalid state values may cause crashes.
      return sql::INIT_FAILURE;

  if (cur_version == 23) {
    if (!MigrateDownloadsReasonPathsAndDangerType()) {
      LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to upgrade download interrupt reason and paths";
      // Invalid state values may cause crashes.
      return sql::INIT_FAILURE;

  if (cur_version == 24) {
    if (!MigratePresentationIndex()) {
      LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to migrate history to version 25";
      return sql::INIT_FAILURE;

  if (cur_version == 25) {
    if (!MigrateReferrer()) {
      LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to migrate history to version 26";
      return sql::INIT_FAILURE;

  if (cur_version == 26) {
    if (!MigrateDownloadedByExtension()) {
      LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to migrate history to version 27";
      return sql::INIT_FAILURE;

  if (cur_version == 27) {
    if (!MigrateDownloadValidators()) {
      LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to migrate history to version 28";
      return sql::INIT_FAILURE;

  // When the version is too old, we just try to continue anyway, there should
  // not be a released product that makes a database too old for us to handle.
  LOG_IF(WARNING, cur_version < GetCurrentVersion()) <<
         "History database version " << cur_version << " is too old to handle.";

  return sql::INIT_OK;

#if !defined(OS_WIN)
void HistoryDatabase::MigrateTimeEpoch() {
  // Update all the times in the URLs and visits table in the main database.
      "UPDATE urls "
      "SET last_visit_time = last_visit_time + 11644473600000000 "
      "WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM urls WHERE last_visit_time > 0);"));
      "UPDATE visits "
      "SET visit_time = visit_time + 11644473600000000 "
      "WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM visits WHERE visit_time > 0);"));
      "UPDATE segment_usage "
      "SET time_slot = time_slot + 11644473600000000 "
      "WHERE id IN (SELECT id FROM segment_usage WHERE time_slot > 0);"));

  // Erase all the full text index files. These will take a while to update and
  // are less important, so we just blow them away. Same with the archived
  // database.
  needs_version_17_migration_ = true;

}  // namespace history

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */