
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. InitVisitTable
  2. DropVisitTable
  3. FillVisitRow
  4. FillVisitVector
  5. FillVisitVectorWithOptions
  6. AddVisit
  7. DeleteVisit
  8. GetRowForVisit
  9. UpdateVisitRow
  10. GetVisitsForURL
  11. GetVisibleVisitsForURL
  12. GetVisitsForTimes
  13. GetAllVisitsInRange
  14. GetVisitsInRangeForTransition
  15. GetVisibleVisitsInRange
  16. GetDirectVisitsDuringTimes
  17. GetMostRecentVisitForURL
  18. GetMostRecentVisitsForURL
  19. GetRedirectFromVisit
  20. GetRedirectToVisit
  21. GetVisibleVisitCountToHost
  22. GetStartDate
  23. GetVisitsSource
  24. MigrateVisitsWithoutDuration
  25. GetBriefVisitInfoOfMostRecentVisits

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chrome/browser/history/visit_database.h"

#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <map>
#include <set>

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/url_database.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/visit_filter.h"
#include "chrome/common/url_constants.h"
#include "content/public/common/page_transition_types.h"
#include "sql/statement.h"

namespace history {

VisitDatabase::VisitDatabase() {

VisitDatabase::~VisitDatabase() {

bool VisitDatabase::InitVisitTable() {
  if (!GetDB().DoesTableExist("visits")) {
    if (!GetDB().Execute("CREATE TABLE visits("
        "url INTEGER NOT NULL," // key of the URL this corresponds to
        "visit_time INTEGER NOT NULL,"
        "from_visit INTEGER,"
        "transition INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,"
        "segment_id INTEGER,"
        // Some old DBs may have an "is_indexed" field here, but this is no
        // longer used and should NOT be read or written from any longer.
        "visit_duration INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL)"))
      return false;

  // Visit source table contains the source information for all the visits. To
  // save space, we do not record those user browsed visits which would be the
  // majority in this table. Only other sources are recorded.
  // Due to the tight relationship between visit_source and visits table, they
  // should be created and dropped at the same time.
  if (!GetDB().DoesTableExist("visit_source")) {
    if (!GetDB().Execute("CREATE TABLE visit_source("
                         "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,source INTEGER NOT NULL)"))
        return false;

  // Index over url so we can quickly find visits for a page.
  if (!GetDB().Execute(
          "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS visits_url_index ON visits (url)"))
    return false;

  // Create an index over from visits so that we can efficiently find
  // referrers and redirects.
  if (!GetDB().Execute(
          "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS visits_from_index ON "
          "visits (from_visit)"))
    return false;

  // Create an index over time so that we can efficiently find the visits in a
  // given time range (most history views are time-based).
  if (!GetDB().Execute(
          "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS visits_time_index ON "
          "visits (visit_time)"))
    return false;

  return true;

bool VisitDatabase::DropVisitTable() {
  // This will also drop the indices over the table.
      GetDB().Execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS visit_source") &&
      GetDB().Execute("DROP TABLE visits");

// Must be in sync with HISTORY_VISIT_ROW_FIELDS.
// static
void VisitDatabase::FillVisitRow(sql::Statement& statement, VisitRow* visit) {
  visit->visit_id = statement.ColumnInt64(0);
  visit->url_id = statement.ColumnInt64(1);
  visit->visit_time = base::Time::FromInternalValue(statement.ColumnInt64(2));
  visit->referring_visit = statement.ColumnInt64(3);
  visit->transition = content::PageTransitionFromInt(statement.ColumnInt(4));
  visit->segment_id = statement.ColumnInt64(5);
  visit->visit_duration =

// static
bool VisitDatabase::FillVisitVector(sql::Statement& statement,
                                    VisitVector* visits) {
  if (!statement.is_valid())
    return false;

  while (statement.Step()) {
    history::VisitRow visit;
    FillVisitRow(statement, &visit);

  return statement.Succeeded();

// static
bool VisitDatabase::FillVisitVectorWithOptions(sql::Statement& statement,
                                               const QueryOptions& options,
                                               VisitVector* visits) {
  std::set<URLID> found_urls;

  // Keeps track of the day that |found_urls| is holding the URLs for, in order
  // to handle removing per-day duplicates.
  base::Time found_urls_midnight;

  while (statement.Step()) {
    VisitRow visit;
    FillVisitRow(statement, &visit);

    if (options.duplicate_policy != QueryOptions::KEEP_ALL_DUPLICATES) {
      if (options.duplicate_policy == QueryOptions::REMOVE_DUPLICATES_PER_DAY &&
          found_urls_midnight != visit.visit_time.LocalMidnight()) {
        found_urls_midnight = visit.visit_time.LocalMidnight();
      // Make sure the URL this visit corresponds to is unique.
      if (found_urls.find(visit.url_id) != found_urls.end())

    if (static_cast<int>(visits->size()) >= options.EffectiveMaxCount())
      return true;
  return false;

VisitID VisitDatabase::AddVisit(VisitRow* visit, VisitSource source) {
  sql::Statement statement(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "INSERT INTO visits "
      "(url, visit_time, from_visit, transition, segment_id, "
      "visit_duration) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)"));
  statement.BindInt64(0, visit->url_id);
  statement.BindInt64(1, visit->visit_time.ToInternalValue());
  statement.BindInt64(2, visit->referring_visit);
  statement.BindInt64(3, visit->transition);
  statement.BindInt64(4, visit->segment_id);
  statement.BindInt64(5, visit->visit_duration.ToInternalValue());

  if (!statement.Run()) {
    VLOG(0) << "Failed to execute visit insert statement:  "
            << "url_id = " << visit->url_id;
    return 0;

  visit->visit_id = GetDB().GetLastInsertRowId();

  if (source != SOURCE_BROWSED) {
    // Record the source of this visit when it is not browsed.
    sql::Statement statement1(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
        "INSERT INTO visit_source (id, source) VALUES (?,?)"));
    statement1.BindInt64(0, visit->visit_id);
    statement1.BindInt64(1, source);

    if (!statement1.Run()) {
      VLOG(0) << "Failed to execute visit_source insert statement:  "
              << "id = " << visit->visit_id;
      return 0;

  return visit->visit_id;

void VisitDatabase::DeleteVisit(const VisitRow& visit) {
  // Patch around this visit. Any visits that this went to will now have their
  // "source" be the deleted visit's source.
  sql::Statement update_chain(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "UPDATE visits SET from_visit=? WHERE from_visit=?"));
  update_chain.BindInt64(0, visit.referring_visit);
  update_chain.BindInt64(1, visit.visit_id);
  if (!update_chain.Run())

  // Now delete the actual visit.
  sql::Statement del(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "DELETE FROM visits WHERE id=?"));
  del.BindInt64(0, visit.visit_id);
  if (!del.Run())

  // Try to delete the entry in visit_source table as well.
  // If the visit was browsed, there is no corresponding entry in visit_source
  // table, and nothing will be deleted.
             "DELETE FROM visit_source WHERE id=?"));
  del.BindInt64(0, visit.visit_id);

bool VisitDatabase::GetRowForVisit(VisitID visit_id, VisitRow* out_visit) {
  sql::Statement statement(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
  statement.BindInt64(0, visit_id);

  if (!statement.Step())
    return false;

  FillVisitRow(statement, out_visit);

  // We got a different visit than we asked for, something is wrong.
  DCHECK_EQ(visit_id, out_visit->visit_id);
  if (visit_id != out_visit->visit_id)
    return false;

  return true;

bool VisitDatabase::UpdateVisitRow(const VisitRow& visit) {
  // Don't store inconsistent data to the database.
  DCHECK_NE(visit.visit_id, visit.referring_visit);
  if (visit.visit_id == visit.referring_visit)
    return false;

  sql::Statement statement(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "UPDATE visits SET "
      "visit_duration=? WHERE id=?"));
  statement.BindInt64(0, visit.url_id);
  statement.BindInt64(1, visit.visit_time.ToInternalValue());
  statement.BindInt64(2, visit.referring_visit);
  statement.BindInt64(3, visit.transition);
  statement.BindInt64(4, visit.segment_id);
  statement.BindInt64(5, visit.visit_duration.ToInternalValue());
  statement.BindInt64(6, visit.visit_id);

  return statement.Run();

bool VisitDatabase::GetVisitsForURL(URLID url_id, VisitVector* visits) {

  sql::Statement statement(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "FROM visits "
      "WHERE url=? "
      "ORDER BY visit_time ASC"));
  statement.BindInt64(0, url_id);
  return FillVisitVector(statement, visits);

bool VisitDatabase::GetVisibleVisitsForURL(URLID url_id,
                                           const QueryOptions& options,
                                           VisitVector* visits) {

  sql::Statement statement(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "FROM visits "
      "WHERE url=? AND visit_time >= ? AND visit_time < ? "
      "AND (transition & ?) != 0 "  // CHAIN_END
      "AND (transition & ?) NOT IN (?, ?, ?) "  // NO SUBFRAME or
                                                // KEYWORD_GENERATED
      "ORDER BY visit_time DESC"));
  statement.BindInt64(0, url_id);
  statement.BindInt64(1, options.EffectiveBeginTime());
  statement.BindInt64(2, options.EffectiveEndTime());
  statement.BindInt(3, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_CHAIN_END);
  statement.BindInt(4, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_CORE_MASK);
  statement.BindInt(5, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_AUTO_SUBFRAME);
  statement.BindInt(6, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_MANUAL_SUBFRAME);
  statement.BindInt(7, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_KEYWORD_GENERATED);

  return FillVisitVectorWithOptions(statement, options, visits);

bool VisitDatabase::GetVisitsForTimes(const std::vector<base::Time>& times,
                                      VisitVector* visits) {

  for (std::vector<base::Time>::const_iterator it = times.begin();
       it != times.end(); ++it) {
    sql::Statement statement(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
        "WHERE visit_time == ?"));

    statement.BindInt64(0, it->ToInternalValue());

    if (!FillVisitVector(statement, visits))
      return false;
  return true;

bool VisitDatabase::GetAllVisitsInRange(base::Time begin_time,
                                        base::Time end_time,
                                        int max_results,
                                        VisitVector* visits) {

  sql::Statement statement(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "WHERE visit_time >= ? AND visit_time < ?"
      "ORDER BY visit_time LIMIT ?"));

  // See GetVisibleVisitsInRange for more info on how these times are bound.
  int64 end = end_time.ToInternalValue();
  statement.BindInt64(0, begin_time.ToInternalValue());
  statement.BindInt64(1, end ? end : std::numeric_limits<int64>::max());
      max_results ? max_results : std::numeric_limits<int64>::max());

  return FillVisitVector(statement, visits);

bool VisitDatabase::GetVisitsInRangeForTransition(
    base::Time begin_time,
    base::Time end_time,
    int max_results,
    content::PageTransition transition,
    VisitVector* visits) {

  sql::Statement statement(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "WHERE visit_time >= ? AND visit_time < ? "
      "AND (transition & ?) == ?"
      "ORDER BY visit_time LIMIT ?"));

  // See GetVisibleVisitsInRange for more info on how these times are bound.
  int64 end = end_time.ToInternalValue();
  statement.BindInt64(0, begin_time.ToInternalValue());
  statement.BindInt64(1, end ? end : std::numeric_limits<int64>::max());
  statement.BindInt(2, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_CORE_MASK);
  statement.BindInt(3, transition);
      max_results ? max_results : std::numeric_limits<int64>::max());

  return FillVisitVector(statement, visits);

bool VisitDatabase::GetVisibleVisitsInRange(const QueryOptions& options,
                                            VisitVector* visits) {
  // The visit_time values can be duplicated in a redirect chain, so we sort
  // by id too, to ensure a consistent ordering just in case.
  sql::Statement statement(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "WHERE visit_time >= ? AND visit_time < ? "
      "AND (transition & ?) != 0 "  // CHAIN_END
      "AND (transition & ?) NOT IN (?, ?, ?) "  // NO SUBFRAME or
                                                // KEYWORD_GENERATED
      "ORDER BY visit_time DESC, id DESC"));

  statement.BindInt64(0, options.EffectiveBeginTime());
  statement.BindInt64(1, options.EffectiveEndTime());
  statement.BindInt(2, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_CHAIN_END);
  statement.BindInt(3, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_CORE_MASK);
  statement.BindInt(4, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_AUTO_SUBFRAME);
  statement.BindInt(5, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_MANUAL_SUBFRAME);
  statement.BindInt(6, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_KEYWORD_GENERATED);

  return FillVisitVectorWithOptions(statement, options, visits);

void VisitDatabase::GetDirectVisitsDuringTimes(const VisitFilter& time_filter,
                                                int max_results,
                                                VisitVector* visits) {
  if (max_results)
  for (VisitFilter::TimeVector::const_iterator it = time_filter.times().begin();
       it != time_filter.times().end(); ++it) {
    sql::Statement statement(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
        "WHERE visit_time >= ? AND visit_time < ? "
        "AND (transition & ?) != 0 "  // CHAIN_START
        "AND (transition & ?) IN (?, ?) "  // TYPED or AUTO_BOOKMARK only
        "ORDER BY visit_time DESC, id DESC"));

    statement.BindInt64(0, it->first.ToInternalValue());
    statement.BindInt64(1, it->second.ToInternalValue());
    statement.BindInt(2, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_CHAIN_START);
    statement.BindInt(3, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_CORE_MASK);
    statement.BindInt(4, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_TYPED);
    statement.BindInt(5, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_AUTO_BOOKMARK);

    while (statement.Step()) {
      VisitRow visit;
      FillVisitRow(statement, &visit);

      if (max_results > 0 && static_cast<int>(visits->size()) >= max_results)

VisitID VisitDatabase::GetMostRecentVisitForURL(URLID url_id,
                                                VisitRow* visit_row) {
  // The visit_time values can be duplicated in a redirect chain, so we sort
  // by id too, to ensure a consistent ordering just in case.
  sql::Statement statement(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "WHERE url=? "
      "ORDER BY visit_time DESC, id DESC "
      "LIMIT 1"));
  statement.BindInt64(0, url_id);
  if (!statement.Step())
    return 0;  // No visits for this URL.

  if (visit_row) {
    FillVisitRow(statement, visit_row);
    return visit_row->visit_id;
  return statement.ColumnInt64(0);

bool VisitDatabase::GetMostRecentVisitsForURL(URLID url_id,
                                              int max_results,
                                              VisitVector* visits) {

  // The visit_time values can be duplicated in a redirect chain, so we sort
  // by id too, to ensure a consistent ordering just in case.
  sql::Statement statement(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "FROM visits "
      "WHERE url=? "
      "ORDER BY visit_time DESC, id DESC "
      "LIMIT ?"));
  statement.BindInt64(0, url_id);
  statement.BindInt(1, max_results);

  return FillVisitVector(statement, visits);

bool VisitDatabase::GetRedirectFromVisit(VisitID from_visit,
                                         VisitID* to_visit,
                                         GURL* to_url) {
  sql::Statement statement(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "SELECT,u.url "
      "FROM visits v JOIN urls u ON v.url = "
      "WHERE v.from_visit = ? "
      "AND (v.transition & ?) != 0"));  // IS_REDIRECT_MASK
  statement.BindInt64(0, from_visit);
  statement.BindInt(1, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_IS_REDIRECT_MASK);

  if (!statement.Step())
    return false;  // No redirect from this visit. (Or SQL error)
  if (to_visit)
    *to_visit = statement.ColumnInt64(0);
  if (to_url)
    *to_url = GURL(statement.ColumnString(1));
  return true;

bool VisitDatabase::GetRedirectToVisit(VisitID to_visit,
                                       VisitID* from_visit,
                                       GURL* from_url) {
  VisitRow row;
  if (!GetRowForVisit(to_visit, &row))
    return false;

  if (from_visit)
    *from_visit = row.referring_visit;

  if (from_url) {
    sql::Statement statement(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
        "SELECT u.url "
        "FROM visits v JOIN urls u ON v.url = "
        "WHERE = ?"));
    statement.BindInt64(0, row.referring_visit);

    if (!statement.Step())
      return false;

    *from_url = GURL(statement.ColumnString(0));
  return true;

bool VisitDatabase::GetVisibleVisitCountToHost(const GURL& url,
                                               int* count,
                                               base::Time* first_visit) {
  if (!url.SchemeIs(content::kHttpScheme) &&
    return false;

  // We need to search for URLs with a matching host/port. One way to query for
  // this is to use the LIKE operator, eg 'url LIKE'. This
  // is inefficient though in that it doesn't use the index and each entry must
  // be visited. The same query can be executed by using >= and < operator.
  // The query becomes:
  // 'url >=' and url < http://google.com0'.
  // 0 is used as it is one character greater than '/'.
  const std::string host_query_min = url.GetOrigin().spec();
  if (host_query_min.empty())
    return false;

  // We also want to restrict ourselves to main frame navigations that are not
  // in the middle of redirect chains, hence the transition checks.
  sql::Statement statement(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "SELECT MIN(v.visit_time), COUNT(*) "
      "FROM visits v INNER JOIN urls u ON v.url = "
      "WHERE u.url >= ? AND u.url < ? "
      "AND (transition & ?) != 0 "
      "AND (transition & ?) NOT IN (?, ?, ?)"));
  statement.BindString(0, host_query_min);
      host_query_min.substr(0, host_query_min.size() - 1) + '0');
  statement.BindInt(2, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_CHAIN_END);
  statement.BindInt(3, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_CORE_MASK);
  statement.BindInt(4, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_AUTO_SUBFRAME);
  statement.BindInt(5, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_MANUAL_SUBFRAME);
  statement.BindInt(6, content::PAGE_TRANSITION_KEYWORD_GENERATED);

  if (!statement.Step()) {
    // We've never been to this page before.
    *count = 0;
    return true;

  if (!statement.Succeeded())
    return false;

  *first_visit = base::Time::FromInternalValue(statement.ColumnInt64(0));
  *count = statement.ColumnInt(1);
  return true;

bool VisitDatabase::GetStartDate(base::Time* first_visit) {
  sql::Statement statement(GetDB().GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE,
      "SELECT MIN(visit_time) FROM visits WHERE visit_time != 0"));
  if (!statement.Step() || statement.ColumnInt64(0) == 0) {
    *first_visit = base::Time::Now();
    return false;
  *first_visit = base::Time::FromInternalValue(statement.ColumnInt64(0));
  return true;

void VisitDatabase::GetVisitsSource(const VisitVector& visits,
                                    VisitSourceMap* sources) {

  // We query the source in batch. Here defines the batch size.
  const size_t batch_size = 500;
  size_t visits_size = visits.size();

  size_t start_index = 0, end_index = 0;
  while (end_index < visits_size) {
    start_index = end_index;
    end_index = end_index + batch_size < visits_size ? end_index + batch_size
                                                     : visits_size;

    // Compose the sql statement with a list of ids.
    std::string sql = "SELECT id,source FROM visit_source ";
    sql.append("WHERE id IN (");
    // Append all the ids in the statement.
    for (size_t j = start_index; j < end_index; j++) {
      if (j != start_index)
    sql.append(") ORDER BY id");
    sql::Statement statement(GetDB().GetUniqueStatement(sql.c_str()));

    // Get the source entries out of the query result.
    while (statement.Step()) {
      std::pair<VisitID, VisitSource> source_entry(statement.ColumnInt64(0),

bool VisitDatabase::MigrateVisitsWithoutDuration() {
  if (!GetDB().DoesTableExist("visits")) {
    NOTREACHED() << " Visits table should exist before migration";
    return false;

  if (!GetDB().DoesColumnExist("visits", "visit_duration")) {
    // Old versions don't have the visit_duration column, we modify the table
    // to add that field.
    if (!GetDB().Execute("ALTER TABLE visits "
        "ADD COLUMN visit_duration INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL"))
      return false;
  return true;

void VisitDatabase::GetBriefVisitInfoOfMostRecentVisits(
    int max_visits,
    std::vector<BriefVisitInfo>* result_vector) {

  sql::Statement statement(GetDB().GetUniqueStatement(
      "SELECT url,visit_time,transition FROM visits "
      "ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT ?"));

  statement.BindInt64(0, max_visits);

  if (!statement.is_valid())

  while (statement.Step()) {
    BriefVisitInfo info;
    info.url_id = statement.ColumnInt64(0);
    info.time = base::Time::FromInternalValue(statement.ColumnInt64(1));
    info.transition = content::PageTransitionFromInt(statement.ColumnInt(2));

}  // namespace history

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */