/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */
This source file includes following definitions.
- frame_label_loader
- sprite_loader
- define_sound_loader
- sound_stream_head_loader
- file_attributes_loader
- metadata_loader
- serialnumber_loader
- reflex_loader
// tag_loaders.cpp: SWF tags loaders, for Gnash.
// Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
// 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
#include "gnashconfig.h" // HAVE_ZLIB_H, USE_SWFTREE
#include "tag_loaders.h"
#include <cassert>
#include "utility.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "SWFStream.h"
#include "sprite_definition.h"
#include "SWFMovieDefinition.h"
#include "SWF.h"
#include "swf/TagLoadersTable.h"
#include "URL.h"
#include "GnashException.h"
#include "sound_definition.h"
#include "SoundInfo.h"
#include "MediaHandler.h"
#include "SimpleBuffer.h"
#include "sound_handler.h"
#include "RunResources.h"
namespace gnash {
namespace SWF {
// Anonymous namespace
namespace {
const boost::uint32_t samplerates[] = { 5512, 11025, 22050, 44100 };
// Label the current frame of m with the name from the SWFStream.
frame_label_loader(SWFStream& in, TagType tag, movie_definition& m,
const RunResources& /*r*/)
assert(tag == SWF::FRAMELABEL); // 43
std::string name;
// FIXME: support SWF6 "named anchors"
// If SWF version is >= 6 check the byte after terminating NULL
// if it is 1 this label can be accessed by #name and it's
// entrance sets the browser URL with anchor appended
// To avoid relying on SWFStream::tell (see task #5838)
// we should add a new method to that class
// (ie: SWFStream::current_tag_length)
// See server/sample/test_clipping_layer.swf for a testcase.
size_t end_tag = in.get_tag_end_position();
size_t curr_pos = in.tell();
if (end_tag != curr_pos) {
if (end_tag == curr_pos + 1) {
log_unimpl(_("anchor-labeled frame not supported"));
else {
log_swferror(_("frame_label_loader end position %d, "
"read up to %d"),
end_tag, curr_pos);
// Create and initialize a sprite, and add it to the movie.
sprite_loader(SWFStream& in, TagType tag, movie_definition& m,
const RunResources& r)
assert(tag == SWF::DEFINESPRITE); // 39 - DefineSprite
const boost::uint16_t id = in.read_u16();
log_parse(_(" sprite: char id = %d"), id);
// would be a malformed SWF, anyway to be compatible
// we should still allow that. See bug #22468.
try {
catch (const std::bad_cast&) {
log_swferror(_("Nested DEFINESPRITE tags. Will add to "
"top-level DisplayObjects dictionary."));
// will automatically read the sprite
sprite_definition* ch = new sprite_definition(m, in, r, id);
if (!ch->get_frame_count()) {
log_swferror(_("Sprite %d advertise no frames"), id);
m.addDisplayObject(id, ch);
// Common data
/// Sample rate table for DEFINESOUNDHEAD tags
/// The value found in the tag is encoded as 2 bits and
/// represent a multiple of 5512.5.
/// NOTE that the first element of this table lacks the .5
/// portion of the actual value. Dunno what consequences
/// it could have...
// @@ There are two sets of code to decode/expand/byteswap audio here.
// @@ There should be one (search for ADPCM).
// Load a DefineSound tag.
define_sound_loader(SWFStream& in, TagType tag, movie_definition& m,
const RunResources& r)
assert(tag == SWF::DEFINESOUND); // 14
sound::sound_handler* handler = r.soundHandler();
in.ensureBytes(2+4+1+4); // DisplayObject id + flags + sample count
const boost::uint16_t id = in.read_u16();
media::audioCodecType format = static_cast<media::audioCodecType>(
boost::uint8_t sample_rate_in = in.read_uint(2);
if (sample_rate_in >= arraySize(samplerates)) {
log_swferror(_("DEFINESOUNDLOADER: sound sample rate %d (expected "
"0 to %u"), +sample_rate_in, arraySize(samplerates));
sample_rate_in = 0;
const boost::uint32_t sample_rate = samplerates[sample_rate_in];
const bool sample_16bit = in.read_bit();
const bool stereo = in.read_bit();
const boost::uint32_t sample_count = in.read_u32();
boost::int16_t delaySeek = 0;
if (format == media::AUDIO_CODEC_MP3) {
delaySeek = in.read_s16();
log_parse(_("define sound: ch=%d, format=%s, rate=%d, 16=%d, "
"stereo=%d, ct=%d, delay=%d"), id, format, sample_rate,
sample_16bit, stereo, sample_count, delaySeek);
// If we have a sound_handler, ask it to init this sound.
if (handler) {
// First it is the amount of data from file,
// then the amount allocated at *data (it may grow)
const unsigned dataLength = in.get_tag_end_position() - in.tell();
// Allocate MediaHandler::getInputPaddingSize() bytes more for the
// SimpleBuffer
size_t allocSize = dataLength;
media::MediaHandler* mh = r.mediaHandler();
if (mh) allocSize += mh->getInputPaddingSize();
std::auto_ptr<SimpleBuffer> data(new SimpleBuffer(allocSize));
// dataLength is already calculated from the end of the tag, which
// should be inside the end of the file. TODO: check that this is
// the case.
const unsigned int bytesRead = in.read(
reinterpret_cast<char*>(data->data()), dataLength);
data->resize(bytesRead); // in case it's shorter...
if (bytesRead < dataLength) {
throw ParserException(_("Tag boundary reported past end of "
// Store all the data in a SoundInfo object
std::auto_ptr<media::SoundInfo> sinfo;
sinfo.reset(new media::SoundInfo(format, stereo, sample_rate,
sample_count, sample_16bit, delaySeek));
// Stores the sounddata in the soundhandler, and the ID returned
// can be used to starting, stopping and deleting that sound
const int handler_id = handler->create_sound(data, sinfo);
if (handler_id >= 0) {
sound_sample* sam = new sound_sample(handler_id, r);
m.add_sound_sample(id, sam);
else {
// is this nice to do?
log_error(_("There is no sound handler currently active, "
"so DisplayObject with id %d will not be added to "
"the dictionary"), id);
// Load a SoundStreamHead(2) tag.
sound_stream_head_loader(SWFStream& in, TagType tag, movie_definition& m,
const RunResources& r)
// 18 || 45
sound::sound_handler* handler = r.soundHandler();
// If we don't have a sound_handler registered stop here
if (!handler) return;
// no DisplayObject id for soundstreams... so we make one up...
// This only works if there is only one SWFStream in the movie...
// The right way to do it is to make seperate structures for streams
// in SWFMovieDefinition.
// 1 byte for playback info, 1 for SWFStream info, 2 for sample count
// These are all unused by current implementation
int reserved = in.read_uint(4); UNUSED(reserved);
boost::uint8_t pbSoundRate = in.read_uint(2);
if (pbSoundRate >= arraySize(samplerates)) {
log_swferror("SOUNDSTREAMHEAD: playback sound rate %d (expected "
"0 to %d)", +pbSoundRate, arraySize(samplerates));
const boost::uint32_t playbackSoundRate = samplerates[pbSoundRate];
const bool playbackSound16bit = in.read_bit();
const bool playbackSoundStereo = in.read_bit();
// These are the used ones
media::audioCodecType format =
static_cast<media::audioCodecType>(in.read_uint(4)); // TODO: check input !
boost::uint8_t stSoundRate = in.read_uint(2);
if (stSoundRate >= arraySize(samplerates)) {
log_swferror(_("SOUNDSTREAMHEAD: stream sample rate %d (expected "
"0 to %u)"), +stSoundRate, arraySize(samplerates));
const boost::uint32_t streamSoundRate = samplerates[stSoundRate];
const bool streamSound16bit = in.read_bit();
const bool streamSoundStereo = in.read_bit();
if (playbackSoundRate != streamSoundRate) {
LOG_ONCE(log_unimpl(_("Different stream/playback sound rate (%d/%d). "
"This seems common in SWF files, so we'll warn only once."),
streamSoundRate, playbackSoundRate)
if (playbackSound16bit != streamSound16bit) {
LOG_ONCE(log_unimpl(_("Different stream/playback sample size (%d/%d). "
"This seems common in SWF files, so we'll warn only once."),
streamSound16bit ? 16 : 32, playbackSound16bit ? 16 : 32 )
if (playbackSoundStereo != streamSoundStereo) {
LOG_ONCE(log_unimpl(_("Different stream/playback channels (%s/%s). "
"This seems common in SWF files, so we'll warn only once."),
streamSoundStereo ? "stereo" : "mono",
playbackSoundStereo ? "stereo" : "mono")
// checks if this is a new streams header or just one in the row
if (format == 0 && streamSoundRate == 0 &&
!streamSound16bit && !streamSoundStereo) {
// 2 bytes here
const boost::uint16_t sampleCount = in.read_u16();
if (!sampleCount) {
// this seems common too, we'd need to reproduce with a custom
// testcase to really tell if it's a problem or not...
LOG_ONCE(log_swferror(_("No samples advertised for sound stream, "
"pretty common so will warn only once")));
boost::int16_t latency = 0;
if (format == media::AUDIO_CODEC_MP3) {
try {
latency = in.read_s16();
catch (const ParserException&) {
// See https://savannah.gnu.org/bugs/?21729 for an example
// triggering this.
log_swferror("MP3 sound stream lacks a 'latency' field");
// Check if we did read everything in this tag...
unsigned long curPos = in.tell(), endTag=in.get_tag_end_position();
if (curPos < endTag) {
log_unimpl("SOUNDSTREAMHEAD contains %d unparsed bytes", endTag-curPos);
log_parse(_("sound stream head: format=%s, rate=%d, 16=%d, "
"stereo=%d, ct=%d, latency=%d"), format, streamSoundRate,
+streamSound16bit, +streamSoundStereo, +sampleCount, +latency);
// Store all the data in a SoundInfo object
std::auto_ptr<media::SoundInfo> sinfo;
sinfo.reset(new media::SoundInfo(format, streamSoundStereo,
streamSoundRate, sampleCount, streamSound16bit, latency));
// Stores the sounddata in the soundhandler, and the ID returned
// can be used to starting, stopping and deleting that sound
const int handler_id =
handler->create_sound(std::auto_ptr<SimpleBuffer>(0), sinfo);
file_attributes_loader(SWFStream& in, TagType tag, movie_definition& m,
const RunResources& /*r*/)
assert(tag == SWF::FILEATTRIBUTES); // 69
struct file_attrs_flags {
unsigned reserved1;
bool metadata;
bool as3;
unsigned reserved2;
bool network;
unsigned reserved3;
file_attrs_flags flags;
in.ensureBytes(1 + 3);
flags.reserved1 = in.read_uint(3);
flags.metadata = in.read_bit();
flags.as3 = in.read_bit();
flags.reserved2 = in.read_uint(2);
flags.network = in.read_bit();
flags.reserved3 = in.read_uint(24);
log_parse(_("File attributes: metadata=%s network=%s"),
flags.metadata ? _("true") : _("false"),
flags.network ? _("true") : _("false"))
if (!flags.network) {
log_unimpl(_("FileAttributes tag in the SWF requests that "
"network access is not granted to this movie "
"(or application?) when loaded from the filesystem. "
"Anyway Gnash won't care; "
"use white/black listing in your .gnashrc instead"));
if (flags.as3) {
log_unimpl(_("This SWF file requires AVM2: there will be no "
"ActionScript interpretation"));
else log_debug("This SWF uses AVM1");
// TODO: - don't allow later FileAttributes tags in the same movie
// to override the first one used.
// - only use if it is the *first* tag in the SWFStream.
if (flags.as3) m.setAS3();
metadata_loader(SWFStream& in, TagType tag, movie_definition& m,
const RunResources& /*r*/)
assert(tag == SWF::METADATA);
// this is supposed to be an XML string
std::string metadata;
log_parse(_(" RDF metadata (information only): [[\n%s\n]]"),
// The metadata tag exists exclusively for external
// description of the SWF file and should be ignored
// by the SWF player.
// Note: the presence of metadata should correspond to the
// file attributes flag hasMetadata; otherwise the SWF
// is malformed.
// This should be in RDF format, so should be easy to parse
// (knowing how well Adobe conform to XML standards...) if
// it's worth it.
// See http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-syntax-grammar/
log_debug(_("Descriptive metadata from movie %s: %s"),
m.get_url(), metadata);
// If the Movie Properties tree is disabled, the metadata
// is discarded to save parsing time and memory. There seems
// to be no limit on its length, although you'd have to be
// malicious or stupid to put really enormous amounts of
// descriptive metadata in a SWF. There can be one tag for each
// loaded SWF, however, so it could mount up.
serialnumber_loader(SWFStream& in, TagType tag, movie_definition& /*m*/,
const RunResources& /*r*/)
assert(tag == SWF::SERIALNUMBER); // 41
const boost::uint32_t id = in.read_u32();
const boost::uint32_t edition = in.read_u32();
const boost::uint8_t major = in.read_u8();
const boost::uint8_t minor = in.read_u8();
const boost::uint32_t buildL = in.read_u32();
const boost::uint32_t buildH = in.read_u32();
const boost::uint64_t build =
(static_cast<boost::uint64_t>(buildH) << 32) + buildL;
const boost::uint32_t timestampL = in.read_u32();
const boost::uint32_t timestampH = in.read_u32();
// This timestamp is number of milliseconds since 1 Jan 1970 (epoch)
boost::uint64_t timestamp =
(static_cast<boost::uint64_t>(timestampH) << 32) + timestampL;
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "SERIALNUMBER: Version " << id << "." << edition
<< "." << +major << "." << +minor;
ss << " - Build " << build;
ss << " - Timestamp " << timestamp;
log_debug("%s", ss.str());
// attach to movie_definition ?
reflex_loader(SWFStream& in, TagType tag, movie_definition& /*m*/,
const RunResources& /*r*/)
assert(tag == SWF::REFLEX); // 777
const boost::uint8_t first = in.read_u8();
const boost::uint8_t second = in.read_u8();
const boost::uint8_t third = in.read_u8();
log_parse(_(" reflex = \"%c%c%c\""), first, second, third);
} // namespace gnash::SWF
// Local Variables:
// mode: C++
// indent-tabs-mode: t
// End:
} // namespace gnash