
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. should_terminate
  2. Alert
  3. ResolveDns
  4. OnError
  5. mock_js_bindings
  6. SetPacScriptFromDisk
  7. TEST
  8. TEST
  9. TEST
  10. TEST
  11. TEST
  12. TEST
  13. TEST
  14. TEST
  15. TEST
  16. TEST
  17. TEST
  18. TEST
  19. TEST
  20. TEST
  21. TEST
  22. TEST
  23. TEST
  24. TEST
  25. TEST

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/file_util.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/stringprintf.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "net/base/net_log_unittest.h"
#include "net/proxy/proxy_info.h"
#include "net/proxy/proxy_resolver_v8.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"

namespace net {
namespace {

// Javascript bindings for ProxyResolverV8, which returns mock values.
// Each time one of the bindings is called into, we push the input into a
// list, for later verification.
class MockJSBindings : public ProxyResolverV8::JSBindings {
  MockJSBindings() : my_ip_address_count(0), my_ip_address_ex_count(0),
                     should_terminate(false) {}

  virtual void Alert(const base::string16& message) OVERRIDE {
    VLOG(1) << "PAC-alert: " << message;  // Helpful when debugging.

  virtual bool ResolveDns(const std::string& host,
                          ResolveDnsOperation op,
                          std::string* output,
                          bool* terminate) OVERRIDE {
    *terminate = should_terminate;

    if (op == MY_IP_ADDRESS) {
      *output = my_ip_address_result;
      return !my_ip_address_result.empty();

    if (op == MY_IP_ADDRESS_EX) {
      *output = my_ip_address_ex_result;
      return !my_ip_address_ex_result.empty();

    if (op == DNS_RESOLVE) {
      *output = dns_resolve_result;
      return !dns_resolve_result.empty();

    if (op == DNS_RESOLVE_EX) {
      *output = dns_resolve_ex_result;
      return !dns_resolve_ex_result.empty();

    return false;

  virtual void OnError(int line_number,
                       const base::string16& message) OVERRIDE {
    // Helpful when debugging.
    VLOG(1) << "PAC-error: [" << line_number << "] " << message;


  // Mock values to return.
  std::string my_ip_address_result;
  std::string my_ip_address_ex_result;
  std::string dns_resolve_result;
  std::string dns_resolve_ex_result;

  // Inputs we got called with.
  std::vector<std::string> alerts;
  std::vector<std::string> errors;
  std::vector<int> errors_line_number;
  std::vector<std::string> dns_resolves;
  std::vector<std::string> dns_resolves_ex;
  int my_ip_address_count;
  int my_ip_address_ex_count;

  // Whether ResolveDns() should terminate script execution.
  bool should_terminate;

// This is the same as ProxyResolverV8, but it uses mock bindings in place of
// the default bindings, and has a helper function to load PAC scripts from
// disk.
class ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings : public ProxyResolverV8 {
  ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings() {

  virtual ~ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings() {

  MockJSBindings* mock_js_bindings() {
    return &mock_js_bindings_;

  // Initialize with the PAC script data at |filename|.
  int SetPacScriptFromDisk(const char* filename) {
    base::FilePath path;
    PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &path);
    path = path.AppendASCII("net");
    path = path.AppendASCII("data");
    path = path.AppendASCII("proxy_resolver_v8_unittest");
    path = path.AppendASCII(filename);

    // Try to read the file from disk.
    std::string file_contents;
    bool ok = base::ReadFileToString(path, &file_contents);

    // If we can't load the file from disk, something is misconfigured.
    if (!ok) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to read file: " << path.value();
      return ERR_UNEXPECTED;

    // Load the PAC script into the ProxyResolver.
    return SetPacScript(ProxyResolverScriptData::FromUTF8(file_contents),

  MockJSBindings mock_js_bindings_;

// Doesn't really matter what these values are for many of the tests.
const GURL kQueryUrl("");
const GURL kPacUrl;

TEST(ProxyResolverV8Test, Direct) {
  ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings resolver;
  int result = resolver.SetPacScriptFromDisk("direct.js");
  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  ProxyInfo proxy_info;
  CapturingBoundNetLog log;
  result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
      kQueryUrl, &proxy_info, CompletionCallback(), NULL, log.bound());

  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  EXPECT_EQ(0U, resolver.mock_js_bindings()->alerts.size());
  EXPECT_EQ(0U, resolver.mock_js_bindings()->errors.size());

  net::CapturingNetLog::CapturedEntryList entries;
  // No bindings were called, so no log entries.
  EXPECT_EQ(0u, entries.size());

TEST(ProxyResolverV8Test, ReturnEmptyString) {
  ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings resolver;
  int result = resolver.SetPacScriptFromDisk("return_empty_string.js");
  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  ProxyInfo proxy_info;
  result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
      kQueryUrl, &proxy_info, CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());

  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  EXPECT_EQ(0U, resolver.mock_js_bindings()->alerts.size());
  EXPECT_EQ(0U, resolver.mock_js_bindings()->errors.size());

TEST(ProxyResolverV8Test, Basic) {
  ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings resolver;
  int result = resolver.SetPacScriptFromDisk("passthrough.js");
  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  // The "FindProxyForURL" of this PAC script simply concatenates all of the
  // arguments into a pseudo-host. The purpose of this test is to verify that
  // the correct arguments are being passed to FindProxyForURL().
    ProxyInfo proxy_info;
    result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(GURL(""), &proxy_info,
                                     CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
    EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);
    ProxyInfo proxy_info;
    int result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
        GURL(""), &proxy_info, CompletionCallback(),
        NULL, BoundNetLog());
    EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);
    // Note that FindProxyForURL(url, host) does not expect |host| to contain
    // the port number.

    EXPECT_EQ(0U, resolver.mock_js_bindings()->alerts.size());
    EXPECT_EQ(0U, resolver.mock_js_bindings()->errors.size());

TEST(ProxyResolverV8Test, BadReturnType) {
  // These are the filenames of PAC scripts which each return a non-string
  // types for FindProxyForURL(). They should all fail with
  static const char* const filenames[] = {
      // TODO(eroman): Should 'null' be considered equivalent to "DIRECT" ?

  for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(filenames); ++i) {
    ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings resolver;
    int result = resolver.SetPacScriptFromDisk(filenames[i]);
    EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

    ProxyInfo proxy_info;
    result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
        kQueryUrl, &proxy_info, CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());


    MockJSBindings* bindings = resolver.mock_js_bindings();
    EXPECT_EQ(0U, bindings->alerts.size());
    ASSERT_EQ(1U, bindings->errors.size());
    EXPECT_EQ("FindProxyForURL() did not return a string.",
    EXPECT_EQ(-1, bindings->errors_line_number[0]);

// Try using a PAC script which defines no "FindProxyForURL" function.
TEST(ProxyResolverV8Test, NoEntryPoint) {
  ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings resolver;
  int result = resolver.SetPacScriptFromDisk("no_entrypoint.js");

  ProxyInfo proxy_info;
  result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
      kQueryUrl, &proxy_info, CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());


// Try loading a malformed PAC script.
TEST(ProxyResolverV8Test, ParseError) {
  ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings resolver;
  int result = resolver.SetPacScriptFromDisk("missing_close_brace.js");

  ProxyInfo proxy_info;
  result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
      kQueryUrl, &proxy_info, CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());


  MockJSBindings* bindings = resolver.mock_js_bindings();
  EXPECT_EQ(0U, bindings->alerts.size());

  // We get one error during compilation.
  ASSERT_EQ(1U, bindings->errors.size());

  EXPECT_EQ("Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input",
  EXPECT_EQ(0, bindings->errors_line_number[0]);

// Run a PAC script several times, which has side-effects.
TEST(ProxyResolverV8Test, SideEffects) {
  ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings resolver;
  int result = resolver.SetPacScriptFromDisk("side_effects.js");

  // The PAC script increments a counter each time we invoke it.
  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    ProxyInfo proxy_info;
    result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
        kQueryUrl, &proxy_info, CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
    EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);
    EXPECT_EQ(base::StringPrintf("sideffect_%d:80", i),

  // Reload the script -- the javascript environment should be reset, hence
  // the counter starts over.
  result = resolver.SetPacScriptFromDisk("side_effects.js");
  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
    ProxyInfo proxy_info;
    result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
        kQueryUrl, &proxy_info, CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
    EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);
    EXPECT_EQ(base::StringPrintf("sideffect_%d:80", i),

// Execute a PAC script which throws an exception in FindProxyForURL.
TEST(ProxyResolverV8Test, UnhandledException) {
  ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings resolver;
  int result = resolver.SetPacScriptFromDisk("unhandled_exception.js");
  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  ProxyInfo proxy_info;
  result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
      kQueryUrl, &proxy_info, CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());


  MockJSBindings* bindings = resolver.mock_js_bindings();
  EXPECT_EQ(0U, bindings->alerts.size());
  ASSERT_EQ(1U, bindings->errors.size());
  EXPECT_EQ("Uncaught ReferenceError: undefined_variable is not defined",
  EXPECT_EQ(3, bindings->errors_line_number[0]);

TEST(ProxyResolverV8Test, ReturnUnicode) {
  ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings resolver;
  int result = resolver.SetPacScriptFromDisk("return_unicode.js");
  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  ProxyInfo proxy_info;
  result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
      kQueryUrl, &proxy_info, CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());

  // The result from this resolve was unparseable, because it
  // wasn't ASCII.

// Test the PAC library functions that we expose in the JS environment.
TEST(ProxyResolverV8Test, JavascriptLibrary) {
  ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings resolver;
  int result = resolver.SetPacScriptFromDisk("pac_library_unittest.js");
  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  ProxyInfo proxy_info;
  result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
      kQueryUrl, &proxy_info, CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());

  // If the javascript side of this unit-test fails, it will throw a javascript
  // exception. Otherwise it will return "PROXY success:80".
  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);
  EXPECT_EQ("success:80", proxy_info.proxy_server().ToURI());

  EXPECT_EQ(0U, resolver.mock_js_bindings()->alerts.size());
  EXPECT_EQ(0U, resolver.mock_js_bindings()->errors.size());

// Try resolving when SetPacScriptByData() has not been called.
TEST(ProxyResolverV8Test, NoSetPacScript) {
  ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings resolver;

  ProxyInfo proxy_info;

  // Resolve should fail, as we are not yet initialized with a script.
  int result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
      kQueryUrl, &proxy_info, CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());

  // Initialize it.
  result = resolver.SetPacScriptFromDisk("direct.js");
  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  // Resolve should now succeed.
  result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
      kQueryUrl, &proxy_info, CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  // Clear it, by initializing with an empty string.

  // Resolve should fail again now.
  result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
      kQueryUrl, &proxy_info, CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());

  // Load a good script once more.
  result = resolver.SetPacScriptFromDisk("direct.js");
  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);
  result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
      kQueryUrl, &proxy_info, CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());
  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  EXPECT_EQ(0U, resolver.mock_js_bindings()->alerts.size());
  EXPECT_EQ(0U, resolver.mock_js_bindings()->errors.size());

// Test marshalling/un-marshalling of values between C++/V8.
TEST(ProxyResolverV8Test, V8Bindings) {
  ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings resolver;
  MockJSBindings* bindings = resolver.mock_js_bindings();
  bindings->dns_resolve_result = "";
  int result = resolver.SetPacScriptFromDisk("bindings.js");
  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  ProxyInfo proxy_info;
  result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
      kQueryUrl, &proxy_info, CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());

  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  EXPECT_EQ(0U, resolver.mock_js_bindings()->errors.size());

  // Alert was called 5 times.
  ASSERT_EQ(5U, bindings->alerts.size());
  EXPECT_EQ("undefined", bindings->alerts[0]);
  EXPECT_EQ("null", bindings->alerts[1]);
  EXPECT_EQ("undefined", bindings->alerts[2]);
  EXPECT_EQ("[object Object]", bindings->alerts[3]);
  EXPECT_EQ("exception from calling toString()", bindings->alerts[4]);

  // DnsResolve was called 8 times, however only 2 of those were string
  // parameters. (so 6 of them failed immediately).
  ASSERT_EQ(2U, bindings->dns_resolves.size());
  EXPECT_EQ("", bindings->dns_resolves[0]);
  EXPECT_EQ("arg1", bindings->dns_resolves[1]);

  // MyIpAddress was called two times.
  EXPECT_EQ(2, bindings->my_ip_address_count);

  // MyIpAddressEx was called once.
  EXPECT_EQ(1, bindings->my_ip_address_ex_count);

  // DnsResolveEx was called 2 times.
  ASSERT_EQ(2U, bindings->dns_resolves_ex.size());
  EXPECT_EQ("is_resolvable", bindings->dns_resolves_ex[0]);
  EXPECT_EQ("foobar", bindings->dns_resolves_ex[1]);

// Test calling a binding (myIpAddress()) from the script's global scope.
TEST(ProxyResolverV8Test, BindingCalledDuringInitialization) {
  ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings resolver;

  int result = resolver.SetPacScriptFromDisk("binding_from_global.js");
  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  MockJSBindings* bindings = resolver.mock_js_bindings();

  // myIpAddress() got called during initialization of the script.
  EXPECT_EQ(1, bindings->my_ip_address_count);

  ProxyInfo proxy_info;
  result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
      kQueryUrl, &proxy_info, CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());

  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);
  EXPECT_EQ("", proxy_info.proxy_server().ToURI());

  // Check that no other bindings were called.
  EXPECT_EQ(0U, bindings->errors.size());
  ASSERT_EQ(0U, bindings->alerts.size());
  ASSERT_EQ(0U, bindings->dns_resolves.size());
  EXPECT_EQ(0, bindings->my_ip_address_ex_count);
  ASSERT_EQ(0U, bindings->dns_resolves_ex.size());

// Try loading a PAC script that ends with a comment and has no terminal
// newline. This should not cause problems with the PAC utility functions
// that we add to the script's environment.
TEST(ProxyResolverV8Test, EndsWithCommentNoNewline) {
  ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings resolver;
  int result = resolver.SetPacScriptFromDisk("ends_with_comment.js");
  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  ProxyInfo proxy_info;
  result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
      kQueryUrl, &proxy_info, CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());

  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);
  EXPECT_EQ("success:80", proxy_info.proxy_server().ToURI());

// Try loading a PAC script that ends with a statement and has no terminal
// newline. This should not cause problems with the PAC utility functions
// that we add to the script's environment.
TEST(ProxyResolverV8Test, EndsWithStatementNoNewline) {
  ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings resolver;
  int result = resolver.SetPacScriptFromDisk(
  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  ProxyInfo proxy_info;
  result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
      kQueryUrl, &proxy_info, CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());

  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);
  EXPECT_EQ("success:3", proxy_info.proxy_server().ToURI());

// Test the return values from myIpAddress(), myIpAddressEx(), dnsResolve(),
// dnsResolveEx(), isResolvable(), isResolvableEx(), when the the binding
// returns empty string (failure). This simulates the return values from
// those functions when the underlying DNS resolution fails.
TEST(ProxyResolverV8Test, DNSResolutionFailure) {
  ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings resolver;
  int result = resolver.SetPacScriptFromDisk("dns_fail.js");
  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  ProxyInfo proxy_info;
  result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
      kQueryUrl, &proxy_info, CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());

  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);
  EXPECT_EQ("success:80", proxy_info.proxy_server().ToURI());

TEST(ProxyResolverV8Test, DNSResolutionOfInternationDomainName) {
  ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings resolver;
  int result = resolver.SetPacScriptFromDisk("international_domain_names.js");
  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  // Execute FindProxyForURL().
  ProxyInfo proxy_info;
  result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
      kQueryUrl, &proxy_info, CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());

  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  // Check that the international domain name was converted to punycode
  // before passing it onto the bindings layer.
  MockJSBindings* bindings = resolver.mock_js_bindings();

  ASSERT_EQ(1u, bindings->dns_resolves.size());
  EXPECT_EQ("", bindings->dns_resolves[0]);

  ASSERT_EQ(1u, bindings->dns_resolves_ex.size());
  EXPECT_EQ("", bindings->dns_resolves_ex[0]);

// Test that when resolving a URL which contains an IPv6 string literal, the
// brackets are removed from the host before passing it down to the PAC script.
// If we don't do this, then subsequent calls to dnsResolveEx(host) will be
// doomed to fail since it won't correspond with a valid name.
TEST(ProxyResolverV8Test, IPv6HostnamesNotBracketed) {
  ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings resolver;
  int result = resolver.SetPacScriptFromDisk("resolve_host.js");
  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  ProxyInfo proxy_info;
  result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
      GURL("http://[abcd::efff]:99/watsupdawg"), &proxy_info,
      CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());

  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  // We called dnsResolveEx() exactly once, by passing through the "host"
  // argument to FindProxyForURL(). The brackets should have been stripped.
  ASSERT_EQ(1U, resolver.mock_js_bindings()->dns_resolves_ex.size());
  EXPECT_EQ("abcd::efff", resolver.mock_js_bindings()->dns_resolves_ex[0]);

// Test that terminating a script within DnsResolve() leads to eventual
// termination of the script. Also test that repeatedly calling terminate is
// safe, and running the script again after termination still works.
TEST(ProxyResolverV8Test, Terminate) {
  ProxyResolverV8WithMockBindings resolver;
  int result = resolver.SetPacScriptFromDisk("terminate.js");
  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);

  MockJSBindings* bindings = resolver.mock_js_bindings();

  // Terminate script execution upon reaching dnsResolve(). Note that
  // termination may not take effect right away (so the subsequent dnsResolve()
  // and alert() may be run).
  bindings->should_terminate = true;

  ProxyInfo proxy_info;
  result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
      GURL("http://hang/"), &proxy_info,
      CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());

  // The script execution was terminated.

  EXPECT_EQ(1U, resolver.mock_js_bindings()->dns_resolves.size());
  EXPECT_GE(2U, resolver.mock_js_bindings()->dns_resolves_ex.size());
  EXPECT_GE(1U, bindings->alerts.size());

  EXPECT_EQ(1U, bindings->errors.size());

  // Termination shows up as an uncaught exception without any message.
  EXPECT_EQ("", bindings->errors[0]);


  // Try running the script again, this time with a different input which won't
  // cause a termination+hang.
  result = resolver.GetProxyForURL(
      GURL("http://kittens/"), &proxy_info,
      CompletionCallback(), NULL, BoundNetLog());

  EXPECT_EQ(OK, result);
  EXPECT_EQ(0u, bindings->errors.size());
  EXPECT_EQ("kittens:88", proxy_info.proxy_server().ToURI());

}  // namespace
}  // namespace net

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */