
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. FindBranchTargets
  2. CutGraphIntoBasicBlocks
  3. MergeTails
  4. SampleProgramOneInstruction
  5. SampleProgramSimpleBranch
  6. SampleProgramAtypicalBranch
  7. SampleProgramComplex
  8. SampleProgramConfusingTails
  9. SampleProgramConfusingTailsBasic
  10. SampleProgramConfusingTailsMergeable
  11. ForAllPrograms
  12. MakeInstruction
  14. FindBranchTargets
  16. CutGraphIntoBasicBlocks
  18. MergeTails
  20. CompileAndCompare

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include <errno.h>

#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include <vector>

#include "sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/codegen.h"
#include "sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf/sandbox_bpf.h"
#include "sandbox/linux/tests/unit_tests.h"

namespace sandbox {

class SandboxUnittestHelper : public SandboxBPF {
  typedef SandboxBPF::Program Program;

// We want to access some of the private methods in the code generator. We
// do so by defining a "friend" that makes these methods public for us.
class CodeGenUnittestHelper : public CodeGen {
  void FindBranchTargets(const Instruction& instructions,
                         BranchTargets* branch_targets) {
    CodeGen::FindBranchTargets(instructions, branch_targets);

  BasicBlock* CutGraphIntoBasicBlocks(Instruction* insns,
                                      const BranchTargets& branch_targets,
                                      TargetsToBlocks* blocks) {
    return CodeGen::CutGraphIntoBasicBlocks(insns, branch_targets, blocks);

  void MergeTails(TargetsToBlocks* blocks) { CodeGen::MergeTails(blocks); }

enum { NO_FLAGS = 0x0000, HAS_MERGEABLE_TAILS = 0x0001, };

Instruction* SampleProgramOneInstruction(CodeGen* codegen, int* flags) {
  // Create the most basic valid BPF program:
  *flags = NO_FLAGS;
  return codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_RET + BPF_K,

Instruction* SampleProgramSimpleBranch(CodeGen* codegen, int* flags) {
  // Create a program with a single branch:
  //    JUMP if eq 42 then $0 else $1
  // 0: RET EPERM
  *flags = NO_FLAGS;
  return codegen->MakeInstruction(
      BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ + BPF_K,
      codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_RET + BPF_K, ErrorCode(EPERM)),
      codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_RET + BPF_K,

Instruction* SampleProgramAtypicalBranch(CodeGen* codegen, int* flags) {
  // Create a program with a single branch:
  //    JUMP if eq 42 then $0 else $0

  // N.B.: As the instructions in both sides of the branch are already
  //       the same object, we do not actually have any "mergeable" branches.
  //       This needs to be reflected in our choice of "flags".
  *flags = NO_FLAGS;

  Instruction* ret = codegen->MakeInstruction(
      BPF_RET + BPF_K, ErrorCode(ErrorCode::ERR_ALLOWED));
  return codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ + BPF_K, 42, ret, ret);

Instruction* SampleProgramComplex(CodeGen* codegen, int* flags) {
  // Creates a basic BPF program that we'll use to test some of the code:
  //    JUMP if eq 42 the $0 else $1     (insn6)
  // 0: LD 23                            (insn5)
  // 1: JUMP if eq 42 then $2 else $4    (insn4)
  // 2: JUMP to $3                       (insn1)
  // 3: LD 42                            (insn0)
  //    RET ErrorCode(42)                (insn2)
  // 4: LD 42                            (insn3)
  //    RET ErrorCode(42)                (insn3+)

  Instruction* insn0 = codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_LD + BPF_W + BPF_ABS, 42);
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn0->code == BPF_LD + BPF_W + BPF_ABS);
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn0->k == 42);
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn0->next == NULL);

  Instruction* insn1 = codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_JMP + BPF_JA, 0, insn0);
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn1->code == BPF_JMP + BPF_JA);
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn1->jt_ptr == insn0);

  Instruction* insn2 = codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_RET + BPF_K, ErrorCode(42));
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn2->code == BPF_RET + BPF_K);
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn2->next == NULL);

  // We explicitly duplicate instructions so that MergeTails() can coalesce
  // them later.
  Instruction* insn3 = codegen->MakeInstruction(
      BPF_LD + BPF_W + BPF_ABS,
      codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_RET + BPF_K, ErrorCode(42)));

  Instruction* insn4 =
      codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ + BPF_K, 42, insn1, insn3);
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn4->code == BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ + BPF_K);
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn4->k == 42);
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn4->jt_ptr == insn1);
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn4->jf_ptr == insn3);

  codegen->JoinInstructions(insn0, insn2);
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn0->next == insn2);

  Instruction* insn5 =
      codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_LD + BPF_W + BPF_ABS, 23, insn4);
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn5->code == BPF_LD + BPF_W + BPF_ABS);
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn5->k == 23);
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn5->next == insn4);

  // Force a basic block that ends in neither a jump instruction nor a return
  // instruction. It only contains "insn5". This exercises one of the less
  // common code paths in the topo-sort algorithm.
  // This also gives us a diamond-shaped pattern in our graph, which stresses
  // another aspect of the topo-sort algorithm (namely, the ability to
  // correctly count the incoming branches for subtrees that are not disjunct).
  Instruction* insn6 =
      codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ + BPF_K, 42, insn5, insn4);

  return insn6;

Instruction* SampleProgramConfusingTails(CodeGen* codegen, int* flags) {
  // This simple program demonstrates
  // The two "LOAD 0" instructions are blocks of their own. MergeTails() could
  // be tempted to merge them since they are the same. However, they are
  // not mergeable because they fall-through to non semantically equivalent
  // blocks.
  // Without the fix for this bug, this program should trigger the check in
  // CompileAndCompare: the serialized graphs from the program and its compiled
  // version will differ.
  //  0) LOAD 1  // ???
  //  1) if A == 0x1; then JMP 2 else JMP 3
  //  2) LOAD 0  // System call number
  //  3) if A == 0x2; then JMP 4 else JMP 5
  //  4) LOAD 0  // System call number
  //  5) if A == 0x1; then JMP 6 else JMP 7
  //  6) RET 0x50000  // errno = 0
  //  7) RET 0x50001  // errno = 1
  *flags = NO_FLAGS;

  Instruction* i7 = codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_RET, ErrorCode(1));
  Instruction* i6 = codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_RET, ErrorCode(0));
  Instruction* i5 =
      codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ + BPF_K, 1, i6, i7);
  Instruction* i4 = codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_LD + BPF_W + BPF_ABS, 0, i5);
  Instruction* i3 =
      codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ + BPF_K, 2, i4, i5);
  Instruction* i2 = codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_LD + BPF_W + BPF_ABS, 0, i3);
  Instruction* i1 =
      codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ + BPF_K, 1, i2, i3);
  Instruction* i0 = codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_LD + BPF_W + BPF_ABS, 1, i1);

  return i0;

Instruction* SampleProgramConfusingTailsBasic(CodeGen* codegen, int* flags) {
  // Without the fix for, (see
  // SampleProgramConfusingTails()), this would generate a cyclic graph and
  // crash as the two "LOAD 0" instructions would get merged.
  // 0) LOAD 1  // ???
  // 1) if A == 0x1; then JMP 2 else JMP 3
  // 2) LOAD 0  // System call number
  // 3) if A == 0x2; then JMP 4 else JMP 5
  // 4) LOAD 0  // System call number
  // 5) RET 0x50001  // errno = 1
  *flags = NO_FLAGS;

  Instruction* i5 = codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_RET, ErrorCode(1));
  Instruction* i4 = codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_LD + BPF_W + BPF_ABS, 0, i5);
  Instruction* i3 =
      codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ + BPF_K, 2, i4, i5);
  Instruction* i2 = codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_LD + BPF_W + BPF_ABS, 0, i3);
  Instruction* i1 =
      codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ + BPF_K, 1, i2, i3);
  Instruction* i0 = codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_LD + BPF_W + BPF_ABS, 1, i1);

  return i0;

Instruction* SampleProgramConfusingTailsMergeable(CodeGen* codegen,
                                                  int* flags) {
  // This is similar to SampleProgramConfusingTails(), except that
  // instructions 2 and 4 are now RET instructions.
  // In PointerCompare(), this exercises the path where two blocks are of the
  // same length and identical and the last instruction is a JMP or RET, so the
  // following blocks don't need to be looked at and the blocks are mergeable.
  // 0) LOAD 1  // ???
  // 1) if A == 0x1; then JMP 2 else JMP 3
  // 2) RET 0x5002a  // errno = 42
  // 3) if A == 0x2; then JMP 4 else JMP 5
  // 4) RET 0x5002a  // errno = 42
  // 5) if A == 0x1; then JMP 6 else JMP 7
  // 6) RET 0x50000  // errno = 0
  // 7) RET 0x50001  // errno = 1

  Instruction* i7 = codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_RET, ErrorCode(1));
  Instruction* i6 = codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_RET, ErrorCode(0));
  Instruction* i5 =
      codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ + BPF_K, 1, i6, i7);
  Instruction* i4 = codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_RET, ErrorCode(42));
  Instruction* i3 =
      codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ + BPF_K, 2, i4, i5);
  Instruction* i2 = codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_RET, ErrorCode(42));
  Instruction* i1 =
      codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_JMP + BPF_JEQ + BPF_K, 1, i2, i3);
  Instruction* i0 = codegen->MakeInstruction(BPF_LD + BPF_W + BPF_ABS, 1, i1);

  return i0;
void ForAllPrograms(void (*test)(CodeGenUnittestHelper*, Instruction*, int)) {
  Instruction* (*function_table[])(CodeGen* codegen, int* flags) = {

  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(function_table); ++i) {
    CodeGenUnittestHelper codegen;
    int flags = NO_FLAGS;
    Instruction *prg = function_table[i](&codegen, &flags);
    test(&codegen, prg, flags);

void MakeInstruction(CodeGenUnittestHelper* codegen,
                     Instruction* program, int) {
  // Nothing to do here

SANDBOX_TEST(CodeGen, MakeInstruction) {

void FindBranchTargets(CodeGenUnittestHelper* codegen, Instruction* prg, int) {
  BranchTargets branch_targets;
  codegen->FindBranchTargets(*prg, &branch_targets);

  // Verifying the general properties that should be true for every
  // well-formed BPF program.
  // Perform a depth-first traversal of the BPF program an verify that all
  // targets of BPF_JMP instructions are represented in the "branch_targets".
  // At the same time, compute a set of both the branch targets and all the
  // instructions in the program.
  std::vector<Instruction*> stack;
  std::set<Instruction*> all_instructions;
  std::set<Instruction*> target_instructions;
  BranchTargets::const_iterator end = branch_targets.end();
  for (Instruction* insn = prg;;) {
    if (BPF_CLASS(insn->code) == BPF_JMP) {
      SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn->jt_ptr != NULL);
      SANDBOX_ASSERT(branch_targets.find(insn->jt_ptr) != end);
      if (BPF_OP(insn->code) != BPF_JA) {
        SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn->jf_ptr != NULL);
        SANDBOX_ASSERT(branch_targets.find(insn->jf_ptr) != end);
      insn = insn->jt_ptr;
    } else if (BPF_CLASS(insn->code) == BPF_RET) {
      SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn->next == NULL);
      if (stack.empty()) {
      insn = stack.back();
    } else {
      SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn->next != NULL);
      insn = insn->next;
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(target_instructions.size() == branch_targets.size());

  // We can now subtract the set of the branch targets from the set of all
  // instructions. This gives us a set with the instructions that nobody
  // ever jumps to. Verify that they are no included in the
  // "branch_targets" that FindBranchTargets() computed for us.
  Instructions non_target_instructions(all_instructions.size() -
  for (Instructions::const_iterator iter = non_target_instructions.begin();
       iter != non_target_instructions.end();
       ++iter) {
    SANDBOX_ASSERT(branch_targets.find(*iter) == end);

SANDBOX_TEST(CodeGen, FindBranchTargets) { ForAllPrograms(FindBranchTargets); }

void CutGraphIntoBasicBlocks(CodeGenUnittestHelper* codegen,
                             Instruction* prg,
                             int) {
  BranchTargets branch_targets;
  codegen->FindBranchTargets(*prg, &branch_targets);
  TargetsToBlocks all_blocks;
  BasicBlock* first_block =
      codegen->CutGraphIntoBasicBlocks(prg, branch_targets, &all_blocks);
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(first_block != NULL);
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(first_block->instructions.size() > 0);
  Instruction* first_insn = first_block->instructions[0];

  // Basic blocks are supposed to start with a branch target and end with
  // either a jump or a return instruction. It can also end, if the next
  // instruction forms the beginning of a new basic block. There should be
  // no other jumps or return instructions in the middle of a basic block.
  for (TargetsToBlocks::const_iterator bb_iter = all_blocks.begin();
       bb_iter != all_blocks.end();
       ++bb_iter) {
    BasicBlock* bb = bb_iter->second;
    SANDBOX_ASSERT(bb->instructions.size() > 0);
    Instruction* insn = bb->instructions[0];
    SANDBOX_ASSERT(insn == first_insn ||
                   branch_targets.find(insn) != branch_targets.end());
    for (Instructions::const_iterator insn_iter = bb->instructions.begin();;) {
      insn = *insn_iter;
      if (++insn_iter != bb->instructions.end()) {
        SANDBOX_ASSERT(BPF_CLASS(insn->code) != BPF_JMP);
        SANDBOX_ASSERT(BPF_CLASS(insn->code) != BPF_RET);
      } else {
        SANDBOX_ASSERT(BPF_CLASS(insn->code) == BPF_JMP ||
                       BPF_CLASS(insn->code) == BPF_RET ||
                       branch_targets.find(insn->next) != branch_targets.end());
      SANDBOX_ASSERT(branch_targets.find(*insn_iter) == branch_targets.end());

SANDBOX_TEST(CodeGen, CutGraphIntoBasicBlocks) {

void MergeTails(CodeGenUnittestHelper* codegen, Instruction* prg, int flags) {
  BranchTargets branch_targets;
  codegen->FindBranchTargets(*prg, &branch_targets);
  TargetsToBlocks all_blocks;
  BasicBlock* first_block =
      codegen->CutGraphIntoBasicBlocks(prg, branch_targets, &all_blocks);

  // The shape of our graph and thus the function of our program should
  // still be unchanged after we run MergeTails(). We verify this by
  // serializing the graph and verifying that it is still the same.
  // We also verify that at least some of the edges changed because of
  // tail merging.
  std::string graph[2];
  std::string edges[2];

  // The loop executes twice. After the first run, we call MergeTails() on
  // our graph.
  for (int i = 0;;) {
    // Traverse the entire program in depth-first order.
    std::vector<BasicBlock*> stack;
    for (BasicBlock* bb = first_block;;) {
      // Serialize the instructions in this basic block. In general, we only
      // need to serialize "code" and "k"; except for a BPF_JA instruction
      // where "k" isn't set.
      // The stream of instructions should be unchanged after MergeTails().
      for (Instructions::const_iterator iter = bb->instructions.begin();
           iter != bb->instructions.end();
           ++iter) {
        if (BPF_CLASS((*iter)->code) != BPF_JMP ||
            BPF_OP((*iter)->code) != BPF_JA) {

      // Also serialize the addresses the basic blocks as we encounter them.
      // This will change as basic blocks are coalesed by MergeTails().
      edges[i].append(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&bb), sizeof(bb));

      // Depth-first traversal of the graph. We only ever need to look at the
      // very last instruction in the basic block, as that is the only one that
      // can change code flow.
      Instruction* insn = bb->instructions.back();
      if (BPF_CLASS(insn->code) == BPF_JMP) {
        // For jump instructions, we need to remember the "false" branch while
        // traversing the "true" branch. This is not necessary for BPF_JA which
        // only has a single branch.
        if (BPF_OP(insn->code) != BPF_JA) {
        bb = all_blocks[insn->jt_ptr];
      } else if (BPF_CLASS(insn->code) == BPF_RET) {
        // After a BPF_RET, see if we need to back track.
        if (stack.empty()) {
        bb = stack.back();
      } else {
        // For "normal" instructions, just follow to the next basic block.
        bb = all_blocks[insn->next];

    // Our loop runs exactly two times.
    if (++i > 1) {
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(graph[0] == graph[1]);
  if (flags & HAS_MERGEABLE_TAILS) {
    SANDBOX_ASSERT(edges[0] != edges[1]);
  } else {
    SANDBOX_ASSERT(edges[0] == edges[1]);

SANDBOX_TEST(CodeGen, MergeTails) {

void CompileAndCompare(CodeGenUnittestHelper* codegen, Instruction* prg, int) {
  // TopoSortBasicBlocks() has internal checks that cause it to fail, if it
  // detects a problem. Typically, if anything goes wrong, this looks to the
  // TopoSort algorithm as if there had been cycles in the input data.
  // This provides a pretty good unittest.
  // We hand-crafted the program returned by SampleProgram() to exercise
  // several of the more interesting code-paths. See comments in
  // SampleProgram() for details.
  // In addition to relying on the internal consistency checks in the compiler,
  // we also serialize the graph and the resulting BPF program and compare
  // them. With the exception of BPF_JA instructions that might have been
  // inserted, both instruction streams should be equivalent.
  // As Compile() modifies the instructions, we have to serialize the graph
  // before calling Compile().
  std::string source;
  Instructions source_stack;
  for (const Instruction* insn = prg, *next; insn; insn = next) {
    if (BPF_CLASS(insn->code) == BPF_JMP) {
      if (BPF_OP(insn->code) == BPF_JA) {
        // Do not serialize BPF_JA instructions (see above).
        next = insn->jt_ptr;
      } else {
        next = insn->jt_ptr;
    } else if (BPF_CLASS(insn->code) == BPF_RET) {
      if (source_stack.empty()) {
        next = NULL;
      } else {
        next = source_stack.back();
    } else {
      next = insn->next;
    // Only serialize "code" and "k". That's all the information we need to
    // compare. The rest of the information is encoded in the order of
    // instructions.
    source.append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&insn->code),
    source.append(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&insn->k), sizeof(insn->k));

  // Compile the program
  SandboxUnittestHelper::Program bpf;
  codegen->Compile(prg, &bpf);

  // Serialize the resulting BPF instructions.
  std::string assembly;
  std::vector<int> assembly_stack;
  for (int idx = 0; idx >= 0;) {
    SANDBOX_ASSERT(idx < (int)bpf.size());
    struct sock_filter& insn = bpf[idx];
    if (BPF_CLASS(insn.code) == BPF_JMP) {
      if (BPF_OP(insn.code) == BPF_JA) {
        // Do not serialize BPF_JA instructions (see above).
        idx += insn.k + 1;
      } else {
        assembly_stack.push_back(idx + insn.jf + 1);
        idx += insn.jt + 1;
    } else if (BPF_CLASS(insn.code) == BPF_RET) {
      if (assembly_stack.empty()) {
        idx = -1;
      } else {
        idx = assembly_stack.back();
    } else {
    // Serialize the same information that we serialized before compilation.
    assembly.append(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&insn.code), sizeof(insn.code));
    assembly.append(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&insn.k), sizeof(insn.k));
  SANDBOX_ASSERT(source == assembly);

SANDBOX_TEST(CodeGen, All) {

}  // namespace sandbox

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */