
/* [<][>][^][v][top][bottom][index][help] */


This source file includes following definitions.
  1. PrintStreamerUsage
  2. on_logs
  3. stream_file_rtp
  4. PrintLiveUsage
  5. next_carousel
  6. live_session_callback
  7. live_session_send_carousel
  8. live_session_setup
  9. live_session_shutdown
  10. set_broadcast_params
  11. live_session
  12. grab_live_m2ts

 *                      GPAC - Multimedia Framework C SDK
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *                      Copyright (c) Telecom ParisTech 2000-2012
 *                                      All rights reserved
 *                      Authors: Jean Le Feuvre
 *  This file is part of GPAC / mp4box application
 *  GPAC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 *  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
 *  any later version.
 *  GPAC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 *  License along with this library; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
 *  the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include <gpac/constants.h>
#include <gpac/isomedia.h>

#include <gpac/scene_engine.h>
#include <gpac/filestreamer.h>
#include <gpac/rtp_streamer.h>

#include <gpac/mpegts.h>

#include <gpac/internal/ietf_dev.h>


#error "Cannot compile MP4Box if GPAC is not built with ISO File Format support"



void PrintStreamerUsage()
        fprintf(stderr, "File Streamer Options\n"
                "MP4Box can stream ISO files to RTP. The streamer currently doesn't support\n"
                "data carrouselling and will therefore not handle BIFS and OD streams properly.\n"
            "-rtp         enables streamer\n"
            "-run-for=T   runs for T seconds of the media then exits\n"
                "-noloop      disables looping when streaming\n"
                "-mpeg4       forces MPEG-4 ES Generic for all RTP streams\n"
                "-dst=IP      IP destination (uni/multi-cast). Default:\n"
                "-port=PORT   output port of the first stream. Default: 7000\n"
                "-mtu=MTU     path MTU for RTP packets. Default is 1450 bytes\n"
                "-ifce=IFCE   IP address of the physical interface to use. Default: NULL (ANY)\n"
                "-ttl=TTL     time to live for multicast packets. Default: 1\n"
                "-sdp=Name    file name of the generated SDP. Default: \"session.sdp\"\n"

static void on_logs(void *cbk, GF_LOG_Level ll, GF_LOG_Tool lm, const char *fmt, va_list list)
        FILE *logs = (FILE*)cbk;
        vfprintf(logs, fmt, list);

int stream_file_rtp(int argc, char **argv)
        GF_ISOMRTPStreamer *file_streamer;
        char *sdp_file = "session.sdp";
        char *ip_dest = "";
        char *ifce_addr = NULL;
        char *inName = NULL;
        char *logs=NULL;
        FILE *logfile=NULL;
        u16 port = 7000;
        u32 ttl = 1;
        Bool loop = GF_TRUE;
    GF_MemTrackerType mem_track = GF_MemTrackerNone;
        Bool force_mpeg4 = GF_FALSE;
    u32 path_mtu = 1450;
    Double run_for = -1.0;
        u32 i;

        for (i = 1; i < (u32) argc ; i++) {
                char *arg = argv[i];

                if (arg[0] != '-') {
                        if (inName) {
                                fprintf(stderr, "Error - 2 input names specified, please check usage\n");
                                return 1;
                        inName = arg;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-noloop")) loop = GF_FALSE;
                else if (!stricmp(arg, "-mpeg4")) force_mpeg4 = GF_TRUE;
                else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-port=", 6)) port = atoi(arg+6);
                else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-mtu=", 5)) path_mtu = atoi(arg+5);
                else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-dst=", 5)) ip_dest = arg+5;
                else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-ttl=", 5)) ttl = atoi(arg+5);
                else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-ifce=", 6)) ifce_addr = arg+6;
                else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-sdp=", 5)) sdp_file = arg+5;
        else if (!stricmp(arg, "-mem-track")) mem_track = GF_MemTrackerSimple;
        else if (!stricmp(arg, "-mem-track-stack")) mem_track = GF_MemTrackerBackTrace;
                else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-logs=", 6)) logs = arg+6;
                else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-lf=", 4)) logfile = gf_fopen(arg+4, "wt");
        else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-run-for=", 9)) run_for = atof(arg+9);

        if (logs)
                gf_log_set_tool_level(GF_LOG_RTP, GF_LOG_INFO); //set to debug to have packet list
        if (logfile) {
                gf_log_set_callback(logfile, on_logs);

        if (!gf_isom_probe_file(inName)) {
                fprintf(stderr, "File %s is not a valid ISO Media file and cannot be streamed\n", inName);
                if (logfile) gf_fclose(logfile);
                return 1;

        file_streamer = gf_isom_streamer_new(inName, ip_dest, port, loop, force_mpeg4, path_mtu, ttl, ifce_addr);
        if (!file_streamer) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create file streamer\n");
        } else {
        Bool run = GF_TRUE;
                u32 check = 50;
                fprintf(stderr, "Starting streaming %s to %s:%d\n", inName, ip_dest, port);
                gf_isom_streamer_write_sdp(file_streamer, sdp_file);

        if (run_for==0) run=GF_FALSE;
                while (run) {
                        gf_isom_streamer_send_next_packet(file_streamer, 0, 0);
                        if (!check) {
                                if (gf_prompt_has_input()) {
                                        char c = (char) gf_prompt_get_char();
                                        if (c=='q') break;
                                check = 50;
            if ((run_for > 0) && (run_for < gf_isom_streamer_get_current_time(file_streamer)) )
        if (logfile) gf_fclose(logfile);
        return 0;

void PrintLiveUsage()

                "Live scene encoder options:\n"
                "-dst=IP    destination IP - default: NULL\n"
                "-port=PORT destination port - default: 7000\n"
                "-mtu=MTU   path MTU for RTP packets. Default is 1450 bytes\n"
                "-ifce=IFCE IP address of the physical interface to use. Default: NULL(ANY)\n"
                "-ttl=TTL   time to live for multicast packets. Default: 1\n"
                "-sdp=Name  ouput SDP file - default: session.sdp\n"
                "-dims      turns on DIMS mode for SVG input - default: off\n"
                "-no-rap    disabled RAP sending - this also disables carousel generation. Default: off\n"
                "-src=file  source of updates - default: null\n"
                "-rap=time  duration in ms of base carousel - default: 0 (off)\n"
                "            you can specify the RAP period of a single ESID (not in DIMS):\n"
                "                -rap=ESID=X:time\n"
                "Runtime options:\n"
                "q:         quits\n"
                "u:         inputs some commands to be sent\n"
                "U:         same as u but signals the updates as critical\n"
                "e:         inputs some commands to be sent without being aggregated\n"
                "E:         same as e but signals the updates as critical\n"
                "f:         forces RAP sending\n"
                "F:         forces RAP regeneration and sending\n"
                "p:         dumps current scene\n"
                "GPAC version: " GPAC_FULL_VERSION "\n"
typedef struct
        GF_RTPStreamer *rtp;
        Bool manual_rtcp;
        u16 ESID;

        char *carousel_data;
        u32 carousel_size, carousel_alloc;
        u32 last_carousel_time;
        u64 carousel_ts, time_at_carousel_store;

        u32 timescale, init_time;
        u32 carousel_period, ts_delta;
        u16 aggregate_on_stream;
        Bool adjust_carousel_time, discard, aggregate, rap, m2ts_vers_inc;
        u32 critical;
} RTPChannel;

typedef struct
        GF_SceneEngine *seng;
        Bool force_carousel, carousel_generation;
        GF_List *streams;
        u32 start_time;
        Bool critical;
} LiveSession;

RTPChannel *next_carousel(LiveSession *sess, u32 *timeout)
        RTPChannel *to_send = NULL;
        u32 i, time, count, now;

        if (!sess->start_time) sess->start_time = gf_sys_clock();
        now = gf_sys_clock() - sess->start_time;

        time = (u32) -1;
        count = gf_list_count(sess->streams);
        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                RTPChannel *ch = (RTPChannel*)gf_list_get(sess->streams, i);
                if (!ch->carousel_period) continue;
                if (!ch->carousel_size) continue;

                if (!ch->last_carousel_time) ch->last_carousel_time = now;

                if (ch->last_carousel_time + ch->carousel_period < time) {
                        to_send = ch;
                        time = ch->last_carousel_time + ch->carousel_period;
        if (!to_send) {
                if (timeout) *timeout = 0;
                return NULL;
        if (timeout) {
                if (time>now) time-=now;
                else time=0;
                *timeout = time;
        return to_send;

static void live_session_callback(void *calling_object, u16 ESID, char *data, u32 size, u64 ts)
        LiveSession *livesess = (LiveSession *) calling_object;
        RTPChannel *rtpch;
        u32 i=0;

        while ( (rtpch = (RTPChannel*)gf_list_enum(livesess->streams, &i))) {
                if (rtpch->ESID == ESID) {

                        /*store carousel data*/
                        if (livesess->carousel_generation && rtpch->carousel_period) {
                                if (rtpch->carousel_alloc < size) {
                                        rtpch->carousel_data = gf_realloc(rtpch->carousel_data, size);
                                        rtpch->carousel_alloc = size;
                                memcpy(rtpch->carousel_data, data, size);
                                rtpch->carousel_size = size;
                                rtpch->carousel_ts = ts;
                                rtpch->time_at_carousel_store = gf_sys_clock();
                                fprintf(stderr, "\nStream %d: Storing new carousel TS "LLD", %d bytes\n", ESID, ts, size);
                        /*send data*/
                        else {
                                u32 critical = 0;
                                Bool rap = rtpch->rap;
                                if (livesess->carousel_generation) rap = 1;
                                ts += rtpch->timescale*((u64)gf_sys_clock()-rtpch->init_time + rtpch->ts_delta)/1000;
                                if (rtpch->critical) critical = rtpch->critical;
                                else if (livesess->critical) critical = 1;

                                gf_rtp_streamer_send_au_with_sn(rtpch->rtp, data, size, ts, ts, rap, critical);

                                fprintf(stderr, "Stream %d: Sending update at TS "LLD", %d bytes - RAP %d - critical %d\n", ESID, ts, size, rap, critical);
                                rtpch->rap = rtpch->critical = 0;

                                if (rtpch->manual_rtcp) gf_rtp_streamer_send_rtcp(rtpch->rtp, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

static void live_session_send_carousel(LiveSession *livesess, RTPChannel *ch)
        u32 now = gf_sys_clock();
        u64 ts=0;
        if (ch) {
                if (ch->carousel_size) {
                        ts = ch->carousel_ts + ch->timescale * ( (ch->adjust_carousel_time ? (u64)gf_sys_clock() : ch->time_at_carousel_store) - ch->init_time + ch->ts_delta)/1000;

                        gf_rtp_streamer_send_au_with_sn(ch->rtp, ch->carousel_data, ch->carousel_size, ts, ts, 1, 0);
                        ch->last_carousel_time = now - livesess->start_time;
                        fprintf(stderr, "Stream %d: Sending carousel at TS "LLD", %d bytes\n", ch->ESID, ts, ch->carousel_size);

                        if (ch->manual_rtcp) {
                                ts = ch->carousel_ts + ch->timescale * ( gf_sys_clock() - ch->init_time + ch->ts_delta)/1000;
                                gf_rtp_streamer_send_rtcp(ch->rtp, 1, (u32) ts, 0, 0, 0);
        } else {
                u32 i=0;
                while (NULL != (ch = gf_list_enum(livesess->streams, &i))) {
                        if (ch->carousel_size) {
                                if (ch->adjust_carousel_time) {
                                        ts = ch->carousel_ts + ch->timescale*(gf_sys_clock()-ch->init_time + ch->ts_delta)/1000;
                                } else {
                                        ts = ch->carousel_ts;
                                gf_rtp_streamer_send_au_with_sn(ch->rtp, ch->carousel_data, ch->carousel_size, ts, ts, 1, 0);
                                ch->last_carousel_time = now - livesess->start_time;
                                fprintf(stderr, "Stream %d: Sending carousel at TS "LLD"        , %d bytes\n", ch->ESID, ts, ch->carousel_size);

                                if (ch->manual_rtcp) {
                                        ts = ch->carousel_ts + ch->timescale*(gf_sys_clock()-ch->init_time + ch->ts_delta)/1000;
                                        gf_rtp_streamer_send_rtcp(ch->rtp, 1, (u32) ts, 0, 0, 0);

static void live_session_setup(LiveSession *livesess, char *ip, u16 port, u32 path_mtu, u32 ttl, char *ifce_addr, char *sdp_name)
        RTPChannel *rtpch;
        u32 count = gf_seng_get_stream_count(livesess->seng);
        u32 i;
        char *iod64 = gf_seng_get_base64_iod(livesess->seng);
        char *sdp = gf_rtp_streamer_format_sdp_header("GPACSceneStreamer", ip, NULL, iod64);
        if (iod64) gf_free(iod64);

        for (i=0; i<count; i++) {
                u16 ESID;
                u32 st, oti, ts;
                char *config = NULL;
                u32 config_len;
                gf_seng_get_stream_config(livesess->seng, i, &ESID, &config, &config_len, &st, &oti, &ts);

                GF_SAFEALLOC(rtpch, RTPChannel);
                if (!rtpch) {
                        GF_LOG(GF_LOG_ERROR, GF_LOG_APP, ("Cannot allocate rtp input handler\n"));
                rtpch->timescale = ts;
                rtpch->init_time = gf_sys_clock();

                switch (st) {
                case GF_STREAM_OD:
                case GF_STREAM_SCENE:
                        rtpch->rtp = gf_rtp_streamer_new_extended(st, oti, ts, ip, port, path_mtu, ttl, ifce_addr,
                                     GP_RTP_PCK_SYSTEMS_CAROUSEL, (char *) config, config_len,
                                     96, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4);

                        if (rtpch->rtp) {
                                rtpch->manual_rtcp = 1;
                        rtpch->rtp = gf_rtp_streamer_new(st, oti, ts, ip, port, path_mtu, ttl, ifce_addr, GP_RTP_PCK_SIGNAL_RAP, (char *) config, config_len);
                rtpch->ESID = ESID;
                rtpch->adjust_carousel_time = 1;
                gf_list_add(livesess->streams, rtpch);

                gf_rtp_streamer_append_sdp(rtpch->rtp, ESID, (char *) config, config_len, NULL, &sdp);

                /*fetch initial config of the broadcast*/
                gf_seng_get_stream_carousel_info(livesess->seng, ESID, &rtpch->carousel_period, &rtpch->aggregate_on_stream);

                port += 2;
        if (sdp) {
                FILE *out = gf_fopen(sdp_name, "wt");
                fprintf(out, "%s", sdp);

void live_session_shutdown(LiveSession *livesess)

        if (livesess->streams) {
                while (gf_list_count(livesess->streams)) {
                        RTPChannel *rtpch = gf_list_get(livesess->streams, 0);
                        gf_list_rem(livesess->streams, 0);
                        if (rtpch->carousel_data) gf_free(rtpch->carousel_data);

static RTPChannel *set_broadcast_params(LiveSession *livesess, u16 esid, u32 period, u32 ts_delta, u16 aggregate_on_stream, Bool adjust_carousel_time, Bool force_rap, Bool aggregate_au, Bool discard_pending, Bool signal_rap, u32 signal_critical, Bool version_inc)
        RTPChannel *rtpch = NULL;

        /*locate our stream*/
        if (esid) {
                u32 i=0;
                while ( (rtpch = gf_list_enum(livesess->streams, &i))) {
                        if (rtpch->ESID == esid) break;
        } else {
                rtpch = gf_list_get(livesess->streams, 0);

        /*TODO - set/reset the ESID for the parsers*/
        if (!rtpch) return NULL;

        /*TODO - if discard is set, abort current carousel*/
        if (discard_pending) {

        /*remember RAP flag*/
        rtpch->rap = signal_rap;
        rtpch->critical = signal_critical;
        rtpch->m2ts_vers_inc = version_inc;

        rtpch->ts_delta = ts_delta;
        rtpch->aggregate = aggregate_au;
        rtpch->adjust_carousel_time = adjust_carousel_time;

        /*change stream aggregation mode*/
        if ((aggregate_on_stream != (u16)-1) && (rtpch->aggregate_on_stream != aggregate_on_stream)) {
                gf_seng_enable_aggregation(livesess->seng, esid, aggregate_on_stream);
                rtpch->aggregate_on_stream = aggregate_on_stream;
        /*change stream aggregation mode*/
        if ((period!=(u32)-1) && (rtpch->carousel_period != period)) {
                rtpch->carousel_period = period;
                rtpch->last_carousel_time = 0;

        if (force_rap) {
                livesess->force_carousel = 1;
        return rtpch;

int live_session(int argc, char **argv)
        GF_Err e;
        u32 i;
        char *filename = NULL;
        char *dst = NULL;
        char *ifce_addr = NULL;
        char *sdp_name = "session.sdp";
        u16 dst_port = 7000;
        u32 load_type=0;
        u32 check;
        u32 ttl = 1;
        u32 path_mtu = 1450;
        s32 next_time;
        u64 last_src_modif, mod_time;
        char *src_name = NULL;
        Bool run, has_carousel, no_rap;
        Bool udp = 0;
        u16 sk_port=0;
        GF_Socket *sk = NULL;
        LiveSession livesess;
        RTPChannel *ch;
        char *update_buffer = NULL;
        u32 update_buffer_size = 0;
        u16 aggregate_on_stream;
        Bool adjust_carousel_time, force_rap, aggregate_au, discard_pending, signal_rap, version_inc;
        Bool update_context;
        u32 period, ts_delta, signal_critical;
        u16 es_id;
        e = GF_OK;
        aggregate_au = 1;
        es_id = 0;
        no_rap = 0;

        memset(&livesess, 0, sizeof(LiveSession));

        gf_log_set_tool_level(GF_LOG_ALL, GF_LOG_INFO);

        for (i=1; i<(u32) argc; i++) {
                char *arg = argv[i];
                if (arg[0] != '-') filename = arg;
                else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-dst=", 5)) dst = arg+5;
                else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-port=", 6)) dst_port = atoi(arg+6);
                else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-sdp=", 5)) sdp_name = arg+5;
                else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-mtu=", 5)) path_mtu = atoi(arg+5);
                else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-ttl=", 5)) ttl = atoi(arg+5);
                else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-ifce=", 6)) ifce_addr = arg+6;
                else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-no-rap", 7)) no_rap = 1;
                else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-dims", 5)) load_type = GF_SM_LOAD_DIMS;
                else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-src=", 5)) src_name = arg+5;
                else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-udp=", 5)) {
                        sk_port = atoi(arg+5);
                        udp = 1;
                else if (!strnicmp(arg, "-tcp=", 5)) {
                        sk_port = atoi(arg+5);
                        udp = 0;
        if (!filename) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Missing filename\n");
                return 1;

        if (dst_port && dst) livesess.streams = gf_list_new();

        livesess.seng = gf_seng_init(&livesess, filename, load_type, NULL, (load_type == GF_SM_LOAD_DIMS) ? 1 : 0);
        if (!livesess.seng) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create scene engine\n");
                return 1;
        if (livesess.streams) live_session_setup(&livesess, dst, dst_port, path_mtu, ttl, ifce_addr, sdp_name);

        has_carousel = 0;
        last_src_modif = src_name ? gf_file_modification_time(src_name) : 0;

        if (sk_port) {
                sk = gf_sk_new(udp ? GF_SOCK_TYPE_UDP : GF_SOCK_TYPE_TCP);
                if (udp) {
                        e = gf_sk_bind(sk, NULL, sk_port, NULL, 0, 0);
                        if (e != GF_OK) {
                                if (sk) gf_sk_del(sk);
                                sk = NULL;
                } else {

        for (i=0; i<(u32) argc; i++) {
                char *arg = argv[i];
                if (!strnicmp(arg, "-rap=", 5)) {
                        u32 period, id, j;
                        RTPChannel *ch;
                        period = id = 0;
                        if (strchr(arg, ':')) {
                                sscanf(arg, "-rap=ESID=%u:%u", &id, &period);
                                e = gf_seng_enable_aggregation(livesess.seng, id, 1);
                                if (e) {
                                        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot enable aggregation on stream %u: %s\n", id, gf_error_to_string(e));
                                        goto exit;
                        } else {
                                sscanf(arg, "-rap=%u", &period);

                        while (NULL != (ch = gf_list_enum(livesess.streams, &j))) {
                                if (!id || (ch->ESID==id))
                                        ch->carousel_period = period;
                        has_carousel = 1;

        while (NULL != (ch = gf_list_enum(livesess.streams, &i))) {
                if (ch->carousel_period) {
                        has_carousel = 1;

        update_context = 0;

        if (has_carousel || !no_rap) {
                livesess.carousel_generation = 1;
                gf_seng_encode_context(livesess.seng, live_session_callback);
                livesess.carousel_generation = 0;

        live_session_send_carousel(&livesess, NULL);

        check = 10;
        run = 1;
        while (run) {
                if (!check) {
                        check = 10;
                        if (gf_prompt_has_input()) {
                                char c = gf_prompt_get_char();
                                switch (c) {
                                case 'q':
                                case 'U':
                                        livesess.critical = 1;
                                case 'u':
                                        GF_Err e;
                                        char szCom[8192];
                                        fprintf(stderr, "Enter command to send:\n");
                                        szCom[0] = 0;
                                        if (1 > scanf("%[^\t\n]", szCom)) {
                                                fprintf(stderr, "No command entered properly, aborting.\n");
                                        /*stdin flush bug*/
                                        while (getchar()!='\n') {}
                                        e = gf_seng_encode_from_string(livesess.seng, 0, 0, szCom, live_session_callback);
                                        if (e) fprintf(stderr, "Processing command failed: %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e));
                                        e = gf_seng_aggregate_context(livesess.seng, 0);
                                        if (e) fprintf(stderr, "Aggregating context failed: %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e));
                                        livesess.critical = 0;
                                        update_context = 1;
                                case 'E':
                                        livesess.critical = 1;
                                case 'e':
                                        GF_Err e;
                                        char szCom[8192];
                                        fprintf(stderr, "Enter command to send:\n");
                                        szCom[0] = 0;
                                        if (1 > scanf("%[^\t\n]", szCom)) {
                                                printf("No command entered properly, aborting.\n");
                                        /*stdin flush bug*/
                                        while (getchar()!='\n') {}
                                        e = gf_seng_encode_from_string(livesess.seng, 0, 1, szCom, live_session_callback);
                                        if (e) fprintf(stderr, "Processing command failed: %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e));
                                        livesess.critical = 0;
                                        e = gf_seng_aggregate_context(livesess.seng, 0);
                                        if (e) fprintf(stderr, "Aggregating context failed: %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e));


                                case 'p':
                                        char rad[GF_MAX_PATH];
                                        fprintf(stderr, "Enter output file name - \"std\" for stderr: ");
                                        if (1 > scanf("%s", rad)) {
                                                fprintf(stderr, "No ouput file name entered, aborting.\n");
                                        e = gf_seng_save_context(livesess.seng, !strcmp(rad, "std") ? NULL : rad);
                                        fprintf(stderr, "Dump done (%s)\n", gf_error_to_string(e));
                                case 'F':
                                        update_context = 1;
                                case 'f':
                                        livesess.force_carousel = 1;
                                e = GF_OK;

                /*process updates from file source*/
                if (src_name) {
                        mod_time = gf_file_modification_time(src_name);
                        if (mod_time != last_src_modif) {
                                FILE *srcf;
                                char flag_buf[201], *flag;
                                fprintf(stderr, "Update file modified - processing\n");
                                last_src_modif = mod_time;

                                srcf = gf_fopen(src_name, "rt");
                                if (!srcf) continue;

                                /*checks if we have a broadcast config*/
                                if (!fgets(flag_buf, 200, srcf))
                                        flag_buf[0] = '\0';

                                aggregate_on_stream = (u16) -1;
                                adjust_carousel_time = force_rap = discard_pending = signal_rap = signal_critical = 0;
                                aggregate_au = version_inc = 1;
                                period = -1;
                                ts_delta = 0;
                                es_id = 0;

                                /*find our keyword*/
                                flag = strstr(flag_buf, "gpac_broadcast_config ");
                                if (flag) {
                                        flag += strlen("gpac_broadcast_config ");
                                        /*move to next word*/
                                        while (flag && (flag[0]==' ')) flag++;

                                        while (1) {
                                                char *sep = strchr(flag, ' ');
                                                if (sep) sep[0] = 0;
                                                if (!strnicmp(flag, "esid=", 5)) es_id = atoi(flag+5);
                                                else if (!strnicmp(flag, "period=", 7)) period = atoi(flag+7);
                                                else if (!strnicmp(flag, "ts=", 3)) ts_delta = atoi(flag+3);
                                                else if (!strnicmp(flag, "carousel=", 9)) aggregate_on_stream = atoi(flag+9);
                                                else if (!strnicmp(flag, "restamp=", 8)) adjust_carousel_time = atoi(flag+8);

                                                else if (!strnicmp(flag, "discard=", 8)) discard_pending = atoi(flag+8);
                                                else if (!strnicmp(flag, "aggregate=", 10)) aggregate_au = atoi(flag+10);
                                                else if (!strnicmp(flag, "force_rap=", 10)) force_rap = atoi(flag+10);
                                                else if (!strnicmp(flag, "rap=", 4)) signal_rap = atoi(flag+4);
                                                else if (!strnicmp(flag, "critical=", 9)) signal_critical = atoi(flag+9);
                                                else if (!strnicmp(flag, "vers_inc=", 9)) version_inc = atoi(flag+9);
                                                if (sep) {
                                                        sep[0] = ' ';
                                                        flag = sep+1;
                                                } else {

                                        set_broadcast_params(&livesess, es_id, period, ts_delta, aggregate_on_stream, adjust_carousel_time, force_rap, aggregate_au, discard_pending, signal_rap, signal_critical, version_inc);

                                e = gf_seng_encode_from_file(livesess.seng, es_id, aggregate_au ? 0 : 1, src_name, live_session_callback);
                                if (e) fprintf(stderr, "Processing command failed: %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e));
                                e = gf_seng_aggregate_context(livesess.seng, 0);

                                update_context = no_rap ? 0 : 1;

                /*process updates from socket source*/
                if (sk) {
                        char buffer[2049];
                        u32 bytes_read;
                        u32 update_length;
                        u32 bytes_received;

                        e = gf_sk_receive(sk, buffer, 2048, 0, &bytes_read);
                        if (e == GF_OK) {
                                u32 hdr_length = 0;
                                u8 cmd_type = buffer[0];
                                bytes_received = 0;
                                switch (cmd_type) {
                                case 0:
                                        GF_BitStream *bs = gf_bs_new(buffer, bytes_read, GF_BITSTREAM_READ);
                                        es_id = gf_bs_read_u16(bs);
                                        aggregate_on_stream = gf_bs_read_u16(bs);
                                        if (aggregate_on_stream==0xFFFF) aggregate_on_stream = -1;
                                        adjust_carousel_time = gf_bs_read_int(bs, 1);
                                        force_rap = gf_bs_read_int(bs, 1);
                                        aggregate_au = gf_bs_read_int(bs, 1);
                                        discard_pending = gf_bs_read_int(bs, 1);
                                        signal_rap = gf_bs_read_int(bs, 1);
                                        signal_critical = gf_bs_read_int(bs, 1);
                                        version_inc = gf_bs_read_int(bs, 1);
                                        gf_bs_read_int(bs, 1);
                                        period = gf_bs_read_u16(bs);
                                        if (period==0xFFFF) period = -1;
                                        ts_delta = gf_bs_read_u16(bs);
                                        update_length = gf_bs_read_u32(bs);
                                        hdr_length = 12;

                                set_broadcast_params(&livesess, es_id, period, ts_delta, aggregate_on_stream, adjust_carousel_time, force_rap, aggregate_au, discard_pending, signal_rap, signal_critical, version_inc);
                                        update_length = 0;

                                if (update_buffer_size <= update_length) {
                                        update_buffer = gf_realloc(update_buffer, update_length+1);
                                        update_buffer_size = update_length+1;
                                if (update_length && (bytes_read>hdr_length) ) {
                                        memcpy(update_buffer, buffer+hdr_length, bytes_read-hdr_length);
                                        bytes_received = bytes_read-hdr_length;
                                while (bytes_received<update_length) {
                                        e = gf_sk_receive(sk, buffer, 2048, 0, &bytes_read);
                                        switch (e) {
                                        case GF_IP_NETWORK_EMPTY:
                                        case GF_OK:
                                                memcpy(update_buffer+bytes_received, buffer, bytes_read);
                                                bytes_received += bytes_read;
                                                fprintf(stderr, "Error with UDP socket : %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e));
                                update_buffer[update_length] = 0;

                                if (update_length) {
                                        e = gf_seng_encode_from_string(livesess.seng, es_id, aggregate_au ? 0 : 1, update_buffer, live_session_callback);
                                        if (e) fprintf(stderr, "Processing command failed: %s\n", gf_error_to_string(e));
                                        e = gf_seng_aggregate_context(livesess.seng, 0);

                                        update_context = 1;

                if (update_context) {
                        e = gf_seng_encode_context(livesess.seng, live_session_callback );
                        update_context = 0;

                if (livesess.force_carousel) {
                        live_session_send_carousel(&livesess, NULL);
                        livesess.force_carousel = 0;

                if (!has_carousel) {
                ch = next_carousel(&livesess, (u32 *) &next_time);
                if ((ch==NULL) || (next_time > 20)) {
                if (next_time) gf_sleep(next_time);
                live_session_send_carousel(&livesess, ch);

        if (update_buffer) gf_free(update_buffer);
        if (sk) gf_sk_del(sk);
        return e ? 1 : 0;

#endif /*!defined(GPAC_DISABLE_STREAMING) && !defined(GPAC_DISABLE_SENG)*/

#endif /*defined(GPAC_DISABLE_ISOM) || defined(GPAC_DISABLE_ISOM_WRITE)*/


u32 grab_live_m2ts(const char *grab_m2ts, const char *grab_ifce, const char *outName)
        char data[0x80000];
        u32 check = 50;
        u64 nb_pck;
        Bool first_run, is_rtp;
        FILE *output;
        u16 seq_num;
        GF_RTPReorder *ch = NULL;
        GF_Socket *sock;
        GF_Err e = gf_m2ts_get_socket(grab_m2ts, grab_ifce, GF_M2TS_UDP_BUFFER_SIZE, &sock);

        if (e) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s: %s\n", grab_m2ts, gf_error_to_string(e));
                return 1;
        output = gf_fopen(outName, "wb");
        if (!output) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open %s: check path and rights\n", outName);
                return 1;

        fprintf(stderr, "Dumping %s stream to %s - press q to abort\n", grab_m2ts, outName);

        first_run = 1;
        is_rtp = 0;
        while (1) {
                u32 size = 0;

                if (!check) {
                        if (gf_prompt_has_input()) {
                                char c = (char) gf_prompt_get_char();
                                if (c=='q') break;
                        check = 50;

                /*m2ts chunks by chunks*/
                e = gf_sk_receive(sock, data, 0x40000, 0, &size);
                if (!size || e) {
                if (first_run) {
                        first_run = 0;
                        /*FIXME: we assume only simple RTP packaging (no CSRC nor extensions)*/
                        if ((data[0] != 0x47) && ((data[1] & 0x7F) == 33) ) {
                                is_rtp = 1;
                                ch = gf_rtp_reorderer_new(100, 500);
                /*process chunk*/
                if (is_rtp) {
                        char *pck;
                        seq_num = ((data[2] << 8) & 0xFF00) | (data[3] & 0xFF);
                        gf_rtp_reorderer_add(ch, (void *) data, size, seq_num);

                        pck = (char *) gf_rtp_reorderer_get(ch, &size);
                        if (pck) {
                                fwrite(pck+12, size-12, 1, output);
                        fwrite(data+12, size-12, 1, output);
                } else {
                        fwrite(data, size, 1, output);
        nb_pck = gf_ftell(output);
        nb_pck /= 188;
        fprintf(stderr, "Captured "LLU" TS packets\n", nb_pck );

        if (ch)
        return 0;


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