
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. weak_factory_
  2. SetUpload
  3. SetExtraRequestHeaders
  4. SetPriority
  5. Kill
  6. DetachRequest
  7. Read
  8. StopCaching
  9. GetFullRequestHeaders
  10. GetTotalReceivedBytes
  11. GetLoadState
  12. GetUploadProgress
  13. GetCharset
  14. GetResponseInfo
  15. GetLoadTimingInfo
  16. GetResponseCookies
  17. SetupFilter
  18. IsRedirectResponse
  19. CopyFragmentOnRedirect
  20. IsSafeRedirect
  21. NeedsAuth
  22. GetAuthChallengeInfo
  23. SetAuth
  24. CancelAuth
  25. ContinueWithCertificate
  26. ContinueDespiteLastError
  27. FollowDeferredRedirect
  28. ResumeNetworkStart
  29. GetMimeType
  30. GetResponseCode
  31. GetSocketAddress
  32. OnSuspend
  33. NotifyURLRequestDestroyed
  34. NotifyCertificateRequested
  35. NotifySSLCertificateError
  36. CanGetCookies
  37. CanSetCookie
  38. CanEnablePrivacyMode
  39. GetCookieStore
  40. NotifyBeforeNetworkStart
  41. NotifyHeadersComplete
  42. NotifyReadComplete
  43. NotifyStartError
  44. NotifyDone
  45. CompleteNotifyDone
  46. NotifyCanceled
  47. NotifyRestartRequired
  48. OnCallToDelegate
  49. OnCallToDelegateComplete
  50. ReadRawData
  51. DoneReading
  52. DoneReadingRedirectResponse
  53. FilteredDataRead
  54. ReadFilteredData
  55. DestroyFilters
  56. GetStatus
  57. SetStatus
  58. ReadRawDataForFilter
  59. ReadRawDataHelper
  60. FollowRedirect
  61. OnRawReadComplete
  62. RecordBytesRead
  63. FilterHasData
  64. UpdatePacketReadTimes

// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "net/url_request/url_request_job.h"

#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/message_loop/message_loop.h"
#include "base/power_monitor/power_monitor.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "net/base/auth.h"
#include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
#include "net/base/io_buffer.h"
#include "net/base/load_states.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "net/base/network_delegate.h"
#include "net/filter/filter.h"
#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
#include "net/url_request/url_request.h"

namespace net {

URLRequestJob::URLRequestJob(URLRequest* request,
                             NetworkDelegate* network_delegate)
    : request_(request),
      weak_factory_(this) {
  base::PowerMonitor* power_monitor = base::PowerMonitor::Get();
  if (power_monitor)

void URLRequestJob::SetUpload(UploadDataStream* upload) {

void URLRequestJob::SetExtraRequestHeaders(const HttpRequestHeaders& headers) {

void URLRequestJob::SetPriority(RequestPriority priority) {

void URLRequestJob::Kill() {
  // Make sure the request is notified that we are done.  We assume that the
  // request took care of setting its error status before calling Kill.
  if (request_)

void URLRequestJob::DetachRequest() {
  request_ = NULL;

// This function calls ReadData to get stream data. If a filter exists, passes
// the data to the attached filter. Then returns the output from filter back to
// the caller.
bool URLRequestJob::Read(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_size, int *bytes_read) {
  bool rv = false;

  DCHECK_LT(buf_size, 1000000);  // Sanity check.
  DCHECK(filtered_read_buffer_.get() == NULL);
  DCHECK_EQ(0, filtered_read_buffer_len_);

  *bytes_read = 0;

  // Skip Filter if not present.
  if (!filter_.get()) {
    rv = ReadRawDataHelper(buf, buf_size, bytes_read);
  } else {
    // Save the caller's buffers while we do IO
    // in the filter's buffers.
    filtered_read_buffer_ = buf;
    filtered_read_buffer_len_ = buf_size;

    if (ReadFilteredData(bytes_read)) {
      rv = true;   // We have data to return.

      // It is fine to call DoneReading even if ReadFilteredData receives 0
      // bytes from the net, but we avoid making that call if we know for
      // sure that's the case (ReadRawDataHelper path).
      if (*bytes_read == 0)
    } else {
      rv = false;  // Error, or a new IO is pending.
  if (rv && *bytes_read == 0)
  return rv;

void URLRequestJob::StopCaching() {
  // Nothing to do here.

bool URLRequestJob::GetFullRequestHeaders(HttpRequestHeaders* headers) const {
  // Most job types don't send request headers.
  return false;

int64 URLRequestJob::GetTotalReceivedBytes() const {
  return 0;

LoadState URLRequestJob::GetLoadState() const {

UploadProgress URLRequestJob::GetUploadProgress() const {
  return UploadProgress();

bool URLRequestJob::GetCharset(std::string* charset) {
  return false;

void URLRequestJob::GetResponseInfo(HttpResponseInfo* info) {

void URLRequestJob::GetLoadTimingInfo(LoadTimingInfo* load_timing_info) const {
  // Only certain request types return more than just request start times.

bool URLRequestJob::GetResponseCookies(std::vector<std::string>* cookies) {
  return false;

Filter* URLRequestJob::SetupFilter() const {
  return NULL;

bool URLRequestJob::IsRedirectResponse(GURL* location,
                                       int* http_status_code) {
  // For non-HTTP jobs, headers will be null.
  HttpResponseHeaders* headers = request_->response_headers();
  if (!headers)
    return false;

  std::string value;
  if (!headers->IsRedirect(&value))
    return false;

  *location = request_->url().Resolve(value);
  *http_status_code = headers->response_code();
  return true;

bool URLRequestJob::CopyFragmentOnRedirect(const GURL& location) const {
  return true;

bool URLRequestJob::IsSafeRedirect(const GURL& location) {
  return true;

bool URLRequestJob::NeedsAuth() {
  return false;

void URLRequestJob::GetAuthChallengeInfo(
    scoped_refptr<AuthChallengeInfo>* auth_info) {
  // This will only be called if NeedsAuth() returns true, in which
  // case the derived class should implement this!

void URLRequestJob::SetAuth(const AuthCredentials& credentials) {
  // This will only be called if NeedsAuth() returns true, in which
  // case the derived class should implement this!

void URLRequestJob::CancelAuth() {
  // This will only be called if NeedsAuth() returns true, in which
  // case the derived class should implement this!

void URLRequestJob::ContinueWithCertificate(
    X509Certificate* client_cert) {
  // The derived class should implement this!

void URLRequestJob::ContinueDespiteLastError() {
  // Implementations should know how to recover from errors they generate.
  // If this code was reached, we are trying to recover from an error that
  // we don't know how to recover from.

void URLRequestJob::FollowDeferredRedirect() {
  DCHECK(deferred_redirect_status_code_ != -1);

  // NOTE: deferred_redirect_url_ may be invalid, and attempting to redirect to
  // such an URL will fail inside FollowRedirect.  The DCHECK above asserts
  // that we called OnReceivedRedirect.

  // It is also possible that FollowRedirect will drop the last reference to
  // this job, so we need to reset our members before calling it.

  GURL redirect_url = deferred_redirect_url_;
  int redirect_status_code = deferred_redirect_status_code_;

  deferred_redirect_url_ = GURL();
  deferred_redirect_status_code_ = -1;

  FollowRedirect(redirect_url, redirect_status_code);

void URLRequestJob::ResumeNetworkStart() {
  // This should only be called for HTTP Jobs, and implemented in the derived
  // class.

bool URLRequestJob::GetMimeType(std::string* mime_type) const {
  return false;

int URLRequestJob::GetResponseCode() const {
  return -1;

HostPortPair URLRequestJob::GetSocketAddress() const {
  return HostPortPair();

void URLRequestJob::OnSuspend() {

void URLRequestJob::NotifyURLRequestDestroyed() {

URLRequestJob::~URLRequestJob() {
  base::PowerMonitor* power_monitor = base::PowerMonitor::Get();
  if (power_monitor)

void URLRequestJob::NotifyCertificateRequested(
    SSLCertRequestInfo* cert_request_info) {
  if (!request_)
    return;  // The request was destroyed, so there is no more work to do.


void URLRequestJob::NotifySSLCertificateError(const SSLInfo& ssl_info,
                                              bool fatal) {
  if (!request_)
    return;  // The request was destroyed, so there is no more work to do.

  request_->NotifySSLCertificateError(ssl_info, fatal);

bool URLRequestJob::CanGetCookies(const CookieList& cookie_list) const {
  if (!request_)
    return false;  // The request was destroyed, so there is no more work to do.

  return request_->CanGetCookies(cookie_list);

bool URLRequestJob::CanSetCookie(const std::string& cookie_line,
                                 CookieOptions* options) const {
  if (!request_)
    return false;  // The request was destroyed, so there is no more work to do.

  return request_->CanSetCookie(cookie_line, options);

bool URLRequestJob::CanEnablePrivacyMode() const {
  if (!request_)
    return false;  // The request was destroyed, so there is no more work to do.

  return request_->CanEnablePrivacyMode();

CookieStore* URLRequestJob::GetCookieStore() const {

  return request_->cookie_store();

void URLRequestJob::NotifyBeforeNetworkStart(bool* defer) {
  if (!request_)


void URLRequestJob::NotifyHeadersComplete() {
  if (!request_ || !request_->has_delegate())
    return;  // The request was destroyed, so there is no more work to do.

  if (has_handled_response_)


  // Initialize to the current time, and let the subclass optionally override
  // the time stamps if it has that information.  The default request_time is
  // set by URLRequest before it calls our Start method.
  request_->response_info_.response_time = base::Time::Now();

  // When notifying the delegate, the delegate can release the request
  // (and thus release 'this').  After calling to the delgate, we must
  // check the request pointer to see if it still exists, and return
  // immediately if it has been destroyed.  self_preservation ensures our
  // survival until we can get out of this method.
  scoped_refptr<URLRequestJob> self_preservation(this);

  if (request_)

  GURL new_location;
  int http_status_code;
  if (IsRedirectResponse(&new_location, &http_status_code)) {
    // Redirect response bodies are not read. Notify the transaction
    // so it does not treat being stopped as an error.

    const GURL& url = request_->url();

    // Move the reference fragment of the old location to the new one if the
    // new one has none. This duplicates mozilla's behavior.
    if (url.is_valid() && url.has_ref() && !new_location.has_ref() &&
        CopyFragmentOnRedirect(new_location)) {
      GURL::Replacements replacements;
      // Reference the |ref| directly out of the original URL to avoid a
      // malloc.
      new_location = new_location.ReplaceComponents(replacements);

    bool defer_redirect = false;
    request_->NotifyReceivedRedirect(new_location, &defer_redirect);

    // Ensure that the request wasn't detached or destroyed in
    // NotifyReceivedRedirect
    if (!request_ || !request_->has_delegate())

    // If we were not cancelled, then maybe follow the redirect.
    if (request_->status().is_success()) {
      if (defer_redirect) {
        deferred_redirect_url_ = new_location;
        deferred_redirect_status_code_ = http_status_code;
      } else {
        FollowRedirect(new_location, http_status_code);
  } else if (NeedsAuth()) {
    scoped_refptr<AuthChallengeInfo> auth_info;
    // Need to check for a NULL auth_info because the server may have failed
    // to send a challenge with the 401 response.
    if (auth_info.get()) {
      // Wait for SetAuth or CancelAuth to be called.

  has_handled_response_ = true;
  if (request_->status().is_success())

  if (!filter_.get()) {
    std::string content_length;
    request_->GetResponseHeaderByName("content-length", &content_length);
    if (!content_length.empty())
      base::StringToInt64(content_length, &expected_content_size_);


void URLRequestJob::NotifyReadComplete(int bytes_read) {
  if (!request_ || !request_->has_delegate())
    return;  // The request was destroyed, so there is no more work to do.

  // TODO(darin): Bug 1004233. Re-enable this test once all of the chrome
  // unit_tests have been fixed to not trip this.

  // The headers should be complete before reads complete


  // Don't notify if we had an error.
  if (!request_->status().is_success())

  // When notifying the delegate, the delegate can release the request
  // (and thus release 'this').  After calling to the delegate, we must
  // check the request pointer to see if it still exists, and return
  // immediately if it has been destroyed.  self_preservation ensures our
  // survival until we can get out of this method.
  scoped_refptr<URLRequestJob> self_preservation(this);

  if (filter_.get()) {
    // Tell the filter that it has more data

    // Filter the data.
    int filter_bytes_read = 0;
    if (ReadFilteredData(&filter_bytes_read)) {
      if (!filter_bytes_read)
  } else {
  DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "() "
           << "\"" << (request_ ? request_->url().spec() : "???") << "\""
           << " pre bytes read = " << bytes_read
           << " pre total = " << prefilter_bytes_read_
           << " post total = " << postfilter_bytes_read_;

void URLRequestJob::NotifyStartError(const URLRequestStatus &status) {
  has_handled_response_ = true;
  if (request_) {
    // There may be relevant information in the response info even in the
    // error case.

    // We may have been deleted.

void URLRequestJob::NotifyDone(const URLRequestStatus &status) {
  DCHECK(!done_) << "Job sending done notification twice";
  if (done_)
  done_ = true;

  // Unless there was an error, we should have at least tried to handle
  // the response before getting here.
  DCHECK(has_handled_response_ || !status.is_success());

  // As with NotifyReadComplete, we need to take care to notice if we were
  // destroyed during a delegate callback.
  if (request_) {
    // With async IO, it's quite possible to have a few outstanding
    // requests.  We could receive a request to Cancel, followed shortly
    // by a successful IO.  For tracking the status(), once there is
    // an error, we do not change the status back to success.  To
    // enforce this, only set the status if the job is so far
    // successful.
    if (request_->status().is_success()) {
      if (status.status() == URLRequestStatus::FAILED) {

  // Complete this notification later.  This prevents us from re-entering the
  // delegate if we're done because of a synchronous call.

void URLRequestJob::CompleteNotifyDone() {
  // Check if we should notify the delegate that we're done because of an error.
  if (request_ &&
      !request_->status().is_success() &&
      request_->has_delegate()) {
    // We report the error differently depending on whether we've called
    // OnResponseStarted yet.
    if (has_handled_response_) {
      // We signal the error by calling OnReadComplete with a bytes_read of -1.
    } else {
      has_handled_response_ = true;

void URLRequestJob::NotifyCanceled() {
  if (!done_) {
    NotifyDone(URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::CANCELED, ERR_ABORTED));

void URLRequestJob::NotifyRestartRequired() {
  if (GetStatus().status() != URLRequestStatus::CANCELED)

void URLRequestJob::OnCallToDelegate() {

void URLRequestJob::OnCallToDelegateComplete() {

bool URLRequestJob::ReadRawData(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_size,
                                int *bytes_read) {
  *bytes_read = 0;
  return true;

void URLRequestJob::DoneReading() {
  // Do nothing.

void URLRequestJob::DoneReadingRedirectResponse() {

void URLRequestJob::FilteredDataRead(int bytes_read) {
  DCHECK(filter_.get());  // don't add data if there is no filter

bool URLRequestJob::ReadFilteredData(int* bytes_read) {
  DCHECK(filter_.get());  // don't add data if there is no filter
  DCHECK(filtered_read_buffer_.get() !=
         NULL);                             // we need to have a buffer to fill
  DCHECK_GT(filtered_read_buffer_len_, 0);  // sanity check
  DCHECK_LT(filtered_read_buffer_len_, 1000000);  // sanity check
  DCHECK(raw_read_buffer_.get() ==
         NULL);  // there should be no raw read buffer yet

  bool rv = false;
  *bytes_read = 0;

  if (is_done())
    return true;

  if (!filter_needs_more_output_space_ && !filter_->stream_data_len()) {
    // We don't have any raw data to work with, so
    // read from the socket.
    int filtered_data_read;
    if (ReadRawDataForFilter(&filtered_data_read)) {
      if (filtered_data_read > 0) {
        filter_->FlushStreamBuffer(filtered_data_read);  // Give data to filter.
      } else {
        return true;  // EOF
    } else {
      return false;  // IO Pending (or error)

  if ((filter_->stream_data_len() || filter_needs_more_output_space_)
      && !is_done()) {
    // Get filtered data.
    int filtered_data_len = filtered_read_buffer_len_;
    Filter::FilterStatus status;
    int output_buffer_size = filtered_data_len;
    status = filter_->ReadData(filtered_read_buffer_->data(),

    if (filter_needs_more_output_space_ && 0 == filtered_data_len) {
      // filter_needs_more_output_space_ was mistaken... there are no more bytes
      // and we should have at least tried to fill up the filter's input buffer.
      // Correct the state, and try again.
      filter_needs_more_output_space_ = false;
      return ReadFilteredData(bytes_read);

    switch (status) {
      case Filter::FILTER_DONE: {
        filter_needs_more_output_space_ = false;
        *bytes_read = filtered_data_len;
        postfilter_bytes_read_ += filtered_data_len;
        rv = true;
      case Filter::FILTER_NEED_MORE_DATA: {
        filter_needs_more_output_space_ =
            (filtered_data_len == output_buffer_size);
        // We have finished filtering all data currently in the buffer.
        // There might be some space left in the output buffer. One can
        // consider reading more data from the stream to feed the filter
        // and filling up the output buffer. This leads to more complicated
        // buffer management and data notification mechanisms.
        // We can revisit this issue if there is a real perf need.
        if (filtered_data_len > 0) {
          *bytes_read = filtered_data_len;
          postfilter_bytes_read_ += filtered_data_len;
          rv = true;
        } else {
          // Read again since we haven't received enough data yet (e.g., we may
          // not have a complete gzip header yet)
          rv = ReadFilteredData(bytes_read);
      case Filter::FILTER_OK: {
        filter_needs_more_output_space_ =
            (filtered_data_len == output_buffer_size);
        *bytes_read = filtered_data_len;
        postfilter_bytes_read_ += filtered_data_len;
        rv = true;
      case Filter::FILTER_ERROR: {
        DVLOG(1) << __FUNCTION__ << "() "
                 << "\"" << (request_ ? request_->url().spec() : "???") << "\""
                 << " Filter Error";
        filter_needs_more_output_space_ = false;
        rv = false;
      default: {
        filter_needs_more_output_space_ = false;
        rv = false;
    DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << "() "
             << "\"" << (request_ ? request_->url().spec() : "???") << "\""
             << " rv = " << rv
             << " post bytes read = " << filtered_data_len
             << " pre total = " << prefilter_bytes_read_
             << " post total = "
             << postfilter_bytes_read_;
    // If logging all bytes is enabled, log the filtered bytes read.
    if (rv && request() && request()->net_log().IsLoggingBytes() &&
        filtered_data_len > 0) {
          filtered_data_len, filtered_read_buffer_->data());
  } else {
    // we are done, or there is no data left.
    rv = true;

  if (rv) {
    // When we successfully finished a read, we no longer need to
    // save the caller's buffers. Release our reference.
    filtered_read_buffer_ = NULL;
    filtered_read_buffer_len_ = 0;
  return rv;

void URLRequestJob::DestroyFilters() {

const URLRequestStatus URLRequestJob::GetStatus() {
  if (request_)
    return request_->status();
  // If the request is gone, we must be cancelled.
  return URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::CANCELED,

void URLRequestJob::SetStatus(const URLRequestStatus &status) {
  if (request_)

bool URLRequestJob::ReadRawDataForFilter(int* bytes_read) {
  bool rv = false;


  *bytes_read = 0;

  // Get more pre-filtered data if needed.
  // TODO(mbelshe): is it possible that the filter needs *MORE* data
  //    when there is some data already in the buffer?
  if (!filter_->stream_data_len() && !is_done()) {
    IOBuffer* stream_buffer = filter_->stream_buffer();
    int stream_buffer_size = filter_->stream_buffer_size();
    rv = ReadRawDataHelper(stream_buffer, stream_buffer_size, bytes_read);
  return rv;

bool URLRequestJob::ReadRawDataHelper(IOBuffer* buf, int buf_size,
                                      int* bytes_read) {
  DCHECK(raw_read_buffer_.get() == NULL);

  // Keep a pointer to the read buffer, so we have access to it in the
  // OnRawReadComplete() callback in the event that the read completes
  // asynchronously.
  raw_read_buffer_ = buf;
  bool rv = ReadRawData(buf, buf_size, bytes_read);

  if (!request_->status().is_io_pending()) {
    // If the read completes synchronously, either success or failure,
    // invoke the OnRawReadComplete callback so we can account for the
    // completed read.
  return rv;

void URLRequestJob::FollowRedirect(const GURL& location, int http_status_code) {
  int rv = request_->Redirect(location, http_status_code);
  if (rv != OK)
    NotifyDone(URLRequestStatus(URLRequestStatus::FAILED, rv));

void URLRequestJob::OnRawReadComplete(int bytes_read) {
  // If |filter_| is non-NULL, bytes will be logged after it is applied instead.
  if (!filter_.get() && request() && request()->net_log().IsLoggingBytes() &&
      bytes_read > 0) {
        bytes_read, raw_read_buffer_->data());

  if (bytes_read > 0) {
  raw_read_buffer_ = NULL;

void URLRequestJob::RecordBytesRead(int bytes_read) {
  filter_input_byte_count_ += bytes_read;
  prefilter_bytes_read_ += bytes_read;
  if (!filter_.get())
    postfilter_bytes_read_ += bytes_read;
  DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << "() "
           << "\"" << (request_ ? request_->url().spec() : "???") << "\""
           << " pre bytes read = " << bytes_read
           << " pre total = " << prefilter_bytes_read_
           << " post total = " << postfilter_bytes_read_;
  UpdatePacketReadTimes();  // Facilitate stats recording if it is active.
  if (network_delegate_)
    network_delegate_->NotifyRawBytesRead(*request_, bytes_read);

bool URLRequestJob::FilterHasData() {
    return filter_.get() && filter_->stream_data_len();

void URLRequestJob::UpdatePacketReadTimes() {

}  // namespace net

/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */